Storyline: love of life. The main characters love life

History of the story

The story “Love of Life” was written by American writer Jack London in 1905, published in a collection of stories about the adventures of gold miners in 1907. It seems possible that the story has a share of autobiography, at least it has a real basis, since the writer acquired considerable life and writing experience, sailing as a sailor on schooners and taking part in the conquest of the North during the days of the “gold rush”. Life provided him with a lot of impressions, which he expressed in his works.

Adding to the authentic reality is the geographic detail with which the author depicts the path of his hero - from Great Bear Lake to the mouth of the Coppermine River, which flows into the Arctic Ocean.

Plot, characters, story idea

The end of the 19th century was marked by a whole chain of “gold rushes” - people in search of gold massively explored California, the Klondike, and Alaska. A typical picture is presented in the story “Love of Life”. Two friends traveling in search of gold (and having mined a decent amount) did not calculate the strength for the return trip. There are no provisions, no cartridges, no basic mental and physical resources - all actions are performed automatically, as if in a fog. The hero, crossing a stream, trips and injures his leg. A comrade named Bill leaves him without the slightest hesitation and leaves without even looking back.

The main character remains to fight. He cannot get animal food; the fish from the small lake escape, despite the fact that he manually scoops up all the water from the reservoir. The gold had to be abandoned due to its weight. Bill's fate turned out to be sad - the nameless hero came across a pile of pink bones, rags of clothes and a bag of gold.

The story culminates in an encounter with a wolf, too sick and weak to attack a man, but clearly expecting to feast on the man's corpse when he dies from exhaustion and exhaustion. The hero and the wolf guard each other, because he is in equal conditions and in each of them the survival instinct speaks - the blind and strongest love of life in the world.

The main character pretends to be dead, waiting for the wolf to attack, and when he attacks, the man doesn’t even strangle him - he crushes him with his weight and gnaws the wolf’s neck.

Near the sea, the crew of a whaling ship notices an absurd, scurrying creature on the shore, crawling towards the water's edge. The hero is accepted onto the ship and soon they notice his strangeness - he does not eat the bread served for dinner, but hides it under the mattress. Such insanity developed due to the long, insatiable hunger that he had to experience. However, this soon passed.

The story is built on the opposition, first of Bill and the nameless hero, then of the nameless hero and the wolf. Moreover, Bill loses in this comparison, since he is compared taking into account moral criteria and is defeated, while the wolf remains on an equal footing with the hero, since nature knows no pity, just like a person brought to the last line.

The main idea of ​​the story is the idea that man’s struggle with nature for the right to exist is merciless, despite the fact that man is also armed with reason. In critical situations we are guided by instinct or love of life, and practice shows that the fittest survive. Nature does not know pity or condescension towards the weak, equalizing the rights of predators and herbivores. From the point of view of natural survival, Bill considered himself right in getting rid of the ballast in the form of a wounded friend. But it’s more important to remain human to the end.

Having stumbled upon the remains of his dead comrade in the tundra, he does not gloat and takes his gold for himself. He does not rush to the remains out of hunger (although the day before we see him eating live chicks), and this becomes the last, extreme manifestation of human dignity.

London "Love of Life" main characters their character and appearance and received the best answer

Answer from GALINA[guru]
In essence, there is only one hero - a gold digger,
who was abandoned by his friend Bill.
The hero of the story (we don’t know his name or occupation,
not even age), wandering through the deserted Canadian
land towards Hudson Bay.
They have been on the road for several days: “tired and exhausted
out of strength,
faces expressed “patient submission”,
“shoulders pulled heavy bales”, “they walked hunched over,
bowing your head low, without raising your eyes,”
they say “indifferently”, the voice “sounds sluggish”.
It seems that at such a moment they should support
each other.
The gold miner turned out to be a real person,
who found strength in himself
overcome the cold, and hunger, and fear, decided to
single combat with a wolf.
He also found the strength to part with the gold,
for which he risked.
All we know about Bill is that he turned out to be
bad friend: abandoned a friend after he
I twisted my ankle while crossing a rocky stream.
(One gets into trouble, and the other - Bill - leaves
his comrade, who were afraid that he would be for him
a burden
hoping that it is easier to save a life alone).
When the main character is left alone,
with an injured leg, he was overcome by despair.
But he couldn't believe that Bill had finally
left him because he would never do something like that
with Bill.
For the remaining hero, Bill becomes a target,
movement forward, towards life (“... Bill didn’t leave him,
he is waiting at the hiding place.
He had to think so, otherwise there would be no
there was no point in fighting further, all that was left was to lie down
to the ground and die."
And the man begins to fight for life, moving forward
to the hiding place, because there are "cartridges, hooks, and
fishing lines...
And there’s also flour and...a piece of brisket and beans.”
He decided that Bill was waiting for him near the hiding place.
And this hope helps him go, overcoming
terrible pain in the leg, hunger, cold and fear
But Bill betrayed him a second time. The cache was empty.
Having taken all the supplies, he doomed his comrade to
certain death
(“anguish appeared in his eyes, like a wounded deer,”
in his last cry “is the desperate plea of ​​a man,
in trouble"
finally, the feeling of complete loneliness is not only
on earth, but throughout the entire universe.)
But the man is trying to survive.
The author shows a man and an animal (wolf) in the struggle for
life nearby: who wins?
(the wolf symbolizes death, which trails after
for life. By all indications, the person should die.
This is where she, death, will take him.)
The man and the wolf are sick, weak, but still a man
The man turned out to be stronger. Thanks to the calculation
fortitude, patience, endurance and love
Towards life, a person overcomes fear.
“He knew he couldn’t crawl half a mile.
And yet he wanted to live.
It would be stupid to die after everything he
Fate demanded too much from him.
Even dying, he did not submit to death.
Perhaps it was pure madness, but in the claws
death he challenged it and fought with it."
(Bill turned out to be weak and could not overcome
fear, he feared for his life and abandoned his comrade
in trouble. Bill traded his life for gold).

Reply from Ami Vey[newbie]
The main character of the story “Love of Life” is depicted as a man who fought for his life until the last moment. In it we see that not only strength helps a person survive, but also his moral qualities. The main character understands that happiness is not in money, but in life itself and that life is the main value of a person - he throws away his gold. Having met his dead comrade, he does not rejoice at his death and does not take his gold, and having overcome the feeling of hunger, he does not dare to eat it. This episode highlights the victory of simple life values ​​over the lust for money. And whatever the second hero was thinking about, didn’t he understand that a dead person didn’t need gold.
The episode with the sick wolf especially impressed me; it showed us the strength of spirit that is capable of anything. The wolf, expecting the death of a person, pursues him, constantly reminding him of his presence. But the hero of the story does not give up, he uses all the capabilities of the human body and moves forward. The wolf is a hardy and strong animal with extensive survival experience, but a person, putting his life on the line, uses his will and thirst for life. The hero fought to the last and at the last moment, when he could give up, realizing his imminent death, he does not give up. Gathering his last strength, he bites into the wolf's neck and chews it. This is what fortitude means, it was the victory of man over the animal thanks to his strong love of life.
Reading the story “Love of Life” we understand how important the internal state of a person is, as much as possible, he cannot be defeated with a strong spirit. Looking at insurmountable obstacles, it is possible to overcome them thanks to your inner spirit and fortitude. But they can be so powerful that they can change the perception of the world. In some life situations, such as severe famine, people who survived it will remember it for the rest of their lives. But real people remain people in all situations, but of course everything has its limits. In the works of Jack London, real people never lose their moral qualities, their spirit remains strong in any trial, his images have all the positive qualities of a person. By reading Jack London's story, we cultivate our fortitude and learn to remain human.

The post was inspired by reading a short but very famous story by Jack London “Love to Life”. This story is one of the few representatives of foreign literature in the school curriculum that I read. Most likely the reason for this is the small volume of the story. I really liked him then.

Summary of Jack London's story "Love of Life"
The story "Love of Life" by Jack London is short (about 10 pages), so the summary will be very brief. So, two gold miners go to their hiding place for many days: they have no ammunition, they have not eaten for several days, they are tired and broken, but they need to go. While fording the river, one of them twisted his ankle and therefore hesitated. The other went forward without stopping, even despite the requests of his comrade. So the main character of the story remains alone.
The main character suffers deprivation, hunger, fatigue, pain, but moves forward, first trying to reach a hiding place where ammunition and some food are stored, and then he just walks on and on, without understanding the direction. He is pushed forward first by hunger, and then by a strong fear of dying from predators, and not from hunger. On the way, he eats berries, grass, and caught fish. He has less and less things with him: the blanket is used to bandage his legs, he loses his gun and knife, and he gradually throws away the gold he mined.

When the strength of the main character of the story “Love of Life” by Jack London was completely running out, he noticed that an old and sick wolf was following him, who did not dare to fight, but was simply waiting for the main character to die. They walk like this for several days until the main character notices a whaling ship. He strains his last strength and goes to the ship for several days, but cannot reach it. Along the way, he stumbles upon the corpse of his comrade, who took care of the bag of gold until the last.

Being completely exhausted, the hero enters into mortal combat with an equally exhausted wolf and defeats him. Finally, he is spotted on the ship and rescued. The story ends happily: the main character comes out of a fairly strong mental insanity and becomes a normal person, but for a long time he is afraid that he will again be left without food. But this too finally passes.

The meaning of Jack London's story "Love of Life" is contained in its very title: the main character overcomes pain, hunger, fear, despair in the fight for his life and wins!

Jack London's story "Love of Life" a must read, especially since it will only take 10-20 minutes. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story again. At the end of the post, I will unoriginally state that Jack London is a wonderful writer.

Reviews of Jack London's books:
1. ;
2. :
3. ;
5 . ;
6. ;
7. The story "Atu them, atu!" ;

8. ;
9. ;
11. ;
12. ;
13. .

I also recommend reading book reviews (and the books themselves, of course):
1. - most popular post
2. - no timemost popular post ;

Jack London's story "Love of Life" made a strong impression on me. From the first to the last line you are in suspense, following the fate of the hero with bated breath. You worry and believe that he will remain alive.

At the beginning of the story, we have two comrades wandering around Alaska in search of gold. They are exhausted, hungry, moving with all their strength. It seems obvious that it is possible to survive in such difficult conditions if there is mutual support and mutual assistance. But Bill turns out to be a bad friend: he abandons his friend after he twists his ankle while crossing a rocky stream. When the main character was left alone in the middle of a deserted desert, with an injured leg, he was overcome by despair. But he couldn't believe that Bill had finally abandoned him, because he would never do that to Bill. He decided that Bill was waiting for him near the hiding place, where they hid the gold they had mined together, food supplies, and ammunition. And this hope helps him walk, overcoming the terrible pain in his leg, hunger, cold and fear of Loneliness.

But imagine the hero’s disappointment when he saw that the hiding place was empty. Bill betrayed him a second time, taking all his supplies and dooming him to certain death. And then the man decided that he would make it no matter what, that he would survive, despite Bill’s betrayal. The hero gathers all his will and courage into his fist and fights for his life. He tries to catch partridges with his bare hands, eats plant roots, defends himself from hungry wolves, and crawls, crawls, crawls when he can no longer walk, skinning his knees until they bleed. Along the way, he finds the body of Bill, who was killed by wolves. Betrayal did not help him escape. Nearby lies a bag of gold, which greedy Bill did not throw away until the last moment.

And the main character doesn’t even think about taking the gold. It now has no meaning for him. A person understands that life is most valuable. Material from the site

And his path becomes more and more difficult and dangerous. He has a companion - a hungry and sick wolf. An exciting duel begins between an exhausted and weakened man and a wolf. Each of them understands that they will survive only if they kill the other. Now a person is on alert all the time, he is deprived of rest and sleep. The wolf is watching over him. As soon as a person falls asleep for a minute, he feels the teeth of a wolf on himself. But the hero emerges victorious from this test and eventually reaches the people.

I was very worried when I read how a man, with his last strength, crawls towards the ship for several days. I thought people wouldn't notice him. But everything ended well. The hero was saved.

I think that what helped a person survive was his courage, perseverance, enormous willpower and love of life. This story helps you understand that even in the most dangerous situation you cannot despair, but you need to believe in the good, gather your strength and fight for life.

Self-control and will to live. The story of the American writer Jack London “Love of Life” is part of the series of so-called “northern stories”. It was they who brought the author wide fame. The heroes of the stories amazed the readers. As a rule, these are ordinary and simple people. A miserable life pushed them onto the path of gold mining. Finding themselves in difficult living conditions in the North, they face many difficulties. Difficult situations test their humanity. Here you can always see what kind of person you really are.

The heroes of the story “Love of Life” also go through many tests. The search for gold forced them to wander for a long time through a foreign and uninhabited land. The heroes were lucky and managed to find the yellow metal. But for the author this becomes unimportant. The main theme of the story is the depiction of the return journey of people exhausted from hunger to the place of their first stop.

One of the heroes - Bill - acted inhumanely. His friend sprained his leg, and Bill left him in the middle of the river. Bill acted selfishly. He thought only about his own well-being. His comrade was left completely alone in the large “circle of the universe,” where there was “nothing but a boundless and terrible desert.” And although Bill’s friend was scared, he was able to find the strength to get out of this desert. The hero did not eat anything for a long time, was very sick, lost his way, but still he walked and walked on. What made him do this? Of course, not the thought of finding gold and money. A great love for life and the desire to survive gave him strength. “It was the life itself that did not want to die and drove him forward.”

The hero was able to realize that gold and life are opposite things. Bill chose gold and therefore could not survive, although he almost reached his goal. The heavy load took all his strength, and he became an easy prey for the wolves. His comrade chose life, and although in parts, he still got rid of the gold. Very often he was overtaken by moments of bitter despair, but they could not defeat the main thing in him - human will. Several times the hero came face to face with wild animals. When meeting a bear, he was able not only to look the beast straight in the eye, but also to growl, defending his right to life. Until the end of the difficult journey, “the most brutal struggle that ever happens in life” lasted. A sick man, walking on all fours, was waylaid by a sick wolf. But even dying, the main character “did not submit to death.” The very thought of being eaten by a weakened wolf was disgusting to him. He found the strength to cope with this danger. Enormous willpower and desire to survive were rewarded. The hero was rescued by people from the scientific expedition of the whaling ship Bedford. They only noticed him because the man was squirming and crawling against the background of a motionless landscape.

The struggle for life until the last second is the main idea of ​​the story. The author believes in the strength and capabilities of man. Using the example of the heroes of the story “Love of Life”, he shows that a kind, brave, strong and decent person will always find a way out of the most difficult situation.