Pediculosis pubis (phthiriasis). Effective remedies and cures for pubic lice Pubic lice folk remedies

Nits are located at the very bottom of the hair, almost near the very base of the follicle. The pubic louse is always in close proximity to the egg-laying area. The insect is localized near the nit, drills the skin of the intimate area with its proboscis and absorbs the blood of its host. During a bite, the lizard releases a chemical substance, the composition of which is close to an analgesic. As a result of this, the patient does not feel the moment of the bite, but only feels a strong itch that occurs after the louse has drunk a sufficient amount of blood.

How can you get infected?

In medical practice, there are two main mechanisms of pubic lice infection. This is a household and the most common method of infection - sexual. Based on this, it has been established that pediculosis pubis occurs for the following reasons:


Signs of the disease do not appear immediately. First there is an incubation period, the duration of which is at least 1 month. Almost from the first days from the moment when the numerical population of blood-sucking insects increases, the symptoms of the disease increase accordingly.

Pediculosis of the intimate area manifests itself as follows:

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All of the above symptoms are a serious reason to seek help from a dermatologist and undergo an examination to confirm or deny lice in the intimate area. If the therapy process is started in a timely manner, removing the flats will not take much time. The very same treatment regimen for pubic lice is carried out only with medication.


Visually, nits glued by pubic lice at the base of the hair resemble small white scales. The same can be observed in patients with dermatitis or seborrhea. When they are carefully examined with magnification, you can see that each egg has the correct oval shape, and inside its protective shell an individual flatfish develops. After confirming the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed treatment.

Disease therapy

The lifespan and activity of a pubic louse is just over three weeks, but during this time the insect manages to lay so many eggs that its offspring can easily fill the entire hairline. Outside the human body, an adult will not live more than one day, although nits can survive without food for quite a long time.

When infected with phthiriasis, symptoms of the disease appear within 30 days.

However, the incidence of lice pubis is usually associated with deterioration of living conditions, the movement of large masses of people, and a decrease in the standard of living of the population. Large crowds of people and lack of basic sanitation standards increase the risk of pubic lice infection.

How to avoid infection

If you know how lice pubis is transmitted and take the necessary precautions, you can easily avoid this unpleasant disease.

If you suspect an infection with pediculosis or phthiriasis, you must immediately boil towels and bed linen in a soda solution, which may turn out to be a refuge for insects. Typically, underwear should not be washed in boiling water, as the items may become deformed. To disinfestate it, you can use another method. You just need to put things in a plastic bag, tie it and leave it for 2-3 weeks. This time will be enough for the Mandavohs to die of starvation.

In addition, if signs of the disease are detected, you must inform your sexual partner about this, since phthiriasis is treated in people who make up a sexual couple at the same time.

When visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool, you should use only your own towel. The same advice can be given to people who travel frequently on trains. You should not rely on the quality of washing bed linen and towels that are used by different people. It is better to bring a personal sheet or completely give up comfort for the duration of the trip than to treat an unpleasant disease later.

How to recognize lice pubis

Pubic lice are very small. If a large adult reaches 1-1.5 mm, then the nits are not at all visible to the naked eye.

The presence of areas of severely damaged skin can provoke the addition of a microbial infection, since harmful microorganisms can easily enter the bloodstream through damaged skin.

The second symptom of phthiriasis is a rash in the form of bluish spots, reaching a diameter of 2-3 mm. When bitten, the insect injects saliva into the wound, which prevents blood clotting and leads to the breakdown of hemoglobin. As a result of this process, bluish-colored decay products accumulate at the site of the bite. If you press on the stain, it will disappear.

In addition, dark spots, which are waste products of lice, can be seen on the underwear of a patient with phthiriasis.

What drugs are used to treat phthiriasis?

Before getting rid of pubic lice, you need to take a number of measures to prevent re-infection.

  • First of all, complete disinfestation of clothing and personal items that could become potential carriers of the disease should be carried out.
  • Clean the apartment: wash the floors and wipe all surfaces with a solution of laundry soap and vinegar.
  • Clean upholstered furniture and treat with a special anti-lice aerosol.
  • Items that cannot be washed at high temperatures should be placed in bags and left out of the room for a month.

Folk remedies for pubic lice, prepared on the basis of kerosene, vinegar, denatured alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, sulfur ointment, have long been inferior in effectiveness and safety to medications. If you try to remove lice using kerosene or industrial alcohol, you can get burned and severely damage the skin. Dust soap, which experts often recommend using to solve the problem, contains the dangerous insecticide DDT, which can cause the growth of cancer cells.

The most effective and safe folk remedies for combating phthiriasis are cranberry juice and hellebore water. They destroy adult nits and soften the shells of nits, while at the same time they are almost safe and rarely cause adverse reactions.

Despite the delicacy of the disease, it is possible and necessary to fight pubic lice. The main thing is to start treatment on time, and before that, consult with a specialist who will take into account all the characteristics of the victim’s body and help you choose the right medicine.

On a note!

The causative agent of phthiriasis is capable of consuming up to 2 ml of blood per day. Without access to human blood they don’t last long – they die within a day. They bite through the skin and plunge a small proboscis into the wound. During this time, the saliva of the mosquito gets into the open wound, causing itching and burning. This helps the patient scratch their skin.

Signs and symptoms of phthiriasis

Symptoms of lice pubis often accompany any sexually transmitted disease. This is another reason to take the problem seriously and begin treatment immediately.

In order to correctly diagnose and determine the presence of lice, there is a special diagnosis of lice. A dermatologist has a special Wood's lamp in his arsenal. Under its influence, nits begin to glow with fluorescent white light and become visible to the doctor.

Another modern way to recognize pubic lice is videodermatoscopy. The video camera films a certain area of ​​the patient's pubic area and transmits the image data with multiple magnification to the computer. In the photographs you can distinguish insects, including living and dead ones. This procedure helps ensure that the treatment being used is correct.

Very often, the patient postpones treatment of pubic lice due to the feeling of shame and refusal to go to the doctor. This attitude towards your own health can lead to serious consequences.

Advanced genital pediculosis leads to severe damage to the skin of the pubic area, the wounds of which can become infected. In addition to the nervous condition of the patient and a severe allergic reaction to the skin, the disease can provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes and even blood poisoning.

Many people have long had the opinion that groin lice can only be acquired by tramps and asocial people. The causes of pubic lice can be different:

  • using someone else's bed linen and towels;
  • visiting a public bath, sauna, swimming pool;
  • going to a massage parlor or beauty salon;
  • sexual intercourse with an infected partner;
  • close contact with the patient.

Intimate lice is often transmitted among people living in unsatisfactory sanitary conditions: refugee camps, communal apartments and dormitories, barracks, orphanages and shelters, places of detention.

It’s now clear where pubic lice come from. The next question is: how to get rid of pubic lice at home, since most infected people are not ready to go to the doctor.

Treatment of pubic pediculosis with modern drugs

Today, modern drugs against groin lice in pharmacies are available without a doctor’s prescription. Despite the intimate nature of the disease, there is a wide choice of drugs to treat lice pubis.

The main active ingredients of medications for pubic lice are:

  • permethrin;
  • malathion;
  • phenothrin;
  • benzyl benzoate and others.

Medicines containing one of these insecticides are effective in controlling groin lice.

The most effective and easiest way to get rid of pubic lice is to simply shave your hair bald. Adult insects and their eggs, along with their hair, are removed. Alcohol-containing lotions and moisturizers can be used to treat stung-prone skin.

Acetic acid

3% can be used as a simple remedy for phthiriasis. Apply to groin hair for 1 hour, then wash off with soap. Repeat the procedure for 3 days.

Tar ointment

To prepare the ointment, take one tablespoon each of birch tar and butter. Treat the groin area with the resulting mixture overnight. Repeat the procedure for 9 days. An alternative could be.

Disease prevention

When a person knows how to become infected with groin lice, he can protect himself from the disease. To do this you need to perform a certain set of actions:

  • avoid close contact with unfamiliar people;
  • do not visit public baths, saunas;
  • do not use other people's towels and bed linen;
  • avoid sexual relations with untested partners;
  • Regularly change underwear, wash clothes and home textiles.

If a family member has been exposed to the disease, prompt treatment for pubic lice is necessary. At the same time as the infected person, all family members living in the same house must undergo treatment. Immediately after treatment of the disease, it is necessary to wash and steam all bedding, personal towels and household clothing, and do so.

Maintaining good personal hygiene and being careful when in close contact with strangers can reduce the risk of contracting intimate lice to a minimum.


  • Genital area.
  • Directly pubis.
  • Eyelashes and eyebrows (much less often).
  • Other parts of the body with hair (chest, beard, mustache, belly).

Pubic lice infestation, or, as it is also called, phthiriasis, is classified as a sexually transmitted disease.

Mandavohs are pubic lice; pubic hair is chosen for their habitat, since apocrine glands are quite attractive to these insects.

From the nit to the larva there is a short incubation period of 5-10 days. After 6-9 days the larva becomes a sexually mature adult.

What do pubic lice look like?

Adult lice have a pale grayish color, grow up to 3 mm, and are almost invisible on the body. Comfortable temperature range from 30 to 380C. Insects are very tenacious and hardy. They can withstand pressure up to one kilogram and maintain vital activity while in water for up to 2 days.

Where do pubic lice come from?

The easiest way to transmit infection in most cases is through sexual contact. At the household level, the spread of the disease is also possible in large crowds of people due to fairly close interactions with each other.

The main category of infection can be distinguished:

  • Representatives of sex services.
  • People who are promiscuous in their sexual intercourse.
  • Persons who do not have a permanent place of residence (homeless people, homeless people).
  • Workers of baths, saunas, laundries, children's institutions, employees of the penal system, military personnel.

Routes of infection by pubic lice

In total, there are 4 main routes of infection:

  • direct sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • direct close contact with the affected areas of the patient’s body;
  • someone else's clothes, bed linen, comb, towel;
  • visiting a large gathering of people.

Symptoms of lice pubis

Pediculosis pubis does not appear immediately, but a month after infection. The reproduction process begins a few days after the louse moves onto the human body.

How to get rid of it?

The earlier a disease is detected, the faster and easier it is to cure it with minimal consequences for the body.

It is important to follow simple rules of effective therapy:

  • Treatment is carried out simultaneously in the patient and his sexual partner.
  • Heat treatment of things and items related to personal hygiene (ironing, boiling).
  • Hair removal from armpits, pubic area and chest.
  • Before using any medicine, be sure to treat the site of infection and the patient’s hands with antiseptic medical soap.

The following are the most popular means in the fight against head lice:

How to treat at home?

In the treatment of pubic lice, not only purchased medications are effective, but also those prepared at home.

using folk recipes:

  • Birch tar. Mix in equal quantities with butter. The treatment is effective after taking an evening shower for nine days
  • Sorrel with garlic. In a ratio of 3:1, combine parts of sorrel juice with garlic. The mixture is applied to the affected area for ten days.
  • Kerosene. Combine with vegetable oil in equal proportions. The best option would be to process and leave overnight for six hours. After ten days, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Vinegar. To prepare the product, you can use both table and apple cider vinegar (diluted with water up to 3%). This solution should be left on the hair for at least an hour for 3 days.
  • Lemon and mint. Mint leaves (2 tbsp) are combined in equal quantities with sunflower oil and the juice of one lemon. Used also with lemon zest. The crushed zest is combined with the finished mushy mass. Apply to the groin area for ten days. Once a day for 24 hours is enough, keeping it on for 2 hours.


Preventing pubic lice:

  • Regarding the prevention of this disease, all recommendations that apply to sexually transmitted infections apply.
  • Particular attention to the choice of a sexual partner, the desire to minimize casual sexual contacts will significantly reduce the risk of the disease.
  • Personal hygiene is a guarantee of protection against many infectious diseases.


In conclusion, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Pediculosis pubis is a sexually transmitted disease, untimely treatment of which can lead to serious health problems.
  • The main reason for the spread of the disease is uncleanliness, failure to comply with the usual rules of personal hygiene, and promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  • By following simple rules for treating the disease and having a large selection of effective medications for pubic lice, it is not difficult to get rid of it.
  • The situation with the treatment of concomitant diseases that can be acquired from the previous owner of insects may be much more complicated.
  • Home remedies are quite effective in treating lice pubis.

A pubic louse looks different from a regular louse. It is distinguished by its gray color and lack of movement throughout the body. These insects bring a lot of problems to humans. The disease caused by these insects is called phthiriasis. From the name of the subspecies, it is easy to understand that in both women and men they appear mainly on the genitals.

However, symptoms of infection can also appear in other places of the body where there is hair - eyebrows, mustache, armpit area. The only place where you definitely won’t find them is the head. This limitation is explained by round hair, to which insects cannot attach. You can get rid of pubic lice, including treatment at home.

Where do pubic lice come from in women and men?

The causes of pubic lice are often associated with promiscuity. Indeed, the most common route of infection is sexual contact. For many, this option looks like the only possible one, but women and men can actually become infected in other ways. Transmission through towels, bed linen, clothing - all this can be attributed to the so-called household method of infecting a person. Therefore, you can catch the disease in the pool, in the hotel, and in the sauna. Fluoriasis often looks like dermatitis. Determining the routes of infection is a key issue in order to develop a treatment that can help you get rid of pests forever.

Symptoms and signs of pubic lice

The following symptoms are typical for women and men:

  • itching (can be either intense or barely noticeable);
  • blue spots;
  • minor hemorrhages;
  • the appearance of stains with a dark tint on the laundry.

Due to symptoms such as peeling skin and itching, a person may scratch problem areas. After this, formations will appear that look like ulcers. Such damage sometimes causes infection, which ultimately leads to eczema. The only solution is not scratching, but direct treatment.

What do pubic lice look like?

There are two main ways through which lice infect women and men:

  • sexual;
  • domestic.

Do pubic lice live on the head?

How to get rid of pubic lice

If symptoms are detected, you must immediately proceed to treatment and get rid of insects. Anti-pediculosis drugs are used for treatment. An example of such a product is Spray-Pax, which must be applied for 30-40 minutes and then rinsed off with warm water. To get rid of insects forever, treatment must be regular.

Remedies for pubic lice in women and men

Insecticidal agents are popular in the treatment of phthiriasis. All drugs should be divided according to the form of release:

The following folk remedies are considered effective in treating phthiriasis and its symptoms:

  • vinegar;
  • kerosene;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • tansy decoction;
  • dust soap.

Another option is Hellebore water for external use. It is applied to the problem area and waited for about 20 minutes, then washed off. If the result is not achieved, repeat the treatment after a few days.