Which surah should be read in Qadir Tun. Night of Angels - Kadyr Tuna

Today, from July 23 to 24, will be the 27th night of the Holy month of Ramadan. In Kazakhstan, this night is officially defined as the Blessed Night of Predestination - Laylatul Qadr. About the Blessed Night of Destiny, Allah Almighty Himself said in the Koran that this night “... is better than a thousand months.” On this night, people's destinies change.

I believe in Allah. Without fanaticism and self-sacrifice, I carry my faith day after day in my heart. Every time before going to bed, I try not to forget to thank the Almighty, and I ask you to show me the right path, I apologize for my anger and resentment. We all make mistakes, we are afraid, and we try to improve our lives, sometimes we give in to emotions, but in the most difficult moments of our lives it is Faith that saves us. I don’t think that prayer requires a special language; it is much more important to have good thoughts and a good heart... You can ask and pray silently, clasp your palms and look up, the language of the soul will always be heard...

What would you ask for on the secret night? The first thing that is very important for all of us is a peaceful sky above our heads, so that our loved ones and loved ones are nearby, so that our children have sound sleep, so that we do not have to spend the night on the street, be afraid of the alarming sounds of rockets and martial law. Therefore, with all my soul and heart I ask Allah this night to forgive greedy and evil people, to protect and preserve the lives of those who protect our sleep and peace. Aumin. A Muslim should spend this night addressing all his desires and requests to Allah Almighty for himself, for his family, for relatives, for well-being in this and the next world. In general, he cares about everything that worries him in one way or another, and there are no trifles here. As a reliable tradition from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) says: “Ask Him even for the laces of your sandals.” In other words, there are no small things for a Muslim, and the Lord is the Acceptor of prayers, the Most Beautiful of those who answer and give. Our desires do not always coincide with our capabilities, so I will not write about my material requests. This will all come with time, work and patience.

Now we live in Semey, a city after Almaty (I studied and lived there before marriage) seems small and not at all like home... But as a military wife, I understand all the difficulties, and I am glad to live with my loved one and build my own hearth of happiness. But today is a Magic night, which means we can all ask and hope... I would really like the Almighty to help our family move to Almaty or Astana within a year. The career of my husband, an officer, will go uphill, our child will develop in good children's centers, and I, as a journalist, will be able to find a promising job in a metropolis or capital. All this is my little world and my desires, this is important to me, and I share it with you because I want you to know that dreams come true - desires should be spoken out and visualized.

I also want to pray for the health of our loved ones, children, family and people close to us. How our heart breaks with pain when our children and loved ones get sick, when We are unable to help... Therefore, let the light of hope and happiness burn in every home, let a Miracle happen and your loved ones be healed and not get sick. Love. It is not asked for, it must be given. Therefore, I ask Allah not to lose this feeling, not to know hatred and evil, but to learn every day to be in harmony with myself. I ask the Almighty to forgive for the bad emotions and thoughts that are inherent in us in moments of despair, and I ask you to give me strength and wisdom, to give and create Love. So that My Love in my soul and heart will help raise our Son, and in the future other little angels. So that Love inspires my man and nurtures our relationship, so that Our Love grows stronger every day, and becomes an eternal companion in our happy marriage. I ask Allah to help me in difficult moments, so as not to lose my mind, and always follow the path of wisdom and always remain Human. And let those who are lonely be sure to meet their soul mates, because they travel across the big Earth and are also looking for you;) And then - your task is to protect and defend your Happiness. On the Blessed Night, do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness, pray, and ask for the unseen.

I sincerely believe that the Almighty is with us, he always hears and knows about each of us. You don’t always have to wait for the right day or night, just believe and give thanks... Every day, minute, second... For the opportunity to Live, Breathe, Love and Create Your World. 07/23/2014. 22:38

The Night of Predestination, or the Night of Power, is a special holy night for Muslims, which occurs in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan).

The exact date of this night is unknown. It is generally accepted that it usually falls on the last 10 days of the month of fasting and humility, Ramadan. It is expected that this year the Night of Predestination will fall on the night of June 21-22, reports Sputnik Kazakhstan.

History and meaning of the Night of Predestination

The name of the blessed night in Arabic sounds like Laylatul-Qadr or Al-Qadr, which translated into Russian is the Night of Predestination and Power. The definition of Kadyr tun is common among Kazakhs.

Scientists give different interpretations to the word "frame", some translate it as "crowdedness". It is interesting that for many centuries different peoples have been passing on a legend from mouth to mouth that on this night it becomes crowded for a huge number of angels who descend to earth.

Muslims believe that it was on the Night of Predestination and Power that the angel Jebrail descended to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Holy Quran on one of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan.

Also in the hadiths (traditions about the words of the prophet - ed.) it is said that Muslims were sad about the insufficient amount of time allotted for doing good deeds due to the brevity of life itself.

In this regard, the Almighty sent down a special night for them, in which the mercy of Allah is manifested more strongly than usual. The power of the Night of Power is that the reward for prayer performed on the holy night is similar to if the prayer was recited for a thousand months, or 83 years.

When the night falls Al-Qadr

The Muslim holy book, the Koran, states that the Night of Destiny occurs in the month of Ramadan, but the exact date is not mentioned.

It is generally accepted that this night falls on the last ten nights of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Followers of Islam believe that it would be a big mistake to spend only one night of Ramadan in worship of the Almighty.

The sacred scriptures mention numbers such as 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. Devout Muslims spend these days in intense prayer in order to find that very night of Predestination. The holy night comes immediately after sunset and ends with dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time for morning prayer.

Signs of a Holy Night

According to popular beliefs, recognizing the Night of Predestination will not be difficult, because only it has its own special shine. In addition, on the Night of Predestination and Power, no stars fall, and not a single cloud remains in the sky.

Believers say that it is after a special night that the sun rises as a soft red disk without rays, like the full moon on a cloudless night.

How to celebrate the Night of Predestination

Before the onset of the Night of Destiny, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), as well as rid the head, soul and heart of negative thoughts.

On this night, one should ask for forgiveness for sins committed, do tawbah (repentance - ed.), remember the Prophet Muhammad and turn to the Almighty in the language in which it is easier to express one’s thoughts. On the night of Al-Qadr, you should listen to your heart, and be energetic and patient in your affairs.

The mosque servants advise you to get some sleep at lunchtime before the Night of Power, and not to fill your stomach at iftar (breaking the fast - ed).


Missing Kadyr Tun is considered an irreparable loss, so Muslims try to stay awake at night and wait for its arrival.

June 14 is the last day of Oraza, the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. The Night of Predestination in Kazakhstan will take place from June 11th to 12th. The name of the blessed night in Arabic sounds like Laylatul-Qadr or Al-Qadr, which translated into Russian is the Night of Predestination and Power.

The definition of Kadir tun is common among Kazakhs. Scientists give different interpretations to the word “Qadir”, some translate it as “crowdedness”. It is interesting that for many centuries different peoples have been passing on a legend from mouth to mouth that on this night it becomes crowded for a huge number of angels who descend to earth.

Muslims believe that it was on the Night of Predestination and Power that the angel Jebrail descended to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Holy Quran on one of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. Also in the hadiths (traditions about the words of the Prophet - ed.) it is said that Muslims were sad about the insufficient amount of time allotted for doing good deeds due to the brevity of life itself. In this regard, the Almighty sent down a special night for them, in which the mercy of Allah is manifested more strongly than usual.

The power of the Night of Power is that the reward for prayer performed on the holy night is similar to if the prayer was recited for a thousand months, or 83 years.

Devout Muslims spend these days in intense prayer in order to find that very night of Predestination. The holy night comes immediately after sunset and ends with dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time for morning prayer.

On this special night, Muslims must worship Allah, read the Koran, perform namaz, ask forgiveness from the Almighty for their sins, and read a prayer for themselves and for other people. Often, the younger generation does not know how to spend the night of predestination. Prophet Muhammad said: “Whoever truly believes in the significance of “Kadir Tun”, whoever asks for forgiveness of his sins, they will be forgiven.”

Aisha asked the prophet what prayer should be read? He, in turn, answered: “Allahumma innaki afuun, tuhibbul afua, fagfu anni (Alla tagalam, You are merciful, forgive my sins). In addition, on this night you need to read spiritually developing books, watch useful films and programs. People who do not spend most of their time in worship have the opportunity on this night to turn to Allah with prayers.

How to celebrate the Night of Predestination

Before the onset of the Night of Destiny, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), as well as rid the head, soul and heart of negative thoughts. Ramadan is a time when we can try to improve.

On this night, one should ask for forgiveness for sins committed, do tawbah (repentance - ed.), remember the Prophet Muhammad and turn to the Almighty in the language in which it is easier to express one’s thoughts.

On the night of Al-Qadr, you should listen to your heart, and be energetic and patient in your affairs. It is recommended to prepare a short list of duas (requests - ed.) on the holy night. To pray, you should wake up relatives in the house if they are sleeping. The mosque servants advise you to get some sleep at lunchtime before the Night of Power, and not to fill your stomach at iftar (breaking the fast - ed).

Missing Kadyr Tun is considered an irreparable loss, so Muslims try to stay awake at night and wait for its arrival. The Night of Power and Predestination is the most sacred night, because the first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on this very night.

The night of destiny is a night of great blessings and goodness. The Qur'an states that it is better than a thousand months. A thousand months equals eighty-three years and four months.

What not to do on this night and how it is not recommended to spend it

You can't drink alcohol. In Islam it is considered the drink of Satan. On a holy night, a person must cleanse himself and greet it with good thoughts.

You cannot perform Kadyr Tun in entertainment places. It is correct to meet her at home or in the mosque.

You can't gossip , use foul language and generally say bad words.

Sleeping is not recommended . Kadir Tun begins at sunset and continues until abstinence begins. If you cannot wait until sunrise, then you need to hold out at least until the beginning of the fast and read namaz twice. It is not necessary to cover a rich dastarkhan. You can meet Kadir Tun with what you have in the house. But if possible, you can set a rich table.

You cannot watch TV series, films or entertainment programs. Educational programs are desirable. We need to spend this night usefully.

You cannot gather with friends to have fun, sing and have fun. It is better to gather with them around the dastarkhan and talk about something good.

Based on media materials

The Night of Predestination, or the Night of Power, is a special holy night for Muslims, which occurs in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan).

The exact date of this night is unknown. It is generally accepted that it usually falls on the last 10 days of the month of fasting and humility, Ramadan. It is expected that this year the Night of Predestination will fall on the night of June 21-22, reports Sputnik Kazakhstan.

History and meaning of the Night of Predestination

The name of the blessed night in Arabic sounds like Laylatul-Qadr or Al-Qadr, which translated into Russian is the Night of Predestination and Power. The definition of Kadyr tun is common among Kazakhs.

Scientists give different interpretations to the word "frame", some translate it as "crowdedness". It is interesting that for many centuries different peoples have been passing on a legend from mouth to mouth that on this night it becomes crowded for a huge number of angels who descend to earth.

Muslims believe that it was on the Night of Predestination and Power that the angel Jebrail descended to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Holy Quran on one of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan.

Also in the hadiths (traditions about the words of the prophet - ed.) it is said that Muslims were sad about the insufficient amount of time allotted for doing good deeds due to the brevity of life itself.

In this regard, the Almighty sent down a special night for them, in which the mercy of Allah is manifested more strongly than usual. The power of the Night of Power is that the reward for prayer performed on the holy night is similar to if the prayer was recited for a thousand months, or 83 years.

When the night falls Al-Qadr

The Muslim holy book, the Koran, states that the Night of Destiny occurs in the month of Ramadan, but the exact date is not mentioned.

It is generally accepted that this night falls on the last ten nights of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Followers of Islam believe that it would be a big mistake to spend only one night of Ramadan in worship of the Almighty.

The sacred scriptures mention numbers such as 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29. Devout Muslims spend these days in intense prayer in order to find that very night of Predestination. The holy night comes immediately after sunset and ends with dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time for morning prayer.

Signs of a Holy Night

According to popular beliefs, recognizing the Night of Predestination will not be difficult, because only it has its own special shine. In addition, on the Night of Predestination and Power, no stars fall, and not a single cloud remains in the sky.

Believers say that it is after a special night that the sun rises as a soft red disk without rays, like the full moon on a cloudless night.

How to celebrate the Night of Predestination

Before the onset of the Night of Destiny, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), as well as rid the head, soul and heart of negative thoughts.

On this night, one should ask for forgiveness for sins committed, do tawbah (repentance - ed.), remember the Prophet Muhammad and turn to the Almighty in the language in which it is easier to express one’s thoughts. On the night of Al-Qadr, you should listen to your heart, and be energetic and patient in your affairs.

The mosque servants advise you to get some sleep at lunchtime before the Night of Power, and not to fill your stomach at iftar (breaking the fast - ed).


Missing Kadyr Tun is considered an irreparable loss, so Muslims try to stay awake at night and wait for its arrival.

Some believe that on the Night of Predestination, the mythical character Kydyr Ata, whose name was mentioned in legends even before the spread of Islam, comes to a Muslim’s house. According to legends, people used to wait for the elder and meet him behind a covered dastarkhan.

Secrets of the sacred night

Theologians have more than once expressed the opinion that the exact time of the onset of the Night of Destiny is hidden from Muslims so that they would be far from sin and purify their thoughts every night.

On a special night, all Muslims breathe a sigh of relief, because the devil is bound in chains and cannot harm anyone. Believers compare the intrigue with the onset of the Night of Al-Qadr to the mystery of the coming of the End of the World.

Some are convinced that on the Night of Predestination even trees bend completely to the ground, only a special person with a high spiritual status can see this. This year, the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan fell on May 26 and will last until June 24.

At the end of the holy month, June 25, the universal Muslim holiday will begin - Oraza Ait.

Today, from July 23 to 24, will be the 27th night of the Holy month of Ramadan. In Kazakhstan, this night is officially defined as the Blessed Night of Predestination - Laylatul Qadr. Laylatul qad occurs in the last 10 days of Ramadan on odd nights - the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th or on the last night of Ramadan. The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan is based on the opinion of scientists about the likelihood of the Night of Destiny occurring on the night of 26 to 27 Ramadan.

One of the hadiths says that “among the signs of this night is that it is cloudless, quiet, shining night, neither hot nor cold, on this night meteors do not throw at the devils, and this continues until dawn. Another sign is that in the morning the sun rises without luminous rays of light, appearing rather like the moon in its fullness. On this day, Allah forbids the devils to rise with the sun.”

Despite the fact that the exact date of Laylatul Qader is unknown, there is an assumption among Islamic scholars that it is highly likely that it will occur on the 27th of Ramadan. However, it should be understood that this is just an assumption, and you should look for it among all 10 nights.

About the Blessed Night of Destiny, Allah Almighty Himself said in the Koran that this night “... is better than a thousand months.” On this night, people's destinies change.

A Muslim should spend this night addressing all his desires and requests to Allah Almighty for himself, for his family, for relatives, for well-being in this and the next world. In general, he cares about everything that worries him in one way or another, and there are no trifles here. As a reliable tradition from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “Ask Him even for the laces of your sandals.” In other words, there are no small things for a Muslim, and the Lord is the Acceptor of prayers, the Most Beautiful of those who answer and give.

As noted on the website of the Central Mosque of Almaty, Laylatul Qadr is the chance of our lives in Ramadan. Do we have the opportunity to regain everything that we have missed throughout our lives? Is it possible to increase the reward for deeds hundreds and thousands of times? Is it possible to spend an evening in the company of angels, including the Lord of the Angels Jibril (peace be upon him), who will greet us, turn to Allah with a prayer for us and say: “Amen!” after our prayer addressed to Him?

Are there moments when we can get rid of past sins? Is there such a night, the value of which is incomprehensible to our minds, and our languages ​​are unable to describe it? Yes. This is the Night of Destiny. This is the night on which Allah bestows His mercy, blessing and honor on the believer, and if you succeed on it, then you are one of the successful, and if you are deprived of its benefit, then you are deprived of any benefit at all: “The night of predestination (or greatness) is better thousands of months. On this night, the angels and the Spirit (Jibril) descend with the permission of their Lord according to all His commands. She is safe until dawn” (97:3-5). Verily, this is a blessed night on which the blessed Book was revealed: “We sent it down on a blessed night, and We warn. All wise matters are decided in it.” (44:3-4)

She is blessed because the Quran was sent down to her in its entirety with the Preserved Tablet in the House of Majesty in heaven, and after that it was sent down in parts.

And she is blessed because the Great Allah exalted her and informed us that she defies description - she is so majestic.

And it is blessed because in it Allah Almighty sends His Divine gift to our community: “He made the worship on this night better than the worship for a thousand months from those in which the communities that lived before us worshiped Him. This period is equal to a person’s entire life, who lived eighty-three years and four months and spent them in continuous worship and submission to the Almighty. The Night of Predestination is “better than a thousand months”, none of which have the Night of Predestination. Some scholars even said that it is better than any time at all, because the Arabs. the word thousand is traditionally used to indicate a very large number.

And this night is blessed because on it angels cover the earth, and the inhabitants of heaven come to the inhabitants of the earth from among the believers. The best and most honorable of the angels, and at their head Jibril (peace be upon him), descend from heaven and from the Lotus of the extreme limit to earth, saying: “Amen!” - when people turn to the Almighty with a prayer, and greet each other and believers in mosques until dawn."

She is also blessed because she is the night of decisions: the decision that is the predestination of Allah, and the decisions of Sharia.

And on this same night, decisions are sent down that constitute predestination. Each resolved wise matter is transferred from the Preserved Tablet to the scribe-angels. This includes life terms, destiny and affairs for the coming year. Therefore, the Almighty said: “On it (the night of predestination) all wise deeds are decided by command from Us. Verily, We send...” (44:4-5).

And here is another manifestation of her blessing: the regulations of the Almighty, sent down by Him on this night, correspond to His mercy, and nothing is predetermined into it except happiness and good: “... by the mercy of your Lord” (44:6). This is how it differs from other nights - misfortunes and retribution are predetermined on them. And on this night, Shaitan cannot influence a believing man or woman: “She is prosperous until dawn” (97:5), (Ibn Kasir. At-tafsir. T. 4. P. 534).

It is also blessed because it is hidden. This forces people to be diligent in worship during all ten last nights of Ramadan in the hope of not missing this night, and this diligence brings them good, weighing down the scales with their good deeds (Wazaif Ramadan. P. 63.).

It is also blessed because the one who stays awake during it and performs the night prayer, remembers Allah and turns to Him with prayers with faith and hope for the reward of the Almighty, his past sins are forgiven. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever stood through the Night of Destiny with faith and hope for the reward of the Almighty, his past sins will be forgiven” (Al-Bukhari. Hadith No. 2014. Muslim. Hadith No. 760).

She is also blessed because she, as it were, compensates for the duration of our lives, which is shorter compared to the lives of people who came before us. Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “A message has reached me that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was shown the lives of those who lived before him, or some of them, and it seemed to him that The lives of the members of his community are too short, and they will not have time to do as much as others did throughout their lives, and Allah granted him the Night of Destiny” (Wazaif Ramadan. p. 63.).

She is also blessed in that the person who found her and conducted her properly will not be among the deprived. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about Ramadan: “And there is a night in it that is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of its benefit is deprived” (Ai-Nasai, Hadith No. 2079. Ahmad. Hadith Na 6851).

And another version of the hadith says: “Whoever is deprived of her benefit has lost all benefits, and only those deprived of her benefit are deprived of her benefit” (Ibn Majah. Hadith No. 1634).

She is also blessed because she has a special prayer that does not go unanswered. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, what should I say when the Night of Destiny comes?” He replied: “Allahumma, innakaafuan tuhibbu-l-afwa, fa-afwu anna!” - " O Allah, verily You are the forgiving, you love to forgive, so forgive us!"

Prepared by Torgyn Nurseitova

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