Matryona's world, environment. The relationship between Matryona and those around her (relatives, neighbors, collective farm management) in Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona’s yard Matryona’s world environment

The action of the story by Alexander Solzhenitsyn takes place in the 50s of the 20th century in a Russian village far from civilization. These were the times of the totalitarian regime, when the common people faced many difficulties.

The main character of the work is Matryona, a simple, kind woman who is an example of a righteous person who does not betray her principles.

The fate of Matryona is an artistic reflection of the tragic fate of many Russian women of the 20th century. The heroine survived the war, lost her love and all her children. In addition, in her old age she was tormented by some kind of illness. But, nevertheless, the woman did not become embittered, but on the contrary, she strived even more to do more good to people. This is a clear example of righteous behavior: when a person gives a lot without receiving anything in return.

Matryona lives by the principle: do not spare either your goodness or your labor for others. She always helps her fellow villagers when asked. But in return she receives only ridicule. Why don’t those around us understand the heroine? The reason lies in the difference in worldview.

– a kind soul, a modest, hard-working woman. She did not consider her actions significant and did not expect gratitude for them. When it was necessary, for example, to help a neighbor dig up a vegetable garden, she ran to her, forgetting even about her illness. There was not even any talk about money; Matryona did not demand it from anyone, although she needed it. This is true selflessness!

However, those around the main character are mostly degenerate people, calculating and devoid of compassion. And therefore they cannot understand that Matryona’s selflessness is a manifestation of high spirituality. For them, selflessness is just a manifestation of stupidity and naivety.

The relationships between those around her and Matryona are of a practical, inhumane nature. They simply use the heroine's kindness, while mocking her selflessness.

Her former lover Thaddeus treats Matryona especially horribly. They once wanted to get married, but the war separated them. In the village they thought that he had gone missing - and therefore, after a while, Matryona was married to his younger brother Efim. However, it turned out that the man was alive and returned to his native village. Having learned about the wedding of his brother and his beloved, he became embittered - and married another woman with the same name - Matryona. He did not love his wife and often beat her.

He still has an interest in the first Matryona, but also a selfish one. He demands that the upper room be separated from her hut in order to give it to his daughter Kira, whom Matryona once raised as her own. The old man doesn’t care that the hut may collapse, because he wants to get benefits for himself.

The relationship between Matryona and those around her is practical on the part of those around her and selfless on the part of Matryona.

And yet there is a person in the story who understands Matryona - this is. He is as lonely and restless as she is. Arriving one day in her yard, Ignatyich realizes that he has found that secluded place where his soul will be at peace. And in Matryona’s face he saw an understanding interlocutor.

In 1963, one of the stories of the Russian thinker and humanist Alexander Solzhenitsyn was published. It is based on events from the author’s biography. The publication of his books has always caused a huge resonance not only in the Russian-speaking society, but also among Western readers. But the image of Matryona in the story “Matryona’s Dvor” is unique. There was nothing like this before in village prose. And therefore this work occupied a special place in Russian literature.


The story is told from the author's perspective. A certain teacher and former camp inmate goes in the summer of 1956 at random, wherever his eyes look. His goal is to get lost somewhere in the dense Russian outback. Despite the ten years he spent in the camp, the hero of the story still hopes to find a job and teach. He succeeds. He settles in the village of Talnovo.

The image of Matryona in the story “Matryona’s Dvor” begins to take shape even before her appearance. A random acquaintance helps the main character find shelter. After a long and unsuccessful search, he offers to go to Matryona, warning that “she lives in a desolate place and is sick.” They are heading towards her.

Matryona's Domain

The house is old and rotten. It had been built many years ago for a large family, but now it was inhabited by only one woman of about sixty. Without a description of the poor life of the village, the story “Matrenin’s Dvor” would not be so insightful. The image of Matryona - the heroine of the story - fully corresponds to the atmosphere of desolation that reigned in the hut. Yellow, sickly face, tired eyes...

The house is full of mice. Among its inhabitants, in addition to the owner herself, are cockroaches and a lanky cat.

The image of Matryona in the story “Matryona’s Dvor” is the basis of the story. Based on it, the author reveals his spiritual world and depicts the characteristic features of other characters.

From the main character the narrator learns about her difficult fate. She lost her husband at the front. She lived her entire life alone. Later, her guest finds out that for many years she has not received a penny: she works not for money, but for sticks.

She was not happy with the tenant and tried to persuade him for some time to find a cleaner and more comfortable house. But the guest’s desire to find a quieter place determined the choice: he stayed with Matryona.

While the teacher was staying with her, the old woman got up before dark and prepared a simple breakfast. And it seemed that some meaning appeared in Matryona’s life.

Peasant image

The image of Matryona in the story “Matryona's Dvor” is an amazingly rare combination of selflessness and hard work. This woman has been working for half a century, not to make a living, but out of habit. Because he cannot imagine any other existence.

It should be said that the fate of the peasantry always attracted Solzhenitsyn, since his ancestors belonged to this class. And he believed that it was precisely the hard work, sincerity and generosity that distinguished the representatives of this social stratum. This is confirmed by the sincere, truthful image of Matryona in the story “Matryona’s Dvor”.


In intimate conversations in the evenings, the landlady tells the tenant the story of her life. Efim’s husband died in the war, but first his brother wooed her. She agreed and was listed as his fiancée, but during World War II he went missing and she did not wait for him. She married Efim. But Thaddeus returned.

Not a single child of Matryona survived. And then she became a widow.

Its end is tragic. She dies due to her naivety and kindness. This event ends the story “Matrenin’s Dvor”. The image of the righteous Matryona is sadder because, despite all her good qualities, she remains misunderstood by her fellow villagers.


Matryona lived alone in the big house all her life, except for her short-lived female happiness, which was destroyed by the war. And also those years during which she raised Thaddeus’s daughter. He married her namesake and they had six children. Matryona asked him to raise a girl, which he did not refuse. But her adopted daughter also left her.

The image of Matryona in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona’s Dvor” is amazing. Neither eternal poverty, nor insults, nor all kinds of oppression destroy it. The best way for a woman to regain her good spirits was work. And after the work, she became satisfied, enlightened, with a kind smile.

The last righteous woman

She knew how to rejoice in someone else's happiness. Having not accumulated goodness throughout her life, she did not become bitter, and retained the ability to sympathize. Not a single hard work in the village could be done without her participation. Despite her illness, she helped other women, harnessed herself to the plow, forgetting about her advanced age and the illness that had tormented her for more than twenty years.

This woman never refused anything to her relatives, and her inability to preserve her own “goods” led to the fact that she lost her upper room - her only property, not counting the old rotten house. The image of Matryona in the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn personifies selflessness and virtue, which for some reason did not evoke either respect or response from others.


The righteous female character is contrasted with her failed husband Thaddeus, without whom the system of images would be incomplete. "Matrenin's Dvor" is a story in which, in addition to the main character, there are other persons. But Thaddeus is a clear contrast to the main character. Returning from the front alive, he did not forgive his fiancee for betrayal. Although, it should be said that she did not love his brother, but only pitied him. Understanding that it is difficult for his family without a mistress. The death of Matryona at the end of the story is a consequence of the stinginess of Thaddeus and his relatives. Avoiding unnecessary expenses, they decided to transport the room faster, but did not have time, as a result of which Matryona was hit by a train. Only the right hand remained intact. But even after the terrible events, Thaddeus looks at her dead body indifferently, indifferently.

There are also many sorrows and disappointments in the fate of Thaddeus, but the difference between the two characters is that Matryona was able to save her soul, but he was not. After her death, the only thing he cares about is Matrenino’s meager property, which he immediately drags into his house. Thaddeus does not come to the wake.

The image of Holy Rus', which poets so often sang, dissipates with her departure. A village cannot stand without a righteous man. The image of Matryona, the heroine in Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona’s Dvor,” is the remnant of a pure Russian soul, which is still alive, but already on its last legs. Because righteousness and kindness are valued less and less in Russia.

The story, as already mentioned, is based on real events. The only differences are in the name of the locality and some small details. The heroine's name was actually Matryona. She lived in one of the villages of the Vladimir region, where the author spent 1956-1957. It was planned to turn her house into a museum in 2011. But Matrenin's yard burned down. In 2013, the house-museum was restored.

The work was first published in the literary magazine “New World”. Solzhenitsyn's previous story caused a positive reaction. The story of the righteous woman gave rise to many disputes and discussions. And yet, critics had to admit that the story was created by a great and truthful artist, capable of returning the people to their native language and continuing the traditions of Russian classical literature.

draws him? How do her sisters and neighbors treat Matryona?

- The main character is contrasted with the brother of her late husband, Thaddeus. "Black", author

uses this epithet seven times, drawing a portrait of this hero, contrasting his appearance

Matryona's luminosity with her radiant smile. Thaddeus' life was also in its own way

broken by inhumane circumstances, but, unlike Matryona. He harbored a grudge against

fate, taking it out on his wife and son. Self-interest, thirst to seize land for his daughter

force him to destroy the house that he himself once built. His stinginess

becomes the cause of the tragedy that happened to Matryona. (Children explain the meaning of the word


There is no open conflict in the story because Matryona’s character excludes conflict

relationships with people, but the confrontation between two moral systems is obvious:

traditional folk morality with its conciliarity, gentleness

contrasted with consumer morality that corrodes people, human greed and

envy. They are the ones who destroy the heroine of the story. For Matryona, good is the inability to do evil,

love and compassion, and for the husband’s relatives, neighbors, sisters - the desire to snatch what

lies badly, take it away from your neighbor. In this Solzhenitsyn sees the essence of that spiritual

crisis that hit Russia.

What is the philosophical meaning of the story's title? What did the author first call his

work? (A student prepared in advance talks about how

what was the original title of the work, why was the title changed, what are its

ideological meaning).

The housewife dies, the house is destroyed, the moral foundations that have been in place all my life are destroyed.

strengthened Matryona. She was the only one in the village who lived in her own world: she arranged life

hard work, honesty, kindness and patience. According to the people, she is wise, prudent,

skillfully appreciates goodness and beauty (attitude towards Ignatich, nature, music - find and read

from the text ). Smiling and sociable in nature, Matryona knew how to resist evil and

violence, preserving your court, your special world of the righteous, some island in the ocean

lies, which keeps the treasures of the people's spirit. Living in an atmosphere of universal falsehood, she

managed to live not by lies.

What does the writer see as the true greatness of the common man? What

life-affirming beginning of the story?

- At the heart of true greatness, as he wrote when something L.N. Tolstoy, - "simplicity, kindness and

Truth". In search of the “interior” Russia, the hero does not find the “ideal people”, but finds

a personality who embodies those values ​​that the mass of the people, alas, are losing,

but without which neither the village, nor the city, nor our whole land stands - the person of the righteous.

Matryona's world, environment. Matryona lives in a darkish hut with a large Russian stove. It’s like a continuation of herself, a part of her life. Everything here is organic and natural: the cockroaches rustling behind the partition, the rustle of which was reminiscent of the “distant sound of the ocean,” and the lame-legged cat, picked up out of pity by Matryona, and the mice, which on the tragic night of Matryona’s death darted about behind the wallpaper as if Matryona herself was “invisibly rushed about and said goodbye here, to her hut.” These are Matryona’s favorite ficuses. That “the loneliness of the housewife was filled with a silent but living crowd.” Those same ficus trees. What Matryona once saved from a fire, without thinking about the meager goods she had acquired, the ficus trees froze by the “frightened crowd” on that terrible night, and then were taken out of the hut forever... This artistic detail helps us better understand the image of the main character of the story. Matryonin's yard is a kind of island in the middle of the ocean of lies, which keeps the treasures of the people's spirit.

Slide 14 from the presentation “A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor””

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“The world around us, grade 3” - 15. Bees are bred: The world around us, grade 3, educational complex “School of Russia”. 1.What profession do people find mineral deposits in nature? 12.What does livestock farming give to people? 2.Which minerals are used in construction? 8.Indicate the line in which the fruit crops are correctly indicated:

“The world around us, grade 2” - Map is a reduced conventional image of the earth’s surface on a plane. Europe Eurasia Asia Africa Africa North. the continuous water layer of the Earth surrounding continents and islands. A continent is the largest piece of land surrounded by water. North America. I wish you success in your creative homework! M a t e r i k.

“The world around us 2nd class Transport” - Underground. Ground transport. Underground transport. Cargo. Freight transport. Passenger. Transport. Air. Special transport. Public transport. Air transport. Special. Water transport. Water. Ground. Types of transport.

“Nature around us” - Swifts. Lily of the valley. Protection of early flowering plants. Oak anemone. The snow is melting. Snow and ice are melting. Finch. The spring months are _______________. Birds fly south. I. Levitan. Spring comes to us immediately after ________. Tit. More sunshine. The clouds are moving faster. Thrush. What is the characteristic of early flowering plants?

“The world around us at school” - The principle of accessibility. Personal results -. Standard of education and technology of work on the surrounding world in 1st grade. The principle of integration involves the combination and transformation of information from different sciences. The fundamental core of education. Results of individual final certification. Modern principles of teaching the course “The World around us”.


(based on the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor”).

Lesson type : lesson-research


    help students think about such moral concepts as kindness, sensitivity, conscience, humanity.

    find out what qualities allowed the author to call the heroine the righteous woman of the Russian land.


    story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s Dvor”;

    portrait of a writer;

    audio recording of the story “Matryonin’s Dvor”;

    multimedia presentation on the topic of the lesson.

    printable table “Ways to create a hero’s image.”



Until the end

Until the silent cross

Let the soul

It will remain clean!

N. Rubtsov.

1 .Reflection. Creating a problem situation in the lesson.

Teacher's words to a slow composition.

One day, the residents of Athens, gathered in the square, saw Demosthenes walking around the city on a hot sunny day with a lantern in his hands.

- Why do you need a lantern, it’s already light? And what are you looking for? - they asked him.

“I’m looking for a man,” answered Demosthenes.

The Athenians were surprised and asked him the same thing a second time.

“A man,” Demosthenes answered again.

- A person? This is who: me, him, or maybe that one over there... - the residents of Athens laughed.

- I'm looking for a person...

So who do you think Demosthenes was looking for with a lantern in his hands?

(Remember that when answering questions you take the same tokens, the number of which will be used to determine the grade at the end of the lesson).

What qualities must a person have to have a name?

Man with a capital letter? How should he live? We will try to find answers to these and other questions from Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, because a real writer thinks about life, understands life and people more deeply.

2. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson(slide No. 1)

Working with an epigraph(write in your notebook - check at the end of the lesson ). - What is an epigraph? What is it for?

What is its meaning and how well it was chosen, we will talk at the end of the lesson, when we summarize.

3. Checking d/z. Content survey.

The cover of a book often speaks volumes about the content of a work. Over the years, the story “Matrenin’s Dvor” was published in various publishing houses. The covers were also different. (slide No. 2 - No. 4) Look (slide No. 5), Which cover, in your opinion, reflects the content of the story more clearly, more accurately, and more deeply?

What would you put on the cover if you were an illustrator? What are the most memorable episodes of the story that you would illustrate?

4. Working with the text of a work.

So, you have read the work, let’s turn to its beginning.

The narrator, returning from prison, decides to settle (“get lost,” as he himself says) “in the most visceral, shady Russia” ( slide number 6 )

Sl. slave.visceral – internal; horse-haired - the original one, who has preserved the old customs and foundations) and fate brings him together with Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva. (Divide the notebook into two columns: in the first you will write down Matryona’s character traits, in the second - ways and techniques for creating her image. You will make entries in the notebook throughout the lesson).

Remember under what circumstances does the author and readers first meet Matryona?

Why isn’t she one of the “applicants” who could have a guest? Does Matryona want to get such a profitable tenant? What does this mean? How does he explain the reason for the refusal?

For the residents of the village, Matryona is a useless housewife who does not have the opportunity to welcome a guest well in her neglected house. But the hero-narrator suddenly feels that this life is internally close to him - and remains to live with Matryona.

Why did the old peasant woman, a simple worker, attract the narrator’s attention? Let's get to know her better.

To do this, remember the ways to create the image of the hero of the work (table)

You will answer in groups.

5 . Work in mini groups, each with a task card

( cards included)

Please note that getting to know the heroine begins with her house, her hut (slide No. 7) Solzhenitsyn continues the traditions of Russian literature: the world of the Turbins in the play “The White Guard” was described by Bulgakov through their house; Sholokhov’s “Quiet Don” begins with a description of the Melekhovs’ house.

What is a hut? (slide No. 8), in which Ignatich settled?

Card: 1 gr. Interior as a way to create character.

- What is the hut in which Ignatich settled?

- What important details in her description does the author draw our attention to? - Who inhabits Matryona's hut?

- What portrait details does the writer focus on?

Card: 2 gr. Portrait as a way to create character.

- Is there a detailed portrait of the heroine in the story? What portrait details does the writer focus on?

- What means of expressiveness does the author use when drawing the image of the heroine? (fill in the second column of the notebook)

“Those people always have good faces, those who are at peace with their conscience,” the author directly states.

What is special about the heroine’s speech?

Card: 3 gr. Speech as a way to create character.

- Follow the heroine’s speech. What is special about her heroine’s speech? (pay attention to the tone, timbre of speech.)

- Give examples of her use of colloquial, dialect vocabulary.

- How is Matryona’s character revealed in her speech?

What is the heroine’s attitude towards the Orthodox faith? (1 column tetrad.)

4 gr. Attitude to the Orthodox faith.

- Find pages of the story that describe Matryona's attitude towards the Orthodox faith.

- What Christian commandments does the heroine live by?

How does a typical day go for Matryona? What is the meaning of her life?

Card: 5 gr. Life and life of Matryona.

- How does a typical day go for Matryona? What does she do?

- How do you feel about work? Does she have a way to regain her good spirits?

-What is the meaning of her life? Is she ready to help others? Does he ask for something in return?

- What is this quality called? (the first column of the notebook is selfless)

How do others treat her?

Card: 6 gr. The attitude of others towards the heroine.

- How do others treat Matryona:

- relatives,

- neighbours,

- collective farm board?

- “Matryona accumulated a lot of grievances that year.” What grievances of the heroine does the author talk about?

Matryona had to endure a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband, backbreaking work in the village, severe illness - illness, a bitter resentment towards the collective farm, which squeezed all the strength out of her, and then wrote it off as unnecessary, leaving without pension or support.

Was Matryona angry at this world, which was so cruel to her?

Matryona did not get angry, she retained a good mood, a feeling of joy and pity for others, a radiant smile still brightens her face (1 volume of books)

This is her world, this is how she lives. But the arrival of Thaddeus destroys the established way of life, peace, and silence. Why?

6. It is on this evening that Matryona fully reveals herself to Ignatich.

Dramatizing the episode.

Color painting often plays an important role in revealing the idea of ​​a work.

Think about what color do you think can correspond to each episode from Matryona’s life? Why?

7. Working with the textbook.

And one more technique, which we meet for the first time, is used by the author in describing the heroine. Open page 323 of the textbook, reading from the words “Noting...”, draw a conclusion: what is the basis of this literary device? (frequently NOT, what is it like? Does the author deny it? No, he claims it.)

This technique is called “affirmation through negation” (notebook)

Matryona does not feel sorry for the upper room; “it was terrible for her to break the roof under which she had lived for forty years,” writes the author. She clearly understands: “... it was the end of her entire life.”

What are the reasons for the death of Matryona?

So Matryona passed away. “A loved one was killed,” the narrator does not hide his grief.

How do people in the village react to her death?

And it turned out that Matryona was leaving this life, not understood by anyone, not mourned by anyone as a human being. The author admits that he, who became related to Matryona, did not fully understand her. And only death revealed to him the majestic and tragic image of Matryona.

8. Analysis of the ending of the story. There is an audio recording of the ending of the story as read by the author himself.

How do you understand these words? What is the meaning of the word “righteous”? (slide No. 9)

By the way, the original title of the story, given by Solzhenitsyn himself, was: “A village is not worthwhile without a righteous man.” (slide number 10) It was later, for censorship reasons, that it was renamed.

Can we call our heroine a righteous woman? (What entry did you have in your notebook in the first column?)

Now answer the question: “How well was the epigraph chosen for our lesson today?” Does it reflect the character of the heroine?

Do you think such righteous people are needed in our lives?

But you will answer this question at home, once again remembering those lessons of kindness, conscience, humanity that A.I. Solzhenitsyn taught us.

House. ass . (slide No. 11)

9. House. you received the task; After counting the tokens, put a grade in your diary for your work in class.

10. Lesson summary.

Relaxation. Take your desk neighbor's hand and listen to a song performed by your classmates, which, in my opinion, is in tune with the theme of the lesson (or the audio of B. Okudzhava’s composition “Prayer”)

The lesson was developed by Victoria Viktorovna Provozina, teacher of Russian language and literature, MAOU Secondary School No. 1 Art. Novopokrovskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Personal coordinates: 353020 Krasnodar region, Novopokrovskaya station, Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 32

e-mail: [email protected]