Igor Lastochkin: personal life, wife. Igor Lastochkin - details of the life of a bright person, family and career of a talented humorist Igor Lastochkin biography

Igor Lastochkin used to play in KVN, and now he is starring in the sitcom “Once Upon a Time in Russia” (TNT). Would you like to get acquainted with his personal and creative biography? You will find the necessary information in the article. All that remains is to wish you a pleasant reading!

Childhood and youth

Igor Lastochkin was born in 1986 (November 21). Its homeland is the capital of Uzbekistan - the city of Tashkent. Our hero's father and mother have nothing to do with the stage and humor. They are representatives of technical professions. What was Igor like as a child? He grew up as an active and inquisitive child. He had many friends and girlfriends.

In 1993, Igorek went to first grade. His parents sent him to school No. 110, located in Tashkent. The boy studied well. He attended various clubs. In the 5th grade I began to participate in school amateur performances. Even then, teachers noted that he had a good sense of humor. The scenes with Lastochkin's participation evoked a whole range of emotions in the audience in the hall - from surprise to hysterical laughter.

After graduating from high school, the guy went to the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. There he applied to the Metallurgical Academy. He managed to get in on the first try. In 2009, Igor Lastochkin received his long-awaited diploma. From now on, our hero could call himself a specialist in the chemical technology of fuels and carbon carriers. But he never had time to work in this profession.


At first, Lastochkin played for the teams “+5” and “Steel Project” (Dnepropetrovsk). And in 2008, a native of Tashkent moved to the Ukrainian KVN team. The guys received him well. And soon they offered Igor to become captain. The guy agreed.

Other projects

Performances on stage brought Lastochkin to the Comedy Club Dnepr Style. His jokes pleased the local public. Igor enjoyed success for some time. However, he wanted further development creatively. And in 2014, Lastochkin was invited to Moscow to film the sketch “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” He couldn't miss this chance. The television project “Once Upon a Time in Russia” turned out to be incredibly popular. 4 seasons of the sketch have already been filmed. Lastochkin receives a good fee for his work. He has already rented an apartment in Moscow and moved his family from Dnepropetrovsk.

Personal life

Our hero cannot be called a womanizer. From his youth, he strived to meet a worthy girl, marry her and live together all his life. And he was lucky to make his dreams come true. On June 3, 2011, Igor Lastochkin’s wedding took place. His chosen one's name is Anna Portugalova. This pretty and educated girl managed to win the heart of a former KVN player in a short time. His wife sometimes performs on stage with him.

On April 1, 2014, another happy event occurred in the comedian’s life. On this day, Igor Lastochkin and his wife became parents. Their son was born. The name for the boy was chosen in advance. They named him Radmir. The couple are planning to have a second child in the near future. They really want a girl.


We reported on where Igor Lastochkin was born and how he built a humorous career. The article also discussed his personal life. We wish our hero further development in his career and a happy family life!

Participant name: Igor Lastochkin

Age (birthday): 21.11.1986

City: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Education: NMAU, GITIS

Family: married, has a son

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Igor Lastochkin was born in Tashkent in an ordinary family. He studied at school No. 110, and after completing it, as a diligent boy, at the behest of his parents, he submitted documents to the Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.

The young man had an excellent career ahead of him - working as an oil worker, but already halfway through his studies, Igor realized that he had missed the choice of his future profession. However, he still received his diploma, because it is not in his rules to abandon what he started halfway.

While still in first year Lastochkin was offered to participate in the student KVN, he got the simplest role - he had to play a frightened student. Igor brilliantly managed to cope with the image, causing a flurry of applause.

As he later recalled, he did not play, but was really frightened by the huge hall and the attention only to himself. But the scene did not put the guy off; on the contrary, he became interested in humorous scenes and skits.

In addition, his appearance allowed him to play wimps and losers. Later, Igor tried on the images of tough guys, and they worked out even better for him.

After graduating from the Academy, Lastochkin already understood that KVN was not just entertainment for him- he moved to the “+5” team, then there was the “Steel Project”, within the framework of which Igor first appeared on the Moscow stage.

Later, “” was formed from these teams, and it was Igor who was asked to become its captain, to which he agreed without a moment’s doubt. In parallel with his career in KVN, Igor managed to take courses at GITIS, because he perfectly understood that for a creative profession he simply needed acting skills.

The guys successfully played in the Major League, but in 2011 the first defeat occurred, which Lastochkin experienced as a personal tragedy. But the comedian did not despair, he continued his creative path, and in 2012 he already became a resident of the Comedy Club Dnepr Style. From 2013 to 2015, together with “Lena” they were participants in the show “Country U” TET.TV.

Since 2014, Igor has been a participant in the TNT channel project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, for three seasons he has been actively playing as part of the former KVN players.

Lastochkin is happy with his personal life, because it turned out exactly as he dreamed - he has a beautiful wife, Anna Portugalova. Their wedding took place in 2011. The guys have a son.

Photo by Igor

The actor has an Instagram where he often posts selfies or footage from filming.

Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr) organization and ordering of performances on the official website of the agency. On general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr), conducting tours and performances, solo concerts, as well as hosting for private events and corporate events. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Igor Lastochkin. A promising and talented KVN player was born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on November 21, 1986. Igor spent his entire childhood in his native Uzbekistan, where he graduated from secondary school No. 110. In 2004, the future actor entered the Ukrainian Metallurgical Academy located in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, where he received a diploma of higher education. Lastochkin’s first humorous performances and his development as a comedian took place on the stage of the student assembly hall.

Creative achievements

At first, the artist became part of the Dnepropetrovsk team called “+5”, and later moved to the “Steel Project” team. In 2008, he was invited to the Dnepropetrovsk national team, and he happily accepted this offer. After a short period of time, Igor Lastochkin became the captain of this team and organized serious preparations for performances in the KVN Major League. As a result, in 2013 the Dnepropetrovsk team became the Vice-Champion of the Major League.

Thanks to Lastochkin’s efforts, the Dnepropetrovsk team has a lot of other awards: bronze medalists of the VUL 2009, winners of the Small KiViN in the Dark 2012, champions of the VUL 2012, participants of the Small KiViN in the Dark 2013, etc.

In addition to KVN, in the life of Igor Lastochkin there was room for other equally interesting, creative and humorous projects. For example, for several years now he has been a resident of the COMEDY CLUB DNEPR STYLE, on the stage of which he has given his concerts more than once and staged solo humorous performances. When Igor was offered to star in the Ukrainian sketch “Kraina U”, he did not hesitate to accept the order from the creators of the project. As a result, for several seasons he has been playing the role of a skeptical husband from a family that lives in Dnepropetrovsk. In 2014, the KVN member was invited to play one of the main roles in the Russian sketch “Once Upon a Time in Russia.”


Today, the humorous artist combines work on several sketch shows, continues to participate in various humor festivals and provides his services as a presenter. He easily copes with a wide variety of events, from corporate events to large family celebrations. Much more interesting information about Igor Lastochkin and his professional activities can be read on the official website.


Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr) ordering a presenter, agent contacts, organization of performances. For general and individual questions about organizing performances and ordering concerts for your holiday with the participation of Igor Lastochkin (Dnepr), invitations to corporate events, emcee for a wedding, anniversary, performances for a birthday, party, you can call us on phone numbers in Moscow +7-499 -343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40. Official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the contacts section.

Fans of humorous show programs are well acquainted with the artist and TV presenter Igor Lastochkin. Like many other popular comedians, he did not plan to connect his fate with stage creativity. However, chance intervened in the form of the popular student game KVN.

Today, Igor Lastochkin is a participant in many popular humorous projects. But he managed to win the hearts of viewers far beyond the borders of Russia and Ukraine thanks to his work in such TV shows as “Once Upon a Time in Russia” and “League of Laughter.” And in 2016, the actor also took on the role of a presenter. Fans of the humorous program “Make the Comedian Laugh” really liked the new season, which Lastochkin was offered to host.


Igor Lastochkin was born on November 21, 1986 in the city of Tashkent in Uzbekistan, and graduated from high school there. He received his higher education in Ukraine, graduating from the National Metallurgical Academy in the city of Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnieper). However, a career in this area of ​​industry did not attract Igor. Even during his studies, he realized that the choice was wrong, but still decided not to give up what he had started. In addition, a very serious hobby kept him at the academy.


Already in his first year, Igor was lucky enough to gain some stage experience by participating in the student KVN of his university. Despite the fact that the role of the worried nerd was very small and without words, he played it very naturally, which delighted the jury. The secret of such brilliant acting became known to his teammates much later. It turns out that Igor Lastochkin was so excited about his debut that he didn’t have to pretend to do anything, so his character’s emotions turned out to be real.

Throughout his student years, Igor continued to play in KVN. The roles became more interesting and responsible, and KVN turned from youthful entertainment into a real hobby. As part of the Dnepropetrovsk teams “+5” and “Steel Project”, Igor Lastochkin tried his hand at the big KVN stage. In 2008, he joined the national team, where the talented budding player was received very warmly by his teammates, and was subsequently offered to become captain. Improvisation was his strong point, which later became very useful in captain's competitions.

Creative path

After graduating from university in 2009, Igor Lastochkin did not go to work in his specialty. The stage became his main calling. But despite the fact that Igor’s career as an experienced kaveen player was going uphill, he understood that in order to further develop his creative potential he would need the skills of a professional actor. Therefore, without interrupting his participation in games, he took courses in performing arts at GITIS.

The successful experience of participating in the games of the KVN Major League became for Igor a pass into the world of show business. So, in 2012 he became a resident of the Comedy Club Dnepr Style, and in 2013 he starred in the comedy sitcom “Kraina U”. And from 2014 to this day, he has been taking part in the popular television project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, where, thanks to his acting talent, he embodies various images in the frame. And also since 2015, Lastochkin has been a playing mentor in the Ukrainian comedy show “League of Laughter.” According to its terms, teams compete in various competitions and numbers, and coaches help them. Thanks to this project, Igor once again had the opportunity to show off the skills he acquired over the years of playing KVN. Participating in the performances of his wards, the Ghost Rider team, Lastochkin more than once helped them achieve high results. Thus, the number “A Fly Landed on an iPhone” caused a storm of applause in the hall and the delight of the jury, which, it must be said, consists of mentors of the rival teams. In 2016, Lastochkin became the new host of the humorous television program “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Personal life

In 2011, Igor married Anna Portugalova, who is not only his lover and homemaker, but also a creative colleague. Spouses sometimes work on stage in general reprises. In 2014, there was an addition to the Lastochkin family - a son, Radmir, was born. Despite his busy schedule, Igor spends a lot of time with his family, as evidenced by the photographs that he regularly posts on his Facebook page.

Igor Lastochkin is a famous showman and TV presenter, a member of the Major League of KVN, a mentor in the “League of Laughter” and simply an extraordinary creative person. A failed oil worker, but a golden artist, Igor is cheerful and smart, he is a charming and extraordinary personality, supported by a large army of fans, multiplying his talent and growing every day.


The famous comedian and humorist in Ukraine and Russia, Igor Sergeevich Lastochkin, was born on November 21, 1986 in Shykment, one of the largest cultural centers in Kazakhstan. Nationality, according to Igor, is a state of mind, not a place of birth, which is why he considers Ukraine his homeland. Lastochkin is the real surname on the passport, due to which in childhood the short, artistic boy could boast of a lot of nicknames: Dwarf, Pchelkin, Ptitsin, Mukhin, Ptashkin, Bird, Strekozkin. Charming Igor grew up to the happiness of his family and delighted his mother with his creative abilities.

The Lastochkin family moved to the Uzbek capital of Tashkent when the boy was 7 years old. Starting from the first grade, Igor’s mother involved him in all sorts of activities. When friends were simply telling jokes in the company of Lastochkin, he also showed them. In an interview, Igor notes that he always loved television, which was so enticing that it forced him to memorize all the commercials, and the programs “Finest Hour”, “Call of the Jungle” and “In the Animal World” were the child’s favorites. Of course, watching KVN games was the best pastime for Igor, he knew them by heart! Lastochkin’s favorite KVN teams are “Ural Dumplings” and “Narts from Abkhazia”.

In 1996, Lastochkin first encountered a poor financial situation in his family, and despite his young age of ten, he realized that he had to work. Igor worked as a waiter and loader, at a gas station, pumping gasoline, and baked cakes according to his grandmother’s recipe, which he later sold at the market. Thanks to perseverance, hard work and unsurpassed desire, Lastochkin can now boast of his merits and achievements, finding himself on the other side of the screen, which he himself looked at as a child with delight in children’s eyes.

In 2004, Igor successfully graduated from school No. 110 named after. Taras Shevchenko. The educational institution received its Ukrainian name for a reason: after the earthquake in 1967, Tashkent was rebuilt by the entire Union and it was the Ukrainians who built this school. Igor says that he especially remembered his school years with a colorful, beautiful panel depicting a kobzar with a bandura.


The future artist and presenter, and now only a mischievous and extraordinary school graduate, soon left the country with his mother and moved to Dnepropetrovsk, due to Igor’s admission to the State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. My mother still lives in Dnepr, my brother, after studying in Dnepropetrovsk, returned to Russia, to his father. When choosing a specialty for Igor, the advice of his parents was decisive. The family said that all the money was in the energy sector, so Lastochkin entered the specialty “Chemical Technology of Fuel and Carbon Carriers”, in the hope of becoming an oil tycoon, which he failed greatly. Instead of oil, Igor studied coke ovens, he was completely disillusioned with the profession, but he had more free time to attend such interesting events as KVN. Igor, however, became a coke chemist; he was not used to giving up what he started; in 2009, the guy became a certified specialist.

Studying at the academy became a springboard in Lastochkin’s career as an artist, because it was participation in the KVN student team that showed Igor in the right direction, which led him to brilliant success. Igor’s first performance was called “Freshman”, he played an exceptionally frightened young man, from whose lips not a single phrase escaped. Despite natural stage fright, which he didn’t even have to act with, Igor caused a stir and delight among the audience with his funny role in miniature, which was remembered by many.

Igor is credited with participating in the Dnepropetrovsk teams “Plus 5” and “Steel Project”, and in 2008 he joined the ranks of the “Dnepropetrovsk National Team”. Lastochkin participated in the development, was the author and actor of the productions. Igor Lastochkin’s debut performance took place in Sochi at the Voting KiViN 2010, where he acted as team captain. They did not win, reaching only the semi-finals, but Konstantin Ernst noted the “Team of Dnepropetrovsk”, and with the light hand of the jury, the team took part in the special program “KVNu - 52”, thus for the first time since 1997 a Ukrainian team played in the final of the Major League. Having shared second place in the final with the “Kamyzyak Territory KVN Team”, the team became vice-champion of the Major League 2013. The best and main trump card of the “Dnepropetrovsk Team” is a series of miniatures “Igor and Lena”, in which the relationship between husband and wife, roles they are performed by Igor Lastochkin and Vladimir Borisov.

In parallel with playing in KVN, in 2011 Igor completed acting courses at Europe's largest theater educational institution, which is located in Moscow, the Russian Institute of Theater Arts.

In 2012, comedian Igor Lastochkin began to be noticed; the artist was invited as a resident of the Comedy Club Dnepr Style.

In 2013, he takes part in the Ukrainian sketch comedy series of the 95th quarter “Kraina U” on the TET channel, in which the actors are the most outstanding artists from various KVN teams. Igor starred in scenes together with Borisov, playing out the family life of the married couple “Igor and Lena”, acquaintances from the days of “Dnepropetrovsk National Team”.

From 2014 to 2017, Lastochkin starred in the entertainment program “Sense of Humor” on Channel One and the television program “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” produced by the Russian channel TNT. The show brought great popularity to the artist; his latest project includes small satirical and humorous selections that highlight social topics that are close to everyone. In “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” Olga Kartunkova plays in tandem with Lastochkin, together they show humorous mini-masterpieces that many viewers remember for their sharp humor and liveliness: a plastic surgery clinic, a date with mom, a deputy and a barmaid. At the same time, until 2015, the talented performer plays the role of Ilya Muromets in the Ukrainian humorous series “Kazki U” and “Kazki U Kino”, which are produced by the studios “Kvartal-95” and “Drive Production”.

The comedian reaches the peak of fame, and is invited as a coach to the Ukrainian humorous TV show “League of Laughter”, which only confirmed his talent and brilliant ability to fill people with laughter. The show is created in the format of a humorous competition in which groups compete with each other, demonstrating skits or improvisations. Under the leadership of Igor Lastochkin there were three teams: “Transparent Rider” (Odessa), “Stoyanovka” (Moldova) and “Zagoretskaya Lyudmila Stepanovna” (Lvov). With the help of their artistic handler, they became champions in both 2016 and 2017. Impressing the audience as a judge and mentor, the diminutive but surprisingly charismatic Lastochkin brought the debutant teams, one of which was the mysterious and cosmic “invisible” Mark Kutsevalov, and the second, the extravagant “ZLS”, to the cup.

In 2016, Igor Lastochkin became the host of the new season of the program “Make a Comedian Laugh” on the “1+1” channel, and the artist coped with this task successfully, providing an excellent rating. The charming comedian was liked by the audience, among whom even more fans appeared.

From 2017 to now, Igor has been taking part in two Ukrainian projects as an actor and presenter: “Hotel Galicia,” a combination of comedy and mystical genres, and “Games of Jokes.” Humorous and entertaining shows are broadcast on the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”, produced by the studios “Kvartal-95” and “Drive Production”. In 2018, Igor took the baton from Anita Lutsenko to participate in the second season of the legendary updated dance show “Dancing with the Stars.”

  • Igor Lastochkin's height is 170 cm.
  • The artist loves active recreation: windsurfing, quad biking, cycling, running, swimming.
  • Igor dreams of playing a real role in a feature film or becoming a producer.
  • Favorite game is paintball.
  • One day, having met him on the street, fans presented Igor with a cake as a gift.
  • Lastochkin has not drunk alcohol since his student days, when his eyesight began to deteriorate. As a result, the comedian read various materials and realized: the more you pollute your body, the more irreversible the processes.
  • His zodiac sign is Scorpio.

Personal life

The chosen one and wife of the Ukrainian comedian is Anna Romanovna Portugalova, born in May 1986, a financier by education. One day they met by chance in a student dormitory, and after five years of relationship, Igor decided to propose to his beloved and got married. The couple's wedding took place on June 3, 2011. Three years later, on April 1, 2014, Igor Lastochkin became the happy father of his first child, his son was named Radmir.

The showman's wife and child lived for some time in the city of Kamensky, and Igor himself worked in Kyiv and Moscow, so he lived in three cities. Now the Lastochkin family has an apartment in Kyiv, where they have successfully moved, but Igor is not very happy with the capital: “To be honest, I don’t really like living in Kyiv itself - there is a large concentration of people, cars, factories, garbage bins... Here you can fall into trouble I get depressed very quickly. So if you have the opportunity to live outside the city, you should do it.”

Anna often takes part in her husband’s productions, so you can often see the couple performing on stage in a duet.


  • 2009 - Third place in the season Ukrainian Higher League of KVN;
  • 2012 - Small KiViN, Champion of the Higher Ukrainian League of KVN;
  • 2013 - Maly KiViN, Vice-champion of the Major League;
  • 2016 - Coach-champion of the second season of “League of Laughter”;
  • 2017 - Coach-champion of the third season of “League of Laughter”.

The showman boldly entered the territory of Ukrainian television and won the lion's share of fans, creating magnificent and funny miniatures, skits and jokes that cannot but bring a sincere smile to faces. A two-time champion coach, a popular showman, presenter and comedian, Igor Lastochkin is a good example of an artistic personality, a wonderful sense of humor, a talented author and a loving father, traits that he perfectly combines and cherishes in himself.