Are computer games beneficial or harmful? Why the Internet and computer games are dangerous

Which reign in society and which are quite far from reality. Now let’s look at 7 useful properties of computer games:

1. Increase self-esteem, make a person more self-confident and purposeful.

A few years ago, Mark Griffiths, a scientist at Trent University in Nottingham, decided to find out what benefits games could bring. The scientist conducted a study in which he found out that games develop self-confidence. According to the scientist, "When you win a game, you feel good - and it boosts your self-esteem."

Robin Rosenberg, a scientist from Stanford University in California, came to the same conclusion. Research results have shown that games in which people play the role of superheroes help them be more useful to society in real life.

2. Gamers improve their English proficiency through games.

World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and other similar action and shooters help popularize the English language. For example, one study in Sweden found that youth who play computer games communicate online in English (written or spoken) for about 10-12 hours a week. Moreover, games often use spoken language with expressions and words that are not found in either the general school or university curriculum.

3. Computer games are a source of new knowledge.

A survey of the creators of the popular game WOT (popularly known as “tanks”) showed that players became more interested in military history, including tank building, as a result of which they began to visit museums and thematic exhibitions more often. And, importantly, not alone, but together with their spouses and children.

Another WOT player under the nickname Swordman writes: “I personally feel sad: when you watch old war films, you immediately notice that instead of German tanks, ours only have a square body kit made of painted wood. I didn’t notice it before, but now even on the skating rinks everything is immediately visible.”

4. Games improve coordination and memory, develop logical thinking.

The best proof of this is the fact that some schools in Europe use computer games (for example, Minecraft) to develop children's motor skills and logical thinking, and many surgeons prefer to play shooters to train motor coordination.

On the WOT forum, one of the players (under the nickname Asasinhope) wrote that his passion for games even saved his life: “I bounced off a car whose wheel came off, I think purely because of the reaction I acquired in shooters.”

5. Thanks to games, you can meet new people and even find your soul mate.

It's not true that avid gamers are people who are disconnected from real life. On the contrary, they are more active socially than many “non-gamers”. For example, research by the American Entertainment Computer Association showed that the majority of gamers regularly play sports, read the latest news in newspapers or online, engage in creative activities, and regularly visit movies, theaters and museums. Agree, it doesn’t look like social isolation at all.

On the already well-known “tankers” forum, a player under the name AmberMind writes: “Based on personal experience, in an online game you can really meet very responsive people who will come to the rescue in difficult times. This is cool! By the way, there are also plenty of examples where dating in games led to the creation of happy families.”

6. Shooters and action games are a great way to throw out negativity and aggression.

Research shows that games help patients distract themselves from pain, and when aggression and negativity accumulate in real life, this is an excellent opportunity to throw it out virtually.

And here is an example from life. Mrtimoxa, an avid tanker writes: “I play after work. a couple of hours - and all the aggression accumulated during the day goes away. I found a friend in a random house, it turned out we live in neighboring areas, now we periodically go bowling.”

7. Computer games develop creativity and imagination.

By performing various tasks and finding possible ways to solve problems, a person develops his creative thinking and the ability to think outside the box.

TotalDespair, a WOT player, believes that “strategic and tactical games develop global thinking, you pay more attention to detail. For people in creative professions, games are sometimes a source of inspiration, just like music, books, and films. And also, in my case, team play (in the realities of WoT, I mean a platoon) is an extra reason to communicate with friends, with whom it is not always possible to maintain regular communication geographically.”

The main danger of computer games is gaming addiction. This is a real mental disorder that requires medical intervention. A person who succumbs to addiction lives in virtual reality, only going offline for a short time. One of the most extreme degrees of addiction is loss of appetite. This is when a person does not want to leave games for the sake of eating. Also the person lacks sleep, so the person refuses to sleep too. Usually this addiction begins very safely and quietly, without arousing any suspicion. The harm from computers is especially noticeable for teenagers. Their psyche is influenced by games, because children do not know when to stop and do not sense time. It always seems to them that they spent a couple of minutes at the computer.

How can games of different genres be dangerous?

Shooting games. They are the most dangerous, because the gaming addiction that they generate is accompanied exclusively by aggression and bitterness. And this is not surprising, because a person who shoots other people will not always be a kind person from the heart. Action games, racing games and flying games are also harmful. Of course, they are not characterized by aggression, but they require attention and are very addictive. It's really hard to tear yourself away from these games. Well, in the material and, of course, in the mental sense, games are very dangerous.

Among other things, sitting at a computer can cause negative consequences: problems with weight, vision, musculoskeletal system, and hands.

The benefits of games

Based on all of the above, you can begin to doubt - is there such a thing? Without a doubt, there is!

It is worth paying special attention to computer games that develop logic, thinking, intelligence, memory and other qualities. These are rebuses, logic games and puzzles. Of course, strategies occupy a special place among games. They do not require attention, stress or speed. They are designed to last for a really long time. Such games can be interrupted at any time without the risk of being eaten or killed.

With the help of computer games, you can develop your knowledge in a particular area, develop hand motor skills, or learn numbers and letters. With the help of computer games, you can unobtrusively teach your child languages ​​and develop his “limping” abilities or qualities. But we shouldn’t talk only about children, because there are benefits for adults too. For example, it is relaxation after a long day of work. A couple of hours after work is the very norm that must be observed in order not to become addicted.

Have you ever thought that computer games can be useful for your children? Oddly enough, shooters and adventure games can also benefit your child.

Unexpected effect

Any sensible parent today will tell you that computer toys are very harmful. First of all, many believe that endless sitting in front of a monitor causes vision deterioration, and children become victims of physical inactivity with all the ensuing negative consequences: obesity, cardiovascular diseases, curvature of the spine and others.

Of course, there is a rational grain in this. Indeed, excessive computer use is harmful to a child’s health, and it’s hard to argue with that. But on the other hand, everything, any abuse is harmful. Be it morning exercises or a fanatical passion for a healthy lifestyle. Does this mean that computer games in optimal dosage can be beneficial? You will be surprised, but there are undeniable benefits here too!

What are the advantages?

Scientists who carefully observed children playing noted that computer games develop fine motor skills. This is facilitated by the need to control the mouse or joystick. At the same time, the nervous system is trained. A child playing computer games has a good reaction and also perfectly captures and correlates visual signals. Thus, large-scale studies were recently conducted at the University of Rochester, which showed that the visual response of “gamers” is much better than that of those observed in the control group (students who do not play computer games). In addition, those who play computer games process visual information much faster. It's all about rapidly changing multi-colored pictures, details that the gamer must carefully monitor. Thus, constant training and adaptation of the visual analyzer occurs.

Reader Questions

Hello. I am 22 years old 18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello. I am 22 years old. For the last week I have been having regular headaches on the right side of the back of my head. I had never experienced headaches before. Since, due to my profession, I spend up to 18 hours a day in front of the computer, the first thing I did was a complete eye examination, the diagnosis was dry eye syndrome and everything else was fine. What is the cause of these pains? For the first time she appeared abruptly, during sex.

As for excess weight, which, as is commonly believed, increases while using the computer, not everything is so simple here. In particular, scientists from Hong Kong noticed an interesting “detail”. It turns out that weight gain is not so much due to sitting in front of the monitor, but due to eating fast food at this time. Often, in front of the computer, children are addicted to chips, cola, and sweets, but adults are not averse to indulging in beer.

In addition, it is worth noting that among the endless variety of computer games, there are many games where the child needs to be smart and “turn on” logic, which will have a positive impact on the development of your child.

Among other things, it is worth noting that a computer game is also an opportunity for parents to relax or quietly do household chores. Your child will be busy for some time, and will definitely not disturb you, since he will have to cope with more serious tasks in the virtual world.

Be vigilant

Well, now let’s talk about the common harmfulness of computer games. You, as a parent, should ensure that your child does not play violent games, as such hobbies can teach him to become cruel and violent. If you notice that your child becomes aggressive after playing computer games, sound the alarm. It is best to consult a psychologist in order to competently solve this problem and not worsen the situation.

When sitting at a computer for a long time, the eyes become overtired, which eventually leads to decreased vision. In addition, prolonged sitting can cause problems with the spine and joints.

One of the most dangerous consequences hobbies for computer games is the development of addiction. The addiction can be so severe that the child is no longer interested in the real world. Many gamers are very absent-minded by nature, as they are accustomed to the fact that if they make a mistake, they can go back to the saved game and do everything again. Alas, in real life, with its laws, it is not possible to “preserve”, and you have to answer in full for everything. It is very important for parents to ensure that a child’s hobby does not develop into an addiction that is difficult to get rid of.

Mikhail Khetsuriani

Stanislav Lem

Games on the Internet

Online games have long been fashionable. Such a game, in principle, comes down to choosing one of many already existing prototype frameworks; players, of whom there may be many (but not too many), can choose for themselves or invent “characters” that appear in the plot, which plays out on the screens of personal monitors. The network itself (the Internet) is simply a system of communication “of all players with all”, but “creatures”, “creatures” can also take part in the game, behind which no human player (moving his alter ego through the network) is standing, since there may also be active subroutines in the network that imitate someone or something.

Internet computer games of this type fundamentally take place in a machine language, chosen to ensure uniformity of situations and agreements that arise. To tell the truth, the prototypes of games are, most likely (judging by their plots), schemes from fantasy, that is, from the field of science fiction, or even simply from fairy tales. Psychosociological analysis shows that one of the dominant features of these games, as it turns out, is ESCAPE from reality. The player can become very involved in the role he himself plays. But since there are many players and within the boundaries of the scheme of this “party-game” everyone behaves as he wants, the remaining players can not only play pranks, but also create serious troubles for which there is no need to answer (in the sense of responsibility for “violation of rights personality"), because everything that happens does not “really” happen. This is the highest - thanks to technological progress, a derivative of simply children's games, in which arbitrary roles are assumed and these roles must be (at least a little) obeyed. The need for such behavior as an escape from reality is well known to various SF “fans” who exchange letters evaluating the texts they read and especially admire. The ranks of “players”, or rather their computer and Internet representatives, are very different, often starting from somewhere “from below”, and then “rising” in their careers, fighting dragons (I don’t know where this general NEED for dragons came from), sometimes ending up to unicorns, witches, wizards, vampires, in order to then get at the “high” level to princes or princesses with whom you can marry, and all this is watched by “magicians”. From my point of view as a fantasy professional, all this seems very naive, primitive and last but not least lacks a truly developed imagination; but what has been said is only an introduction to what may happen in the future.

Games are substitutes for half-condensed, half-concretized dreams or daydreams; It is obvious that players, endowed with a more developed intellect, define for themselves higher goals than the typical goals of most existing games (in addition to capturing the princess, we can also talk about obtaining, as a result of reaching the source of “living water,” immortality, etc. ), can wage wars, unite in coalitions - in a word, imitate not fairy tales, but strategic and political games, but all this can still only happen in machine language, which people use to control computers, although screens can also show outlines of castles, labyrinths, mysterious “force screens”, etc. But in any case, you can refuse the game, and there can be no question that the player, if he only remained the same mentally normal person who started the game, could not stop the entertainment at any moment, i.e. quit the game. And the fact that not everyone is capable of such a decision is already a feature or vice of human nature, well known to “traditional” or “ordinary” players: in general, everyone tries to continue the game that he voluntarily entered into, be it a game of dice, in cards or horse racing, because not everything is as simple as many people think, as if the ONLY reason (motivation) for continuing to play is the HOPE OF WINING in the form of money.

The player's Internet alter ego may, however, be his "masquerade costume", his "mask". Because the player on the Internet is not required to introduce himself to other participants in the enacted story as a specific person; a girl can act very well both in the role of a man and in the role of a whale or dragon who communicates using human language or “computer translation”. This kind of representation, transformation and even division of one character into many others is very possible, although I was fascinated by something completely different when I wrote about “phantomatics” many decades ago.

Touching in any way on the existing as well as the future field of “games”, it is necessary to say in general terms what is coming. The path of the next discoveries and inventions of mankind always begins with the simplest, in order to first gradually, and then with increasing acceleration, head towards the heights of constant, tireless complication. And it should also be added that this movement from simple to complex was not and is not the result of individual or collective decisions, but is simply an undeniable effect of the Nature of the World given to us. This is how the ancestors of man already found it in the Eolithic and therefore took up stones as “proto-tools”, like fists, and hundreds of thousands of years of the Paleolithic had to pass before their later descendants climbed to the Neolithic level, and finally we reached the heights with in which you can see the surrounding Cosmos not only as Cosmos, but also pierce it with the first forays of astronauts. This applies to all human achievements without exception - from the raft and galley to tanks and nuclear submarines, from medicine as “magical folklore” to the modern level of medicine and genetic engineering. Complexity is never the goal of our efforts in discovery or invention. Overcoming complexity is the price we pay and will have to pay for “progress,” since the world itself was created this way and given to us this way. Also in the field of computer science, it turned out that the road from mechanical abacus to the “mindless” computer and to its successive increasingly productive generations is quite easy, at least easier to travel than achieving the goal that was seen by the first “fathers of cybernetics”: artificial intelligence, that is, a completely intelligent alter ego of a person, embedded in a dead machine. And the “prakibernetics” of the fifties of the 20th century were not aware of such an elementary thing that if there is a one-horse cart, then the simplest way to increase the driving force would not be to immediately transfer into a car, but simply to attach another horse, and then a couple more next . Something similar happened with our computers: in any case, it is easier to connect “mindless” computers with each other, even if there are millions of them, than to ignite Reason in a super-ultracomputer. But in order to with great success attach the feelings of at least ONE person to the artificial world (or, in my opinion, “phantomatize”) in such a way that this person is unable to distinguish the artificial reality created by the computer from the reality of his normal existence, intelligence is needed, because in such a virtual world this person will look not so much for King Kongs or vultures, but simply for OTHER PEOPLE. But there is no question of being able to meet at least one such intelligent (in the sense of the “Turing test”) and at the same time computer-created person. There is simply no computer “prop of the mind” equal to us, nor, a fortiori, one that would be able to create many different quasi-intelligent creatures and populate a fictitiously phantomized environment with them. And since what is already at one’s disposal is usually used, the Internet, as a perfect communication network of computers with very imperfect abilities for real meaningful activity, remains harnessed to both “banking-industrial work” and to the games that people like to play with people .

Those who, after reading my book “The Mystery of the Chinese Room” (Universitas Publishing House, Krakow, 1996) concluded that, according to my axiom, no “artificial intelligence” will NEVER arise are catastrophically mistaken. I have only presented the reasons why such a synthesis is impossible TODAY and in the near future. At the same time, I have written about the future of “intelligent intelligence” more than once, and not everyone (including philosophers, but not in our country) who read my book “Golem XIV” concluded that I look at this matter as to the pure fruit of an unrealized fantasy.

I am reluctant to quote authorities, but may I be allowed to note as an exception that in an interview recently given to the magazine Der Spiegel (in connection with the alleged traces of life in a Martian meteorite), Manfred Eigen said that science should never talk about inevitable impossibility. It is clear that if a hundred years ago I spoke about the impossibility of space flights, while air travel was still in its infancy, I would not want to say anything about the end of the 20th century. I can only point out that I only noted the individual mental and social threats that could follow from the spread of phantomatization technologies from the book “Sum of Technology”. I myself did not want to get too far ahead, at a time when separate worlds of individuals formed by software will be able to connect and through this a fictitious, significant in its illusory space will arise, and such monsters, harems, creatures, such orgies will begin to rage in it and Satanisms, which people who are completely free from the social pressure of traditions, faith, rights, family ties and customs will really like, but if I touched on such issues, it was deliberately in innocent clothes (as, say, in “The Tale of Three Machines” King Genialon" in the volume "Cyberiad").

I did not want to go into the future sinful debauchery of the human race also because an abundance of debauchery is already present and its proliferation in the field of literature, which is called “art,” I considered disgusting. So, getting back to the point, I say that Internet games are still at the stage of innocence, despite the very big troubles that players of both sexes can encounter in these games. Generally speaking, this is innocent, little harmful (although not completely), but, however, already in some universities there are bans on participating, if not in all games, then at least in some. Probably, at this point it is worth “consciously” adding that if it is possible to appoint a phantom illusion of machine intelligence (let’s say some kind of “Golem”) as the head and conductor of destinies in states, then it will already be possible for the simultaneous CREATION by this “Creator from the machine” " (Deus ex machina) of all kinds of creatures and creations that have no correspondence in the real world, and at the same time the consequence will be that a person, thanks to connection to a phantomatizer, entering the world created by him, will not be able to distinguish such creatures in any way , such creatures, such creatures behind which there is (hides) another PERSON, from those that appear as a result of the working activity of the MACHINE itself. Isn’t it true, here it’s already starting to smell like the brimstone of hell, because from players, as from people, we can still expect some kind of syntony, moderation, but not from a MACHINE...

We are lucky that we have not come that far yet. Here I will name not the only one, probably, but one of many reasons why investments in the Internet and similar computer networks are incomparably higher and more widespread than in work on creating Artificial Intelligence. The motivation for the investment difference is trivially obvious: Capital - and this is true - expected and still expects a lot from networks, and artificial Intelligence is some kind of gift that is not very expected and is not very willingly accepted. As the philosopher says, “discussive Reason comes from the devil.” I don’t know whether capital (especially large capital) could have any benefit from an independent Artificial Intelligence (translated into income, of course). In the story “Golem XIV,” the motivation for building a supercomputer was given to me by the global conflict between East and West, in the spirit of the Cold War: “The Golem had to arise supposedly so that the United States could have a Super Strategist.” With the fall of the Soviet Union, this motivation disappeared, and now the funds intended for Artificial Intelligence again turned out to be very modest, because NONE of the greats of this world wants too Wise Intelligence for themselves, and especially politicians, who will always openly or secretly fear that, for example, in democratic states, such a mind will “lead” the electorate, and in non-democratic ones it can either multiply dictatorships thanks to its resourcefulness, or crush religious fundamentalisms: such a mind may turn out to be a complete atheist and so insidious that it wants to occupy (or rather - adopt) the positions of the Lord God. What I said in the last sentences is already an assumption for which I would not like to expose my life. In conclusion, I want to conclude these remarks about INTERNET GAMES, which are approaching the end and quite innocent at the beginning, to expand the field of vision (or more precisely, observation) of our episteme with such a generalizing statement.

The cognitive and inventive acceleration that has accompanied human history in the last 18,000-20,000 years is an indisputable fact. In general education, in high school, we studied the course of history everywhere in a completely different order (just look at any World History textbook to see this). Marx said something about the significance of class changes caused by a change in the tools of labor, but he very quickly moved into his utopia, which turned out to be disastrous. The next fact is that with the passage of history, everything, both the product of invention (instrumental) and the product of discovery (laws of nature), becomes more and more complex with increasing acceleration. I suggest that this “complication”, which sets itself in motion (not without the additional efforts of an increasing number of people and, as a result, scientists), is a significant motive in the unification tendencies, especially inherent in physics under the guise of hope for GUT - Grand Unified Theory. Since we already have too many specialized branches and directions in knowledge (in science).

All the same, the slogan “Set high goals for yourself, and they will give you great strength, and not vice versa” does not guarantee universal effectiveness. So far, there are no obvious symptoms of the combination of the effects of individual cognitive sciences: the only thing that is clearly noticeable is the flight from the sciences, even where they are diligently taught and learned. In fact, the tendency to escape from the world that is given to us in reality can be very easily understood. Everything that happens in Internet games is usually never destroyed by unexpected explosions of terrorist bombs: I don’t know if there are games based on the “laws of catastrophes and misfortunes,” but if there are already games based on various orgistic “exploits,” then it’s not far from those first ones. It seems to me that this essay reveals a hostility towards Internet games, and I could, if there was such a need, accurately highlight it. First of all, because real life is quite rich in events and incidents, so it’s simply not worth running away to some fabulous “Nowhere”. Secondly, because no form of escape is a virtue and usually ends in awakenings to an unsympathetic reality. And, finally, because without the help of Internet games, computers, and partners, I would be able to “think into myself” as many worlds as I would need. Because this is precisely what the writing of works containing literary fiction is based on. Games on the Internet are only their shadows, however, you can get their original substitutes for yourself simply by seeing them in a dream. On this road, however, there is one obstacle: we do not know how (probably in general) to see in our dreams what we would like to see, and this is perhaps the only advantage of online games over sleep. Dreams indistinguishable from reality, dreams subject to phantomatization programs, beautiful dreams, menacing, unusual, free from “princesses and knights,” that is, from actual cheapness, will appear sooner or later, because, as I have already repeated x times, technology - this is an independent variable of our civilization: nothing but global destruction will hold back its untwisted mechanisms. Its movement, in essence, does not depend either on our intentions and hopes, or on our efforts. This movement is inherent in the very nature of the world, and the fact that from the ripening fruits of the Tree of Technology we most willingly and most diligently squeeze out poisons for ourselves and for other people, this is no longer the “fault” of the world. Neither in games nor in reality will people be able to relieve themselves of guilt.

Written in August 1996.

The first computer games were born back in the early 90s, and since then, debates about their influence on the human psyche and behavior have not subsided everywhere. Nowadays, when the popularity of computer games has reached incredible proportions, the question of their harm is even more relevant than before. Not only children and teenagers, but also quite adults, sometimes even of a very advanced age, like to spend their leisure time playing computer games. And if earlier caring parents were absolutely sure that harm from computer games for their children was inevitable, today the generation that grew up on computer games makes us doubt this. And it’s true, because, contrary to expectations, most of them did not grow up mentally retarded or maniacs, but on the contrary, they are ordinary people, in principle no different from the rest. But does this mean that all computer games are absolutely harmless and are a wonderful form of recreation? And are there any benefits from computer games? In this article you will find answers to these questions, but first let's talk about what kind of games there are today.

Briefly about computer games

It is worth noting that since their inception, computer games have managed to seriously evolve: game worlds have become much larger and more detailed, the plots have become more intricate, and the physics has become tens of times more realistic than before. But graphics in games have especially advanced; videos in the latest gaming releases can easily be confused with movie scenes.

Computer games are divided into many genres, and it is they that partially determine whether a computer game will be harmless or will contribute to the development of certain negative qualities in a person who is addicted to it. One of the most popular genres of computer games today is the shooter. In fact, the main goal of this game is to exterminate opponents, be they alien monsters, soldiers of the enemy army or other characters. Action games are also very popular. This genre is close to a shooter, but is distinguished by the predominance of the plot component. In addition, many people like to play strategy, sports and logic games. And, of course, we can’t help but mention role-playing games, most of which have an online mode. In such games, a person is invited to fully get used to the role of his character, contacting other characters during the gameplay.

Harm from computer games

Although the “horror stories” that are widespread nowadays about the dangers of computer games are greatly exaggerated, we have to agree that some games do tend to have a negative impact on those who participate in them. In addition, even positive games can be harmful under certain conditions. So, let's look at how harmful computer games can be.

  • Deterioration in health. When playing computer games, a person spends quite a long time in front of the computer screen, which negatively affects the condition of the spine, blood circulation and, of course, vision. In addition, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, sitting all day playing games, this often leads to problems with excess weight.
  • Increased aggressiveness. Passion for games in which violence predominates often develops certain reactions in a person, the consequences of which can manifest themselves outside the game. After computer shooters, in which all problems that arise are quickly solved by skillfully shooting at the enemy, facing serious difficulties in real life can cause considerable irritation for an avid gamer. After all, to successfully solve life's problems, you need qualities such as patience, balance and the ability to get along with others, which cruel games are unlikely to teach.
  • Gaming addiction. Even the most harmless and simple computer game can seriously captivate you, let alone strategies and MMORPGs (multiplayer online role-playing games). There are known cases when, carried away by “leveling up” their character in the virtual game world, players forgot about sleep and food. The main danger of gaming addiction is that it occurs unnoticed - at first, computer games remain just an innocent hobby for a person, but over time he can no longer live without them. And then the game takes up more and more time in his life, intended for more important matters.
  • Social isolation. Excessive passion for computer games also often leads to a deterioration in the player’s relationships with people around him: loved ones, friends, relatives. After all, the time that used to be spent communicating with real, living people now belongs to virtual characters from the game. Ultimately, a person may be left completely alone in a game world invented by someone, far from reality.
  • Material damage. Some fans of online multiplayer games not only give up communication with other people, good rest and many other joys of life for them, but even spend a considerable part of their earned money on them. Donation - that is, the purchase of in-game bonuses, items, skills and the like for real money, sometimes seriously affects the state of the gamer’s wallet.

Benefits of computer games

Despite all of the above consequences, which sometimes lead to a passion for computer games, some of them can bring considerable benefits. Below is some evidence that the benefits of computer games are not a myth at all.

  • Improved reaction. Research by scientists has found that games that require you to perform certain actions at the right time (for example, turning a car) promote the development of fine motor skills and visual attention.
  • Intellectual development. Some types of games, such as strategy, teach good planning. In them, in order to win, it is not enough to simply press a button in time - you need to think through all the options and achieve your goals step by step. In addition, by playing economic strategies, you can learn the basics of running your own business. And logic games help develop ingenuity and mathematical abilities.
  • Replenishment of knowledge. A large proportion of computer games are based on real historical events. By playing such games, you can significantly deepen your knowledge of world history. Or take, for example, simple racing simulators. In some of them, the gameplay involves not only banal steering of a car, but also the replacement of various types of body and engine parts. In this way, the player can gradually learn to understand the components of the car, find out how certain spare parts affect the engine characteristics and develop an interest in independently repairing the car.
  • Stress relief. Do not underestimate the role of computer games in such an important matter as relieving stress after a hard day. When failures literally rain down, and those around you tirelessly cause trouble, it is important to be able to distract yourself and just relax. And immersion in the virtual world is one of the simplest and most effective ways to temporarily abstract from external problems.


As we see, the influence of computer games cannot be assessed unambiguously. They can bring both benefit and harm, it all depends on what games you play and how much time you devote to this activity. If treated correctly, computer games can become a source of valuable knowledge and useful skills, as well as a way to have a good time. The main thing is not to let them take up too much space in your life.

By the way, it is not only excessive passion for computer games that causes serious concern. No less a problem is Internet addiction. You can learn how to cope with Internet addiction from.

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