Tickets. I'll show you the museum, or how to get on a free excursion to Pushkin Zero emotions and very smart

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is the most grandiose and most visited place in Russia.

Currently, there are more than 670 thousand world works of art, casts, art photographs, copies and originals of coins from ancient times to the 21st century.

History of the building

The first mentions of the creation in Moscow began to appear in 1831 at the request of Princess Z.A. Volkonskaya. She was convinced that a publicly accessible gallery for different segments of the population was necessary. In 1896, professor of the history department of the State Moscow University I.V. Tsvetaev published in print the terms of the competition for the construction of a building for the art museum.

State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow is a complex of four buildings. The main building is an antique temple with columns along the facade. The colonnade of the building is completely copied from the Erechtheion temple. According to I.V. Tsvetaeva, each room of the museum is decorated in the style of the era from which this or that exhibition is presented.

Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin opened on May 31, 1912 and was called the “Museum of Fine Arts named after. Alexander III". From the first days it was a success among visitors. There were up to 800 visits per day. Since 1937, the building bears its current name, the State Gallery of Art. A.S. Pushkin. Since 1996, an additional building of the Pushkin Museum (Chayanova St., building 15) began to exist at the State Humanitarian University called the Educational Art Museum named after. Tsvetaeva.

Note! The museum was given the name of the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in honor of the centenary of his death.

Museum departments

The collection of specimens from Europe and America was opened in 2006. Initially, the building was an outbuilding of the Golitsyn family estate. After the reconstruction of the building, only the stone gate remained from its original appearance. At the moment, the gallery is divided into 26 exhibition halls. The collection displays masterpieces by famous masters, including Paul Gauguin, Pissarro, Renoir, Claude Monet and many others.

Engravings and drawings are the oldest sector of the Pushkin Museum. Most of the antique drawings in the exhibition were made possible through donations. After the 20s, methodical purchases of paintings from Western European countries began. Western artists willingly exchanged their works. A special collection of Dutch drawings from the 17th century and French drawings from the 18th century are presented. An important place is occupied by the works of oriental masters: Chinese folk pictures, popular prints of India, Japanese scrolls, as well as a collection of rare Russian drawings by S. Ushakov and L. Bunin, landscapes by A. Ukhtomsky and many others.

The antiquity department began to exist from the time when the Museum was part of Moscow Alexander III University. A great contribution to the formation of the exhibition of antiquity was made by K.K. Hertz, who headed the Department of Arts at Moscow University since 1957. After the October Revolution, an extensive supply of original exhibits began. In 1945, the State Museum named after. Pushkin began to own fragments of marble sculptures from the Alupka Palace. The official website of the Pushkin Museum displays photographs of some of the exhibits.

Numismatics. A small collection of coins and medals became the basis for the creation of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. In the 19th century, thanks to her, a cabinet of antiquities was created, and then a gallery of fine arts. The numismatics department presents a collection of coins that has no analogues in other countries. Most of the copies were received as a gift from the Moscow collector and scientist A. G. Golikov:

  • antique coins - 3019 copies;
  • Russians - 3272 copies;
  • eastern - 722 coins;
  • 3 coins of unknown origin.

Collection of sculptures. In 1919, the formation of the sculpture department began. Visitors can see the works of A. Bari, C. Meunier, F. Stuck, A. Rossellino “Madonna and Child” and “Pieta” by Busti. Previously, these sculptures belonged to the Shuvalov house in St. Petersburg. The enormous value of the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin consists of bronze sculptures (“Baptism” by M. Kaf, a bronze bust of the composer Gustav Mahler).


The main building of the Pushkin Museum is located on Volkhonka 12. Open: 11:00–20:00, closed on Mondays.

Department of Arts of America and Europe - Volkhonka st., building 14

Exhibition of personal collections - Moscow, Volkhonka st., building 10. Working hours: 11:00–20:00, non-working days Monday and Tuesday.

Aesthetics Center for Children "Museion" - Moscow, Kolymazhny lane. 6/2 and 6/3. Open: 11:00–18:00. Closed on Monday.

The building of the art gallery named after. Tsvetaeva is located at Moscow, Chayanova str., building 15. Open from 10:00 to 17:00. Closed on Sundays and Mondays.

Apartment-memorial of the musician Svyatoslav Richter - Bolshaya Bronnaya St., building 2/6, apartment 58. Visits are by appointment.

How to get there by metro and where to buy tickets

The main building of the State Museum of Art named after A. S. Pushkin is located a five-minute walk from the Kropotkinskaya metro station. Seven minutes from the Borovitskaya metro station and Arbatskaya metro station. Detailed information on how to get to the Pushkin Museum can be found on the official website.

Tickets can be purchased on the website and at the ticket offices of the Pushkin Museum.

In accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of August 29, 2017 No. 594-PP
“On free visits to museums and exhibition halls for students”
State Museum of A.S. Pushkin works
Attention! To receive a free entrance ticket, you must present an electronic Student Social Card or a Muscovite Social Card.

Days of free museum admission:

Weekly on Thursdays

Prices for entrance fee and excursion and lecture
service from 01/09/2019
1. Entrance fees for single visitors:
- veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
- non-working disabled people of groups I and II;
- combat veterans;
- conscripts;
- orphans and children left without parental care, disabled children;
- adult visitors accompanying a school group at the rate of 2 accompanying persons per 15 or 20 people;
- elderly citizens staying in boarding homes for the disabled and elderly;
- children under 6 years of age inclusive;
- workers of museums of the Russian Federation and members of ICOM
For free
Within the framework of the project "MUSEUMS FOR CHILDREN", students receiving secondary general education or secondary vocational education on a full-time basis in State educational organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of Moscow, municipal educational organizations carrying out educational activities in the territory of Moscow upon presentation of the Social Muscovite cards or Moskvenok cards For free
- children aged 7 to 17 years inclusive;
- full-time students of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;
- students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation;
- pensioners;
- disabled people who do not have the right to free entry to the museum;
- families with three or more children until the youngest child reaches the age of 16 years (students in educational institutions implementing general education programs - 18 years old)

GMP, Prechistenka, 12/2

GMP branches:
(Arbat, 53)

100 rubles
100 rubles

100 rubles
100 rubles
100 rubles
100 rubles
100 rubles

- for visitors without benefits

GMP, Prechistenka, 12/2
Exhibition halls on Prechistenka
GMP branches:
Memorial apartment A.S. Pushkin (Arbat, 53)
Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely (Arbat, 55)
Museum of I.S. Turgenev (Ostozhenka, 37/7)
House-Museum of V.L. Pushkina (Staraya Basmannaya, 36)
Exhibition halls in Denezhny (Denezhny Lane, 32)

250 rubles
150 rubles

250 rubles
250 rubles
250 rubles
250 rubles
150 rubles

Single ticket
Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely)

Single ticket (Memorial apartment of A.S. Pushkin,
Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely,
Exhibition halls in Denezhny lane)

350 rubles

500 rubles

Family weekend ticket
(no more than 4 people with children under 18 years old)
500 rubles

2. Entrance tickets with excursion service
for sightseeing tours on weekends (2 hours):

- for students of general education institutions of primary and secondary education, students (full-time education);
- pensioners;
- disabled people;
- families with three or more children until the youngest child reaches the age of 16 years (students in educational institutions implementing general education programs - 18 years old)
250 rubles
For all visitors entitled to free entry to the museum 150 rubles
For visitors without benefits 400 rubles
Sunday of every third week of the month (within the project),
June 6 (Pushkin Day of Russia) and February 10 (Memory Day of A.S. Pushkin)
- days of free museum admission.
Weekly on Thursdays- a day of free attendance for full-time students of Russian higher educational institutions.
3. Excursion and lecture services:

- for groups of up to 20 adult visitors

3000 rubles

2,250 rubles


for free
100 rubles
150 rubles

- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

150 rubles
250 rubles
300 rubles

at specially designated times up to 5 people 3000 rubles
- for groups of up to 20 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary vocational education and 2 accompanying persons
- for groups up to 20 adults

3000 rubles

- for groups of up to 15 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary, vocational education and 2 accompanying persons
- for groups of up to 15 adult visitors
2250 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase:

- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

for free
100 rubles
250 rubles

For all visitors entitled to free entry to the museum
- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

150 rubles
250 rubles
400 rubles
3000 rubles
200 rubles
3000 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase. 250 rubles
450 rubles
Individual excursion service in a foreign language: groups of up to 5 people 4500 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase.
Sightseeing tours:
"Pushkin Memorial Apartment on Arbat"
"Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely"
"House-Museum of I.S. Turgenev"
“House-Museum of V.L. Pushkin on Staraya Basmannaya"

(2 academic hours: excursion service - 150 rubles.
using technical means)
- for groups of up to 15 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary, vocational education and 2 accompanying persons
- for groups of up to 15 adult visitors
2250 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase:

- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

for free
100 rubles
250 rubles
If there are more visitors, children or accompanying people in the group, then additional entrance tickets to the exhibition with excursion service are purchased:

For all visitors entitled to free entry to the museum
- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

150 rubles
250 rubles
400 rubles
Individual excursion service at specially designated times for up to 5 people 3000 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase.
Excursion service in a foreign language: 200 rubles
For all visitors in a foreign language: groups of up to 15 people 3000 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase. 250 rubles
If there are more visitors in the group, then additional tickets with excursion services are purchased 450 rubles
Individual excursion service in a foreign language: groups of up to 5 people 4500 rubles

Service for foreign groups in the evenings and on weekends is carried out under contracts.

Thematic, game, interactive excursions:
Prechistenka, 12/2; Arbat, 53; Art. Basmannaya, 36; Arbat, 55
(2 academic hours: excursion service - 150 rubles using technical means)
"Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"
“In one of our remote provinces...”
“Pushkin at work on Pugachev’s theme”
“Do you remember when the Lyceum appeared...”
“We will repay our mentors for their blessings...”
- for groups of up to 20 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary vocational education and 2 accompanying persons
3000 rubles
- for groups of up to 15 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary, vocational education and 2 accompanying persons 2250 rubles
“Meet the museum!”
“There are miracles here!”
“But I love the memories of my childhood…”
“Once on Epiphany evening...”
“Pushkin once lived here”
“... there will be a ball, there will be a children’s party”
“What new will Moscow show me...”
"The Mystery of the Sealed Envelope"

"... our colorful town"
"Windy fashions flash"
"Visiting the poet uncle"

"You are my uncle on Parnassus too»
“How noble children studied and played»
"Language Lesson 100 Years Ago"
“Andrei Bely and Alexander Blok: a story of friendship, a story of life”

"Alexander Blok. "Poems about a Beautiful Lady"
For groups of up to 15 students of general education institutions of primary, secondary, vocational education and 2 accompanying persons 2250 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase:

- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

for free
100 rubles
250 rubles
If there are more visitors, children or accompanying people in the group, then additional entrance tickets with excursion services are purchased:

For all visitors entitled to free entry to the museum
- for visitors with benefits
- for visitors without benefits

150 rubles
250 rubles
400 rubles
Thematic excursions for groups of adult visitors
“Pushkin at work on Pugachev’s theme”,
"Pushkin's novel" Eugene Onegin
" »
For groups of up to 15 adults 2700 rubles
Additional entrance tickets are available for purchase.

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin.

Excursions to the museum.

To sign up for a tour or purchase tickets, CONTACT us by phone or WRITE to us.

Our contacts:

+ 7 916 855 11 47 (tel, Whats App, Viber)

e-mail: ura@site

Oksana Isaeva +79168551147 (Whatsapp, Viber)

Evgenia Chaikina +79264773122 (Whatsapp, Viber)

Olga Udalova +7 9161680733 (Whatsapp, Viber)

Professor Ivan Tsvetaev, father of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva - creator and first director museum of fine arts.

The museum was created for students of Moscow University as an educational and auxiliary complex, where in plaster casts, models and copies they could look at the most famous examples of art of the peoples of the whole world from ancient times to modern times.

This was the first museum of this type in Russia. From now on, those students who could not afford to travel around the world had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the masterpieces of world art, albeit in the form of copies, but made in the most careful manner, preserving the original dimensions and original appearance.

And this was a real breakthrough in the possibilities of teaching disciplines related to the study of world cultural heritage.

Initially, the collection was formed by I. V. Tsvetaev from plaster copies of ancient sculptures, copies of Roman sculptures and mosaics, as well as from the collection of genuine antiquities of the Egyptologist Golenishchev, purchased by the state.

Egypt, 14th century BC Opening box for cosmetics

After the end of World War II, the State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow received most of the paintings from the Dresden Gallery, as well as the Priam Treasure, found by Heinrich Schliemann on the site of ancient Troy. Subsequently, the Dresden Gallery collection was returned to the East German authorities. However, some valuables that belonged to West German museums and private collectors remained in the Pushkin Museum.

In 1948, the State Museum of New Western Art was closed, and its collection was divided between the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. As a result, the Moscow Museum of Foreign Art received most of the collections of Moscow merchants Sergei Shchukin and Ivan Morozov, confiscated by the Soviet authorities, consisting of paintings by Renoir, Van Gogh, Monet, Degas, Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso and other Western European and American masters of the late 19th - early 20th centuries . (about 300 paintings and over 60 sculptures).

Basically these were, which are now the pride and basis of the Pushkin Museum’s exhibition.

The museum contains the paintings “Red Vineyards in Arles” by Van Gogh and “Girl on a Ball” by Pablo Picasso that belonged to Ivan Morozov.
Currently, the museum is a collection of works of Western art from antiquity to the 20th century.

thematic excursions of the museum:
- Review of the art gallery;
- Review of the art of the Ancient World;
- Art of the ancient world (Greece, Rome);
- Art of Ancient Egypt;
- Art of Ancient Greece;
- Art of Ancient Rome;
- Art of the Middle Ages;
- Renaissance Art;
- Art of Holland and Flanders of the 17th century;
- Art of Italy and Spain of the 17th-18th centuries;
- Art of France of the 17th century;
- Art of France from the 18th to the first third of the 19th centuries;
- Review of the Gallery of the 19th-20th centuries;
- Impressionism painting;
-Post-Impressionism painting; Art of the 20th century.

In 2005 it was separated from the main collection (now located in the building adjacent to the main building - the outbuilding of the Golitsyn estate).

Now the collection of the Pushkin Museum named after. A. S. Pushkin has over 560 thousand works of painting, graphics, sculpture, works of applied art, archaeological and numismatic monuments, artistic photography. In the halls of the Main Building, Gallery and Museum of Personal Collections, only amateur photography without flash is allowed (without a tripod or additional lighting). Photography is prohibited at temporary exhibitions. Address:

  • Main building- Moscow, Volkhonka st., 12;
  • Museum of Personal Collections- Moscow, Volkhonka st., 10;
  • Gallery of art from Europe and America of the 19th-20th centuries- Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 14
Excursions with the A.S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts are conducted every day except Mondays and holidays.

*** Opening hours of the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin:

Tue-Wed, Fri-Sun 10.00-19.00, Thu 10.00-21.00 (the ticket office closes one hour before the museum closes).

For more details, CONTACT us by phone or WRITE to us.

Our contacts:

+ 7 916 855 11 47 (tel, Whats App, Viber)

e-mail: [email protected]


Excursion cost: from 12,000 rubles

Duration of the excursion: 2 hours

Languages: Russian, English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese


An excursion to the Pushkin Museum is one of the most impressive for guests of the capital.

It is here that a luxurious collection of world masterpieces is collected.
Art lovers will be able to appreciate the works of art of the great masters, and the abundance of interesting exhibits of the State Museum of Fine Arts can rival the Prado and the Louvre.

Since ancient times, this museum has been a treasury of world art. As part of the excursion to the Pushkin Museum, guests will visit the amazing halls of the museum, which contain more than 500 thousand interesting works of sculpture, painting, as well as various archaeological monuments.

Undoubtedly, exhibits such as the famous Egyptian mummies attract a lot of attention.
Most of the exhibition is occupied by works by world-famous painters. These are Rembrandt, colorful works of the impressionists, unique paintings of the modernists, as well as famous Italian masterpieces by Guardli, Botticelli, Canaletto, etc.

An excursion to the Pushkin Museum will also appeal to those who love unique works by Matisse, Gauguin, Picasso, Cezanne and Van Gogh.

It is worth noting that it is in this museum that paintings from famous world museums are often exhibited. Therefore, in some months, as part of an excursion to the Pushkin Museum, you can also see masterpieces by Marc Chagall or, for example, Salvador Dali.

To make the excursion clear and interesting, we will offer the services of guides and translators who will help you get acquainted with the exhibition in more detail. An introduction to the treasury of world art can be organized at any time convenient for your guests. We work not only on pre-ordered orders, but also on-line.

Museum opening hours:

Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun - from 11:00 to 20:00
ticket office (entrance) from 11:00 to 19:00

Thu, Fri - from 11:00 to 21:00
ticket office (entrance) from 11:00 to 20:00

Day off - Monday

Main building
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 11:00 to 20:00
  • Thursday and Friday from 11:00 to 21:00
  • Monday – closed
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00
  • Thursday and Friday – from 11:00 to 21:00
  • Monday – closed
  • Box office closes an hour earlier
Museum of Personal Collections (temporary exhibitions)
  • The main exhibition is closed until 2023.
Ticket prices for the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in 2019 Main building
  • For adults - 400 rubles
Gallery of Art of Europe and America of the 19th-20th centuries
  • For adults - 400 rubles
  • For students of the Russian Federation and pensioners of the Russian Federation - 200 rubles
  • For children under 16 years old - free
How to get to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Address: Moscow, Volkhonka st., 12.

The nearest metro station is Kropotkinskaya. The museum is located on the opposite side of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The museum includes three buildings: the main building, the Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th-20th centuries. and the building of the museum of personal collections. Since the first thing on the way from the metro is the Gallery, the sign of which also says that this is the Pushkin Museum, you don’t have to get to the main building and walk around the Gallery. Sometimes there is a queue at the ticket office of the Main building, which can become a landmark for the entrance to the Museum.

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is located in the very center, close to other