The best museums in Russia. The best museums in Russia The main museums of the country

The Ermitage is the best museum in Europe. This is what millions of tourists from all over the world decided, leaving reviews on the international travel portal TripAdvisor. In total, 509 cultural institutions around the world were analyzed. Natalya Letnikova tells what the “Russian ten” looks like.


3 million works. 20 kilometers of masterpieces. And the Hermitage began as a private collection of Catherine II of 225 paintings. Only a select few could see him, having received a ticket at the palace office and donned a tailcoat or uniform. The Hermitage today is home to masterpieces by Rembrandt and Raphael, Giorgione and Rubens, Titian and Van Dyck. This is the only opportunity to see the works of Leonardo da Vinci in Russia.

Experts have calculated: if you linger for just a minute at each exhibit in the Hermitage, it will take 8 years without sleep or rest to see everything.

Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery

The Hermitage not only delights, but also inspires. It was after his visit that Pavel Tretyakov became interested in the idea of ​​his own collection of paintings. As a result, the Tretyakov Gallery became one of the most significant collections of works by Russian artists in the world. Even the famous facade is the creation of Viktor Vasnetsov. The Tretyakov Gallery is rich in paintings with history. The first “fairytale” subject of Russian painting is “Mermaids” by Ivan Kramskoy, written under the impression of the works of Gogol. And the Tretyakov Gallery’s largest painting, “The Appearance of Christ to the People,” is Alexander Ivanov’s graduation work, which he wrote for 20 years.

Armory Chamber

Armory Chamber

Treasury of Moscow princes and Russian tsars.

The indispensable attributes of sovereign power are kept: the scepter, the orb, the Monomakh cap, which was used to crown the kingdom before the reign of Peter I. Among the 4,000 exhibits is the only double throne in the world.

It was created specifically for the prince brothers Ivan V and Peter Alekseevich, who were crowned kings together. And of course, a significant part of the museum-treasury is weapons. But also exclusively as a work of art. For example, the gun of Catherine II in the Rococo style.

Floating Museum

Floating Museum

Submarine B-413. The place of fun is the city of Kaliningrad. For 20 years the submarine carried out combat service in the Northern Fleet. Visited Cuba and Guinea. And even in peacetime, the crew managed to receive the title “Excellent Ship.”

Retired since 2000. In Russia, by the way, four submarines have become museums, all of them are open to the public. But B-413 is the only one that has been preserved in its original form. Everything on the ship is the same: mechanisms, ammunition, weapons. And museum visitors temporarily become submariners. The crew goes on a virtual scuba dive, conducts a torpedo attack, and copes with an accident in the compartment.

Russian Museum

Russian Museum

The world's largest collection of Russian art is the Russian Museum, created by imperial decree at the end of the 19th century. The exhibition, located in 5 palaces of St. Petersburg, includes paintings whose names have long become household names: “The Last Day of Pompeii”, “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, “The Ninth Wave”. In total, the collection contains more than 400,000 exhibits. Despite its serious status, the museum is ready for experiments, which is confirmed by the presence of the youngest department of the latest trends. Unusual exhibitions complement the image. For example, at the end of 2013, Sylvester Stallone exhibited at the Russian Museum. The actor paints in the spirit of expressionism.

Diamond Fund

Diamond Fund

A mountain of gems of historical and artistic value. The collection began to be collected by order of Peter I.

The most famous exhibit is the Great Imperial Crown. In record time, in just two months, craftsmen set 4,936 diamonds and 75 pearls in silver. The crown was decorated with a bright red crystal - spinel. The main symbol of power of Russian monarchs, weighing almost 2 kg, was placed on the heads of all emperors starting with Catherine II. One of the most high-status exhibits is the Orlov diamond, which adorns the scepter of Catherine the Great, purchased for her by Count Orlov, the largest in the Diamond Fund and one of the most expensive in the world. And a diamond was found in India, where it is believed to have been the eye of Buddha.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin

The most European in Russia is the A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. In the center of Moscow, in a building reminiscent of an ancient temple, every room is from that era. Italian and Greek “courtyards”, a six-thousand-strong collection of authentic exhibits of Ancient Egypt, collected by the Russian scientist Vladimir Golenishchev during his travels and excavations. The famous treasure of Troy, discovered by Heinrich Schliemann, is also kept in Pushkinsky. The German archaeologist read Homer's Iliad as a child and subsequently found a city covered in legends. But it will not be possible to get a complete picture of Pushkinsky’s collection. After all, out of 670,000 exhibits, no more than 2% are exhibited.



Another confirmation of the uniqueness of the Russian capital is the huge number of museums covering various aspects of history, science and art. The largest cultural institutions deserve special attention, as they are custodians of exceptional, extensive collections and are deservedly considered a national treasure of the country. Our guide contains 20 main Moscow museums, a visit to which will allow you to touch the rich intellectual, spiritual and material heritage of the Past.

The most famous museum of national art in Russia and one of the best art museums in the world - the Tretyakov Gallery - traces its history back to the 50s of the 19th century. It was then that the hereditary merchant, entrepreneur and philanthropist P.M. Tretyakov begins collecting works by Russian artists, envisioning in the near future creating the first public museum of fine arts in the country. For this purpose, Pavel Mikhailovich rebuilt and expanded his own house on Lavrushinsky Lane, which in 1892, together with the collections in it, transferred to the city. Today this is the main building of the Tretyakov Gallery, where ancient Russian icon painting, Russian painting, graphics, sculpture and art products of the 18th - early 20th centuries are presented.

The museum's exhibition consists of several thematic sections dedicated to individual periods in the history of the development of Russian fine art. The legendary creations of Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek are exhibited here, as well as famous paintings by great masters - I.E. Repina, V.I. Surikova, I.I. Shishkina, V.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan... No less interesting is the bright and diverse collection of works by outstanding Russian painters of the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

In addition to the historical building in Lavrushinsky Lane, the museum association “State Tretyakov Gallery” includes: Museum-Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, A.M. Apartment Museum Vasnetsov, Museum-workshop A.S. Golubkina, House-Museum of P.D. Korin, as well as the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

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Museum, Attraction, Galleries & Exhibitions

The museum building with huge exhibition halls was built on Krymsky Val in 1983 and, according to the original plan, which arose back in the 60s of the last century, was intended for the State Art Gallery of the USSR. And already in 1986, the institution, which concentrated within its walls the works of domestic artists of the 20th century, became part of the All-Union (and later All-Russian) association “State Tretyakov Gallery”.

Today, in addition to the permanent exhibition “Art of the 20th Century,” which represents the entire wide range of artistic movements of a bygone era, in the Gallery you can visit rotating exhibitions that most fully highlight the work of a particular author, or dedicated to a specific topic or movement in the fine arts of a given historical period. In addition, large exhibition projects are carried out here at the intersection of philosophy, art and science, which do not have a strict chronological and geographical framework; master classes are held with outstanding figures of our time. Since 2002, a Creative Workshop has been operating in the Tretyakov Gallery building on Krymsky Val, implementing educational programs for both children and adults.

Cost of visiting: adult ticket - 400 rubles, benefits available

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The most complete visual representation of the centuries-old history of the Russian State is provided by the large-scale exhibition of the Historical Museum. The beginning of the formation of a unique collection was the decree of Emperor Alexander II of 1872 on the creation of a museum, especially for which a new red-brick building in the pseudo-Russian style was built on Red Square. The project was carried out by the outstanding Russian architect V.O. Sherwood, in collaboration with engineer A.A. Semyonov. In 1883, the Imperial Russian Historical Museum opened its doors.

Since then, the institution has repeatedly changed its name and internal content in accordance with historical and political events taking place in the country. The global restoration of the museum was completed by the early 2000s, as a result of which the building was returned to its original appearance and the historical interiors were restored. Today, the museum collection includes more than 5 million items illustrating the politics, economics, and culture of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. In the Main Entrance Hall of the museum, on the ceiling, visitors will be able to see the “Family Tree of the Russian Sovereigns”, made by the famous mid-19th century master F.G. Toropov. The exhibition, which occupies two floors, is distributed according to a chronological principle: each room is dedicated to a specific era. Among the historical relics are tools and household items, ancient manuscripts and early printed books, visual materials and written sources, clothing and weapons, ancient seals, coins and much more. The country's past appears here in all its diversity and grandeur.

The entrance ticket price for adult visitors is 350 rubles, there are discounts

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The keeper of the largest collection of foreign fine arts is the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, which opened in 1912 as the Museum of Fine Arts. Emperor Alexander III. Its founder was the philologist and art critic, professor at Moscow University I.V. Tsvetaev, who led the institution in the first years of its existence. The museum acquired its current name in the 30s of the last century.

Modern museum complex of the Pushkin Museum named after. A.S. Pushkin is formed by several branches occupying different buildings: Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th–20th centuries, Museum of Personal Collections, Memorial Apartment of Svyatoslav Richter, Educational Art Museum named after. I.V. Tsvetaeva. We will dwell in some detail on the main exhibition located in the main building of the museum.

The building itself is in the neo-Greek style, erected according to the design of the famous architect R.I. Klein, is an architectural monument of the early 20th century. The two-story building has 30 halls, whose exhibits will introduce visitors to the art of the Ancient World, the art of the Western European Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and paintings by European artists of the 17th - early 19th centuries. One of the beautiful halls of the museum is the Greek Courtyard, where casts from surviving ancient statues and reliefs are collected. No less interesting is the Italian courtyard, the architecture of which reproduces the courtyard of the Palazzo Bargello in Florence: here you will see masterpieces of European sculpture from the 13th to 16th centuries. Separate rooms are dedicated to the greatest creators - Michelangelo and Rembrandt.

In addition to tours of the permanent exhibition, the museum hosts changing thematic exhibitions, lectures, concerts and other cultural events.

The cost of an entrance ticket for adults is from 300 to 600 rubles, there are benefits

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Landmark, Museum, Religion, Landmark

One of the main symbols of the capital - the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the Moat, also known as St. Basil's Cathedral - is not only a famous architectural monument of the 16th century and a functioning Orthodox church, but also one of the largest museums in the country.

The Intercession Cathedral was erected in 1555–1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of Kazan. There are many legends associated with the history of its creation, and the exact authorship of the project of the unique architectural ensemble has not yet been established. The cathedral, whose height reaches 65 meters, has a complex and at the same time clearly thought out structure. Initially, eight churches were erected on a single high foundation, culminating in colorful patterned onion domes and grouped around the towering Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, crowned with an octagonal tent. In 1588, a tenth low church in honor of St. Basil was added to the building, giving the cathedral its second name. All churches are united by two galleries - an internal and external bypass. Due to the scale and complexity of the configuration of the “museum building”, visiting the cathedral is recommended accompanied by a guide, with the help of which you will not only not get lost, but will also learn interesting details of the creation of the ancient temple and get a more complete understanding of the numerous relics stored in it.

The cost of admission for adults is 350 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Landmark, Historic Monument

The beginning of museum activities on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin was marked by the opening in 1806 of a museum-treasury - the Armory Chamber. After the revolution, the list of museums in the country was supplemented by the Kremlin cathedrals - the Assumption, Archangel, Annunciation, as well as the Patriarchal Chambers, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower Ensemble, and the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

The buildings housing the museum's exhibitions are significant historical and architectural monuments, the oldest of which date back to the end of the 15th century. In many religious and secular buildings, the interior decoration of the 16th - mid-19th centuries has been preserved. The collection of the Kremlin museums includes works representing a variety of genres of art and one way or another telling about the ceremonial ceremony of the Russian autocrats, as well as monuments of icon painting, ancient manuscripts, early printed books, and rare photographs. Among the especially valuable collections are a collection of Russian and foreign artistic metal, a collection of state regalia, a collection of historical horse equipment, and a collection of ancient carriages of Russian rulers.

The Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve is also a major cultural, scientific and educational center. All-Russian and international conferences and seminars are held here, lectures and educational programs are implemented, creative competitions, concerts and music festivals are held.

Cost of visiting for adults - from 250 to 700 rubles

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Museum, Landmark

The building of the Armory Chamber houses the country's richest museum - the Diamond Fund of Russia. His collection included items from the Gokhran fund, the federal body that manages state treasures. The modern institution (Gokhran) was founded in 1920, but the formation of a valuable collection began at the beginning of the 18th century under Peter I, who issued a decree on the storage of “things belonging to the state.” Throughout the subsequent reign of the Romanov dynasty, the Russian treasury was replenished with a variety of products that today represent not only material and artistic value, but also historical significance.

Guests of the museum have a unique opportunity to see the regalia of supreme power (imperial crown, scepter, orb, orders and signs) and real masterpieces of jewelry, amazing in their magnificence, and admire the natural beauty of nuggets of precious metals and rare samples of precious stones.

The cost of admission for adults is 500 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Landmark

Russian literature, as the greatest phenomenon of Russian culture, became the main object of the State Literary Museum, founded in 1934. Currently, the institution is one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. Its activities are aimed at a comprehensive and deep presentation of Russian literature, its history, from the moment of its origin and formation to the present day. The successful achievement of this task is facilitated by an extensive collection, including original manuscripts and archives of writers, rare examples of books, works of fine art, personal belongings of outstanding writers, documents, photographs, sound recordings and much more. Based on the GLM museum collection, 11 memorial departments were created, located in separate buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region, and one branch in Kislovodsk.

The work of the museum is not limited to exhibition projects. Its departments often become venues for creative meetings, literary evenings, concerts and performances.

The cost of visiting for adults is 250 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

In the second half of the 19th century, as well as today, one of the most pressing social needs of Russia was the dissemination of natural science and technical knowledge, which was what the All-Russian industrial exhibitions were aimed at. Exhibits from the departments of the Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872 formed the basis of the collection of the Museum of Applied Knowledge, which was later transformed into the Polytechnic Museum.

Every year, the institution expanded the scope of its interests, ceasing to be just a collector and custodian of numerous instruments and devices that illustrate the evolution of technical thought, and becoming a popularizer of science in a variety of fields. Soon the museum is ready to appear before visitors in an updated form. Three thematic galleries will open in the main building: “Energy”, “Information”, “Matter”. Not only the historical building was reconstructed, but also the very concept of the institution, open to experimentation and striving to combine the technical achievements of the past, modern research and scientific perspectives.

During the reconstruction of the main building, a temporary exhibition of the museum was opened on the territory of VDNKh.

The cost of visiting for adults is 300 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Landmark

The traditional concepts of “West” and “East” contain not only geographical affiliation, but entire worlds, with their own special perception of the surrounding reality, with their own unique culture. We will leave the solution to the eternal problem of Russia’s attitude to this or that world to historians and philosophers, but for ourselves we note that, unlike the extroverted West, the closed East has always attracted us with its mystery, wisdom and sophistication. One of the best ways to learn the secrets of eastern civilizations is art, to which this Moscow museum is dedicated.

The State Museum of Oriental Art (originally Ars Asiatica) appeared in 1918. During his almost century-long life, the largest collection of archaeological exhibits, works of various types of fine arts and decorative arts from more than 100 countries was collected. The art of the Far and Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan, Southeast Asia, Buryatia, Chukotka, etc. is presented here. Ancient scrolls, ancient jewelry, household items and tools from different eras, medieval sculpture, traditional and modern painting - this is far away This is not a complete list of items stored in the museum. A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the legacy of Nicholas and Svyatoslav Roerich - outstanding Russian artists and public figures who made a great contribution to the large-scale study and creative development of the culture of the East.

The cost of the entrance ticket for citizens of the Russian Federation is 250 rubles, for foreign citizens - 300 rubles; there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

The achievements of the Soviet Union in space exploration were immortalized soon after the first human flight into space: in 1964, a monument to the “Conquerors of Space” was erected next to the main entrance of VDNKh. And in 1981, on the 20th anniversary of this significant event, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics was opened at the base of the monument. Its funds consisted of samples of space technology, documents, photographic and film materials, memorial items of designers and cosmonauts, numismatic and philatelic collections, works of fine art corresponding to the direction of the institution.

In 2009, a large-scale reconstruction of the museum space was completed, increasing its area and radically transforming its appearance with the help of modern museum technologies. Among the latest innovations are interactive exhibits: a spacecraft simulator, a full-size model of a fragment of the space station, the Buran-2 interactive cockpit, as well as a miniature Mission Control Center, from where you can observe the movements of the ISS. In addition, those interested can take part in the virtual excursion-quiz “Kosmotrek”.

The entrance ticket costs 200 rubles, there are discounts

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Museum, Landmark, Landmark

The first museum in Russia entirely focused on contemporary art appeared in Moscow in 1999. Its creator was the famous sculptor and painter, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli, whose personal collection served as the basis for the museum’s collection, which was actively expanded in the future.

Today, the museum’s very representative collection covers the period in the development of domestic and foreign art, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The permanent exhibition is located in the main building of the museum on Petrovka - in a former estate mansion of the late 18th century, built according to the design of the famous architect Matvey Kazakov. The institution has four more open exhibition areas (branches): in Ermolaevsky Lane, on Tverskoy Boulevard, on Gogolevsky Boulevard and on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street.

The historical part of the collection consists of works by classics of the Russian avant-garde - K. Malevich, M. Chagall, V. Kandinsky, D. Burliuk and many others. One of the sections of the exhibition reflects the further development of the “advanced” movement, namely the work of non-conformist artists of the 60–80s of the 20th century. Along with paintings by domestic authors, in the museum you can see works by foreign masters - P. Picasso, F. Léger, H. Miro, S. Dali and others. Much attention is paid to representatives of “contemporary art” - innovative modern artistic creativity. In addition to traditional genres - painting, graphics, sculpture, the museum contains installations, art objects and photographs.

The cost of an entrance ticket depending on the exhibition site: from 150 to 500 rubles, there are benefits

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Park, Landmark, Palace and Park Ensemble, Architectural Monument, Historic Monument

The first mention of the settlement dates back to the second quarter of the 14th century. In the 16th century, Vasily III and then Ivan IV built churches here that have survived to this day. Kolomenskoye flourished during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1629–1676). Then palaces, chambers appeared here, and gardens were laid out. Later, young Peter I lived in a country residence, who staged the famous “funny fights” nearby. Subsequent rulers made their own changes to the appearance of the palace and park ensemble, many of the buildings of which were not lost. In 1923, a museum was founded on the territory of the estate, marking the beginning of the research and restoration of ancient monuments.

The former royal residence and village near Moscow, and now the historical, architectural and natural landscape museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" invariably attracts tourists from all over the world. The museum amazes with its scale, a large number of unique historical and architectural monuments, a rich multidisciplinary collection of artifacts, and the beauty of the surrounding nature. In recent years, an ethnographic complex has been formed in Kolomenskoye, including a stable and a forge, the estates of a Kolomenskoye peasant and a beekeeper with an apiary, and a water mill. The leading direction of the modern institution is the creation of interactive forms that help immerse visitors in the historical atmosphere.

Entrance to the territory of the museum-reserve is free. The cost of visiting a separate exhibition is 100 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Landmark

It is the first museum in Europe specializing in architectural heritage. The institution was founded in 1934 by Honored Architect of the USSR, Academician of Architecture A.V. Shchusev, who at that time was one of the most sought-after architects in Moscow. Since 1945, the museum has been located in the former Talyzin estate. The building itself, recorded in the “Architectural Albums” of M.F. Kazakov, is an outstanding monument of Russian classicism.

The main object of research, collection and exhibition of the museum was the thousand-year history of Russian architecture. His collection included numerous drawings and models, engravings and lithographs, works of fine and decorative art, interior items, samples of building materials, small architectural forms, fragments of lost monuments and much more. Of particular value are the author's models of architectural structures, unique negatives and positives of urban planning monuments, and a collection of furniture from the mid-19th century.

Excursions are conducted both around the exhibitions and museum complex, and through the streets of the capital. The museum has a lecture hall offering various options for studying or getting acquainted with the history and theory of world architecture. Meetings with outstanding contemporary architects who demonstrate their creative concepts are regularly held here.

The entrance ticket costs 250 rubles, there are discounts

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Not just one museum, but an entire association, including five different departments, is dedicated to the history, archeology, and cultural traditions of the Russian capital. Since 2009, the main site of one of the oldest cultural institutions in Moscow has become the Provision Warehouses complex, an architectural monument of the first half of the 19th century.

The museum's exhibition allows you to look at the legendary city from various angles and trace its rapid evolution from ancient times to the present day. Archaeological finds, household items and clothing of Muscovites in different historical eras, works of art, archives of outstanding city historians, rare book editions, photographs and documents are presented here. Along with exhibition activities, the institution organizes lectures and educational creative activities for children.

Festivals, concerts and festive events take place in the courtyard of the complex. The museum has opened a Documentary Film Center, where documentaries, educational and popular science films are shown, and performances are broadcast.

The cost of an entrance ticket is from 200 to 400 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

On the day of the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a museum glorifying the Feat of the great people was opened at the Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill. The central place in the museum is occupied by monumental halls where the names of war heroes are immortalized: the Hall of Glory, the Hall of Memory and Sorrow, the Hall of Generals.

The military-historical exhibition, located on a territory with a total area of ​​more than 3 thousand square meters, consists of nine thematic sections that detail the main stages of the path to Victory. Among the exhibits are weapons and military equipment, military equipment, awards and letters from the front, historical documents and photographs. The museum's art gallery contains paintings, sculptures and graphic works. Of particular interest are dioramas dedicated to the main strategic operations of the Second World War and recreating the atmosphere of wartime. The exhibition, located outdoors in Victory Park, also consists of several sections: “Engineering structures”, “Military highway”, “Artillery”, “Armored vehicles”, “Aircraft”, “Navy”. Here visitors will see over 300 samples of heavy equipment and weapons of the USSR and its allies, captured equipment of enemy countries.

In 1984, the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Peoples of the USSR was founded here. However, the failed imperial residence truly received a rebirth in the 2000s. During the large-scale restoration, not only the historical facades of the architectural structures were restored, but their interior decoration was also re-made in the style of the 18th century, and the Orangery complex was recreated. Today, in addition to the collection of decorative and applied arts, the institution has a rich collection of works of Russian and Western European artistic heritage of the 18th - early 20th centuries. The museum-reserve includes the following objects: Great Tsaritsyn Palace, Small Tsaritsyn Palace, Opera House, Bread House (Kitchen Building), Cavalry Buildings, Greenhouses, gates and bridges. The museum buildings regularly host changing thematic exhibitions, concerts and music festivals.

The cost of a comprehensive ticket for all exhibitions is 650 rubles, there are benefits

Currently, work is underway to update the permanent exhibition, which by 2016 will be supplemented by another section “Russia 21st century: challenges of the time and prospects for development.” A large-scale exhibition project aimed at understanding the revolutionary events of the last century is being prepared for the 100th anniversary of the NCMSIR.

In addition to the main building, the museum association includes four branches in Moscow - the Presnya and Underground Printing House 1905–1906 museums, the memorial apartment of G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, the museum-gallery of E. Yevtushenko, as well as two memorial complexes in the Smolensk and Tver regions.

Cost of visit: 250 rubles, benefits available

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Museum, Theater

We want to complete our “journey” through the main capital museums with a story about such a unique phenomenon of Russian culture as the State Central Theater Museum named after A.A. Bakhrushin. It is the oldest and largest organization in the country specializing in the history of the development of performing arts and attracting theatergoers from all over the world.

The museum was created in 1894. The collection was based on the personal collection of entrepreneur and philanthropist A.A. Bakhrushin, who strives, with the help of relics of theatrical life, to present the history of the national theater from the moment of its inception. The museum's modern collections contain over 1.5 million items illustrating the main stages in the history of the theater's development. What can you see here? Sketches of costumes and theatrical outfits from different eras, sketches and scenery models of famous stage designers, portraits and photographs of legendary performers, programs and posters for performances, rare publications and handwritten materials on theatrical art, theatrical household items and much more.

In addition to tours of the permanent exhibition, the museum offers its guests to visit numerous exhibitions, fascinating lectures on the history of the theater, concerts, creative evenings and meetings with famous artists.

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The international website for travelers TripAdvisor presented a rating of the best museums in the world, Europe and Russia in 2014.

The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg has become not only the best museum in Russia and Europe, but also entered the top three world leaders. Five of the ten best Russian museums are located in Moscow, another three are in the northern capital. The Top 10 also included museums in Kaliningrad and Kizhi.

It is clear that Russians’ ideas about the best museums in the country may differ from the preferences of foreign tourists. But ideas, personal opinions, references to the opinions of acquaintances and friends are all illusions living in a single head. Here are the dry numbers.

The Travelers' Choice Awards recognize the world's best destinations based on millions of reviews and opinions from TripAdvisor users. To determine the winners, the quality and quantity of reviews of museums around the world over the past 12 months are taken into account.

1. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

The largest art, cultural and historical museum in Russia and the world, founded in 1764. The Hermitage collection includes about three million works of art and monuments of world culture.

2. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The main gallery of Russian art, founded in the mid-19th century by the famous Russian collector Pavel Tretyakov. By 1917, the Tretyakov Gallery collection consisted of about 4,000 works, by 1975 - 55,000 works.

3. Armory Chamber, Moscow

Moscow Treasury Museum, part of the Grand Kremlin Palace complex. The museum exhibits more than 4,000 unique works, including the Monomakh cap, the Helmet - the Jericho cap and other rarities.

4. Submarine museum B-413, Kaliningrad

Submarine museum at the pier of the Museum of the World Ocean on the Kaliningrad embankment. In 1969-1990 she carried out combat service in the Northern Fleet, and since 2000 it has become a museum. In 1987, the B-413 took first place in the Northern Fleet in mine laying and was declared an “Excellent Ship” by order of the commander of the Northern Fleet.

5. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

The largest museum of Russian art in the world. One of the most famous paintings of the museum, “The Ninth Wave” by Ivan Aivazovsky, often goes on tour to other museums around the world.

6. Diamond Fund, Moscow

A collection of unique precious stones of historical and artistic significance. Among the exhibits are the crown of the Russian Empire, the Order of the Golden Fleece, historical large-sized diamonds, jewelry made of gold and platinum. The collection began to take shape in the 18th century, when Peter I issued a special decree on the preservation of things “subject to the state.”

7. State Museum of Fine Arts named after. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow

Museum of European and World Art, opened in 1912. The museum was created on the basis of the Cabinet of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Moscow University as an educational, auxiliary and public repository of casts and copies of classical works of world art. The founder and first director of the museum was Professor Ivan Tsvetaev.

8. Grand Maket Russia, St. Petersburg

The 2012 project is a national show museum, the largest model of our country, where on an area of ​​800 sq. m depict cities and towns, forests and seas, people and animals, operating roads and railways. The interactive layout is controlled by 40 computers. More than 800,000 LEDs illuminate the layout, simulating the cycle of day and night.

9. Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow

A modern museum dedicated to Jewish culture and religious tradition, the history of the life and settlement of Jews, and the history of Jews in Russia.

It is the world's largest Jewish museum and Europe's largest indoor exhibition space: exhibition area 4,500 m², total area 8,500 m². Opened in Moscow on November 8, 2012. About $50 million was spent on creating the museum.

10. State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve, Kizhi

One of the largest open-air museums in Russia. The historical, cultural and natural complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Currently, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve is one of the largest cultural museums of the Russian North; its collection includes 76 buildings. Over the years of the museum's existence, the oldest wooden church in Russia was brought to its territory - the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus (second half of the 16th century).

Full rating

10 best museums in Europe:

1. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
2. Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy
3. Orsay Museum, Paris, France
4. New Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece
5. Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
6. London National Gallery, London, UK
7. Vasa Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
8. British Museum, London, UK
9. Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya), Istanbul, Türkiye
10. Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy

10 best museums in the world:

1. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
2. National Anthropological Museum, Mexico City, Mexico
3. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
4. Getty Center, Los Angeles, USA
5. Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy
6. Orsay Museum, Paris, France
7. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
8. New Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece
9. Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
10. Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel

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