What herbs for blood sugar. Plants and Herbs to Lower Blood Sugar

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar levels, which leads to various complications. Therefore, the main method of treating this pathology is to reduce it. Typically, insulin injections and tablets are used for this. But in addition, herbs that lower blood sugar can be used as an auxiliary treatment. Their regular use will help normalize its level, which will make it possible to take less medications. Herbs are used by many diabetics, the main thing is to remember that this is only an auxiliary method.

Features of the use of herbs

The main symptom of any type of diabetes is elevated blood sugar or hyperglycemia. This can happen for various reasons. Most often due to the fact that the body produces little insulin. Or this hormone cannot interact normally with glucose, so it is not absorbed by cells. Because of this, all tissues do not receive enough glucose, and its level in the blood is elevated. Therefore, the main goal of treating diabetes is to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood and ensure its delivery to the cells.

This can be done in different ways. The main method of treatment is the use of glucose-lowering drugs or insulin. But you can additionally use herbs to lower blood sugar. Such comprehensive treatment will help keep its level under control and prevent complications.

Attention ! It is important to remember that herbal treatment cannot be considered basic. Be sure to use the medications prescribed by your doctor.

What herbs are used

Not all medicinal plants can be used for diabetes. In addition, there are very few herbs that specifically lower glucose levels. Therefore, the main principle of using this method is mandatory consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can advise which plants are best to use and at what stage of the metabolic process to use them.

There are three options for influencing sugar levels:

  • reduce its amount at the stage of digestion, for example, reduce the intake of carbohydrates from food;
  • influence glucose as it circulates through the blood and is absorbed by cells;
  • remove it from the body faster, for which herbs with diuretic properties are used.

All these methods help normalize blood sugar levels. But which one is better, only a doctor can decide. In addition, despite the fact that such treatment is considered safe, all medicinal plants have their contraindications for use and sometimes cause side effects.

Although many diabetics use traditional methods constantly. This helps them reduce the dosage of medications and avoid their side effects. Therefore, the list of plants that normalize blood glucose levels is known to most patients with diabetes.


This plant has long been known for its ability to affect sugar levels. Its action is based on the properties of galegin, an alkaloid contained in the plant. Galegin is an analogue of metformin, a synthetic substance that is the active component of most modern glucose-lowering drugs.

Galegin is able to increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin, due to which glucose is absorbed faster. In addition, this substance prevents the formation of glucose in the liver and slows down its absorption in the intestines. And an additional effect, which is very important for overweight diabetics, is its ability to reduce hunger.


You can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood by using a decoction of bean leaves. It slows down the absorption of glucose in the intestines by blocking the activity of enzymes that break down carbohydrates. The result of this process is not only the normalization of blood glucose levels, but also a decrease in the patient’s weight. In addition, bean shells contain zinc and some amino acids that stimulate insulin production.

Only dried pods can be used for treatment. They are boiled in water or ground into powder, and then poured with hot water. You need to drink the resulting decoctions half a glass before each meal.


For diabetes, use partitions and green walnuts. When consuming its decoctions, the amount of sugar decreases due to improved absorption of glucose by tissues. In addition, walnuts stimulate the production of insulin and prevent the development of many complications of diabetes. To prepare a medicine that lowers glucose levels, you need to pour 50 g of green nuts with a liter of vodka. After infusion for 2 weeks, take the tincture one teaspoon before meals.


This is the most famous plant for lowering blood sugar. Chicory root contains inulin, which has the property of preventing hyperglycemia, because it is a plant analogue of insulin. The flowers and leaves of the plant are used for treatment, but the root is most often used. It is easy to purchase not only at the pharmacy, but also in any store. Chicory root decoction is often used instead of coffee. It helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and prevents the development of diabetes complications.

The most popular herb for preventing hyperglycemia is chicory.


You can use oat grains, husks or green sprouts. Decoctions are made from them, and the grains can be used to make jelly. Oats contain many diabetic-friendly nutrients, vitamins, fiber and inulin. Therefore, it not only helps normalize body weight and digestion, but also prevents the development of hyperglycemia. This cereal tones the body, helps prevent complications of the disease, and also avoids hyperglycemia.


The roots or leaves of this plant are used. They need to be brewed with boiling water and left to steep. The roots are collected in spring or autumn, the leaves in summer. You can make flour from the roots and add them to first or second courses. Their value in diabetes is explained by the presence of inulin. By consuming burdock roots in any form, the patient can maintain normal blood sugar levels, avoid complications and improve digestion.


The berries of this plant have the ability to quickly lower glucose levels. A decoction is prepared from them - 25 g per glass of water, boil for 15 minutes. Blueberries contain substances that normalize the functioning of the pancreas. This helps avoid hyperglycemia. You can also use blueberry leaves; they have a diuretic property, which helps remove excess sugar.


This plant is also called camel grass. It is very useful for diabetes. The decoction helps normalize metabolic processes, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system, and improves digestion. When consuming decoctions of this plant, the patient’s performance increases, the functioning of the heart and nervous system improves, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. And most importantly, fenugreek lowers blood sugar levels.

Reducing glucose intake

Every diabetic knows that any food increases sugar levels, especially if it contains carbohydrates. Therefore, one of the methods to prevent hyperglycemia is the use of medicinal plants. They may have different effects. For type 2 diabetes mellitus, accompanied by increased body weight, it is recommended to use traditional methods that reduce the intake of carbohydrates into the body.

Attention: for this, herbs are used that dull the feeling of hunger. The patient eats less, which allows him to avoid hyperglycemia.

In addition, you can also consume medicinal plants that help fill the stomach and create a feeling of fullness. First of all, it is flaxseed, which contains many vitamins and minerals. When combined with water, it swells, which allows the patient to eat less. To do this, you just need to brew a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and let the broth stand for several hours. Plantain seed has the same effect.

A decoction of flax seeds helps the patient eat less, which reduces the intake of carbohydrates from food.

You can also use herbs that slow down the absorption of glucose. They usually adsorb carbohydrates, interfering with their absorption. Jerusalem artichoke is most often used for these purposes. You can brew its herb or use the roots as potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke reduces the glycemic index of food, which promotes slower absorption of glucose. A decoction of dandelion, coltsfoot, and burdock also has a similar effect. They help prevent various complications of diabetes due to hyperglycemia.

Reducing sugar levels

Sometimes it is necessary to use those plants that help with already elevated sugar levels. Such plants should have the ability to stimulate the pancreas. It will produce more insulin, which will help cope with hyperglycemia. Or you can use herbs that improve liver function. At the same time, it binds glucose faster and deposits it into hepatocytes.

Most often, ginseng is used for such purposes. In addition to its general tonic effect, this root can activate the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin. And plants such as mistletoe, cinnamon or peony help retain glucose in the liver.

To lower blood glucose levels, decoctions or infusions of herbs are also often used, which not only stimulate the production of insulin, but also improve its functioning. This ensures rapid delivery of glucose to the cells. These are sage, knotweed, buds and birch leaves.


To increase the effectiveness of herbal decoctions and infusions, they can be combined. But for this you need to know in what proportions and what herbs go well with each other. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made herbal preparations or make them yourself, using the instructions. Usually, after combining the components of the collection, take 2 tablespoons of the herb and pour boiling water over it. Then you need to infuse the product and strain.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical herbal preparations.

The following herbal preparations are most often used to lower blood sugar:

  • calamus root, licorice, centaury, goat's rue grass;
  • valerian and dandelion roots, blueberry and bearberry leaves;
  • rose hips, burdock and licorice roots, birch buds, as well as bitterweed, centaury and dog nettle;
  • blueberry leaves, nettles, elderberries;
  • elecampane root, birch and lingonberry leaves, bean leaves and corn silks;
  • St. John's wort, chicory, cinquefoil, cucumber, raspberry leaves;
  • hawthorn fruits, blueberry leaves, nettle, knotweed, plantain.

Other folk methods

Many people with diabetes use various methods to lower blood sugar. Everyone chooses a more suitable remedy that helps them keep glycemia under control.

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over 4 bay leaves, leave for a couple of hours, then strain. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.
  2. In spring, collect and dry lilac buds. Brew a tablespoon per liter of boiling water. Take a tablespoon before meals.
  3. Brew dry veronica herb - a tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Take a spoonful 20–30 minutes before meals.
  4. Brew clover grass in a dosage of one teaspoon per glass. Drink a third of a glass before meals.
  5. Take 5 g of dry herb galega, centaury, licorice roots and calamus. Grind everything in a coffee grinder. Take half a teaspoon. To wash down the remedy, it is better to use green tea.
  6. Drink a quarter glass of freshly squeezed beet juice several times a day.
  7. Eat green garlic shoots daily.


Diabetes mellitus is an incurable disease. But the patient can feel well if he keeps his blood sugar levels under control. To do this, he must take special medications. But you can reduce their dose if you use different herbs. There are many recipes that can be used to help keep diabetes under control and prevent hyperglycemia.

Some plants have excellent sugar-lowering properties and can reduce sugar levels, acting as a kind of comprehensive remedy for diabetes. Modern medicine can recommend the use of hundreds of herbs, fruits, and tree flowers. All these herbs can be divided into 3 main groups.

1 group. It includes all kinds of herbs, grains and vegetables that can bring blood glucose to normal levels, products from which all kinds of folk recipes are prepared. These include:

  • onions;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • celery;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • oats;
  • rhubarb;
  • buckwheat

The named herbs and plants are quite accessible and can be grown in a regular garden plot. As a result of their use, the diabetic’s body will be protected from colds and infections. In addition, these drugs are excellent at lowering blood sugar levels, and if drugs are used in combination, the sugar-lowering effect is only enhanced.

Due to the presence of a large number of minerals and vitamins, products from this group are indicated for people suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus who have high glucose levels.

2nd group. This category usually includes herbs, leaves, roots and fruits that do not involve cooking. Traditional recipes suggest simply consuming them in their pure form, and thus they help lower blood sugar:

  • nettle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dandelion;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • mulberry;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • flax-seed;
  • peppermint;
  • hawthorn;
  • walnut;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • bay leaf;
  • knotweed;
  • Galega officinalis (goat's rue).

These medications for sugar will only be relevant for type 2 diabetes. For type 1 diabetics, plants will be an excellent way to strengthen overall immunity. Traditional recipes do not always work the same way, and it is necessary to understand. That blood sugar levels cannot be reduced immediately, but gradually. Therefore, such remedies always come together, no matter what herbs are used.

It is necessary to consume herbs and plants of group 2 in the form of mixtures or collections. They can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. The second method is more preferable, because each plant must be collected at a certain time and in places that are safe from an environmental point of view.

Because folk remedies for lowering blood sugar are collected and displayed in a pharmacy, they do not lose their properties, and the sugar level after using them clearly shows this.

3rd group. These are kidney, liver herbs and medicinal teas, folk remedies that can increase the overall tone of the body, and also have a positive effect on health, helping the heart, kidneys and liver function better, and also reduce blood sugar levels. These include:

  1. cornflower flowers;
  2. dandelion root;
  3. chokeberry;
  4. black currant;
  5. red rowan;
  6. rose hip;
  7. horsetail;
  8. corn silk;
  9. chamomile

Recipes for preparing medicinal infusions for diabetics

An excellent sugar-lowering agent would be a tincture based on the following plants, taken in equal proportions: lingonberries, chicory, mulberry leaves, peppermint, clover flowers, marsh cudweed, bean leaves, flax seeds, medicinal galega herb.

These plants must be mixed. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water (250 ml) or simmered in a water bath for 5 minutes. Next, the product must be left for 60 minutes, strained through medical gauze and squeezed. Drink the tincture in a third of a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. After this, take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the monthly course.

If you regularly use Sophora japonica tincture, it will help strengthen the capillaries and blood vessels of a diabetic, because they are the ones who often suffer from illness. To prepare, you need to take 100 g of dried fruits and pour 500 ml of vodka over them. The resulting mixture is infused for 3 weeks.

It is important to do this in a dark place, remembering to shake the container with the product daily. The finished product should be consumed 1 teaspoon three times a day, diluted with 30 ml of purified water. You can also add the medicine to herbal teas.

An infusion based on bay leaves will be an excellent way to normalize blood glucose. To do this, you need to take 10 laurel leaves, which are poured with 600 ml of hot water. Leave the product for 3 hours, then filter and consume 100 ml 3 times a day.

Will help reduce sugar: 1 tablespoon of burdock juice, which is poured into 250 ml of water and consumed a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Unhulled oats have a good effect; they help lower blood sugar levels. To prepare a product based on it you need:

  1. 30 g seeds;
  2. 300 ml boiling water.

Oats are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 36 hours. After this, the tincture is placed on low heat and cooked for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool and filter after 2 hours. You can take the product 100 ml 3 times a day after meals. By the way, if there are problems with the pancreas, it shows excellent results, and most importantly, does not harm a diabetic.

The body will benefit from collecting the following herbs:

  • bean shells;
  • blueberry leaves.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After this, the product is filtered and drunk throughout the day in equal portions.

It will be equally useful to drink amaranth infusion instead of regular tea. This herb along with the leaves is poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes in a ratio of 1 to 10. This plant can be used fresh or dried; it can also reduce glucose levels.

Recipes for early stage diabetes

If diabetes is not advanced, then the “Bulgarian” recipe will be an excellent way to reduce sugar, and the glucose level will decrease:

  • 4 tablespoons bean shells;
  • 400 ml boiling water.

The crushed leaves are poured with water and kept in a water bath for 1 hour. Next, filter and consume 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals. The course of treatment will be 2 months or until blood glucose reaches normal levels.

Can be replaced with a decoction of white beans, which should be drunk half a glass three times a day.

An infusion based on bearberry leaves has proven itself well, of which you need to take a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. If you take a spoonful of the product per day for a month, your blood sugar will decrease. In addition, bearberry will help relieve fatigue, thirst and frequent urge to urinate.

Important! This remedy has a clear contraindication - stomach ulcers and gastritis.

In addition, the following will help cope with diabetes and reduce sugar levels:

  1. fresh alder leaves (1/2 cup);
  2. fresh nettle (1 tablespoon);
  3. quinoa leaves (2 tablespoons);
  4. water (200 ml).

All ingredients must be mixed and left for 5 days. After this, add a pinch of baking soda and drink a teaspoon twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

An infusion based on 30 g of horsetail and 250 ml of water will be no less effective. The mixture is boiled for 7 minutes over moderate heat, and then filtered. You need to take the medicine 3 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals. Horsetail can be eaten fresh. It must be included in vegetable salads.

Since this disease affects about 500 million people on the planet, the question of effective therapy is very urgent. Of course, you should never stop taking medications, but it’s worth trying to use herbs for diabetes.

For example, many medicinal plants contain natural inulin, a substance similar to insulin, which has hypoglycemic properties.

In addition, the prevention of diabetes mellitus often involves not only maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but also the use of traditional medicine. They have been used since ancient times. This article will tell you exactly which herbs and how to take them correctly for diabetes.

A little about diabetes

There are several types of this disease: insulin-dependent, non-insulin-dependent and gestational. First you need to understand their differences from each other.

The insulin-dependent type develops mainly from childhood, which is why it is called a “juvenile” disease. In type 1 diabetes, autoimmune disorders occur, resulting in impaired pancreatic function. The beta cells located in it stop producing insulin, a hormone that lowers sugar levels.

As a result, glucose begins to accumulate in the blood. In the treatment of type 1 diabetes, insulin injections are vital. In this case, herbal treatment will be preventive in nature to prevent complications.

Most often, type 2 diabetes is present in older people (over 40 years old). This pathology is associated with a violation of the perception of cell receptors for insulin, which is called insulin resistance. At the same time, the function of beta cells is not impaired; they continue to produce the hormone. The disease often develops in people with obesity and a hereditary predisposition.

About 90% of diabetics suffer from this type of disease. At the beginning of the development of the pathology, the patient can control glycemia through proper nutrition and physical activity, but as it progresses, it is necessary to take antihyperglycemic drugs.

Another type of diabetes is gestational. It develops only in women between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. This phenomenon occurs due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. After childbirth, the disease often goes away on its own. But if you don’t fight it, there may be cases of it turning into the second form of diabetes.

Early signs of diabetes include frequent urination and constant thirst.

If a person begins to feel dizzy, have pain in the head and stomach, fatigue, weight loss, or worsening vision, this may also indicate the first symptoms of diabetes.

Basic rules of herbal medicine

Sugar level

Medicinal herbs, just like medicines, can bring not only benefits to the patient, but also some harm.

To avoid negative consequences, you must first consult a doctor about the use of a particular plant.

Herbal medicine has a positive effect on the diabetic’s body if he adheres to the following rules:

  1. If the patient collects medicinal herbs on his own, he must be sure that they grew in an ecologically clean area (away from roads and industrial plants). It is best to collect them by adhering to the collection calendar and methods of storing plants.
  2. When it is not possible to collect herbs for treatment yourself, you can buy them at the pharmacy, but under no circumstances at the market. When purchasing herbs in this way, you cannot be sure of the quality of this product.
  3. If a diabetic collects herbs himself, he should remember that there are varieties of plants that are very similar to each other. In this regard, it is best to collect those herbs that a person is 100% sure of.
  4. Herbs can bring positive results for type 2 diabetes mellitus only if they have an expiration date. Otherwise, the herbs will have no effect or will harm the person.
  5. When the first signs of individual sensitivity to a decoction or herbal tincture appear, you need to reduce their dosage or, in case of severe side effects, stop taking the drug completely. You can try another option, starting with a small dose.

We should remind you once again: you can take herbs if you discuss this in advance with your doctor and follow the rules for collecting and storing them.

Use of herbs for diabetes

Of course, not all anti-diabetic plants help reduce blood glucose levels. Although Mother Nature has endowed some herbs with this ability. For example, elecampane, dandelion, and nettle contain insulin-like substances that provoke a decrease in sugar.

But as type 2 diabetes progresses, it is also important to maintain the body’s defenses. General strengthening plants such as golden root, leuzea, ginseng and eleutherococcus help increase immunity.

To treat diabetes mellitus, herbal infusions are used, which remove toxins and ballast compounds from the diabetic’s body. In addition, they improve exchange processes. This is, first of all, therapy with plantain, bearberry (bear's ear grass), St. John's wort, and marshweed.

One of the symptoms of diabetes is the appearance of ulcers and wounds on the patient’s body. Rose hips, lingonberries and rowan berries have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

As diabetes progresses, various complications appear, including the development of hypertension. But what herbs can you use? To lower blood pressure, the patient needs to consume vasodilating and calming plants. The main herbs for hypertension are valerian, yarrow, oregano, St. John's wort and mint.

In the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus, sugar-lowering herbs cannot reduce sugar. In this case, insulin therapy cannot be avoided. And medicinal plants can help against type 2 diabetes. But at the same time, you need to remember that proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are also the main components in the treatment of the “sweet disease”.

To lower blood sugar levels, you need to use the following herbs for type 2 diabetes, presented in this list:

  • cuff;
  • red;
  • amaranth;
  • blueberries and bean shells.

Still useful. There is evidence that they help lower blood sugar levels and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Before using any plant to treat diabetes, you need to consult your doctor.

In addition, we must not forget about the basic rules for using folk remedies.

Recipes for folk remedies for diabetes

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with herbs involves the preparation of various decoctions, infusions, medicinal teas and mixtures.

Depending on the recipe, teas and decoctions may contain one or several plant components.

In some cases, herbs and their preparations are taken in dry powder form.

To lower blood sugar levels, you can use various decoctions, for example:

  1. Two tablespoons of bean leaves are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for about two hours. Next, the broth is filtered and cooled. It should be drunk every day half an hour before meals for two months.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of blueberry leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After cooling and straining the broth, it is stored in the refrigerator. You need to take this remedy half a glass three times a day.

Treatment of diabetes with herbs should be accompanied by the use of various vitamins. Therefore, a person treating this ailment can prepare the following infusions and tinctures:

  • a tablespoon of rose hips is poured with boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes, treatment with this remedy is carried out three times a day, half a glass;
  • There is another way of making it - pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry currant leaves containing vitamins P and C and boil for 10 minutes, infuse the mixture for about 4 hours.

Therapy begins with taking the medicine half a glass three times a day, the course lasts 7 days.

Herbal teas for diabetes are also an effective way to normalize glycemic levels and overall health. The use of tea drink is a tasty drug. The most common use is teas with the addition of ginger, blueberries and currants.

Many diabetics take herbal remedies for diabetes. They help strengthen the body's defenses to fight such a serious illness. The main cooking recipes are:

  1. A medicinal collection of blueberry leaves, nettles, goat's rue, bean pods, and dandelion root. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities – 25 mg each. Then the mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The medicine should be taken half a glass after meals three times a day.
  2. The second method of preparing the collection involves using flax seeds, St. John's wort, dandelion root, linden blossom and 1 tablespoon each. The mixture is poured into a glass of cool water and boiled for about 5 minutes. Then the medicine is infused for 6 hours and drunk half a glass after meals three times a day.

To reduce blood sugar, it is recommended to use not only medications and follow a therapeutic diet. Also, high blood glucose levels can be reduced if you use folk remedies. There are certain herbs for reducing sugar, which can be divided into three main groups.

The first group includes various cereal plants, herbs, and vegetables that need to be brewed, infused, or otherwise processed. They can lower the blood sugar level of a diabetic.

The second group contains herbs that lower blood sugar, fruits, and roots that do not need to be specially prepared; they are consumed raw.

The third separate group includes various folk remedies aimed not only at reducing blood glucose, but also a general increase in the tone of the whole body.

Due to the normal functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver and other internal organs, a person feels healthy. This in turn has a positive effect on the diabetic’s condition and sugar levels.

What herbs reduce sugar

The first group of folk remedies includes parsley, rhubarb, and onions. Garlic, celery, buckwheat, spinach, oats, dill. Such plants are especially effective in lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. If you consume them, your glucose levels will begin to decrease quickly.

You can buy them at any vegetable store, or you can grow them yourself in your summer cottage. Also, such plants protect the body from infectious diseases and colds. In combination with sugar-lowering drugs, herbs help speed up the process of improving the condition in case of high sugar levels. Since the above plants are rich in minerals and vitamins, they help maintain immunity.

The second group includes folk remedies in the form of leaves, roots, fruits, and herbs that do not require special preparation. As a rule, they are consumed fresh for type 2 diabetes. This includes herbs that lower blood sugar, such as dandelion, hawthorn, nettle, goat's rue, walnut, St. John's wort, mulberry, mint, bird's eye knotweed, Jerusalem artichoke, blueberry and lingonberry leaves.

For type 1 diabetes, such plants strengthen the overall immune system. It is important to understand that treatment of diabetes with folk remedies should be carried out only in combination with the main therapy. Before treating the disease, you should consult your doctor. In general, herbs lower blood sugar levels gradually when taken regularly over a long period of time.

Two types of such herbs are consumed in the form of a mixture or collection, which they prepare themselves or purchase in pharmacies. However, when harvesting herbs yourself, it is necessary to take into account the time of collection, the safety and environmental friendliness of the place where a particular plant grows.

The third group of herbs that provide folk treatment for diabetes includes plants for the kidneys, liver, and heart. Tea or decoctions of such herbs have a positive effect on the entire body and improve the functioning of internal organs.

They are also useful for lowering sugar in diabetics. Such plants that strengthen the body include red rowan, chokeberry, dandelion roots, rose hips, cornflower flowers, horsetail, chamomile flowers, and corn silk.

Also, all herbs are divided as follows:

  1. Plants that reduce the intake of sugar through food, which prevent glucose levels from increasing;
  2. Herbs that affect cellular metabolism and blood glucose circulation;
  3. Plants that help remove excess sugar from the body.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with herbs

Sugar level

Common chicory is especially effective for diabetics. To lower blood sugar, the whole plant is usually used, but most of the beneficial substances, similar to human insulin, are contained in the roots.

  • Chicory is included in the diet for diabetes, and it can also be a complete substitute for sugar and starch.
  • Additionally, such a folk remedy stops inflammatory processes throughout the body.
  • Decoctions and infusions are made from the roots; leaves and stems also help strengthen the body.

A decoction and infusion of burdock, which has positive reviews, is very useful if a person has diabetes of any type. The roots of the plant have a sweetish taste and a grayish-red tint on the outside.

  1. Burdock roots are harvested in the first autumn month. You only need to collect a young plant, since over time the concentration of the necessary beneficial substance gradually decreases.
  2. The leaves and roots are dried, after which a healing decoction is made. To do this, pour a tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water. You need to drink this folk remedy three times a day.

Diabetes can also be treated at home by a legume such as goat's rue. Plant flowers and seeds that lower sugar are especially useful for diabetes.

  • Goat's rue is harvested at the end of summer; during this period, the grass and seeds contain the greatest amount of saponin and galegin - natural analogues of human insulin.
  • But such a herb is effective only at the initial stage of the disease; with an increased form of diabetes, no therapeutic effect will be observed.

Oats contain many nutrients and fiber, which is important for diabetics. With daily use of the folk remedy, a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the human blood is observed. The condition also improves significantly, fatigue disappears, and performance increases.

  1. Oats can be consumed in any quantity; you can also drink a specially prepared decoction.
  2. To prepare a folk medicine, 0.5 kilograms of oats are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours. Next, the broth is carefully filtered. You need to drink the product one hour before meals.

A rare but very useful plant is the polygamous burnet. It grows in forest-steppe, meadows, clayey and rocky slopes. For therapy, pouring herbs are used.

  1. Additionally, the folk remedy has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Leaves are collected in summer and early autumn. They need to be dried under a canopy or in the attic. Decoctions and infusions are made from the plant.
  • To prepare a decoction, use the roots of the plant, which are crushed and poured with 500 ml of vodka.
  • The product is tightly closed and infused for several days.
  • For diabetes mellitus, you need to take the medicine 15 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Sage has excellent healing and healing effects. Use it before meals. Sage is also added to meat dishes, soups and other dishes as a seasoning to reduce blood sugar.

A well-known healing agent is the African plant harpagophytum; it is used to treat diabetes in many countries due to its high content of beneficial substances similar to human insulin. The plant is usually added during the preparation of meat dishes or tea.

For any type, fenugreek seeds are used. This plant does not allow glucose concentrations to increase and normalizes the condition of a diabetic. The seeds are consumed together with dishes in an amount of no more than 10 g at a time.

Broccoli, turnips, artichokes, rutabaga, and tomatoes help quickly lower glucose levels. Additionally, they help get rid of excess weight and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. If you include the listed vegetables in your diet, you don’t have to follow a strict diet and sometimes eat sweets.

Amaranth seeds have the same effect. You can include oil from the seeds of this plant in your diet, this will lower blood sugar levels.

Antioxidants contained in onions also have a hypoglycemic effect. Therefore, diabetics are recommended to add onions to salads and vegetable dishes. Both onions and green onions are suitable for therapy.

Cinnamon normalizes blood sugar levels. This spice also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and helps improve digestion.

Treatment should be done with real cinnamon. Which is sold in the form of sticks. Store-bought cinnamon in bags is not suitable for these purposes.

Regardless of the therapeutic effect, before treating diabetes mellitus with traditional methods, you must coordinate your actions with your doctor. Self-medication in this case is prohibited, since a person may experience complications with the wrong approach to therapy.

It is important to understand that any herb, no matter how useful it may be, should be used only in combination with the main treatment, as a supplement. If you are treated only with traditional methods, diabetes will not be cured.

It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage when using infusions or decoctions. If overused, a diabetic's condition may worsen, and there is also a high risk of complications.

In this regard, you should check with your doctor about the dosage and rules for taking the drug.

How to prepare folk medicine

Lingonberries are used to prepare a tincture to lower glucose.

Peppermint, marsh cucumber, chicory, flax seeds, mulberry leaves, clover flowers, bean leaves.

  1. These plants are mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into one glass of boiling water.
  2. The resulting mixture is simmered in a water bath for five minutes or infused for an hour, after which it is filtered.
  3. You should drink 1/3 cup of the tincture three times a day for a month. Next, you need to take a break for 14 days and continue treatment again.

To strengthen capillaries and blood vessels in diabetes mellitus, tincture of Japanese Sophora is used.

  • Dried fruits in the amount of 100 g are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for three weeks.
  • The container with the medicine should be stored in a dark place and shaken periodically.
  • The finished product is diluted with 30 ml of water and consumed 1 teaspoon once a day. You can also drink the medicine with herbal tea or with.

A hypoglycemic tincture is made from bay leaves. 10 leaves of the plant are poured with 600 ml of boiling water and infused for three hours.

After filtering, take the product three times a day, 100 ml.

At the initial stage of the disease, a medicine from bean leaves is used. Four tablespoons of the plant are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for an hour.

After straining, the folk remedy is taken three times a day before meals, two tablespoons. The duration of therapy is at least two months.

An expert will tell you what folk remedies will help lower blood sugar levels in the video in this article.

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To reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, a low-carbohydrate diet and various medications are used. Among other things, herbs are used. What herbs help in lowering blood sugar levels? Let's figure it out.

Classification of medicinal herbs

Herbs for lowering sugar are conventionally divided into 3 main groups.

  1. The first includes herbal preparations and various cereal plants. They need to be subjected to some kind of pre-treatment: infuse, brew. The most common are onions, rhubarb, parsley, spinach, dill, and oats. Such plants are effective in lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. They strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from colds and infectious diseases.
  2. The second group includes herbs that do not need to be cooked. They are consumed fresh. These are mainly dandelion, galega (goat's rue), St. John's wort, nettle, mint, lingonberry and blueberry leaves, and bird knotweed. They also increase the body's defenses.
  3. The third group includes plants that not only reduce blood glucose levels, but also perfectly tone. These include dandelion roots, horsetail, cornflower and chamomile flowers.

Plants beneficial for diabetes are divided into 3 categories:

  1. removing excess sugar from the body;
  2. improving blood sugar circulation and cellular metabolism;
  3. reducing the intake of glucose from food.

Herbs to combat persistent hyperglycemia

To restore normal blood glucose levels or prevent their deviation from the norm, decoctions of chicory, oats, and felt burdock are used. Let's look at the benefits of these herbs.

Flowers and chicory root. This plant stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. This reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood. Chicory also has antimicrobial and sedative properties and effectively relieves inflammation.

Seed oats. It is used for hyperglycemia in the form of an infusion. The preparation method is simple: in the evening, pour 100 g of oats with boiling water and leave overnight. Take the medicine after meals.

Felt burdock. The use of this herb to reduce sugar is quite justified. It treats ulcerative lesions on the skin and internal organs. The infusion eliminates inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach. Felt burdock is an indispensable ingredient for preparing ointments.

Amaranth. The seeds of the plant are rich in substances that eliminate hyperglycemia. Amaranth oil is squeezed out of them, which is included in the diet of a diabetic. The product stimulates the liver and improves the absorption of glucose in the body.

Sage. Sage decoction lowers blood sugar. Use it on an empty stomach. The plant is also added to first and meat dishes.

Harpagophytum. Has a vasodilating effect. Thanks to this, blood pressure is normalized. The herb also reduces blood glucose levels well. It is brewed as tea and used as a spice.

Fenugreek. Its seeds prevent sudden spikes in sugar. They should be ground before use. It is advisable to eat 30 g of seeds per day.

Herbal teas to reduce sugar

You can prepare your own herbal mixture to combat diabetes. All you need to know is which herbs combine and enhance each other’s effect.

For the first collection you will need: 2 tbsp. l. birch buds, 2 tbsp. l. peppermint, 3 tbsp. l. rose hips, 5 tbsp. l. chopped burdock root, 4 tbsp. l. chicory herbs, 2 tbsp. l. licorice root, 3 tbsp. l. motherwort and 5 tbsp. l. centaury. Connect all the ingredients. Then pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. mass and add 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours. Take half a glass before meals 3 times a day.

The following collection is prepared from the following components: 1 bean pod, 1 tbsp. l. burdock thorns and the same amount of blueberry leaves. Place all ingredients in a kettle. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over them. Infuse the mixture for about an hour, then strain and drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

When using decoctions or infusions, you must strictly follow the dosage. Abuse of such drugs can worsen your health.

A tincture based on lingonberries, peppermint, chicory, galega (goat's rue), mulberry leaves, bean leaves, clover flowers and flax seeds is considered an excellent sugar-lowering agent. Mix the indicated plants in equal quantities. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. collection Simmer it for 5–7 minutes in a water bath. Next, infuse the product for 60 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. Drink half a glass 3 times a day for a month. Then a 2-week break is needed, after which therapy is resumed.

To effectively reduce and normalize sugar, you can prepare another collection. Mix equal parts of dandelion and valerian roots, bearberry and blueberry leaves. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mass. After an hour, strain. The decoction should be drunk half a glass 3 times a day. The product is good at reducing blood glucose levels. Thanks to valerian it has a sedative effect.

You can improve pancreatic function with calamus root. To prepare a healing infusion, pour 1 tsp. plants with a glass of cold water. Infuse the root overnight. Take the finished product on an empty stomach, one sip at a time. There should be at least 6 doses per day.

You can reduce blood glucose levels and at the same time get rid of swelling with an infusion based on galega. To prepare it, pour 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tsp. herbs. Leave for about an hour. Next, strain and take 1 tbsp throughout the day. l. (4-5 times in total).

Medicines for the treatment of early stages of diabetes

If the disease is not advanced, the following medications will help reduce blood sugar.

Rufous seeds. Before use, grind the herb and seeds in a coffee grinder or food processor. Take the resulting powder orally on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l. Drink plain water without carbon. Repeat the procedure only in the morning. For the first 3 days, use pure herb without additives. On the 4th day, other prophylactic compounds are added to it.

Knotweed infusion. Grind 20 g of dry raw materials. Add a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 10–15 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp of medicine. l. 3–4 times a day.

Bearberry leaves. Pour 1 tbsp of hot water into a glass. l. leaves. Take the product as soon as it has cooled, 1 tbsp. l. per day. Sugar will decrease a month after starting treatment. In addition, bearberry will relieve fatigue, frequent urge to urinate and thirst. Contraindications to the use of the infusion are gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Herbal collection. Required ingredients: 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. l. quinoa leaves, 1 tbsp. l. fresh nettle, ½ cup alder leaves. Mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water and leave for 5 days. Then add a pinch of baking soda. Drink the product 1 tsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Field horsetail. The infusion is prepared from 250 ml of water and 30 g of medicinal herb. Cook the mixture for 7–10 minutes over low heat. Then strain and drink 3 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. 4 times a day. Horsetail can also be eaten fresh, adding to vegetable salads.

Cuff. To properly prepare the mixture, combine sage, lilac buds, dandelion root, licorice root, lingonberry leaf and mantle in equal proportions. Pour 3 tbsp. l. raw materials 500 ml boiling water. Simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Then leave for 3-4 hours. Drink the decoction 3 times a day (preferably 30 minutes before meals).
To cleanse the blood, pour 250 ml of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. cuffs Leave for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and drink ¼ glass before meals, 2-3 times a day.


Any medicinal plant has certain contraindications. Therefore, before reducing sugar with the help of herbs, consult an endocrinologist or therapist.

To preserve the healing properties of plants, you need to follow the technology of their collection and storage. It is important that the raw materials grow in an ecologically clean region. It is best to buy herbs at a pharmacy. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the goods sold.

It is important to understand that herbal medicine should be carried out simultaneously with drug treatment. You won't be able to get rid of diabetes using folk methods alone.

When using decoctions or infusions, you must strictly follow the dosage. Abuse of such drugs can worsen the health of a diabetic. There is also a high risk of complications.

Lack of timely treatment for hyperglycemia is very dangerous. Therefore, it is important to stock up on medications and herbs that can lower blood sugar levels in advance.

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