Leps in the army. Grigory Leps: success story, biography and personal life

It is believed that an artist is not the most brutal profession, but some stars can boast of courageous deeds. So, on the Russian stage there are stars who served in the army. The editors tell you which stars served in the Russian armed forces.

Sergey Zverev

The stylist served in the elite air defense forces in Poland and is very proud of this fact. The star in the army rose to the rank of senior sergeant. According to the celebrity, serving in the army was not easy, but the military uniform suited him, and Zverev still loves caps and caps.

Oddly enough, it was military service that helped the celebrity decide on his future profession - Zverev was shocked by how the residents of the Polish town in which the unit was stationed looked.

Sergey Glushko

The Soviet and Russian actor, stripper under the pseudonym Tarzan also served in the army. The artist was born into the family of an officer, and grew up in a military town near the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Glushko received a diploma from the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, rose to the rank of senior lieutenant, and only then entered the acting department at GITIS.

Timur Batrutdinov

The Comedy Club resident also served in the army. There is little information on this matter on the Internet, but the comedian himself admits in an interview that he is proud of the service.

“I remember the service itself perfectly, but the farewell is vague. I was worried, everything was like a fog,” said Batrudinov.

Sergey Penkin

The singer, with a voice range of four octaves, served in the Soviet army from 1979-1981. Penkin's service was also connected with music - the artist played cymbals and sang in an army ensemble. The contractor rose to the rank of artillery sergeant, submitted a report on transfer to Afghanistan, but was refused.

Valery Kipelov

Soviet and Russian rock musician, ex-vocalist and one of the founders of the group “Aria” joined the army at the age of 19. In May 1978, the musician married a girl, Galina, with whom he is still together to this day, and in June he went to serve. Valery Kipelov entered the service consciously and does not regret this decision. The metalhead believes that the only negative point is that in the army he was forced to cut off his voluminous hair.

Grigory Leps

The Russian singer joined the army after graduating from a music school in the percussion class, where he entered in 1976. Leps' service took place in Khabarovsk, and only after that the young musician devoted himself to his favorite activity - performing on stage - and immediately achieved success in this.

Ruslan Bely

The popular stand-up comedian, star of the Stand Up, “Open Microphone” and “Comedian in the City” projects on TNT, often talks about the times when he served in the army during his performances. The comedian entered the service immediately after studying and in five years rose to the rank of captain in the Russian Armed Forces. There is no photo of Bely on the Internet from his service days, but he wore his uniform to perform in KVN.

Valery Leontyev

The popular Russian singer, according to information on the Internet, served in the Airborne Forces. Some inhabitants of the “landing” forums note that the performer is too short for a paratrooper. However, others recall the words of commanders who claim that the perpetrator was listed in the 242nd training center for junior airborne specialists.

May 15 is International Military Conscientious Objector Day. Currently, conscripts are increasingly trying to evade military service - some for religious reasons, others for moral reasons, and others simply do not want to change their usual life. Some, on the contrary, consider military service to be the duty of every real man. There are many celebrities among people with such beliefs. Which of the “stars” repaid their debt to the Motherland?


Sergei Glushko served at the Plesetsk cosmodrome for three years. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Natasha Koroleva's husband Sergei Glushko, better known as Tarzan, was not always a stripper. In his youth, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his officer father and entered the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy in St. Petersburg. Glushko distinguished himself with brilliant academic success and graduated from the university with the rank of junior lieutenant. After that, he served for three years at the Plesetsk cosmodrome - first as an engineer, and then as a department head and received the rank of senior lieutenant.

According to Glushko himself, the military was paid a small salary, so he decided to leave the service and moved to Moscow, where he took on any job - yesterday’s head of the department at Plesetsk was even an administrator in Sergei Zverev’s salon. Soon, representatives of the modeling business noticed a young man with a spectacular appearance and invited him to try himself in this field. From the modeling business, Glushko got into striptease, thanks to which he gained fame.

Sergey Zverev

The king of outrageousness and glamor also served in the military. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

Many people criticize Sergei Zverev for being too “feminine” in his image and glamorous lifestyle, but he, unlike most critics, served in the army! After graduating from a vocational school with a degree in hairdressing, clothing design and makeup, the future king of outrageousness completed military service in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces (Air Defense) in Poland. Zverev was secretary of the Komsomol organization, deputy platoon commander and rose to the rank of senior sergeant. After completing his service, he returned to his favorite business - hairdressing, in which he achieved great heights.

Anton Makarsky Photo: www.globallookpress.com / In the army, Makarsky performed in a song and dance ensemble.

Anton Makarsky was born into an acting family, and the question of what to become did not arise for him. After graduating from the Shchukin School, Makarsky played for about two months at the Mark Rozovsky Theater, and then he himself decided to join the army. Anton served for some time in a convoy company: during this time he managed to establish himself as an excellent singer and was sent to the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. During his year of service, Makarsky was the main star of all concerts, then returned to civilian life and continued his career in the arts. After performing in the musicals “Metro” and “Notre Dame de Paris” he became known throughout the country.

Timur Batrutdinov

Batrutdinov began playing KVN while still in the army. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

The future comedian and Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov first received a higher education - he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance - and then joined the army. Since Timur had a military department at the university, he could have completed military service as an officer, but Batrutdinov chose a different path and decided to become a simple soldier in the signal troops. As he himself admitted later, he did this in order to truly know and experience military service without any privileged position. Now Timur remembers the army as one of the best periods in his life: he not only dug trenches and practiced formation on the parade ground, but also played KVN with his colleagues.

Leonid Agutin

Agutin was expelled from the military ensemble for frequent AWOL. Photo: AiF / Faina Mania

Musician Leonid Agutin served in the border troops on the Soviet-Finnish border. By that time, he already had a jazz piano school behind him, so Agutin was first assigned to the ensemble. Then Leonid began to violate army regulations and often went AWOL. For this he was expelled from the ensemble. In 1988, Agutin served and began to engage in creativity: he grew his hair long, began to play the guitar and received the popular nickname “barefoot boy.”

Gosha Kutsenko

Kutsenko claims that he still has calluses from his army days. Photo: www.russianlook.com

After graduating from school, Gosha Kutsenko entered the Polytechnic University, but did not finish his studies there and was drafted into the army - into the signal troops. The future actor repaid his debt to the Motherland from 1985 to 1987. According to Kutsenko, he still has calluses on his feet from walking in foot wraps, but he still speaks of the army as the happiest time of his life.

Mikhail Porechenkov

The army made a real man out of Mikhail Porechenkov. Photo: globallookpress.com

After school, Mikhail Porechenkov entered the military-political school in Tallinn, but soon dropped out and joined the army. There he became a real man: wrestling and boxing turned yesterday’s student into a broad-shouldered and muscular young man, whom Russian viewers know. In films, Porechenkov often plays military men - and admits that he enjoys doing this.

Grigory Leps

While in the army, Leps created his own rock band. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Singer Grigory Leps served in Khabarovsk, at a sensitive facility: he guarded a repair plant that produced military vehicles. In the army, he was not at a loss: he immediately created his own rock band there and performed in front of his colleagues. Having been demobilized, Gregory set off to conquer Moscow. Now Leps is a “star” of Russian show business.

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko continued to draw and write songs in the army. Photo: AiF / Tatyana Meel

The creator and frontman of the Mumiy Troll group, Ilya Lagutenko, served on Russky Island, in the ranks of the Pacific Fleet. He was a sergeant major of the second class and in the army continued to be creative - he composed music and painted. It was during his military service that Lagutenko wrote songs such as “Happy New Year, Baby” or “Pupil of a Fallen Star.” After demobilization, Ilya worked as a translator and consultant for commercial enterprises in China and the UK, and in the late 90s he recreated the Mumiy Troll group - and, as it turned out, not in vain.

Mikhail Prokhorov

Mikhail Prokhorov served in the missile forces. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

In the early 80s, there was no deferment of military service for students, so Mikhail Prokhorov was drafted into the army after his first year of study at the Moscow Financial Institute. For two years he served in the missile forces: such a break did not prevent Prokhorov from returning to the institute and graduating with honors. The young specialist’s career immediately took off. Now he is a successful entrepreneur and billionaire.

Actors, politicians, artists, businessmen - everyone was once at that age when the state reminds them of the need to repay their debt. And you will obviously be surprised to find out which of them did it and who didn’t.

Philip Kirkorov

In one of the interviews, the singer mentioned that he was not averse to participating in the work of the army orchestra. But it didn’t work out - first his studies, and then his work, pushed this prospect away from him.

Nikolay Baskov

Serving in the infantry, going to fight in the front ranks - this is what the Basques would not refuse. But he has long since outgrown conscription age...

Grigory Leps

He served in a unit near Khabarovsk, then went into show business. Young Leps earned money by performing in cafes and Sochi restaurants, and was a member of many rock bands in the 80s.

Yury Nikulin

A skinny, awkward boy was drafted into the army immediately after the 10th grade. The Great Patriotic War flared up and many went to the front. Nikulin recalled that at first he was a laughing stock for the entire detachment, since he could neither march nor do hard soldier work. Even his overcoat hung on him like on a skeleton, and his thin legs dangled in his boots.

Joseph Kobzon

The singer, like many of his peers, honestly went to serve after graduating from college. But he did not pull the strap for long - a year later he was noticed and transferred to the song and dance ensemble.

Nikolay Rastorguev

The military uniform fits him well, but the singer only exploits this image. He did not serve in the real army.


In the world, Timur Yunusov openly declares that he is the holder of a military ID, but he did not spend time serving in the army. It’s an empty idea, but he already knows how to use a weapon.

Prokhor Chaliapin

He rejected the army for the official reason: Chaliapin is completely healthy, but he is the only one in the family and is its breadwinner. That’s why you can’t join the army.

Oleg Yakovlev

A medical examination revealed he had heart problems and considered him unfit for service. Yakovlev himself is not upset by this - he didn’t want to join the army and it’s good that everything coincided so well.

Leonid Agutin

Agutin served in the border troops, but after some time he was transferred to the song and dance ensemble for his musical talent. And then back to the border - because of AWOLs.

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Sergey Garmash

The actor was an aggressive and assertive conscript - he got into a fight with an old-timer, for which he ended up in a penal battalion. He had to work hard at a construction site in the harsh conditions of the Arkhangelsk region, but for his exemplary behavior and hard work he was soon transferred back to Moscow.

Sergey Zverev

Interesting fact - Zverev rose to the rank of sergeant and commanded an entire platoon. He served in the air defense forces in Poland.

Valery Kipelov

In May 1978, 19-year-old Kipelov got married, but he did not get to enjoy his honeymoon with his wife - in June he was drafted into the army. And he went to serve honestly.

Lev Leshchenko

The future singer completed a young fighter course in 1961, near Tambov, after which he was transferred to Germany, to the 62nd Tank Regiment. A year passes and the command decides that he will be more useful in the song and dance ensemble.

Sergei Mironov

As a technical school student, he voluntarily decided to join the army when he turned 18. Mironov served not just anywhere, but in the Airborne Forces and remembers 1971-1973 with nostalgia for the military brotherhood.

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Timur Batrudinov

The artist, not without pride, emphasizes that he served his entire term honestly, although this was not held in high esteem among his generation. Therefore, the farewell was a mess, but Timur remembers the service itself very well.

Nikolay Valuev

Didn't serve. Valuev is an excellent student in studies and sports, so from an early age his life was planned out and there was no place in it for the army.

Dmitry Bilan

When asked, the singer touchingly talks about why he prefers to repay his debt to the country on stage, and not in boots and with a machine gun at the ready.

Maksim Galkin

Galkin is not a draft dodger, not at all. And ready to join the army right away. How late is it already?

Oleg Gazmanov

Gazmanov is an experienced military man, now a reserve officer. He graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Engineering School with a degree in mineral engineering and served near Riga.

Vladimir Vinokur

Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov - like quite a few other artists of the former school, Vinokur comes from the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The future politician served in the Transcaucasian Military District, in the special propaganda department. And there I gained experience, honed my skills in rhetoric and putting pressure on my interlocutors.

In their youth, many of our famous people served in the army. You will be surprised to know which famous people served in the military and who did not.

Leonid Agutin
He served in the border troops on the Karelian-Finnish border. For his ability to sing he was transferred to a song and dance ensemble, and for being “AWOL” he was transferred back to the border.

Oleg Gazmanov
He received the profession of a mine engineer (!) at the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Engineering School, then served near Riga in mine and torpedo depots. Reserve officer.

Sergey Garmash
For the fight with his “grandfather,” the actor was sent to the disbat, to the construction troops, to the Arkhangelsk region. For shock service, they were returned to their previous unit, to Moscow.

Vladimir Vinokur
Private Vinokur served in the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District, from which Igor Nikolaev, David Tukhmanov, Ilya Oleinikov and others came.

Sergey Zverev
Zverev served not just in the army, but in the air defense forces in Poland. The artist commanded an entire platoon and rose to the rank of senior sergeant.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky
For two years he worked as a special propaganda officer at the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District, already honing his oratory skills.

Valery Kipelov
The future star of the rock scene Valery Kipelov preferred military service to a honeymoon. The 19-year-old conscript got married in May 1978, and already in June he went to repay his debt to the Motherland.

Grigory Leps
After serving in the army in Khabarovsk, he worked on the dance floor in the Sochi Riviera Park, sang in Sochi restaurants, and played in rock bands. In the late 80s he was the lead singer of the Index-398 group.

Lev Leshchenko
In 1961, near Tambov, a young soldier completed a course, then he was sent to serve in Germany, in the 62nd Tank Regiment. A year later they transferred to the song and dance ensemble.

Yury Nikulin
In 1939, Yuri Nikulin, after graduating from the tenth grade, was drafted into the army, into the anti-aircraft troops. Later, recalling his army years, he said: “At first, some treated me with irony. I suffered the most during drill training. When I marched separately, everyone laughed. On my awkward figure the overcoat hung awkwardly, the boots dangled funny on my thin legs...”

Sergei Mironov
At the age of 18, he voluntarily joined the army while attending a technical school. He completed “real men’s service” in 1971-1973. in the airborne troops

Joseph Kobzon
He enlisted in the army after graduating from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College, in the second year he was called to join the song and dance ensemble, but the year honestly “rewinded his footcloths.”

Timur Batrutdinov
“I served in the army, which, by the way, I’m quite proud of. I remember the service itself well, but the farewell is very vague. I was terribly worried, everything was in some kind of haze.”

But these celebrities did not serve in the army, although some position themselves as military people.

Nikolay Rastorguev

Nikolay Valuev

Timati, known to the military registration and enlistment office as Timur Yunusov, considers spending time in the army useless: “You can’t find fault with me, I have a military ID. But I already know how to use a weapon.”

Dima Bilan
Dima Bilan tells a touching story about how he prefers to serve his Motherland on stage rather than in the armed forces.

Prokhor Chaliapin
“I am absolutely fit for service,” admits Prokhor Chaliapin. “But my father is a disabled person of the second group, and I am the only breadwinner in the family.”

Maksim Galkin
Galkin does not consider himself a draft dodger. He assures that he is ready to repay his debt to the Motherland at any moment.

Philip Kirkorov
When Kirkorov needed to serve, he first studied and then began to work. In one of the interviews, the singer said that he would gladly join a military orchestra.

Oleg Yakovlev
The medical commission rejected the future artist due to heart problems. “I didn’t have any particular desire to serve,” admits Yakovlev. “That’s why I took the doctors’ verdict calmly.

Nikolay Baskov
“I would join the infantry if the need arose,” says the singer. “And now I’m past conscription age.”

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