It’s like breaking a spell in a fairy tale. Spells from childhood - chest with fairy tales

Everyone wants to go to a fairyland at least once, and especially children. Be real wizards and plunge into the world of magic, fairies and fabulous animals that can take you to a wonderful world. But there’s no way to get there just like that; to do this you need to know special magic spells with the help of which all children’s dreams can come true.

Let's go to a wonderful island

Every child dreams of being at least once on a fabulous and mysterious island, which will be surrounded on all sides by the blue endless ocean. Everything about this spell is very simple; for the children you will need to make several magic wands with which they will begin to practice magic.

  1. You need to take a stick in your right hand and wave it from left to right, while saying the following words: If you stand on your little legs together and synchronously, stamp your feet, jump high and not fall. And if you wave a magic wand, you can get to the land of a desert island. And there are crocodiles, hippos and fabulous fruit trees.
  2. Repeat the text 2 more times. With the help of magic, children will quickly be transported to an invisible fairy-tale world, where they can swim with dolphins, a talking zebra, a lion, a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a couple of too smart penguins will live with them.
  3. To return from the magical island, magic wands are used again. You need to take them in your left hand, wave them from right to left, while saying the following words: If you clap your palms together and stamp your feet in the same way, you will fly home straight away from the island.

You can go on such a short journey with the help of a simple children's spell. The main thing is the power of imagination.

Magical place

Each adult had his own secluded place in childhood. Most of it was fictional. The children hid in closets and imagined that they were in a completely different place, where it was quiet, calm and incredibly beautiful. We covered ourselves with a blanket and imagined that we had moved to another dimension. Any child can achieve the same with the help of a small spell, which he must learn by heart, otherwise it will not work. You will also need to build a small tent in the apartment from a blanket and chairs.

The words you should learn are:

;I’ll take the magic wand in my hands and take the magic with me. A miracle will fly to me and take us back to the old days, and I’ll wave my magic wand, and very quickly, together with you, miracle, I’ll fly away.

Many people think that such rituals are not real, but for children this is real magic, with the help of which all their dreams drawn from fairy tales come true.

Let's go to space and the moon

They say the following words:

;You will go alone to a fairy-tale, kind and colorful world. Just wave your wand and go to the moon.

In order not to get stuck on the moon, but to be able to return back to Earth after the first, you need to read the second spell:

;The light is bright and big, you are so beautiful, but it’s time for me to go back. Bye, white hill!.

Everyone wants to go to a fairyland at least once, and especially children. Be real wizards and plunge into the world of magic, fairies and fabulous animals that can take you to a wonderful world. But there’s no way to get there just like that; to do this you need to know special magic spells with the help of which all children’s dreams can come true.

Let's go to a wonderful island

Every child dreams of being at least once on a fabulous and mysterious island, which will be surrounded on all sides by the blue endless ocean. Everything about this spell is very simple; for the children you will need to make several magic wands with which they will begin to practice magic.

  1. You need to take a stick in your right hand and wave it from left to right, while saying the following words: “If you stand on your little legs together and synchronously, stamp your feet, jump high and not fall. And if you wave a magic wand, you can get to the land of a desert island. And there are crocodiles, hippos and fabulous fruit trees.”
  2. Repeat the text 2 more times. With the help of magic, children will quickly be transported to an invisible fairy-tale world, where they can swim with dolphins, a talking zebra, a lion, a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a couple of too smart penguins will live with them.
  3. To return from the magical island, magic wands are used again. You need to take them in your left hand, wave them from right to left, while saying the following words: “If you clap your palms together and stamp your feet in the same way, then you will fly home straight away from the island.”

You can go on such a short journey with the help of a simple children's spell. The main thing is the power of imagination.

Magical place

Each adult had his own secluded place in childhood. Most of it was fictional. The children hid in closets and imagined that they were in a completely different place, where it was quiet, calm and incredibly beautiful. We covered ourselves with a blanket and imagined that we had moved to another dimension. Any child can achieve the same with the help of a small spell, which he must learn by heart, otherwise it will not work. You will also need to build a small tent in the apartment from a blanket and chairs.

The words you should learn are:

“I’ll take the magic wand in my hands and take the magic with me. A miracle will fly to me and take us back to the old days, and I’ll wave my magic wand, and very quickly, together with you, miracle, I’ll fly away.”

Many people think that such rituals are not real, but for children this is real magic, with the help of which all their dreams drawn from fairy tales come true.

Let's go to space and the moon

They say the following words:

“You will go alone to a fairy-tale, kind and colorful world. Just wave your wand and go to the moon.”

In order not to get stuck on the moon, but to be able to return back to Earth after the first, you need to read the second spell:

“The light is bright and big, you are so beautiful, but it’s time for me to go back. Bye, white hill!

Harry Potter. ALL SPELLS from movies and what they mean

Chucky Doll and Nepeta Magic Spell


New Year's magic

Real magic words of spells for children can also be festive. New Year is the most mystical, mysterious and wonderful children's holiday. It is on this day that various miracles occur, the most important of which is the appearance of Santa Claus. New Year's spells are most often in verse and are complemented by the movements of a magic wand or pollen and the well-known word “tibidoh”.

One of the most powerful and powerful spells, taken from an ancient book containing a whole set of different magical rituals, sounds like this:

“Cracks, pecks, fex! My wish will come true."

There is another way to call Santa Claus, it is very complicated, everything must be done carefully and carefully.

To call Frost, you need to find his drawing in fairy tales, and underline his name in the text, then you need to pour milk into a glass (the glass should be half empty) and put cookies on a plate (preferably, they should be chocolate). You need to put an open book under the tree, along with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies. In this case, you need to repeat the following words:

“Santa Claus, come visit me, I left you some sweets here, I opened a fairy tale for you and I’m always waiting for you. Just come to me, but with a gift. It doesn’t matter what kind, the main thing is that it’s delicious, just like what I prepared for you.”

Magic is something that cannot be seen, you can only feel it. A fairy tale always tells us that we must believe in something more, in something that cannot be touched. Faith is only in our hearts; it can make real wizards out of people without any special effort. This is where adults differ from children: they stopped believing in miracles.

In the article you will learn:

Every path, if only it leads to our dreams, is a magical path

My beloved readers, thank you for visiting my blog and reading me! For several days now, I have been practicing magic words and trying to use them in my life as often as possible! I want to say that they make it much easier and contribute to the implementation of my plans. How does this happen and what magic words to make wishes come true work best– read on.

What to say

Many articles have been written about why it is necessary to voice your desires. The main idea is this: Every sound of human language throughout history has been charged with collective energy and endowed with meaning.. Therefore, it now has its own energy-informational structure and sphere of influence. That is, first man created the word, now the word creates man.

Knowing which words carry what energy, you can naturally influence reality by using them in different situations. For example, to make a dream come true, you need to say magic words to fulfill wishes. They must necessarily carry the energy of creation and creation, since bad energy only destroys and destroys your dreams:

I would like to emphasize that You need to voice your desire as specifically as possible. But not a fantasy, but a real event or matter that can happen in your life, but when, under what conditions, is unknown.

How to speak

One of the rules of magical speech: speak according to the principle “ here and now" Because we live in the present moment, and not in the past or future. Therefore, when you say a wish, you need to feel how this is happening to you right now and how you like it.

Second important point: magic is only possible if you say magic words in its resource state, that is, in pleasure and happiness from achieving the goal. Then you will unconsciously begin to act correctly towards your dream.

For example, let's talk about money

Often no money when you urgently need it, because money is perceived as something bad. It is not for nothing that it is customary to say that money is evil (which is fundamentally wrong and untrue). Therefore, do not think or speak badly about money, that it is evil. Evil is when money is spent on bad things.

You need money for good things, so visualize the required amount and talk about them as something good and pleasant, like you have a lot of them. And not about how they are always in short supply, how huge the prices are and how to live on such small salaries.

To consolidate a positive attitude towards money, use the technique of self-hypnosis. Say the following each time:

  • “I am physically healthy. I'm confident. I'm open to information. I'm talented. I'm solvent. I'm happy about money. I give joy to others."

When you have formed a reflexive-conditional connection “ money is joy“, start wanting money, but with the obligatory clarification of what you need it for. Read more about other techniques in the article “How to materialize a desire.”

When to speak

Another significant point. You can say a lot of magic words, but if inside you are melancholy, apathy and fear of the future, then your outer space will change little. That's why take care of your inner mood on the result. Start every morning by setting:

There is light in my eyes. In my mind there is abundance. I am love. I am the power. I am power. I am success. My life is a holiday. My heart is love.

Repeat these words when you wake up and greet a new day. Charges with positive energy for a long time. Checked! Take these words into service in all life situations. Whatever happens to you, remember and repeat to yourself that you are light, abundance, love and success!

That's probably all. Fight your inner dragons and wish only for what you really need! Be the wizards of your life! I will be glad if you share your favorite magic words, write!

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See you soon!

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