Lesson on modeling from salt dough "visiting a fairy-tale hero" Photo report. Modeling from salt dough based on the Russian folk tale “Rukavichka” with children of primary preschool age

Salt dough perfectly combines the advantages of clay and plasticine: cheap, plastic, non-toxic, inedible (which is important for children) material, does not spoil and is always at hand.

Modeling various figures, crafts and paintings from salt dough will bring joy and great pleasure to the master. In addition, such products are a wonderful gift and a reason to present moments of happiness to dear and close people.

Recipe for salted play dough

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 glass of salt
  • approximately 3/4 ml water (the amount of water depends on the type of flour)

1. Place salt in a wide bowl, add flour and water and mix all ingredients well.

2. If the dough sticks to your hands, add a little more flour. If it crumbles, add a small amount of water. You can add hand cream (about 1 tbsp) or vegetable oil, which will give plasticity to the salt dough. You can use a mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass.

3. You can replace the water with potato starch jelly. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1/2 cup of cold water. starch. Then pour 1 cup of boiling water into the liquid, stirring. When the jelly thickens and becomes transparent, remove the resulting paste from the heat. Thanks to the jelly, the dough will become more plastic.

4. Salt dough for making crafts should be dense. If it turns out soft, knead it additionally with a small amount of flour and salt mixture.

Drying salt dough crafts

Drying of products should be carried out at a not very high temperature, otherwise the products may burn, change color or swell. Depending on the thickness of the product, the firing time is 30-60 minutes. Some craftsmen advise air drying the product a little before putting it in the oven, otherwise the product may crack due to a sudden temperature change.

1. It is advisable to put the finished salt dough in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and also store it for future use.

2. If you add some spices (nutmeg, cumin, cinnamon) to the dough, it will acquire a pleasant aroma.

3. Sculpt the figure immediately on the baking sheet or board where it will dry.

4. It is advisable to cover the table with oilcloth and free it from foreign objects.

5. The dough dries very quickly in the air, so it should be kept in tightly closed containers while working. Each time, take the required amount of dough from there, and immediately fold the excess back.

6. Almost any paint sticks to the dough, so the possibilities for painting are almost unlimited. It is good to varnish the finished products over the paint.

7. Glue all the parts with water, and the texture can be made with a toothpick or the tip of a pen.

8. Avoid the appearance of wrinkles and cracks on the outside of the product. The surface must be even and smooth, because during the process of varnishing the product, even the smallest crack will become bright and spoil the appearance of the craft.

9. Salt dough is a safe product for making crafts with children (as long as you don't add glue!). As a rule, after tasting the dough once, the baby no longer tries to put it in his mouth.

Salt dough craft ideas

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education

Starodub Children's Creativity Center

Lesson outline

"Fairy-tale characters made from salt dough"


additional education teacher

Potupova Anastasia Sergeevna



Lesson topic « Fairy-tale characters made from salt dough »

Target: To form imaginative, spatial thinking in the process of sculpting the fairy-tale hero - Cheburashka.


    Learn to express your thoughts in the process of sculpting a fairy-tale hero using salt dough;

    Improve the skills of basic types and techniques of modeling salt dough in practice.

    Improve skills and develop skills in working with the necessary tools and devices when processing salt dough.


    Develop a cognitive interest in reading fairy tales;

    Promote the development of imagination, imaginative and spatial thinking, memory;

    Develop a sense of proportion, hand motor skills, and eye in the process of sculpting three-dimensional figures;

Educational :

    Foster a love of reading fiction and fairy tales;

    Fostering diligence, independence, interest in the process and result of work (the ability to plan work and bring the work started to completion;

    Cultivate accuracy in the work process and in organizing the workplace;

Type of lesson: combined


    Verbal ( riddles, instruction, conversation);

    Visual (illustrations with fairy-tale characters);

    Practical(practical work).

Forms of training organization: group, with elements of individualization.

Material, technical and didactic equipment of the lesson:

    For the teacher: illustrations with fairy-tale characters and riddles (Applications );

    For students: plastic bowl, flour, salt, water, toothpicks, glass, oilcloth, water glass, brush.

Age of children: 9-11 years old, students in the preparatory class of the Fine Arts department.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational stage.(1 min.)

    Preparatory stage.(5 min.)

    Main stage(Practical work) (20 min.)

    Control stage (5 min.)

    Final stage(4 min.)

    Cleaning the workplace (5 min.)

Progress of the lesson

Stage 1. Organizational stage. (1 min.)

Teacher actions: welcomes students, creates an emotionally positive mood for the lesson. Checks attendance and readiness for class.

Stage 2. Preparatory stage. (5 min.)

Teacher actions: brings students to an understanding of the topic of the lesson (goals and objectives):

    Guys, today we have some unusual guests at our lesson..

    But to find out who it is, you must solve riddles. Do you agree?

    Let's go...

Teacher actions: after the riddle is guessed, he turns over the drawing depicting a fairy-tale hero and attaches it to the board.


Mom made a beautiful hat

What a sweet girl.

What's her name? ...

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

The nose is round, with a heel,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Answer: Three Little Pigs

Everyone wanted to eat him

But he fell into the fox's mouth.
Sweet little ball
In a fairy tale it was called...

Answer: Kolobok

I'm a wooden boy

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my long nose everywhere,

My name...

Answer: Pinocchio

Boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He's stupid and arrogant

And his name is...

Answer: Dunno

In a dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in the hut.

The children were waiting for their mother,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This fairy tale is for the guys...

Answer: Wolf and seven kids

    Guys, who are our guests?(Fairy-tale heroes)

    Well done!

    Oh, I forgot one more thing...

Teacher actions: shows students a blank piece of paper with a secret hero, reads a riddle...

After all, this is Gena’s friend.

Answer: Cheburashka

    Well done! Indeed, this is Cheburashka!

    But, unfortunately, the sheet is empty, and we cannot see what our guest looks like. Maybe you can help me?(Students describe the appearance of the fairy-tale hero “Cheburashka”: a good-natured image, with big ears and big eyes)

Note: If time permits, the teacher invites students to draw Cheburashka. (A4 sheets of paper and pencils must be prepared)

    After the release of the first series of cartoons, Cheburashka became very popular.

    For the year in Athens he was chosen as the mascot of the Russian Olympic team. Why do you think they chose this fairy-tale hero for the mascot?

Stage 5. Main stage (20 min.)

Teacher actions: checks students’ readiness for practical work, conducts a conversation on issues.

    Guys, I suggest you make the fairy-tale hero “Cheburashka” from salt dough, but first, let’s remember the rules for working with salt dough.(Students repeat safety precautions when working with salt dough)

    What materials and tools will we need for modeling? Check if you have everything on the table?

    Analyze the shape of the modeling object, what is the best way to sculpt Cheburashka?(constructive) .

    How can you strengthen the dough parts?(toothpicks).

Student actions: they sculpt the fairy-tale hero “Cheburashka”.

Teacher actions: During practical work, they provide individual assistance to students.

Note: Students independently knead the dough for modeling during practical work. Also, to save time, students can prepare the dough before class.

Stage 6. Control stage(5 min.)

Teacher actions: organizes an exhibition of students’ works and conducts consultations.

    Let's see what we got.

    Are your works similar to the screen Cheburashka?

Student actions: evaluate their work and comrades, adjust their activities, correct mistakes.

Stage 7. Final stage. (Reflection) (4 min.)

    Did you like the topic of the lesson?

    Is everyone happy with the result of their work? (if “no”, then why?)

    What fairy-tale hero would you like to create?

    In the next lesson we will color our work.

Cleaning the workplace. (5 min.)

    Clean up your work area and wipe your hands with wet wipes.

    Thanks everyone for the activity! I wish you success!



A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat

And I didn’t forget to bring some pies with me.

What a sweet girl.

What's her name? ...

The nose is round, with a heel,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Everyone wanted to eat him

But he fell into the fox's mouth.
Sweet little ball
In a fairy tale it was called...

I'm a wooden boy

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my long nose everywhere,

My name...

Boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He's stupid and arrogant

And his name is...

In a dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in the hut.

The children were waiting for their mother,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This fairy tale is for the guys...

He used to be - a nameless toy,

Not a bear, not an elephant, not a rattle.

And now every mongrel knows him.

After all, this is Gena’s friend.

Testeva Elena
Summary of the modeling lesson “Let's make a fairy tale from dough”

Abstract educational activities

Modeling: « Let's make a fairy tale out of dough»

Program content:

1. Mastering techniques sculpting three-dimensional figures from dough.

2. Consolidation of Russian knowledge fairy tales.

3. Development of imaginative thinking, imagination, creative abilities.

4. Improving teamwork skills.

Materials for occupation:

Flour, water, wallpaper glue, boards for sculpting, stacks, wet wipes, books.

Progress of activities:


One, two, three, four, five!

I will play with you!

Everyone quickly stand in a circle

Guess our fairy tales!

Guys, pay your attention to the exhibition of books. These are Russian folk fairy tales. I propose to find out who is the best expert fairy tales. (Hand out books to children)

D/ game "Guess fairy tale»


1. A girl is sitting in a basket behind Mishka

And he himself, without knowing it, carries her home.

("Masha and the Bear")

2. There is no river or pond

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water in the hoof hole.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

3. He was chilling at the window

Then he picked it up and drove off.


4. My sister started playing

The birds took my brother away.


5. There were two huts on the forest edge

One of them has melted, one remains as before.

("Zayushkina's hut")

6. Oh, Petya, simplicity went a little wrong

I didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window.

("Golden Comb Cockerel")

7. I said a word and the stove rolled

straight from the village to the king and princess

and why, I don’t know, the lazy man got lucky?

("At the behest of the pike")

8. Near the forest on the edge

three of them live in a hut

there are three chairs and three mugs

three beds, three pillows

guess without tips

who are the heroes of this fairy tales?

("Three Bears")

Well done, guys! I see that you love and know Russian folk fairy tales. What kind of chest is this? Let's see what's in it? (takes out grandfather and a turnip)

Guys, from which they are fairy tales? Right! Am I the only one who seems to be missing someone here? Guys, would you like to help grandpa pull out the turnip? To do this you must make the heroes of this fairy tale. What can you use? do?

And we will sculpt from test. What materials are needed for preparation? test?

Which character would you like to create? But before we begin let's do some physical education:

Grandfather planted a turnip (sit down and stand up)

Big and strong (draw a circle with your hands)

Grandfather pulls and pulls the turnip (imitation of pulling a turnip)

It's almost lunchtime (look at your wrist as if at a watch)

Grandfather couldn't stand it anymore (wipes sweat from forehead)

Who can help? (raises shoulders)

Grandmother and granddaughter (make a handkerchief with your hands)

Cat and Bug (show ears)

And also a baby (do paws and run on tiptoes)

little mouse.

Sit back comfortably at your tables and get to work.

(Children make figures fairy tale characters. The teacher helps.)

Place your crafts on trays in the order they appear in fairy tale. We will take the trays to the kitchen to dry them in the oven. And on the next class we will color them and play theater. And now I invite you to play a game "Turnip"

Game "Turnip"

Well done, guys! They worked very well, played happily, now clean up your seats. Thanks everyone.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on modeling salt dough “Mouse-norushka” (first junior group) Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 15" of the city of Smolensk Educator: Borisova Natalya Nikolaevna.

Summary of the final lesson on modeling from salt dough for children of middle preschool age “Chamomile” Summary of the final lesson on modeling from salt dough (testoplasty) for children of middle preschool age Prepared by: Irina Kutueva.

Lesson summary for the second junior group on modeling from salt dough “Mushroom clearing” Lesson summary for the second junior group on modeling from salt dough “Mushroom clearing” Objectives: -Expand knowledge about mushrooms - edible.

Objectives: Teach children to sculpt a mouse based on a cone-shaped or ovoid shape (at the teacher’s choice). Show ways to create expressiveness.

Summary of a lesson on modeling from salt dough “Buns for Masha’s doll” Goal: to develop in children a friendly attitude towards game characters.

Summary of organized educational activities on modeling from salt dough for children of the senior group “Cockerel - golden comb” Tasks:.

Goal: learn to sculpt from colored salt dough, roll out a flagellum, bend it into a horseshoe shape. Strengthen the skill from individual parts.

Fairy tale "Teremok" made from salt dough - doll making master class

Murygina Maria Trofimovna, teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34", Ivanovo.
Description: This master class will attract the attention, first of all, of educators and parents of preschoolers.
Salt dough dolls are easy to make; all materials are easily available. Dolls can be made together with older preschoolers.

Purpose: Dolls for the fairy tale "Teremok" can be used in children's independent games, and by educators - as visual and didactic material during classes, for example, on speech development.

Making dolls for the fairy tale "Teremok"

- expand children’s understanding of the materials from which dolls for tabletop theater can be created;
- to develop interest in fairy tales and dramatizations;
- create conditions for the creative development of children.

To create the dolls we used:

Wheat flour, water, salt, bowl, double-sided tape, fabric, watercolor paints, brushes, pencils, scissors, clear varnish (for adults only).

Manufacturing progress

1. Knead the salt dough:

This stage of work is performed exclusively by adults, because It will be difficult for children to knead the dough.
Wheat flour - 2 cups
“Extra” salt - 1 glass
Water -3/4 cup

Pour salt into a wide bowl, add water, then flour. Mix everything well. Or mix the salt and flour well, gradually adding cold water until smooth.
To prevent the salted dough from tearing and crumbling during modeling, it must be kneaded and kneaded well until it becomes elastic. The prepared dough should not stick to your hands or crumble. The dough should be elastic and quite stiff. Place it in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out.

2. We make dolls from salt dough:
Making salt dough is very pleasant and simple. If something didn’t work out right away, it’s quite possible to redo it. Carefully place the sculpted heads on the pencils and place them in a box to dry. You can dry it on a warm (not hot!) radiator for a week.

3. Paint the blanks with paint:
I used professional watercolors, but you can also use regular gouache or watercolor.

4. Varnish:
If you want to get natural matte dolls, you can skip this step, but then the dolls will be vulnerable to high humidity. So it is better to coat the product with colorless varnish. This stage is performed exclusively by adults.

5. “Dressing” the dolls:
We glue double-sided tape to the wooden part of the doll.

Cut a semicircle from fabric

Glue it to double-sided tape

Unfold the fabric and the doll is ready!

Here are the dolls I got:

All the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" assembled:

Exciting and fruitful creativity to you and your kids!

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education Sovetsky district "Center "Constellation" named after. Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Grishin I.T.

Open lesson .

Topic: “Character of a favorite fairy tale”

According to the “Plastic” program (Federal State Educational Standard)

Section “Salt dough workshop”

Developer: teacher


Tsymbalov's education

Ekaterina Gavrilovna


Lesson summary on the topic: « Character from your favorite fairy tale »

Target : Making your favorite characters from the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” from salt dough.


Teaching no :

1. Consolidate and expand the knowledge acquired in literature lessons and contribute to them


2. Form imaginative, spatial thinking and the ability to express your thoughts with

by modeling three-dimensional shapes and flat figures from salt dough.

3. Improve skills and develop skills in working with the necessary tools and

devices for processing salt dough.

Developing no :

    Onceto develop children's cognitive interest in reading fairy tales;

    promote the development of imagination,figurative and spatial thinking,


3. develop general skill, hand motor skills, eye control

Parenting no :

    Foster a love of reading fiction and fairy tales;

    cultivate feelings of responsibility, collectivism and mutual assistance;

    in cultivate neatness, hard workand attentiveness at work.

    cultivate independence in work and strong-willed qualities.

Formed UUD :


Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems;

- formation of the ability for creative development, independence, self-development;

Master the skills and apply the acquired knowledge in future life.

Communication : - develop the ability to work in a group; - develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other,

Mutual control and mutual assistance during the task; - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers

determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

Regulatory: - planning the technological process and the labor process;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;- control of intermediate and final results of labor; - identifying errors in the labor process and justifying ways to correct them;


    action meaning formation (interest, motivation);

    the action of moral and ethical assessment (“what is good, what is bad”);

    formation of a personal, emotional attitude towards yourself and the world around you;

    formation of desire to carry out educational activities;

    the use of fantasy and imagination when performing educational activities.

Age of children : 7 - 8 years old, students of the “Plastic” association, (Federal State Educational Standard of the second year of study.)

Lesson duration : 45 min.

Type of lesson: combined, integrated lesson (literary reading + practice)

Forms of training organization: group, with elements of individualization.

Form of the lesson: journey into a fairy tale.

Connections with other areas: literary reading.

Teaching methods:

    Verbal ( reading a fairy tale, riddles, instruction, conversation);

    Visual (demonstration of clarity: sketches, drawings, samples of finished products);

    Practical (practical work).

Tools and materials:

Flour; ● salt;

water; ● stacks;




Didactic material:

Book “Fox with a rolling pin”, sketches, illustrations; ● samples of finished products, cards with riddles; ● safety instructions when working with salt dough.

Lesson plan

1. Organizational stage. (2 min.)

Hello guys!- The guys gathered in a circle,
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
Let's join hands together. And let's smile at each other.
I convey a smile to Maxim, Maxim conveys….. - And now we will convey a smile to our guests. I am glad to welcome you to the circle class, take a seat.

They stand in a circle, giving greetings and smiles. Emotional mood for the lesson

2.Preparatory stage. (8 min.)

Statement of the problem

The teacher leads children to understand the goals and objectives:

Let's start our lesson... and how we'll start it, you can guess for yourself... - That's right, we'll start it with a trip to the folk tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin.” Author's and folk tales, what is the difference? A Why are fairy tales called folk tales?

Once upon a time, fairy tales were only told out loud, no one wrote them down. The very first creator of them at all times was the people. At first, of course, one person came up with it, told it to someone else, for example, their son or daughter, and when they grew up, they told it to their children, etc. It is impossible to say exactly when such a fairy tale appeared, but at that time it lived among the people and was told orally.Such tales are called folk tales. Much later, when writing appeared, fairy tales began to be composed and written down by human writers. These tales are called author's tales.

On your table are cards with the names of fairy tales. If the tale is a folk tale, then put a letter on itN , if the fairy tale is the author’s, then put the letterA .

Now listen to the story...

Children themselves determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Children answer questions

Consolidating new knowledge about folk tales.

Children listening to a fairy tale

3.Main stage.

(30 min.)

Practical activities

Guys, let's start sculpting characters from the fairy tale we read. And before we start sculpting, let’s remember the rules for working with salt dough. Children sculpt characters from the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rock.”

Physical exercise.

Guess the heroes of fairy tales.

1. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat

And I didn’t forget to bring some pies with me.

What a sweet girl.

What's her name? ... (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. For each other in a chain

Everyone grabbed it so tightly!

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

How firmly stuck! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

3. I am a wooden boy,

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my long nose everywhere,

My name is... (Pinocchio)

4. A boy in a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He's stupid and arrogant

And his name is... (Dunno)

5.In a dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in the hut.

The children were waiting for their mother,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This fairy tale is for the guys... (Wolf and seven kids)

Introductory safety training. Children plan actions (teacher helps, advises)

Perform physical exercises and gymnastics for hands and eyes.

Consolidating knowledge, children guess riddles about fairy tales.

4. Control stage:

(4 minutes)

Let's see what we got. Tell me, what do you feel? Is everyone happy with the result of their work? (if “no”, then why?)

Children evaluate their own and their friends’ work, adjust their activities, and correct mistakes.Teacher consulting

5.Final stage:

(1 minute).

- Our journey into a fairy tale has come to an end, which showed that you know and love fairy tales. But there are still many fairy tales that have not been read. Interesting and unexpected meetings with the heroes of new fairy tales await you.

Who enjoyed the trip?

What mood do you feel after encountering a fairy tale?

In the next lesson we will formalize our work.

Guys who liked the activity, clap your hands.If you don’t like it, put your palms under your cheeks.

Thanks everyone for the activity! I wish you success!


They put their workspaces in order, and there is a desire to come to the next lesson.

Reflection is taking place

Literature used

    Khananova I. Salty dough. Moscow. 2007

    Sineglazova M.O. Amazing salt dough. Moscow. SME Publishing House.


    Russian folk tale “The Fox with a rolling pin”, publishing house “Prof. Press". 2008 – 10 pages.

    Agibina M.I., V.S. Goricheva. “We’ll make a fairy tale from clay, dough, snow, plasticine.” Yaroslavl, "Academy and Co", 1998

    Romanovskaya A.L., E.M. Chezlov. “Crafts from salt dough” M., “AST-Press”, 2009

    Isolda Kiskalt “Salt dough” M., “AST-Press”.

    Shpikalova T. Ya. Fine arts. 1st grade. Textbook for general education institutions. – M., Education, 2011

Appendix 1

Physical exercises

Exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

First complex.

    Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide. Repeat the exercise 5 – 6 times with an interval of 30 seconds.

    Look up, down, right, left without turning your head.

    Slowly roll your eyes: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction.

Gymnastics for fingers.

    Extend your arms and run your fingers across the table.

    Drum your fingers on the table.

    Using the fingers of one hand, give a small massage to the fingers of the other hand (all fingers in turn).

    Shake your hands.

    Rest the fingertips of one hand against the fingertips of the other hand, at the same time “push” with your right hand to the left, with your left hand to the right, while making a slight effort.

    “Say hello” with the fingers of one hand to the fingers of the other hand alternately (the little finger of the right hand is torn off and reconnected with the little finger of the left hand 2 - 3 times, and so on).

Appendix 2

Safety instructions .

    The distance from the eyes to the product or part should be on average 30 cm.

    When handling salt dough, avoid getting crumbs or hands in your eyes.

    Keep the workplace clean, do not allow the workplace to be cluttered with foreign objects that are not used in work at a given time.

    While working, be attentive, do not get distracted and do not distract others.

    Pass piercing and cutting objects with the handle away from you, place them on the table with the sharp end away from you.

    Maintain order in the workplace.

    When using water, do not splash it on yourself or your neighbor.

    After work, tidy up your workplace.