The ugly duckling summary for a reader's diary. Encyclopedia of Fairy-Tale Characters: The Ugly Duckling

The main meaning of Andersen's fairy tale is that one must endure difficulties and adversity steadfastly and patiently. The unfortunate duckling (who was actually a swan) had to endure a number of cruel experiences early in his life. He was teased and bullied by rude relatives. His own mother duck turned away from him, afraid of public opinion. Then, when he escaped from the poultry yard and made friends with wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself, was saved only by a miracle. After this, the unfortunate duckling was picked up by an old woman and brought into her house. But its inhabitants - a cat and a chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught him to be smart. The duckling had to leave the old woman's house; he spent the winter in the reeds near the lake, where the following spring he met beautiful swans. And the fairy tale ended with a happy outcome.

The moral of this tale is that life can present many difficult challenges, but we must not lose heart and not give up. After all, it was very difficult for the swan duckling, but he endured everything and eventually became happy.

In the same way, a person who does not bow to fate can ultimately triumph.

What started the duckling's troubles in the first place?

The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t be afraid to be different from others. The duckling looked different from the other ducklings. That is, he was not like everyone else. And so the ducks began to tease him and poison him. Why was he scolded and unceremoniously lectured by the cat and the chicken? Because he didn't behave the right way. That is, again he was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: either come to terms with the fact that you cannot be different from others in appearance, behavior, or habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: “Yes, I am different, but I have the right to it!” And he made this choice without fear of incurring misunderstanding, scolding and even bullying.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if this means going against public opinion.

Some experts in Andersen's work believe that the author of the fairy tale portrayed himself in the image of the ugly duckling. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstanding and unceremonious teachings from the people around him before he became a famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the “average” Dane. Never give up, fight for your happiness, despite all obstacles.

The name of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen has been known to everyone almost since early childhood. Fairy tales about the ugly duckling, the Snow Queen, the Little Mermaid, the Princess and the Pea and other characters became classics of world literature during the author’s lifetime. However, Andersen himself did not like to be called a children's writer, since many of his works were addressed to adults.


Among Andersen's works there are good fairy tales with happy endings, intended for children's reading, and there are also more serious stories that are more understandable to adults. At the same time, the author’s worldview was influenced by numerous experiences from his own life.

Strange as it may sound, one of Andersen’s best fairy tales, “The Ugly One,” can to some extent be considered autobiographical. After all, the writer himself, like an ugly duckling, from childhood was distinguished by his unprepossessing appearance and dreamy character. And, just as the ugly duckling at the end of the fairy tale is destined to turn into a beautiful swan, so Andersen himself turned from a constant object of ridicule into a world-famous storyteller.

The fairy tale “Thumbelina”, which tells about the numerous misadventures of a tiny girl who, like a fairy fairy, was born from a flower bud, has something in common with “The Ugly Duckling.” In the finale, Thumbelina really becomes a fairy named Maya and the wife of the kind and beautiful elf king.

“The Princess and the Pea” is a short but very famous fairy tale, based on which you can again see the motive of the heroine’s miraculous transformation. The girl, wet in the rain and seemingly inconspicuous, turns out to be a real princess, capable of feeling a small pea after forty feather beds.

The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” is much larger in scope and in scope. This is a story about true love that allows you to overcome any obstacles. Brave

The duck's ducklings hatched. One of them was late, and outwardly unsuccessful. The old duck scared the mother that it was a turkey chick, no less, but he swam better than the other ducklings. All the inhabitants of the bird's dwarf attacked the ugly duckling, even the bird's hen pushed him away from the food. The mother at first stood up, but then she also took up arms against her ugly son. One day the duckling could not stand it and ran away into the swamp where wild geese lived, the acquaintance with which ended sadly: although two young ganders offered to be friends with the wonderful duckling, they were immediately killed by hunters (a hunting dog ran past the duckling “apparently, I’m so disgusting that Even a dog is disgusted to eat me!”). At night he reached a hut in which an old woman, a cat and a chicken lived. The woman took him in, blindly mistaking him for a fat duck, but the cat and the chicken, who considered themselves the better half of the world, poisoned their new roommate, because he did not know how to lay eggs or purr. When the duckling felt the urge to swim, the hen said that it was all stupidity, and the freak went to live on the lake, where everyone still laughed at him. One day he saw swans and fell in love with them as he had never loved anyone.

In winter, the duckling froze in the ice; The peasant brought it home and warmed it up, but the chick acted out of fright and ran away. He spent the whole winter in the reeds. In the spring I took off and saw swans swimming. The duckling decided to surrender to the will of the beautiful birds and saw his reflection: he too became a swan! And in the opinion of children and the swans themselves, the most beautiful and youngest. They never dreamed of this happiness when they were an ugly duckling.

The ducklings finally emerged from the shell. Among them, one was clearly deprived in appearance, and besides, he was late. Despite the fact that this baby swam more skillfully compared to the others, the mother was frightened by the words of the old duck, who said that he was a turkey.

All the birds in the yard offended the duckling, they didn’t recognize him, the henwife pushed him away from the feeder, no one liked him, everyone was disgusted. Mom defended him, but then, like the others, she turned away from him and took up arms.

It was difficult for the duckling to withstand this, and he disappeared into the swamp. There, it seemed, he found friends - young ganders, but they were later shot by hunters. Their dog, running nearby, did not pay attention to him, the duckling decided that he was very unpleasant to her too.

One day night came, a duckling wandered into a house whose inhabitants were an old woman, a chicken and a cat. Due to poor eyesight, she decided that this was a well-fed duck in front of her and took him in with her. But even here he was not given peace: the cat and the chicken tormented him with attacks, since they did not lay eggs and did not purr. He was mistaken for a bad person; when he developed a desire to swim, he, being so bad, had to go to the lake to live. And again he suffered smiles from the local residents.

The duckling was imbued with real love for people when he saw them, such a strong love that he had never felt for anyone.

Winter came and, frozen in the ice, a peasant took him into his house, but being frightened, the duckling behaved mischievously and disappeared. I had to wait out the winter in the reeds. When spring came, he flew and saw swans swimming below him. Approaching them, he saw himself reflected in the water - he became a swan. The children, and the swans themselves, thought he was beautiful.

The poor ugly duckling never dreamed of such a thing.

You need to learn to keep a reading diary carefully from childhood. This skill will be useful in high school, when excellent knowledge of literary works will be of great importance in final exams. Therefore, the “Literaguru” team presents you with a sample design of this work using the example of the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”.

  • Full name of the author of the work: Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Title: "The Ugly Duckling";
  • Year of writing: 1843;
  • Genre: fairy tale.

Brief retelling . One day, a mother duck found a strange egg in her nest. The old duck kept saying that it was a turkey, but soon the duckling hatched. He was the very last, and he looked worse than the others - ugly, inconspicuous, unprepossessing, although he swam better than everyone else. Nobody liked the poor creature. Each inhabitant of the yard considered it his duty to push, offend and attack him. Soon the ugly duckling got tired of such a terrible attitude, so he decided to run away to the wild ducks in the pond. He immediately struck up a friendship with two ganders, but after a while they were killed by hunters. After this sad event, the little duckling decided to get to the hut in which the old woman, the cat and the Short-legged chicken lived. The woman sheltered him, but the other inhabitants of the house were not happy with their new “friend.” Like everyone else, they mocked and mocked the poor duckling. Then the little hero decided to go live by the lake. It was there that he first saw beautiful, noble white swans, whom he fell in love with at first sight.

Winter has come, and with it came the cold. The ugly duckling was now sheltered by the hunter's family, but because of the children who constantly frightened him, the hero often got into trouble. Not wanting to stay with people anymore, the duckling again went to the lake, where he again saw beautiful swans. He always wanted to be like them, and now his dream has come true! Looking at his reflection, the duckling could not believe his eyes - a swan was looking at him. From a nasty creature he turned into a noble bird. Without wasting a minute, he swam to the other swans, who immediately accepted him and surrounded him with love. The children, seeing the new inhabitant of the lake, called him the most beautiful of all. This was real happiness for the ugly duckling!

Review. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale that Andersen wanted to convey to readers is that you should not pay attention only to the appearance, because a whole magical inner world can be hidden under it. Also, the hero of the fairy tale proves to us that all difficulties are surmountable - it just takes time. The resilience of the ugly duckling simply cannot leave the reader indifferent! This is what makes this fairy tale memorable.

What I would call unusual in this work is the magical transformation, which brought the main character real and well-deserved happiness.

Perhaps the moments of cruelty made me think about behavior in society. People began to increasingly pay attention only to appearance. They stopped valuing kindness, sincerity and love. It seems to me that the author teaches us kindness and understanding, so that we change something in our attitude towards those who are not like us.

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The duck's ducklings hatched. One of them was late, and outwardly unsuccessful. The old duck scared the mother that it was a turkey chick, no less, but he swam better than the other ducklings. All the inhabitants of the poultry yard attacked the ugly duckling, even the chicken lady pushed him away from the food. The mother at first stood up, but then she also took up arms against her ugly son. One day, a duckling could not stand it and ran away into a swamp where wild geese lived, the acquaintance with which ended sadly: although two young ganders offered to be friends with the wonderful duckling, they were immediately killed by hunters (a hunting dog ran past the duckling - “apparently, I’m so disgusting that Even a dog is disgusted to eat me!”). At night he reached a hut in which an old woman, a cat and a chicken lived. The woman took him in, blindly mistaking him for a fat duck, but the cat and the chicken, who considered themselves the better half of the world, poisoned their new roommate, because he did not know how to lay eggs or purr. When the duckling felt the urge to swim, the hen said that it was all stupidity, and the freak went to live on the lake, where everyone still laughed at him. One day he saw swans and fell in love with them as he had never loved anyone.

In winter, the duckling froze in the ice; The peasant brought it home and warmed it up, but the chick acted out of fright and ran away. He spent the whole winter in the reeds. In the spring I took off and saw swans swimming. The duckling decided to surrender to the will of the beautiful birds - and saw his reflection: he, too, became a swan! And according to the children and the swans themselves, they are the most beautiful and youngest. He never dreamed of this happiness when he was an ugly duckling.

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Summary of Andersen's fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”

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