Festival in the dhow for theatrical activities. Conducting a theater festival in kindergarten

Chesnokova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Job title: senior teacher
Educational institution: Preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" Igarka"
Locality: City of Igarka Krasnoyarsk Territory Turukhansky District
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Organization of a theater festival in kindergarten
Publication date: 17.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education


about the festival-competition of children's theatrical creativity

"Tales of Doctor Aibolit"

1. General provisions
1.1. The competition is held as part of the implementation of the health program of the preschool educational institution “Fairy Tale” Kindergarten, Igarka” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) “Be Healthy!” and the general garden week of the Theatre. 1.2. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting
festival-competition of children's theatrical creativity

"Fairy Tales"


Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children through introduction to theatrical art. - Development of imagination, artistry, cognitive activity, artistic taste, speech in preschool children. - Expanding their cultural range and horizons. - Identification of children’s individual creative abilities.
Inclusion of children, teachers, parents in joint creative activities.
3. Festival nominations

The brightest performance. - The most original performance. - The most expressive performance. - Masters of artistic expression. - Doctor Aibolit Prize. - Audience Award. - Best theatrical debut. - Creative find. - Golden mask.
4. Festival participants

2 Children attending the Institution aged 4 to 7 years, together with teachers and parents, can take part in the Festival.
5. Organization of the Festival
5.1. The festival is held in the music hall of the Institution. 5.2. The general management of the organization of the Festival is carried out by the senior educator of the preschool educational institution. 5.3. Those responsible for preparing children and organizing the Festival are educators and music directors of the Institution.
6. Dates and procedure for the Festival
The festival is held in four stages: 03/29/2016. (Tuesday) – opening of the Festival. Theatrical performances of middle groups. 03/30/2016 (Wednesday) – theatrical performances by senior groups and the theater group “We are Actors!” 03/31/2016 (Thursday) – theatrical performances of preparatory groups for school. 04/01/2016 (Friday) – closing of the Festival. Summing up, rewarding.
7. Conditions of the competition
7.1. Teachers determine the repertoire of theatrical productions and submit a written application to the organizers or director of the theater festival for participation in the Festival until March 18, 2016. 7.2. The content of theatrical productions must correspond to the theme and goals of the Festival. 7.3. The number of Festival participants is not limited.
8. The jury, its activities
8.1. The jury includes: - Head of the preschool educational institution. - Senior preschool teacher. - Preschool nurse.
3 8.2. Members of the jury evaluate the performances of the Festival participants, sum up the results, determine the winners in the nominations, and conduct awards. 8.3. Indicators for evaluating the performance of Festival participants: - artistry; - expressiveness; - originality of the idea; - creative approach; - individuality of execution; - role compliance.
9. Awards
Winners in various categories are awarded prizes and certificates.


Hello, dear friends! It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold a theater festival. This year our festival is called “Tales of Doctor Aibolit”. All the guys will show each other their theatrical performances and talk about how important it is to take care of your health. You and I will find ourselves in a real theater, where someone will be an actor, and someone will be a spectator. - Guys, what is theater?
He has been with us since childhood - He came to life in our games, He did not hide worldly wisdom. He arranged good and evil according to their meaning - His Majesty and good friend - the theater! The theater festival is a celebration of creativity and learning, joy and cooperation; This is our common holiday for children and adults. Welcome to the fairy tale!
To the music, 2 pirates Tommy and Peppy appear. In their hands

map. They walk, measuring their steps, trying to find the treasure.

Oh! Guys, who is this!
That's right, we
… (Together)
pi - ra - you! Tommy and Pippi.
What smart kids!
What are you doing here?
And here we are looking for treasure!
We found an old map, and it says that there is a treasure hidden here, somewhere in this place!
Strange, we have never heard about the treasure! Guys, should we let the pirates find the treasure?
Mmm…. My treasures, how I love you!
My stones, diamonds, little gold! Where, where, where are you?
The pirates again measure their steps and find the right place.

Pirates (Together):
Here it is, found!
They take out the chest and begin to pull it in different directions. Leading

stops the quarrel.

Tommy, Pippi, stop quarreling, let's first open the chest and see what's in there!
The pirates are trying to open the chest; there are a lot of locks on it.

They say “Health”, “Exercise”, “Vitamins”, etc.

It just doesn't work!
There are too many castles here!
Pirates (together):
Where are the keys?
So here they are!
The presenter shows the keys, they try to take them away.

: Pirates, look at our children - fast, healthy and beautiful. Do you want to become the same, and at the same time get the keys?
We are already fast, healthy and beautiful!
Well, let's see if this is true! Here's a task for you: do 5 push-ups.
The pirates are fooling around, trying to complete the task, they have nothing

comes out.

Since nothing worked out for you, maybe our guys can help you? Guys, let's help the pirates?
Yes, we will help!
So, in order to find out what is in the chest, you need to get the keys to the enchanted locks. In total you need to collect 6 keys, for each completed task you will receive a key. Morning exercises Exercise is useful for everyone, Everyone needs exercise. She saves us from laziness and illness. So,
task one “Charging”

What is charging?
This is a special exercise that awakens the body from sleep, gives vigor and prepares for the upcoming work. Want to watch?
Yes! Can we try to show these amazing, magical exercises?
Well, try it, maybe you will succeed.
Children perform movements near the chairs.

physical minute “Time of day”.
One, two, three, four, five
(children walk in place)
You need to know the time of day
(walking in place)
Early in the morning we woke up, hands up and stretched
(reach for hands)
Morning is the beginning of the day The sun shines for me
(waving palms)
In the afternoon we went out for a walk on the playground
(turn around yourself)
Throw the ball high
(hands up, throw the ball)
Jump and jump with a skipping rope
(imitate jumping rope)
We don't spare our legs. The sun has gone low
(sit down)
The evening is already close. Mom is calling us home
He will say: “My hands are clean.
"(rub your palms together)
Evening, time for dinner. The kids are home again
(spread your arms to the sides)
The stars in the sky shone
(hands up, unclench, squeeze)
We've been tired for a long time. The night has come, silence
(sit down, fold your palms near your cheeks, close

It's time for all the boys to go to bed. Close our eyes tightly
6 And we calmly fall asleep. One, two, three - we played
(walking in place)
We learned everything about the day.
Well done! You get the first key called "Charge". The next key is called "Strength".
This is about us. We are the strongest.
This is not just strength, but “Power of the Mind”, now we will check who is strong. I will ask questions and you must answer. But I will only ask those who raise their hand first. And so let's start:
Tell me please, what does it mean to be healthy? What professions monitor people's health? How to protect yourself from colds? Why do you need to eat a lot of fruits and berries in summer? Why do you need to do physical exercise and sports every day?
Well done, you were able to find answers to all your questions. Here's another key for your treasure chest. And to be healthy and strong, you need to eat right. Now I will throw a ball to the children and name healthy and unhealthy foods. If I name healthy products, you catch the ball, if they are harmful, you don’t.
Game “useful - not useful”

Once again you get a key called "Vitamins".
The next key is called "Grace".

Beautiful light movements - Jumping, bending smooth arms, Beautiful every moment.... Gymnastics is a friend to health!
Dance with ribbons.

Well done! You have rightfully earned the key "Grace"
Oh, yes, we can do that too! What's so complicated about that!
They're trying

imitate the movements of dancers.

Oops, my leg cramped!
Oh-oh-oh, my back hurts... Call the doctor!
Doctor Aibolit appears.

What hurts? Where does it hurt? Who's hurting?
Everything hurts, we have!
Well, if that’s all, then treatment is necessary. And first of all, get vaccinated against all diseases.
No, no, no. No need for vaccinations. Doctor Aibolit, better check if our children are healthy?!
YES. (The doctor approaches everyone and listens with a phonendoscope):
Breathe - don't breathe. Everyone is healthy!
We are very good at breathing. Look, Pirates, how deftly we inflate balloons.
Game "Blow up the Ball"

It is necessary to have balloons according to the number of participants.

They inflate the balloons, let him go, whose balloon will fly the farthest,

he won.

The winner receives the “Healthy Mind” key. Doctor Aibolit, would you like the guys and I to teach you how to dance a funny dance?
Sure, let's try it!
Merry dance

After the dance, the host gives the key to the pirates called

"Good mood"

Oh, what great fellows, how well you danced! Well, pirates, look - we have collected all the keys and now we can open the chest.
Presenter and D.A. collects the keys and gives them to the pirates. Pirates

They open the chest, and there is a festival poster.

Hooray! The chest has been opened! Oh, what is this? Where are the gold and diamonds?

Unfolds and shows the festival poster.
Eh, you - this is a treasure! This is the poster for our festival! It is written here what fairy tales the children-artists will show. Every day we will learn something new about health and how to take care of it. But health is the most important treasure in our life!

Takes the poster from D.A.’s hands.
Well, it's time to open our festival. Today the children from the middle groups “Solnyshko” and “Rainbow” will show us their fairy tales.
Addresses the pirates and D.A.
I invite you to the auditorium, watch our fairy tales.
Pirates and D.A. sit in the auditorium.

We begin the theatrical performance to everyone's surprise! But first I want to introduce you to the members of the jury who will evaluate
8 performances by the guys, and at the end of the festival the results will be summed up and the winners will be announced. And now meet our first artists from the group “Solnyshko”
- Performance of the middle group “Sun”

During a break between performances.

- Did you like the performance of the young artists? - Then let's rate it, if you really liked it, then clap your hands loudly! We start according to my count - one, two, three - appreciate the performance, clap! - Who did you like the most in this fairy tale? - You probably stayed too long? While new artists are preparing for their performance, I want to play with you! We are in the theater - imagine that you have become little monkeys and will do everything I tell you. Agreed? Then stand near your chairs.
Game "Monkeys"
Now listen to the command: Grab your ears, And your tongues out, And your elbows wider! And then together we jumped on the spot! Well, we played happily, and now keep our mouths shut and meet a new fairy tale, which the guys from the “Rainbow” middle group will present to us.
- Performance of the middle group “Rainbow”.


After the performance.
- Did you like the performance of the young artists? - Then let's rate it too, if you really liked it, then clap your hands loudly! We start according to my count - one, two, three - appreciate the performance, clap!
What interesting tales!
Thank you guys for the show! Well, it's time for us!
All together:
Goodbye, kids!
Today the holiday ends, but our festival continues. The poster says that tomorrow the children of the senior groups “Kapitoshka”, “Smile”, as well as
9 guys from the theater group “We are actors!” We will be waiting for you all in our hall. Goodbye, see you again!

"Magic land!" - this is what the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The poet’s feelings are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing form of art. Visiting the theater is always a holiday. Joy, fun, vivid impressions, and new feelings are associated with it. And how interesting it is to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in the performance! A special role belongs to the theater in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Special studies by psychologists conducted in our country and abroad have shown that both roles - the viewer and the actor - are very significant for the development of the child. Theater is one of the most vibrant, colorful and accessible spheres of art for a preschooler. It develops imagination and fantasy, contributes to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture. In terms of aesthetic significance and influence, theater takes pride of place next to music and visual arts. Our kindergarten is attended by children from socially disadvantaged families who are experiencing psychological difficulties, constrained in communicating with others, unsure of themselves and their capabilities, vulnerable, and often experiencing anxiety and fear. A team of teachers, observing such children, came to the conclusion that theatrical activity helps them to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, the emotional sphere and simply brings bright, unforgettable variety to everyday life, enriches the inner world.

It has become a good tradition in our preschool educational institution to hold the Golden Mask theater festival, involving children of all age groups in it. The structure of the Festival's work is as follows:

1 day- Opening; information part, where issues of the origin of theatrical art, types of theater, puppets and actors, music in the theater and others are discussed in an accessible form;
Day 2– Independent performances for children of primary and secondary groups;
Day 3– Continuation of children's performances. Awards, general fun.

The accompaniment of the Storyteller and Petrushka as presenters in a playful manner fills the performances with lively emotional communication. The repertoire of young artists (1st and 2nd junior groups) consists of songs, nursery rhymes - works of folklore. Senior preschoolers stage short works of art: fairy tales, fables, filling their performance with music and dance numbers. More complex attributes, costumes, decorations, made together with teachers and parents. During the Festival, young participants manage to be both spectators and perform independently on an improvised stage. Continuity in performances creates a sense of collectivism, participation and ownership, uniting the large, multi-age group of our kindergarten into one family. We present to your attention the scenarios of one of the theater festivals, as well as a small perspective plan for the first information day.

  • When did the theater appear?
  • Types of theater: puppet, finger, shadow, etc.
  • Puppet theater. The doll and the actor - so that the doll comes to life.
  • Attributes of the theater: stage, curtain, auditorium, decorations.
  • Music in the theater.
  • Is it easy to be an actor?

First day

Parsley appears. Fanfare sounds.


Hello, hello!
Dear viewers!
Would you like to see the show?
Why then don’t you stomp your feet, don’t shout, and don’t clap?

The audience applauds


Hey, the blond one from the front row.
You didn't recognize me at first sight:
And I am Petrusha! Everyone’s favorite toy!
The cap is sharp, the tongue even sharper.
Oh, and I’ll laugh at you -
So much so that you will burst out laughing!

(Music “Wandering Artists” performed by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”)

The storyteller enters with a large bright suitcase.


ABOUT! Who else is this?
Would you like to play with me?

Storyteller: I am a storyteller, I go to cities and villages, showing people funny performances, good fairy tales, performances...


And we have a show today
To everyone's surprise!
I want to tell children about the theater
Who, if not me, should know this.
After all, the theater begins with me -
I am the most favorite children's character.
People have been watching my performances for 100 years.
Eh, without Parsley and a joke, not a joke.
And the theater, not the theater!
Right, guys?!


ABOUT! Yes, I'll see how you are
Braggart, Petrushka.
Sit quietly and let me
Listen up!

(A story about traveling artists)

... these cheerful people carried a bright large suitcase everywhere.

Parsley: I don’t understand what’s funny and funny in the suitcase?

Storyteller: Dolls live in such a magical suitcase, and where the storyteller opens it, the fairy tale settles there and real miracles begin.

(Takes out a glove puppet, talks about it, invites the children to move it)


Wonderful doll.
I danced very merrily
What else is in your suitcase?

Storyteller: I also have cane dolls, they move with the help of sticks - canes ( beats). And this is a doll - a “puppet”.

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Storyteller: These toys were invented a long time ago in distant Italy.

“Marion” is Italian for little Maria – that’s what funny dolls were called at that time.

And for this doll to come to life
Say it with me
Magic words:
"Ding-dong, ding-dong,
To the cheerful chime,
Our doll come to life
Start dancing!”


Very funny doll
And I heard that there is more
Shadow theater, but I don’t know what it looks like.

Storyteller: I have one like this in my suitcase. And to show shadow theater, skilled hands need a special screen and ordinary light from a lamp to help.

(Installs the screen, turns on the light)

What will we show - answer?
We play a guessing game.

(Children recognize animal figures from folk tales by the shadows)

... I will not close my magic suitcase. Let fairy tales settle in your kindergarten.

Parsley: That's wonderful! Because today we are opening a theater festival. For a whole week, you guys and I will be watching funny fairy-tale performances.

And now we have real little artists visiting us - meet them!

(Performance by children of the city art school)

Second day

Tambourines and rattles sound.


Parsley came
How cheerful he is
Tambourines and rattles rattle
It's spilling everywhere
Noisy chime.
Hello dear viewers,
Well, we met again, it's good that you came
To our theater -
We've got everything ready!

(The melody “We are traveling artists” sounds; the storyteller greets the audience)


Bah! Yes, here is the storyteller,
He's with us again
Clap your hands more cheerfully -
He is glad to meet you too.


Hello, dear viewers.
Today we will see two performances.
Get ready to watch and listen carefully.

The first performance “Miniatures based on nursery rhymes and songs” will be shown by our youngest artists.

(Children of the nursery group perform)


Oh yeah kids.
Pleased, surprised -
And loud applause
They deserve it!

Storyteller: And now the children of the preparatory group will perform. They will show you a familiar fairy tale, but in a new way. They are such funny people and inventors!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”)


Our future schoolchildren
Extremely talented.
We tried so hard for you -
Clap them desperately! Bravo!

Storyteller: All performances are finished for today. We are waiting for you tomorrow at the same time.

We promise that there will be jokes, songs, laughter in the hall -
Come - there's enough for everyone!

Third day

The Storyteller enters to the accompaniment of cheerful music, and Parsley appears.


Hello kids:
Girls and boys.
Naughty girls, naughty girls!
Well, have you been waiting for new fairy tales to visit?
Then don’t skimp on cheerful smiles and loud applause.

Storyteller: Do you guys know why I never get tired of wandering around the world? Why do I like giving fairy tales to children and adults so much? Yes, because I am always glad to meet you. I am glad to see your inquisitive kind eyes. And also because the fairy tale teaches goodness, it teaches us to be friends, to help each other - in it, good always triumphs over evil!

Parsley: Storyteller! Will there be new fairy tales today?

Storyteller: Of course, Petrushka. Today we continue our theater festival. We will see a very interesting fairy tale “Under the Fungus”, it will be shown to the children of the younger group. They are very excited, so give them a friendly clap to make performing more fun!

(Children of the younger group show Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Fungus”)


Here's to you kids!
Very good -
Even though they are small, they already know
That each other always help each other
Don’t spare your palms - clap
A little more for the artists!

Storyteller: Do you guys like it in our theater? Do you like fairy tales? Which ones do you know?

ABOUT! Yes, you are real experts in fairy tale art. Then watch and listen to an old fairy tale in a new musical way!

(Children of the middle group show the dramatization of “Teremok”)


Great! It's true, guys, you
Yes in our kindergarten
There are thousands of talents! Where is your applause?
For pleasant fabulous moments!


Our Festival is over.
It's a pity to part with you, we will miss you very much,
Promise me, guys, not to forget me and Petrushka!


for diligence and talent
You, our young artist-musicians
For thunderous applause
And loud laughter -
We want to reward everyone!

(The storyteller gives the children sweet prizes and homemade souvenirs “Parsley mitten”)


If someone cries, they get bored
If you get sad, this is a funny souvenir
Will cheer you up quickly!

(To cheerful music and general dancing, children, storyteller, Parsley say goodbye)

The annual “Theater Festival” was held in our garden; all age groups took part in it. Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, which allows them to develop the experience of social behavior skills. Each production had a moral orientation. Thanks to participation in the performance, the child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. Also, theatrical activities are aimed at developing in children sensations (sensory), feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc. ).

Children got the opportunity to be not only artists, but also spectators, which is no less important. And what pride they felt when their parents and grandparents applauded them. And now they, together with their favorite teachers, are thinking about what production they will work on next year. The festival ended with a fairy tale on road safety rules, which was shown by preschool teachers.

Lyudmila Serkova

Within theater week dedicated to the International Day theater, March 23 at kindergarten"Sunny" opened theater festival.

This event has already become traditional and is being held for the third year in a row. All age groups of the preschool institution participate in it, each group prepares a production of a famous fairy tale, pupils of other groups and employees are invited to the performance kindergarten and parents.

This year we have introduced innovations in holding festival- on the opening day of your play "The Princess and the Pea" (in a new way) teachers of the institution presented to the audience. The performance was truly a holiday for both the little spectators and the actors themselves. It was preceded, of course, by rehearsals, preparation of costumes, scenery, and, of course, excitement. The actors were worried, as it turned out, in vain! Long before the start of the performance, the hall was filled with spectators; children, parents, and employees came to watch the well-known and beloved fairy tale. Immersed in the script, the teachers reincarnated as the King and Queen, Prince and Princesses - Russian, Oriental and even African!

The children's delight knew no bounds when they recognized the heroes of the fairy tale as their favorite educators, and the teachers, with their wonderful play, showed the kids the beauty of theatrical arts, special atmosphere theater.

I would like to present a photo report from the events that took place during theater week.

Music hall awaiting opening theater week. The scenery is ready and waiting for the artists!

At the opening theater festival Ole Lukoje himself came to the guys!

The King and Queen in the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

Prince! I'm going to look for the princess!

The prince decides whether he should marry an eastern princess

And here he is already wooing an African princess!

The Russian princess herself drove away the unlucky Prince!

It turned out that he had traveled across the earth in vain - the real princess herself came to the royal palace!

The smallest participants festival - group"Kolobok", they prepared the fairy tale "Teremok".

The group "Smile" after their performance "Zayushkina's Hut".

The cockerel is in a hurry to help the bunny!

The fox grieves that she had to be left without housing.

The group "Kapitoshka" and their "Turnip" in a new way

The group "Semitsvetik" with the fairy tale "Teremok", but not a simple "Teremok" here, but with subtext: all the animals from “Teremok” went in for sports and led a healthy lifestyle, but the wolf turned out to be a weakling because he wasn’t friendly with exercise

"Seven Flowers" after the performance!

Here's the closure festival, and again from the guys - Ole Lukoje, he thanked everyone for the wonderful performances and wished them further creative success!

Each group was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for their participation in theater festival, and additionally - diplomas for the competition theater posters, which were released before each performance!

… “Creating conditions that ensure

identification and development of gifted children,

realizing their potential,

is one of the priority

social tasks of modern society.

The presence of a social order contributes to

intensive growth of work in this area”...

Federal target program

"Gifted Children"


This project is dedicated to such a pressing issue as cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families in working with gifted children. One of the forms of work with gifted children on the basis of MBDOU "Snowdrop" is revealed - a festival of children's creativity, to individualize the education of gifted preschoolers.

The type of project is practice-oriented.

In terms of the number of contacts – massive.

In terms of time – long-term.

Project (festival) participants:

Children aged 2 to 7 years

adults (family members, preschool teachers, sponsors)

Project innovation:

1 Introduction of the process of individualization of preschool education into real work practice.

2 Improving the system of work to identify, develop and support gifted children of preschool age based on cooperation between families, preschool educational institutions and social institutions.

Key words:

Gifted children, children's creativity festival, co-creation between adults and children, cooperation between teachers and parents.


At the present stage of functioning of the system of work with gifted children, it has become clear that a child who exhibits extraordinary abilities, demonstrates outstanding results in a certain field of knowledge, needs special conditions for his further development. These conditions should be aimed at meeting the special educational needs associated with in-depth subject training, as well as supporting the personal development of a gifted child.

The problem of working with gifted children is extremely relevant for modern Russian society. The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education” notes that an important task of the education system is “the formation of a professional elite, identifying and maintaining the most gifted and talented children and youth.” Despite the active position of the state in this matter, it is impossible to collect all children with signs of giftedness in specialized educational institutions, therefore it is necessary to create conditions for identifying and accompanying gifted children in mass educational institutions. This means that creating an effective system for an educational institution to work with gifted children is one of the most important tasks at the present time.

Many psychologists (Yurkevich V.S., Kulemzina A.V., Landau E., Savenkov A.I.) agree that the development of abilities is possible at any age, but the best time is childhood. Support for creative activity as one of the factors of giftedness should be carried out by both parents and teachers. Children's creativity is valuable in the development of a gifted child. A modern professional teacher must not only successfully navigate current trends in his subject area, but also be competent in the development of pedagogy of new times - pedagogy of creative personal development

Problems that hinder effective work with gifted (talented) children:

1. A high degree of methodological uncertainty in the early recognition of a child’s giftedness (talent). Subjectivism in teachers' assessments of children's giftedness (talent).

2. Underdevelopment of mechanisms for identifying giftedness (talent), forms and methods of searching, educating and supporting talented preschool children

3. Low psychological and pedagogical competence and motivation of parents and teachers in identifying and supporting gifted (talented) children of preschool age.

4. Lack of systematic work in educational organizations to identify and support gifted (talented) children of preschool age. Limited resource capabilities in creating conditions for the realization of giftedness (talent development) of children in various spheres of human activity. Financing additional education from the municipal budget leads to the creation of different conditions for supporting gifted (talented) children, depending on the policies and resource capabilities of municipalities.

Project goal: to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in the development of the child’s creative potential and the creation of conditions for his self-realization.

Project objectives:

1. Increasing the pedagogical and communicative competence of parents and employees of preschool educational institutions, optimizing the partnership between family and kindergarten, developing the innovative potential of their interaction.

2. Providing advisory assistance to parents on the development of creative abilities of preschool children.

3. To interest parents by involving them in joint creative activities with children and active inclusion in the educational process.

4. Formation of motivation for self-improvement in a gifted child.

5. Creating a situation of success, a sense of psychological comfort and a festive atmosphere at the festival;

Expected result:


- Positive dynamics in the development of gifted children, in the development of children’s creative abilities

- Development in children of such personal qualities as independence, initiative, creativity.


— Increasing interest in developing the abilities of a gifted child

- Parents’ interest in cooperation with preschool teachers

-​ Discussion and following the proposed recommendations


- Understanding the need for cooperation in solving common problems in the development of gifted children

- Activity in interaction with parents.

Musical director:

- Organization of work with gifted children, taking into account children's interests, capabilities and abilities.

-​ Designing individual routes for musically gifted children

- Help teachers and parents in the development of musically gifted children.

Administration of the preschool educational institution:

-​ Creation of a data bank “Gifted children of preschool educational institutions”

-​ Creation of a new tradition of a preschool educational institution - an annual festival of children's creativity.

-​ Introduction of a new form of work to develop the creative abilities of a gifted preschool child based on the individualization of education

- Improving the system of work for the successful development and support of gifted children, as their personality develops, by ensuring cooperation between preschool educational institutions, families and other social institutions

Project performance criteria:

1 Increase in % identification of gifted preschool children

2 Supplementing the system of working with gifted children with a new form of work

3 Diagnosis of the satisfaction of parents as customers of educational services.

4 Diagnosis of gifted children’s satisfaction with their activities and increasing the number of such children.

5 Increasing the number of children - participants and winners of various competitions at the level of preschool educational institutions, villages, and districts.

6 Creation of a database of creative growth of gifted preschool children in the village.

7 Increase in additional wages (incentive part or bonus payments) for teachers working with gifted children

8 Compilation of analytical materials for internal and external use.

Ways to confirm the effectiveness of the project:

Monitoring the number of children and families taking part in festivals

Videos and photographs of festivals

Master classes, pedagogical workshops, concerts, etc.

Evaluation of the festival portfolio presentation

Evaluation of the presentation of the portfolio of children participating in the festival

Awards received by festival participants at competitions at various levels.

Indicators of the quality of the festival:

1) High level of psychological comfort of the child.

2) Vivid expression of the individuality of the abilities of children (family)

3) Positive dynamics of personal growth of a preschooler.

Project implementation mechanism

Preparatory stage:

1 Creation of a regulatory framework - regulations on the festival (Appendix 1)

2 Development of financial support for the project

3 Development of marketing and PR services

4 Forecasting expected results.

5 Thinking through risks and compensation mechanisms.

6 Creation of a creative team to implement the project.

7 Development of an approximate list of material equipment for the festival.

8 Clarification of the field of problems associated with the experience of working with gifted children.

9 Adjustment of cards of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children in order to ensure individualization of education.

10 Creating conditions for individual lessons and consultations with preschool specialists for gifted children and their family members

Working with parents:

-​ Analysis of the level of competence of parents in the field of identifying and developing children’s giftedness (questionnaires, interviews, conversations)

Information for parents:

— article in the newspaper of the preschool educational institution “Cooperation of preschool educational institution and family is the key to the successful development of children’s creative abilities”

Consultation “Development of creative abilities of children”

Memo “A few simple tips to help support a gifted child”

Round table for parents “Create always, create everywhere!”

(about family creativity)

— Exhibition of children's and family works "Little masterpieces"

- Discussions between teachers and parents"

-“Can parents be the engines of their children’s progress?

If so, how?"

— Forum for parents “Parents, share your experience!”

— A selection of links to children's creativity competitions taking place on the Internet.

— Replenishing the collections of “creative ideas and discoveries” from teachers and parents

Working with teachers:

Identification of existing positive experience in working with gifted children

Round table for teachers “Steps of development of a child - preschooler” - experience of tutor support for the development of gifted children.

— Formation of a database on methods and techniques for creating situations of success, developing children’s creative abilities in educational activities

— Development of growth charts and programs for individual work with gifted children (families).

Development of instructions on creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for supporting a child’s giftedness in the family.

Practical stage:

The format of the festival is full-time, in 2 rounds.

1 round – in each age group

2nd round - to the preschool educational institution

Round 3 – gala concert

The competition was held in two age categories -

Junior (2-5 years inclusive), senior (6-7 years inclusive)

In the following genres by nomination:

2. Dance

3. Literary reading

4. Artistic creativity

5. Family room

6. Our family's craft

Evaluation criteria.

- stage culture;

- acting skills;

- musical arrangement;

- purity of intonation;

Final stage

— Monitoring the participation of gifted children and their families in the festival, the results of the level of development of children.

— Analysis of diagnostics of parental satisfaction in the implementation of the project

— Analysis of the results obtained and correlating them with the goals and objectives of the project.

— Design of the festival portfolio

— Design of the presentation “Meet our festival!”

— Newspaper articles:

Dispute club for teachers and parents “Pros and cons of our co-creation”

Presentation of festival winners and participants in competitions of various levels

— publication of an electronic manual from work experience “Methods of working with gifted children”

Development of project prospects

Project perspective

1 Conducting a festival of children's creativity among kindergartens in the village and district.

2 Holding a festival with online participation of children from preschool educational institutions of the republic.

3 Carrying out the festival “My Talented Family”.


1.​ Convention on the Rights of the Child (20.11.89)

2. Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”

3. Federal program “Children of Russia” (18.08.94)

4. Federal target program “Gifted Children”

5.​ “The working concept of giftedness”, Bogoyavlenskaya, 2003

7.​ S. Martynov “I want my child to be a child prodigy”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 8-94

8.​ E. Belova “Gifted Children”, magazine “Preschool Education”, 4-91

9.​ G. Burlyanskaya “Gifted Children”, M. 91

10.​ N. Leites “Is it easy to be gifted”, “The fate of child prodigies”, magazine “Family and School”, 6.12 – 90, “Age giftedness and individual differences” M. 97

11.​ Yu. Gilbukh “Attention: gifted children” M. 91

12.​ O. Dyachenko “Gifted Child” M. 97

13.​ Babaev, Leites “Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents” M. 2000

14.​ E. Belova “The giftedness of a child: to reveal, understand, support” M. 1998

15.​ A. Savenkov “Gifted children in kindergarten and school”, “Children’s giftedness: development through art” M. 2000

16.​ K. Tarasova “Ontogenesis of musical abilities”, “Diagnostics of musical talent in preschool children” M. 1998

17.​ B. Teplov “The problem of individual differences”, “Psychology of musical abilities” M. 1961

18.​ www.int-edu.ru, www.standart.edu.ru, www.prosv.ru, www.do.isiorao.ru, www.centr-bo.ru, www.menobr.ru, www.dovosp .ru

Appendix 1

Regulations on the festival of children's creativity "Spring Voices"

General provisions.

The annual festival of children's creativity "Spring Voices" is held with the support of the administration and teaching staff of the MBDOU "Snowdrop"

The purpose of the competition is to support children's creativity and develop the creative potential of children.


- education of patriotism;

— education of culture;

— education of ecological culture;

— formation of aesthetic taste;

— creating conditions for identifying active and gifted children with a view to further involving them in various projects and programs;

— nurturing in children a love of art and beauty;

— sociocultural adaptation of the modern child

Festival themes:

2012 – “My Family”

2013 – “Nature is our common home”

2014 – “Sport is great!” (dedicated to the Sochi Olympics)

Organizers of the Festival.

The administration of the MBDOU "Snowdrop" forms the Organizing Committee of the festival, which:

- Accepts and approves competition documentation;

- Develops and approves criteria for evaluating performances and works;

- Organizes coverage of the festival through the media;

- Notifies participants about decisions made;

- Organizes an award ceremony for the winners of the festival.

The Festival Organizing Committee forms the Festival jury. Its members include representatives of the Festival organizers, parents, and sponsors.

The Organizing Committee does not comment on the decisions of the Festival jury.

Place and time of the competition.

The competition is held annually in the village of Bichura, during Easter week. The festival is held in the following categories:

1. Vocals (singing solo, duets, ensembles)

2. Dance

3. Literary reading

4 Artistic creativity

5 Family room

6 Our family's craft

Participants of the competition.

Children are invited to participate in the festival, regardless of belonging to any age group of the preschool educational institution "Podsnezhnik"

Age of participants:

Children from 2 to 7 years old.

Adults - no restrictions

The festival is held in two age groups:

Group 1 – from 2 to 5 years;

Group 2 - from 6 to 7 years;

Technical conditions and requirements for work.

Nomination “Artistic Creativity”. Works are accepted in any technique (gouache, watercolor, crayons, pencils, etc.) in a format of at least A-4, corresponding to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination "Crafts for the whole family." Works are accepted in any technique (knitting, embroidery, sewing, dolls, soft toys, beads, modeling, origami, etc.) that correspond to the theme of the festival. In the 1st round, original works made at home are submitted to the festival jury. Authors whose works have passed the 1st round are admitted to the second round.

Nomination “performing skills” (vocals, dance, family number). The performances must correspond to the theme of the festival. The prepared performance is assessed by the jury using a 5-point system. The jury selects winners in the nomination for each age group and area

Evaluation criteria.

When summing up the results in the “Artistic Creativity” and “Crafts for the Whole Family” categories, preference will be given to works in which the theme of the festival will be revealed in a deep, original, imaginative, bright, artistic manner. The jury will also evaluate the accuracy and independence of the work performed in accordance with the age of the participants.

In the “performing skills” category, the jury evaluates the participants’ performance according to the main criteria:

- compliance of the works with the content of the festival, as well as the age and individual capabilities of the performers;

- stage culture;

- acting skills;

- musical arrangement;

- fluency in the material being performed, the degree of independence, emotional return of the participants;

- purity of intonation;

- the specificity and organic nature of the applied elements of choreography, instrumental accompaniment, aesthetics of costume, scenery.

Summing up and awarding the winners.

Based on the results of the festival in each nomination, first, second and third places are awarded for each age group.

The winners are awarded with certificates and gifts. All festival participants are awarded “Participant Diplomas” and memorable gifts.

Appendix 2


To participate in the festival of children's creativity

1. Nomination

2. Title of the issue or work (technique of execution)

3. Name of age group

4. Last name, first name and age of the participant (participants for the group number)

5. Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher or full name of family members if they take part in the festival with the child)

6. Phone and e-mail for communication.