Mods for Skyrim witchcraft magic. Mod for Skyrim Lost Secrets of Magic


In the original Skyrim, compared to warriors, magicians look pretty poor. If with the help of pumping up blacksmithing, alchemy and enchantment you can achieve enormous weapon damage, then with magic everything is much worse, the maximum that can be achieved is casting spells with two hands and abilities like “Enhanced Flame”. And this is not to mention the generally prohibitive damage of sneak attacks with a bow or daggers. Additionally, many spells like magic armor have a ridiculous duration, requiring them to be constantly renewed. This mod increases the power and/or duration of spells as you progress through the schools of magic (novice - student - adept - expert - master), and also makes various improvements to existing spells. The mod works not only with standard spells, but also with almost all spells from third-party mods.

I. Improvement of spells as skill increases

  1. All mastery abilities (“Novice”, “Apprentice”, “Adept”, “Expert”, “Master”) of schools of magic provide an additional effect that improves all spells of that school. For alteration, conjuration and illusion, each ability from this tree increases the duration of spells by 15%, and for destruction and restoration - the power of spells, also by 15%. The bonuses stack on top of each other, so after choosing the “Master” ability, the spells of this school last 2 times longer or become 2 times stronger (1.15 5 = 2.01).
  2. The abilities “Enhanced Frost”, “Enhanced Flame”, “Enhanced Lightning” of the school of destruction increase the damage of spells of the corresponding type by 15% (thus, only at the second level of this ability - 30%), and also increase the resistance of the corresponding element by 15%. Also, these abilities no longer affect weapon enchantments, because the damage of ordinary weapons can already be pumped up to enormous values.
  3. Cloak's initial hit radius for spells has been reduced from 3.1m (10ft) to 2.4m (8ft), but damage and range now increases as mastery abilities (item 1) and elemental damage enhancement abilities are gained (clause 2).
  4. The duration of paralysis from the “Paralysis” spell has been reduced from 10 to 7 s, “Mass paralysis” - from 15 to 10 s. This is done to prevent them from becoming too strong, because... their duration increases when new mastery abilities are obtained (clause 1).
  5. And if you think this is unfair, then the “Mass Paralysis” spell is unlocked for two-handed reading. The cost of magic is enormous, but the duration is also great.
  6. The “Science of Fear” ability of the school of illusion now does not affect the damage of fire spells - correcting a bug in the original “Skyrim” (it was also fixed in unofficial patches).
  7. The “Necromage” ability of the restoration school no longer enhances the spells you cast on your character if he is a vampire. This is also a bug that made Vampire players extremely powerful and has also been fixed in USKP.
  8. Another correction - the damage of runes is now affected by abilities to enhance elemental damage (item 2).
  9. The “Chain Lightning” spell now works more reliably (it is more often thrown to neighboring enemies) and only works on enemies (previously it was an extremely dangerous spell in the sense that it constantly caught partners, guards and other strangers). The explosion from the Fireball spell now deals damage to everyone in the affected radius, incl. behind obstacles. Ice Storm also ignores obstacles.

II. Improving Magic Armor

The magic armor spells in the original game are quite weak and don't last very long, so it's usually easier and more convenient to just wear the armor. The mod is trying to fix this - the magician is not required to wear armor!

  1. As the skill of the school of change increases, both the level of magical armor and the duration of spells increase. This (somewhat) makes magic armor equal to regular armor, at least light armor.
  2. Each level of the “Magic Armor” ability of the school of change increases the armor class by 50 units. (6% damage resistance), up to a total of 150 at level three. Naturally, you should not wear a single piece of regular armor, only clothes.
  3. “Dragon skin” is made with a regular magic armor spell, gives (base value) 150 units. armor for 60 s.

Thus, with all three levels of the “Magic Armor” ability and the “Master” ability of the school of change, you get up to 150 units. armor rating (“passive”) and up to 450 more from “Dragon Skin”, up to 600 units in total. or 72% resistance to physical damage, which is very close to the maximum armor rating (625 units, 80%). Compared to “Dragon Skin” from the original game, you get 8% less resistance to physical damage, but 6 times longer duration and almost 2 times less magic consumption (in the original, 80% resistance to physical damage “Dragon Skin” is not bad , but 45 seconds of action is nothing at all, especially considering the time it takes to cast this spell and the consumption of magic).

III. Improved two-handed spell casting

  1. In the original, when cast with two hands, spells are less effective in terms of the ratio (power/magic consumption): spells are 2.2 times stronger, but require 2.5 times more magic. Now everything is fair - both the magic consumption and the power are 2.5 times greater than when reading with one hand.
  2. With the “Shock Wave” ability of the school of destruction, the probability of stunning an enemy when hit is now 33% instead of 100%, because this is almost cheating - just enchant clothes to zero magic consumption for destruction spells and hit with impunity with both hands. Apparently, in this way, “Gazebo” tried to compensate for the general weakness of magicians in the game.

IV. Improving Magic Finishes

The school of destruction abilities “Hot Flame”, “Deep Freeze” and “Disintegration” in the original game are not very useful, since they kill enemies who already have a short time left. Better Magic modifies the effect of these abilities to be similar to something like critical strike chance.

  1. Hot Flame and Deep Freeze: Instead of a guaranteed kill on enemies below 20% health, it is now a 20% chance to kill enemies below 50% health. Those. This happens relatively rarely, but the effect is certainly useful and can even turn the tide of the battle. Does not work on enemies immune to paralysis or fear spells.
  2. “Disintegration”: previously, electric spells were guaranteed to turn already almost killed enemies into piles of ash (which is very inconvenient for necromancers), now the effect works with only a 15% probability, but on enemies with less than 50% health. Some enemies cannot be disintegrated.
  3. The effect of the abilities “Hot Flame”, “Deep Freeze” and “Disintegration” no longer works on weak (initial level) continuous spells (“Flame”, “Frostbite”, “Sparks”), as well as cloak and “elemental wall” spells ” (“Wall of Fire”, “Wall of Frost”, “Wall of Thunder”), because this is simply dishonest - the probability of an instant kill will be too high, it will be enough to simply knock down half the enemy’s health, and then switch to a new spell with a low magic cost.
  4. However, for the spells “Firestorm” and “Whirlwind” the finishing effect always works, and not with a 20% chance. This is not cheating, since you still need the appropriate abilities, and you also need to knock off half the enemy's health first. For the “Thunderstorm with Lightning” spell, the finishing probability is not 100, but 40%, but taking into account the continuity of its action, it works quite quickly. A bug has also been fixed where for the “Thunderstorm with Lightning” spell, disintegration would work even without the corresponding ability, as well as on enemies who are immune to it, for example, dragons.

V. Upgrading Master Level Spells

In the original, many “master” spells (which can be obtained after corresponding quests upon reaching level 90 of the school of magic) are not very useful, because their power is not worth the high consumption of magic and a long casting time.

  1. For the spells “Firestorm”, “Storm” and “Thunderstorm with lightning”, two-handed reading is unlocked; the magic consumption is huge, but the power is also impressive. In theory, the effect of the “Shock Wave” ability should work in this case, but in reality it only works on “Lightning Storm”.
  2. The magic cost of the “Firestorm” and “Blizzard” spells has been reduced, since in the original their effect was simply not worth such a large magic cost (based on “damage per second” and “damage per unit of magic”). Magic consumption for “Firestorm” has been reduced by 28%, and for “Blizzard” - by 5%. Combined with the ability to read them two-handed, this makes them quite powerful and useful, although not in every situation. The duration of these spells has also been slightly increased.
  3. Firestorm now ignores obstacles. This can hardly be called cheating, since this spell takes a very long time to cast and requires a lot of magic. In the original, there was very rarely a situation where this spell was useful, because, given the relatively short range of action, you first had to walk into a crowd of enemies, ask them not to bother you, and then cast the spell for a long, long time. Or do it under invisibility. And in both cases, hope that it will kill everyone, otherwise you will have to run away from undead enemies located just a few meters around you.
  4. The duration of “Buran” action has been increased from 10 to 15 s. In the original, this spell was too ineffective due to its long cast time and relatively low damage.
  5. All spells of the master level of the school of illusion (“Call to Arms”, “Harmony”, “Hysteria”, “Capacity”) can now be cast with two hands. Previously, at high player levels, almost all spells from the school of illusion became practically useless, because most of the enemies had too high a level and simply did not fall under their effect. Now you can scare, enrage and calm almost all enemies (except those that are initially immune), even at level 80.
  6. The Call to Arms spell also applies the same effect as the Encouragement spell to all affected targets. In the original, “Call to Arms” only increased combat skills, stamina and health, now it also “encourages” the target, i.e. The target of the spell will no longer run away from the battlefield.
  7. The “Dead Thrall” spell works on targets up to level 99, however, still only on humans/mers/khajiit/argonians and some daedra. In the original, the maximum level of thralls raised was 46, which made this spell of little use at high player levels, especially if there are mods for making enemies more difficult, such as Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Organized Bandits in Skyrim or Skyrim High Level Enemies.

Note that Better Magic unlocks two-handed casting for many spells that are already two-handed, such as Katavasia. To read with two hands, you need to hold down both mouse buttons (which is logical), externally the animation will be exactly the same, but the effect will be 2.5 times stronger.

Installation, removal

Oddly enough, there are no scripts in the mod, it does not change the level lists, so it can be quite easily installed on an existing game, as well as deleted. Nothing will break. It is advisable to install through the installer using any mod manager. Well, if for some reason you want to install it manually, then you need to copy the corresponding ESP files to the Data directory. There are 6 files in total:

  • BetterDualCasting.esp - improvement only in casting spells with two hands (see section III of the description);
  • BetterMageArmor.esp - improvement only for magic armor (section II);
  • BetterMasterSpells.esp - improving only master-level spells (section V);
  • BetterSpellFinishers.esp - improving only finishing with magic (section IV);
  • BetterSpellMastery.esp - improving only the scaling of spells to level (section I);
  • BetterMagic_FULL.esp - combines all the above files.

You need to install either BetterMagic_FULL.esp, or any of the 5 other files, if you like only some parts of this mod (there is no point in installing all 5, then it is better to install the combined one). Also, in the archive from the Strings/Russian directory, you need to copy all the files to the Data/Strings directory. Those. As a result, Data/Strings should contain the files Skyrim_Russin.DLSTRINGS, Dawnguard_Russian.strings, etc. (this is the localization of the game itself), and also new files BetterMagic_FULL_Russian.strings and the like will appear (this is the localization of the Better Magic mod).

It’s better not to suffer, but to use a mod manager, it’s 2014 after all! Personally, I recommend Mod Organizer.

Loading order

All Better Magic modules should be placed in loading order below all mods that affect magic. BOSS and LOOT are aware of this mod and will sort everything correctly, however, you need to make sure that there are no other “magic” mods below Better Magic. The relative order of the individual modules of this mod does not matter.


The mod is compatible with other mods that add new spells, like Apocalypse Spells, etc., and will affect them, except in cases where the strength or duration of the spell is strictly specified by the author of the mod. Better Magic is obviously incompatible with similar magic rebalance mods, as well as global mods like SkyRe or Requiem.

You definitely need to install unofficial patches for Skyrim.

The author of Better Magic also suggests trying the Simple Skyrim Spell Scaling Solution, this mod seems to invert magic: enchantments increase the power or duration of spells, and potions reduce the consumption of magic (in the original, it’s the other way around). Maybe someone will like it.

If you are playing a battle mage, the Dual Wield Parrying mod may be useful; it will allow you to block attacks without a shield (after all, you have a spell in your other hand).


These are the author’s recommendations, the mods listed below are quite old (as is Better Magic itself) and there are apparently no translations for them.
Empowered Magic
Balanced Magic
Empowered Destruction Magic (only affects school of destruction)

Regarding the translation
In general, Better Magic already has a translation on its official page on the Nexus, but it was done, apparently, “blindly”: i.e. translated as if there was no official localization of the game. I, so to speak, translated the mod again, using localization files from the Russian version of Skyrim. Also transferred several minor fixes from USKP to the mod so that Better Magic does not overwrite them.

Orig. title: Forgotten Magic
Version: 4.3.0
Author: 3JIou
Translation: Flame and Green tea
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard

Forgotten Magic is a rather unusual mod, a worthy successor to Deadly Dragons Spells. While most other mods add hundreds of new spells that are easy to get confused with, here the situation is different. “Forgotten Magic” adds a not too large set of spells that complement each other, in addition, the author did a good job on balance and convenience.

The main feature of this mod is that the spells you use will improve with you, they can be improved by adding something new to them or enhancing existing effects. Forgotten Magic gives you the ability to master a set of spells perfectly suited to your playstyle, and the wealth of combined effects can dazzle even an archmage. You can also use dragon souls to quickly power up your spells.


"Forgotten Magic" adds 42 spells, each with 7 possible upgrades, over 280 upgrades; however, you can only choose four enhancements for each spell.

Spells will gain experience as you use them, allowing you to spend upgrade points at your discretion.

There are also 9 special abilities to complement your playstyle. These are mostly passive abilities that can be turned on or off at any time.

The "Forgotten Magic" ability is used to open the spell upgrade menu. Just equip the desired spell in your left hand, activate the ability, and the menu will appear. There you can see the spell's current experience, free upgrade points, and a list of upgrades available for that spell. Also, each time you increase the level of a spell, a message about this will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.

Spells gain experience when successfully hitting a target, passive spells - when used in battle. Each subsequent level of the spell will require twice as much experience. However, Dovahkiin has an advantage: he can spend a dragon soul to speed up the process of gaining experience in the next 6 game hours. This ability is called "Mystical Mind", and to obtain it you will need to read the corresponding book, which you can find or buy from Dominus.

More details

Spells are divided into the following schools: death magic, holy magic, nature magic, fire, frost, electricity and mysticism.

Petrification, Nature Magic (Turns enemies to stone, immobilizing them for a few seconds.)

Poisonous Blood - Petrification deals poison damage for the duration.
Crash - When Petrification ends, the target takes damage equal to 50% of the damage taken while Petrified.
Stone Curse - Petrification increases the target's armor by 500, but reduces resistance to fire, cold and electricity by 25% for the duration.
Susceptibility - Reduces the petrified target's poison resistance by 50%.
Burden - When Petrification ends, the target's speed is reduced by 75 for 5 sec.
Shatter - When Petrification ends, the target explodes, stunning those nearby.
Fragility - Any blow to a petrified target can kill it. Only works on targets whose health is below 50%.
Consecration, Holy Magic (Consecrates the ground beneath the caster's feet, restoring a small amount of magic every few seconds to all allies within 15 feet.)

Strength - Increases the effectiveness of Consecration by 50%.
Warrior of Light - When standing on Consecrated Ground, your attacks cost 50% less stamina and your shield blocks 25% more damage.
Sanctum - Sanctify heals you and your allies.
Holy Light - All undead nearby take 30 fire damage.
Resilience - When standing on hallowed ground, you are immune to being stunned.
Pain Suppression - When standing on Consecrated Ground, magic damage taken is reduced by 20%.
Intuition - When you stand on holy ground, your spells gain 2x experience.
Receiving Spells

To start the quest that will give you the opportunity to learn spells, you need to talk to Dominus, who wanders around Whiterun in the area of ​​​​Golden Leaf and the market square, and he also sometimes visits the Prancing Mare. As a reward for completing the quest, you will receive the first spell of your chosen school. Others can be bought from Dominus (not through the usual trade menu, just a line in the dialogue, like when buying a house) or found in safes in the following locations:

Windy Peak - random spells
Forgotten Cave - Death Magic
Folguntur - the magic of Frost
Forelhost - Thunder Magic
Orotheim - magic of Light
Pine Outpost - the magic of Nature
Divided Gorge - Fire Magic
Witch's Nest - Mystical Magic
If you have problems with dialogue skipping, install the Silent Voice mod. It requires SKSE!

Version: 6.31
Language: Russian

This mod is the largest and most complete collection of spells for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is currently adding 320 (yes, you read that right) new spells to the game. These include the following new spell archetypes: Phoenix, Ice, Electric, Sacred, Phantom, Earth, Serpentine, Storm, Elemental, Blood Magic, Ocean, Ghost, Teleport, Bomb, Companions, Summon, Skeletons, Rune, Control, and many more other. Also included are spells taken from popular franchises such as Harry Potter and Naruto. This is a large collection of balanced spells that the author highly recommends downloading and trying.

To obtain the spells contained in this mod, travel to one of the following locations: Dragonsreach (Whiterun), Blue Palace (Solitude), Mistvale Keep (Riften), Palace of the Kings (Windhelm), Understone Keep (Markarth), or Arcaneum (College of Winterhold) ) and buy them from the Spell Merchant - Ambassador Manantis. Some spells you won't be able to acquire until you reach a certain level.

If you want to cheat and get all the spells, regardless of your ability level, try to simply steal all the spell volumes from the Manantis chests, which are located in each city, somewhere near the spell merchant.

List of archetypes and spells:

-- Phoenix Archetype (9): touch, telekinesis, volley, strike, barrier, explosion, enchantment, destruction, flame bolt
-- Glacial Archetype (9): touch, telekinesis, volley, strike, barrier, explosion, burial, enchantment, destruction
-- Thunder Archetype (9): touch, telekinesis, volley, strike, barrier, explosion, enchantment, discharge, destruction
-- Storm Archetype (6):
-- Snake Archetype (6): touch, telekinesis, volley, barrier, explosion, destruction
-- Earth Archetype (9): touch, telekinesis, boulder, volley, barrier, rockfall, shelling, destruction
-- Blood Magic Archetype(6): touch, telekinesis, volley, barrier, explosion, destruction
-- Ocean Archetype (6): touch, telekinesis, volley, barrier, explosion, destruction
-- Archetype Bomb(5): clay collection, small explosion, medium explosion, large explosion, explosive bird
-- Holy Archetype (9): touch, telekinesis, volley, shield, barrier, pressure, explosion, destruction, divine embrace
-- Phantom Archetype (6): touch, telekinesis, volley, barrier, explosion, destruction
-- Teleportation Archetype (9): Markarth, Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, Riften, mark, return, attraction, vertical
-- Helper Archetype(35): dragons, wolves, sabertooths, bears, dogs, foxes, deer, choruses, horker, killer fish, cows, goat, chicken, horses, trolls, rabbit, skeevers, spiders, mammoth, white deer, elk
-- Strengthening Archetype (19): Alchemy, Alteration, Shooting, Blocking, Weightlifting, Enchanting, Conjuring, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Hacking, One-Handed, Two-Handed, Smithing, Stealth, Speech, Stamina
-- Rune Archetype (17): calm, multi-calm, magic damage, magic multi-damage, stamina damage, stamina multi-damage, devastation, elemental, fear, multi-fear, madness, multi-madness, paralysis, multi-paralysis, multi-phoenix, multi-ice, multi-thunder
-- Combat Archetype (21): Demon Energy (Kyuubi Chakra), Strong Strike (Rasengan), Enhanced Strike (Odama Rasengan), Fierce Strike (Rasenshuriken), Lightning Strike (Kirin), Lightning Bolt (Chidori), Stray Lightning (Chidori Nagashi), Black Fire (Amaterasu), Illusory Paralysis (Tsukuyomi), Shroud of Shadows (Susanoo), Remote Shroud of Shadows (Ranged Susanoo), Analysis (Sharingan), Analytics (Sharingan Mangekyo), Mind Gate 1-8
-- Summoning Archetype (10): Phantom Maiden, Phantom Warrior, Dremora, Spriggan, Spriggan Matron, Elder Dragon, Giant, Centurion, Dragon Priest
-- Skeleton Archetype (8): archer, warrior, ice mage, fire mage, thunder mage, titanic warrior, titanic archer, dragon
-- Host Archetype (7): skeletons, atronachs, dremora, spectral maiden, spectral warrior, companions, flaming pet
-- Char Archetype (3): Disarm (Expelliarmus), Silence (Silencio), Defense
-- Curse Archetype (3): Murder (Avada Kedavra), Torment (Crucio), Domination (Imperio)
-- Spirit Archetype (5): bear, wolf, sabertooth, troll, dragon
-- Cloak Archetype (4): frosty-fiery, frosty-thunderstorm, fire-thunderstorm, elemental
-- Archetype of Power (6): powerful flames, powerful sparks, powerful frostbite, frosty flames, ice spark, fiery spark
-- Arrow Archetype (6) Spectral Arrow Spectral Arrow, Heroic Arrow, Heroic Arrow, Ballista Arrows, Ballista Arrow
-- Archetype of Time (7): time interruption, time dilation, spatial rift, time stop, time acceleration, time jump, time master
-- Haste Archetype (5): speed, acceleration, master of speed, attack speed, great attack speed
-- Elemental Archetype (4): blow, explosion, onslaught, enchantment
-- Embodiment Archetype (3): runner, stronghold, stoic
-- Devastation Archetype (6): drain magicka, drain stamina, drain health, drain magicka, drain stamina, drain health
-- Weakness Archetype (4): fire, thunder, frost, elements
-- Various spells (9): cure disease, detect life, weaken, restore stamina, instantly restore stamina, resistance, transformation

The mod also adds several perks to the game:

Increased destructive power - Phoenix, Ice, Thunder, Storm, Earth, Acid, Ocean, Blood, Holy and Phantom magic spells deal 15% more damage.

Destructive Power Enhancement 2 - Phoenix, Ice, Thunder, Storm, Earth, Acid, Ocean, Blood, Holy and Phantom magic spells deal 30% more damage.
Lingering Acid - Acid spells last 40% longer.
Effective Destruction - All destruction spells cost 25% less mana.
Purity of Blood – Blood magic spells cost 30% less mana.
Long Flow of the Gate – Increases the duration and power of Mind Gate spells by 50%. Including damage to the caster's health.
The vanilla perk Twinned Souls has been replaced with Triple Summon - Allows you to summon up to three creatures at the same time.

What's new:
Main differences from previous versions:

  • Added many new spells
  • Global balance rework
  • Improved spell descriptions
  • The mod now requires the Dragonborn and Dawnguard add-ons to work.
  • Added MSM menu (will be expanded in future versions)
  • Reworked sound effects
  • Added a location with the Original Evil, for defeating which you will receive the “Flame of Wrath” spell
  • Added spell merchant summon (for 60 seconds)
  • Added menu to summoned creatures
  • Fixed many visual and scripting issues

Place the Data folder from the archive in the folder with the installed game. Agree to replacing files if the system asks such a question.

If you have a mod that changes perks just put it after this mod in your load list

Various magic mods for Skyrim significantly expand the capabilities of players who prefer playing as wizards. The Grimoire collection introduces more than a hundred new spells that fit seamlessly into the existing magic system without disturbing the balance of the game. Moreover, each school (Restoration, Witchcraft, Destruction, etc.) with the addition of new spells only becomes more logical and complete.

Location of new spells

Dovahkiin will be able to diversify his magical abilities by turning to merchants and experienced magicians; Many spell books can be found in chests or on the corpses of strong opponents. The College of Winterhold is the first place to look in search of new knowledge. The power of found and purchased spells directly depends on the character's level.

Impact of the magic mod on Skyrim

In the original, as the level of a certain school of magic increases (from beginner to student, from student to adept, etc.), initial spells become useless. With the Grimoire installed, the spell never becomes obsolete. By using special abilities and using script bonuses, you can unlock new effects for your spells.

In addition, combinations of spells have appeared that strengthen each other when cast at the same time.

Previously, to play as a mage-assassin, it was necessary to pump up an, in general, unnecessary Illusion just for the sake of the “Silent Spells” perk. Now the School of Destruction has received a separate branch related to stealth. Other magical areas have not been left out; special bonuses have been introduced for fans of the stealth mode.

Thus, the Illusion, unloved by many, remains overboard.

Studying the various schools of magic in Skyrim only makes sense for certain purposes: Alteration helps strengthen your armor class, Restoration allows you to heal yourself without potions, etc. In this case, the battle mage will definitely need to master Destruction or Sorcery. Thanks to the Skyrim mod, the magic of each school allows you to inflict specific damage on enemies.

This way, it becomes possible to play as a real magician, and you can focus on your school without being distracted by unimportant ones.

Known conflicts

If modifications have been installed on the game that create an alternative to death, you should not use the Dark Crystal. Otherwise, neither the crystal nor the effect from another mod will work, and the character will still die.


The official Dawnguard and Dragonborn addons must be installed.


Download the Grimoire magic mod for Skyrim;

Copy the archived files to Data;

Activate Grimoire.esp.


For this purpose it is better to use mod managers. Grimoire affects leveled lists, so a bashed patch should be created when removing it.

Issues identified

The "Lady Veil" and "Winter's Wrath" spells will not work correctly if the "Twin Souls" spellcasting ability was taken before installing the mod. The first spell will allow you to summon only one creature, and the second - only two ghosts (and not three or four, as is supposed). Similarly, difficulties arise with the destructive perk “Deep Freeze”: if you already have it before installing the mod on Skyrim, the magic of the “Winter’s Wrath” spell will not work correctly.

In order not to start a new game and bypass these difficulties, you can reset the points of the corresponding ability tree. This is done using a special Black Book in Apocrypha or using the Perk Reset mod. Afterwards, you can install the “Grimoire” and redistribute the skill points.

Everything will work as it should, and you won't need to start the game again. On the other hand, after such a global change in the magic system, starting from scratch will be even more interesting for some.


Use blood magic! This mod creates the feeling of strengthening spells. These spells are suitable for all classes. With these spells you are able to enchant your weapon, go on a blood rage, slow down time, change gravity, mind control, and many other things that break the laws of magic!

Spells also consume your blood.


  • Blood Rage: Consumes 80 health and enrages you for 1 minute.
  • Magic regeneration / Blood magica regen: consumes 50 health and speeds up magic regeneration by 2 times for 1 minute.
  • Blood Wound: Consumes 80 HP and damages enemies, causing 20 damage per second for 10 seconds.
  • Control lesser blood: You use the blood of animals so you can command them. These animals will fight for you for 80 seconds. Cost of the spell is 80 HP (works only on animals)
  • Control Blood: Uses the blood of those around you for 60 seconds. Cost of the spell is 120 HP (Works on people)
  • Detect Blood: Using this spell allows you to see the blood of creatures for a minute. The spell does not work on undead and daedra.
  • Steal Blood: This spell absorbs the life force of anyone standing next to you, but you consume HP, so you must use this skill wisely, and only with 3 or more enemies near you.
  • Dragon Blood: This spell only works when the dragon is near you, and it will give 25% resistance to dragon attacks (not screams) and speed up the recovery of the scream.
  • Blood Mage / Blood Specter: Using your blood, allows you to summon a blood mage. Consumes 120HP and lasts 60 minutes.
  • Blood Hound: Summons a Blood Hound to grant your wish. Every time the dog bites an enemy it absorbs a little health (at the moment it does not absorb health.). Duration 60 seconds
  • Blood Field: Using the latent power in your blood, you create a massive gravity nullification effect and "Disable" anyone near the field. Cost 120 HP
  • Blood Flow: By slowing your blood flow, you perceive time 10 seconds longer, but the consequences will affect your health.
  • Blood Cloak: Envelops you in a cloak of blood. Any enemy foolish enough to approach you will "find peace", but be careful to maintain the cloak you use with your blood.
  • Blood Shield: Creates a blood shield that absorbs spells and reduces damage, but the spell requires blood to maintain it.
  • Blood Slave: Reanimates a corpse by pouring your blood into it to serve as your slave. Cost 0 HP (for now, will be fixed later)
  • Blood Pact: You sign a contract with Dremora. You will be able to summon it every time you offer your blood. Cost 200HP, lasts until his death.
  • Blood Priest: Summon blood priest from blood, blood magic is fear in the past, and now it is again. Cost 120hp, per 1 minute.
  • Blood Bomb: Launches a bomb of blood, if you hit the enemy(s) you will gradually absorb their life force. Cost 0 HP at the moment.
  • Blood Disease: Once per day, a blood mage can unleash diseases that make you bleed slower. Consumes 0 HP, used 1 time per day.


Spells that will strengthen your weapons or your companions:

  • Blood Haste: When used, consumes 80 health and you attack with weapons faster, but not as fast as an elemental scream of rage.
  • Blood Fury: Using blood to enchant your weapon temporally, currently adds a bit of speed and double damage for 2 minutes or until you cast your weapon. Also this enchantent is unique not only in statistics and in apearence, and this enchant makes enemies suffer the way they were decaptated, and then peharps I will add an aborb effect for vampire players
  • Blood Spear: This will enchant your companions, they will cause great damage to enemies in melee.
  • Blood Bolt: Enchants your companions to use their shots to absorb the health of their opponents.

Installation: To install the mod, copy the contents of the archive to the game folder, activate the mod in the launcher.