Evgeny Andreev Committee on Natural Resources. Pan from the Leningrad region

The development of the metallurgical industry is great, but how does this growth of factories and factories affect the environment? Everyone understands that nature is suffering from the increased number of workshops, mining companies and factories. E. L. Andreev, Chairman for the Protection of Ecology and Natural Resources for the Leningrad Region, is confident that new measures need to be developed to protect the environment. Evgeniy Andreev Lvovich explains in detail what impact metallurgy has on the environment, and how it is necessary to protect the environment from the negative factors of the engineering complex.

“Everyone knows that metallurgy involves many complexes - transport, the energy industry, as well as construction,” the chairman of the Committee on Environmental Protection and Natural Resources reminds us.

Without the participation of these complexes, metal mining and processing would be impossible. In the workshops, the main work is metal processing, cutting and welding. This whole set has a complex and, unfortunately, negative impact on our nature. You can start with chemical treatment, the vapors of which escape into the atmosphere. Also, waste is still being discharged into various bodies of water, so the hydrosphere also suffers. Less dangerous, but still harmful influences include radiation, loud noise, and increased vibrations.

A detailed diagram explaining the circulation of substances.

For example, you can take a technique that produces high sound pressure. The sound indicators were exceeded several times. While sound can be controlled with new soundproofing technology, ventilation emissions remain the main problem. The chairman of the committee talks about methods of combating pollution that comes from ventilation. More on this below.

Causes of pollution and methods of control

“In addition to the atmosphere and hydrosphere, the lithosphere also receives damage due to a large amount of material pollution,” says the chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources. “For metal processing, many abrasives are used, as well as aerosol materials, which are then sent into the air through ventilation. We know that new technologies reduce metal to powder, so it becomes obvious how waste passes through ventilation filters.

Harmful aerosols include oxides of manganese, silicon, aluminum, and magnesium. Vapors of formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, as well as aerosols generated during welding operations are added to the oxides. Also, damage to the environment is increased by cooling mixtures, solvents and other substances that contain various acids. As you can see, the prospects for the environment and natural resources are not rosy.

The chairman of the committee explains that the percentage of harmful substances coming from the ventilation of one of the plants is quite small. But if you take all the workshops in Russia, then in the end a harmful fog is formed, which has a negative impact on the entire environment as a whole. What is the way out? Develop old and develop new technologies that will reduce damage to the environment. Mechanical engineering and metallurgy is our pride. Fortunately, technologies are now tested for potential environmental hazards before being put into use. Developments in the field of waste-free production are the best way to preserve the environment.

The emergence of new filters and other purifiers is great, but we should not forget about passive environmental methods of protecting our nature. If people are familiar with the basics of ecology, they will appreciate nature more, and they will become more responsible for our planet. Schools have long had a subject such as ecology, so young people understand the cost to nature of new factories and factories. It is necessary to carry out activities aimed at environmental education. If employees of metallurgical enterprises are environmentally conscious, the degree of environmental protection will increase significantly.

In addition to workers in the metallurgical industry, all residents of Russia should be environmentally educated. This way they will take care of both themselves and the environment. For example, people still swim in polluted waters, but they are aware of the problem. “It’s quite simple to explain such indifference,” says the chairman of natural resources. “People don’t see the danger, so they don’t worry about the condition of their body.”

“You need to think about your health, as well as the health of our planet,” Evgeniy Lvovich Andreev tells us.

The prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region demands that Governor Drozdenko get rid of the natural chairman. Moreover, he demands it in court. Interpol has now indicated the presence of corruption in the form of business in the Czech Republic. Everything became transparent. There is only one way out.

The prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region categorically insists on its position regarding the resignation of Evgeniy Andreev from the post of chairman of the committee on natural resources. So much so that on Wednesday, September 14, she sent a statement of claim to the Smolninsky District Court of St. Petersburg, in which she demands to oblige Governor Alexander Drozdenko to terminate the employment contract with the official.

Let us briefly recall that the reason for such an abrupt end to his career was the investigation of Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg. In March of this year, our colleagues published material proving that Andreev was violating the civil service law.

The official himself does not want to communicate with journalists, but his representatives insist that he personally asked the control and audit authorities to check the published facts, so he can avoid responsibility. Results of the audit Novaya Gazeta persistently demanded an answer on this matter from the press service of the Government House. As a result of months of waiting, they answered that the official had not violated anything.

According to 47news, when standing up for Andreev, the government of the Leningrad region went into the legal channel and did not hold the official accountable, taking advantage of the clause on the expiration of the six-month statute of limitations for the offense.

The story could have ended there if the Leningrad region prosecutor’s office had not conducted a more thorough check than the journalists did, relying on open sources of information.

So, according to the response of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Czech Republic, Evgeniy Andreev owned a 50% stake in the company he founded, GEKA REAL s.r.o. from January 10, 2011 to February 9, 2016. More precisely, since 2006 he owned the company completely, and five years later he transferred half of the shares. In addition, from July 3, 2014 to April 27, 2016, he owned 10% of the shares in AMA Victory Service.

It turns out that the official violated the law not only when he was an adviser to the head of the region, but also later, when he took the position of chairman of the environmental supervision committee, and then - chairman of the natural resources committee. Moreover, he got rid of his assets only in connection with the publication of this information.

The Leningrad Region Prosecutor's Office is confident that only one sanction is possible for Andreev's violation of the law - dismissal due to loss of trust. The employees in blue uniforms intend to prove this point of view in court.

As per tradition, it was not possible to reach Evgeniy Andreev by phone.

On this occasion, the 47news editorial team recalled a scene from the American TV series “Billions.” The plot centers on the struggle between prosecutors and a billionaire. A revealing article is published, proving that the main character earned money right during the attack of planes on skyscrapers on September 11, in fact, during the death of his friends. When he is advised to lock himself in his office and not go out to the press, he replies: “I did what I thought was necessary, and I am not going to remain silent.” And for some reason, the viewer warms to the violator, and not to the representatives of the law.

Yulia Gilmshina,

The prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region demands that Governor Drozdenko dismiss the head of the Natural Resources Committee Andreev. The Bluecoats confirmed that the official had companies in the Czech Republic. Corruption is visible, but a civil servant can be saved by the labor code.

Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources Evgeny Andreev was on the verge of dismissal. Last Tuesday, April 25, a representation from the prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region was sent to the office of the Leningrad region government. The supervisory agency demands the dismissal of the official due to loss of confidence.

The reason for such an abrupt end to his career was the investigation of Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg. About a month ago, our colleagues published material proving that Andreev was violating the civil service law.

, On October 23, 2006, Evgeniy Andreev founded the commercial organization GEKA REAL s.r.o. in the Czech Republic. (the company deals with the rental of real estate, apartments and office space). According to the Czech register of legal entities, he transferred his share in the company GEKA REAL s.r.o. and stopped managing it only in the summer of 2014, although already in the spring of that year he became chairman of the environmental supervision committee of the Leningrad region government. At the same time, as Novaya Gazeta found out, Andreev transferred a stake in GEKAREAL s.r.o. to his close friend Pavel Dyukarev, with whom he is family friends. The office address of the structure GEKAREAL s.r.o. completely coincides with the address of the official’s apartment in Prague.

In addition, the civil servant, according to information from the same register, owns 10% and has been managing the commercial company AMA Victory Service s.r.o (similar profile) since June 25, 2014.

As the Leningrad Region prosecutor's office told 47news, the data presented in the article was confirmed during an inspection by the supervisory agency. True, they noticed that they carried it out based on the appeal of a certain citizen and four days earlier than the material was published in Novaya Gazeta.

Evgeniy Andreev, as follows from the results of the prosecutor’s investigation, first violated the law back in 2013, when he first came to work in the government of the Leningrad region as an adviser to the governor. He submitted to the HR department a standard certificate of income and property, which he certified in his own hand. In this document, he did not indicate any information about commercial structures in the Czech Republic, although he already had them.

Subsequently, Andreev also hid the presence of shares from the state when he became chairman of the environmental supervision committee in April 2014. As the official himself explained to the people in blue uniforms, at the end of 2013 he offered to buy out his share to his partner, which was done. True, a lawyer by training, Andreev did not indicate the presence of the package in the submitted income certificate when he got a new job. And he formally got rid of the foreign financial burden only in July 2014, a year after taking up the post of civil servant.

With the ownership of the second company attributed to him by journalists, the situation looks even more confusing. Andreev believes that it is not he who is deceiving, but him, because, according to his words, a trusted person in June 2014 mistakenly acquired on his behalf a 10% stake in the company AMA Victory Servise s.r.o. And just two days after the transaction, he demanded in writing that the shares be returned. But he did not follow up on the implementation of his request and is still, according to the Czech register, the owner of this very block of shares. By the way, according to unconfirmed information, it costs 20 thousand crowns. By the way, this is only 55.4 thousand rubles.

In November 2015, Andreev became chairman of the Natural Resources Committee and, most likely, also did not indicate his assets in the income certificate. By the way, in the officially published declaration, the official owns an apartment with an area of ​​113 square meters, a non-residential premises with an area of ​​117.7 square meters and a basement with an area of ​​43.5 square meters. All this, based on data from the Czech registry, is located in the historical center of Prague, in the Vysehrad district.

All of the above, according to the Leningrad Region prosecutor’s office, is a violation of the anti-corruption law and entails the immediate dismissal of the official.

Now the fate of the chairman will be decided personally by Governor Alexander Drozdenko, who must respond to the prosecutor’s submission within a month. True, it is not a fact that the head of the region will fulfill Stanislav Ivanov’s demand, because there is a loophole in the legislation. According to labor legislation, disciplinary sanction cannot be applied later than six months from the date of commission of the offense.

Evgeny Andreev himself, due to his busy schedule, could not find time to talk with a 47news journalist.

By the way, the author of a journalistic study in Novaya Gazeta, Alexandra Garmazhapova, has been living in Washington since January of this year under a program of the US State Department. So Andreev can safely declare himself a victim of an international conspiracy. And they protect such people.

Yulia Gilmshina,

23-05-2016, 03:17

Substances such as solvents, fuels and aerosols help us in production and in everyday life; they make movement easier and open up new opportunities. But do we think about how these everyday amenities affect the environment and our well-being? If earlier, before the advent of modern technologies, air was our healer, now things are the other way around - it has become a problem for human health.

Today, a car is not a luxury, we call it only a means of transportation, explains Evgeniy Lvovich Andreev, a vehicle, like nothing else, demonstrates the contradictions in our attitude towards the environment.

The chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources for the Leningrad Region says that the car has taken industry and comfort to a new level, but the other side of the coin is the absorption of pure oxygen. In return, vehicles release harmful chemical compounds that fill the environment. Harmful gases poison the atmosphere, and as a result, we ourselves suffer from our achievements.

Andreev E.L., chairman of the committee, says that 40% of the air containing harmful compounds became poisoned precisely because of cars and other equipment running on fuels such as gasoline and diesel. It is impossible to completely abandon the negative impact, because to do this you will also have to abandon the vehicle.

In addition to steamships, cars and airplanes, environmental pollution occurs due to emissions of household and industrial waste, recalls the chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, “If we take only the Leningrad region, which is not a leading region in industry, then fluorine compounds are present in the atmosphere in different concentrations , sulfur dioxides, heavy metals, and carbon monoxide. In industrial regions, the environmental situation is much worse, and ecology and human health suffer as a result.

The number of diseases, which increases along with the development of industry, affects the population. The Chairman of Natural Resources cites the main factors that negatively affect well-being: “Industry, household emissions and a huge number of cars.”

These factors have led to an increase in the incidence of lung and vascular diseases. Such negative indicators are explained by spoiled air - “smog”, which displaced clean air from cities. In addition to the negative impact on breathing, we get acid rain, which occurs due to the release of the lower layers of the atmosphere. Smog enters the air from vehicle exhaust pipes. The destruction of the ozone layer ultimately leads to the development of new diseases.

We must take environmental protection to a new level

We need to develop new concepts to protect the environment, - E. L. Andreev is sure, - The system of interaction “ecology-society” must work flawlessly to ensure environmental protection, but at the same time maintain the necessary level of comfort and production.

People are thinking about this, and as a result, electric cars have appeared that are practically harmless to the atmosphere. It is also necessary to improve technologies at all levels and develop new concepts of waste-free production. Pollution can also be reduced using passive environmental methods, which primarily mean educating workers in all areas. Evgeniy Lvovich Andreev is confident that new qualification courses and knowledge updating should become an integral element.

The air will become cleaner, and we will be healthier, if managers set engineers not only commercial goals, but tasks to achieve the required environmental level, explains the chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. When human activities do not harm the planet, then the planet will respond with clean air.

The Chairman of the Government Committee of the Leningrad Region turned out to be a European capitalist... In the declaration for 2014, Evgeniy Lvovich Andreev (Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources of the Leningrad Region) honestly indicated that he owned an apartment of 113.9 sq.m., non-residential premises of 117.7 sq.m. and a basement of 43.5 sq.m. All these objects are located in the Czech Republic.

“Municipal Scanner” discovered that in addition to this goodness, Evgeny Andreev (on the picture) owns 2 Czech legal entities, and even manages one of them. In this regard, he must be immediately dismissed - with this demand we recently sent an appeal to the prosecutor of the Leningrad region, writes the portal Carsecology.ru.

But first things first.

According to the official biography, Evgeny Andreev was a lawyer from 1995 to 2012 St. Petersburg City Bar Association.

But for some reason, the status of a lawyer did not prevent him from engaging in entrepreneurial activity, and in 2011, Andreev and his friend Pavel Dyukarev bought up land and industrial buildings in the Leningrad region and privatized government facilities, as Novaya Gazeta writes in the latest issue.

At the same time, back in 2006, a certain EVGENY ANDREEV (date of birth - 03/24/1964) registered GEKA REAL s.r.o. in Prague. Authorized capital - 200,000 Czech crowns. Czech s.r.o. - This is an analogue of an LLC (limited liability company).

The document can be viewed in full by following this link.

As we can see, EVGENY ANDREEV indicated his address in St. Petersburg. The date of birth coincides with our Andreev the official. And the signatures are also identical, although over 10 years the signature of Andreev the official has shrunk slightly.

The conclusion is that they are the same person.

Evgeny Andreev became an official in 2012 and until 2013 was deputy head of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in St. Petersburg.
From 2013 to 2014 - advisor Governor of the Leningrad Region.
In April 2014, he was appointed Chairman of the Committee for State Control of Natural Resources and Environmental Safety of the Leningrad Region.

Owner GEKA REAL s.r.o. Andreev was until November 25, 2013. Managing Director - until July 8, 214.

In 2008, GEKA REAL s.r.o. changes the registration address to Praha 2 - Vyšehrad, Vratislavova 77, PSČ 12800. And starting from 2008, Evgeniy Andreev indicates the same address as his own.

We went to this address the other day and discovered at the entrance that in this building there really is Mr. Andreev’s apartment, in which GEKA REAL s.r.o. is located. We believe that this is the same apartment that is shown in Andreev’s declaration.

In September 2010, the company acquired another managing director - Ing. JAN PEŠTA, who still manages it today.

In July 2014, Evgeniy Andreev transferred his share of 100,000 Czech crowns to his friend Pavel Dukarev.

On July 3, Evgeniy Andreev and Jan Pesta take over another commercial company - AMA Victory Service s.r.o., which previously belonged to citizens of Kazakhstan. Both become managing directors, ownership shares are distributed as follows: 10% - Andreev, 90% - Peshta.

The Czech Trade Register says that Andreev not only still owns 10% of AMA Victory Service s.r.o., but is also its managing director.

Since October 30, 2015, Evgeny Andreev has been the Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee of the Leningrad Region.

According to paragraphs 2 and paragraph 3 of paragraph 3 of Article 12.1 of the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption”, persons holding government positions in constituent entities of the Russian Federation and exercising their powers on a permanent basis do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities, personally or through proxies, or participate in management of economic entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, as well as engage in any other paid activity, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.
A similar norm is contained in Article 17 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, which states that a civil servant has no right to engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities, or engage in entrepreneurial activities personally or through his proxies. Moreover, he is obliged to transfer into trust management for the duration of public service his shares in the authorized capital of commercial organizations, including LLCs.
Besides, persons holding public office subjects of the Federation are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments.
Evgeniy Andreev is the owner of a 10% share (CZK 20,000) in AMA Victory Service s.r.o., which is placed in an account in a Czech bank in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital.