Is it possible to guess on Friday the 13th?

Friday the 13th has long been considered a very favorable day for fortune telling. This period is filled with strong energy, which can harm some people, help others, on the contrary, and simply scare others. It is not for nothing that there is even a scientific concept of fear of Friday the 13th - paraskavedekatriaphobia.

But if, despite your fears, you still dare to look for answers to the questions that concern you and find out your future, website will tell you the most interesting fortune telling for Friday the 13th.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th maps

The most popular and widespread fortune telling on this day is card fortune telling. It is believed that today any fortune telling on the cards will be correct and will soon come true. You can tell fortunes in any way familiar to you: wishing for a card for your betrothed, playing solitaire or playing for fate. It is important to know the meanings of the cards and follow some simple rules.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using dice

Two dice will help you find the answer to your question. Make a wish, roll the dice and count the number of dots. An even number means the answer is positive. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by the names of passersby

The name of the first person you meet may turn out to be fateful for you. On Friday the 13th, don’t be shy to ask the name of a passerby - signs say that this will be the name of your betrothed.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th from the book

Take a thick book and ask a question that interests you. While thinking about this question, choose a page and line at random in the book. Now all that remains is to correctly decipher the answer that is written there.

Fortune telling for Friday 13thhair

Ask an important question for yourself and comb your hair once with a wooden comb. An even number of hairs remaining on the comb indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer. If there is nothing left on the comb, then don’t expect any changes. But this should make you happy, because you are the happy owner of healthy hair.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using wax and water

Place some wax in a spoon and hold it over a candle flame until it melts. Pour it into a plate of cold water and carefully examine the resulting figures. What are they like? Whatever you fantasize about when looking at the wax, expect it in the near future.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th with a cat

Do you have a cat? Make a wish, call her to your place and be sure to see which paw she steps on the threshold when entering your room - right or left. This is what determines whether your wish will come true. Keep in mind that the cat's right paw is fateful.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by mirror

At night, a fortune-telling girl sits in front of a mirror and draws 13 crosses with a wax candle. The tablecloth is removed from the table in front of the mirror and lighted candles are placed. You should ask the mirror a question about your future exactly 13 times, eat a pinch of salt, drink it with water and carefully peer into the mirror. Turn on your imagination - all the visions that you see in the depths of the mirror will be the answer to your question.


Friday, which falls on the 13th day of the month, is considered a “bad” day in many cultures. According to one version, this superstition originates in the Middle Ages and is associated with the curse of the Templars, an order founded in 1119 by a small group of knights. They protected pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem.

The order was rich, and the French monarch Philip IV decided to improve his financial situation at the expense of the Templars. In 1307, it was on the 13th Friday that he ordered the arrest of members of the order on trumped-up charges. The knights were tortured and killed. According to legend, the master of the order cursed those gathered at the execution.

For Christians, the number 13 is considered unlucky. Most researchers attribute this to the fact that during the Last Supper, Judas was the thirteenth at the table. Soon after the execution of Christ, he hanged himself. For this reason, in the 19th century, a superstition spread in Europe that if 13 people sit at a table, one of them will die within a year. There was even a profession for the “fourteenth guest,” who was invited to a meeting in order to avoid an unlucky number.

Friday April 13th signs and superstitions. What you can and cannot do on this day

1) According to superstition, you cannot go on a trip on Friday the 13th, since such a road will be filled with not always pleasant surprises.

2) It is believed that many car accidents occur on this day, so drivers should be especially careful while driving.

3) It is believed that a plant that was planted on Friday the 13th will not grow or bear fruit.

4) For some people, the fear of Friday the 13th leads them to refuse hygiene: it is believed that even cutting nails is forbidden on this day.

6) It is believed that if a person’s funeral falls on this day, then it is possible that another person will die soon.

7) On this day, fun, drinking, delicious food, and laughter are prohibited. If you have fun on this day, misfortune may happen to you.

9) Do not enter into transactions on this day and do not make purchases, especially large ones.

10) To prevent the bad omens of Friday the 13th from coming true, according to popular beliefs, it is enough to simply go to church on this day.

Friday April 13, 2018

It is believed that you should not travel on Friday the 13th, as the road will be full of unpleasant surprises.
Rumor has it that plants that were planted on Friday the 13th will not grow or bear fruit.

If you are thinking of changing jobs in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to do it on any other day.
According to modern beliefs, computer viruses become especially aggressive on this day. Moreover, this is true, because many hackers plan their attacks precisely on Friday the 13th.

Don't have fun! Fun, drinking and laughter can cause disaster!
If you have no urgent matters, it is better not to leave the house at all.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th

There are various superstitions associated with this day, for example, it is not recommended to go on the road, since the risk of getting into an accident is increased. It is believed that a child born on Friday the 13th will be unlucky throughout his life. According to signs, you cannot plant anything on this day, or cut your nails.

Fortune telling by cards on Friday 13. Take a deck of ordinary cards that have not previously been used for the game. You also need to prepare salt, a mug and 13 church candles. To begin with, the deck should be cleared of possible negativity by placing it in a mug and covering it with salt. Light the candles nearby and leave everything for 13 minutes. After this, shuffle the deck and remove it once with your left hand towards you. After this, ask the question you are interested in and turn over the top card. The interpretation can be viewed here.

Fortune telling for love on Friday the 13th. On this day you can do fortune telling with wax, which will allow you to get a prediction for the near future. Take a piece of candle and grind it on a grater, and then put the shavings in a spoon and hold it over the candle flame. While doing this, think about your lover. When the wax melts, quickly pour it into cold water and look at the resulting figure. fortune telling on Friday the 13th for love. Interpretation should be carried out on associations, for example, heart - relationships are strong and sincere, etc.

Fortune telling on the mirror. The most terrible fortune telling that allows you to look into the future. It is worth starting at night. Take a mirror and draw 13 crosses on it using a church candle. Place it on a table that does not have a tablecloth on it. Light a candle on both sides. Then ask the mirror about your future 13 times, reports the C-ib portal. After this, you need to eat a pinch of salt and drink a glass of water. After this, look into the mirror and images associated with the future should appear there. If you couldn’t see anything, then put the mirror on the table, reflective side down, then you will see the future in a dream.


Today you can use any card fortune telling that you know. It is believed that on Friday the 13th all of them will be prophetic and will definitely come true.

Fortune telling with dice

With its help, you can get an answer to any question you are interested in. To do this, take two dice, mentally ask a question, throw away the dice and count the number of dots. An even number means “yes”, an odd number means “no”.

Find out the name of your betrothed on the street

Nothing could be easier! When you leave your house in the morning, ask the first man (or woman) you like what his name is. According to the signs, this is what your soulmate will be called.

Fortune telling by book

Think about the situation that worries you most at the moment. Take any book from the shelf and select any page, line or paragraph. This part of the work contains the answer to your question. It is only important to decipher it correctly.

Fortune telling by wax and water

This method will appeal to people with a rich imagination. Add a little wax to a teaspoon, hold it over the candle flame and pour the contents into a plate of cold water. The resulting figure will tell you about your near future.

There is nothing complicated in the methods we propose; anyone can handle them. JoeInfoMedia journalist Marina Korneva reminds you that you are the architect of your own happiness, and fortune telling is nothing more than a way to entertain yourself. Friday the 13th is on the calendar!

Why is Friday the 13th dangerous?

This day can be viewed from several perspectives. The most important of them is the spiritual side. Almost all religions treat this day with caution, despite the fact that there is no data in the scriptures about this day. In many ways, this day is shrouded in mystery, because it is not known for certain where people got their fear of it.

The fact is that Friday the 13th was terrifying long before our era, when the main religion was paganism. People believed that on this day the forces of evil flourished. They try to mess up as much as possible. From time immemorial, witches considered Friday the thirteenth to be their “professional” day, when curses, evil eyes and spells were stronger than usual. For them it was a day of nourishment, a day of strength. Actually, it remains so even now, so beware of the evil eye, conflict situations and any connection with black magic.

Friday the 13th is especially dangerous for those whose energy is weakened. This day may seem sluggish, but in reality it just drains your energy. If you feel a charge of vigor, then do not rush to waste your energy. Plan things efficiently as it will be almost impossible to regain your energy. Use special spells and signs for Friday the 13th.

What not to do on this day

It is possible to avoid the dangers that Friday the 13th is fraught with - it is enough not to take unnecessary risks and not to do things that could lead to trouble. We have prepared some of the most important warnings for you.

You can't guess. It is worth noting the most dangerous method - fortune telling by mirrors. On Friday the 13th you should be wary of mirrors. It is better to close them or simply not look at them for a long time. If you open a “portal” using two mirrors, placing them in front of each other, dark forces can use this corridor to break out or show their face. Very often, people, without thinking, opened mirror tunnels randomly and saw demons. Some of them had horns and short arms, some saw only their faces, and some saw glowing eyes. This can not only instill fear, but can frighten you so much that it will be very difficult to recover from the shock. Mirrors are your worst enemy on Friday the 13th. Other fortune telling may not be dangerous, but it is absolutely wrong, so there is no point in them on this day.

In moments of anxiety and fear, you should not look over your left shoulder. It’s not for nothing that they say “Good God,” because it is the right side of our body and soul that is light. There are always demons sitting behind your left shoulder, just waiting to be noticed. According to popular belief, in anxious moments you should not look over your left shoulder, because you might see something terrible.

You can't gamble. On Friday the thirteenth you risk losing everything you have. If you win some amount, it is better to spend it on the same day, and not only on your loved ones.

You cannot swear, curse someone, or cause damage. The damage will be returned to you with an almost 100% guarantee. On this day, it is better not to perform dark rituals that could harm someone. If you want to live Friday the 13th as an ordinary day, then behave as if it were an ordinary day, but with a slight amendment - avoid dark thoughts. You should not swear, as swearing can get you into trouble and create problems.

You can't watch horror movies. Black magic experts say that on ordinary days nothing threatens you, but on Friday the 13th, films about demons can attract real trouble. It's not worth the risk, so postpone viewing until another day.

You can't walk the same road. When you go to school, work or errands, choose a different path each time. Don't go back the same way you came. This method of protection from troubles was used by our ancestors. It was believed that changing the path would confuse the evil spirits, and they would not be able to reach the person.

You can't take revenge and envy. Revenge and envy deplete the body, taking away already small reserves of energy. If you decide to do something dirty to someone, then dig two graves at once, not one. Nothing can happen without consequences.

You can't start new important things. Such cases will most likely not be successful. Be careful and prudent. Get on with your normal duties and don't try to keep up with two birds with one stone.

Communicate more with nice people, relax and don’t get involved in conflicts. Try to be friendly with everyone so that no one accidentally jinxes or curses you.

Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, but not so bad that you lose all hope of success. Be yourself and remember to be careful. Seek refuge where you are loved and respected. Surround yourself with kindness, warmth and positive emotions.

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In many countries, it is believed that if the 13th of any month falls on a Friday, nothing good can be expected from this day: it will be full of troubles and failures. In medicine, thanks to the American psychotherapist Donald Dossey, there is even a special term that refers to the fear of Friday the 13th: this phobia is called parascavidecantriaphobia.

No one can give a definite answer to the question of what particular event became the starting point for the superstitious fear of this day. There are several points of view, each of which has its own advantages. One of the most common versions is destruction of the Templar Order.

But long before the 14th century, an attitude towards Friday, on which the number 13 falls, had been formed.

  • It was considered extremely unsuccessful by both Homer and Cicero.
  • The most ancient Kabbalah counts 13 Spirits of Evil - no more and no less.
  • For some reason, Judas is spoken of in Scripture 13. Judas was the 13th apostle. Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th. You can read about the Antichrist in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse. Some claim that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise on Friday the 13th, and on the same day Cain killed Abel.
  • The conclave of witches, according to legend, consisted of exactly 13 participants, and their covens were organized exclusively on Fridays the 13th.

On October 13, 1972, a passenger plane crashed in the Andes. The survivors fought for their lives for 72 days.


There are special signs for this day, which even the most famous people feared.

  • For example, the Chancellor of Germany, nicknamed the Iron, - Bismarck - never put his signature even on the most urgent and important documents on Friday the 13th.
  • The great French commander Napoleon Bonaparte refused all battles and battles on this day.
  • The German poet and philosopher Goethe spent this day exclusively in bed and did not leave the house anywhere.

What are the signs for Friday the 13th?

  1. You cannot start traveling, as such a trip will not bring anything good, and the road will be full of unpleasant and unexpected surprises.
  2. You need to be extremely careful on the roads, since according to some data, on Fridays the 13th the largest number of car accidents and accidents occur.
  3. Do not undergo surgery on this day, no matter how urgent and necessary it may be, since its successful outcome is predetermined by this unfortunate day.
  4. If possible, do not work on the computer on this day, as many viruses are activated on Friday the 13th and can cause irreparable harm to your pet - the computer.
  5. People said that a child born on Friday the 13th would be unhappy in life.
  6. Do not plant anything in the garden on this day - there will be no harvest.
  7. You can't cut your nails.
  8. Do not get a new job on this day, as it will bring nothing but trouble in the future.
  9. There is also a sign that if you have to bury someone on Friday the 13th, another dead person cannot be avoided soon.
  10. You can’t drink alcohol or have fun on Friday the 13th - otherwise a hundred bad things will happen by the evening.
  11. You can't even put a chicken on eggs.
  • Fortune Telling on Friday the 13th

1. Card fortune telling for Friday the 13th
The most common fortune telling on this day is on cards. It is believed that it is on this mystical and mysterious day that any card fortune telling will be as accurate as possible, and its results will not be long in coming. You can tell fortunes in any way: playing solitaire, making a card for your loved one, or simply making a fortune-telling.

In this case, you need to remember a few simple but very important rules:

  • Fortune telling will be correct only if this deck has never been in the game. If there is no new deck, you can use playing cards, but only after an unkissed girl has sat on them.
  • There is an interesting sign that fortune telling will be especially successful if there is a cat or cat in the room.

2. Fortune telling on a cat's paw.

They tell fortunes on Friday the 13th, in the morning. As soon as you wake up, call the cat to your room and make a wish. If a cat steps on the threshold of the room with its right paw, the dream will certainly come true, if with its left paw, alas, it will not.

3. Fortune telling on the mirror.

One of the most terrible events. Fortune telling on Friday the 13th needs to be done at night. Using a wax candle, draw 13 crosses on the surface of the mirror, remove the tablecloth from the table, and place lit candles on either side of the mirror. Ask the mirror 13 times what awaits you in the future. Eat a pinch of salt and drink a glass of water. After this, different visions should appear in the depths of the mirror, in which you must guess your future. If nothing is visible, turn the mirror down with the reflective side and place it on the table. At night you should dream about the future.

One way or another, a lot of people try not to do anything serious on Friday the 13th and be very careful. A lot depends on our subconscious: if there is fear of this day, then there is no need to fight it - it’s better to sit at home so as not to traumatize your own psyche.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th has long been considered a very favorable day for fortune telling. This period is filled with strong energy, which can harm some people, help others, and just scare others. It’s not for nothing that there is even a scientific concept of fear of Friday the 13th – paraskavedekatriaphobia.

But if, despite your fears, you still dare to look for answers to the questions that concern you and find out your future, We We will tell you the most interesting fortune telling for Friday the 13th.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th maps

The most popular and widespread fortune telling on this day is card fortune telling. It is believed that today any fortune telling on the cards will be correct and will soon come true. You can tell fortunes in any way familiar to you: wishing for a card for your betrothed, playing solitaire or playing for fate. It is important to know the meanings of the cards and follow some simple rules.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using dice

Two dice will help you find the answer to your question. Make a wish, roll the dice and count the number of dots. An even number means the answer is positive. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by the names of passersby

The name of the first person you meet may turn out to be fateful for you. On Friday the 13th, don’t be shy to ask the name of a passerby - signs say that your betrothed will also be called that way.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th from the book

Take a thick book and ask a question that interests you. While thinking about this question, choose a page and line at random in the book. Now all that remains is to correctly decipher the answer that is written there.

Fortune telling for Friday 13th hair

Ask an important question for yourself and comb your hair once with a wooden comb. An even number of hairs remaining on the comb indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer. If there is nothing left on the comb, then don’t expect any changes. But this should make you happy, because you are the happy owner of healthy hair.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using wax and water

Place some wax in a spoon and hold it over a candle flame until it melts. Pour it into a plate of cold water and carefully examine the resulting figures. What are they like? Whatever you fantasize about when looking at the wax, expect it in the near future.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th with a cat

Do you have a cat? Make a wish, call her to you and be sure to see which paw she steps on the threshold when entering your room - right or left. This is what determines whether your wish will come true. Keep in mind that the cat's right paw is fateful.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by mirror

At night, a fortune-telling girl sits in front of a mirror and draws 13 crosses with a wax candle. The tablecloth is removed from the table in front of the mirror and lighted candles are placed. You should ask the mirror a question about your future exactly 13 times, eat a pinch of salt, drink it with water and carefully peer into the mirror. Turn on your imagination - all the visions that you see in the depths of the mirror will be the answer to your question.