Kirlian effect. Photos of the aura using the Kirlian method, chakras

Kirlian method and effect

Kirlian effect

Research into the effects of structured water includes studies of the effects of such water on humans. And here the Kirlian effect provides invaluable assistance to the researcher. In the thirties, Krasnodar mechanic Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (later an honored inventor of the RSFSR) and his wife Valentina Khrisanfovna Kirlian discovered and described an original method of photographing objects in a high-frequency electric discharge. In 1949 they patented this method.

A few words about the biography of this talented man, an inexhaustible inventor:

Semyon Davidovich Kirlian was born in Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar) on February 20, 1898 into a large Armenian family. From an early age he had to work and earn money for a living. He was a clerk, a decorator, a piano tuner, but most of all he was interested in electromechanics. He was unable to obtain an education, but his curiosity and innate abilities helped him become an inventor. In 1923, Semyon Davidovich married Valentina Khrisanfovna Lototskaya, the daughter of a priest, journalist and teacher, who became a faithful friend and assistant in her husband’s affairs. Semyon Davidovich's interests were extremely versatile; for example, from sugar he was able to obtain crystals that cut glass perfectly. Having developed the technology for producing artificial diamonds, Kirlian wrote about his discovery to I.V. Stalin. After this, NKVD officers confiscated all the crystals and records from the inventor. This happened in 1937.

Semyon Davidovich invented an electric furnace for casting fonts for a city printing house, magnetic devices for cleaning grain, equipment for heat treatment of products in the canning industry, and much more.

In 1939, Semyon Davidovich began working as an electrical equipment repairman in a city hospital. When he repaired a physiotherapy machine that uses high-frequency current, he saw a strange pink glow between the electrodes. He was interested in this phenomenon, and the inventor decided to record on photographic film the glow of a coin in a high-frequency current field. Having made an imprint, Kirlian saw a photograph of a coin, along the edges of which a glow was visible. When you get an unexpected result, you always want to thoroughly investigate the phenomenon. Semyon Davydovich began to record various objects on film, got prints of leaves, then tried to get an image of his own hands. The results amazed him, and he continued his research further. It turned out that any living object gives off a different glow, depending on the state in which it is located. A freshly picked leaf glows differently than a withered one. Semyon Davydovich was especially struck by the difference in the glow of his hands: the hands of a tired man glowed completely differently than those of a vigorous and active man.

For ten years, the Kirlian couple in their home laboratory created a device that made it possible to see and record the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field (a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulse mode was used as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage), took many photographs, and studied a new phenomenon.

To carry out the plan, new knowledge was required. I had to study electronic optics, get acquainted with optical photography, and draw up diagram after diagram. Unfortunately, the first experiments did not produce a “scattering of stars”, but a skeleton of fingers. Crazy thoughts appeared: is it the “X-ray”? But the experiments continued. The path to the “placers” was thorny; it went through a jungle of schemes, burns, unforeseen results, and despair. It was not His Majesty Chance, but long and hard work. The work of penetrating into an unknown world where precious formulas for human health and longevity are buried.

From Kirlian's diary

In 1949, the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries issued him Copyright Certificate No. 106401 for “a method of photographing objects in high-frequency currents.” The invention was classified, and public access to this very interesting method was closed. The fate of the inventor turned out to be typical - they forgot about him. It was insulting and bitter. Semyon Davydovich realized how many useful things could be done with the help of his brainchild!

Finally, in 1957, permission was given to publish a brochure written by Kirlian, “In the World of Wonderful Discharges,” and this caused a real storm in the scientific world. Unfortunately, the Kirlian method was not patented abroad, and other countries quickly overtook us in research.

The skin contains unique biomechanisms that perform important functions and are connected through the nervous system with internal organs... We assume that if there are comparative tables of pictures of the electrical state of the skin in normal and pathological conditions, it will be possible to use our method as a means of early diagnosis in medicine and animal husbandry ... The world of wonderful discharges will serve a person well.

S. D., V. H. Kirlian. In the world of wonderful discharges

Subsequently, it turned out that by studying a person using the Kirlian method, it is possible to identify his emotional state and diseases that begin only at the bioenergetic level and do not manifest themselves at the physical level, and cannot be diagnosed at this time by other known methods. This helps treat diseases in the bud, keeping a person healthy and prolonging his active, full life.

In gratitude for the great discovery, officials made the Kirlian spouses “restricted from traveling”; they could only correspond with foreign scientists conducting similar research. Kirlian was sorely short of money, they spent all their money on research, and they were denied a republican pension.

In February 1974, S. D. Kirlian was awarded the title of Honored Inventor of the Republic. And on April 4, 1978, he died, and the research was closed. He survived his wife by almost seven years.

The Kirlian effect is used to diagnose mental illnesses, determine the degree of sobriety of drivers, determine the presence of drugs in the human body, the biological activity of medications, identify signs of overwork of operators, overload of athletes, the degree of remote influence of a person on another person and other living objects, to establish the compatibility of a person with each other. another in a team or family, to determine the degree of human exposure to substances, including water, aqueous solutions and other liquids, in agriculture to determine the germination of seeds and the mutual influence of different types of plants, in mechanical engineering (flaw detection), in forensics, parapsychology , defense industry and other fields.

What seemed most interesting to me were the results of the impact of structured water on humans. For research, photographs were taken of the hands of a tired person. The subject then drank structured water (the water was told: “Water is the source of life”), and repeated photographs were taken five minutes later. They showed the aura of a cheerful person, the fatigue disappeared. The subject confirmed that he began to feel better.

In this line of research, I think many wonderful discoveries await us.

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Photography using the Kirlian method is a well-known method in science and widely used in life for recording the glow of objects. Russian scientist S. Kirlian and his wife discovered this method in 1938. It is based on the observation that the human body has an energy shell (aura). As often happens, the discovery was made by accident. While repairing a complex medical device that used a high-frequency discharge, Kirlian noticed a glow between the electrode and human skin. The glow changed depending on the psycho-emotional and physical state of the person. By 1950, a technique had been developed and equipment was created for observing and photographing objects of various origins, including humans, using high-frequency currents. With the help of improved equipment, it is possible to determine the boundaries of the diseased organ, judge its changes during treatment, and predict the course of the disease. True, traditional medicine does not recognize the Kirlian diagnostic method, although for an experienced specialist these photographs can provide important information about the patient’s illness.

How is Kirlian photography performed?

This method uses a special camera called a Kirlian camera. A circle of opaque organic glass is attached to it. The camera is controlled by a chronometer and a device that measures the intensity of the discharge. A current of a certain frequency and voltage is passed through a cuff resembling an electrode. The person places his hand on the glass, fingers spread wide, and holds it in this position for some time. If your foot is being photographed, you must ensure that it fits snugly against the glass. At the time of photographing, the patient and the doctor must stand on an insulating rubber mat. For particularly sensitive patients, exposure to electrical current may cause some harm, although the current is very weak.

This method is not popular in modern medicine. It is used as an additional one to confirm the diagnosis.

With the help of Kirlian photography, the human energy field is recorded. Thanks to corona discharge and high-frequency alternating voltage, it is possible to capture the glow of a living organism (aura). Analysis of the human aura - its shape, size, intensity, symmetry, and other parameters - allows us to judge the bioenergetic state of both individual organs and the entire organism as a whole. The photograph clearly shows the reflections of the twelve channels (meridians), which are traditionally identified in Chinese medicine. These channels of the human body indicate the energetic state of the body and spirit, the genetically programmed predispositions of a person, and the state of his current health. Using the Kirlian method, it is possible to diagnose disorders even before the symptoms of the disease itself appear.

In the photograph you can see one of three types of radiation: endocrine, toxic or degenerative glow. Endocrine fluorescence refers to the weakness of the hormonal system, all disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Toxic glow is characteristic in the presence of an acute inflammatory process or infection, a disease caused by toxic substances. The degenerative type occurs with an organic disease, with the breakdown of tissue.

Evaluation of treatment results

The Kirlian method is used to evaluate the results of treatment, especially if the treatment is long-term. The changes present in the photograph allow one to judge the state of the disease and the effectiveness of the traditional and homeopathic medicines used.

You should not rely 100% solely on the Kirlian effect. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to use other research methods used by traditional medicine.

The Kirlian effect has long been known and is used in various areas of human activity. What are its features and benefits for humans?

1. What is the Kirlian effect?
2. Why are thoughts non-human in nature?
3. Shocking experiments of Professor Korotkov!
4. How does the Kirlian effect manifest itself after the death of a person?
5. Incredible! New devices with the Kirlian effect allow...

What is the Kirlian effect?

The Kirlian effect is a special visual effect that was discovered by Semyon Kirlian¹ in 1938. What is it?

Kirlian discovered!

“If an object connected to a voltage source is placed on a photographic plate, an energy image of the object will appear on it.”

A little later...

Kirlian patented several inventions that made it possible to record the glow of objects and people on photographic film.

While studying his discovery, Kirlian noticed that on the photographic film people have different auras.

Scientists have suggested that the Kirlian effect shows vitality and the energy field, that is, it reflects the physical and emotional state of a person.

It was found that aura color and condition directly related to health status person.

The Kirlian effect has become a new stage in the diagnosis of diseases!

A person is considered healthy when he:

  • physically capable
  • has a clear mind and emotional health,
  • his spiritual energies are balanced.

The aura of such a person is large and bright.

But, if a person has problems at one of the listed levels, then his aura is noticeably thinner and weaker.

A characteristic glow around certain parts of the body or certain organs indicates the presence of a disease or disorder.

Based on the intensity of the glow, Kirlian learned to determine:

  • general activity of the body,
  • state of organs and systems,
  • effectiveness of treatment methods.

This method is widely used in modern diagnostics, which reduces the risk of medical errors and improves the quality of preventive care.

Why are thoughts non-human in nature?

This is really interesting!

Researchers have noticed that the aura of living objects can change quite sharply and quickly, while in inanimate objects the aura parameters can change by no more than 2%.

Unique devices based on the use of the Kirlian effect have enabled scientists to study life processes in the human body and mind. So the Russian professor Bünzen discovered:

“When making decisions, a thought first appears in the aura, and only then do thought processes begin in the human brain!”

Significant changes in the parameters of the energy shell have also been recorded when people interact with drugs, crystals, minerals, color, water, etc.

Professor Korotkov's experiments with the Kirlian effect

In 1990, a Russian professor from St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov, became interested in the Kirlian effect (Kirlianography). After conducting several series of experiments with living people, Korotkov decided to find out how the Kirlian effect manifests itself when a person has died.

Scientists have received stunning results!!

It turns out that the energy of a deceased person does not fade away gradually, as previously thought, its activity either increases or decreases, as if there was still some kind of force in the inanimate body.

How does the Kirlian effect manifest itself after the death of a person?

Korotkov's experiments showed that a person's aura continues to change continuously for 72 hours (3 days) after clinical death.

This makes it possible to accurately determine the time of death of a person and determine its cause.

Interestingly, almost all world cultures have a tradition of burying the body three days after the fact of death... Perhaps our ancestors knew much more about life and death than we can imagine!

Thanks to special devices based on the Kirlian effect, the Korotkov group managed to film the process of the soul leaving(information shell) from the body.

But they were never able to find an explanation why the activity of the residual energy of suicides significantly exceeds the activity of the energy curve of those who died a natural death.

The scientists' experiments allow us to conclude: the human soul is in the heart!

American doctors carefully monitored patients who underwent heart transplant surgery...

It turned out that a person’s character and psyche change greatly with someone else’s heart!

For example, one girl before the operation was a pure angel, with an easy-going character and decent manners. After the heart transplant operation, she began smoking, using obscene language, bought a motorcycle and fell in love with hard rock. As it turned out, the girl got the heart of a biker who died in a terrible accident.

Incredible! New devices with the Kirlian effect allow...

The Kirlian effect has been known for a long time, but only a group of scientists led by Professor Korotkov has developed a number of highly sensitive instruments that allow a detailed analysis of the human condition!!

These devices read and record information from the energy field, which makes it possible to analyze the data obtained and diagnose and prevent diseases.

How exactly does it work?

When an electromagnetic pulse is applied to an area of ​​the body (such as a finger or hand), the body emits electrons and photons, which are detected by the device. The data is then processed by a computer.

As a result, in just a few minutes you can obtain detailed information about the state of a person’s health and psyche!

What does this mean?

“Reality has several levels, the physical and subtle worlds are united in a person.”

This is confirmed by all religious doctrines that consider a person as a body and a soul that leaves the body after death. And now physicists are coming to this conclusion.

+ Telepathy!

Also, in the laboratory of Konstantin Korotkov, a device was created that is capable of recording the influence of thought on matter!!

And this, as you understand, confirms the phenomenon of telepathy. It was decided to test the device in the Himalayas, since there is a decrease in the geomagnetic background, which contributes to the activation of superpowers and telepathy, among others.

A continuation is planned...

If you are interested in learning about the experiments carried out, please like and write in the comments. The continuation will be published based on the popularity of the topic.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (February 20, 1898 - April 4, 1978) - Honored Inventor of the RSFSR, Soviet physiotherapist, inventor and researcher of Armenian origin (

Ph.D. O. V. Mosin


Kirlian effect or Kirlian aura is called the plasma glow of an electric discharge on the surface of objects that are in an alternating electric field of high frequency 10-100 kHz, in which a surface tension arises between the electrode and the object under study from 5 to 30 kV.

The Kirlian effect is observed, like lightning or static discharge on any biological, organic objects, as well as on inorganic samples of various types.

The principle of visualizing the Kirlian aura is quite simple. A high alternating voltage with a high frequency is supplied to the electrode - from 1 to 40 kilovolts at 200-15000 Hertz. The object itself serves as the other electrode. If the object is a person, then he is not grounded. If the object is an inanimate object, then it must be grounded. Both electrodes are separated from each other by an insulator and a thin layer of air, the molecules of which are subject to dissociation under the influence of a strong magnetic field arising between the electrode and the object. In this layer of air located between the object and the electrode, three processes occur.

The first process involves ionization and the formation of atomic nitrogen, which in high concentrations is harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to work with the Kirlian device in a well-ventilated area.

The second process is the ionization of air molecules and the formation of an ion current - a corona discharge between the object and the electrode. The shape of the glow corona, its density, etc. determined by the object's own electromagnetic radiation.

The third process is the transition of electrons from lower to higher energy levels and back. During this transition of electrons, a quantum of light is emitted. The magnitude of the electron transition depends on the intrinsic electromagnetic field of the object under study. Therefore, at different points of the field surrounding the object, electrons receive different impulses, i.e. jump to different energy levels, which leads to the emission of light quanta of different lengths and energies. The latter fact is recorded by the human eye or colored photographic paper as various colors, which, depending on the object, can paint the corona of the glow in different colors.

These three processes taken together provide a general picture of the Kirlian effect, which makes it possible to study the electromagnetic field of an object. There are other basic schemes for registering the Kirlian effect, described in detail on the website

The Kirlian effect was named after the Krasnodar physiotherapist S. D. Kirlian and his wife V. Kh. Kirlian, who in 1939 discovered and patented a new method of photographing objects of various natures through a gas discharge, which made it possible to observe the fact of light emission from atoms or molecules, which subsequently received name Kirlianography.

The Kirlian couple called it the galvanic skin (or psychogalvanic) effect, which causes a change in the electrical resistance of the skin under the influence of strong emotions. Currently, this method has become the basis of a new type of photography, which is now called gas-discharge photography, and the method itself has been given the name “gas-discharge photography using the Kirlian method” or abbreviated as “Kirlianography”, or “Kirlian Effect”.

However, according to the magazine “Technology of Youth” (No. 11, 1983), the effect of electrography was discovered in 1891 by a Belarusian scientist Y. O. Narkevich-Yodko, A Kirlian, having made minor improvements to the device, appropriated someone else's discovery. This happened, according to the magazine, in 1949, not 1939 ( IUMAB- International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography).

In fact, the effect of glow of various objects, including biological ones, in high-intensity electromagnetic fields has been known for more than two centuries.

Back in 1777, the German physicist professor G. Lichtenberg, while studying electrical discharges, observed a characteristic fan-shaped glow on a powder-coated insulator. A century later, this glow was recorded on a photographic plate and was called the “Lichtenberg figures.”

In 1891-1890 demonstration experiments Nikolai Tesla clearly demonstrated the possibility of gas-discharge visualization of living organisms. N. Tesla received photographs of discharges using ordinary photography. His trail continued M. Pogorelsky in Russia and B. Navratil in the Czech Republic.

At the end of the same century in Russia, a famous scientist and researcher at that time Y. O. Nardkevich-Iodko, while experimenting with various electrical generators, discovered the glow of human hands in the field of a high-voltage generator and learned to record this glow on a photographic plate. Using this device, he took electrographic photographs of medals, coins, and plant leaves. 1882 became the year for the scientist that his discovery was recognized. Narkevich-Iodko called his method of photographing "electrography". Conducting numerous experiments, he noticed a difference in the electrographic pattern of identical parts of the body of sick and healthy, tired and excited, sleeping and awake people. He also predicted the possibility of using this method to determine the psychological compatibility of people.

At the same time, on the other side of the world in Brazil in 1904, a Catholic priest Landel de Maurois The first electrophotographic (electric discharge) camera was created and many photographs were taken. In 1930, Prat and Schlemmer in Prague studied the contact imprints of various objects under electrical discharge.

However, the complexity of the equipment used at that time for obtaining electrographic images and its objective danger prevented the widespread dissemination of the method at that time.

After the death of Nordkevich-Iodko in 1905 and the emergence of new revolutionary situations in physics and society, these works were forgotten for a long time. And only thanks to the Russian inventors, the Kirlian spouses, the method was rediscovered in the late thirties.

For several decades, the Kirlians studied the characteristics of the glow of various objects, receiving more than 30 copyright certificates for inventions in the field of electrography, so the name of this method is now firmly established in world literature - KIRLIAN EFFECT.

Semyon Davidovich Kirlian was born in Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar) on February 20, 1898 into a large Armenian family. Unable to get an education, he was forced to work from an early age - as a clerk, decorator, piano tuner, but most of all he was interested in electromechanics. In 1923, Semyon Davidovich married the daughter of a priest, Valentina Khrisanfovna Lototskaya, who worked as a journalist and teacher. She became a loyal friend and assistant in her husband's affairs.

Photo. S. D. Kirlian with his wife V. Kh. Kirlian

Semyon Davidovich came up with many useful inventions. The city printing house used an electric furnace he made to cast type, and flour mills used magnetic devices for cleaning grain. Ideas for creating equipment for heat treatment of products in the canning industry also turned out to be very promising. Already before the war, Kirlian came up with a system for electrically shielding showers to treat people who could be affected by poisonous gases. However, the main discovery, which glorified the name of Kirlian throughout the world, shed light on previously unknown secrets of nature.

In 1939, Semyon Davidovich was hired as an electrical equipment repairman at the city hospital. Having repaired a physiotherapy device in a hospital that used high-frequency current, he noticed a strange pink glow between the electrodes.

Kirlian decided to try to capture on photographic film the glow in the field of a high-frequency current of some object. The first object that was “photographed” in this way was a coin. The inventor connected one electrode to it, placed a film on top, covered it with a second electrode, and turned on the high-frequency current. Having made an imprint, Kirlian saw a photograph of a coin with a sliding discharge along the edges.

« To carry out the plan, new knowledge was required. I had to study electronic optics, get acquainted with optical photography, and draw up diagram after diagram. Unfortunately, the first experiments did not produce a “scattering of stars,” but a skeleton of fingers. Crazy thoughts appeared: is this an “X-ray” problem? But the experiments continued. The path to the “placers” was thorny; it went through a jungle of schemes, burns, unforeseen results, and despair. This was not His Majesty's chance, but long and hard work. The work of penetrating into the unknown world, where precious formulas for human health and longevity are buried"(From the diary of S. D. Kirlian).

Thus, the Kirlian couple opened a window into an unknown world. Their developments were protected by twenty-one copyright certificates. However, without the support of government agencies, without receiving a penny for research, the couple worked, not sparing themselves, carried out experiments, “ to penetrate deeper into this unknown world for the benefit of the country and people", as S. D. Kirlian wrote.

S. D. Kirlian placed a wide variety of objects in an electric field, photographing an unusual glow without a camera, including tree leaves and his own hands. Based on his observations, he derived a pattern: any living object placed in a high-frequency field produced a glow on photographic film, the nature of which depended on the state of the object being photographed. One “picture” is if a tree leaf has just been torn off, the other is when some time has passed after that. The glow from the hands of a healthy, sick, or even just tired person also differed significantly.

The first object to be “photographed” in this way was a coin. The inventor connected one electrode to it, placed a film on top, covered it with a second electrode, and turned on the high-frequency current. Having made a print, S.D. Kirlian saw a photograph of a coin with a sliding discharge along the edges

Rice. Corona discharge on key and coins

Rice. Photo of a cut leaf and a finger in a high voltage field

Kirlian began to place a wide variety of objects in the field, photographing unusual glows without a camera, including tree leaves and his own hands. And then a most curious pattern emerged: any living object placed in a high-frequency field produced a glow on the photographic film, the nature of which depended on the state of the object being photographed.

One “picture” is if a tree leaf has just been torn off, the other is when some time has passed after this. The glow from the hands of a healthy, sick, or even just tired person also differed significantly.

Later, researchers found that for living objects, the intensity and configuration of Kirlian radiation depends both on its own radiation and on the electrical conductivity of the body, which is determined by many parameters - including the psycho-emotional state of a person and his nervous system.

Electrical conductivity(electrical conductivity, conductivity) is the reciprocal of electrical resistance and is expressed in siemens.

« The skin contains unique biomechanisms that perform important functions and are connected through the nervous system with internal organs... We assume that if there are comparative tables of pictures of the electrical state of the skin in normal and pathological conditions, it will be possible to use our method as a means of early diagnosis in medicine and animal husbandry ... The world of wonderful discharges will serve a person well“- wrote S. D. Kirlian in the book “In the World of Wonderful Discharges”.

One day, workers at one of the institutes brought the Kirlian couple two outwardly identical plant leaves. Having placed them in a high voltage field, the inventors, to the bewilderment of many, received different images in the picture. The employees admitted that one of the leaves was taken from a diseased plant.

Later, researchers came to the conclusion that the new research method recognizes diseases at an early stage of their development, not only in plants, but also in humans.

Subsequently, the Kirlian effect found its application for diagnosing mental illnesses, determining the biological activity of medications, identifying signs of overwork of operators, overload of athletes, in agriculture to determine the germination of seeds and the mutual influence of different types of plants, in mechanical engineering (flaw detection), in forensics, parapsychology, defense industry and other areas.

Only in 1957 was the publication of Kirlian’s brochure “In the World of Wonderful Discharges” allowed, which caused a real sensation in the scientific world. And the first dissertation in Russia using the Kirlian method was defended in 1975. V. G. Adamenko. He believed that the main carrier of information about the biological and psychophysiological state of living organisms are electrons, and considered Kirlian photographs to be intravital electronic images obtained, unlike an electron microscope, not in a vacuum, but at atmospheric pressure or in a low-pressure gas. At the same time, another famous domestic researcher, professor of biophysics at the Kazakh State University V. M. Inyushin put forward a bioplasma hypothesis to explain the Kirlian effect in bioelectrography.

Currently, the term “Kirlian effect” refers to the visual observation or registration on photographic material of the glow of a gas discharge that occurs near the surface of the object under study when the latter is placed in a high-intensity electric field.

When describing the results of research on biological objects, the term “ bioelectrography", in some cases the term is used "Kirlianography"- registration of the glow on photographic material or other media that allows the image to be recorded.

The process of photographing objects takes place in a dark room or under red light. A sheet of undeveloped radiation-sensitive photographic paper or film is placed on the device that creates the high-voltage field. And the object under study is placed on top of the sheet. It can be anything - a coin, a human hand, a drop of water, an ice crystal, etc. When high voltage is applied, a gas discharge occurs on the surface of the object, which manifests itself in the form of a characteristic glow around the object - a corona discharge, which illuminates black and white or color photographic paper or film. After developing black and white photographic paper, the brightest parts become dark, as can be seen in the photograph. Since the finger of the hand touched the photo paper (circle in the center), this area remains unexposed.

Kirlian spectra of water

Currently, the gas discharge visualization method (Kirlian effect) is one of the few methods that allows you to quickly, reliably and safely examine the physical, psycho-emotional and energetic state of a person, identify the disease long before its clinical manifestation and find its root cause, as well as select individual treatment methods and recovery, monitor their effectiveness over time.

Also, the gas discharge imaging method is well suited for studying the bio-energetic properties of water. As an example, the figure shows the Kirlian auras of ordinary water and water charged by a psychic. There are visible differences between the two water samples. Moreover, the Kirlian glow of a sample of charged water is 30 times stronger than ordinary water.

Rice. Kirlian auras of ordinary water and water charged by a psychic. Drawing from the Contemporary physics cannot explain the above change in water glow which, technically speaking, is a purely physical process involving an electrical discharge in the ionised air around the drop.

Modern physics cannot explain the change in Kirlian glow in water; from the point of view of physics, it is a purely physical process involving an electric discharge in ionized air. The main reason for this is that a great majority of “scientists” on Earth completely ignore our consciousness in their perception of Reality. Professor K. Korotkov says that the increase in the Cyrillian aura around a drop of water cannot be explained without taking into account energy and information transfer. Water Aura experiments give evidence that our mind, when properly trained, can actually change the matter. These experiments indicate that water is capable of storing, transmitting and changing information transmitted to it.

The Kirlian effect is also actively used as a means of studying auras , biofields etc. Academic science does not find theoretical justification for the use of the effect in practical medical practice. Some medical institutions use the effect to diagnose the general psychophysical state of a person and identify pathology, since the Kirlian spectra of a healthy and sick person are different. Many Russian and foreign organizations produce gas-discharge imaging devices that are patented and certified by the Ministry of Health.

Photo gallery based on the Kirlian effect

The world's leading specialist in Kirlianography is the Bulgarian biophysicist Dr. Ignat Ignatov. He created a new branch of medicine – bioenergetic medicine. /article/onew/

In the photo - from left to right:

  • engineer Christos Drossinakis (Dipl. Eng. Christos Drossinakis),
  • Dr. Ignat Ignatov
  • Professor Anton Antonov (Prof. Anton Antonov)
  • Professor Marin Marinov

There are two famous Bulgarian names in the field of studying the Kirlian effect. In 1976, prof. Antonov photographs the Kirlian aura of two teeth. The tooth with the weakest aura is pulled out. Introduces bioelectrical parameters when studying the effect.

Based on the fact that there is no green color in the colored Kirlian aura, prof. Marinov, together with Dr. Ignatov, creates an electromagnetic concept of vision. /article/learn/color.htm

Prof. Antonov and prof. Marinov received their specialization in Dubna, Russia.

Dr. Ignat Ignatov.

Dr. Ignat Ignatov was born on January 1, 1963 in the city of Teteven. In 1976, he describes a phenomenon in which small holes act as optical lenses. In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Sofia University. From the same year he began professional work in the field of medical biophysics. Since 1996, he has been the organizer of the Research Center for Medical Biophysics (SRCMB). He is a co-author of studies on the biotreatment of eye diseases. He is a co-author of research on remote recording of biophysical fields, winner of many awards and medals in biophysics and alternative medicine. In 2007, Dr. Ignatov created the Color Kirlian Spectral Analysis technique. The main scientific direction of Dr. Ignatov is related to the study of water, the “memory” of water and the origin of living matter. In Bulgaria, Dr. Ignat Ignatov presents the “EUHEALS” project, in which 20 European countries take part. Project leader: Dr. Harold Wiesendanger (Germany). The head of the SRCMB is a consultant to the National Center for Public Health (NCPH).

Autobiography of Dr. Ignat Ignatov:

You can read more information about the author’s method of color Kirlian spectral analysis in:, and about colors in the Kirlian aura in:

Here are the interesting results of Dr. Ignatov’s experiments with water and the Kirlian effect.

Kirlian auras of water drops of a control sample (Fig. 1) and a sample (Fig. 2), which was influenced by biophysical fields by engineer Christos Drossinakis (Dr. Ignatov, 2008).

Fig. 1 – Kirlian aura of a drop of water from a control sample

rice. 2 – Kirlian aura of a drop of water from a sample after human biological influence

Bioelectric auras of healing stones. Tsolo Petkova© before and after their use

(Dr. Ignatov, 2008). What is extremely interesting is that the mineral that a person wears has a weaker electrical aura than the stone that is prepared for use. The aura of the first mineral consists of red, blue-green and pale violet colors (Fig. 4). The second one “glows” with dark blue and purple colors (Fig. 3).

Specified stones Eng. Tsolo Petkova © also contain a small amount of water. Water availability studies were carried out in the Eurotest Control laboratory, Bulgaria.

rice. 3 Kirlian aura of the stone before use

rice. 4. Kirlian aura of the stone after use

In Russia, Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov became one of the leading experts in Kirlianography. He created the “Korona-TV” equipment complex for studying biological objects using the gas-discharge visualization method with direct input of gas-discharge images into a computer. This system allows you to observe the development of Kirlian images in real time, in an ordinary, not darkened room, record them, convert them, print them and store them in computer memory. And the developed software makes it possible to construct a human field, observe its changes, and also quantify image parameters for a clearer assessment of the dynamics of processes occurring in the body.

The new generation of Kirlianography devices uses the latest achievements of modern technology: electronic circuits with a deep negative feedback loop on the latest generation microchips, a fiber-optic image conversion system, television CCD (charge-coupled device) matrices, digital video blasters. The design and software are constantly being modified.

Ph.D. O. V. Mosin


    Kirlian V. X., Kirlian S. D. In the world of wonderful discharges. M., 1964

    Kirlian readings “Kirlian-2000”. Collection of reports and articles" Krasnodar 1998 method. GDV diagnostics

Kirlian effect

Even in the century before last, a similar effect was present in the experiments of Tesla, Rengen and D'Arsonval, so the Kirlians did not discover anything new, they simply found another application for their discoveries.

Currently, this effect is so well studied that a GR student did an excellent job with the historical review and its coverage. MID-195 Predein A.E. in his thesis "Research and use of the Kirlian effect." It’s so beautiful that I’m quoting its text.

In 1777, Professor Lichtenberg, while studying electrical discharges on the powder-coated surface of an insulator, observed a characteristic glow. Almost a century later, this glow was recorded on a photographic plate and was called “Lichtenberg figures.” In Russia in the middle of the last century, the then famous scientist Narkevich-Iodko, believing a peasant who saw multi-colored lights around people with his eyes unarmed with any instrument, invented a very simple electrical device that made it possible to capture this glow on a photographic plate.
A leaf that had just been plucked from a branch glowed, slowly losing its glow as it faded. The hand of the local clergyman shone with a pleasant, even light after the prayer service, but for some reason the circle of light broke and faded after quiet troubles at home. The path from the young man's hand to the hand of the object of his secret sighs was paved with bright sparks. The glow of a suddenly ill person changed completely: dark dots and spots appeared, the once flat field narrowed and turned into torn pieces.
These photographs were published in scientific journals, Russian and foreign, and many questions arose. The scientist himself adhered to strictly scientific views on the nature of the emerging patterns: “The human body constantly produces electricity in the nervous tissues and is a kind of electric battery, constantly exchanging charges with the surrounding space.” 1882 became for the scientist the year of recognition of his discovery.
Narkevich-Iodko called his method of photography electrography.
They wrote about Yakov Ottonovich as a scientist who was ahead of his time. He also managed to find a very specific application for his discovery.
Conducting numerous experiments, he noticed a difference in the electrographic pattern of identical parts of the body of sick and healthy, tired and excited, sleeping and awake people. Predicted the possibility of using the method to determine psychological compatibility.
Since 1890, Yakov Ottonovich worked at the Institute of Experimental Medicine together with the famous Pavlov.
Honorary members of this institute were Louis Pasteur and Vikhrov. The range of problems studied was very wide. Simultaneously with the work of Narkevich-Iodko, amateur photographer Moniuszko reported the possibility of photographing radiation using a spark. Nikola Tesla's demonstration experiments in 1891-1900 clearly demonstrated the possibility of gas-discharge visualization of living organisms. Tesla obtained photographs of discharges using ordinary photography. The camera photographed objects and bodies in high-frequency currents. But the complexity of the equipment used at that time for obtaining electrographic images prevented the widespread dissemination of the method. Electrographic photographs were taken by Bitner and Pogorelsky, the Czech physicist Navratil, the American Nifer, and the German Tsapek, who were familiar with the works of their predecessors. Everyone was talking about detecting types of radiation unknown to science. Since 1905, under the pressure of new ideas in physics and revolutionary situations in society, these works were forgotten for a long time. And only in the thirties, Russian inventors - the Kirlian spouses - approached this research anew.
For ten years, the Kirlian couple in their home laboratory created and improved a device that allows them to study the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field (a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulse mode was used as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage), took thousands of high-frequency photographs, studying the mechanisms and capabilities of the previously unknown phenomena. The quality of the images was much higher than that of Narkevich-Yodko and everyone who repeated his work. A new research method recognizes diseases at an early stage of their development, not only in plants, but also in humans. Using the images, early diagnosis can be made, relapse of the disease can be detected, and the therapeutic effect of chemicals can be objectively assessed. In the process of research, scientists discovered another interesting fact: the discharge process depends not only on the painful, but also on the emotional state of the object. Thus, the Kirlian couple opened a window into an unknown world. Their developments were protected by twenty-one copyright certificates. But few scientists managed to look into this world, since “Gostekhnika”, with the stroke of a pen, slammed this window tightly and placed the work of the Kirlian spouses in the category of top secret, closed topics.
Only 25 years after receiving the first results, the couple were able to publish a detailed story about the essence of their invention (visual or instrumental observation of the glow of a gas discharge, an object when placed in an electric field of high intensity) and the results of the research. The brochure “In the World of Wonderful Discharges” published by the publishing house “Znanie” became a real sensation. There were no funds for patenting the “Kirlian effect” abroad, and after some time the discovery began to be widely used in other countries just like that. The country lost priority and currency, but the explorers gained fame.
Foreign scientists, having tested the method and made sure that this is a fundamentally new key to the secrets of nature, called the flickering radiation of living and inanimate objects the KIRLIAN EFFECT, forever inscribing the name of the researchers in the history of science. The German scientist and doctor P. Mandel considers Kirlian images as photographs of the energy flow that determines human life. He suggested that the characteristics of the gas-discharge glow of the fingers and toes are associated with the state of the acupuncture points located on them, which are the starting or ending points of all energy channels.
Using Kirlianography, he analyzed images of the glow of the fingers and toes of hundreds of thousands of patients and developed tables that make it possible to determine the condition of a particular organ based on the characteristics of the “glow” of individual zones of the fingers and toes. In the development of the disease, he distinguishes three main stages that appear on the images. “During the information stage, symptoms appear rarely, mainly as occasional vegetative signs.
In the second stage of development, symptoms appear that do not yet have a clear clinical correspondence. In the third, symptomatic stage, topographic projections correspond to the symptoms. This third stage is characterized by many phenomena.
Data from clinical tests may differ from Kirlian diagnostics, because they may reflect different facets of deep processes in the body." "The main goal of diagnosis is to identify, if possible, the hidden cause of the disease in order to get to its source.
Another goal is to suppress negatively developing processes through optimal therapy before the manifestation of clearly defined clinical symptoms. Medical ethics dictates the way to prevent diseases" (P. Mandel).
Currently, under his leadership, there are research institutes and clinics in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Holland, where further human bioenergy research is conducted, methods of energy correction and treatment are developed and tested.
Until recently, the Kirlian effect was used mainly abroad. A World Association for the study of this physical effect was created, which received the name of our talented compatriots.
Methods were improved, instruments were invented that made it possible to expand the possibilities of scientific research in order to answer some more questions from an endless series.
The first physicist in our country to defend his dissertation using the Kirlian method is Viktor Adamenko. He believed that the main carrier of information about the biological and psychophysiological state of living organisms are electrons and considered Kirlian photographs to be intravital electronic images obtained, unlike an electron microscope, not in a vacuum, but at atmospheric pressure and or in low-pressure gas. He managed to obtain Kirlian images not only on photographic film, but also on a luminescent screen, on electrostatic paper, even on thermographic plates.
Also one of the followers of the Kirlian couple, their student was Stanislav Filippovich Romaniy (Dnepropetrovsk). He developed and put into practice a whole range of devices (based on the Kirlian effect) for non-destructive testing of materials and structures that cannot be controlled by traditional methods. These techniques have been successfully used by rocket industry enterprises.
He also created a gas-discharge imaging device (AGRD), which made it possible to obtain important information about the vital functions of the body, carry out early express diagnostics and determine the effectiveness of therapy. The novelty of this development is confirmed by copyright certificates.
In Russia, Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov became one of the leading experts in Kirlianography. He created a set of equipment for studying biological objects using the gas-discharge visualization method with direct input of gas-discharge images into a computer.

The principle of the Kirlian effect

The operating principle of the Kirlian device is very simple. A high alternating voltage with a high frequency is supplied to one electrode - from 1 to 40 kilovolts at 200-15000 Hertz. The object itself serves as the other electrode. If the object is a person, then in no case is he grounded. If the object is an inanimate object, then it must be grounded. Both electrodes are separated from each other by an insulator and a thin layer of air, the molecules of which are subject to dissociation under the influence of a strong magnetic field arising between the electrode and the object. In this layer of air located between the object and the electrode, i.e. in a strong magnetic field, three processes occur. The first process involves the polarization and breaking apart of air molecules, which is 78 percent molecular nitrogen (N2). This process leads to the formation of atomic nitrogen, which in high concentrations is harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to work with the Kirlian device in a well-ventilated area. The second process is the process of obtaining by electrons of air molecules (N2 - 78%, O2 - 21%) a sufficient amount of energy necessary for separation from the molecule. These released electrons, along with ions, form a small current between the object and the electrode, which, however, is not dangerous for humans if the operating voltage is properly adjusted. The results of the second process are visible in the form of a gas discharge through the channels of the so-called corona, which forms around the object. The shape of the glow crown, its density, inclusions, etc. determined by the object's own magnetic field. The third process is when the electrons of air molecules receive energy, which is not enough to break away from the molecule. In this case, the electrons of air molecules transfer to higher atomic levels and back. During this jump of the electron, a quantum of light is emitted. The magnitude of the electron jump of an air molecule depends on the own magnetic field of the object under study. Therefore, at different points in the field surrounding the object, electrons receive different impulses, i.e. jump to different atomic levels, which leads to the emission of light quanta of different lengths. The latter fact is registered by the human eye or colored photographic paper as different colors, which, depending on the object, can paint the corona of the glow in different colors. These three processes together give a general picture of the Kirlian effect, which makes it possible to study the magnetic field of an object. This is a classic principle. It is used in the devices described below. There are other fundamental schemes for registering the Kirlian effect, but they are not discussed in this article. The purpose of this article also does not include consideration of the Kirlian effect from the point of view of physiology, but we can only say that the human magnetic field, which is recorded by the Kirlian device, depends on the mental and physiological state of the person. At the moment, there are detailed studies of the connection between the shape of the crown of the glow of a person’s fingers and the organs of his body, which makes it possible to make accurate diagnoses already in the early (energetic) stages of the disease. This method was developed by the German physician Peter Mandel and was called Energy Terminal Point Diagnosis (ETD). Read about this method in our next issues.

Schemes with descriptions

Let us now present several diagrams with descriptions from the German book “Kirlian Photography” by Peter Lay 2. Figure 1 shows the circuit of a simple high-frequency high-voltage generator that can be assembled on a regular board. This circuit is powered by 230 Volts. S1 is the main switch that connects the network to the device. The transformer produces an alternating voltage of 12 Volts. Button S2 turns on the device into operating current. Then the current is rectified using diodes D1-D4 and capacitor C1. Capacitor C2, resistances R1 and R2, transformer TR2 create an oscillatory circuit, the frequency of which is regulated using potentiometer R1. Transistors Q1 and Q2 ensure that the oscillations are undamped. They can get very hot during operation, so it is necessary to provide them with coolers. TR2 is an ordinary ignition coil that is used in automobile engines. At the output "output" we get a high-frequency high-voltage current. The output pulse duration is manually adjusted, i.e. time of pressing button S2. The LMP1 light indicates that the generator is ready for operation. Figure 2 is almost the same circuit as Figure 1 - their left parts are equal up to capacitor C2. In the rest, instead of an oscillatory circuit, a self-oscillating multivibrator is used. In this case, C1 is charged through R2 and R3 until the voltage on C1 coming from IC1A reaches the highest limit. Then C1 discharges to the lower limit. Then the process is repeated again, and so on. IC1B is included as exciter. In this case, the remaining IC1C and IC1D do not simply weigh in the air, but are grounded. Q1 and Q2, together with the remaining resistances, form a two-stage output, which is supplied to the ignition coil TR2 from a self-oscillating multivibrator in the mode of sending signals. At the output "output" we get the desired voltage.
Figure 3 shows a diagram that does not depend on the electrical network, because it runs on 12V. Therefore, it is convenient in that it can be used to assemble a portable Kirlian device. An ordinary car battery (for example, 12V1.8A) can serve as a 12-volt power source. Single-pole switch S1 serves as the main switch. The green LED D1 indicates the device is ready for operation. Resistance R1 reduces the current on D1 to 12mA. The unipolar button S4 turns on the subsequent circuit in voltage, but only for as long as it is pressed. At this time, the red LED D2 is lit, through which a current limited by resistance R2 passes. This is followed by two blocks: the oscillator and the output stage. The main part of the oscillator is the common universal timer 555 (NE 555). It is designated IC1 in the diagram. Pin1 serves as its ground, and positive voltage is supplied to Pin8. Capacitor C1 is charged through resistance R3, capacitor D3 through R9. When the upper voltage threshold is reached, which will be equal to 2/3 of the input voltage, the internal transistor turns Pin7 to ground, and capacitor C1 is discharged through R9, R4 and D4. When the lower voltage threshold is reached, which is equal to 13, the discharge stops, because Pin7 is locked. The next charging cycle begins.
Thanks to diodes D3 and D4, equal charging and discharging times are achieved. In this case, IC1 is consistent with the charged state of capacitor C1, i.e. IC1 “feels” whether the voltage threshold has been reached - upper or lower. For this purpose, it is served by Pin2 and Pin6, which measure the lower and upper threshold voltages, respectively. During the charging cycle, current flows through Pin3, and during the discharge cycle, Pin3 is shorted to ground. In this case, the Pin3 output pulsates at the frequency of the discharge and charging cycles. Both of these cycles are equal, as are the resistances R3 and R4. Therefore, the oscillation period is calculated using the formula T=1.4(R3+R9)C1. Now if we substitute the values ​​of the elements indicated in the table into this formula, we will get a frequency from 7.1 to 3.2 kHz, taking into account the working area of ​​potentiometer R9. But this is only the calculated frequency, because in practice, due to different tolerances of elements, a certain spread of the calculated value is obtained. Pin5 can be connected to the control voltage if someone does not like the current division in the ratio of 1/3 to 2/3. In the circuit shown, Pin5 and C2 are shorted to ground to avoid oscillations of IC1. Now let's return to the Pin3 output, which is powered by the output block. The output block consists of resistances R7 and R8. Thanks to diode D5, no more than 2.7V is supplied to resistance R8. At the contacts of slider R8, voltage is removed from 0 to 2.7V. Since the base-emitter voltage across transistors Q1 and Q2 is 2 x 0.7 = 1.4V, the voltage across R5 will barely exceed 1.3V. Therefore, the current in the collector circuit of transistor Q2 will not exceed 1.3A. This circuit helps to limit the current supplied to transformer TR1. This necessary measure is needed to protect the primary winding of the coil from burning out, because its resistance is relatively low.
During operation of the device, the strong resistance of alternating current makes itself felt, namely at low frequencies, the response period becomes quite long. Therefore, you can install less resistance. At the output of the secondary winding "output" a high voltage of about 25kV is removed, but only for as long as the S4 button is turned on. During this working time the red LED lights up. An ordinary automobile ignition coil (winding 1:1000) is used as transformer TR1. Button S4 and the collector of transistor Q1 are connected to the small side contacts. The required high-voltage high-frequency voltage is removed from the middle contact. Another diagram. Figure 4 shows a very similar circuit to Figure 3. Unlike the latter, Circuit 4 additionally has a timer. Its role is played by the IC1 chip, which, like the oscillator, consists of a universal timer 555 (NE 555) and several additional parts. When switches S1 and S4 are turned on, the output of IC1 immediately reaches its highest values. At this time, thanks to R11 and C6, the voltage at the trigger output Pin2 is zero. From this moment the timer starts. Capacitor C3 is charged through resistance R10 and potentiometer R12. As soon as the internal comparator of the IC1 microcircuit recognizes through the Pin6 output that C6 has charged to 2/3 of the operating voltage, then Pin3 goes to ground, and the capacitor C3 is discharged through Pin7. The oscillator implemented by IC2 will be turned on only for the time when there is voltage at the pin3 output of the timer. The timer adjustment range is approximately 0 to 50 seconds. The rest of this circuit works exactly like the circuit in Figure 3.
The task of the signal generator (oscillator) is to control a cascade power amplifier. The signal generator determines the frequency, voltage, and duration of the current supplied to the amplifier. The two-stage power amplifier is the heart of the Kirlian device, and at the same time its most complex part. Its first stage is formed by transistor BC107. Then comes the amplification and the second stage - the 2N3055 transistor (in the Q1 diagram), which can get very hot at high currents. Therefore, it requires a powerful cooler equipped with a fan. This measure is necessary if experiments will be carried out at a voltage of more than 25-30 volts, or if the device is planned to be used for commercial purposes, i.e. when fully loaded. As practice shows, the operating voltage of the amplifier lies in the range of 10-30 volts.

Influence of voltage and current frequency

The intensity of the corona glow is directly proportional to the voltage. When the voltage is low, no glow occurs, but when the voltage is too high, there is a risk of direct breakdown of the dielectric, which will lead to an electric shock to the object. The effect of frequency is much more complex. Low frequencies cause breakdown. The most reasonable lower frequency limit lies within 500 Hertz. However, it depends on the voltage of the electrode and dielectric.
For example, for a transparent electrode (glass as a dielectric), it is possible to obtain a glow at low voltages starting from a frequency of 200 Hertz. The upper limits lie in the range of 15-20 kilohertz depending on the material and voltage. Between the lower and upper boundaries there are two interesting regions: the first is 650 Hertz, the second is 7000 Hertz. The difference can be seen in the picture of the glow of a table fish knife. In the first case, i.e. at low frequencies, the conductivity of the object, which is homogeneous - metal, apparently plays a large role. In the second case - at a high frequency, the conductivity of the object does not play an important role, and the object’s own magnetic field comes to the fore, which, as can be seen, is inhomogeneous and is not in direct connection with the electrical conductivity.


An ordinary epoxy electrical board coated on one side with a copper layer can serve as a simple electrode. The epoxy layer itself will serve as a dielectric. To avoid breakdown at the edges, it is necessary to remove the copper layer 10 mm from the edge. This electrode is suitable for working with high voltages. If the dielectric layer is too thick, i.e. the glow will not be observed at some small parameters, then you can turn the electrode over and put photo paper directly on it. In this case, the necessary precautions must be taken.
If you build a transparent electrode, then you will have the opportunity to observe the Kirlian effect in real time. Such a transparent electrode can be easily made from two glasses, between which you need to pour a thin layer of salted water. The thickness of the glass will determine the dielectric properties of the device, and the thickness of the water layer will affect the transparency of the electrode itself. A stainless contact must be used as a voltage supply.

Security measures

The current at the output of the device can be several tens of milliamps and a voltage of several tens of kilovolts. Such current is fatal to the human body. Therefore, the following safety precautions must be strictly followed:
  • do not touch open parts of the Kirlian device through which high voltage current flows;
  • never ground living objects;
  • never examine living objects at less than 500 Hertz, because dielectric breakdown may occur;
  • do not touch objects while voltage is applied to the electrode; this especially applies to metal objects; if the object is a person, then you should also not touch him; also, he should not touch conductive objects (heating batteries, etc.) during the experiment;
  • during experiments, it is necessary to remove all metal objects from yourself: jewelry, watches, etc.;
  • do not study people who have artificial life support devices;
  • If a rechargeable battery is used as power supply, then a fuse must be built into the device in case of a short circuit.

General assembly

The device can be assembled into a single housing. The main thing is that it is made of non-conductive materials. Wood is good. To work with a transparent electrode, it is necessary to build a special housing that would allow a mirror to be built into the housing at an angle of 45 degrees for ease of observation and for possible photo or video shooting.

Contact photo

The Kirlian effect is expressed in a glow around an object. This glow can be seen with the naked eye through a transparent electrode, or it can be photographed on photographic paper, placing it on the electrode, with the emulsion layer facing up, i.e. to the object. It is necessary to ensure that there are no air gaps between the photo paper and the electrode. Otherwise, the effect will not be registered in these places, because the glow will occur in the air gap located under the photo paper. It is recommended to use contrasting photo paper to minimize the secondary influence of the luminescence channels on the overall effect. To shoot the Kirlian effect on photographic paper, you need to choose a dark room. When working with black and white paper, you can use a red backlight. When working with colored paper, complete darkness is required. The exposure time (exposure) of photographic paper depends on the object and depends on its conductivity. For metal objects, one second is enough, and for wooden objects it takes about 20 seconds. It is recommended to choose a longer exposure rather than an insufficient one. Then, when developing photographic paper, it is possible to select the desired contrast. Naturally, a negative image of the glow corona is obtained on photographic paper.
You can get a color image. The principle is the same as with black and white photo paper. For maximum convenience, it is recommended to use Polaroid instant photograph cassettes. To do this, you need to purchase one cassette, which includes ten cards. In complete darkness it is necessary to open the cassette; remove one card from there and place it on the electrode with the emulsion layer facing up, on which to place the object; then put the cassette with the remaining cards in a lightproof bag, and you can continue the experiment further. To develop already exposed cards, you will need a device that can evenly roll out a Polaroid photo card on both sides so that the card can develop (the necessary chemicals are “sewn into” the card). The part of the Polaroid camera itself that is designed to perform this function is ideal for this purpose. It can be easily removed from the hinges, allowing for reassembly. Anyone who does not have the opportunity to remove this device from the camera can make something similar from two round pencils. The main thing is to stretch the card at an equal speed over its entire area. On the instant photograph card there is a color positive image of the corona of glow.

Photograph through a transparent electrode

By constructing the necessary housing and integrating an ordinary mirror into it for ease of operation, it is possible to observe the glow in real time. It is also possible to photograph the glow with an ordinary camera loaded with highly sensitive film (ISO600 or more). But due to the passage of corona light through double glass and a layer of water, fine details are lost. Therefore, for scientific purposes, contact photography is still recommended. The use of digital cameras is limited due to their low sensitivity, which generally do not have a sensitivity greater than ISO400. In addition, digital cameras tend to turn off near a high-frequency generator. Modern semi-automatic SLR cameras have the function of automatically selecting exposure depending on the loaded film. So with ISO800 film, the exposure time is usually from one to five seconds. In this case, only the luminous corona will be photographed. If there is a need to photograph the object, then you need to turn on the flash function when closing the camera’s curtains (usually modern cameras have this function).
Liquids also need to be grounded. The glow occurs at the edges of the liquid layer. It is possible to observe an interesting case if you examine a fairly large liquid “spot”. When the electrode is turned on for a long time, uneven evaporation of the liquid occurs, which leads to the appearance of small “islands” of liquid that are not grounded with the common “water continent”. Due to the difference in potential between them, air breakdowns occur, which leads to the appearance of long glow channels.
If the object under study belongs to “inanimate” nature, such as plants, then they require grounding. Living objects should never be grounded - it is dangerous for life! Interesting objects of research are plant leaves. They give a different crown, depending on the geometric structure of the leaf. The brightest crown is produced by a freshly picked leaf. If you are very lucky, it is possible to achieve the dream of all Kirlian effect researchers - obtaining an image of a phantom sheet. This effect is very rarely recorded and is unique in its own way. The effect of a phantom leaf is to produce a corona of glow in the place where part of the leaf has been torn off or cut off. So, for example, in 1973 in Sao Paulo (Brazil), the director of the Institute of Psychophysical Research, Mr. Andrade H.G., managed to obtain a photograph of a phantom leaf. But as he writes, this was an accident, and they are trying to achieve permanent recording of this effect. If this happened, there would be a revolution in the scientific world! So the Nobel Prizes in the field of the Kirlian effect are still waiting for their inquisitive researchers!