“Songs over Tsna” were played again in Tambov. Blue lakes, blue eyes I love blue eyes lake peaks snowy

I love Russian open spaces
Music by V. Levashov. Words by V. Kharitonov

I love blue
Lake eyes,
Snowy peaks—
Mountain hats,
And the waters are clear,
Melted under the sun,
I love light ones
The sunrises are scarlet.

Chorus: I love distant ones
Russian expanses,
The fields are wide,
The paths are narrow,
The fields are wide,
The paths are narrow,
I love distant ones
Russian open spaces!

I saw it overseas
The far side
With you, Motherland,
I was waiting for a date
See you soon
And inseparable,—
It wasn't on my heart
Wishes for the best!

And the songs are harmonious
Above the rifts,
Where are the youthful years
They passed as soldiers.
It's easy for us to breathe
Dreaming brightly
It seems far away -
And everything comes true.

Novgorod rowan trees
Music by V. Nikitin. Words by V. Semernin

There are plane trees on the planet,
There is an acacia and a rose,
There is an acacia and a rose,
Slender poplar and birch.

I love my son with love,
I love everything in the world,
I love everything in the world
Novgorod rowan!

Chorus: Oh, epic Novgorod,
Wonderful city of Novograd!
Inextinguishable rowan trees,
Good autumn rubies,
They burn in your wind.

Fate burned me,
How the enemies came to the Volga,
How the enemies came to the Volga
Yes to our dear Volkhov.
But she was everywhere with us
Novgorod rowan,
Novgorod rowan,
Like an unfurled banner.

I went through battles and thunderstorms,
I've seen different countries
I've seen different countries
But I won't stop loving
I will not leave my Russian heart
Our northern rose,
Our northern rose—
Novgorod rowan!

Valdai, my Valdai
Music by A. Titov. Words by I. Dremov

In Valdai, in Valdai
Sunsets and sunrises are good.
And the land there is forever young,
He greets everyone with affection and greetings.

Chorus: Valdai, you are my Valdai,
There is no more beautiful dawn in the world.
Wonderful free land,
Beauty, love of Russia!

The dawn turned red in the sky.
I met one girl.
From then on you became dearer to me,
Dear Valdai side!

Don't forget the long paths
That land of Valdai, dear to the heart,
What did the Volga give to Russia?
And she inspired me with love.

Gusli Ilmen-sea
Music by V. Grigorenko. Words by V. Semernin

Ilmen-sea blue,
Wide and deep
Rolls ashore with a wave
Sadko's sonorous gusli.

Chorus: Children and grandchildren of Sadko
The harp touched easily -
Sounded and sank
There is a Russian song in the heart,
Yes, so deep!

Geese flew into the reeds
And they sat down in a row,
And your harp sounded,
Ilmen-sea, above the water.

The Ilmen Sea was setting,
Putting a helmet on the wave,
Ilmen-sea gave
We have our own old tune.

Novgorod re-dance

What a beautiful summer evening!
Young people gather at dawn,
The girls' shawls are blooming,
Our songs sound cheerful.
Eh, we have good songs!
Even better is the Novgorod dance.
Come on, Russian, Seryozha the accordion player,
Our amateur rural artist!

Chorus: Eh, knock-knock,
The circle is small for dancers.
You won’t take our youth away, you won’t take it away!
The youth walked around and danced.

A young tractor driver came out into the circle,
How he whistled and stamped his foot,
Yes, he squatted in a circle,
I invited a Komsomol member.
Talked, talked, talked,
Yes, I didn’t receive an answer to my love.
And he went and started dancing,
He earned her smile at that very moment.

What a beautiful summer evening!
The youth do not disperse to the light,
Accordions are being played by the river,
The heels pronounce loudly.
Oh, you are our dear fields,
Dear, beloved land!
She stretched out on all sides,
The vast Soviet country.

Blue harp
Music by G. Ponomarenko. Words by V. Semernin

Where, where did you go, geese,
In what region are you looking for shelter?
The wing touched the blue harp—
You rushed off, and the harp was still singing.

They sing about things that are far, far away,
In another land where you are flying,
The human heart also yearns
And waits for attention and love.

You fly away, geese, fly away;
Bring happiness and greetings to people,
In the damp fog beyond the river, melt -
I will wave my hand after you.

But come back in the spring, geese,
And in the clear sky, in the Russian side
Touch the blue harp with your wing,
Give me back my love again!

Novgorod beauty
Music by A. Averkin. Words by P. Gradov

Lake Ilmen is deep,
The skies turn blue in it.
How blue-eyed are you?
Novgorod beauty.
Visible even from afar
How blue-eyed are you?
Novgorod beauty!

Is it the sun that is shining?
Either a light brown braid.
Oh, who doesn't know you?
Novgorod beauty.
Who doesn’t sigh for you,
Oh, who doesn't know you?
Novgorod beauty!

We stood next to each other to say goodbye,
We stood there for three hours -

Novgorod beauty.
I'd like to kiss until the morning,
Oh, how hard it is to leave,
Novgorod beauty!

Tell me, Ilmen
Music by V. Nikitin. Words by P. Suknov

To the gray-haired Ilmen
I hasten with questions:
Tell me is it pure
Who is he with on the boat?
On a self-propelled gun,
June evening
Came here?

Bewitched me
With great hope,
Yes, soon those words were easily forgotten.
You tell him
Like in previous years
Loved Lyubavushka
Guslyar Sadko.

May the girl's happiness
Covered with clouds
Them from the blue sky
Call me off.
Let my unfaithful friend
He will understand, he will learn
Boundless loyalty
Much love.

Music by V. Demidov. Words by I. Savinova

Sew me, mother, a sundress from canvas,
I will sew it with crimson silk.
Something is pulling towards you for a reason
Antiquity with epic beauty.

Why, I can’t figure out
Love the rooster flame pattern?
Sing me an old song, mother,
How the stars burn fieryly in the sky.

How many of them are there in my Russia?
Looks at night with motionless eyes.
Sing to me, mother, I will sing along to you—
We are not offended by the voices!

Somewhere in the burning depths of blood
I inherit from my great-grandfathers
The untold power of love
To my righteous Novgorod land.

Music by V. Nikitin. Words by P. Suknov

The clear moon illuminated the earth.
The accordion is not alone walking through the village.
Busts, busts
Past our window.

My darling walks ahead, playing,
They say: “Have dinner quickly and come out!”
Busts, busts—
My heart is jumping in my chest.

They carried me along the street to the river
High-heeled shoes.
Busts, busts,
What's a girl to do?

Over the river sonorous choruses fly,
I am more beautiful than all my girl friends.
Busts, busts
They tell me about love!

River Yarynya
Music by A. Khomyakov. Words by V. Sokolov

The ducks swam all summer
The ducks hatched their ducklings.
In the spring this place
The ducks will fly again.

Chorus: The Yarynya river is freezing,
In the middle is a hole.

Fishermen love the river,
The girls love her,—
On maple rockers
They carry the laundry to rinse.

You shouldn't go to the river
Rinse towels:
You will slip, you will plunge—
Can't find it until spring.

Don't go to the river either
To catch perch fish:
You'll freeze on the ice,—
Who will I love?

Oh, and I'm afraid to meet
On dangerous river ice.
Completely safe
We'll meet on the bridge!

Music by A. Khomyakov. Words by V. Sokolov

On a high steep bank
I still can’t wait for you.
Volkhov is sleeping, and with green fire
The spring garden is reflected in it.

Come, come, come,

I'll pick white bird cherry,
I'll call you princess
I'll call you Volkhova,
Listening to your gentle voice.

Volkhova, Volkhova, Volkhova,
Dear words for you.

I can’t find such words for another,
Only with you my heart is in harmony.
There is space for you on the white night,
There are too many ringing strings for you.

Come, come, come,
Wake up the Volkhov with your song.

Ivan da Marya
Music by N. Polikarpov. Words by V. Semernin

Above a quiet village
Geese flew by
Oh, the sun was shining,
Flooding the gardens.
And grew up in the village
Vanya and Marusya,
And also Ivan da Marya,
Yellow flowers.

Oh, over all Russia
The day is filled with sadness.
Oh, they hang in the clear sky
Black crosses.
I saw Vanya off
Girl Marusya,
And also Ivan da Marya,
Yellow flowers.

Evil enemy bullet
I tracked down Vanya.
Oh, the sky is shaking
Falling into the bushes.
Stained with blood
White dandelion,
And also Ivan da Marya,
Yellow flowers.

To the native land in spring
The geese have returned.
Oh, really, Vanya,
Won't you come back?
Where the tears fell
Girls of Marusya,
Ivan da Marya is blooming there,
Yellow flowers.

Music by P. Potapov. Words by N. Gleizarov

Like the warm tenderness of spring branches,
You come with no love,
You warm me with your smile,
Volkhovyanochka is my joy.

Blue clouds and golden sunrise:
The whole earth is your handicraft!
I am so glad that I met you in the spring,
Volkhovyanochka is my happiness.

You are strong at work and pure in soul,
You glorify your native lands with song.
You are my support, you are love and dream,
Volkhovyanochka is my song.

What's wrong with you, white birch?
Music by Yu. Guryev. Words by V. Semernin
(text in the collection)

Towards the stars
Music by A. Novikov. Words by V. Kharitonov

Our girls are back from work
And they look at the moon with curiosity:
Someone will return again from the flight,
Someone will probably enter the silence.

Chorus: A window is open towards the stars,
And the clock held its breath.
Somewhere an accordion is playing,
Somewhere the bass sighs, sighs.

The birch tree whispered something to someone,
For a long time a star was blinking for someone,
And prose became poetry,
And the trains were coming back!

The river was choked with the joy of meeting,
The lips said: “Please believe.”
Happiness probably touched my heart
So it’s impossible to take away now!

Oh, balalaika!
Music by V. Temnov. Words by P. Chernyaev

Dusk was gathering over the river,
The fogs were falling low.
As always, on the old bench
I played the balalaika.

Your strings are like nightingales!
Oh, balalaika, balalaika,
Oh, help me in love!

The summer night flew by quickly,
The dawn dawned.
The balalaika did not stop talking—
Vanechka listened to me all night.

I go, I walk with a balalaika,
But I know Vanya is somewhere nearby.
He's shy to come near me,
He won’t think of saying three words.

I became a sweet song to him,
A faithful friend, a bride.
So we walk, me and Vanechka,
And our balalaika is with us.

Chorus: Oh, balalaika, balalaika,
Your strings are like nightingales!
Oh, balalaika, balalaika,
Oh, it helped in love.

Five girls - one accordion
Music by B. Tikhonov. Words by B. Gaikovich and Yu. Polukhin

Night from the moonlit basket
Showers stars at random.
One accordion was captured
Five persistent girls.

We followed the song along the country road
And they circled without roads:
From a Siberian village
A boy arrived to visit.

Since then they have been gossiping around:
Like, the virgin land is far away,
But someone, not otherwise,
The guy will lure you to Altai.

And when over the trees
The smoke was left by the locomotive -
And so the village gasped:
He took five with him!

Music by A. Averkin, lyrics by N. Volkov

In a chamomile white snowstorm
The meadows fled from the wind.
The rockets looked at the river,
Where the haze of fog lay.

Chorus: Look left, right -
Russia has centuries-old space!
It’s as if the oak groves are standing sentinel,
Countries protecting peace!

The curly river frolics,
And a voice can be heard in her.
And somewhere there is a porch left -
Father's native place!

I'm walking in the open air,
I look into the endless distance.
I will not hide my filial love.
Life is not a pity for the Motherland!

Music by V. Levashov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov

I love blue lake eyes,
Snowy peaks, mountain hats
And the waters are clean, melting under the sun.
I love bright scarlet sunrises.

Chorus: I love the distant Russian expanses,
The fields are wide, the paths are narrow,
I love the distant Russian expanses.

I saw a distant side beyond the sea,
I was waiting for a date with you, Motherland,
See you soon and inseparably.
There was no desire for anything better in my heart.

And sonorous songs over the rifts,
Where the young years were spent as soldiers.
We breathe easily, we dream lightly,
Far away one sees and everything comes true.

Music by V. Litvinov, lyrics by L. Tatyanicheva

In a quiet park,
Near the new school,
He stands - an immortal private,
Slender and stern as a warrior,
With an uncovered brown head.

The sun is walking over the tall rye.
Rafts of clouds are moving slightly,
Girls bring from the Volga region
And they place flowers at his feet.

He looks at his peers, waiting
Sweetheart, I’ve been dreaming about it for so many years.
On a sultry afternoon
Gray-haired woman
She brought a bouquet of red poppies.

I measured almost the entire country -
To see a dear friend.
And sits, mourning, at the pedestal
Sweetheart, not recognized by him.

Music by B. Kiselev, lyrics by Yu. Lednev

You can’t forget your native village
By the river with an old windmill,
With a barley field, stepfather's shelter,
With an uneven dusty highway.

It is impossible to forget how we walked
With a trip to new cities.
Native villages helped
Work and study for us.

The village is harsh in its own way,
But we are old friends.
I never sat down with my native
You can't forget, you can't forget.

Music by V. Zakharchenko, lyrics by S. Khokhlov

Oh, yes Krasnodar region,
Oh, he's rich.
Oh, there’s a river across the steppe,
Oh, yes, he runs from steep mountains.

Oh, whatever the pole,
Oh, yes, crowned with glory.
Mother earth is the nurse,
Oh, yes, our eternal one.

Oh, you're a dashing Cossack,
Oh, yes, Kochubey’s son,
Oh, yes, in the anniversary year,
Oh, yes, I mowed a lot of bread.

Oh, the whole world surprised
Oh, the steppe has risen to the sun,
Oh, take it, country,
Oh, yes, our Kuban bread.

Music by L. Dmitriev, lyrics by V. Kuznetsov and V. Semernin

The tractors started humming in the morning,
Fields of dust opened up.
How grimy is that?
We have a tractor driver
Golden hands - first class!

Apparently, the guy has no time to sleep today:
The beauty of spring called him!
He is a hero of labor
Always young

How the native land is young1
Our entire village is proud of him,
The sun is walking happily in the sky!
And the earth hums,
And the fields are rustling -
They are waiting for the steppe ship!

Music by V. Sigalov, lyrics by A. Osmushkin

The whole world knows the spoons.
Our spoons are now Russian souvenirs.
Our spoons are now Russian souvenirs,
Decoration of many apartments.

Chorus: Khokhloma, Pskov.
Tula, Rostov,
Vyatka, Smolensk
Rustic spoons.
Bright, colorful,
Round, foreheaded,
Kind, patterned
Choice spoons!

We will meet friends with bread and salt,
Painted spoons - according to the number of guests.
Painted spoons - according to the number of guests,
Try delicious Russian cabbage soup!

And the concerts of our spooners
They bring joy and pride to people.
Bring joy and pride to people
Golden trills of spoons.

We say thank you to the spoon
Let's repeat this song again and again.
Let's repeat this song again, again,
Let us give glory to the Russian spoon.

Drawing. Arranged by V. Tsaregorodtsev

Oh, the Volga has flooded the steep banks,
Yes, oh, it flooded, yes it cherished, yes, oh, yes.

From Valdai you bow to the Zhiguli,
Mother Volga is free, oh, really.

Oh, many old songs were sung about you,
About you, about the Russian land,
And now we sing new songs,
We glorify your work and exploits.
It was not the mighty eagle that flew over you,
The mighty eagle could not see far.
Lenin is wise, Ilyich has seen far,
He defended our freedom for us.
We magnify the bright Motherland,
We glorify Lenin's party,
We praise the wide Volga.
Glory! Glory! Glory!

Words by N. Kool, arrangement by A. Shirokov

There, in the distance across the river, lights sparkled,
The dawn was burning out in the clear sky;
Hundreds of young fighters from the Budennovsky troops
She rode into the fields for reconnaissance.

They drove for a long time in the silence of the night
Across the wide Ukrainian steppe.
Suddenly, in the distance by the river, bayonets flashed -
These are White Guard chains.

And without fear the detachment galloped towards the enemy,
A bloody battle ensued.
And the young fighter suddenly lowered his head -
The Komsomol heart has been broken.

He fell near the feet of the war horse
And he closed his brown eyes:
- You, little black horse, tell my dear,
That I honestly died for the workers.

There, in the distance across the river, the lights have already gone out,
The dawn was flaring up in the clear sky.
Hundreds of young fighters in the camp of the Budennovsky troops
I was returning from reconnaissance.

Arranged by A. Tsibizov
(text in the collection)

Labor choruses. Arranged by V. Baranov
(text in the collection)

Arranged by A. Boldyrev
(text in the collection)

Plyasovaya. Recorded by A. Kvasov

Don't wake me up, young me,
Early in the morning,
Then you will wake me up
When the sun rises.

Yes, when the clear appears,
Morning dew will wilt,
The shepherd will go out into the meadow,
He will play the horn.

Yes, the shepherd plays well,
- Drive out the cattle
To a wide valley.

They drove you out onto the meadow,
We formed a circle.
One girl is cheerful
I went to dance in a round dance.

She dances, waves her hand,
The shepherdess beckons.
Here, here, shepherd,
This way, dear friend.

The shepherd danced for an hour,
I lost the cow.
He danced differently -
Lost three or four.
He danced for three
Yes, I lost my entire herd.

Don't wake me up, young me,
Early in the morning,
Then you will wake me up
When the sun rises.


Have fun
All our girlfriends
Spring is upon us, spring is upon us
Will he come soon?

Eh, spring is coming,
Oh, let the red one come,
Will hit
Frequent light rain.

Here's a fine rain
Will drive snowballs from the mountains,
Oh, let the snow drive away, drive away,
The frost drives away, after all.

Eh, it's freezing.
They will bloom in the field,
In the field, the flowers are all broom.
All broom and bushes.

Spring, round dance. Recording by E. Zasimova
(text in the collection)

Wedding. Recorded by A. Rudneva
(text in the collection)

Round dance. Recorded by V. Tsaregorodtsev

Oh, we walked until dusk,
Oh, the day has arrived,
Manenka day, short,
We walked in the woods, yes.
Oh, mannek, short day,
Oh, we walked in the woods.
We walked in the woods
We had fun in the meadows.
Oh, we walked in the woods.
Oh, we were having fun in the meadows.
They picked flowers for fun
And the wreaths were curled.
Oh, they decorated themselves,
Oh, it's too late to go home.
We sat down to rest under a bush,
They sang the song themselves.
Oh, we sat down to rest under a bush.
Oh, they sang the song themselves.
They sang the song themselves.
The nightingale was ordered to whistle.
Oh, they sang a song themselves,
Oh, they told the nightingale to whistle: -
Solovyushko, blow the whistle,
Young man, blow the whistle.

Lyrical. Record by E. Zasimova

It's not late tonight, but well done, well,
Oh yes, all night long, but he didn’t sleep.
And he didn’t sleep,

Yes, I didn’t sleep, I didn’t sleep all night,
Oh yes, Russian Kudertsy
And he scratched it.

And he scratched it
Yes, he combed his curls,
Oh yes, Pooh's hat
And he put it on.
And he put it on.

Yes, having put on a hat, well,
Oh yes, along the street
But he passed.
And yes he passed

Yes, along the street, well,
Oh yes, to my lady
And he came in.
And he came in

Yes, I went to see the lady, well,
Oh yes, on the porch
And he stood there.

And he stood there.
Oh yes, on the porch, well,
Oh yes, belly-heart
Yes, he indulged.

And he didn’t indulge,
Yes, my stomach and heart were relaxed, well,
Oh yes, dear lady
And he woke up.

And he woke up: -
Yes, get up, wake up, girl,
Oh yes, get up, wake up, darling,
You are my love.

You are my love,
Yes, listen, girl, well,
Oh yes, something people
They talk about us.

They talk about us
Yes, they want to separate you and me.
Oh yes, don’t believe it, darling,
Ali you are mine.

My darling,
Yes, they want me, well done, well,
Oh yes, for heaven's sake
Yes, they want to catch.
Yes they want to catch
Oh, they want to catch, well,
Oh yes, into the iron

They want to shackle me.
They want to shackle
Trim Russian curls, well,
Oh yes, like soldiers
Yes, they want to give it away.

The journey was long and it seemed as if it would never end.

Why did I decide to drive the car myself? - Georgia asked herself. True, she loved doing it and was proud that she was a good driver. Next to her is the Labrador Hamish, and he is the best travel companion in the world, except for his brother Noah.

It's already evening.

Georgia did not turn on the radio and enjoyed the silence and beauty of the landscape passing outside the window - a narrow mountain valley. The view was so stunning that she forgot about fatigue. Everywhere you look, everything is incredibly beautiful: sun-drenched blue lakes and mountain peaks, shimmering green fields.

Hamish perked up and stuck his nose out of the window, as if imagining how he would run around here.

What a contrast with the crowds in the London suburb where Georgia lived! She even forgot about her stiff back. After checking the map, and also remembering the exact instructions sent to her by email from her new boss, Georgia realized that it was not far to the Glentane estate and she would not be late; However, we had to make only a few stops during the entire long journey.

No wonder Noah loved working in such a beautiful place! - she exclaimed loudly, and Hamish waved his tail cheerfully.

The brother spent six months on the estate as a gardener-designer - he was hired to tidy up the park - and assured Georgia that she, too, would fall in love with Glentain.

Noah believed that it wouldn’t hurt for Georgia to leave the stuffiness of the city and the traffic jams on London’s streets for a while and work for Lord Strahan while his permanent secretary recovered from a broken leg. There she will relax among nature and enjoy the clean air.

But Georgia still had doubts. What will it be like to work for a person who, most likely, has never thought about his daily bread? And in general, in terms of his status, he looks like a feudal lord.

She never envied other people's wealth, she was just sometimes tired of her own struggle for existence. Although, undoubtedly, the owner of Glentain has his own problems, but... they, of course, are of a slightly different nature than hers.

The old Renault finally pulled into Glentain's yard.

Georgia, turning off the engine, leaned out of the window, looking with curiosity at the house - an impressive old stone mansion with high turrets, reminiscent of an impregnable fortress. She turned her head in the other direction, to where the lawns stretched like an emerald carpet.

Beyond that stood a brick wall, and behind it, probably, a park that her brother had been improving for six months. She was eager to look at his work, and not because Noah was her brother, but because, according to him, this park was of wondrous beauty.

Only now did Georgia realize how prestigious this job was for Noah. And now, after he had handled it brilliantly, on the recommendation of Lord Glentain, he worked on another large estate in the north of Scotland.

You can be proud of your brother, Georgia thought fondly. All her sacrifices were not in vain.

So, have you found us?

A sudden question interrupted her thoughts, and Georgia saw that eyes were looking intently at her, piercingly blue on a dark, sculpted, masculine face. She was so stunned by the beauty of this face that she was speechless, while the man looked at her carefully.

Georgia was not used to such “studying” of her person and internally shrank from embarrassment. Before she could answer, he opened the door and stepped aside for her to get out of the car.

Hello... - She extended her hand and immediately pulled it back, as if she had been burned.

How stupid! This is a polite gesture, not an intimate touch.

And he continued to look at her, and Georgia complained in her heart that her cream linen dress had become wrinkled on the road.

Did you get there well? - followed the question, in the intonation of which Georgia detected some kind of tension, and she felt even more awkward.

Yes, thank you. You gave very precise instructions.


I suppose you are the lord.

Yes. And you are Georgia... Noah's sister.

How should I contact you? - Georgia inquired busily.

I will be glad if you call me Cyrus, as your brother called me. By the way... you and he are completely different.

Yes, usually everyone notices this.

It's a pity that I'm so predictable.

Cyrus was a little surprised that their brief handshake made him excited. And now he couldn't take his eyes off her face. She was not at all like her brother - the blue-eyed blond. And for some reason this made him happy.

It was impossible not to admire her sparkling greenish-golden eyes, her face with gently contoured cheekbones and her smiling mouth. She seemed unusually beautiful to him.

But... we have to stop. He is interested in her professional qualities, not her beauty. He hired her because Noah assured him that if he was looking for a first-class secretary, he couldn't find a better sister than his sister. She is just finishing up her temporary job at an agency in the City and will therefore be able to come to Glentain straight away.

Cyrus absolutely needed an experienced assistant, since his secretary Valerie fell down the stairs and broke her leg.

There was a lot of business on the huge estate inherited from his brother Robert, and the next few days will show whether Noah Cameron was exaggerating his sister's abilities.

I assume you would like to go to your room and take a shower?

If you don't mind, I need to do something else first.

What exactly?

Walk Hamish. The poor guy has been cooped up in such a small car for too long. To be honest, I also want to exercise. Do you mind? We won't be long.

Of course. How did I not think of this myself?

Cyrus walked around the dusty car and pulled the door on the side opposite the driver's seat.

Labrador Hamish immediately jumped out and wagged his tail happily, looking at Cyrus.

Oh my God! He liked you! He’s not like that with everyone... he probably sensed your affection,” Georgia said with a smile.

But Cyrus did not know what to do: either succumb to the desire to pet the dog, or behave formally. He decided to show restraint.

It suddenly occurred to him: was it worth hiring such a charming woman? It is better to refrain from making friendly gestures if possible. Their relationship is strictly business, and if she is not suitable for him, he will refuse her without any remorse. And she won’t expect any mercy from him.

Just because he was happy with her brother didn't mean anything. James Strahan certainly wouldn't take that into account. It would be difficult to find a less compassionate and sentimental person than my father. And although he softened a little towards the end of his life, he did not become different, and his attempts to improve relations with his youngest son were late - however, as with the eldest, Robbie, Cyrus recalled with bitterness.

“I wouldn’t rush to conclusions,” he told Georgia and put his hands in the pockets of his summer cotton trousers, indicating that he was not going to pay special attention to the animal. It was enough that he allowed her to bring her dog with her. - The dog is just glad that he was released. You can walk him everywhere, but make sure he doesn't run around the flower beds. Are your things in the trunk? All the servants are busy, so I will take them to your room myself. She's on the third floor. I'll leave the door open there so you don't get lost. Lunch is at eight, it is advisable not to be late. Best wishes.

The smile disappeared from Georgia's face, she frowned and muttered:

Thank you.

And it seemed to Cyrus that he had deliberately deprived himself of something unusually pleasant.

Last weekend, Tambov residents celebrated the “Songs over Tsnoi” music festival. It is being held for the third year in a row. During this time he became truly popular.
Thousands of spectators. Several hours of live music. Favorite compositions performed by the country's best vocalists.
- During the festival, songs literally sound over Tsna. Even before the start of the gala concert, for three and a half hours, the best choral groups of the region performed popular works, sailing along the river canal on pleasure boats.
- I love blue lake eyes, snowy peaks, mountain hats.
The boat promenade-concert is a kind of prologue to the main event. Boats with musicians on board cruised from the lovers' bridge to the Parus beach, turning the Tsna canal into one big stage for several hours.
“Beautiful nature, wonderful people, great mood, very good impressions,” said Natalya Semochkina, a member of the Russian Soul vocal group.
- Vienna remembers, the Alps and Danube remember.
The gala concert on Music Square was opened with wartime songs. They were performed by the Rachmaninov Chamber Choir, accompanied by the Tambov Symphony Orchestra. By the way, the arrangement of well-known songs for choir and orchestra was made especially for the festival by composer Alexei Larin.
“I recently wrote to him that we will have a festival, we want to sing it, if instead of a string quartet a symphony orchestra plays a string part, is that possible? He says, what will the rest of the orchestra do? I say sit. But this is not good. Of course not good. Well, okay, although I really don’t have time right now, he has an international competition in Prague. But I'll do the orchestration for you. He made it especially for the orchestra and that’s why today there will be such a world premiere at the festival,” said Vladimir Kozlyakov, artistic director of the Rachmaninov Chamber Choir.
Also at the festival came the Kuban Cossack and Northern Russian Folk Choir, which the day before had participated in another festival thousands of kilometers from Tambov.
- Come visit us in the north. Come visit us in the north.
The famous Habanera from the opera “Carmen” was performed by the Bolshoi Theater soloist Agunda Kulaeva. This is not the first time she has participated in the festival. She admits that she has a lot in common with Tambov.
“On this earth I began my independent career as a vocalist. Here I sang a solo concert for the first time in my life in two parts, back when the Philharmonic was opened. For me, this place is like a second homeland, one might say. I come here with great pleasure,” said Agunda Kulaeva, soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
Popular songs by Soviet and Russian composers were performed by the country's best vocalists. The hours-long musical marathon ended only at midnight, however, you can listen to the music of great authors endlessly.