Karma.Types. Intensive course of working out ancestral karma

Everyone chooses for themselves and for themselves. Selects lessons, tasks, goals, teachers. And with his choice and subsequent actions he creates his own destiny.
Karma is the creation of the space and conditions in which you will live and develop.
It’s just that if a person does not go in a constructive direction, not towards unity with the soul and his Higher Self, the soul gives him more and more complex and tough lessons so that the person comes to his senses, realizes what and how and goes to himself... to happiness, joy, health, success and good luck.
Man is the creator of his own destiny; he creates his future with his actions and choices.
Psychological perception of the term “karma”

I perceive psychology as the science of the soul - literal translation - Psychology (ancient Greek ψυχή - soul; λόγος - knowledge).

Unfortunately, modern psychology deals only with certain aspects of the soul - mental and emotional.

But even using these fragmentary spiritual concepts, modern psychologists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that many of the problems with which an adult lives stem from his past, from what happened earlier in his life.

Many problems and illnesses come from incorrect thinking, superficial perception of reality, inadequate emotions and problems with emotional constriction.

To completely get rid of a problem that has sprouted in a person on several levels at once, it is necessary to work out the disease-problem in a comprehensive manner. More details in the article – Diseases and problems

Human karma, from an esoteric point of view

Karma is tied to the karmic body, which is also called the causal body (causa - translated from Roman. cause-effect depends on the context).

How a person lives and what kind of fate he has now and what will happen to him after a certain time depends on how developed a given body is already.

Step-by-step processing of karma:
The karma of a given incarnation is what a person managed to earn during a given incarnation.
Karma of the generation - remember from the Bible about sins up to the 7th generation? So in real life, when incarnated into a certain genus, a person takes on obligations to this genus, and receives certain predispositions. The clan gives him support, and the person should improve the karma of the clan, but that’s how it goes.
Example: predisposition to certain diseases and similar problems by gender. And modern scientists are learning more and more about genetics, realizing and being amazed. At the esoteric level, the karma of a given incarnation and the karma of the family are worked out in a complex manner when interacting with coarser subtle bodies - physical, etheric, astral, mental.
The karma of the soul accumulated over past incarnations - everything is much more complicated here. To work through this problem, a person must be able to control consciousness and grow to the ability to work on the lower subtle levels. Because, without knowing how to work out the coarser, material levels, you can create a lot of problems for yourself.
Example: A person who does not know how to work with his fears, who has many unsolved problems from this incarnation, immediately takes on programs from a previous incarnation - this is the same as giving a first-grader to solve problems in higher mathematics. Without knowing the laws of the subtle world and without being able to solve easier problems on his own, a person climbs into a place where awareness and subtlety of perception are very important and, of course, “breaks the woods” and then will have to work out his mistake for a long time.
Everything that I wrote and am writing, what I share and teach, is precisely the step-by-step working out of the karma of a given incarnation, the working out of the karma of the family, and, as one of the final chords, the working out of the karma of the soul.

Then unity with the soul, with the Higher Self...

The spiritual path, as I have written more than once in my articles, is similar to climbing the mountain of self-knowledge, in a spiral, gradually rising and realizing more and more deeply the lessons and tips of life.

As you grow spiritually, you understand why certain people appeared in your life, why certain events happened, why you came, and what you need to do this time...

Karma is a great Teacher, you just need to correctly use what was given to you initially and realize, reveal your potential. And then... life is filled with the brightest colors and sensations. Everything blooms and blossoms both inside and outside.

Be happy and satisfied with your destiny, since it is you who created it for yourself, and if something is wrong in your destiny, change, insults and complaints will not solve the problem.

But conscious work with yourself can change a lot in your destiny.
This has become especially relevant now. Since December, the energies have become more intense and subtle, and lessons must be taught faster and more thoroughly. Many illnesses and problems have now worsened, and if you don’t start changing, life will press harder and harder.

Good luck, friends!

Remember - your Karma and working out karma are in your hands!

Diagnostics and correction of karmic connections

Karma is one of the most mysterious topics raised in modern literature. Some authors talk about karma as a kind of immutable law that cannot be overcome - they explore events related to the development and working out of karma, but do not take any action to alleviate the lot of people suffering from karmic reasons. Others devote gigantic works to advice on overcoming and working off karma.

Our system allows you to do something that no one has ever managed before. By following the DEIR system, you can achieve unique results in correcting your karma. Judge for yourself what unique situation you are in. After all, you already know the mechanism for generating karma and you know how to bypass it: karma is created by false desires, and you have already gotten rid of them. This means that you are no longer gaining new karma. Now all you have to do is identify and overcome the previous one, already developed in the past - and this will not present any particular difficulties for you, because karma, as we have already said, in your current state emerges and makes itself felt on its own.

So what is karma? The most acceptable definition of karma at the moment is: it is the realization of false aspirations imprinted from a previous life in the structures of consciousness.

Let me emphasize: in the form of karma, only deviations from true aspirations are recorded in the structures of consciousness - that is, the desire to achieve false goals. Previously, you had false aspirations - now they don’t, but the traces of the previous ones, of course, make themselves felt, events caused by karmic reasons still continue, because these reasons still sit very deep inside you.

I am giving explanations because you will inevitably have questions: how exactly are these previous events imprinted and where are they actually recorded? You already know that your etheric body has a certain configuration in space. Your protective energy shell also has a certain shape. Likewise, the structures of consciousness have their own configuration - it is simply even more subtle matter than the etheric body and energy shell. The structures of consciousness belong to a higher level of the energy-information field and are located in another dimension in relation to the physical and etheric body. The consciousness of each person has its own, unique configuration inherent only to him. As soon as a person deviates from true goals, begins to pursue false goals and commit false actions - that is, to accumulate karma - his consciousness, under the influence of these erroneous and incorrect actions (they are in severe conflict with the subconscious), changes its configuration. Pathological growths or holes or depressions appear on it. These pathological formations do not disappear on their own, they do not go anywhere - a person lives and dies with them. And even when being reborn, incarnating into a new body for the next life, he inherits these defects inherited from his past life. The most important thing is that these defects of consciousness, these growths and holes, have a programming property: they continue to program a person to enter into the same style of relationships that took place in a past life, they continue to push a person towards false goals, deviate from the true path and , accordingly, are forced to receive all the negative consequences from such acts.

Imagine: in a new life a person no longer has a reason to obey past false goals, but he continues to follow them against his will and cannot stop this process in any way. False goals are realized automatically; a person does not take any actions to involve himself in their implementation; he perceives them as something extraneous and annoying. But what was laid down in the consciousness in a previous life passes into the subconscious in the present life and strives to be realized at any cost - no matter how absurd and untimely for a person it may be. This is how karma works.

This is precisely what explains the cases when a woman marries alcoholics over and over again, although each time she understands with her mind that this does not bode well for her, but she cannot do anything - vicious karma simply drags her into these marriages against her will. It’s the same with a petty hooligan or thief who wants to take the path of a righteous life, but cannot control himself: some force again pulls him to steal, and then condemns him to serve time in prison. If in a previous life a person was a thief and the karma was not worked out, he did not repent, did not realize with his whole being the unrighteousness of his actions, then the previous karma will again and again program him for unrighteous deeds (and it is not at all necessary to steal - feelings would also be stimulated guilt and danger) and in this life.

Karma can be received not only in a past life. The karmic causes of your troubles can also be inherited from your ancestors. Most often, karma passes from the mother to the child she carries and from the grandfather to the grandson (the reasons for the occurrence of the latter pattern are not yet entirely clear, but it manifests itself absolutely clearly).


Now let’s look in more detail at what is hidden behind the words “karmic reasons.” I would like to present to you the classification of karmic manifestations we have compiled with a description of the consequences they cause. In other words, now you will find out exactly what events and phenomena of your past life can burden your karma and how to recognize from the manifestations in this incarnation exactly what karmic reasons are haunting you.

1. Incompleteness of matters important for your personal spiritual development in a past life.

In other words, you should have followed your true desires, but you didn’t; you should have taken actions dictated by these true desires, but you didn’t do them. You slipped into inaction and did not go through the stage of development available to you in your past life. You have degenerated instead of developing. The subconscious recorded this deviation.

In the present life, this kind of karma manifests itself as follows: you are constantly, feverishly and chaotically, against your will, drawn into some completely unnecessary activities, as a result of which you only suffer failures. This happens because you subconsciously strive to compensate for inaction in a past life, but your karma does not allow you to concentrate on true goals and true actions, but pushes you all the time to false ones.

Such people very often get involved in vigorous social activity - they create some kind of organizations, put forward initiatives, are always running around with ideas, most often delusional and empty - but they make more noise and noise than action. These people are incapable of real, serious, concentrated work, but they are considered active and active because they skillfully create the appearance of activity and vigorous activity. They cannot behave differently, even if they wanted to. One such woman was known as the best public relations specialist in the city; many companies gladly invited her to their offices, but... very soon she was fired for the complete collapse of her work. Nevertheless, the next company happily hired her again - the woman was so convinced of her own capabilities and her image of an active person was so stable. But, in fact, she turned out to be a very unhappy person, as she continued to burden her karma and eventually lost both her job and her image.

2. Slave position or desire to obey in a past life.

Such people, again, did not realize their true desires - they fulfilled the desires of others, and sacrificed themselves. They refused to realize their own purpose in life, from the tasks that they had to solve in this incarnation. Such a person, in general, abandons himself, makes an unforgivable substitution, beginning to subordinate himself to the whims and desires of another. Even the Bible recognizes this as a great sin (remember: “thou shalt not make unto thee an graven image”). If a person in a past life was a slave or a serf according to his social status, then his mistake is that he not only outwardly obeyed the owner - he obeyed him internally, became a slave in his soul, and not only according to his social status. Even if such a person is released, he will still return to the slave owner and lick his heels - just take him back. A truly internally free person will feel free even in the status of a slave, because no one can subjugate his soul and consciousness.

In the present life, such karma manifests itself in the fact that a person suffers from weakness and easily becomes dependent on everyone. Them Anyone can control it, as they say, you can twist ropes out of it.

Very often these are men who easily fall under female influence - there is this type of weak, characterless men. Moreover, the person himself suffers from this, tries to escape, tries in every possible way to hide this deficiency from others, but to no avail. One such young man simply hated his boss - a strong, powerful woman, but at the same time he was madly dependent on her. Trying to break out of this dependence, he carried out all her orders “exactly the opposite” and showed self-will in every possible way, trying to prove to everyone and to himself that he was in fact an independent person. But the more he did this, the clearer it became to those around him that he was under her thumb. In the end, this boss... married him to herself. How he resisted, how he ran from her, poor thing. And then he resigned himself. After all, she provided him with peace, comfort and well-being, and his karma precisely programmed him to hide behind someone’s broad back from life’s hardships, to submit, to become a slave.

3. The presence in a past life of an energy dependent (a permanent vampire in the person of, for example, one’s own child or another relative).

A person who feeds a vampire all his life again serves another instead of himself, gives his energy to the fulfillment of other people’s goals and desires, and thus deviates from his own goals and objectives.

In this life, this manifests itself in a painful desire to help others, even when no one asks for it. Such people always solve other people's problems as if they don't have their own. Very often a person is encouraged to do this from the outside: one or several annoying freeloaders hover around him all the time, trying to push their work onto him. Remember the movie "Autumn Marathon"? One of the heroines of this film, a mediocre translator (played by Galina Volchek), constantly forces the hero (Oleg Basilashvili) to help her with her work. And he meekly does all her work - to the detriment of himself, his time, his interests. The same case!

Very often these are mothers and grandmothers who do not allow their children and grandchildren to take a step on their own, all the time trying to lend their hands, spread straws, and take upon themselves all the difficulties and problems of the child. Children also suffer from this - they grow up helpless and dependent. These mothers and grandmothers themselves suffer: when their children grow up, they begin to feel useless and useless, to the point of completely losing the meaning of life. What is the meaning of life? That's right, in fulfilling your true desires, and not at all the desires of your children and grandchildren. Do you understand now what is the mistake of such caring mothers and fathers and grandparents? Now you understand how mistaken those who believe that the meaning of life is in children are!

Leave children their own meaning in life. And live according to your own.

4. Severe fright or fears in a past life.

Fear is the result of undeveloped energy and inattention to one’s energy-informational essence. Remember: we have already said that fear does not penetrate a powerful energy shell. If fear penetrated a person in a past life and took root in his structure, it means that such a person failed to cope with the task that stood before him, was unable to strengthen his energy shell to such an extent as to cope with fear. For which he is now paying the price - after all, the imprinted tendencies continue to exist, although they are no longer supported by consciousness itself!

In the present life, this type of karma is manifested by constant anxiety or the presence of tormentors and tyrants who do not allow one to live normally, torment and abuse both physically and mentally.

One of my patients’ fate in a past life was very reminiscent of the fate of the witch girl Olesya from Kuprin’s story of the same name (remember the film “The Witch” with the participation of Marina Vladi). She was torn to pieces by a brutal crowd. In this life, the girl was already born with fear of people, especially of large crowds of people. She grew up as a savage, unsociable, and when she found herself among a large number of people, she always tried to hide in a corner, as if she wanted to hide, to become invisible. It was very difficult for her at school because her classmates bullied her all the time. Her parents transferred her from one school to another - in ten years she changed four schools, but everywhere the picture was repeated: she became the target at which the rudest ridicule, insults, and bullying were thrown. One since she was subjected to lynching, finding fault with some nothing, They beat almost the whole class in the school yard. It was fortunate that a teacher walking by intervened and prevented the massacre. In general, the picture from a past life was repeated again and again. The girl was treated by a psychotherapist - it did not help. After finishing school, the same problems began at work: she changed one job after another and could not stay anywhere, because some kind of conflict always began with her arrival and she was declared a scapegoat.

Now we are working on working off this karma with her. The girl turned out to be a very talented person - she showed psychic abilities. And I know she will be fine.

5. Exaggerated fear of death, reaching the point of deep horror.

Only a person who does not know that his true energy-informational essence is immortal is afraid of death. Those who consider the physical body to be the main thing are afraid of death. Such karma is acquired by a person who does not follow the path of evolution of his energy-informational essence, but only cares about the body, that is, again, does not fulfill true tasks.

The consequences of such karma are varied: it can be a tendency to causeless depression, leading to suicide, but it can also be pathological inflexibility, “stubbornness” on one goal, and an inability to adapt to life and circumstances. Such a person, due to his inflexibility, breaks easily. Such karma happened, for example, to one of the candidates for deputies of a local government body, who went towards his goal like a bulldozer and under no circumstances wanted to give up on it. It turns out that he subconsciously associated power with immortality. In a past life, he was a prisoner on death row and experienced all the horror of his impending execution. The city governor then controlled his fate. Now it was imprinted in his subconscious: if you gain power, you will have power over both life and death.

There are other cases when this karma manifests itself in the form of fear of fast-flowing time, of impending old age. Often such people have no sense of time - they do not have time to do anything, they are always late for something. They can also be very indecisive, unable to make a choice or change their destiny. Subconsciously, it seems to them that any decision brings them closer to death. They are afraid to look into the future, afraid to plan their lives. They feel best when they are seemingly outside of time and space.

This happened to one of my patients who was unemployed for years because he could not choose one of the several options offered to him. He recalls how he could be frightened, for example, by such a phrase from an employer who spoke about working conditions: “You can retire after earning twenty-five years of experience.” He was frightened by such certainty; it seemed that this work would bring him closer to retirement, and therefore to death. He refused a prestigious, highly paid job.

6. Other people's hatred.

This does not mean unreasonable hatred, but hatred caused by the very real sins and atrocities of a person. Moreover, this hatred was recognized by its object. The most striking example: a man who ruined many lives. This is the karma of Stalin and tyrants like him.

In this life, this karma manifests itself in such a way that a person is literally not allowed to live by absolutely all the people around him. Subconsciously, they feel that this person owes a lot to a large number of people, that he is guilty before them. So they stick to him all the time, demand something, offer something, are interested - they harass him, in a word. One such person (who in a past life was a tyrant on a scale much smaller than Stalin) was literally driven to death by the people around him from a heart attack. His wife constantly nagged him for the fact that he earns little money, at work all existing bosses simultaneously gave a lot of mutually exclusive and impossible instructions, numerous acquaintances constantly asked for loans, demanded that he help them build dachas, organize aunts’ funerals, place their children in schools, and their wives to maternity hospitals - and not because he was some kind of influential person, but they simply felt that he was unable to refuse (after all, he was programmed to work off his karma), and therefore he would do everything. Finally, the moment came when he had to go to four places at the same time, three more things required him to stay at work, five bosses were shouting in his ear, each about his own, the phone was ringing off the hook, and everyone demanded something from him, demanded... In addition, he lost an expensive ticket to a sanatorium, which he could not go on due to numerous worries imposed on him, and there was no time to sell (due to the same worries). At that moment he was informed that someone had set fire to his dacha. This was the last straw. The man had a heart attack, and a day later he died in intensive care. This is such a sophisticated retribution for past sins.

7. A feeling of guilt that appears as a result of awareness of sins.

Feelings of guilt are far from a sign of atonement for sin. When sin is atoned for, the feeling of guilt disappears. And the feeling of guilt that appears as a result of awareness of sin not only does not atone for the sin, but also in itself generates new karma.

It also happens that there was a sin, but there was no feeling of guilt, because the sin was not realized. Such a sin has not yet been embodied in manifested karma and is not subject to working out and atonement.

The feeling of guilt with which a person lived in a past life manifests itself in the form of obsessions and a tendency towards fanaticism. Such a person constantly clings to others, as if he wants to please them, to compensate for the subconscious feeling of guilt. Those around him remain cold and indifferent to him.

This type of karma is observed in one of the famous modern political figures. He He constantly comes up with crazy obsessions and wants to gain the love of others, but he fails. In a past life, he was a petty swindler who cleverly fooled people in order to empty their wallets - despite the fact that he was aware of the unrighteousness of his behavior and deep down was tormented by a feeling of guilt.

8. Great unrighteous love.

Unrighteous love is that love that is born not from the true desires and needs of a person, but only from blind, insane passion.

In the present life, this is manifested by a tendency to change places and a frivolous attitude towards life. In addition, such a person is hated by others. Such a person is restless - he is always looking for something, probably that old love of his. At the same time, he is frivolous because, besides love, he has no other values ​​in life. Those around him do not like him precisely because of his frivolity; subconscious envy also plays a role - many, deep down in their souls, would like to have such a vicious passion in life, but this is not given to them. I knew a man who, as a result of similar karma, in this life also became a victim of a disastrous passion - but of a different one: gambling at cards. He traveled around the country, squandered all his cash and, in general, came to a rather bad end.

9. Greed in a past life.

Greed is the inability to share your energy. This causes stagnation in the human energy system, energy stops circulating, it freezes and is gradually depleted. A person who is unable to give ceases to receive. Because it ceases to be that same flow system where it flows out of one pipe and flows into another.

And in this life this manifests itself in such a way that a person cannot get what he needs. He is constantly hindered by external circumstances. He cannot achieve his goals: when approaching the goal, out of nowhere, an insurmountable obstacle constantly arises.

A woman who in a past life suffered from such greed (and she was stingy not only with money, but also with feelings), in her current life circumstances did not allow her to get married. The first groom changed his decision to marry under pressure from his parents, the second ran away from her almost from under the aisle to another woman, the third had a fatal accident on the eve of the wedding. We started working with her karma in time, because the progressive deterioration of the situation could lead to her death.

10. Drinking in a past life.

Drunkenness is also a departure from the true tasks and goals of life. Man refuses to evolve, becomes powerless in the face of life and prefers a drunken stupor to reality, as a result of which he degenerates.

In this life, this type of karma manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot gather himself, concentrate and achieve at least something in life - all events are always out of his control. These are careless people, and even if they don’t drink in this life, they look as if they are always a little under the weather. Very uncollected, outwardly sloppy, absent-minded, they forget everything, inappropriate things always appear everywhere, and where they are needed, they are not there.

At the institute where I worked, there was such an accountant. As a result, the institute’s employees were forced to control all processes related to payroll themselves, because the matter could not be avoided without errors, and very serious ones. The institute's cash desk was in complete disarray; he almost brought the institution to financial collapse due to his carelessness. Moreover, he was not a bad person. I had to shake him thoroughly and say: “Listen, buddy, either we work with your karma, or you fly out of this position without the right to further employment.” It helped.

11. Energy overstrain in a past life.

This refers to a lifestyle that leads to energy depletion. It often occurs among those who in a past life were a magician, a sorcerer - those who are now called psychics. People did not know the safety rules, worked extremely hard, generously shared their energy with patients and, as a result, completely lost their strength.

In this life, karma manifests itself in the form of a tendency to drink. The fact is that such people are born already weakened energetically and in the future, in order to somehow stimulate themselves to vital activity, they begin to use alcohol as a dope. At first it helps, then it drags on and leads to alcoholism.

There were several such people in the group of psychics with whom I worked. More precisely, they became psychics after a lot of work was done with them to clear their karma and normalize their energy potential. Now they are teetotalers and very strong specialists.

12. Suicide in a past life.

One of the most terrible sins, which the church also recognizes. By committing suicide, a person refuses to fulfill the life tasks facing him - he simply runs away from them into another world. But you can’t easily escape from life’s tasks - they will still overtake a person in the next life, and in an even more difficult version. Life is a school, and if you run away from a school class, you will definitely be kept in the second year, again forced to go through the same things.

A person who committed suicide in a past life will face an incredible amount of difficulties. But if the karma is not worked out, he will still strive to run away from difficulties, he will begin to hate both these difficulties and the need to overcome them. If you don't work with karma, it can again lead to suicide.

One of my patients was literally saved from the noose that awaited him in the near future. Troubles piled on him, but he just lay on the sofa and didn’t even try to somehow solve his problems. He lost his job, left himself and his family without a livelihood, got into some crazy debts, but couldn’t pay them back, they threatened him: “Sell the apartment!”

In the end, his wife left him, the child became a drug addict - and he just fell into prostration, stared blankly at the ceiling and was already preparing for a new journey to the next world. We worked with his karma, he was able to free himself from the obsessive program, shook himself up, and slowly sorted out his problems. He saved his son, improved his financial situation, got out of debt, and married again. Now he's a normal person.

So, you have become acquainted with the main karmic manifestations. In addition to all the above-mentioned consequences, karma can also give rise to diseases. How to determine that a disease is of karmic origin? It’s very simple: this disease is usually distinguished by some oddities, namely: it is absolutely atypical for a person of a given gender and age and for the circumstances of his life. Well, why would a well-fed rich man have tuberculosis? Does an adult have mumps? Does an exemplary family man have gonorrhea? In addition, such diseases are completely untreatable by conventional means and remain in the body much longer than they are supposed to by nature; their course absolutely does not correspond to what is written in all medical textbooks. Can you imagine an acute sore throat that lasts for two months? And such a case happened. In its purest form, karmic disease.

Now that we have carried out a complete classification, we can talk about what, in fact, needs to be done with karma.

I warn you right away: you are unlikely to be able to get rid of karma forever in just one life. The fact is that karmic manifestations do not make themselves felt all at once, but gradually. We can only work with those that have already manifested. It is possible that some karmic programs are simply dormant in the structures of your consciousness and etheric body - like time bombs disguised as part of the soul - and will remain dormant for a very long time, until the next life. You simply will not be able to detect such a program, and therefore not work with it.

But you still have a chance to significantly clear your karma now. For a person who masters the steps

DEIR, progress is going very quickly and, as a result, karmic programs that were dormant until then quickly wake up and emerge. This usually happens as follows: as soon as the sleeping karma is ready to wake up, certain events begin around the person - the so-called code events, very reminiscent of the events from a past life that accompanied the set of karma. Under the influence of code events, the subconscious mind remembers what happened to it before in similar circumstances - karma comes to life, is exposed, and floats to the surface of the soul and consciousness. And here the main thing is to “grab it” in time, work it out, and prevent unwanted events from unfolding again according to the previous pattern.

If the karmic cause has already surfaced and begun to work, it is simply removed!

Before talking about the methods, a few words about whether the use of these methods is something unethical and undesirable. I foresee that such doubts may arise among some readers. The thing is that nature provides a natural mechanism for working out karma. That is, nature intended it so that a person must work off karma throughout his life, or even more than one life, he must pay for his unrighteous deeds and false desires with suffering, adversity, deprivation, etc. (they say that suffering cleanses the soul - this is right from here). Most people live like this even now, but they don’t understand why they have to suffer and suffer, they usually blame others for this, while it is only their own karma that is to blame.

There are cases when a person manages to work off karma during one life, but this comes at the cost of very great losses and suffering. There was a case when a woman up to the age of 38 was haunted by terrible misfortunes: she lost her parents at an early age, then at the age of 17 she found herself alone in a strange city, without a roof over her head, without relatives, without work. She starved, led the lifestyle of a homeless person, as a result of which she became ill, as doctors believed, incurable. Moreover, almost all organs and systems of the body were affected at once. She did not leave the hospital, several times she was on the verge of life and death. This all went on for twenty years! But one day a miracle happened that saved her. After many years of illness and ordeal, the woman once again found herself in the hospital - this time with a terrible blood poisoning. Everyone gave up on her. But one day a prominent medical luminary looked into the room where she was lying. The luminary saw a pitiful dying beggar woman, and something in his heart trembled. The best specialists were convened, the best medicines were used. The woman recovered.

Six months later, she married an Italian and left for Italy. Her husband loves her very much, and she, who never had a stake or a yard, now has her own house, a villa on the seashore, a car, a yacht, earrings with diamonds, etc. Say, fairy tale, this doesn’t happen? It still happens, it turns out. The woman worked off her karma through incredible suffering and deserved forgiveness.

This is an example of how karma is worked out naturally. Previously, humanity had no other way. But now we find ourselves in a critical situation. We are very quickly sliding into the abyss. We simply do not have time to work off karma throughout our entire lives, much less many lives, in order to be saved, modern man has to get rid of karmic problems very quickly. That is why we have now gained access to other methods of working out karma - methods that can be applied consciously and very quickly. Information about these methods is obtained directly from the energy information field of the Universe. In this difficult situation, humanity has been given the go-ahead to use these methods. At this stage of our development, their use does not contradict the norms of higher ethics.

So, when a karmic problem has already surfaced and manifested itself, we can get direct access to it, and having received this direct access, we can simply remove this problem from the structures of our consciousness and soul. In time, this will take no more than three minutes, and for your future fate it will be tantamount to the natural working out of karma. In the above example, the woman would not have to suffer for twenty years if she had access to this method! But, as they say, to each his own - everyone gets access only to the information for which he is already ready. You, dear reader, are already quite ripe for the method of working out karma with which I am about to introduce you. Otherwise, you simply would not have gotten your hands on this book. Now specifically to the method.

Step 16. Identifying karmic causes

Having become familiar with the above classification of karmic manifestations, you have already become generally familiar with the type of karma that may be relevant to you personally. But this is not enough. You should know that karmic reasons that have surfaced and come to life always cause some events in your life. It is by the presence of certain events in your life that you can identify the reason that caused these events, That there is to discover that your karma has come to life and is ready to be worked out. This type of event also includes karmic diseases, which we have already discussed.

So, there are several types of situations in which you have every reason to suspect that your karma has been revealed and wants to be worked off.

1. You have (or previously had) some unwanted inclination that you obey against your will.

For example, you are always late for all important meetings - it is unclear why, because you are trying very hard not to be late: but then the alarm clock does not work, then the transport fails, or something else. This also includes a penchant for drinking and gambling, and periodic uncontrollable urges to beat your wife, and in general all the negative inclinations of your character that you might like to, but cannot, get rid of.

2. Similar events constantly happen in your life, as a result of which you always become a victim. You step on the same rake all the time. Wherever you go to work, you are fired with a scandal, and all these scandals are as similar to one another as two peas in a pod.

Or you always fall out of the blue and, once a year, break your arm or leg. Or some big guy at the entrance got into the habit of taking your wallet with money. Or they steal in transport. Or you are always betrayed. Well and so on.

3. Not only you, but also your family members can become victims of such very similar repeating events - this may also indicate an aggravation of your karma.

4. You are constantly being pursued in your life by some people who are very similar to each other. You gradually become drawn into similar relationships with similar people. For example, when you board a long-distance train, your compartment neighbor is always a military sailor. Or the professions of most of your friends and acquaintances are for some reason connected with music, although they are all strangers to each other, and you have nothing to do with music. Or you change husbands all the time, but they all end up looking the same and all, as one, have young mistresses. Or there are a lot of unmarried women around, but for some reason you only have affairs with married women. Sometimes it happens that the same person always catches your eye in the most unexpected places - wherever you go, you will meet him everywhere. A karmic problem clearly connects you with such a person.

5. You you suffer from a disease that is rare for people of your age, gender, marital and social status, race, state, etc. The disease occurs for no apparent reason, spontaneously, it is sticky and protracted, it is treated poorly, if at all.

And now attention: here is a way that will help you check for sure whether your problem is karmic or a coincidence of a different nature.

You enter the reference state. You evoke in him all the circumstances that accompany your undesirable situation. If these circumstances in the standard state cause you severe discomfort - anger, sadness, loss of strength, despair, confusion or other negative emotions - this means that you are dealing with karmic events.

If this does not happen, then karma has nothing to do with it, and you are most likely dealing with non-karmic reasons. Look for these reasons in the recent past: check your desires for truth, adjust programs for luck, efficiency, confidence, health.

If you discover that the events happening to you are karmic in nature, you can begin to remove unwanted karma. I emphasize:

To do this, it is not necessary to master the technique of reincarnation - you do not need to penetrate into a past life and determine what exactly caused the accumulation of karma there. Such techniques exist and are used by specialists, but I do not recommend using them without sufficient training: they can be dangerous. Moreover, I repeat, to eliminate karma, it is not at all necessary to know its specific cause. Based on the above classification, you can roughly determine what type of karma you have. There is no need to know specific events of a past life to work out karma. Your karma in this life manifests itself as concrete, tangible energy patterns. It is enough to detect and remove them, and the karma will be worked out.

Step 17. Removing karmic structures

Karmic structures affect our energy-informational essence very deeply. Therefore, to remove them you will have to work at three levels, otherwise a positive result is not guaranteed.

By the way, during classes the removal of karmic causes is carried out in close cooperation with the teacher, because independently identifying a karmic cause can be quite difficult for an inexperienced person. You will need extreme concentration.

First level: removal of karmic structure from one’s own field structures.

Second level: correction of the field structure - placing a new counteracting energy structure in the vacant space so that the previous defective configuration does not self-heal.

Third level: correction of behavior programs - previous karma pushed you to a certain type of behavior, now you need to develop a new one, adjusting the programs for self-confidence and the effectiveness of actions.

Now in detail about each of the three levels of work that you have to do.

Step 17a. First level. Removal of the actual karmic structure. Warning: if you are being pursued by several chains of various karmic events at once, it means that you have manifested several types of karma at once, which must be corrected separately. Work through these chains one by one, don’t lump everything into one pile.

1. Enter the reference state. Conjure up events in your current life that you have determined using the above technique to be caused by karmic causes. I repeat once again: these should be events of only one semantic series. If you have several such chains in your life: you fall all the time, and your money is stolen, and you marry only alcoholics, you don’t need to imagine all this at once in a standard state. Start with one thing, for example, with unlucky husbands. Focus on this aspect of your life. Feel the discomfort that this procedure will cause. Be patient, this is necessary in order to revive the karmic structure, pull it out from the depths of the soul and consciousness as close as possible to the surface of your etheric body. Then it will be easier to remove.

2. Now carefully study your entire etheric body (see these techniques in the first book of the DEIR system). Examine it carefully and thoroughly - the karmic structure must be there. Determine the location of the unpleasant sensations that you experienced when performing the first technique of this method. Where exactly in your etheric body, in your energetic shell, is this pain, fear, grief, despair, etc. located?

Remember, we said that a karmic problem changes the configuration of field structures - it is felt as a growth or as a hole. When this structure is pulled out to the level of the etheric body, it can be subjectively perceived as a dense clot of alien energy; like a tumor; like a clot of something viscous or, conversely, a lump of something solid; like a node of pathological connections on organs, etc. It is there that all your mental pain caused by a karmic reason is located. Imagine the color, size, shape of this structure.

It is possible that just by mentally touching this structure, you will experience spontaneous emotional reactions - tears, hysteria, sobs. Other reactions, less violent, are also possible: frost on the skin, trembling, chills. Very good - this is how the karmic structure begins to go away. Just try not to let yourself be overwhelmed by hysteria, keep control over it, look at your tears as if from the outside, as a necessary medical procedure, and not as a reason to grieve and feel sorry for yourself. After all, you are in a standard state - so you look at your suffering with detachment, not letting it into your standard state.

3. In some cases, the technique described above is enough for the karmic structure to cease to exist. If you have cried to your heart's content, it is most likely gone: your emotional reaction created a powerful burst of energy, which helped dissolve the karmic structure. In any case, you must check at the level of sensations whether the structure exists or no longer exists. It is likely that she is still there; and if there was no emotional reaction, then the structure certainly didn’t go anywhere. Therefore, we proceed to the next stage - extracting it from our etheric body.

To do this, you can use a variety of techniques from those described in the first book of this series. You can deal with the karmic structure in the same way as with a node of pathological connections in the body: pull it out with the help of a hand that pumps out energy like a pump (do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly under running water after this!). You can do the same as with damage (if you forgot, I advise you to turn to the first book again). In general, do what is most convenient for you and what you think will be more effective. You are already sufficiently prepared people to show your own creativity and initiative. You can burn the karmic structure with a laser beam, you can shoot at it with a flamethrower, you can crush it like a stone and force it out piece by piece, you can pump it out with a pump or clean it with a vacuum cleaner. In general, do whatever you want, your task is to destroy the karmic structure in any way, but so that not a trace, not a crumb, not a drop of it remains in your etheric body. And don’t forget that all this time you are in the reference state!

4. Now you just have to do the final stage of work: strengthen the ascending and descending flows to the maximum (which will carry away all remnants of the pathological structure, if they still exist), then check and once again confirm the protective shell, pump it up with energy as much as possible. Check that there are no holes or irregularities anywhere. If there are any, fill them with energy.

Step 17b. Second level: field structure correction.

I draw your special attention: the transition to the second level is carried out immediately upon completion of the first, without interruption, and without leaving the reference state! Karmic structures are persistent, and consciousness is quite inert. And if you allow a pause, consciousness can automatically return to its usual pathological configuration and the karmic structure will quickly take its usual place again. In place of the structure you liquidated, an equally new one may be born if you do not quickly fill the space it occupies with a new configuration. This is what the second level techniques of this work are intended for.

1. You are still in the reference state. With the help of first-level techniques, you freed yourself from the unpleasant sensations and images that the picture of a chain of karmic events caused in you. Do not return to these events and sensations again, do not remember them, but immediately begin to form directly opposite images, pictures and sensations. Create an ideal picture - what would you like to have instead of a chain of karmic events? You have a wonderful husband who does not cheat on you, you have new wonderful friends, you are invited to a promising job, everyone gives you gifts, you make peace with your loved one, you are having a wedding, do you arrive on time for an important meeting?

Wonderful! You realized that you must create a picture in your soul that is exactly the opposite of the undesirable situation into which karma has always driven you. Draw this diametrically opposite situation in your imagination and thoughts as vividly as possible, imagine that it has already come true, rejoice at it, focus on your pleasant feelings.

2. Now recreate these joyful feelings in the form of a clot of energy, which you saturate with pleasant sensations. Insert this clot directly into your etheric body. If necessary, repeat this operation several times. It would be nice if you leave this positive clot in your reference state forever, placing it in the etheric body at the level of the heart, as we did when laying down the health program.

Step 17c. Third level: correction of behavior programs.

Previous karma prompted you to a certain type of behavior; it created a stereotype of your reactions to the world, to which both you and those around you are accustomed. For example, a man who is forced by karma to depend on a woman, when he sees a strong, domineering woman, immediately appears a guilty expression on his face, a pitiful smile, and his neck pulls into his shoulders. No matter how hard he tries to appear confident and look like a superman, it still turns out that in her presence he begins to suffer from an inferiority complex, speaks ingratiatingly, acts constrained and looks up, even if he is taller than her. When the old karma is removed, there is no longer anything stopping such a person from correcting this pattern of behavior. After all, there is no longer a structure that programmed him for this behavior, which means he just needs to develop a new model of behavior and train it properly.

1. We become imbued with a sense of our own rightness (see previous chapter). We feel confident, stable, our energy is strong and powerful. We introduce into this feeling a new model of behavior, opposite to the previous one. Imagine how we communicate with the same woman:

we look directly into her eyes, we speak as equals, the voice is even, confident, the posture is relaxed, free... etc. Everyone draws a picture for themselves depending on their circumstances and the specific result that they want to receive in return for karmic troubles.

Further, life circumstances themselves will force you to train in a new model of behavior until it becomes natural and organic for you. For the man described above, for example, life will constantly present more and more new options for communicating with women on whom he previously depended, until he finally learns to be independent and confident with them, until these new communication skills are brought to automaticity and he cannot you will have to control your condition.

2. There is one difficulty: the people around you are accustomed to your previous style of behavior, and it is very difficult to break the stereotype of how others perceive you. If you play the role of a fool with someone for fun, you are unlikely to be able to convince him that you are actually an intelligent and serious person. People react to each other according to the same stereotype, once and for all fixed, which arises at the first meeting. In the future, people no longer notice the changes that have occurred with the other person, and continue to treat him in the same way as if he continued to remain the same as they saw him for the first time. Your new acquaintances will perceive you completely differently, but problems may arise with your old ones. Your task is to break the stereotype by which others are accustomed to perceive you. You must accustom them to your new image at any cost - even if it causes shock and hostility towards you from those around you for a moment.

For this purpose, the programs for the effectiveness of actions that we described in one of the previous chapters work very well. Adjust your programs to suit your new condition. It is also good to use the “clump of desire energy” technique from the previous chapter to ensure the support of others. Time - and life - will do the rest. Situations will arise in which you will have to demonstrate your new self again and again and practice new patterns of behavior.

There was an interesting case in my practice. A modest woman at work was constantly harassed by young, lively employees, laughed at her, and created unbearable conditions. The woman was silent and unresponsive - everyone knew this, so they allowed themselves to be mocked, to enjoy their imaginary superiority. When a woman corrected her karma (fear experienced in a past life made her a victim of tormentors), her behavior and even her appearance changed radically. She became bold and confident, but the employees at work did not notice anything and continued to behave with her as before. Unexpectedly for herself, she abruptly and rudely interrupted the next “assault” of the most impudent of the offenders, using, to her surprise, the most sophisticated profanity - and she did it loudly, clearly, in a firm voice, while maintaining icy calm. The office was in shock. Attitudes towards women have changed dramatically since then. They began to respect her and even fear her. And now she wonders why she didn’t do this earlier, why she put up with these impudent people for so long, couldn’t put them in their place: it turned out to be so simple!

That's all, you have mastered all three levels of work on removing karma. How are you feeling? Much better? I have no doubt. If everything is still not in order, repeat the work done several times until everything works out. If everything is done correctly, you will notice how everything that previously worried you simply goes away and dissolves somewhere in the distance.

There is another way to work with karma, but this is for amateurs. If you think the above method is too simple, if you still want to experience suffering first to purify your soul, if you are interested in knowing where karma will take you; if it is not removed, if you want to learn some lesson with the help of manifested karma before eliminating it, well, you can try to work off the karma. I don’t recommend doing this naturally - it could take half your life, or even your whole life, and besides, this is a very big risk: what if you don’t survive? But “playing” at working out karma in laboratory conditions, so to speak, can be very interesting, especially for people with a powerful creative imagination. For them it is a special method of working off karma.

Step 18th century Working off karma. The method of working out karma really allows you to understand what it would lead to if you gave it the will to unfold in real life the way it wants. One of my students, for example, being carried away by such training, found out that his karma was leading straight to suicide. Naturally, he didn’t want to work it out further; he quickly eliminated her. And now he lives for himself and enjoys life. But this method helped him become almost a seer - he learned to look into the future and help other people with this.

First level of work. Actually working off karma

1. Entered your main reference state, and then created an alternative reference state from it in the manner described in the previous chapter (you don’t need to spoil the main reference state with pictures of unfolding karma).

2. Recreated in your imagination the karmic events that are haunting you. We let the associated sensations into the reference state. The sensations, as we have already said, will not be pleasant.

3. Now decide not to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, but on the contrary, you (as most people do in real life) will be guided in your real actions by these very feelings and sensations. Analyzed your feelings from this point of view: what are they pushing you towards? What actions, actions, reactions? For example, another husband beats you again - you feel resentment and grief. What are they pushing you to do? How will you react?

4. Now go further and imagine that you have decided to carry out the action that your negative feelings are pushing you to do. What will you do? Will you complain to the police? Will you strike back at your husband? Will you leave home? Or will you accept your fate, leave everything as it is and continue to endure bullying? Draw a picture of your possible actions as vividly as possible in your imagination. Imagine that you actually carried out the action that you wanted to take. How will this happen? How will you feel? Warning: you need to imagine only those actions that your subconscious mind easily allows. If you are trying to imagine how you beat your husband with an ax, but everything inside you resists this and your subconscious screams: “No!” - no need to imagine. Imagine only what comes naturally to you, what you could actually do.

5. Let's move on. We feel: what will this lead to? You did you do it? We proceed from logic, common sense and our own intuition. You still hit your husband with an ax - what if the blow turned out to be fatal? Or did you seriously wound him? What will you do? Will you run for the doctor? Will you go to the police? Or did you just leave home - so what? Let's go wherever we look? Spending the night at the station? To a friend? To your parents? Imagine yourself as vividly as possible in this situation, get used to the role, and don’t skimp on colors. Perhaps such a “game” will be accompanied by very real manifestations of emotions: don’t be afraid, cry, laugh, grieve, rejoice - let feelings manifest themselves spontaneously, the way they want. In some cases, this has a beneficial healing effect and helps to work off karma. By replaying the situation in your imagination, you will save yourself from repeating it in reality.

6. Analyzed the situation in which you found yourself in your imagination and became imbued with the sensations that accompany it. Are you sitting at the station in tears and grief, and a policeman leads you to a picket line? Are you fleeing to your friend's place, but then your angry husband bursts in? Let me remind you: your imagination should only come from real premises - if your husband is not so evil as to find you at night at a friend’s with the sole purpose of bringing the assault he has begun to a victorious end, it is unlikely that the last picture will be plausible. Start from real logic and from what could actually happen to you - specifically to you, and not to the hero of a horror film.

7. All the consequences were presented again. We implemented them in the reference state space. Continue the chain of events until it reaches its logical end. After all, you need to know how all this can end! Therefore, go in your imagination to the final result, imagining all the pictures of this path as clearly and clearly as possible. It is very possible that this result will be positive: here you are at home with your parents, with a child, and are happy that your hated husband is not around - besides, your neighbor is already wooing you, a wonderful person, not at all similar to your previous husband. Well, in this case, using the method of working out karma, you have found the optimal way out of your situation, and now all you have to do is implement it in life. It is likely that your karma will end there.

8. Imbued with the resulting result, absorbed as deeply as possible all the sensations associated with it. Analyzed the result - where did you come from? Do you need to go there? Do you feel good or bad there?

9. And now, regardless of whether the result is positive or negative, you need to remember it at the level of sensations. That's all. You have worked out karma, you have lived it in your imagination. You can leave the alternative reference state and never return there again, except when you want to work off karma again.

10. Now you should go back to the first step of the karmic structure removal method and check if the karmic structure you were currently working with is still there. In a number of cases, the method of working off karma makes it possible to eliminate the karmic structure, and then there is a guarantee that a series of events that you experienced in your imagination will not be repeated in your life. If the structure is still there, I strongly recommend getting rid of it by removing karmic structures. To do this, you must examine your etheric body, remove the structure, if it is there, and after removal (if there is no structure, then immediately) strengthen your energy by activating the central flows, saturate the etheric body with energy.

11 Now strengthen the protective shell and fill it with energy to the maximum.

Second and third level This work is done according to the same scheme that is provided for the method of removing karmic structures. Do not forget to do the work of the second and third levels - this will finally displace all the consequences of unwanted karma from your soul and consciousness.

Decide for yourself whether to use this technique. The work is not easy, it requires a lot of mental strength and emotional investment. If you are an inquisitive researcher, if you are interested in what could happen to you in the future (even though in reality this will never happen), if you want to understand the essence of clairvoyance (and the pictures of the future appearing before your inner gaze are not something other than clairvoyance!), if you want to help other people, tell them ways out of karmic chains - then this method is for you! If so, then that's great: you are truly an extraordinary person.

That's all: you are armed with a very effective, powerful and effective method of working with karma. Live happily, don’t be afraid of difficulties, don’t be afraid of everyday problems that all people suffer from - now you’re not afraid of this, you can easily cope with any troubles. And work on yourself, improve yourself, my friend. There is nothing more exciting than this activity, I assure you, in the world. And the reward will not be long in coming. For only the new perfect man will come to prosperity in the third millennium.

We live in a special time when karma is worked out very quickly. In our time, mostly those people live who must get rid of karmic debts as quickly as possible. Why is such rapid relief from these debts needed now? Because the planet is making a Transition these days. And in the new space-time where she will end up, there will be no karma as such. Only those who have already worked out their karma both for this life and for past ones will be able to live there.

In whose fields there is still information about the sins of this life or past ones, they simply will not be able to exist, they will not be able to survive in the new conditions. Only those who have purified themselves will live in that world. How is karma cleansed? By working through cataclysms, problems, losses, accidents, illnesses, or by repenting for specific sins of this life and past ones. Sometimes (in the most difficult cases) a material donation is required.

What does karma consist of? From a karmic vessel, i.e. records of past life sins that fit into the human matrix. The matrix is ​​a cast, a form that determines the fate and physical characteristics of the human body, based on information about all lives lived since the creation of the soul by the demiurge. Therefore, it records the data of karmic vessels for each life lived. The matrix is ​​of great importance. Its information, in essence, is karma.

If the karmic vessels of past lives were clean or filled occasionally, but were also cleansed, the matrix will be positive, plus or light. If in any of the lives lived or in several lives the most difficult deeds were committed that could not be forgiven in the period of not only one life, but several, then information about these actions was recorded in a matrix and followed the person from life to life , putting obstacles, misfortunes, illnesses and the like in his way. Such a matrix has a negative direction - minus or dark.

Those people who, in many lives, only accumulated their sins, made their matrix blacker and blacker. This led to them losing their souls and passing into the egregor of Satan. Instead of their souls falling apart from sins, Satan gave them antisouls. These are people of the dark egregor or “black”. “Blacks” are not able to correct themselves and change. Their karma cannot be worked off. Even in this life they are not capable of good deeds, love, and if they do something, it is only out of hypocrisy, for show, wearing masks. These people are the bearers of all vices. Their distinctive feature is that instead of souls they have anti-souls, which are entities of the dark world.

Dark people also often became a refuge for black hierarchs, who did their deeds in their bodies. “Black” people have super-heavy karma, which cannot be worked off due to the fact that they no longer have souls. It is possible to work off karma and improve only when the soul is not lost.

People with heavy karma, but still having a soul, can be called “gray”. There are a lot of “grays”, and they are all different. Some of them differ from the “blacks” only in that they still have a soul. But both the matrix and the karmic vessel are negative. Some "grays" have negative matrices for several incarnations. In others, they became like this only after a difficult act committed in this life. Some of the grays have a dirty karmic vessel due to wrong actions in this life. And someone has not done anything bad in this life, but is slurping their karma for the sins of past incarnations. A distinctive parameter of the “grays” is that they have a negative matrix with a preserved soul. The third group, so to speak, is the “light” ones.

“Bright” people retained both souls and pure matrices. Of course, in this life they could spoil the karmic vessel, and in order to resist and not go into the “gray” category, they need to repent of their wrong actions and never repeat them again.

So, the planet is making a Transition to that space-time where there should be no information about wrong actions, as well as the actions themselves. Therefore, only those who have already prayed for everything will be able to live there. It turns out that there is no place for “blacks” and “grays”. But if everything is clear with the “blacks”, that is, they will never get to high dimensions, since they belong to the world of the devil, then with the “grays” there is no clarity yet. In principle, do they have a chance for correction and the opportunity to move into a light egregor? But to do this, they must work out their karmas or pray for them as quickly as possible. That is why the processing of karma has accelerated and intensified recently.

Cataclysms are sweeping across the earth, the number of cancer patients, Serdechnikov, diabetics, schizophrenics and other patients is growing. Many children are born with diseases, new diseases arise, epidemics such as SARS, bird flu, AIDS and so on. All these diseases and cataclysms indicate that there is practically a massive working out of karma and it concerns gray people.

Those of them who have particularly heavy matrices may not survive in this life. And through their death they will work off their heavy “tail” in order to then be born on Earth in a new body with a normal matrix. There are also those among the “grays” who, even by death, will not be able to work off the grave sin of one of their past incarnations. Their souls will have to continue to work out their karma, but on other planets of the three-dimensional plane. But this is only if they do not manage to lose their soul completely by accumulating new serious sins, and do not become “black”.

It turns out that the “grays” have a choice - to cleanse themselves, become “light” and make the Transition together with the planet, or completely go into the dark egregor, thereby losing any future. But they have less and less time to choose. It will shrink because the frequency of space will rise.

The “grays” have no time to hang around between the “dark” and the “light.” The time has come to decide. It is in them that cataclysms and diseases intensify. If you or your loved ones have recently experienced some setbacks, losses, or some illnesses have appeared or intensified, it means that something is wrong with the matrix, or a lot of sins have accumulated in the karmic vessel. In this case, if you do not want to continue to work off karma through illness or disasters, you need to repent for the sins of past lives, which you, of course, do not remember, and for wrong actions in this life, which you must definitely remember.

Particularly serious sins include murder, rape, cruelty to people and animals, love spells and any other witchcraft ritual, curse, abandonment of a child, abandonment of parents, especially large-scale deception, theft, fraud, bribery, betrayal, slander, framing another person. , as well as a feeling of hatred, revenge, jealousy, sexual perversion, debauchery... These actions necessarily make the matrix negative.

If there is something like this in your biography, repentance is definitely needed. In addition, if you want to move into the category of “light” and stay on this planet, you need to repent for any deception you have committed, judging and discussing other people, gossip, participation in intrigues, for suppressing the will of other people, including relatives , raising the voice, intemperance, swearing, scandals, insults, greed and miserliness, for attachments to material things - money, things, attachments to the opposite sex, jealousy, the desire to keep a husband (wife) at any cost, for disbelief or distrust of the Higher Powers, for frivolous sexual relations, if any, for envy, anger, laziness, pride, selfishness, and so on. And everyone needs to keep in mind that having repented, you should not repeat this again. Or in each subsequent case, be sure to ask forgiveness from the Higher Powers for wrong actions and thoughts.

In addition, you cannot ask the Higher Powers for an unworthy person, thereby, as it were, justifying him, even if he is your relative. After all, by doing so you are dragging his karma onto yourself. Those who adhere to these recommendations will definitely move along with the planet into a new dimension...

KOLOSYUK Lyubov Leontievna


What a person has already managed to accomplish in this earthly life is the karma of this earthly incarnation. Conscious work on yourself, that is, working off karma, allows you to correctly use the initially inherent opportunities and achieve your goals and objectives with the least amount of energy. Working out karma on your own helps you get rid of problems and illnesses, unlock your full potential, use the hidden capabilities of the subconscious and for the better.

Working off kind of karma

Working off karma must be comprehensive. You cannot hope for complete cleansing by doing only working off your own karma of the current incarnation. A person must necessarily improve the karma of his family.

The place and time of the incarnation of a particular person in a particular family is not accidental.

  • This means that the goal of his life must include obligations to work off karma of this kind.
  • (children repeat the fate of their parents), predisposition to certain diseases - all this burden of responsibility is placed on a person by the karma of the family. This is one of the stages of the path of self-discovery.
  • Overcoming obstacles and difficulties, solving problems and tasks, a person gradually begins to understand why certain people appeared in his life, why certain events happened, and what the purpose of his current incarnation is.

Working out the karma of the soul

Working out the karma of the soul is an extremely difficult task. The spiritual path of a person is similar to climbing a mountain. The shortest way to the top is in a straight line. However, none of the mountain routes are built in the form of a straight road - they all look like serpentines. That’s right: round by round, overcoming the ascent, gradually realizing the lessons of life more and more deeply, a person moves to the pinnacle of self-knowledge. Working off karma the soul, accumulated as a result of past incarnations, must move from simple to more complex. It is important to learn and understand all the lessons of life. Trying to skip or skip some stage is the same as letting a first-grader solve problems from a higher mathematics course. But, if in the case of a schoolchild this is simply an unsolved task, then an unlearned life lesson can lead to extremely sad and even tragic consequences.

In life, sometimes it happens that a person tries, makes maximum efforts on his part in some area, but this does not give any positive result. There are a huge number of examples of this - people unsuccessfully cannot recover from diseases, they try to find their soulmate, but it never comes into their lives, they get several jobs, but still suffer from a lack of financial resources...

The list can be endless, but if similar problems are not in a hurry to leave you, this is a direct indicator that they may be karmic. We’ll talk further about how to work off karma and improve your life.

Karma is an emotionally intense experience that gives the person receiving it a feeling of imbalance. is as follows: when a person encounters strong emotional experiences in relation to other people, then subsequently (in this or his next reincarnations) he will experience the same experiences, but already in the opposite role.

To make it clearer, let's say you accidentally or intentionally hit someone in the knee. This means that sooner or later someone else will hit you in the same way and you will be able to feel the situation from both sides.

The law of karma is unchangeable and inevitable. This is why a person comes into this world, receiving a physical body, so that, thanks to intense experiences, he can learn and gain valuable life experience.

Not all types of karma can be worked out in one life. Therefore, an individual is often forced to live a huge number of lives in order to work off all his karmic debts. Thanks to this, we learn balance and maintain the necessary balance of opposites in the Universe.

In most cases, a person does not work off his karma immediately. Usually, in order to close a karmic debt, it will take the same amount of time as it took to initially develop the karmic situation. It is possible to accelerate this process, but a person is not able to process large volumes of karmic energy that exceed certain limits.

It should be noted that karma cannot be “good” or “”, all this is only a matter of its intensity. But there are types of karmas that give a person both positive and negative emotions.

For example, you will feel incredible happiness and gratitude towards a real estate agent when he finds you a home option that suits you perfectly both in terms of price and conditions. At the same time, the agent may also feel more internal satisfaction than usual in his work.

In fact, this situation is a clear example of karmic working out: in one of your past lives, you saved your current agent from the elements by hiding him in a cave. And now he has come to your aid, having resolved the housing situation.

But karma can be not only pleasant, but also terrible. For example, you are killed by a drunk driver who flees the scene. At first glance, it may seem that he is to blame for everything, but if you dig a little deeper, you will find that this driver in a past life was the person you asked when you drove your chariot a long time ago in 40 BC after another night of festivities. The situation repeated itself again, only this time inverted.

The positive thing is that when you notice how you are involved in a karmic situation, only you decide whether to continue it or stop it. But if you have already started karma, you stay with it until the end.

A person is given the right to choose only in a number of situations: he can refuse to initiate it, delay retribution for karmic sins for some time, or, on the contrary, begin to fulfill karma immediately.

At the same time, when you are just getting involved in the process of karma, you cannot objectively assess how everything will end if there is karma of reckoning or how long the new karma will last. But you will immediately feel the completion of karma - the feeling of its intensity is instantly lost.

You do not have the right to “forgive” negative karma or ask the other participant in the karmic situation to do so. But sometimes you can encounter some “transmutations” of karma, when a person pays off the karma of the baby’s soul, already having the level of an old soul. Then, for example, if in one of his lives he was killed, then he can demand from his killer, who must atone for his, that he become his savior in this life or give him a new life, taking on the role of father or mother. Through this, both parties will have the opportunity to experience both sides of the karmic experience in order to achieve balance.

Signs of karmic debt

  1. A person makes incredible efforts, but nothing comes of it. In 99% of cases this indicates karmic debt.
  2. There is a constant lack of energy, strength, joy - there is a very high probability that this energy leak indicates unpaid karmic debts. For example, a person feels great, but when he starts something new, he is faced with a lack of strength and enthusiasm.
  3. Conflicts constantly arise with someone close to you for no obvious reason.
  4. Karmic debts are evidenced by a general deterioration in life - the so-called “black streak”, a time of losses, disruption of plans, losses. This is a clear indicator of the activation of karmic debts at this stage of life, which must be closed.

Important information about karmic debt

When a karmic debt is activated and begins to act, a hail of failures falls on a person, not with the purpose of lowering him to the bottom, putting him in the status of a loser or dooming him to suffering, but so that he thinks, asks himself the right questions and begins to gradually work off his debts, atonement for sins.

Absolutely all karmic debts must be worked off! But in order to do this, it is important to establish the root cause and conditions in which the event occurred that triggered the karmic debt. Of course, doing this on your own can be quite difficult, so it is recommended to seek help from a Spiritual Healer.

How does karma work out?

It happens according to a fairly simple algorithm:

  1. First, a person establishes the root cause - the situation that occurred, what laws of Karma were violated and what debt was formed because of this.
  2. Then he turns to the Forces of Karma to find out the terms of the “deal” - what actions should be taken today in order to pay off all debts.
  3. Then the person works on developing the necessary qualities in himself, apologizes to those to whom he is guilty of something, and so on.
  4. In some situations, additional help from a spiritual healer may also be required, which will consist of conducting a ritual of liberation from Karmic Debts.

There is one more very important nuance - part of the karmic debts can be removed automatically if a person changes the strategy of his behavior, begins to lead a correct, decent life in compliance with all karmic laws, doing only good deeds.

Therefore, the most correct path to karmic healing is, first of all, to work on yourself, realize your mistakes and change yourself for the better. And the surrounding reality will also begin to automatically change for the better.