Happy birthday greetings to those born in January - woman, man, girl. Happy birthday greetings for January cocktail straws in history

January 3 - what will your date of birth tell you? People born on January 3 with the zodiac sign Capricorn, concentrating on the task at hand, become completely absorbed in it, unable to be distracted even for a second. At this moment, any interference causes them acute irritation. If any failure occurs, they prefer to ignore it, since they categorically do not accept defeat. Which automatically excludes accepting anyone's help. If the business is progressing as it should, they turn into surprisingly efficient and attentive workers who care about its successful completion.

People born on January 3 with the zodiac sign Capricorn have an unyielding and stubborn character. At the same time, they are able to convince anyone that they are right. They know how to find an approach to each person, pressing on his weak points, turning everything into a joke or shamelessly praising his best qualities, forcing him to dance to their tune. Even if their interlocutor is not capable of such a task, this does not stop them.

Participation in conflicts and heated arguments invigorates people born on January 3 with the zodiac sign Capricorn and provides them with the right dose of adrenaline. They always respond to provocation with doubly increased aggression, but they are never the first to initiate military action. In ordinary communication they are quite polite and helpful. Although their appearance speaks of their sophistication in everyday problems and quite a wealth of experience, acquired not in higher educational institutions, but somewhere on the fringes of society and in street showdowns.

People with a birth date of January 3, the zodiac sign Capricorn, are quite capable of maintaining a conversation on lofty topics and demonstrating their knowledge of art and literature, but their actions are always guided by purely pragmatic and material motives. Their interlocutors have a choice - to carry out the task assigned to them voluntarily and with the amenities provided, or forcedly, without giving their consent. The result will still be the same, since it is not possible to ignore their request.

This character trait of people born on January 3, zodiac sign Capricorn, combined with their unquestioned authority and strong, unbending character, sometimes makes them quite unbearable subjects. Impenetrable self-confidence and perseverance, bordering on importunity, can lead to a negative reaction from the interlocutor, which, when accumulated, can cause an explosion of uncontrollable emotions and the outbreak of hostilities on both sides. Moreover, the opponent is the first to lose control over himself, since people with this date of birth have an iron will, which allows them to control themselves in any situation. This quality, which helped them survive in their dark past, ensures their victory in the civilized world. Even in seemingly completely hopeless situations with an obviously unsuccessful outcome, they will only pretend that they have retreated, in reality they are going to continue the confrontation at a more convenient moment. They are organically incapable of finally admitting defeat.

For people with a birth date of January 3rd, the zodiac sign is Capricorn, it is not advisable to work in a team. They need freedom and independence in decision making. They need the ability to adjust their work schedule to suit their interests and personal lives. At the same time, one should not forget about spiritual values, the absence of which can lead to complete degradation of their personality.

If Zodiac sign Capricorn January 3 gets down to business, he plunges into it headlong. He is so engrossed in the task that it is literally impossible to reach him. But such devotion is also reflected negatively. For example, if something slows down or an obstacle arises, he simply does not want to see it, because losing is even worse than death. But when everything goes according to plan, he is a happy and proactive employee.

Character traits

Individual January 3 can be unbearably stubborn. However, he somehow manages to drag everyone to his side. Sometimes he is cunning and shifts a serious burden onto the shoulders of others, and for this he uses jokes, familiarity or outright flattery. But Zodiac sign does not resist if he himself has to enter the battlefield. True, his aggression is shown only when he is provoked. In ordinary life, he behaves peacefully and politely, trying not to spoil relationships or create conflicts. When you look at him, you get the impression that in front of you is a person who is wise in life, reasonable and balanced (no matter what age). However, all of his experiences, for the most part, are gleaned from books, and not from real incidents. And although he is always favorable to conversations about lofty matters, his thoughts still do not leave the ground. As a rule, if he gives someone a task, he gives others the right to choose the conditions, but this must be done, since they do not dare refuse him.

January 3 – Zodiac Sign

Capricorn man – born on January 3

Guys born on January 3 can boast of ambition, perseverance, a sense of humor and foresight. Such men simply do not know how to admit mistakes. If they are pressed against the wall, then this is colossal stress. These are stubborn individuals who manage to inspire others to take action. Sometimes they resort to dark methods of influence. Capricorn is not afraid to rush into direct conflict, since internal aggressiveness gives courage. But first of all, he will try to find a common language and compromises.

Capricorn woman – bornJanuary 3

The girl who appeared on January 3 is famous for her sincerity, caution and economy. This person knows how to control his emotions, thanks to which he achieves positive results in extreme situations. The Capricorn woman does not like individual work and is committed to collective activities. He prefers to dissolve in his profession. You should focus on those areas where you can maintain personal freedom.

Birthday January 3

On January 3, people appear who are completely obsessed with their work. They literally immerse themselves in their work and do not allow themselves to be distracted. If you interfere with the sign, you can run into a storm of anger. The Zodiac doesn’t even allow himself to think about losing, so he doesn’t react to failures and mistakes as if they never happened. Will not allow himself to ask for help. When everything goes according to plan, he transforms into an attentive and efficient employee.

The Zodiac is remembered for its stubbornness and intransigence. However, this does not interfere with their ability to convince anyone of the correctness of their words. Somehow Capricorn manages to find a key to any person and crush him under himself. Participation in dispute and conflict encourages the sign and allows you to get the necessary dose of adrenaline. If you provoke him, you will receive a retaliatory blow with double force. But he won’t be the first to speak. In communication he maintains a polite tone and always remains helpful. Although external features hint at a certain harshness and rigidity of character.

Representatives of January 3, if necessary, can discuss high-profile topics such as literature and art. However, their actions are dictated by material motives. The interlocutor will be obliged to complete the assigned task either by choice or by force. In any case, Capricorn will achieve what he wants, since it is difficult to ignore his requests. Due to the craving for authority and the inability to back down with a sign, it can be difficult to find a common language.

Self-confidence and perseverance sometimes develop into importunity. Naturally, people can’t stand it and lose control over themselves. But Capricorn, with his iron will, will remain calm and unshakable until the last. This allows him to win in any situation. Even if there are no options left, the zodiac will only pretend to take a step back, while in reality it is preparing to deal a crushing blow. I am not ready to admit my own defeat at any level.

On January 3, it is better for people not to contact the team. A person needs freedom and dreams of making independent decisions, controlling his own schedule and managing his social and personal lives. It is important not to forget about spiritual development so as not to bring yourself to degradation.

Love and compatibility

Capricorn gets used to putting the romantic sphere in the background, devoting himself to work. However, the sign appreciates and respects the other half. Remains faithful and is ready to share all emotions and events, accepting the partner’s point of view. This is a highly moral person who shows stability in behavior.

Capricorn should look for his true love among Virgos, Scorpios and Pisces, who are best suited for this strong character. It is possible to create a couple with Aquarius, Capricorn and Taurus, but you will have to work on the relationship to find common ground. There will be virtually no contact with Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, because these people are from completely different worlds. Eternal disagreements are present in communication with Cancer or Libra.

Work and career

On January 3, people appear with a strong gift of manipulation, allowing them to subjugate others to their will. If you give your word, Capricorn will do everything possible to get it. His arsenal is filled with irony, pressure and flattery, which he will use. At the same time, you should not expect mercy, even if the situation has changed and you really cannot fulfill what you promised. Capricorn lacks flexibility and does not know forbearance. The prosperity of the company in which he works will always come first. In essence, there is no conflict in him, but he will not remain silent in response to provocation.

This is a practical person with rich and interesting life experience. He can talk on philosophical topics, but it is difficult to communicate due to stubbornness and eternal attempts to impose his point of view. When it turns to importunity, everything can end in a big quarrel. More often than not, it is the opponent who loses his nerves first. But Capricorn almost always emerges victorious due to the ability to control his every step. Don't forget that he simply doesn't know how to give up.

Health and illness

You should be wary of skin diseases and allergic reactions. Basically, Capricorn monitors his health and periodically attends preventive examinations. But still, this person is at risk, since being immersed in work puts other areas of life in the background. Hygiene, a balanced diet, daily routine and proper rest will help balance the situation. Add here exercises and moderate physical activity.

Fate and luck

Vibrations on January 3 work to strengthen all negative character traits. The world meets proud, ambitious and aggressive individuals. Capricorn has his own point of view on everything, which he will defend until he loses his voice, even if he realizes that he is wrong. Never admits to making a mistake. It is not always possible to realize your inner potential due to the inability to get along with others. There will always be enemies nearby, and the person himself is surrounded by gossip and intrigue.

Capricorn should value personal interests and not suppress them for the sake of work. It’s better to find a place where you can gain a certain degree of creative freedom and express yourself in action. It is also important to remember spiritual development and higher values. Business and romance should not crowd out spirituality. Don't forget that not everyone is ready to devote themselves to work with the same zeal. Accept the fact that everyone is different.

Articles dedicated to Capricorn

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Capricorn most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

The combination of strong will, stubbornness and a certain manipulativeness makes him simply intolerable in some situations. It is not surprising that his persistence sometimes irritates, and this feeling increases every day and one day it will simply turn into uncontrollable anger on both sides. But a stranger will not be able to stand it first. He is lucky with high resistance to stress, so he still emerges victorious from most quarrels and scandals. Sometimes he only pretends to give up and give up, although, in fact, he is gathering strength for the decisive blow. Even if you won, he will never admit it.

He is advised not to sacrifice his individuality for the sake of collective interests. It would be very good if he found an industry in which his products would have a personalized touch. Then he would combine duty and freedom and not lose himself. Spirituality cannot be destroyed, because at the moments of achieving the goal, he even forgets that he is a person and not a machine.

You are a dynamic person with a creative spirit. You have a sharp, lively mind and quick reactions. You are ambitious; Once you become interested in an idea or project, you work very hard. You can be very charming, especially when it is to your advantage.

You were born on January 3rd, your zodiac sign is Capricorn. You are used to thinking independently and are especially resourceful when solving complex problems. You shouldn't take the easy way out: you should be worthy of your true potential.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

Although you are always full of youthful enthusiasm and spontaneity, you owe almost all your achievements to your perseverance and responsible attitude to business.

Appearance means a lot to you, you have good taste, you have a keen sense of beauty, you love music, you appreciate acting, and you yourself possess these abilities.

You are well versed in financial matters, you have a strong instinct for survival and you know how to accumulate wealth, sometimes taking advantage of your immediate environment.

A significant role in your achievements is played by increasing the level of education, the ability to plan, being methodical, and being passionate about work.

Your birth date suggests discipline, but you can choose between self-control and creativity in pursuing your every desire. It would be wise not to concentrate on negative emotions and avoid unnecessary worries and worries.

When you are confident in yourself, you feel your worth and realize your high calling. At the same time, you remain humble and work passionately to bring out the best in you. Sometimes you can be overly skeptical, but usually you simply look at life soberly, showing an independent philosophical approach.

Until the age of 17, you approach life quite carefully. When you turn 18, your attitude changes noticeably. You are now less influenced by traditions and other people's opinions, you become more independent, and strive for freedom of expression.

Friendship, team relationships, and universal human values ​​begin to play an important role in your life. In adulthood, you realize that there can be no absolute freedom and that everything requires a certain amount of time and effort.

Another turning point comes at age 47. From now on, you pay more attention to your inner world, your feelings, become more receptive, develop your imagination and spiritual abilities.

Personal qualities of those born on January 3

When you have true passion, success comes to you. Inspiration helps you to fully unleash your best qualities, you gain confidence in victory and achieve brilliant results. It is useful for you to solve difficult problems, it strengthens your determination to achieve the heights of mastery.

Doubt in your abilities can turn into skepticism and even cynicism. By imbuing yourself with self-confidence, you act more boldly and spontaneously. Capricorns born on January 3 find it much more enjoyable to work when the work includes an element of friendly competition.

You like modern, original concepts, interesting work, you love starting new projects and know how to involve others in bold ventures.

You are able to defend universal ideals or fight for progressive reforms, inspiring other people to be active in this direction.

You understand that knowledge is power; You are very organized, excellent at planning, carefully calculating all possible options for action. These qualities can be the key to outstanding success. In adulthood, you begin to realize that love is the most valuable thing in life.

Work and vocation of those born on January 3

You are an idealist, but at the same time very enterprising. You love starting new projects, handle emergencies skillfully, and are excellent at resolving conflicts. You are smart, quick-witted, have developed intuition, need active action, strive for clarity and certainty in everything.

You are friendly, ready to help others, know how to work productively and have a good rest.

You like to combine business with pleasure. You try to avoid extremes; Being enterprising and inventive, you are not averse to using an already existing generally accepted technique. Your courage and idealism can motivate you to fight social injustice.

Those born on January 3 have excellent leadership abilities. You know how to control the situation. You are friendly and helpful, and these qualities may be useful to you in the commercial or advertising business.

You are a humanist and a born reformer; you will make an excellent teacher who introduces progressive methods. You have literary ability; you might want to put pen to paper.

Love and partnership born on January 3

You strive for independence, but at the same time you really need a reliable foundation in life: home, family, stability.

Women born on this day are usually attracted to brave men who love risk and are pioneers in spirit.

Sometimes you are full of youthful enthusiasm and are somewhat playful, but once you establish a strong relationship with someone, you show responsibility and become a loyal friend or lover.

Sometimes in your relationships with your lovers you experience some alienation, but this quickly passes. As a rule, you are sociable, charming, cheerful, and people enjoy communicating with you.

An ideal partner for those born on January 3

You may want to establish a strong, long-lasting relationship with someone born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 4, 5, 6, 11, 21, 24; February 2, 3, 4, 9, 19, 22; March 7, 17, 20; April 5, 15, 18, 30; May 1, 13, 16, 28; June 11, 14, 26; July 9, 12, 24; August 7, 10, 22; September 5, 8, 20; October 3, 6, 18; November 1, 4, 16; December 2, 14.
  • Favorable contacts : January 23, 27; February 21, 25; March 19, 23; April 17, 21; May 15, 19; June 13, 17; July 11, 15, 31; August 9, 13, 29; September 5, 7, 11, 27; October 9, 25; November 3, 7, 23; December 1, 5, 21.
  • Soulmate : January 30; 28th of February; March 26, 29; April 24, 27; May 22, 25; June 20, 23; July 18, 21; August 16, 19; September 14, 17; October 12, 15; November 10, 13; December 8, 11.
  • Fatal attraction : July 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • Troubled relationships : January 17; February, 15; March 13; 11 April; 9th May; June 7; 5'th of July; August 3rd; September 1.

What holiday is today?

From November 28, 1918 to January 3, 1920, the war for the liberation and independence of the state in Estonia was fought against Soviet Russia. On November 28, two divisions of the Red Army invaded Estonia, crossing its state border. The army consisted of 12,000 people. The army passed through such large settlements as Narva and Tartu. Already at the beginning of 1919, Red Army troops were 40 kilometers from Tallinn.

By 1919, the Estonian army consisted of more than 85,000 people. It was then that it was proposed to conclude a truce, and the Soviet authorities supported this initiative. The start date of the truce is considered to be January 3, 1920 (10.00).

Further, almost a month after this event (February 2, 1920), the Tartu Armistice Treaty was signed, under the terms of which Russia forever renounced claims to Estonia. It is known that more than 5,000 Estonian soldiers died as a result of the war.

This old Lithuanian holiday has been preserved only in written sources - it is not celebrated today. It was usually celebrated on the first full moon, which was considered a symbol of the beginning of a new life. On this day, they shook off the snow from the apple tree branches, and did the same with other fruit trees in order to awaken them from sleep and bring the onset of spring closer. In addition, it was necessary to knock on the hive of still sleeping bees - it was believed that this would also speed up the onset of warm days.

In history, the figure of Princess Olga occupies a prominent place. She is known for her cruel and harsh disposition, which helped her control men and lead victorious wars. According to the chronicles, Olga was born in Pskov, but there are also versions according to which the princess initially lived in Izborsk. Olga’s parents were simple peasants, and she herself worked for a long time as a carrier across the river, where she met Prince Igor, her future husband.

In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the Drevlyans while he went to collect tribute from them. Princess Olga decided to take revenge on the murderers, gathered an army, lured the Drevlyans into traps and destroyed the tribe - she buried some alive, and strangled others in a bathhouse. Olga also went to the lands of the Drevlyans and finally killed the entire settlement, besieging their main city, Iskorosten, and then setting it on fire. This was the first historical evidence of the existence of so-called blood feud. By the way, despite her harsh disposition, it was Olga who contributed to the spread of Christianity in Rus'.

British statesman, participant in the Postdam Conference and Prime Minister of Germany (1945-1951) Clement Richard Attlee was born on January 3, 1883.

On January 3, 1892, the English writer, literary critic and founder of the fantasy genre John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, who penned the most famous creation “The Lord of the Rings,” was born.

On January 3, 1906, the innovator of the coal industry, Alexei Grigorievich Stakhanov, was born, thanks to whom the so-called “Stakhanov movement” gained fame and development in the USSR.

German racing driver Michael Schumacher, who is a seven-time world champion with a record number of victories at numerous Formula 1 stages, was born on January 3, 1969.

Birthday Cocktail Straws

This very unusual holiday is celebrated around the world at the very beginning of the new year - January 3. A simple, uncomplicated device called a “straw” is a tube designed for sucking various drinks and cocktails into the mouth. Initially, the straw was made from ordinary straw, which inside contained hollow stems of cereal crops - rye straws. This is where the name of this device came from - “straw”.

Remembrance Day for the Fighters of the War of Independence in Estonia

In Estonia, the entire Estonian people celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the fighters who died in the War of Independence for the liberation and independence of the state. This was a war of the Estonian people against Soviet Russia. It lasted from November 28, 1918 to January 3, 1920, when the Red Army, consisting of two divisions (12 thousand people), crossed the border and invaded Estonia.

Church holidays


– Orthodox holiday January 3
Memorial Day of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker.
On January 3, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', a miracle worker who, one of the first Russian metropolitans, lived not in Vladimir or Kyiv, but in Moscow. Even during his lifetime, Saint Peter was ranked by his contemporaries on a par with the famous saints John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great. After the death of Metropolitan Peter of Moscow, Russian chronicles often mentioned him. In the old days, not a single government undertaking was complete without prayer at the tomb of St. Peter. Russian High Priests were named and elected there.
National holiday January 3


The national holiday of January 3 was named after Proclus, a 5th-century saint who served as archbishop of Constantinople.
Proclus is known for having studied theology with John Chrysostom himself and received from him a deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and also mastered the art of oratory.
Proclus was famous for having witnessed the appearance of the Apostle Paul to St. John.
After the death of his teacher, Proclus became a Bishop and in this rank he exposed paganism and fervently preached Christianity. Proclus was also popularly known for his concern for the disadvantaged.
Name day today: Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

Unusual holidays

— Birthday cocktail straws
— Day of sparklers and garland lights.

January 3 in history

- as a result of betrayal, Joan of Arc was sold to a representative of the church
- signing of the Russian-Turkish treaty, thanks to which Türkiye entered the anti-French coalition
— patented cocktail straw
— a mock execution of the Petrashevites took place. Fyodor Dostoevsky and his associates had their execution replaced by hard labor
- the Krasnoyarsk Republic was defeated
— found the main treasure of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun: his stone sarcophagus, which contained a golden coffin with a mummy
- in the USSR they conducted an experiment on detecting aircraft using the radar method
— Alaska received the status of the 49th US state
- the last military unit in Cuba surrendered to the revolutionaries. The revolution finally won
— US diplomatic relations with Cuba were severed
— Fidel Castro excommunicated by the Pope
— signing of an arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States