Ugliest man in the world. The most terrible women in the world (photo)

What some people will not come up with in order to at least somehow outwardly differ from everyone else! Either they will dye their hair a poisonous green color, or they will make piercings in the most unimaginable places, or they will surprise passers-by with the most unusual modifications... Naturally, you need to respect the individuality of absolutely any person and accept him for who he is. But I would like to tell you a little about those people who are too different from everyone else and who bear the title “The Ugliest People on the Planet.”

1. Takes honorable first place Denis Anver, who is better known under the pseudonym "Hunting Cat". This man, at the age of 45, has already become the winner of the “Ugliest People” competition, because he really reminds us of a real unusual monster. His numerous body modifications: colored tattoos, pointed teeth, implants, numerous piercings in various places, ear surgery, sharp claws, a forked upper lip and a tiger tail, surprise all people who are generally far from people with a non-standard appearance.

2. I would like to give second place Eric Sprague, whom everyone doesn’t call “lizard man” for nothing. He is one of the very first people who decided to split his tongue, and judging by many stories, it was this man who introduced fashion and made this modification popular. Almost his entire body is covered with a monochromatic green tattoo, and his teeth are sharply sharpened. I would even like to scare you a little, because Eric has flint implants with which he can easily gore you.

3. I would like to present a bronze medal Kale Kawaii, who decided to advertise his salon in Hawaii in a very unconventional way. The man covered his body with tattoos by as much as 75%. Well, what can I say, a cut tongue combined with silicone implants, horns and a bunch of piercings really is a kind of self-promotion, because such a non-standard look attracts whole crowds of potential clients.

4. And here is the first woman on our list - Elaine Davidson. This native of Brazil loves to show off her tattoos (and she has as many as 2,500 of them) and extensive piercings. What can I say, because on her face alone you can count about three kilograms of excess weight - and this is no longer a joke! At the moment, Elaine lives in Edinburgh and says that she really wants to return to her homeland, but is stopped by the fear that she might not be greeted very joyfully, and indeed might be beaten for such a non-standard appearance.

5. I would like to mention one more representative of the fairer sex on our list - Julia Gnuse. This sweet woman was born with a terrible disease - porpheria, which causes blisters on the skin when exposed to sunlight, which often transform into scars. It was in order to somehow cover up these scars that Julia decided to hide them with numerous tattoos. After a decade, she is considered the most tattooed woman in the world, proudly bearing the nickname “the painting woman.”

6. But I would like to proudly give away sixth place Rick Genest. Why with pride? Yes, because despite the tattoos, for which the guy received the nickname “skeleton” (they completely repeat the human anatomy, thereby turning Rick into a real living skeleton), he is one of the most popular personalities on the entire Internet. After the sensational video of Lady Gaga, where Rick starred with the star and after advertising the foundation, the guy had entire fan clubs consisting of a huge crowd of female fans. At the moment, he is a sought-after model and one of the few who, despite his title, enjoys fame and uses it.

7. It is impossible not to mention Etienne Dumont- an extravagant literary critic who has long lived in Geneva. The man is covered from head to toe with a very complex tattoo, but that’s not all! Under his skin, you can see silicone implants that give his head a “horned” appearance, and five-centimeter rings can be seen under his lower lip and in his ears. But in addition, the man always wears classic round glasses - it is because of them that Etienne seems to many to be the embodiment of a maniac from some mysterious literary story.

8. You can't forget about Tom Leppard, a 67-year-old man whose body is 99% covered in tattoos. He spends his measured life for his own pleasure - enjoying books, lonely walks in the forest (though they are on all fours), avoiding the haste of modern society. Even among other people with non-standard appearance, Tom stands out for his extraordinaryness and non-standard behavior.

You shouldn’t think that these are all people who are capable of surprising the most ordinary passerby with their appearance, far from it. On the streets you can increasingly see bright girls who prefer tons of piercings, bright hair color and unusual clothes. Non-standard appearance is already a given, and on the one hand this is even good, because all people are diverse and show their individuality exactly the way they want. Therefore, you should be tolerant of any unusual manifestations, even in the appearance of another person.

Photos of the ugliest people in the world

The modern world is very diverse. It contains the beautiful, the frightening, the devilish and the divine. This applies not only to some landscape places, but also to people. Some suffer due to serious illnesses that cause deformities, while others are victims of a terrible accident or some other incident. But there are also those who decided to change to the point of real ugliness, just to be happy. Sometimes it is difficult to say who is the ugliest person and, often, it is impossible to accurately determine which of the ugly ones should be in first place.

Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy

Born in 1985 in Canada. He became very popular and gained the title of the scariest man because of the tattoos on his face. First of all, attention is drawn to the skeleton’s jaw, made “in its place”, dark circles under the eyes, and a dark nose with rings. All this makes the guy a real zombie. Seeing such a person at night is unlikely to be pleasant.

Elaine Davidson - female piercer

Brazilian E. Davidson received the title of the ugliest person on Earth. This woman has the largest number of piercings: there are nine thousand punctures on her body with a total weight of almost four kilograms. Surprisingly, Edein's husband does not have a single puncture.

The image was complemented by 2,500 tattoos. A woman runs a small aromatherapy shop in Edinburgh.


The first person to cut the tongue like a lizard was Eric Sprague. He cut the tip in half and daily stretched both halves in different directions so that they would not grow together. In addition to his tongue, Eric has an unusual appearance: his body is decorated with tattoos in the form of lizard scales. The image of the ugliest person is completed by sharpened teeth.


Another extraordinary personality is Marie José Cristerna, nicknamed the vamp woman. This Mexican woman grew fangs on all her teeth, had horn implants sewn into her forehead, and covered her body with tattoos. In addition, she pierced parts of her body, including her face. To complete the image of the vampire, she wears colored lenses: they add expressiveness to her appearance.

Picture woman

Among the ugliest people on the planet is Julia Gnuse or the woman-picture, the woman-illustration. She has the largest number of tattoos on her body. She was forced to have them done because of an incurable skin pathology - porphyria. For ten years, Julia covered her body with a variety of designs.

The tattoo covers 95% of the skin. Because of this, the girl was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world.

For many years, Julia fought the disease, but she was unable to overcome the disease, and she decided to hide the scars with drawings. In 2016, the woman died at the age of 48.

Lizzie Velasquez

Lizzie Velazquez received the official recognition of the ugliest person. She was born in 1989 in the USA. A woman's deformity is associated with two pathologies - Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy. Because of them, the body has lost the ability to form subcutaneous fats. Pathologies caused loss of vision in one eye. Despite her deformity, the woman leads a normal life, she writes books and travels around the world with seminars.

The girl was advised never to go outside or look in the mirror. There were “well-wishers” who told her to commit suicide. Fortunately, Lizzie turned out to be a strong girl and became a speaker.

Jason Schechterly

Among the nominees for the title of ugliest person is Jason Shechterly. The media has already called him the most terrible man.

Jason is a police officer. One day while on duty he was in a terrible accident. The impact was so strong that the policeman's car immediately caught fire. As a result, the man received fourth degree burns. To save his life, doctors had to literally remove his face. The officer underwent a skin graft, but not a trace remained of his sweet face.

One of the media published a photo of Jason with a new face, where he hugs his wife. For it, the photographer received a huge amount of money and several awards. Jason himself sued the publication and won the case. Now the media pays for its reporting by making contributions to a fund for burn victims. In addition, the court revoked the licenses of the newspaper employees who published the photograph.

Godfrey Baguma

Among the most terrible people in the world is an ordinary shoemaker from Uganda, Godfrey Baguma. He suffers from an incurable disease, but the man does not lose heart and considers himself very happy. Once he took part in an anti-beauty competition and, of course, took first place.

In 2013, Baguma got married for the second time. His first wife cheated on him and he left her. After some time, he met his second love and proposed to her. Godfrey understood that his native girls were unlikely to accept him the first time.

Over the years of marriage, the man had six children.

Yu Junchan

The list of the scariest people in the world includes the hairiest Chinese man, Yu Junchan. He suffers from a rare pathology - atavism, due to which the body is covered with long hair. The man is not particularly upset about being included in the list of the ugliest people in the world by nature. He gladly allows himself to be photographed, appears in various shows, and gives interviews.

Kala Kawaii

Another ugliest person on Earth is Kala Kawai. Once upon a time, he was unable to stop his passion for tattooing and covered 75% of his skin with drawings. However, it seemed to the man that this was not enough. He decided to complement the image with silicone bumps on the forehead, as well as attach metal horns, and made a snake cut on the tongue.

Tree Man

Indonesian Dede Koswara is on the list of the ugliest people on the planet. At the age of ten he injured himself in the forest. In all likelihood, some unknown infection got into the wound, which caused the development of ulcers on the lower extremities. Gradually they appeared on my hands. Over the course of several years, Dede observed his own transformation into a real monster.

The man cannot walk, he has lost the opportunity to have a family and live a normal life. In order to somehow support himself, he began working in a circus of freaks.

Doctors were able to remove some of the tree warts, but they soon reappeared. Dede lost faith that he could ever be healed.

Donatella Versace

Fashion representative Donatella Versace is among the top ugliest celebrities. She was attractive, but after an excessive amount of plastic surgery, the woman ended up in the ratings of freaks. The Italian has huge lips, unnatural thinness, sagging skin, and a terribly made nose.

Marilyn Manson

Shock rocker Marilyn Manson holds the position in the ranking of the ugliest people in the world. Few people have been able to see a rock star without makeup: every appearance in public is scary. It’s not for nothing that they say about this guy that if you see him on the street at night, you can die.

Clint Howard

The actor was always given the roles of scarecrows, for which he received decent fees. It was they who brought Clint success and more than one million dollars.

Evgeniy Bolotov

In the ranking of the ugliest people in Russia, first place was given to Evgeny Bolotov. He has dreadlocks on his hair, tattoos instead of eyebrows, and discs on his lips. The Perm designer claims that people are not intimidated by his appearance, but ask to be photographed with them.

Evgeniy is a real body modifier. It stretches the lips, nose and ears. He likes Australian platypuses.

Unfortunately, not all people on the planet have an attractive appearance. Some suffer from incurable diseases, some have been victims of accidents or other incidents. But there are also those who deliberately disfigure themselves, guided by the desire to be different from everyone else. They pay huge amounts of money to mutilate their body and become the happiest. In our review, there are 7 unusual people who were included in the ranking of the ugliest people on the planet.

Zombie fight

Rick Genest or zombie fight

Rick Genest gained popularity and the title of one of the most terrible people on the planet thanks to his extraordinary appearance, or, more precisely, the tattoos that cover his face. First of all, the attention is drawn to the fake teeth like a skeleton (in their proper place), dark circles under the eyes and a black nose with a ring, which makes the guy look even more menacing. Rick probably often hears the frightened screams of passers-by.

Woman piercing

Elaine Davidson - female piercer

The well-deserved leadership in this category belongs to the Brazilian Elaine Davidson. She is the woman with the largest number of piercings: on her body there are more than 9 thousand punctures, the total weight of which is more than three kilograms. Now Edain lives in Edinburgh with her husband, who, by the way, does not have a single puncture on his body. The couple are happy together.

Lizard Man

Eric Sprague - Lizard Man

Eric Sprague? the first man in the world to make his tongue like a snake's by cutting the tip in half and day after day stretching the halves apart so that they would not grow together. Almost his entire body is decorated with green tattoos that imitate the scales of a lizard. And sharpened teeth complete the picture.

Vampire woman

Marie José Cristerna or the Vampire Woman

Mexican Marie Jose Cristerna is very popular in her homeland. Thanks to her unconventional appearance, she received the nickname "Vampire Woman". The fact is that Marie grew fangs on all her teeth, then sewed implants simulating horns into her forehead, and covered most of her body, including her face, with tattoos and piercings. In addition, a woman loves to wear colored lenses, which makes her appearance even more expressive.

Woman illustration

Julia Gnuse was nicknamed the female illustration

But there are those who are on the list of the ugliest people on the planet not of their own free will. For example, Julia Gnuse is recognized as the woman with the most tattoos in the world. And all because since childhood he has suffered from an incurable skin disease - porphyria. This is what forced Julia to cover her body with tattoos for 10 years. Some compare the girl with painted dishes or a matryoshka doll.

The most terrible woman on the planet

Lizzie Velasquez officially recognized as the ugliest woman on the planet

Lizzie Velasquez, also against her will, was recognized by the media as the scariest girl in the world. This is due to a rare combination of two diseases - Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy, due to which her body has lost the ability to form subcutaneous fat. For the same reason, he cannot see in one eye. But, nevertheless, this did not stop her from leading a more or less normal life. Today, Lizzie is a motivational speaker. She travels around the world giving seminars and writing inspiring books.

Man without a face

Doctors literally removed Jason Shechterly's face

There is another person who, thanks to the media, received the title of the ugliest man on the planet. Retired police officer Jason Shechterly, while on duty, was involved in a terrible accident: a taxi crashed into a police officer's car. The blow was so powerful that it immediately caught fire. The policeman was not pulled out immediately. The result is fourth degree burns. Doctors, in order to save Jason's life, had to literally remove his face. It was this incident that gave rise to the Weekly World News newspaper to include the policeman in the list of the ugliest people on the planet.

Everyone knows the canons and generally accepted indicators of ideal human appearance. At the same time, there have long been recognized norms among people, to which specific parts of the body must biometrically and visually correspond. People with proportions as close as possible to ideals are considered the most beautiful and attractive.

But there is also the other side of the coin - when people look so unusual, special, and sometimes downright scary, which causes a certain interest in society. This can be caused by artificial changes in appearance, which a person can consciously undertake for various reasons. Or perhaps - the natural development of human ugliness, occurring due to mutations.

Mutations as a natural process

Scientists have proven that mutations are generated by freely drifting genes and develop as a result of abnormalities in intrauterine development. In this case, mutation is considered to be part of evolutionary development, taking the form of a one-time, conditioned deviation.

Mutations can be pronounced, affecting the appearance, limbs and other parts of the human body. There are options when the level of mental development in such cases is not affected, and consciousness remains full. But it often happens that mutations affect not only the appearance of external signs of deformity, but also directly affect internal development. Such children exhibit dementia and lag significantly behind their peers in development.

Mutations can be either congenital or conditional. The main reasons for such interference of nature in the natural processes of fetal development can be considered:

  • Congenital diseases transmitted by inheritance;
  • Taking the “wrong” medications during pregnancy;
  • Abuse of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products and chemicals by the expectant mother;
  • When the body of the mother or the fetus itself was exposed to radioactive radiation.

In addition, there is a fairly high probability of the birth of an inferior, mutating organism in people who are closely related to each other. It has been proven that incest directly leads to the development of mutations in the body.

Is the desire to turn into a “freak” a perversion or self-expression?

And yet, despite any canons of beauty and attractiveness, some prefer to approach the issue from the other side. People who do not stand out for their beautiful facial or body features strive to become the first on the other side of the list - turning into real freaks and mutants.

There are many people in the world who have chosen to change their appearance to a frightening spectacle. For example, this is “Cat Man” Denis Anver, who, thanks to his non-standard appearance and the many manipulations performed on his face and body, was recognized as the most terrible person in the world. Among the actions that he performed on his poor body are surgical operations, various tattoos, piercings and much more.

No less famous throughout the world are “Lizard Man” Eric Spraga with his tattoos and forked tongue, or Brazilian resident Elaine Davidson, on whose face alone you can count about 3 kilograms of piercing jewelry.

It is worth noting that most people, even in everyday life, strive to stand out from the gray mass, either by decorating or disfiguring themselves. External and internal beauty depends only on ourselves, and everyone’s personal choice is to create an image that is close to a person and his inner world. But you shouldn’t “overdo it” with unusual ways of “self-expression”, so that in pursuit of the attention of others you don’t become this same freak with kilograms of metal mercilessly piercing your entire body. Or a bunch of meaningless tattoos that leave no living space on the skin.

1. Hilton Sisters
Violet and Daisy Hilton

These sisters are Siamese twins. They shared a common circulatory and nervous system. This meant that they experienced one pain between them. The sisters were sold into slavery by their midwife mother, who greedily took advantage of their misfortune. They sang, danced, played various instruments in the circus. Their slave owner took all their income and forbade them to communicate with anyone. In the end, one lawyer helped them escape the shackles, and even bought back all the money they earned. The sisters continued to work in show business and at the peak of their careers earned $5,000.

2. Wild men from Borneo

These "wild men" were actually doppelgängers, mentally retarded dwarfs who had no hope of employment other than to entertain circus audiences. At the age of 26, they were purchased from their natural mother by a man named Lyman Warner. They were taught acrobatics and dances, with which they performed in front of the audience. Enslaved by the Warner family, they continued to bring wealth to the family for fifty years.

3. Woman doll
Lucia Zarate

Lucia was born in Mexico in 1864. She weighed 8 ounces and was 7 inches tall. She weighed less than a kitten. To this day she is the smallest woman on Earth. Arriving in the United States at the age of 12, she was the highest paid midget at the time ($20 per hour). Unfortunately, she died at the age of 26 on a train.

4. Texas Giant
Jack Earl

Al had a condition called acromegaly. Jack Earle performed in the circus with famous circus performers. He also starred in movies like Jack and the Bean Tree (guess who?). Despite the fact that it was difficult for freaks to find work, Earl showed everyone that you can use your extraordinary appearance in any profession. He was a salesman for a wine company and later became their PR representative. He also sculpted, painted, and wrote poetry (his book Long Shadows was published in 1950).

5. "The Hunchback"

Quasimodo is not a fictional character. The eponymous Hunchback of Notre Dame in Victor Hugo's story actually lived in Notre Dame. One British researcher found fragments of a memoir that told of a “hunchbacked stone cutter” who worked at Hugo Cathedral. It is not difficult to understand why he was given the nickname "Le Bossu" - the Hunchback.

6. The woman with the face of a mule
Grace McDaniels

This woman was born with a facial deformity that made many people uncomfortable looking at her. She was declared "the ugliest woman in the world." This is also a kind of achievement. Despite her appearance, she was a very good person. Grace got married and had a child who did not inherit her facial features, but he became a drunkard and a social outcast.

7. Jo-Jo, the boy with the dog face
Fedor Evtishchev

The boy, like his father, suffered from a rare disease - hypertrichosis. His father lived alone in the forest, away from people, so as not to listen to their ridicule. To earn money, he performed in the circus. After Fedor was born, they began touring together. Soon his father died, and the boy performed for a long time in shows organized by the famous American entrepreneur F. T. Barnum. Like a trained dog, Fedor could bark and growl on command, but he was not a dog. He could speak English, Russian and German.

8. Julia Pastrana

This girl suffered from hypertrichosis - her face and body were covered with black, coarse hair. Outwardly, Julia resembled a gorilla. Her height was a little more than 137 cm. Despite her deformity, Pastrana danced well and was very kind and friendly. She had a husband, Theodore, who bought her and taught her everything she surprised people with in the circus. Soon, Julia gave birth to a child who lived only 3 days, and she herself died 5 days after this event. Theodore mummified the corpses of his wife and child, and later their bodies were displayed in various Panic Rooms.

9. Schlitzi
Simon Metz

Schlitzi was very popular in the circus. He was a microcephalic - a man with a small skull and a small brain. His child's head sat incongruously on the shoulders of an adult. His brain was about 3 years old, yet he sang and danced like a 10 year old. Already physically an adult, he starred in the film “Freaks” (1932), then “Island of Lost Souls” (1933). After his death, Schlitzi became a true legend.

10. Caterpillar Man
Prince Randian

Prince Randian was an amazing man - he wore sleeveless clothes and no socks. He had only a head and a torso and looked like he was paralyzed, although he could light a cigarette with just his mouth. He had a wife, with whose help he learned to move. He became famous in 1932 after a cameo role in Tod Browning's film Freaks. Prince Randian lived to be 63 years old.