I dream about expensive watches. Why do you dream of a wristwatch: interpretation from various dream books

The dream book will help you figure out why you dream about being given a watch. The symbol seen in a dream is very ambiguous and can foreshadow mutually exclusive events with equal probability. Clues include the value of the item, the circumstances of delivery, and the characteristics of the donor and the sleeping person.

Interpreting why one dreams of being given a watch, Miller’s dream book notes that the more luxurious the gift one sees in a dream, the greater the troubles await in reality. First of all, you should beware of your own destructive moods.

Made of yellow metal

The interpretation of a dream in which a watch was given not a simple one, but a gold one, can be very multifaceted. The dream of a gold watch as a gift is associated with important relationships for the dreamer, which threaten to change for the worse.

If you dreamed about being given a gold watch, the dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite believes that the dreamer is deceiving expectations. There is no malice on his part, just a simple misunderstanding.

According to the Esoteric interpretation, a thing made of noble metal symbolizes the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life, provided that you manage to be at the place of distribution of benefits in time.

A little numerology

The explanation in Hasse’s dream book about why you dream of deliberately expensive accessories as a gift is very inspiring. From now on, time works for you, because it is not for nothing that so much effort and money were previously invested in your image and social status.

The numerological dream book reminds us that even the most expensive watches are designed to determine the exact time. If you happen to see that they are clearly faulty, it is advisable to reconsider your priorities in reality.

The interpreter pays attention to what numbers the arrows pointed to. One indicates that the goal is close. Two foretells an inevitable important event. The range of 3-6 reflects doubts. Seeing numbers from 7 to 9 happens during periods of activity and sometimes excessive self-confidence; try to maintain a reasonable balance between the desired and the objective.


In explanations of why one dreams of being given a watch, not only wrist accessories are mentioned. The dream books cover a fairly wide range:

  • A wristwatch portends an interesting acquaintance;
  • If a girl immediately puts a bracelet on her hand in a dream, her wedding will soon take place;
  • Putting a gift on your hand happens shortly before joyful changes;
  • If in a dream you were presented with an unsuitable watch, do not rush to accept the offer;
  • Pocket “onions” as a gift reflect the thirst for order and stability;
  • Instead of a dial, an electronic sign serves as a call to action in the business sphere;
  • Anyone who hands a walker with a pendulum in a dream needs emergency help in reality.

Donor's identity

The prediction in the Women's Dream Book, why dreaming that a beloved man gave a watch means that there are few days left before parting. The sorceress Medea offers a more optimistic forecast: if you dreamed that a man, with or without intent, left this little thing in the dreamer’s house, their relationship will last a long time.

If a man repeatedly makes such gifts in a dream, Freud’s dream book notes that the personal life of the sleeper is very diverse, although superficial and fraught with troubles.

A similar gift from the workforce means that it’s time to increase production speed: competitors are not asleep.

Gifts from the past

The people's oracle will help you figure out why you dream that your ex-husband gave you a watch. What you see in a dream represents the experience you gained from your relationship with him.

Why do you dream about watches? In general, seeing a watch in a dream is a complex symbol that requires a clear analysis of the situation in the dream. A clock in a dream can indicate both the state of health of the sleeper and his age. A dream about an hourglass suggests that time is running out, and if you don’t hurry, all opportunities may be lost.

A dream about a watch can mean changes in the future. Seeing clear time (hours and minutes) in a dream means the month and day of an event that can turn your life around.

Seeing a tower clock means you will soon learn important and long-awaited news. Hearing the chimes of the tower means changes in the state that will directly affect your life.

If in a dream you realize that your watch is rushing, this indicates that you have little time left to make a very important decision. Wasting away on the watch dial is a sign of good health.

Trying to tell the time using a watch that does not have a dial is a serious danger. A pocket watch means that in the future your family problems will be resolved and your life will improve.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

A dream in which you see a wristwatch is considered a sign of commitments happening in real life. It can often indicate the sleeper’s anxiety about deadlines for completing important tasks. Wearing a wristwatch is a reminder that you need to manage your time correctly.

Looking at your wristwatch means that you have strong anxiety about things to come in the future. Perhaps this is an important meeting that you would like to hurry up. If you dreamed that you were late for something, looking at your watch, it means that in real life you have problems with deadlines for completing tasks assigned to you. Looking at your watch and seeing the pronounced number “5” - in society you are not presenting yourself as who you really are.

If the dreamed clock does not have hands, it means a carefree pastime and a waste of life. This may also mean that the sleeping person will face circumstances in which he will forget about time (falling in love).

Seeing a fancy watch or a watch with a very beautiful dial in a dream means that very interesting moments are happening in a person’s life.

It is considered a bad sign to see a clock that has stopped in a dream; as a rule, such a dream can indicate someone’s death. Losing a wristwatch means trouble caused by a rash act.

If the time on the dial goes counterclockwise, it means that the person is in an extremely difficult situation from which he cannot find a way out. Wiping a watch with a cloth in a dream means that you will spend the rest of your life in a foreign land.

Turning the hands on a wristwatch indicates immediate reward for the work done, but you should not expect wealth, since most likely it will just be the praise of an influential person. Winding up a watch means changes for the better are expected.

A dream in which your friend accidentally leaves his wristwatch with you is considered a precursor to a long relationship with this person.

Gold watch in a dream

A dream in which a person sees a gold watch can be controversial. It can foreshadow unpleasant events, such as betrayal of loved ones or theft of a favorite thing. If a gold watch does not show the time, it means that in real life a person is doing unnecessary things.

Seeing a gold watch in a dream may mean that intrigues are woven around a person, which can disturb the state of mind of the sleeper. Finding a gold watch is a sign of good news from loved ones.

Some sources interpret a dream in which a person sees a gold watch as quickly gaining authority and recognition among others. Seeing an expensive watch means wealth and good health.

Why do you dream about wall clocks?

Hearing the ticking of a wall clock in a dream means an extreme situation, the development of an illness or sad events. If the ticking comes from a watch that has been faulty for a long time, then the sleeper faces serious problems related to financial situation or health.

Seeing an old watch in a dream is a sign that it is worth reflecting on the past and future. Has your life been lived worthily, and what trace will remain after you? Looking at an antique watch means that in the future you will experience remorse and shame for past actions.

Seeing a wall clock used for its intended purpose means that the sleeping person does not value his life and time at all. And also such a dream foreshadows a situation that can radically change your life.

Setting an alarm clock in a dream may mean that in the near future you will face unfair accusations that can unsettle you. Hear the alarm clock ringing - it’s time to make an important decision.

A cuckoo wall clock implies long life. A clock with a pendulum usually symbolizes the work of the heart. Seeing an electronic wall clock means an argument with relatives or close friends.

If you dream of a wall clock with a prominent number “1” - in a month, a person you care about will pay attention to you. If there is only the number “1” on the dial, this indicates your selfishness, which in the future may affect your relationship with loved ones.

If the hands on the dial are curved, after a victory in real life there will be a streak of failures that can drag on for quite a long time.

Why do you dream about broken or broken watches?

Seeing a broken or smashed wristwatch in a dream is a harbinger of a problem that will require urgent resolution. Repairing a watch - in real life, your attempts to stop an inevitable situation will not yield results. If the watch is intact, but only the winding is broken, this may symbolize that you will soon deceive your heart.

If in a dream you break a watch yourself, this can be considered a sign that a delicate situation or bad news awaits you. Breaking the glass of a watch is a sign of frivolous behavior in a society that is unpleasant for a sleeping person, which can result in an unforeseen situation.

A dream in which a broken watch appears suggests that we must not forget that everything changes and does not stand still. A broken watch symbolizes a difficult situation from which you currently cannot get out.

Dropping a watch in a dream without breaking it means good luck in resolving a case that everyone considered hopeless.

What does it mean to find a watch in a dream?

Finding a watch in a dream means loss and loss. Finding a pocket watch symbolizes small problems. Finding a large wall clock means problems on a large scale. The cause of such problems may be your lack of punctuality. The dream reminds you that you should take your responsibilities, both professional and family, more seriously.

If a woman dreams that she is losing her watch, it is a harbinger that everyday troubles can cause great misfortune. Stealing a watch means that someone is trying to tarnish the reputation of the sleeper. If your watch was stolen in a dream, ill-wishers are trying to destroy your happiness.

Why do you dream about buying a watch?

Buying a watch in a dream may indicate your excessive carelessness, as well as your inability to independently cope with current circumstances and make difficult decisions. Also, such a dream reminds you that you need to take life more seriously and not waste your time.

The dream in which you buy a watch may indicate that you lack confidence in your own abilities. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as the imminent receipt of a gift that will be very valuable to you.

What does it mean if you were given a watch in a dream?

Receiving a gift in the form of a wristwatch in a dream means that the sleeper will meet a new acquaintance in the near future. The gifted watch fully symbolizes the person with whom you will meet.

If you don’t like the watch, then the acquaintance will be unpleasant. If a gift drives you crazy with its beauty, perhaps in the future you will meet true love.

Giving a watch in a dream means trouble; in love affairs, it may mean that you are wasting your time on a person with whom you will have nothing in the future.

Every day we check the time many times, afraid of being late somewhere or trying to get as much done as possible. Why do you dream of a wristwatch? As the dream book says, a wristwatch can have many meanings, but most often such a dream is a warning. A wristwatch in a dream can mean that a time of change is coming in your life, or that it is time to take that step that you have dreamed of for so long. This image does not appear in dreams in vain, so its interpretation should be approached with all seriousness.

A wristwatch in a dream is a symbol of the changes that your life will soon undergo. But whether they will be good depends on the details of the dream.

It is worth noting that in the modern world, a wristwatch is more of an accessory that is necessary to demonstrate a sense of style or the thickness of a wallet. There are many easier ways to find out the time - you can see what time it is on the screen of any mobile device. However, the interpretation of dream books is more conservative, since most of them were written in the last or the century before last. Therefore, if you happen to see a wristwatch in a dream, the interpretation in one sense or another will be related to time.

If you saw a women's watch in a dream

Why do you dream about women's wristwatches? This is a reason to think, first of all, about the state of your current affairs, including those of the heart. You probably have too many questions, problems, and maybe even some troubles. So, now is the time to start clearing it all out.

There is no point in further postponing a conversation with a loved one if you are not happy with something in the relationship, or it is high time to talk with your boss about raising your salary, or promoting you to a position, if such thoughts have been swarming in your head for a long time. The time has come!

As the dream book says, a women's wristwatch that is broken warns you about the importance of little things. Any, even the most insignificant detail, can be absolutely indispensable in building your bright future.

Why do you dream of a gold women's wristwatch - for an early marriage. Your single time has come to an end, soon your life will change beyond recognition. For those women who are already married, seeing such a dream means that you are not spending enough time with your loved ones. Children and husband need your care and attention. Try to find free time for them in the whirlwind of endless tasks.

An elegant women's watch on a man's hand means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult life situation, and in order to get out of it, you will need endurance and all the strength of spirit.

You saw a solid men's watch in a dream

Winding the watch means you are ready to start something new and global. You are full of strength and energy, you are eager to fight. And this is good, because success awaits you. But stopped hands on the dial, on the contrary, foreshadow stagnation in business and financial difficulties. Having seen such a dream, try to limit yourself in spending; in the near future money will be tight.

For a woman, the dream in which she saw a man’s wristwatch signifies a pleasant acquaintance, which, by the way, can develop into something more. There is a high probability that this man will be your co-worker or colleague. Time to look around!

If you saw a watch on your hand

  • In most cases, seeing a wristwatch in a dream means anticipation. At the moment you are very tense, trying to figure out the time to start something new and important to you. If you were able to accurately see the time that the arrows are pointing to, it means that that very moment will come soon.
  • Dreamed of a wristwatch put on another person’s hand - to disappointment and missed opportunities. Perhaps you couldn’t decide on something, but now time is lost. The only way out is to wait for another favorable moment. Don't be upset, it will definitely come.
  • If you try on a new watch on your hand, you will receive an expensive, meaningful gift in the very near future. A dream in which a wristwatch does not have hands means that a difficult life period will soon come for you. Perhaps even those closest to you will turn away from you.
  • Hearing a clock tick in a dream means that you should immediately take care of your own health. Perhaps some kind of illness can quickly knock you down, try to see a doctor as soon as possible after such a dream.

When did you see a gold watch in a dream?

A gold watch in a dream promises you success and financial well-being.

It's hard to imagine a more favorable dream. Naturally, it promises well-being, especially financial. Well-deserved success and possible fame (for those who strive for it) await you.

But don’t forget about the other side of the coin - envy and hostility on the part of strangers, or even your loved ones. Your task after such a dream is not to relax in anticipation of the blessings that will fall on you from heaven, but to increase your success. Yes, everything will be fine, but it can be even better if you work hard at it.

But a crack or chip on the glass of a gold watch may hint to you that you are not moving in the entirely right direction. In general, everything is fine, but either you made several wrong steps, or began to scatter yourself on things that are completely unnecessary for you at the moment. Get your act together!

A vintage antique gold watch encourages you to stop and take stock. What have you achieved, what dreams have you come true, and what really matters to you. This is especially true for workaholics. You may reconsider a lot, because now is the time for change. A broken gold accessory means that it’s time to solve the accumulated problems; you can’t put it off any longer, otherwise troubles won’t be long in coming.

  • English dream book. A gold watch is a symbol of temporary joy and health. Breaking a watch in a dream means you can get physically injured, as well as failure in all your endeavors. Buy a gold watch - you are wasting your life on trifles.
  • Lunar dream book. In a dream, if you put a gold watch on your hand, you will be rewarded for the work you have done, but this reward may not be material. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex.
  • Dream book of Artemidor. Your idea of ​​the World is incorrect or does not correspond to your inner feeling. You limit yourself to generally accepted rules, although this does not have a beneficial effect on the trajectory of life. Don't fuss - let the evil flow through your rejection of it.

Did you buy an accessory or receive it as a gift?

Why dream of buying a wristwatch - such a dream indicates the superficiality of your aspirations in achieving your goal. You are not ready or do not want to spend a lot of effort and time, but want to get everything at once. You will also be happy with the option if someone else does all the dirty work for you, and you just rest on your laurels. Unfortunately, nothing will work out. If you don’t reconsider your “all is good” attitude and don’t start working hard towards your aspirations, life will present you with an unpleasant and painful surprise. But for now you have time to fix everything.

If you were given a wristwatch, this is a good, favorable dream, promising positive changes. You will successfully complete the work you started, receive a bonus or salary increase at work. And if the gift also comes with an engraving, many will know about your success. Isn't this a reason to be proud of yourself?

If the mechanism was broken or broken

Why dream of a broken wristwatch - to unexpected expenses. Troubles will soon come into your life, they will arise solely through your fault. Of course, over time, everything will return to normal, but you will need to make an effort to get your life back on track. A dream where a broken watch appears is interpreted in a similar way. You will find yourself in a very difficult life situation, from which it will not be easy to get out.

In a dream you found or lost your watch

  • We continue to study the dream book: find a wristwatch: what is it for? If you find a watch in good working condition, then this is a great sign. All your endeavors will be successful, expect profit in your wallet.
  • Even if you take the watch out of water or dust, it’s okay. This just means that there will be minor obstacles on the way to your dream, but you will overcome everything.
  • But in a dream, a watch that has no hands means that your efforts are futile. You will waste time, money and other resources, nothing worthwhile will come of it. Finding a broken watch means losses you will incur. Although at first you may not consider all the unprofitability of your endeavor.
  • For a girl to lose her wristwatch in a dream will be a hint of her carelessness and frivolity. You are too unserious, and because of this, you may end up losing something (or someone) that is really important to you. For a man, such a dream promises loss of job or demotion. Losing a gold watch means parting with power, wealth and influence.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Vanga, Miller, Freud and others

The mysterious multidimensional world of dreams, what do we know about it? There is a category of people who call themselves esotericists. So, they take dreams very seriously and try to decipher them as accurately as possible, so that later, if we find ourselves in a difficult life situation, we can seek help and interpret what we saw. After all, dreams are an unbreakable thread stretched between our consciousness and the deep unconscious, in the depths of which lie the answers to life’s questions. Let's see, if you dreamed about a wristwatch, what is it for, according to famous dream interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book - good luck in business awaits you

According to Miller's dream book, a wristwatch in a dream portends you good luck in gambling.

Why dream of a wristwatch on your hand is a good sign, especially if you are a player on the stock exchange or in a casino. Then success in this field will definitely await you. Giving someone this accessory means giving your luck rather than bringing trouble on your head.

Breaking them also means losing your luck. Be prepared for the fact that your enemies will start something evil against you. Losing a watch in a dream foreshadows loss in reality. A stopped clock symbolizes stagnation in business. No profit or prospects are expected in the near future.

Vanga's dream book - changes for the better are ahead

The Bulgarian seer believed that such a dream is a harbinger of the onset of an important stage in life. And here it is very important that the watch is in perfect condition, then the expected changes will be positive. If they are scratched or slightly broken, expect obstacles along the way. But they will be overcome. But Vanga considered a stopped watch to be an unkind sign, since they dream of a possible imminent death, just like a watch without a dial. You may find yourself in such a difficult life situation that only faith can help you get out of it.

Freud's Dream Book - you have problems in your personal life

A broken watch symbolizes problems in sex with your regular partner. Something about each other doesn’t suit you, and neither wants to meet you halfway. The situation can be corrected by compromise. In any case, you will have to give in if this relationship is important to you.

A stopped clock in a dream for a married couple will be a symbol of sexual stagnation in life. Try experimenting, it can be very refreshing for a relationship.

If a girl dreams that a man gives her an ornate watch, this is a sign of a passionate romance. And if, on the contrary, she gives a watch, this is not very good for her relationship with the young man, since she will have to give more in it. Ultimately, everything will end in separation.

Modern dream book - you will discover something new

  • New hours - for a new activity. In the very near future, you will come up with something fundamentally new for yourself, and open up yet unexplored horizons.
  • A stopped clock, on the contrary, is a symbol of stagnation. We can say that your life will pause and no significant events or accomplishments will occur in it.
  • Looking closely at a watch for a long time, choosing it, means minor problems, the source of which will be you yourself. Try to fix everything as soon as possible.

Dream Interpretation Kananita - you will be a leader

Symbol of leadership, commanding position. You will have to lead and give orders. An expensive new watch is a great success in management. Broken wristwatches, non-working ones - failure in career, inability to cope with the assigned responsibility.

Online dream book - you are trustworthy

People management. The type of watch is your portrait as a leader. Cheap, broken, etc. - you fail to inspire respect from your subordinates. Expensive beautiful watch: you are a true leader, people want to look up to you, people like to act in your interests.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers - You are too selfish

Often looking at the clock is a sign of self-obsession; you don’t notice the people around you, ignore the state of your loved ones and the opinions of your interlocutors. Receive a new wristwatch as a gift - compliments, you are the center of attention.

Old Russian dream book - anxiety and problems

A warning that important changes in your destiny are approaching. Listening to the clock ticking means anxiety and problems. Losing a watch means the collapse of your plans and desires. Finding a watch means creating a strong, happy family.

Chinese dream book - you are a punctual person

Wristwatches are most often associated with the passage of time, changes in life, anticipation and precision. A watch on the hand is a symbol of punctuality and prudence. If your clock has stopped, this indicates the completion of the next stage of your life.

Esoteric dream book - you lack harmony

Your view of the world is incorrect or does not correspond to your inner feeling. You limit yourself to generally accepted rules, although this has an unfavorable effect on the trajectory of life. Don't fuss, get to know your true Self.

American dream book - you are a creative person

Positive results from activities that require high development of fine motor skills: needlework, assembling products from small parts, packaging. This is a good prerequisite for making something with your own hands.

Lunar dream book - you are entrepreneurial

Expensive wristwatches represent resourcefulness, enterprise, leading to success. You will discover in yourself the qualities necessary to organize your own business, you will be able to improve your affairs and improve your financial situation.

French dream book - find time for yourself

Receiving an expensive watch as a gift means doing what you love, time for yourself. Breaking a wristwatch means absent-mindedness, forgetting about something important. Buying or finding a wristwatch means concentration, concentrating on something, making an important decision.


Time is a constant companion of our life, its most valuable resource. At the end of our journey, we will only regret one thing, that we were given so little time. Let's appreciate every minute and live life to the fullest so that every precious moment is not wasted.

Video “Why do you dream about a Clock?”

It is generally accepted that if a person is given a watch, then in real life he can expect separation from people close to him. It is also possible that some important matters will be resolved quickly. It all depends on what kind of watch and under what circumstances was given to the person.

What if you dream that you were given a watch?

What could a dream mean in which a person receives a wristwatch as a gift? If you dream that a loved one (for example, a brother, sister or parents) gives a watch, then perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be separated from relatives. If a girl or guy dreams that her or his significant other gave her a watch, then you need to be prepared for a quarrel, and maybe even separation. If you dream that a watch was given by a person from a “professional circle” (for example, a boss or work colleague), this may mean the following: a person needs to hurry up to complete the work assigned to him.

In a dream, a clock may not at all mean that in reality a person will necessarily face separation or some kind of disappointment. The mere fact of the presence of a clock in a dream means certain changes in a person’s life, which can be both good and bad.

Why do you dream about what a watch gave you and what changes can await a person in real life? This may depend on what time a person sees on the clock in a dream. If, for example, the clock shows 6 or 12 o’clock, then in the near future a person will experience positive emotions associated with good changes in life. If the clock hand is located at the number 3 or 9, then soon the dreamer may face adversity and illness. If in a dream the hand on a clock points to the number 1, it means that in a month a person will achieve the most important goal in his life.

What does it portend?

If in a dream a person sees that he has been given a wall clock, then soon he and his family will go on a trip, or alone, for example, from work he will go on a business trip on behalf of his superiors. This largely depends on the shape of the watch. If you dream of a round wall clock, this means a favorable holiday somewhere on the seashore. If the watch has a triangular or square shape, then soon the person will go on some kind of trip not of his own free will (for example, a business trip or another forced trip).

In order to clearly understand what awaits a person in the near future, and what he should be prepared for, you need to try to see in a dream as many details related to the watch as possible. An important role is played by the type of watch, its shape, the person who gave the watch, and the conditions under which it was given.

Such dreams for a person are a sign of fate; they should not be ignored, since perhaps such a dream can be a determining factor in the dreamer’s fate. A person needs to more carefully assess the situation around him so as not to miss any opportunities or, conversely, to prevent the approach of trouble and misfortune.

Dream interpretation wrist watch

People have long come to the conclusion that symbols appear in dreams for a reason. The same symbols lead, in principle, to the same consequences.

Sometimes we dream about something out of the ordinary, sometimes about completely ordinary things. It cannot be said unequivocally that the former will lead to large-scale, unique events in life, and the latter to small ones. At times, between what happens in dreams and reality, everything happens the other way around.

Keepers of Time

A wristwatch in a dream symbolizes time, the past, present and future, our life.

This observation made it possible to systematize information from dreams and create a dream book. But many people in different countries have dealt with this issue, and for centuries, many dream books have accumulated.

Dream Interpreters

If you dreamed of a wristwatch

Of course, the main interpretation is time, but each author brings his own unique interpretation, highlighting certain points.

Dream book of noblewoman Grishina

Grishina examined the wristwatch from the perspective of the dreamer’s actions:

  • looking at it on your hand means wasting your life;
  • break - to quarrels, family troubles, divorce;
  • start - you are overly impatient;
  • broken - lose a thing, moment or person;
  • lose - you will literally lose a person, a meeting, an event;
  • to see a watch on your hand without hands - your time has already passed, retire, let people go.

Miller's Dream Book

The appearance of a wristwatch in a dream means good luck on the stock exchange. You dreamed of a watch that you carefully examine, Miller’s opinion is a pointless waste of time, and at this time your enemies are taking concrete steps.

Broken - you behave inappropriately, you don’t think about the consequences, while your environment is not very favorable to you.

Male, for a woman, female for a man - put your loved one under attack, and wonder how this could happen.

Freud's Dream Book

I dream about constantly wearing a watch on my hand - a reward for work, labor.

You dream for many hours - you want to do absolutely everything, you grab onto any job, thereby wasting both your energy and your time.

If you dreamed about broken ones - be softer, straightforwardness repels people.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Women's or men's watches

According to this dream book, seeing a clock in a dream is a reminder that time is running out, use it rationally.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dream of a clock, you are doing everything right, and most importantly, on time.

A broken watch has a negative interpretation; if you try to fix it, it means you are busy with the wrong thing.

Russian dream book

If you dream of a watch, no matter how simple or gold it means you spend too much time creating. You keep track of time, which is passing without a trace.

Family dream book

Seeing a watch is good luck in business. You dream that you are checking the time for a long time; luck will slip out of your hands because of enterprising enemies.

If you dream of a watch that you are going to give to someone, or if it is broken, start preparing for obstacles in your way.

If you dream of a watch that was stolen, your reputation is at risk; your enemies will try to denigrate you.

Losing a woman's watch means disappointment in the family circle.

Aesop's Dream Book

If the clock was broken

Aesop believed that seeing a wristwatch in a dream reminds you that regardless of your actions, the passage of time cannot be stopped, everything has its ending.

  • Seeing a broken, stopped clock is a bad event that will affect all household members.
  • Buy - your carelessness will lead to collapse.
  • Repair - in reality you are making attempts to make amends for past mistakes.

Esoteric dream book

Wearing a watch on your hand means you are using your time and opportunities very wisely. If they are broken, you can’t make it on time, you’re always late, and don’t finish things.

If you dream that you have lost your watch, you are wasting your time on little things, missing out on the most important thing.

Seeing an expensive watch but not paying much attention to it means your life is stable, but this is temporary.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Gold wristwatch - beware of your family and friends, they can rob you.
  • To see a watch being received as a gift - don’t lie to yourself.
  • Find a watch - try to learn to be punctual; your tardiness makes others very angry. This is bad for your reputation.
  • I just dreamed of a wrist watch - a measured life, peace in the family.

Where is the watch from?

An important point - how did you get a watch in a dream? Was it given to you, did you buy it, did you steal it, did you find it? To solve such dreams, every detail that you manage to remember is important.


If you gave a watch

If you dream of receiving a watch as a gift, you will meet a new person. The watch is beautiful, which means the person you meet will be pleasant. Not pleasant, ugly - the person will only cause you trouble, you will suffer from his tediousness.

Receiving an expensive watch with a precious bracelet means a successful marriage. But if you dream that you have lost them, it means that all your hopes will collapse like a house of cards.

The interpretation of the dream is that if a stranger gives you a watch, it means that you will connect your life with some person. If you’re an acquaintance, it’s likely to lead to separation. It is also important to remember the emotions from the dream; positive ones will mean that separation or acquaintance will benefit you. Negative coloring of the dream - you will be very burdened and worry about this.

Buy time

Why did you dream that you were going to buy a watch - you have never learned to take control of a difficult situation, you are too careless, too trusting.

Why dream of buying a wristwatch - take life more seriously, don’t waste it, it’s already short.

Buying a wristwatch is often the dream of insecure people. At the same time, the more expensive the accessory, for example gold, the more self-doubt.

Sometimes the dream book gives such an interpretation of such dreams. Why choose to try on a watch in a store - you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Perhaps such a dream reflects your too high demands, despite the fact that you make a minimum of effort.

Nice find

  • Why did you dream about a wristwatch that you first lost and then found - complete understanding with your spouse.
  • Why find a gold watch in a dream - means deception by loved ones.
  • Why find ordinary ones - mutual understanding in marriage.
  • Why see how someone you know managed to find a watch - to a good relationship with this person.
  • Why find many watches - luck in everything. But some dream books give a slightly different interpretation. This may be evidence that you want to be good to absolutely everyone, but that doesn’t happen.

All that glitters is not gold

If it was a gold watch

It would seem that finding a gold watch in a dream is a symbol of good luck and wealth. Unfortunately, after such dreams, where golden things appeared, you face the threat of being deceived or abandoned by your closest and dearest people. The symbolism is that you believe that they are your gold, your wealth.


There are many dreams about clock mechanisms, and accordingly there are also dream scenarios. You can see broken ones, gold ones, white ones, green ones, too big ones. You can also see how they were stolen.

Why did you dream about a stolen watch? Such accessories mean that your enemies are not asleep, they at least form a plan for your collapse.

Seeing the loss of hours means that you are not striving for your goal, scattering yourself around everything around, you are losing the most important thing.

To summarize the plot of your dreams, you can derive several formulas.

In such a dream, about a clock mechanism, it doesn’t matter what it was, manual, wall-mounted, cheap, expensive. The message of such dreams is to show you that time is not eternal, it is running out.

Details of the dream, for example, where you managed to lose or find your watch. The appearance, for example, gold, iron and rubber, already indicates the very essence of your wrong actions in life.

The main thing in a dream is to be attentive, try to get all the possible information.

If in a dream you got rid of your watch, threw it away, you got rid of internal taboos that constantly held you back and did not allow you to develop normally.