Invitation to the autumn fair at school. Scenario of the holiday "Russian Fair"

Have fun, people:
Maslenka is coming to visit
With pies and pancakes, -
Spring is at hand!

We will sing, walk, -
Welcome Mother Spring!
Ride on a sleigh
indulge in pancakes!

In cities and villages, Maslenitsa is celebrated joyfully. They say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with songs and dances, and roller coaster rides. The chants of Pancake Day barkers can be heard everywhere. Everyone is invited to the table and then to the burning of the Maslenitsa effigy. We offer a selection of texts for children for a holiday at school or for a Maslenitsa fair.

Attention, attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
Maslenitsa is calling you!

Hey, have fun, gather people!
Today Maslenitsa is coming to visit!
You'd better hurry to see us,
And invite your friends!

Stand in a circle, all the people!
Harmonist, start the round dance!

They came to you with good news,
They brought fun and joy!
Winter is ending
Maslenitsa begins!

Come, honest people,
Interesting things await you!
Come on, hurry up
Our dear friends!
Relax, have fun.
You can't get bored here!
We invite everyone to the holiday,
We are beginning to see off the Russian winter!

Guests are welcome, invited and uninvited!
Thin and fat, cheerful and boring!
Everyone hurry up and come to us!
We are glad to have all guests!
People old and young
married and single,
You are welcome to our holiday!

Come, come in
For rosy pancakes.
Today is Maslen week -
Be happy like us!

Come, honest people,
Come to our show.
A mischievous holiday awaits you,
To everyone's surprise!
We gathered today
Here to see off Winter.
Everyone without exception,
We invite you to a show.

Come to the party
Yes to a fun ride!
Don't skimp on your smile,
Don't be lazy on your feet!

We'll have a great walk,
There will be games and fun.
Get ready, honest people!
Let's say goodbye to winter!

Hey gentlemen, come here!
We invite all guests
Come to us for a holiday soon!
You are welcome to join us for the holiday festivities.
We have a performance today -
To everyone's surprise.
Come all without hesitation:
No tickets needed -
Show your good mood!
Come, mash your bones!

Hey hey! Honest people
Hurry to see us, don’t wait!
Come, mash your bones!

From all doors, from all gates
Hurry to our holiday!
Who knows how to work well
He knows how to have fun too!

All! All! All! All for the holiday!
Maslenitsa - let's start, we invite guests!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Hurry up to grab the best seats!
If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
Come everyone without hesitation!
No tickets needed - just show good mood!
Come, mash your bones!
Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!
Hurry up, hurry up!
There is no more joyful holiday for us!
We have been waiting for guests for a long time,
We won’t start Maslenitsa without you.
Are you comfortable, dear guests?
Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
Let the holiday be magnificent!

Oh well done
Do you know there is another custom -
We must burn Maslenitsa,
So that the warmth of her fire
Our sweet spring
I felt with all my soul,
She hurried to visit us for the holiday.

Attention everyone, gentlemen!
You hurry to the hall, here.
There will be jokes, there will be laughter,
We will make you all happy!

Oh, you people, good people,
Don't stand in the corners
Sing, dance and have fun
You come here to us.
You are welcome
Welcome to visit, Come in!
You won't regret it
If you have time!
Oh, how many came!
Oh, what a rush!
We invited you here to play, have fun,
Let yourself go into Russian dance with all your heart!
And the evil and gloomy ones -
Turn back.

We invite everyone to the hall today,
Let's give a show!
Celebrate the holiday with joy,
Never be discouraged!

Goodbye, goodbye
See you in a year!
A year later to this place
Come, honest people.
There will be miracles again
There will be entertainment
And now we say goodbye
All without exception!
Maslenaya has passed,
The party is over
Let's go on vacation now.

Maslenitsa barkers for pancakes

Come, honest people!
Red spring is coming!
Treats everyone to pancakes!
Wishing you happiness and joy!

The sun is rising in the sky and calling us all to dance!
Have fun, sing, dance, welcome the red spring!
The sun rose in the sky, everyone gathered for the holiday,
We, full of dignity, are starting to eat pancakes!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Leave all your worries behind,
Come visit
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Honey Savior

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Apple Savior

Poems, riddles, proverbs, quiz for Nut Spas

Poems, ditties, riddles and proverbs about Maslenitsa

Congratulatory Maslenitsa poems

Forgiveness Sunday

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

Poems about Maslenitsa


Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Let me enjoy the blink.
Drive away the snowstorms from us,
Take a ride on the carousel.
Melt the cold ice
May spring come soon!

(V. Stepanov)

Wide Maslenitsa cheese week!

Wide Maslenitsa Cheese week!
You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

"PLAY" carefree TUESDAY is a joy.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them
A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

WEDNESDAY is suitable here It's called "Gourmand".
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes
They succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes
All swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY Razdolny "RAZGULAY" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys looking for girls
their betrotheds.

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun.
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

A bright SUNDAY is coming quickly.
Everyone eases the soul on “FORGIVEN DAY.”
Straw effigy Winter burn,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again.
Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

(T. Lavrova )

Since the ancient times...

Since the ancient times
The Sun Festival is coming to us in a hurry.
He is one of the earliest
Looking out the windows on a spring day.
This Maslenitsa is rushing
Along the streets of relatives.
The whole village is drinking and partying,
Eats pancakes in a large piece:
With sour cream and nardek,
With fish, meat and caviar.
The holiday becomes wider with each century,
Don't call it a game.
day for a meeting,
Everyone goes to visit friends.
songs, dances.
Let's flirt day is called.
treat table
Bursting: eat, drink, Cossack!
day of reconciliation...
"Mother-in-law's day"
that's what it's called.
Mother-in-law makes peace with daughter-in-law,
The mother-in-law shakes her son-in-law's hand.
The godfather forgot the disputes with the godfather,
Everyone invites you to visit.
Girls lead round dances,
The guys are riding on a sleigh.
From the snowy ravine
They rush down the hills on their feet.
Cossacks, brave constable
Invites for a game.
Early in the morning he, the crafty one,
Stuck vines into a snowdrift.
On hot horses
The Cossacks are cutting it down:
Galloping at full saber
She is being slaughtered by the Donetsk people.
On the side of the important Cossacks
Restless chicken.
They throw scarves into the snow

Let the rider pick...
Well, on FRIDAY
There is a feast in the streets.
Ataman's treat...
People are rushing to the tables.
It's hot from hot pancakes,
The copper samovar puffs.
Everyone is cheerful without a gift.
The troika is flying noisily.
Mummered horses are galloping,
Moaning runners, songs, laughter.
Cossacks dance to a tambourine,
Old people are the happiest.
The SATURDAY day is majestic
Gatherings name.
They lead round dances with songs,
They come to visit endlessly.
day goodbyes,
Seeing off gray winter.
In every house there are kisses,
A year to wait for a new Maslena.
The bells are ringing,
He calls everyone to matins.
Young and old know:
Tomorrow the post will come to homes.
After the service they will go out into the field
All Cossacks bow with a bow.
Raise your gaze to the Sun with prayer
And they will ask in human terms:
Red sun, be generous
Warm the seeds in the field!
Be, Lord, merciful to us:
The earth is raining fields.
Fun goes on until dark
The people are eating
To the star to the first to
Everyone should eat in advance.

(I. Mordovina)

Winter is here to stay!

Winter is here to stay!
The snow has become oily.
The sun is like a pancake
Blazing blue!
Throughout the village to all ends -
Horses in threes!
The women cried out.
The arcs are colorful,
Manes - in braids.
Hello spring.
And in the sleigh, ah!
Raspberry girls,
Shawls flutter long.
There's the groom himself,
Lounging is important
He has a sleigh
Paper flowers,
And in my hand there is a red flag,
It looks better this way!
Maslenitsa is honest,
Selam is known to everyone,
I'll eat pancakes,
Save the chervontsam!
Let's go through the winter
Let's drink like a bride
And we do it with honor!
Behind winter is beauty
Walk freely
To be in the year

(T. Smertina)


Hello, Maslenitsa!
Give us butter!
We'll bake ourselves some hot pancakes -
We don't care about snowstorms and frosts!

If you have a frying pan,
We are not afraid of the cold,
Because the damn thing is hot -
This is the best food!

It's not the mouse that's squeaking,
It's not the frost that's cracking,
Pancake in a frying pan
Behind the pancake there is a crackle.

Yes with herring,
Yes with caviar,
Yes, along the edge with golden

That's how Maslenitsa
The butter gave us!
Two pancakes even appeared in the sky:
This is the damn sun, and next to it is the damn moon.

One damn hot one
The other one is cold.
Climb to the sky -
If anyone is hungry!

On the ground with wheels
Pancakes rolled...
Children under the birches
Pack your gifts!

The baptized world rejoices today,
Because today is Maslenitsa.
Come, people, and eat a pancake with us,
May spring come to the earth quickly!

Come on, eat a pancake
May spring come!
(A. Usachev)


There are rolls on the table.
And the pancakes are hot.
There is rosy sun outside the window.
It turned red
As if I could drink
I drink five samovars to the bottom.
Outside the window he sings about the spring of drops,
Sings about the passing winter.
I don't want to sit at home now:
Spring is coming through the village.
(O. Akulova)

Today Maslenitsa is with us

SPRING blows in the air,
Honest people are rushing to the park,
Yes in the morning, yes with families,
This Sunday!

Anyone who is not too lazy goes:
It's a special day in Rus'!
On my shoulders! At my father's!
Today is Maslenitsa!

My eyes see everything:
Here's the concert
And there are fights.
Voiced and clear -
The song is vociferous
Now it flies, now it creeps,
About the merchant, about the girl!

I like dancing more -
This is a holiday, this is a fairy tale!
Mom got up in a round dance -
A white swan is swimming...

Dad and I are surprised:
And cheesecakes and pancakes,
In the heat of the moment they are eaten,
But they don't disappear!

Smells like sun and pancakes -
Let's burn the effigy
Let's see off WINTER!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walks all week with all his heart!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, crumpets,
Ruddy as the sun. Nice!

The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Maslena the beauty welcomes spring.
Goodbye winter, see you in a year!

(T. Lavrova )


Maslena wide - dear guest,
Having fun, celebrating, playing in the yards.
Treats me, my dear, with fluffy pancakes,
Sweet cheesecakes, fish pies.

Generous, singing Maslena-Gulena
With kind eyes he looks in surprise
For Spring, rosy, tender beauty,
The blue-eyed sky smiles softly.

Goodbye Maslena - cheese fun,
Farewell, madam, red mockingbird.
The radiant sun sees off the winter,
He greets the desired lover with a song.
(T. Lavrova )

Today is farewell to winter

Today we rejoice -
Today is farewell to winter
With pies and pancakes,
In the noise of a lovely commotion.
The sleds are flying down the hill,
The girl's eyes are burning,
Songs, dances and festivities
It's been a day in a row.
Young people are not too lazy to look
Nominated all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - to the guys,
And my mother-in-law has pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: “Ah!”
I probably ate about forty pieces -
What a festive scope!
This is Maslenitsa
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

Awakening of the earth

Soon it will open its wings
Sleepy land
Awakening will come
With the cry of a crane;
February itself recognizes
Change of days
Through the heavenly veil
Sunny horses
Spring sends forth like messengers
To gray houses:
- Wake up from your sleep! –
She says.
And in cold hearts
Dead ice is melting.
The troika is rushing with bells -
Maslenitsa progress...

Joy to every home!

Let's get up early in the morning,
Let's bake pancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream,
With honey. Be healthy!
With butter and jam,
Here's a treat for you!
Let's celebrate Maslenitsa.
We'll burn the scarecrow.
We will celebrate the holiday.
Joy to every home!
A bright ray of sunshine -
Everyone at the window!

(N. Gubskaya)

Waiting for Maslenitsa

The cat walked, sat, lay,
I've been waiting for Maslenitsa for a long time.
He sang songs, hissed, sniffled:
“Not winter, but chaos!”
There's a battery under the window
It warms you with cat-like warmth!
And he hopes that - here!
Spring will come quickly!

(A. Eismont)

Wide Maslenitsa

Wide Maslenitsa,
We boast about you
We ride in the mountains,
We'll overeat on pancakes!
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Pancake keeper,
Come early
We'll see you well -
Cheese, butter and pancake
And a rosy pie.
Maslenitsa - pancake eater
I fed him until lunch.
And she herself - behind the fence,
All day, all day.
I licked the cheese and butter,
And then it went out.

Farewell to winter

We need to be on time everywhere -
And dance and sing a song!
Eat a basket of pies!
Yes, about three boxes of pancakes!
We're in a whitewashed hut
Let's sweep clean
Oh, green melancholy
We won't let you into the house!
Cold and blizzard
We'll drive you away.
Hey, meet the fun guy
Farewell to winter!
The wide one is moving into the yard!
And we girls meet her,
And we, the Reds, will meet her!
Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,
Wide, visit another!


Carnival! Carnival,
Round sides!
The sun is caressing in the sky -
You know spring is coming.

Pancakes on a plate
I have a hill
Round, rosy -
Dear sunshine!

Come on over, kids.
I'll feed you
Young "twigs"
I love everyone very much.

Slavic holidays -
Joy to every home!
With songs and dances
We will enter spring. . .
(N. Obinyakina )

Maslenitsa Hits

Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve pancakes to everyone!
So that the pancakes are heaped,
And all with caviar!

Maslenitsa means we are alive,
Once we walk, we will live,
And overeat with pancakes,
Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride down the hill,
Let's drive away sadness and melancholy,
Let's say goodbye to winter,
She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in half the sky
Head made of straw
Throw it into the fire quickly
Firewood from past love.

Daring Russian dance
Spin to the accordion...
We say goodbye to Maslenitsa!
Where are you in the spring? Wake up!

Maslenitsa is wide

There's a party in the city!
Both old and young are here;
Slideslide -
The sleigh is flying!

The awaited advances
The samovar is smoking.
All guests are welcome
Here - both young and old.

Pancakes with butter
With honey and caviar,
With sour cream, with songs...
The feast is coming!

Maslenitsa is glorious,
Guest, goodbye!
We wish for Spring,
Bring back the sun,

Warm, rosy,
Looks like pancakes
Only everything is fiery;
We are waiting for warmth and spring.

A flaming scarecrow,
Winter, burn!
Swallows fluttering
Return to the sky again!
(L. Firsova-Sapronova )


Let's meet with a Russian ringing song,
Yes, pancakes - a whole heap
To the accordion and ours - “Lady”
We are Spring-red, madam.

We are with all the honest people
We are spending a snowy winter
And today we will burn the effigy,
Let's wish you the best in life!

Accept, Spring, gifts,
Round dances and barankas,
Let's play tag together,
Let's slide down the hill on a sled.

Have fun with us
Help yourself to some pancakes!
Oh, damn, how clear the sun is -
Golden and buttery!

(L. Firsova-Sapronova )

(M. Lermontov)

Russian pancakes

If you have a frying pan,
The Russian will always be full:
Hot spring sun
The pancakes will squash on it.

Lush, rosy,
With a rim-crust,
Eat with honey, with caviar.
(I. Ageeva)

Russian pancake

Since ancient times, people in Rus'
On Maslenitsa, God save us,
Tired of the cold silence,
They baked golden brown pancakes.
My son-in-law called my mother-in-law for pancakes,
The husband baked pancakes for his wife.
The mother baked for her sons in pairs
With caviar and honey, on dough.
The mother-in-law taught the young woman
How to put mead in a barrel.
How to wait for guests, how to set the table,
Serve pancakes, be cheerful.
Damn, he was a guest, he was the host,
He opened his mouth and mouth;
He fed and entertained the people.
You could enter any of the gates.
In the boyar's house, and in the cage,
And to the beggar on the porch;
On tin, on crystal -
The pancake walked across the Russian soil.
It was lumpy or leaking oil,
At the crossroads of all roads
Both failure and success
The pancake was more than shared among everyone.
And the people sang and were united:
"He is the son of the sun -
Ours, Russian pancake!

( T. Kultina)

Maslenitsa treats!

Like during Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
Piping hot
take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

(I. Mordovina)

Like on Maslenitsa Danechka...

Like Maslenitsa for Danechka
I'll bake printed gingerbread cookies.
I'll make some sunshine pancakes,
I'll bake it in a frying pan.
And smiles on faces
I'll paint a couple of pancakes.
I'll pour jam over a hundred others.
No one is lazy about eating pancakes.

(Lyra Likbeza)

Sort out the pancakes!

Like our matchmaker
Butter pancakes,
Cheesecake delicacies,
Buns - curls.
What about your pie?
Burnt on one side.
And the pancakes are hot
Hot from the oven,
Lush and blush
With butter and sour cream.
Do you have a frying pan?
It's smoky, it's a disaster.
Oh, yes, Maslenitsa,
He bows from the waist.
Sort out the pancakes -
Everyone will get it.

(T. Dergunova)

Kids love pancakes...

Children like pancakes.
How delicious are pancakes!
Everyone in the world is in love
Into delicious pancakes!!
With sour cream and caviar!
Hurry up Set the table!
With jam, with honey and preserves,
With "condensed milk"
delicious food!!
With meat, butter, mushrooms,
With fruits and vegetables...
With cottage cheese or cabbage,
With powdered sugar, delicious!..
I invite guests to my place,
My little friends
Come on, get pancakes!..
Oh, our pants are too tight...

(T. Yudina)


Five eggs, a glass of flour
Oil, cup, two hands.
Soda, salt and milk -
The mixer turns easily.
He spun and spun -
The pancake turned out thin.
In the heat, in the heat, and with honey -
I'm looking forward to your visit in the evening.
Come, come,
Bring joy to my home.
Where there is no tea and guests -
There is no joy, no news.

(I. Fink)

According to an ancient recipe

Oh, I love pancakes!
How delicious they are!
My grandmother bakes them for me.
Here he is again calling them to eat.

I bake brownies
Russian pancakes
According to an ancient recipe
Ancestors of antiquity
Knows his secret
My grandmother
By inheritance - mother,
And of course I
Sweet, honey,
With honey, with milk
Sweet flavors
Filling the house
Three huge dishes
I'll bake pancakes -
Come visit -
The tea is ready!

(D. Kuznetsov)


We bake pancakes in the morning
May there be a MOUNTAIN of them!

Enough for all friends and acquaintances!
The first pancake, of course, is lumpy.

We will have a great feast!
The second one was slightly burnt.

Then dad got down to business -
The third pancake rolled onto the floor.

Brother decided to bake one -
I tore the fourth pancake.

Grandmother took up the fifth -
It turned out crumpled!

And the sixth one was baked by my sister -
It's time for dinner!

Grandfather baked the seventh -
Immediately the puppy stole the damn thing!

I did the rest -
The dough is over, friends!

Well, mom shouted:
“Tomorrow we’ll start all over again!”

(N. Volkova )

Ode to pancakes!

Pancake Maslenitsa,
Nourishing, ancient,
With a samovar, with a light,
Sun, snow, wind...

Many words have been said
I'll bake some pancakes soon,
So that at the end of winter
We welcomed spring to our hearts' content!

I'll quickly knead the dough,
I'll put everything you need
I'll heat the frying pan,
Damn, I'll pour it with a ladle.

The dough will sizzle in the oil,
The frying pan is cramped for him,
I'll deftly turn the damn thing over,
I'll look at the drawing.

The first pancake looks like the sun
The pattern in it bursts with rays...
Damn the second one is ready, crimson,
Like a rosy apple!

And on the third I see spots,
What is it, it’s not clear?
That damn thing looks like the moon
I'll bake another one...

In the holes the pancake looks like cheese,
Not pancakes, but the whole world!
Too thin for a leaf
Too fat to be fat

And the last one to the star,
To a horned goat...
There wasn't enough dough for the pancake,
But it baked beautifully!

Pancakes stand in a stack,
Hot, hot, right in line!
Waiting for the butter to melt,
So that the pancake becomes satin.

I’ll smear each pancake deliciously,
Everything turned out well!
A tender pancake melts in your mouth,
I want another one!

Pancake is a magic flatbread,
A big spoon for yourself
I'll put everything in it,
I will invite my friends to visit!

The first pancake with smoked fish,
You can even with sturgeon,
In between, damn the second
Definitely with caviar!

Pancake with herring for taste,
Well, at least half a bite,
And the fourth pancake with meat,
With spicy minced meat!

In the fifth pancake for decoy
You can put sour cream...
And dip the pancake in sour cream
We won't ban anyone!

Baked pancake with cottage cheese
Let's leave it for later...
In the meantime, let's add honey
Into the pancake for a sweet start,

And strawberry jam
We water the pancake as usual...
Let's drink it all down with fragrant tea,
This is how we welcome spring!

(A. Latulina )

Open your mouths wider

The hamburger won't fit down my throat
Spaghetti makes me sick
Damn it's much healthier with butter
For the soul and belly.

Pancakes make your soul kinder
And a more solid belly.
Who doesn't understand pancakes?
The light smokes, but does not live.

So that there is no gap,
The carpenter hammers in a wedge,
I'm here for the conversation
I use the word “damn.”

In the books they write that the Arabs
The wheel was invented.
Before the Arabs, our women
It was baked from flour.

If the son-in-law is skinny as a match,
Without guessing I will give the answer:
Doesn't go to his mother-in-law's for pancakes
Eats salad and vinaigrette.

About pancakes for four hours
I could sing ditties for you.
Open your mouths wider
To eat more pancakes.
(Smitti, Hochmodrom)

I eat pancakes, pancakes maybe...

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
It wasn't completely cool in the pan,
But don't let this bother you anymore,
I’ll eat them with gusto even without you.

I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,
I have been starving for so long.
I will eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I would rather choke, but not give it to others.

(Russian folk song)

Like during Shrovetide Week
We wanted pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

Our big sister
She's a master at baking pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

She puts it on the tray
And she brings it to the table herself.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

"Guests, be healthy,
My pancakes are ready.”
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!


We know this holiday -
Time to see off winter.
People these days have to
Have fun, bake pancakes.

Before Lent there are folk festivities,
Meat eater, fun and pancakes.
And goodbye to fierce winter
According to the traditions of good old times.

The sun fell in the snow,
The milk river flowed in
Sailing to a hot country
There you can make a moon in the holes.

For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So blush and delicious
These lush...

Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday!
Oil pan!
How has it been since the old days

Let's go to...!

(Mother-in-law for pancakes)

Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
They include sour cream and jam
And, of course...!


And with caviar and sour cream -
They are all delicious!
Nostrils and blush -
Our suns


On Maslenitsa Sunday
Old Titus tried everything
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer:...

(“God will forgive!”)

Pages: 1

Kugaevskaya Irina Fedorovna,


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 "Snow Maiden"

Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Calls. Barkers. Invitations.

(for holidays, fairs, entertainment, sporting events, evenings, gatherings for children)


What's that noise, what's that scream?

This fair is noisy

It makes noise, it calls,

Invites you to visit:

Quickly walk through the rows,

Marvel at any product!

If you like it, take it.

Take it at a discount and so -

We give everything away for a nickel.

And if you feel sorry for the nickel,

So dance the “trepaka”.

And the ditty will do -

She makes people happy.

Come, people, into the ranks,

There's so much beauty here:

There are pickles and jams,

Lots of sweet treats

There are vegetables and honey...

Don't skimp, take it, people!

Our fair is rich.

Buy it quickly, guys!

To the fair!

Hey people, people, people!

The fair is coming!

The fair is coming to visit,

He calls and sings!

Invites, amuses,

Tells everyone to smile!

Carousels, booth

And products for different tastes:

There are both vegetables and fruits,

And great products.

Open your wallets

Get the money!

The fair is rich

Come on in, guys!

Fair performance.

Listen up, little people!

The fair invites you to visit:

Balalaikas play

Everyone is invited to the concert.

And the accordion plays,

People are trying to make people laugh.

Round dance here and there...

Happy fair to friends!

Meeting spring

You come, Spring - spring fly,

Come out to our clearing!

Together, together, with all the people,

We'll do a round dance.

Let's start songs and dances,

Let's start different games...

Let's not let Spring get bored,

Let's celebrate the holiday!

Farewell to winter

Hurry, hurry, everyone is invited!

Today we welcome Vesnyanka to the whole world!

Let's see off the winter

Invite spring to visit!

You go, Spring, come quickly!

Sun, warm the Earth.

Melt the snow quickly

Turn the meadows into green,

Give way to streams,

Start games together!

Laughter in the morning and laughter all around -

Our garden is shaking!

Hee-hee-hee yes ha-ha-ha,

The sides are swelling!

Games, jokes, laughter everywhere -

This holiday calls everyone!

There is a green light for jokes here,

And there is no way for tears!

For the holiday - a prankster

We invite everyone,

We promise fun and joy to everyone!

Sports parade

All the little ones, little ones

We invite you to the parade!

Nothing needs to be done -

Just jump, just run.

And don’t sit still -

Sing songs very loudly.

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,

And walk to the music.

We invite all the guys

To our sports parade!


Like during Shrovetide

We ate pancakes every day.

Both boys and girls

Gathered for parties:

Songs were sung and danced,

We happily welcomed spring!

We greeted spring joyfully,

They bid farewell to winter for a year.

We stood together in a round dance -

Spring is coming to visit us!


Like during Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the oven:

We caught them with our mouths,

Thank you! - they said.

I ate a hundred pancakes with my friends,

We sang songs together!

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Wide Maslenitsa
We won't praise you enough
Come visit us
To the wide yard
Play with the children
Ride the roller coaster!

And we are waiting for Maslenitsa,
We wait, dear soul, we wait.
We'll see cheese and butter in our eyes,
We will see, soul, we will see.
Like a green oak tree on a hill,
Greenie, soul, greenie.
And Vanyusha, my friend, is young,
Young, young soul, young.
Our Maslenitsa, be happy,
Be happy, soul, be happy.
Our little pea be rolling,
Be rolling, soul, be rolling.

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,
Our annual guest,
On painted sleighs,
On black horses.
Maslenitsa lives
seven days.
Stay, Maslenitsa,
seven years old.

How early I got up,
Cleaned up quickly:
Maslenitsa has come to us,
I brought pancakes and butter!

Like during Shrovetide
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for parties:
Songs were sung and danced,
We happily welcomed spring!
We greeted spring joyfully,
They bid farewell to winter for a year.
We stood together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

The annual Maslenitsa has arrived,
Our dear guest!
She doesn’t come to us on foot,
Everyone arrives on horseback.
Her horses are black,
They have golden manes,
And the sleighs are painted.

Maslenitsa brings winter to a close,
Spring invites Krasna!

Oh, Zimushka-Winter!
Go to sleep, rest!
Spring is Red!
Come to us again!

Stand in a circle, all the people!
Harmonist, start the round dance!

They came to you with good news,
They brought fun and joy!
Winter is ending
Maslenitsa begins!

Maslenitsa quotes about pancakes

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Leave all your worries behind,
Come visit
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

Shrovetide week has come, -
Godfather Emelya invited me to visit.
Well, godmother's sister
She's a master at baking pancakes!
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Give my darling space,
We looked at each other
And... everyone ate pancakes!

Have fun, people:
Maslenka is coming to visit
With pies and pancakes, -
Spring is at hand!

We will sing, walk, -
Welcome Mother Spring!
Ride on a sleigh
indulge in pancakes!

Shrovetide week has arrived.
Was at my godfather's for pancakes.
The godfather had a sister.
She's a master at baking pancakes.
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
Give my darling space,
We looked at each other
And... everyone ate pancakes!

Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday!
Oil pan!
As has been the case since ancient times -
We're going to... (mother-in-law for pancakes)!

Maslenitsa is walking on the ice,
Carrying pancakes in a frying pan.
Take the young -
Take it apart!

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
Seven years old
And everything about Maslenitsa
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a deceiver!
Deceived, deceived,
She didn’t let me go for a walk!
Maslenitsa is walking on the ice,
Carrying pancakes in a frying pan.
Take the young -
Take it apart!

Maslenitsa, climb the hill,
Call us to the clear dawn.
And at dawn - a nightingale,
For a day, for a week.

Calls for burning a Maslenitsa effigy

Goodbye Maslenitsa!
She fed us well and hungrily,
She gave me wort and mash to drink.
Goodbye Maslenitsa!
And we saw you off
They ritualized matting,
Goodbye Maslenitsa!
Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!

Maslenitsa is tanned,
The whole world is tired of
Deceived, deceived,
Didn't live to see a year old
Brought it to the post.
She walked sideways towards us,
Through the back streets, back streets,
She carried cast iron pancakes,
I tore my bellies out!
I baked pancakes
She devoured everything herself,
And we have a radish tail
Gave me a post!
I walked happily
Played songs
Stretch it to the post, -
Burn, Satan!

So that it doesn't go out!
So that all the snowstorms
They flew away together
For the birds to sing
The grass was turning green
The skies are chenille
And the ears of corn ripened!
So that all adversity,
Winter frosts,
Failures, tears -
Let them burn, let them burn,
They're flying towards the sun!
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Burn, burn brighter,
Summer will be hotter!

Maslenitsa is tanned -
The whole world is tired of it!
I walked happily
She sang and played.
Hello, goodbye
Come next year!
Spring is already at the door,
So burn, burn quickly!

Spring calls for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa - wet tail!
Get out of the yard
Your time has come!
We have streams from the mountains,
Play the ravines
Turn out the shafts, adjust the plow!
Spring is red!
Our sweetie has arrived!

Mother Maslenitsa
gave us a holiday!
Serves pancakes
sons and daughters!
She brought Spring with her, -
Now I have freckles on my nose!
Have fun, go out people,
to live well for a whole year!

Oh, Mother Maslenitsa,
bring red spring!
Bring the warmth and the long day,
drive Winter beyond the fence.

Wake up the people, stir up the blood,
give the fellows some warm love,
Reward the girls with blush and beauty,
and may life bloom with a bright streak!

So that the fields are full of grain, so that the cattle are darkness!
So that you have enough strength and intelligence for everything.
And so that joy does not leave the house!
We welcome you with beer and pancakes!

Goodbye, snotty winter!
Come, red summer!
Plow, harrow -
And I'll go plow!

Calls for farewell to Maslenitsa

Farewell, farewell, our broad one!
You came with goodness: cheese, butter and egg
With pancakes, pies and pancakes.
Buttered pancakes, greased shangi.
We ride down the mountain from dawn to dusk.
And today on Sunday our fun will end
Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa!

And we saw off Maslenitsa,
They sighed heavily for her:
-Dear Maslyana, come back,
Reach out to the red summer!
Maslyana, Maslyana,
Where are you going?
Lost my paws -
You won't find it!
Pancake-eating Maslenitsa
The whole world is tired of
Deceived, deceived,
Didn't make it to one year old.

Barkers - shouters.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
We'll meet you with a butter pancake!
Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!

But don’t forget, honest people -
Great Lent awaits us all.

And openwork and beautiful,
And blush and delicious,
On Maslenitsa everyone is amazed
You get pancakes.

Several play areas are equipped for children to play games with.

Game "Who hid the pancake?"

Children stand in a circle. The leader is in the center. He first remembers who had the pancake, and then slowly turns around, closing his eyes. Those standing in a circle count to ten in unison and at this time pass “pancake” around the circle behind their backs. They pass it on without looking. (You can use a flat disposable plate or cut a circle out of cardboard as a “pancake.”) When the count ends, the one who has the “pancake” should not give it away in any way. The presenter, counting the players, must determine who has the “pancake” hidden. If he guessed correctly, he stands in a circle, and the loser takes his place. The game continues until all participants have played.

Game “What shall we spread on the pancake?”

Children stand in a circle. There is a “damn” in the center. Children walk in a circle saying: “Pancakes are sizzling on the table. They need toppings. What shall we spread on the pancake? The round dance stops, everyone strokes the “pancake” as if they are smearing it. At this time, riddles are asked to them. In a circle, they take turns guessing. Whoever guessed right stands in the center and becomes a “pancake.” The movement continues in the other direction. The game continues until the children solve all the riddles.

1. Maslenitsa is a delicious meal.

Let's bake pancakes this morning.

They have sour cream and jam

And, of course,…….( caviar)

2. Grandma made from sweet berries

I cooked something.

And it will last us for a year

For tea and compotes. ( Jam)

3.It is made from cream,

Everyone knows it...

Can't do without him

Sandwiches, creams, dough. ( Oil)

4.We collected strawberries -

Not in the forest, but in the garden.

Sugar, got a big basin -

Mom is cooking, and I’m waiting...

We all really like it

Strawberry sweet... ( Jam)
5.If sugar and raspberries

Cook on the stove in a basin,

Then guests in the long winter

There will be something for us to treat.

From raspberries, without a doubt,

Everyone will like it... ( jam)!
6. The bee - a hard worker creates,

It flows lazily from a spoon.

There is no more useful remedy in the world,

We all know him from childhood. ( honey)

7. I tell you without deception,

That I won’t stop praising

What I won’t stop praising

Very tasty…..( sour cream).

8.So similar to sour cream,

Also white and thick.

But make no mistake

This is not sour cream......( cream)

9. Cooked apples with sugar,

Wipe and boil.

It’s so delicious that everyone is jealous.

This is sweet...( Jam)

Game "Musical blind man's buff".

This is an old Russian game. Participants stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle of the circle - one with a tambourine or a bell, and the other is blindfolded.
The presenter says:

“Tryntsy-brintsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!”
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the tambourine or bell and catch the participant with the tambourine who is dodging him. When a participant with a tambourine is caught, he becomes a “blind man’s buff”, and the previous “blind man’s buff” turns into a regular player.

Game – relay race “Bake pancakes”

It involves two teams of at least 4 people. More is better. Each player is given a paper pancake. The first participants each run to their own frying pan, place a pancake on it, then turn it over, pretend to pour oil on it, then remove it and place it on a plate next to the frying pan. Then the participant returns to his place, touches his hand to the next player and he runs in turn to bake pancakes. Of course, the fastest team wins.

Noise orchestra

Children standing in a circle are given wooden spoons. They will accompany the ditties. Gradually they are drawn into singing and pick up the chorus.

The presenters sing or simply recite ditties rhythmically.

How many times have I sworn

Sing songs and ditties.

But when Maslenitsa comes -

I can't stand it.

1.We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time.

We wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

2.Dissolved in a new tub.

The pancakes went on for two hours.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

3.My older sister

She's a master at baking pancakes.

4. She baked something to eat

Five hundred, maybe six.

5. She puts it on the tray

And she carries it to the table herself.

6.Guests, be healthy,

Our pancakes are ready.

7.They looked at each other

And everyone ate pancakes.

8. We haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

You are my pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, my pancakes,

In preparation for the fair, children learned nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, fables, and folk songs. Bead crafts were made for sale, napkins were embroidered, and mothers baked pies. Parents helped sew Russian sundresses and shirts.

1.Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

2.To the fair, to the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets,
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

3.We are naughty guys!
We are crazy guys!
We invite everyone to the fair!
We sell toys!
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy the product, don’t be shy!
Guys, don't yawn,
Anyone who wants anything, buy it!

4. Don’t go anywhere, come here everyone!
A wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle, not a product!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the crows, buy the goods!
These are good products! Anything for the soul!
Taras - bars - rastabars,
We will sell all items!

Leading. And the goods are not simple, they are bought only for your knowledge of tongue twisters, counting rhymes, and proverbs.

And so that you are in a good mood, guests come to your fair with funny ditties.


(Performed by 3 girls and 3 boys)

Let's stand, girls, side by side
Let's sing ditties!

Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,
Let's not leave our friends behind!

We'll sing ditties for you
Wonderful though
That the old ladies will go dancing,
The old people will dance!


Girls are little whites,
Where did you get whitewashed?

Yesterday we milked the cows
Wash your face with milk!

1 boy

Listen, girls, I’ll sing Clunky.
A pig grazes on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in the sauna!

2 boy.

There is a cart on the mountain,
Tears are dripping from the arc.
There is a cow sitting under the mountain,
Puts on boots!

1 girl.

Where are you going, Vanyusha?
After all, a cart without wheels!
And Vanyusha answers

3 boy.

Harvest oats!

2 girl.

I'm stamping my foot
Let me stamp the other one.
Come to me, Ivan,
Come dance with me!

1 boy.

I put my foot on my toes,
And then on the heel.
I’ll start dancing Russian
And then squat!

Leading. And look, what kind of peddlers came here?

Yes, these are Nicodemus and Yegor! Let's hide and listen to what they're talking about!

Sketch “Fables in faces”
(G. Sapgir)

- Hello, Nikodim!
-Great, Egor! Where are you coming from?
- From the Kudykin mountains.
-How are you Egor, are you doing?
-They put an ax on a bare foot,
They mow the grass with boots, and carry water in a sieve.
Our sleighs go on their own, and our horses have mustaches,
They run underground after mice.
- Yes, these are cats.
-There's a mosquito in your basket!
Our cats live in a nest,
They fly everywhere.
We flew into the yard,
They started a conversation: “Kar!” Kar!
-But these are crows!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!
Our crow has big ears,
He often wanders around the gardens.
Jump and jump across the bridge,
The tail has a white spot.
- Yes, it’s a bunny!
- There's a fir cone in your nose!
All animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in the bitter frost
The gray hare carried away the ram.
-But it’s a wolf!
- There's a click on your forehead!
Haven't you ever heard
Why do our wolves have horns?
The wolf shakes his beard and dined on quinoa.
-But this is a goat!
-A thousand clicks for you!
Our goat went under a snag,
He wiggles his tail,
Doesn't tell me to install networks!
But this is burbot!
No, we won’t!
We say this about burbot:
Burbot Nicodemus is proud of himself,
Burbot Nicodemus wears a sable hat,
Doesn't break it in front of anyone
And he doesn’t understand jokes either!

Leading. Come on, guys, stand in a row, and the girls opposite. Who can sing better and more amicably?

Children perform the Russian folk song “On the Mountain is Kalina.”

There's viburnum on the mountain, viburnum,
Under the mountain there are raspberries, raspberries,
Well, what about viburnum?
Well raspberries
And who cares about viburnum.
And who cares about raspberries.

Leading. Who came to our fair for what, but look how the old man at the fair sells a cow.

Sketch “How an old man sold a cow” by S. Mikhalkov.

An old man was selling a cow at the market,

Although many needed a little cow,
But apparently people didn’t like her!
- Master, will you sell us your cow?
-I will sell. I've been standing with her at the market since morning!
-Aren’t you asking a lot, old man, for her?
-Where can you make money? I wish I could give it back!
-Your little cow is too thin!
- The damn thing is sick, it’s just a disaster.
-Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet...
The old man traded at the market all day,
Nobody gave a price for the cow.
One boy took pity on the old man:
-Dad, your hand is not easy!
I'll stand next to your cow,
Maybe we’ll sell your cattle!
There comes a buyer with a tight wallet,
And now he is bargaining with the boy:
-Will you sell the cow?
-Buy if you are rich.
Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!
-Is that true? Looks too skinny!
-Not very fat, but good milk yield!
-Does a cow give a lot of milk?
-If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired.
The old man looked at his cow:
-Why am I, Buryonka, selling you?
I won’t sell my cow to anyone -
You need such a beast yourself!

2 peddler.

Tambourines, rumbas, rattles, spoons!
Who wants to play a little?
Get in line! Choose in a row!
It’s beautiful – it’s nice, and it’s fun for everyone!

Game “Carousel”: Children, holding ribbons, walk in a circle to the music, speeding up the pace of movement. And then the carousel stops.


Hello, naughty girls and boys! Do you like to play? Then now I’ll play “Confusion” with you. I will confuse you, but you must answer correctly. Agreed?

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave...
Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket...
Skates on the ice drew arrows -
We played hockey in the morning...
We chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...
To measure your strength in front of everyone,
Of course, they only love...
Cowards are afraid of the dark -
All as one, they...
Silk, lace and ringed fingers -
Going out for a walk...

The song “Where was Ivanushka?”

Dramatization of Russian folk song.

Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- Chicken.

-Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- A duck.
The chicken pecks at the seeds

Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
-Where was Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did Ivanushka buy?
- Lamb.
The chicken pecks at the seeds
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles.

Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
-Where was Ivanushka?
-At the fair.
-What did Ivanushka buy?
- A little cow.
The chicken pecks at the seeds
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles.
A lamb is chewing grass in a meadow.
The cow gives milk to children.
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.


Arvacheva Lyubov

Fair - colored balls,
And the merchants are broken...
Fun circus - tent,
Clown in a checkered coat.

We're walking around the fair
We buy gifts for everyone.
Oh, what a beauty
Festive bustle!

We were swinging on a swing
They fidgeted on the carousel.
Goodies for the year ahead,
We're full... oh, belly.

How long have we been walking?
We are already completely tired...
Goodbye, bye
Awesome fair!!!

Autumn fair

Batu Irina

At the autumn fair,
spread out wide,
there is something that on a spring day
imagined the eye.

From grains that fell into the ground,
fruits appeared
in the growing fields
peasant's work.

From the ovaries on the branches,
in place from flowers,
the ranetkas appeared,
ruddy on the sides.

People have gotten used to it over the years
to such miracles
spinning in the gardens
good luck wheel.

Having collected a lot of fruits,
people are bargaining
and admits wearily
have a good year this year.

Autumn fair

Vera Osadets

Gifts from the rich make me happy
Passers-by at the autumn fair.
The smells here are impossible,
The colors are like an artist's palette.
One to one, without a flaw,
Eggplants shine like a mirror,
Huge mountains are intoxicating
Pink tomatoes.
The fragrance of spicy pickles
They can lift anyone's spirits.
Juicy scatterings of autumn fruits
They will be a salvation from colds and depression.
Pears, apples, plums, persimmons -
Bright sweet tastes of dope.
The cranberries are overflowing in the jars -
Bathes in the rays of the latter sun.
And the last mushrooms in the buckets -
This is how autumn says goodbye to the sun.

At the fair!

Gennady Annenkov 68

Heel, toe, toe, heel.
A patch is visible on the pants.
The buffoon is tap dancing,
It's like peas are falling out!

Either he will jump, or he will squat; -
Devoted to the dance - without reserve!
Rolled a wheel
It’s like it’s completely weightless!

Bells on the cap,
The tambourine is brand new in your hand.
There is noise and commotion all around,
The people stood in a huge circle.

Skomorokhov - “A dime a dozen”!
Or it will be ahead!

The one that is tallest is with an accordion; -
Everyone calls him Timoshka; -
Pulls the fur to the sides; -
The dance is very dashing!

And the other: it’s a joke,
Then - with his cheerful pipe,
An honest person makes people happy; -
Apparently the guy is single!

Well, the third buffoon
It’s not bad to play on the Horn!
Dancing, lifting his legs,
Like a butterfly flutters!

Well, next to me, little guy,
While dancing he hits a spoon with a spoon; -
He sets the rhythm for the dance!
Have fun, party people!!!

Suddenly, with laughter, the circle broke up; -
The guy with Mishka showed up!
Teddy bear in the center, guy with him; -
What a miracle is this pilgrim?!

Mishka dances with his uncle
And waves a blue handkerchief!
In a long, painted skirt
And in a mischievous vest!

We danced, we had no strength!
The bear sat down among the sweets!
The little children came running,
We were next to Mishka!

They chew sweets together,
They give the bear treats!
Today we have a fair!
A holiday, simply - the highest class!!!


Eva Gushchina

Apples are born
This year,
At the Pokrovskaya fair
In sugar, in honey
They glow with scarlet sides, -
The aroma floats
Enough until Candlemas, -
People think.

The fair is fun,
Tables are breaking.
Weighty wallets
The severity is not small.
There are: potatoes
Glorious from Pechory,
Lard shmat, in a basket -
Cranberry from Pushgory,

Fish of the first freshness -
Lake pike perch,
Cottage cheese of white tenderness,
Cream scoop,
Famous delicacy
Porkhovsky cheese, -
To bring it to the place
That big piece!..

The fair is rinsing,
Noisy with songs,
On a wide area
The music is thundering.
Autumn multicolor
Lays out a wide range of carpets.
Ah, the weather is bright
Today is Pokrov!

Agrarian exhibition

Evgenia Tkalich

Agricultural exhibition.
The music is booming.
Market crowd.
Rural flavor.

Here are the sacks of wheat,
here is a row of combines,
here is honey with oregano,
there the bulls are mooing.

Walks, looks, touches
city ​​people.
Childhood barefoot
walking nearby.

Smiles too
just like you now...
Old village
how do you live without us?

There is a hut with an extension,
mother looks out the window
there's a lively cuckoo
promises a long life...

Oh, boulevard melancholy!
I wish I could just run away...
Agricultural exhibition.
Autumn. Grace!

Igor Gladkov

Red-haired buffoon, fairground paradise,
Sorrel and peas, a hearty loaf,
Whispers and shouts, dashing and deception,
The camp gypsy hung his head.

Wiry man, hat on one side,
Oh the temptation is great! Fair day!
Mead to your heart's content, pickles for future use,
Fatal passion, cool down a little.

Fairground, field and surrounding area,
White sundress of young brides,
Feather grass spreads, weeds rise,
The villagers' market place has become overgrown with old times.


Igor Obukhovsky

Cockerels on sticks and dolls.
Mountains of cotton candy and pretzels.
Children's laughter, sounds of favorite songs.
Fair! Hurry up quickly!

Here it is possible to forget everything in the world,
And spend money. No problem!
The parrot will pull out a ticket for you,
Where fate has already been predicted.

Mom and I are circling on the carousel,
The wind blows my hair!
We wanted to go to a fairy tale.
Fair! Just come!

Seller of magic goods

Marina Terentyeva

In the morning, surrounded by a cheerful, buzzing crowd
Funny kids and just random people,
Along the dusty streets, tired of the July heat,
A salesman walked with his heavy cart.

On the main square, arranging the goods awkwardly,
To the screams of onlookers and stingy ironic laughter,
He sold happiness to others in bottles for cheap,
And in colorful boxes - love, beauty and success...

The goods lay in the cart, like melted jelly,
And a whole bag of expired tender smiles.
But happy people lived in a small town.
Or maybe they lied to each other that everything was fine.

And the seller was irritated, tired and sad.
Yes, he kept lamenting that he was called a “fool.”
At parting, he weighed out happiness and joy for me,
Although it’s sad to open that treasured bottle alone...


Olga Ryzhova 2

A unique corner
Handmade handbags.
The flow of music flows
Worries dissolve.

Enchanted Jade
The summer hall shines with mystery,
And Indian flavor
Spreads sacredly.

Emerald, opal and pearl,
The dolls on the wall froze.
The smell of tea heals the soul -
Outlines of the god Shiva...

Elephants, keychains and vases,
Raj Kapoor to meet me,
And diamonds are burning in the eyes.
I will answer him warmly!

Cupronickel heat and cold,
Beads, rings and bracelets.
It was just a reason -
Happiness rare coins...


Olga Khvorost

The eternal whirlwind of destinies, people, events -
idle in the head - the feuds are still forgotten,
The park is full of mummers, each one is not equal to himself,
anyone who is not “a fool himself” has no right to condemn them.

To tickle the nerves - they jump over the abyss,
someone brought a cat (black, flea-covered, frisky),
threatens fools with disaster, removes damage to others,
horror, like a gray harrier, making its muzzle from the abyss.

Everyone who doesn't care puts out the stars with their fingers,
the red-haired impudent devil rummages through dead souls,
the polka is replaced by a waltz, the wind turns the barrel organ,
The gods play with us, betting on our deaths.


Yulia Borisova From St. Petersburg

In my native land, near the edge of the century.
You ask, asking the price:
-Who is she? Don't you value it?
- I don't sell.

Are you asking?
- No.
- Are you changing?
- No.
- So what?
- I give you and me a magical meaning.
The path is paved with a divine dotted line
From a resin teardrop to amber.

We, a droplet of amber solidifying
Our whole life is reflected in poetry.
Here you are. Here I am. This is a human fair.
Here is a winged flap of golden eyelashes.


Yulia Moroznaya

The fair is rich in goods,
The craftsmen brought souvenirs.
From dawn to dusk
They traded what was dear to their hearts.

Painted Gzhel beckoned in blue,
The cups and figurines surprised
On a tray like on a large display case
Khokhloma captivated with its pastoral scenery.

Bouquets on Zhostovo trays
They outlined it with a golden border.
Palekh promised to keep secrets
In icon-painting lacquer caskets.

The buffoons sang to the accordion,
General merriment ensued.
The cheeks of the new nesting dolls blushed,
Dymkovo pipes whistled.

The roses on the canvases were blazing,
Far away, flames could be seen in the rows.
The shawls were amazing with the riot of colors,
I wanted to buy it as a souvenir.

Pavloposad wool square,
Burgundy background, silk tassels,
It has the right to be called a decoration
The board is patterned, truly Russian.

He turned around and took off like a bird,
He hugged his shoulders with warm wings,
Not afraid of blizzards and frost,
Invented by good masters.

I bow to the undoubted talents,
Virtuosos of folk crafts.
Since ancient times the lands have been united
Our ancestors with a spiritual spark.

Songs for the fair

Fire fair, bright!
The fair is dancing and hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing!

Well, it's not expensive
Buy some cottage cheese
And here's chicken and celery!
Cheaper than a ruble
Two bagels with poppy seeds,
Take it, dears, and quickly!
But the tarpaulin ones,
Almost new
Well, what are you watching? They can't be demolished!
Take a cap
And checkered trousers,
Don't be sorry for your coins!
After all, at the fair,
And not in hard labor,
Take a walk, darlings, whatever!
Leather boots,
Almost never worn...
Oh, for the sake of the holiday! And so I will give it!

Believe me, friends:
There is no way to cheat here.
Stop it, don't argue, buy it,
Don't waste your time!

Don't keep your mouth shut
Buy mushroom pies.
Make me laugh, my friend,
Eat this pie!
Get in line
Take everything!

People, come here!
Look at the scarves!

Take my dolls apart!
Bring joy to children!

We ourselves are from Ryazan!
Herrings are Astrakhan!
Come and buy it
Choose - take it!

Tara-bars rastobars
There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Shop in great demand.
The needles don't break,
Threads, ribbons.
Blush, lipstick!
Who needs what?
And here are the pies!
Bagels here!
Fresh, tasty -

They ask to be put into your mouth!

Shawls, cockerels,
Painted scallops
Come and buy it
Honest Cossacks.

Please come here soon,
Come, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!
There are objects
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
And here are the lollipops, the bell lollipops,
Roosters, tits and other birds!
Here are masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Leshy, Fox and other miracles!
Come and ask the price
Buy, don't be shy!
Dear audience,
Who needs a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give it away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here, people.
And let's get acquainted!
May it last for many years
This day will be remembered!
Get ready for more fun
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for children at the fair,
We are waiting for their parents too!
Come boldly, people,
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Joke and fun!
Forget about the sad sigh,
Sadness is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late,
We have one condition:
Be serious today
It's prohibited here!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And is strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily until you cry.
There's a grain of joke in every joke,
The rest is serious!

I sell cobblestone pies!
There are no healthier pies on earth:
Heals teeth from any disease!
Take one bite of this pie -
Not to mention diseases, you won’t find teeth!

Run, fellow sudari!
Popped balloons for sale!
Once you buy it, you won't regret it - that's for sure -
Absolute strength guaranteed!
Even stab with a needle, even burn with fire,
They won't burst anymore!

Now trading will begin briskly:
Notebooks with twos, threes, and
With a note from the class teacher,
Calling your parents to school.
Whoever buys it will be able, already sitting at home,
Have marks on any subject!

Apparently our people are full:
He doesn't take pies
Apparently they have balls
Purchased in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come, honest people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Makes you sing and dance

How to invite people to the fair, what kind of barkers and chants there are

  1. The fair is started by cheerful buffoons with a barker:

    All! All! All! All for the holiday!
    The fair is starting, guests are invited!
    Hurry up! Hurry up!
    Hurry up to grab the best seats!
    If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
    Come everyone without hesitation!
    No tickets needed - just show good mood!
    Come, mash your bones!
    Today the Fair invites you to visit!
    Hurry up, hurry up!
    There is no more joyful holiday for us!
    We have been waiting for guests for a long time,
    We won't start the fair without you.
    Are you comfortable, dear guests?
    Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
    Let the holiday be magnificent!

    Please come here soon,
    Come, honest people.
    Start having fun.
    The fair is calling us all!
    Come, citizens,
    We will please everyone!

    Now trading will begin briskly:
    Notebooks with twos, threes, and
    With a note from the class teacher,
    Calling your parents to school.
    Whoever buys it can, already sitting at home,
    Have marks on any subject!

    Run, fellow sudari!
    Popped balloons for sale!
    Once you buy it, you won’t regret it for sure.
    Absolute strength guaranteed!
    Even stab with a needle, even burn with fire,
    They won't burst anymore!

    Come, honest people!
    The fair is calling!
    The fair will not let you get bored!
    It will make you sing and dance!

    Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
    Just baked!
    From the heat, from the heat,
    A couple of kopecks!

    Wide Maslenitsa Cheese week!
    You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
    We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
    To drive away the cold winter from the house!

    Morning.. . MONDAY.. . The MEETING is coming.
    Bright sleds slide down the hills.
    All day fun. Evening is coming...
    Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

    PLAYING carefree TUESDAY is a joy.
    Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
    Games and fun, and a reward for them:
    A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

    Here WEDNESDAY is appropriately called GOURMMAN.
    Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
    Kulebyaki and cheesecakes will suit them all.
    Pies and pancakes are all on the table!

    And on THURSDAY the wild RAZGULAY comes.
    Ice fortresses, snow fights...
    Troikas with bells enter the fields.
    Guys are looking for girls for their betrothed.

    FRIDAY EVENING has come at TSHCHI's...
    Vainly invites his son-in-law for pancakes!
    Eat it with caviar and cream, maybe a little simpler,
    We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

    SATURDAY SISTER-IN-LAW TREAT is approaching.
    All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
    The holiday continues, general fun.
    A nice farewell to Zimushka!

    Bright SUNDAY is coming quickly.
    Everyone eases the soul on FAREWELL DAY.
    The straw effigy Zimushka is burned,
    Dressed up in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

    The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
    Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
    In a year we will meet Beauty again.
    Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

  2. Tara-bars, rastabars, there are good goods. Not a product, but a real treasure, grab it in great demand!
    Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - gather in reserve.
    Oak buckets, painted rockers! Buy, choose!
    One is good and the other is good, choose whichever you want!
    Stand in a row, choose in a row: pipes, firecrackers. Beautiful - nice, entertaining for children!
    Scarves, combs, painted cockerels. A small expense, come, honest people!