The scandal between Kirkorov and Timati is becoming overgrown with dirty details. Another quarrel between Timati and Kirkorov Why Kirkorov and Timati are at enmity

The rapper faces a lawsuit from MTV Russia for insults

The conflict between TIMATI and Philip KIRKOROV continues. Another offended party has joined the case - the management of the MTV Russia channel: TV bosses are threatening to sue the rapper for libel.

Let us remember that the conflict flared up after Ksenia Sobchak And Philip Kirkorov Anniversary concert was ridiculed on Twitter Timati in Crocus City Hall - they say, the rapper could not gather even half of the hall. In response, the offended Timati called Kirkorov “an old fagot” () in his microblog. And his label “Black Star” sent out a press release to the media saying that Philip bought an entire program on the MTV channel to denigrate Timati.

On December 7, 2012, on the air of the MTV music channel, as part of the “No Secrets” program, a custom report was shown about Timati’s allegedly “failed concert” in Crocus, says a press release from the Black Star label. - In a private telephone conversation with the editor-in-chief of the program “There are no secrets” Anton Mikhailiuta and CEO of Black Star inc. Pavel Kuryanova it turned out that Philip Kirkorov, offended by the previous conflict with Timati, and apparently unable to control the desire to publicly take revenge on his opponent, put pressure on the management of the TV channel and, relying on his participation in the rating show “Vacations in Mexico,” literally forced them to release a report exactly in this vein. The management of MTV, which did not dare to contradict the artist involved in the popular TV show, contrary to all ethics, followed Kirkorov’s lead and presented a report that did not correspond to reality.

- On my own behalf, I can only add that it is extremely sad to observe the actions of the media, which, in pursuit of ratings, are forced to invent “black stuff” and engage in manipulation of facts, sometimes not disdaining to create such programs on order. The only thing that remains is to wish such media and their leaders who take on such responsibility to wash their hands more often,” said Pavel Kuryanov, CEO of Black Star Inc.

The MTV TV bosses were quick to react: the channel’s management assures that everything in the story is the pure truth, and threatens to sue Timati and his team.

Our authors stated in the material that the artist gathered only half of the possible audience, and some of them received tickets to the show for free,” representatives of the MTV channel commented on the situation to Express Gazeta. “After this, the label issued a letter in which it called the report “inappropriate reality,” also accusing MTV journalists of “manipulating facts” and violating professional ethics. For our part, we would like to note with regret that the people who created the text of this letter can be classified as journalists who distort facts and write materials that do not correspond to reality. The entire team of the project is ready to subscribe to every word released on the air of the TV channel. There can be no talk of any manipulation of facts in the report. All interviews with the characters in the material actually took place, and any phrase in the plot was accompanied by a video clip confirming the words spoken. Moreover, in the issue preceding Timati’s concert, we made material with a clearly positive tone towards the artist, talked about how the rapper is preparing for the show and what he is going to surprise with at his solo performance. This release did not cause any complaints from the artist’s management, although the facts used there largely overlap with those that the label stamped “not true” in its letter.

In addition, the press release from the Black Star company unacceptablely distorted the words of the chief editor of the program that the material was “ordered” by Philip Kirkorov. Indeed, it is always more difficult to perceive critical materials than complimentary ones, but we consider it unacceptable to accuse their authors of bias in the absence of evidence. We are sad to see how the PR department of the Black Star label is trying to shift the blame for its own mistakes in organizing the concert onto the shoulders of the journalists covering it... The only way out of this situation, we see an official refutation of all the unreliable and discrediting information that is discrediting the business reputation, which is broadcast through the channels The media circulated the "Black Star" label, as well as a public apology from the company. Otherwise, the artist Timati’s company will have to prove the manipulation of facts in the report, as well as the words about Kirkorov’s “order” in the courtroom.

As we learned, representatives of the MTV Russia television channel have already contacted lawyers who have begun preparing the relevant documents for the trial.

The conflict between Timati and Philip Kirkorov continues: after everyone seemed to have forgotten about the video “Let's see you bye!” the famous rapper again publicly ridiculed his colleague. And the reason for this was Sergei Lazarev’s birthday greeting, which Philip Kirkorov posted on his Twitter.

The King of Pop wholeheartedly congratulated the young singer on the holiday and wrote that “unlike gray personalities,” he behaves very sincerely, honestly and openly. Kirkorov called Lazarev “an amazing artist, musician and just a great friend.” In a rather rude manner, he hinted that today on the domestic stage there are a lot of people without talent and voices who mistakenly consider themselves stars. It is likely that in his words Philip Kirkorov was hinting at Timati, and it is not surprising that the latter could not leave this insult without comment.

In turn, Timati just laughed in response and wrote that “Filka congratulated Seryozhka very touchingly.” There have long been many rumors about the relationship between these artists, as well as about the sexual orientation of each of them. Timati only confirmed these rumors, saying that they are an excellent example of true male love.

Philip Kirkorov and Sergey Lazarev have been friends for many years

The King of Pop very warmly congratulated the singer on his birthday

On April 1, singer Sergei Lazarev celebrated his 31st birthday, and on this occasion the former lead singer of the group “Smash!” I preferred to spend it in the company of my closest people. Unlike his colleague, Philip Kirkorov leads a more open and public life. Not long ago, the king of the Russian pop scene became a father twice; both children were born to a surrogate mother in America. Now the singer is raising a 2-year-old daughter, Alla-Victoria, and a one-year-old son, Martin. Kirkorov does not hide the fact that after his marriage to Alla Pugacheva he no longer intends to get married, despite the fact that the press constantly attributes him to new relationships with girls.

Philip Kirkorov is raising two children from a surrogate mother

Unlike Philip Kirkorov and Sergei Lazarev, singer Timati was repeatedly seen in the company of girls. His last girlfriend Alena Shishkova even gave birth to a daughter for the rapper, whom the young and happy parents decided to name Alisa. The birth took place in the Dominican Republic, where the 21-year-old model spent her entire pregnancy. Especially for his friend and mother, who helped the girl during pregnancy, Timati rented a luxurious villa in Santa Domingo.

Timati and Alena Shishkova skillfully hid from strangers the fact that they would soon become parents. And when his daughter was born, the singer immediately informed his readers about it on Twitter. He was personally present at the birth and supported Alena.

Timati and Kirkorov - scandal

« Who are you, goodbye“- this is exactly what Timati wrote on his Twitter in response to Kirkorov’s remark, which is why the scandal broke out. The conflict between Kirkorov and Timati on Twitter began after the rapper wrote on the microblog that the Muz-TV award was awarded unfairly.

Scandal between Timati and Kirkorov - correspondence

In response to Timati's remark It was not just anyone who reacted, but Philip Kirkorov himself. In 2012, Kirkorov received three statuettes at Muz-TV. Kirkorov did not want to get involved in the conflict, but it just so happened that his answer hurt the rapper. The pop singer asked Timati what questions he had. "The most honest?" - Kirkorov asked, noting that in 2011 he personally did not ask questions.

Kirkorov and Timati were insulted each other on Twitter, but the rapper’s response turned out to be ruder: the musician asked Kirkorov “not to confuse the shores,” and he also noted that he was not part of the pop artist’s “cock cage.” “Remember this!!! And goodbye!" - Timati wrote.

Scandal between Timati and Kirkorov on Twitter

Kirkorov and Timati on Twitter They didn’t calm down during the correspondence. The rapper launched the hashtag #Philip, let's see each other. In just a few hours, tens of thousands of people joined in the persecution of Philip Kirkorov - the tag entered the global trends of the microblogging service, where it reached second place.

Scandal between Timati and Kirkorov - video

Scandal between Kirkorov and Timati has grown into something more than just a conversation on Twitter. On Wednesday, June 13, the rapper published a video on his official YouTube channel in which he answered what he thought about the conflict between Timati and Kirkorov. The video, titled #LET'S DATE, was watched by 2.6 million people in three days.

The action of the video takes place at the celebration (as in the original video, in which the phrase “Who are you, goodbye”) sounds. Together with Timati, his friends are sitting at the table, passing the microphone to each other, constantly rapping about pop artists. The lyrics of the song contain a lot of obscenities, and the most innocent phrase can be considered the following: “You are not worth the kokoshnik of the Buranovsky grandmothers.”

After Kirkorov and Timati created a scandal, information appeared that the pop singer would file a lawsuit against the rapper. However, later lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, representing the singer’s interests, denied this information, saying that Kirkorov did not contact him.

Who are you, goodbye - video

When creating your song Timati used the famous phrase: “Who are you, goodbye.” A video from a wedding in Azerbaijan appeared on YouTube in January 2012. The main phrase of the musical debates organized by the participants of the holiday was the line: “Who are you, goodbye.” The video was watched by more than 2.4 million people.

The day before, awards were given to the most stylish men according to GQ magazine in Moscow. This event was not complete without the king of pop of the national stage, Philip Kirkorov, and his “sworn colleague” Timati. About five years ago the artists had a serious quarrel. They did not communicate for a long time, but last summer at the Zhara festival, Grigory Leps managed to reconcile his colleagues and help them start their relationship from scratch.

However, Kirkorov and Timati had not crossed paths in public until last night, so it was unclear whether Leps’ efforts really brought results or whether the singers shook hands at “Heat” just so as not to upset their mutual friend. The answer to this question was received by journalists during the GQ Awards ceremony. The first to appear at the event was Philip Bedrosovich. Timati appeared half an hour after the king of pop arrived, so they did not intersect on the red carpet.

But, as Komsomolskaya Pravda reports, ironically, the “bosom colleagues” were awarded one after another - Kirkorov was recognized as “the most stylish singer of the year”, and Timati was recognized as “the most stylish producer”. After receiving the award, the rapper had to walk past the King of Pop to return to his place in the hall. But when the artists were nearby, Philip Bedrosovich did not turn his head and greet the owner of the Black Star label, but continued to look somewhere in front of him. Timati indifferently walked past, also making no attempt to greet his colleague.

However, journalists admit that mutual ignorance is not a sign of another quarrel between the artists, but just a brilliantly thought-out PR move. There are rumors on the Internet that the singers have not only reconciled, but are also preparing to appear in a joint video in the near future.