You have met a gray star. Zakhoder "Gray Star"

Summary of direct educational activities
The main general education program of the preschool educational institution: “From birth to school”
Age group: pre-school group
GCD theme: “Gray Star”
Leading educational area: speech development
Goal: formation of moral qualities in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming, educational, musical, visual.
Educational - introduce children to B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”, give children an idea of ​​the artistic features of the author’s fairy tale, continue to teach children to listen carefully to the content of the work,
Developmental - develop the ability to reflect on a fairy tale read by the teacher, answer questions, characterize the characters of the work, form an idea of ​​the various qualities of a person, and draw conclusions.
Educational - to cultivate a conscious moral attitude towards nature, to encourage children to be emotionally responsive to the state of loved ones, peers, animals, fairy tale heroes, to help them understand the moral lesson of a fairy tale, to expand their understanding of the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “friendship”.
Types of activities: gaming, motor, cognitive-research, communicative, productive, perception of fiction.
Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.
Forms of implementation of children's activities: games with speech accompaniment, listening to fairy tales, drawing.
Preliminary work: memorizing proverbs about good, evil, friendship; paper craft origami frog; conversation about bad and good deeds.
Equipment: audio recording of the voice of forest birds, music: hard, menacing, calm, affectionate, fairy tale, images of fairy tale characters - a gray star, a starling, a urticaria butterfly, a rose, a hedgehog with a hedgehog, a boy with a stone, multi-colored drawing paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, 2 blue and red tokens for each child, a ball of thread. GCD move
Activities of the teacher Activities of children
I. Introductory part
Exercise “Ball of good wishes.”
- Hello my dear children, come in and sit down comfortably. I have a “ball of good wishes” that we will pass around. The one who accepts the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc. Wish your friends an interesting and kind activity.
Children enter the group, sit on chairs in front of them, table on table in a ball.
Children wrap the thread around their palm and pass the ball to each other with wishes.
II. Main part
- Guys, today we will get acquainted with B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”.
Places images of fairy tale characters on the table. The writer wrote many fairy tales about animals. These tales are told by the animals themselves, and they are told to people. Animals respect people very much, they believe that they are stronger and smarter than everyone else in the world. And they want people to treat them well. So that they would be kinder to them. And they hope that as people get to know them better, they will be kinder to them. Animals talk about their lives, their joys and sorrows, their funny adventures. They are not telling fairy tales, but the pure truth. But there are so many secrets and miracles in their lives that these true stories may seem like fairy tales to many people. And “The Gray Star,” a fairy tale about a little toad, is one of these fairy tales. I invite you to go on a journey through B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. To do this you need to close your eyes and say:
“Tili - tili - tili - bom,
Open up fairy tale house!
Reading a fairy tale.
Conversation based on the content of what was read:
- who tells this tale and to whom?
- who was called Gray Star?
- what did she really look like?
- who named the toad Gray Star?
- what names did they suggest giving her flowers?
- why, why did the flowers love Gray Star?
- why did she have radiant eyes?
- did Gray Star have any enemies? Which of them do you remember?
- who figured out how to save beetles and slugs from Gray Star?
what did the hives butterfly do?
- How did this boy behave in the garden?
- how did the flowers save Gray Star?
- Why was Gray Star crying?
- Who could console her?
- did you like this fairy tale?
- what does B. Zakhoder ask us, the readers, about in this tale?
Children look at the heroes.
Children say magic words. They open their eyes. A recording of the voices of forest birds sounds.
Listening to a fairy tale
Children's answers.
A hedgehog dad tells a fairy tale to his hedgehog son (Toad)
(clumsy, ugly, she smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns she had warts)
(Scientist starling)
Anyuta, Vanechka-Manechka, Margarita, Tinkerbell, Astra
She saved them from pests
(because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing something useful)
slugs, voracious beetles and caterpillars
Butterfly Urticaria
She brought a Very Stupid Boy to the garden
Started throwing stones
The rose bush pricked the boy with its thorns
They offended her and called her ugly
Flowers, Scientist Starling
Children's answers
Be attentive to nature, understand and feel sorry for everyone living on earth, care, help, benefit everyone with whom you are friends.
Physical exercise One, two, three, four, five! Let's jump and jump! Right side bent. One, two, three. Left side bent. One, two, three. Now let's raise our hands
And we will reach the cloud. Let's sit on the path and stretch our legs. Let's bend our right leg,
One, two, three! Let's bend the left leg, One, two, three. They raised their legs high and held them for a while. They shook their heads and everyone stood up together.
Children repeat the movements after the teacher.
Jumping in place.
Tilts of the body left and right.
Hands up. Stretch up on your toes
Sit down on the floor.
We bend our legs at the knee.
We raised our legs up.
Head movements.
We got up.
Game: “Guess the fairy tale hero by the melody.”
Different music sounds: menacing, hard, calm, affectionate, sad.
- If you met a Very Stupid Boy, what would you tell him?
Exercise “Draw a fairy tale.”
- And now we will draw illustrations for the fairy tale.
What can you draw? You can draw any fairy tale hero you want!
Who wants to talk about their drawing? I think these new drawings will make your parents very happy! Children guess the heroes of the fairy tale to the music. (Very stupid boy; Gray star, trees, bushes and flowers, cry Gray star).
Children's answers. You cannot offend defenseless animals, insects, you cannot throw stones, you cannot kick plants, you need to be kind, attentive, and caring.
Children sit down at the tables, choose colorful leaves, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens prepared on the tables and draw pictures.
Children's stories about their drawings.
A conversation about good and evil based on proverbs and sayings.
- Guys, who do you think was evil and who was good in this fairy tale?
-Guys, people have written a lot of proverbs and sayings about good and evil, good people and evil people, good deeds and bad ones. A kind person is generous and brave, sympathetic and attentive, hardworking.
– What proverbs about goodness do you know?
But an evil person is greedy, envious, cruel. There are proverbs about evil people, but there are fewer of them than about good ones.
Let's make up proverbs for our fairy tale together? I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.
For friendship...
Friends get to know each other...
Where friendship is valued...
Not the kind of friend who indulges...
It's easier to lose a friend...
What are these proverbs about?
Who was Gray Star's friend?
And who was a friend to flowers and bushes?
Exit from the fairy tale.
- Well done! You did a very good job!
But the time has come to return from the fairy tale, to do this you need to close your eyes again and say the magic words:
“Fairy tale, close the doors!
Let us go to kindergarten!” Children's answers. The boy was angry, the butterfly was urticaria, and the good one was Gray Star.
Children tell proverbs about good (“Good does not burn and does not drown,” “A good deed lives for two centuries,” “A kind word is better than a soft threshold,” “A good deed is strong”),
about evil (“The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy”, “An evil person is like a coal, if it doesn’t burn, then it blackens”).
…. Friendship pays.
…. in trouble.
...there the enemies are trembling.
…. and the one who helps.
…. than to find.
(About friendship).
Children's answers. Scientist starling, flowers.
Gray star.
Children close their eyes and repeat the magic words after the teacher; a recording of the voices of nature sounds.
III. Final part
- Well, children, did you like our trip?
- Well, our fairy tale ends. There are tokens on the table in front of you: red, blue. Choose one token for yourself, provided:
- Red – if you were interested in the lesson;
- Blue – if it was difficult for you in class and uninteresting.
– Thank you, guys, for your work in class. Children answer
Select tokens and place them on the board.

Attached files

Boris Zakhoder "Gray Star"

“Well,” said Papa Hedgehog, “this fairy tale is called “The Gray Star,” but from the title you would never guess who this fairy tale is about. Therefore, listen carefully and do not interrupt. All questions later.

- Are there really gray stars? - asked the Hedgehog.

“If you interrupt me again, I won’t tell you,” answered the Hedgehog, but, noticing that his son was about to cry, he softened: “Actually, they don’t exist, although, in my opinion, this is strange: after all, gray is the most beautiful color.” But there was only one Gray Star.

So, once upon a time there lived a toad - clumsy, ugly, in addition it smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns it had - can you imagine! - warts. Brr!

Fortunately, she did not know that she was so ugly, nor that she was a toad. Firstly, because she was very small and knew little at all, and secondly, because no one called her that. She lived in a garden where Trees, Bushes and Flowers grew, and you should know that Trees, Bushes and Flowers only talk to those whom they really, really love. But you wouldn’t call someone you really, really love a toad?

The hedgehog snorted in agreement.

- Well, the Trees, Bushes and Flowers loved the toad very much and therefore called it the most affectionate names. Especially Flowers.

- Why did they love her so much? — the Hedgehog asked quietly.

The father frowned, and the Hedgehog immediately curled up.

“If you keep quiet, you’ll soon find out,” said the Hedgehog sternly. He continued: “When the toad appeared in the garden, the Flowers asked what its name was, and when she answered that she did not know, they were very happy.”

“Oh, how great! - said Pansies (they were the first to see her). - Then we ourselves will come up with a name for you! Do you want us to call you... let us call you Anyuta?”

“It’s better than Margarita,” said the Daisies. “This name is much more beautiful!”

Then the Roses intervened - they suggested calling her Beauty; The bells demanded that she be called Tinkerbell (this was the only word they knew how to speak), and the flower, named Ivan da Marya, suggested that she be called “Vanechka-Manechka.”

The Hedgehog snorted and glanced sideways at his father in fear, but the Hedgehog did not get angry, because the Hedgehog snorted at the right time. He continued calmly:

- In a word, there would be no end to the disputes if not for the Asters. And if it weren’t for the Scientist Starling.

“Let her be called Astra,” said the Asters. “Or, even better, with an asterisk,” said the Scientist Starling. “This means the same thing as Astra, only much more understandable.” Besides, she really does resemble a star. Just look how radiant her eyes are! And since she is gray, you can call her Gray Star. Then there will be no confusion! Seems clear?

And everyone agreed with the Scientist Starling, because he was very smart, knew how to speak several real human words and whistle almost to the end a piece of music, which is called, it seems... “Hedgehog-Pyzhik” or something like that. For this, people built him a house on a poplar tree.

Since then, everyone began to call the toad Gray Star. Everyone except Bells, they still called her Tinkerbell, but that was the only word they knew how to say.

“There’s nothing to say, little star,” hissed the fat old Slug. He crawled onto the rose bush and approached the tender young leaves. “That’s a good little star!” After all, this is the most ordinary gray..."

He wanted to say “toad”, but did not have time, because at that very moment the Gray Star looked at him with her radiant eyes - and the Slug disappeared.

“Thank you, dear Star,” said Rose, turning pale with fear. “You saved me from a terrible enemy!”

“You need to know,” explained the Hedgehog, “that Flowers, Trees and Bushes, although they do no harm to anyone, on the contrary, do only good!” - there are also enemies. There are many of them! The good thing is that these enemies are quite tasty!

- So, Star ate this fat Slug? - asked the Hedgehog, licking his lips.

“Most likely, yes,” said the Hedgehog. “True, you can’t guarantee it.” No one saw how the Star ate Slugs, Voracious Beetles and Harmful Caterpillars. But all the enemies of the Flowers disappeared as soon as Gray Star looked at them with her radiant eyes. Disappeared forever. And since the Gray Star settled in the garden, the Trees, Flowers and Bushes began to live much better. Especially Flowers. Because the Bushes and Trees protected the Birds from enemies, but there was no one to protect the Flowers - they were too much for the Birds

That's why the Flowers fell in love with Gray Star so much. They blossomed with joy every morning when she came to the garden. All you could hear was: “Star, come to us!”, “No, come to us first!” Come to us!..”

The flowers spoke to her the most kind words, and thanked her, and praised her in every way, but the Gray Star was modestly silent - after all, she was very, very modest - and only her eyes were shining.

One Magpie, who loved to eavesdrop on human conversations, once even asked if it was true that she had a gem hidden in her head and that’s why her eyes sparkled so much.

“I don’t know,” Gray Star said embarrassedly. “I don’t think so...”

“Well, Soroka! What a blabbermouth! - said the Scientist Starling. “It’s not a stone, but confusion, and not in the Star’s head, but in yours!” Gray Star has radiant eyes because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing a Useful Deed! Seems clear?

- Dad, can I ask a question? - asked the Hedgehog.

- All questions later.

- Well, please, daddy, just one!

- One - well, so be it.

- Dad, are we... are we useful?

“Very,” said the Hedgehog. “You have no doubt.” But listen to what happened next.

So, as I already said, the Flowers knew that Gray Star was kind, good and useful. The Birds knew this too. Of course, People knew too, obviously - Smart People. And only the enemies of the Flowers did not agree with this. “Vile, harmful little bitch!” - they hissed, of course, when Zvezdochka was not around. "Freak! It's disgusting! - the voracious Beetles creaked. “We must deal with her! - the Caterpillars echoed them. “There’s simply no life from her!”

True, no one paid attention to their abuse and threats, and besides, there were fewer and fewer enemies, but, unfortunately, the nearest

a relative of the Caterpillars is the Urticaria Butterfly. She looked completely harmless and even pretty, but in reality she was terribly harmful. This happens sometimes.

Yes, I forgot to tell you that Gray Star never touched the Butterflies.

- Why? - asked the Hedgehog, - Are they tasteless?

“That’s not why at all, stupid.” Most likely, because Butterflies look like Flowers, and Star loved Flowers so much! And she probably didn’t know that Butterflies and Caterpillars are one and the same. After all, Caterpillars turn into Butterflies, and Butterflies lay eggs, and new Caterpillars hatch from them...

So, the cunning Nettle came up with a cunning plan - how to destroy Gray Star.

“I will soon save you from this vile toad!” - she said to her sisters Caterpillars, her friends Beetles and Slugs. And she flew away from the garden.

And when she returned, a Very Stupid Boy was running after her. He had a skullcap in his hand, he was waving it in the air and thought that he was about to catch the pretty Nettle. Skullcap. And the cunning Nettle pretended that she was about to get caught: she would sit on a flower, pretend,

as if he doesn’t notice the Very Stupid Boy, and then suddenly flies up in front of his very nose and flies to the next flowerbed.

And so she lured the Very Stupid Boy into the very depths of the garden, onto the path where Gray Star sat and talked with the Learned Starling.

The nettle was immediately punished for her vile act: the Scientist Starling flew off the branch like lightning and grabbed her with his beak. But it was already too late: the Very Stupid Boy noticed the Gray Star.

Gray Star at first did not understand that he was talking about her - after all, no one had ever called her a toad. She did not move even when the Very Stupid Boy swung a stone at her.

At that same moment, a heavy stone fell to the ground next to Gray Star. Fortunately, the Very Stupid Boy missed, and Gray Star managed to jump off to the side. Flowers and Grass hid her from view. But the Very Stupid Boy did not stop. He picked up more

several stones and continued to throw them towards where the Grass and Flowers were moving.

"Toad! Poisonous toad! - he shouted. “Beat the ugly one!”

“Dur-ra-chok! Dur-ra-chok! - the Scientist Starling shouted to him. “What kind of confusion is in your head?” After all, she is useful! Seems clear?

But the Very Stupid Boy grabbed a stick and climbed straight into the Rose Bush - where, as it seemed to him, Gray Star was hiding.

The Rose Bush pricked him with all its might with its sharp thorns. And the Very Stupid Boy ran out of the garden roaring.

- Hurray! - Hedgehog shouted.

- Yes, brother, thorns are a good thing! - continued the Hedgehog. - If Gray Star had thorns, then perhaps she would not have had to cry so bitterly that day. But, as you know, she had no thorns, and so she sat under the roots of the Rose Bush and wept bitterly.

“He called me a toad,” she sobbed, “ugly! That's what the Man said, but people know everything! So, I’m a toad, a toad!..”

Everyone consoled her as best they could: Pansy said that she would always remain their sweet Gray Star; The roses told her that beauty is not the most important thing in life (this was no small sacrifice on their part). “Don’t cry, Vanechka-Manechka,” Ivan-da-Marya repeated, and the Bells whispered: “Ding-Ding, Ting-Ding,” and this also sounded very comforting.

But Gray Star cried so loudly that she did not hear any consolation. This always happens when people start consoling too early. The flowers did not know this, but the Scientist Starling knew it very well. He let Gray Star cry as much as she could, and then said:

“I won’t console you, darling. I'll tell you only one thing: it's not about the name. And, in any case, completely

It doesn’t matter what some Stupid Boy, who has nothing but confusion in his head, will say about you! For all your friends, you were and will be a sweet Gray Star. Seems clear?

And he whistled a piece of music about... about the Hedgehog-Fawn to cheer up Gray Star and show that he considered the conversation over.

Gray Star stopped crying.

“You’re right, of course, Skvorushka,” she said. “Of course, it’s not the name... But still... still, I probably won’t come to the garden during the day anymore, so... so that don't meet anyone stupid..."

And since then, Gray Star - and not only she, but all her brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren come to the garden and do their useful work only at night.

The hedgehog cleared his throat and said:

- Now you can ask questions.

- How many? - asked the Hedgehog.

“Three,” answered the Hedgehog.

- Oh! Then... First question: is it true that Stars, that is, toads, do not eat Butterflies, or is this just in a fairy tale?

- Is it true.

- And the Very Stupid Boy said that toads are poisonous. This is true?

- Nonsense! Of course, I don’t advise you to put them in your mouth. But they are not poisonous at all.

- Is it true... Is this the third question?

- Yes, the third one. All.

- How is everything?

- So. After all, you already asked it. You asked: “Is this the third question?”

- Well, dad, you're always teasing.

- Look, he’s so smart! Okay, so be it, ask your question.

- Oh, I forgot... Oh, yes... Where did all these nasty enemies disappear to?

- Well, of course, she swallowed them. She just grabs them with her tongue so quickly that no one can follow it, and it seems like they just disappear. And now I have a question, my little furry one: isn’t it time for us to go to bed? After all, you and I are also useful and must also do our Useful Work at night, and now it’s morning...

Sections: Primary school


  1. To introduce students to the work of the writer, the main characters of his stories and fairy tales are animals.
  2. Develop expressive reading skills, the ability to reflect on what you read and answer questions; give characteristics to the characters of the work, draw conclusions, argue your opinion.
  3. To cultivate a reasonable attitude towards the surrounding reality, the ability to notice interesting events in everyday life; the ability to hear and listen to each other.


  1. portrait of B. Zakhoder; sheets “Biography of the writer. B. Zakhoder;
  2. subject pictures: heroes of B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”;
  3. text of the fairy tale “The Gray Star”; exhibition of books by B. Zakhoder; cards
  4. for differentiated work; crossword puzzle based on a fairy tale (for working in pairs); voluminous butterfly for physical exercises; tokens of three colors: red, yellow, green.

Lesson progress

I. Emotional mood of students

– I suggest we start our lesson with handshakes.

- Take each other's hands. Wish your friends interesting work and success in class. Don’t forget: he who is friendly with a friend is doubly smarter and stronger!

II. Preparation for perception

The teacher reads a poem:

I remember a good fairy tale from childhood.
I want you to read this fairy tale too.
Let it creep up to your very heart
And it will give birth to a seed of kindness in him.

– All children love to listen to fairy tales from early childhood. Time passes. The kids go to school and start reading them themselves. Reading fairy tales, you penetrate into a mysterious, wonderful, mysterious world. After all, the most incredible miracles happen in fairy tales. And today we will have an interesting encounter with a fairy tale.

– Remind me, guys, what work you read on your own at home.

(Tale by B. Zakhoder “The Gray Star”)

III. Working with the lesson topic

Acquaintance with the biography of B. Zakhoder.

– Tell me, guys, were any of you familiar with the work of the writer B. Zakhoder before our lesson?

– Do you want to know interesting information about his life?

Reading the epigraph of the lesson by the teacher.

Write on the board:

You -
You, my reader,
Gifted with soul, -
I need you more than
Heart in the chest
I am waiting. Come.
B. Zakhoder.

– Take a sheet of information “Biography of B. Zakhoder” and read the information about the writer yourself.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.

As a child, Zakhoder's main hobby was animals.

Boris Zakhoder is not only a poet, but also a storyteller. The heroes of his fairy tales are “our little brothers” - birds, animals, fish.

Animated films have been made based on the scripts or based on the writer’s fairy tales “Little Rusachok”, “The Whale and the Cat”, and Gray Star.

Boris Zakhoder is also a translator. With its help, famous works have been translated into Russian, such as: A. Milne “Winnie-the-Pooh and Everything-All-Everything”, A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland” ”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”.

For his translation of L. Carroll's book “Alice in the Camp of Wonders,” Boris Zakhoder was awarded an honorary diploma from Andersen. This is the best reward for any writer.

Many composers wrote songs based on B. Zakhoder’s poems. The most famous of them are the songs of Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, and Alice from Wonderland.

Did you know that there are a lot of books in Zakhoder’s house - 60 shelves!

Young readers!

Read books by Boris Zakhoder. This is a useful and exciting activity.

– What particularly interested you from what you read?

(The children's answers are accompanied by an exhibition of books by B. Zakhoder).

– Let’s dwell on B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. At the end of our work in the lesson, all the heroes of the fairy tale will help us understand the main idea of ​​​​the work.

2. Conversation based on the content of what was read.

(While working on the content of the work, the teacher attaches subject pictures depicting fairy tale characters).

Reading a statement by B. Zakhoder.

These tales are told by the animals themselves and told to people. To all people - both adults and children.

B. Zakhoder.

– Who tells this tale and to whom?

(Hedgehog dad tells a fairy tale to his hedgehog son)

– Do you think the hedgehog liked the fairy tale?

– Who guessed why the hedgehog interrupted dad?

– How do you think one should listen to a story?

– When should you ask questions?

-Who was called Gray Star?

-What did she really look like?

Read the characteristics of the toad.

-Who named the toad Gray Star?

– How did they come up with a name for the toad?

– What names did they suggest giving her flowers?

– Who helped the flowers make a choice?

(Scientist Starling)

- Why, why did the flowers love Gray Star?

(She saved them from pests)

– Did Gray Star have any enemies? Which of them do you remember?

– Why didn’t the birds protect the flowers?

(The flowers were too low for the birds).

– Who figured out how to save beetles and slugs from Gray Star?

(Butterfly Urticaria)

3. Physical exercise. Exercise for the eyes.

There is a butterfly attached to the pointer (a three-dimensional image of an object). The teacher holds a pointer and says the words:

A butterfly has arrived.
She sat on the pointer.
Catch her with your eyes -
And watch her.

4. Continuation of the conversation based on the content of what was read.

– What did the butterfly Hives do?

(She brought a Very Stupid Boy to the garden).

– Read how this boy behaved in the garden?

– How did the flowers save Gray Star?

(The rose bush pricked the boy with its thorns)

- Why did Gray Star cry?

-Who could console her?

– What conclusion did Gray Star draw from what happened?

– What questions did the curious hedgehog ask his dad after listening to the story?

– What questions did each of you have after reading this fairy tale?

– Did you like this fairy tale? What thoughts and feelings did it evoke in you?

– Please read out your reviews of the fairy tale from your personal reader’s diaries.

– What does B. Zakhoder ask us, the readers, about in this tale?

– Which of you can fulfill this request?

IY. Creative tasks

1. Work in pairs

– I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale “The Gray Star”.

– In the highlighted cells you will read the name of one of the main character qualities of Gray Star. ( Kindness).

  1. Half of the name of the Gray Star, which the Bells called her (After all, they simply could not speak other words ) (Ding)
  2. The flower that helped the Star get rid of the persecution of the Very Stupid Boy. (Rose).
  3. A very beautiful enemy of flowers, which Gray Star did not eat. (Butterfly).
  4. What time of day was it when daddy the hedgehog finished telling the story? (Morning).
  5. “The Gray Star has radiant eyes because she has a pure…” ( Conscience).
  6. What did the Scientist Starling call Magpie for her talkativeness? ( Idle talker).
  7. The place where the events of the fairy tale unfolded . (Garden).

2. Work in groups.(Differentiated tasks).

Task for group No. 1 (high level):

- Collect proverbs from parts. Choose proverbs that suit the fairy tale. Explain your choice.

Task for group No. 2 (intermediate level):

Read it. Put + – if the statement is true and – if it is incorrect.

  1. Toads have gray spots on their bodies instead of spines.
  2. Flowers only talk to those they love very much.
  3. According to daddy the hedgehog, the most beautiful color is gray.
  4. One of the names suggested by the flowers was Rose.
  5. The old Slug tried to eat the young pink leaves.
  6. The starling knew how to sing the song “Chizhik-Pyzhik.”
  7. According to Magpie, Gray Star had a gem hidden in her head.
  8. Hedgehogs and toads do their useful work at night.
  9. All toads are poisonous.

Task for group No. 3 (low level):

Answer the test questions:

1. “Gray Star” is:

a) frog
b) duck
c) toad

2. Gray Star lived:

a) in the forest
b) in the swamp
c) in the garden

3. “Star” is the same as:

a) rose
b) aster
c) bell

4. Who wanted to eat the rose?

a) slug
b) beetle
c) caterpillar

5. Which of these birds was not in the fairy tale?

a) forty
b) nightingale
c) starling

6. The enemies of flowers considered the Gray Star:

a) a nasty bitch
b) gray thorn
c) a harmless little thing

7. The butterfly turned out to be a close relative:

a) beetle
b) slug
c) caterpillars

8. How was Urticaria punished?

a) the boy caught her
b) the Starling ate it
c) a stone hit her

9. What did the Hedgehog NOT ask at the end of the fairy tale?

a) are toads poisonous?
b) where the enemies disappeared
c) hedgehogs are useful.

Y. Lesson summary. Reflection.

– Let’s summarize our conversation.

How many of you guessed what the main idea of ​​B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star” is?

– Let’s put a “full stop” at the end of the lesson.

There are tokens on the table in front of you: red, yellow, green. Choose one token for yourself, provided:

  • Red – if you were interested in the lesson;
  • Yellow – if you had difficulty with something in class;
  • Green – if you found it difficult in class and uninteresting.

(Each child comes to the board and attaches their token. At the end of the work, a figure is formed - a large dot, which can be multi-colored, depending on the choice of token color).

– Thank you, guys, for your work in class.

YI. Homework ( by students' choice).

  1. Draw an illustration for B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”
  2. Read the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder “Little Rusachok”.
  3. Write your own educational tale about nature.

The main general education program of the preschool educational institution: “From birth to school”

Age group: pre-school group

GCD theme: “Gray Star”

Leading educational area: speech development

Goal: formation of moral qualities in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming, educational, musical, visual.

1. Educational - introduce children to B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”, give children an idea of ​​the artistic features of the author’s fairy tale, continue to teach children to listen carefully to the content of the work,

2. Developmental - develop the ability to reflect on a fairy tale read by the teacher, answer questions, characterize the characters of the work, form an idea of ​​the various qualities of a person, and draw conclusions.

3. Educational - to cultivate a conscious moral attitude towards nature, to encourage children to be emotionally responsive to the state of loved ones, peers, animals, fairy tale heroes, to help them understand the moral lesson of a fairy tale, to expand their understanding of the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “friendship”.

Types of activities: gaming, motor, cognitive-research, communicative, productive, perception of fiction.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: games with speech accompaniment, listening to fairy tales, drawing.

Preliminary work: memorizing proverbs about good, evil, friendship; paper craft origami frog; conversation about bad and good deeds.

Equipment: audio recording of the voice of forest birds, music: hard, menacing, calm, affectionate, fairy tale, images of fairy tale characters - a gray star, a starling, a urticaria butterfly, a rose, a hedgehog with a hedgehog, a boy with a stone, multi-colored drawing paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, 2 blue and red tokens for each child, a ball of thread.

GCD move

Activities of the teacher

Children's activities

I. Introductory part

- Hello my dear children, come in and sit down comfortably. I have a “ball of good wishes” that we will pass around. The one who accepts the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc. Wish your friends an interesting and kind activity.

Children enter the group, sit on chairs in front of them, table on table in a ball.

Children wrap the thread around their palm and pass the ball to each other with wishes.

II. Main part

Guys, today we will get acquainted with B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”.

Places images of fairy tale characters on the table. The writer wrote many fairy tales about animals. These tales are told by the animals themselves, and they are told to people. Animals respect people very much, they believe that they are stronger and smarter than everyone else in the world. And they want people to treat them well. So that they would be kinder to them. And they hope that as people get to know them better, they will be kinder to them. Animals talk about their lives, their joys and sorrows, their funny adventures. They are not telling fairy tales, but the pure truth. But there are so many secrets and miracles in their lives that these true stories may seem like fairy tales to many people. And “The Gray Star,” a fairy tale about a little toad, is one of these fairy tales. I invite you to go on a journey through B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. To do this you need to close your eyes and say:

“Tili - tili - tili - bom,

Open up fairy tale house!

Reading a fairy tale.

Who tells this tale and to whom?

Who was called Gray Star?

What did she really look like?

Who named the toad Gray Star?

What names did they suggest giving her flowers?

Why, why did flowers love Gray Star?

Why did she have radiant eyes?

Did Gray Star have any enemies? Which of them do you remember?

Who figured out how to save beetles and slugs from Gray Star?

what did the hives butterfly do?

How did this boy behave in the garden?

How did flowers save Gray Star?

Why was Gray Star crying?

Who could console her?

Did you like this fairy tale?

What does B. Zakhoder ask us, the readers, about in this tale?

Children look at the heroes.

Children say magic words. They open their eyes. A recording of the voices of forest birds sounds.

Listening to a fairy tale

Children's answers.

A hedgehog dad tells a fairy tale to his hedgehog son)

(clumsy, ugly, she smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns she had warts)

(Scientist starling)

Anyuta, Vanechka-Manechka, Margarita, Tinkerbell, Astra

She saved them from pests

(because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing something useful)

slugs, voracious beetles and caterpillars

Butterfly Urticaria

She brought a Very Stupid Boy to the garden

Started throwing stones

The rose bush pricked the boy with its thorns

They offended her and called her ugly

Flowers, Scientist Starling

Children's answers

Be attentive to nature, understand and feel sorry for everyone living on earth, care, help, benefit everyone with whom you are friends.


One, two, three, four, five!
Let's jump and jump!
Left side bent.
One, two, three.
Now let's raise our hands

And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path
Let's stretch our legs.
Let's bend our right leg,

One, two, three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One, two, three.
Legs raised high
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads
And everyone stood up together.

Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

Jumping in place.

Hands up.
Stretch up on your toes

Sit down on the floor.

We bend our legs at the knee.

We raised our legs up.

Head movements.

Different music sounds: menacing, hard, calm, affectionate, sad.

- If you met a Very Stupid Boy, what would you tell him?

Exercise “Draw a fairy tale.”

- And now we will draw illustrations for the fairy tale.

What can you draw? You can draw any fairy tale hero you want!

Who wants to talk about their drawing? I think these new drawings will make your parents very happy!

Children guess the heroes of the fairy tale to the music. (Very stupid boy; Gray star, trees, bushes and flowers, cry Gray star).

Children's answers. You cannot offend defenseless animals, insects, you cannot throw stones, you cannot kick plants, you need to be kind, attentive, and caring.

Children sit down at the tables, choose colorful leaves, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens prepared on the tables and draw pictures.

Children's stories about their drawings.

Guys, who do you think was evil and who was good in this fairy tale?

Guys, people have written a lot of proverbs and sayings about good and evil, good people and evil people, good deeds and bad ones. A kind person is generous and brave, sympathetic and attentive, hardworking.

– What proverbs about goodness do you know?

But an evil person is greedy, envious, cruel. There are proverbs about evil people, but there are fewer of them than about good ones.

Let's make up proverbs for our fairy tale together? I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

For friendship...

Friends get to know each other...

Where friendship is valued...

Not the kind of friend who indulges...

It's easier to lose a friend...

What are these proverbs about?

Who was Gray Star's friend?

And who was a friend to flowers and bushes?

Exit from the fairy tale.

Well done! You did a very good job!

But the time has come to return from the fairy tale, to do this you need to close your eyes again and say the magic words:

“Fairy tale, close the doors!

Let us go to kindergarten!”

Children's answers. The boy was angry, the butterfly was urticaria, and the good one was Gray Star.

Children tell proverbs about good (“Good does not burn and does not drown,” “A good deed lives for two centuries,” “A kind word is better than a soft threshold,” “A good deed is strong”),

about evil (“The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy”, “An evil person is like a coal, if it doesn’t burn, then it blackens”).

…. Friendship pays.

…. in trouble.

...there the enemies are trembling.

…. and the one who helps.

…. than to find.

(About friendship).

Children's answers. Scientist starling, flowers.

Gray star.

Children close their eyes and repeat the magic words after the teacher; a recording of the voices of nature sounds.

III. Final part

Well, children, did you like our trip?

Well, our fairy tale ends. There are tokens on the table in front of you: red, blue. Choose one token for yourself, provided:

Red – if you were interested in the lesson;

Blue - if you found it difficult in class and uninteresting.

– Thank you, guys, for your work in class.

Children answer

Select tokens and place them on the board.



Summary of direct educational activities

The main general education program of the preschool educational institution: “From birth to school”

Age group: pre-school group

GCD theme: “Gray Star”

Leading educational area: speech development

Goal: formation of moral qualities in children through the organization of different types of activities: gaming, educational, musical, visual.


  1. Educational - introduce children to B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”, give children an idea of ​​the artistic features of the author’s fairy tale, continue to teach children to listen carefully to the content of the work,
  2. Developmental - develop the ability to reflect on a fairy tale read by the teacher, answer questions, characterize the characters of the work, form an idea of ​​the various qualities of a person, and draw conclusions.
  3. Educational - to cultivate a conscious moral attitude towards nature, to encourage children to be emotionally responsive to the state of loved ones, peers, animals, fairy tale heroes, to help them understand the moral lesson of a fairy tale, to expand their understanding of the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “friendship”.

Types of activities: gaming, motor, cognitive-research, communicative, productive, perception of fiction.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: games with speech accompaniment, listening to fairy tales, drawing.

Preliminary work: memorizing proverbs about good, evil, friendship; paper craft origami frog; conversation about bad and good deeds.

Equipment: audio recording of the voice of forest birds, music: hard, menacing, calm, affectionate, fairy tale, images of fairy tale characters - a gray star, a starling, a urticaria butterfly, a rose, a hedgehog with a hedgehog, a boy with a stone, multi-colored drawing paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, 2 blue and red tokens for each child, a ball of thread.

GCD move

Activities of the teacher

Children's activities

I. Introductory part

Exercise “Ball of good wishes.”

- Hello my dear children, come in and sit down comfortably. I have a “ball of good wishes” that we will pass around. The one who accepts the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc. Wish your friends an interesting and kind activity.

Children enter the group, sit on chairs in front of them, table on table in a ball.

Children wrap the thread around their palm and pass the ball to each other with wishes.

II. Main part

- Guys, today we will get acquainted with B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”.

Places images of fairy tale characters on the table. The writer wrote many fairy tales about animals. These tales are told by the animals themselves, and they are told to people. Animals respect people very much, they believe that they are stronger and smarter than everyone else in the world. And they want people to treat them well. So that they would be kinder to them. And they hope that as people get to know them better, they will be kinder to them. Animals talk about their lives, their joys and sorrows, their funny adventures. They are not telling fairy tales, but the pure truth. But there are so many secrets and miracles in their lives that these true stories may seem like fairy tales to many people. And “The Gray Star,” a fairy tale about a little toad, is one of these fairy tales. I invite you to go on a journey through B. Zakhoder’s fairy tale “The Gray Star”. To do this you need to close your eyes and say:

“Tili - tili - tili - bom,

Open up fairy tale house!

Reading a fairy tale.

Conversation based on the content of what was read:

Who tells this tale and to whom?

Who was called Gray Star?

What did she really look like?

Who named the toad Gray Star?

What names did they suggest giving her flowers?

Why, why did flowers love Gray Star?

Why did she have radiant eyes?

Did Gray Star have any enemies? Which of them do you remember?

Who figured out how to save beetles and slugs from Gray Star?

What did the hives butterfly do?

How did this boy behave in the garden?

How did flowers save Gray Star?

Why was Gray Star crying?

Who could console her?

Did you like this fairy tale?

What does B. Zakhoder ask us, the readers, about in this tale?

Children look at the heroes.

Children say magic words. They open their eyes. A recording of the voices of forest birds sounds.

Listening to a fairy tale

Children's answers.

A hedgehog dad tells a fairy tale to his hedgehog son)


(clumsy, ugly, she smelled of garlic, and instead of thorns she had warts)

(Scientist starling)

Anyuta, Vanechka-Manechka, Margarita, Tinkerbell, Astra

She saved them from pests

(because she has a clear conscience - after all, she is doing something useful)

slugs, voracious beetles and caterpillars

Butterfly Urticaria

She brought a Very Stupid Boy to the garden

Started throwing stones

The rose bush pricked the boy with its thorns

They offended her and called her ugly

Flowers, Scientist Starling

Children's answers

Be attentive to nature, understand and feel sorry for everyone living on earth, care, help, benefit everyone with whom you are friends.


One, two, three, four, five!
Let's jump and jump!
Right side bent. One, two, three.
Left side bent.
One, two, three.
Now let's raise our hands

And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path
Let's stretch our legs.
Let's bend our right leg,

One, two, three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One, two, three.
Legs raised high
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads
And everyone stood up together.

Children repeat the movements after the teacher.

Jumping in place.

Tilts of the body left and right.

Hands up.
Stretch up on your toes

Sit down on the floor.

We bend our legs at the knee.

We raised our legs up.

Head movements.

We got up.

Game: “Guess the fairy tale hero by the melody.”

Different music sounds: menacing, hard, calm, affectionate, sad.

- If you met a Very Stupid Boy, what would you tell him?

Exercise “Draw a fairy tale.”

- And now we will draw illustrations for the fairy tale.

What can you draw? You can draw any fairy tale hero you want!

Who wants to talk about their drawing? I think these new drawings will make your parents very happy!

Children guess the heroes of the fairy tale to the music. (Very stupid boy; Gray star, trees, bushes and flowers, cry Gray star).

Children's answers. You cannot offend defenseless animals, insects, you cannot throw stones, you cannot kick plants, you need to be kind, attentive, and caring.

Children sit down at the tables, choose colorful leaves, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens prepared on the tables and draw pictures.

Children's stories about their drawings.

A conversation about good and evil based on proverbs and sayings.

Guys, who do you think was evil and who was good in this fairy tale?

Guys, people have written a lot of proverbs and sayings about good and evil, good people and evil people, good deeds and bad ones. A kind person is generous and brave, sympathetic and attentive, hardworking.

– What proverbs about goodness do you know?

But an evil person is greedy, envious, cruel. There are proverbs about evil people, but there are fewer of them than about good ones.

Let's make up proverbs for our fairy tale together? I will start the proverb, and you will finish it.

For friendship...

Friends get to know each other...

Where friendship is valued...

Not the kind of friend who indulges...

It's easier to lose a friend...

What are these proverbs about?

Who was Gray Star's friend?

And who was a friend to flowers and bushes?

Exit from the fairy tale.

Well done! You did a very good job!

But the time has come to return from the fairy tale, to do this you need to close your eyes again and say the magic words:

“Fairy tale, close the doors!

Let us go to kindergarten!”

Children's answers. The boy was angry, the butterfly was urticaria, and the good one was Gray Star.

Children tell proverbs about good (“Good does not burn and does not drown,” “A good deed lives for two centuries,” “A kind word is better than a soft threshold,” “A good deed is strong”),

about evil (“The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy”, “An evil person is like a coal, if it doesn’t burn, then it blackens”).

…. Friendship pays.

…. in trouble.

...there the enemies are trembling.

…. and the one who helps.

…. than to find.

(About friendship).

Children's answers. Scientist starling, flowers.

Gray star.

Children close their eyes and repeat the magic words after the teacher; a recording of the voices of nature sounds.

III. Final part

Well, children, did you like our trip?

Well, our fairy tale ends. There are tokens on the table in front of you: red, blue. Choose one token for yourself, provided:

Red – if you were interested in the lesson;

Blue - if you found it difficult in class and uninteresting.

– Thank you, guys, for your work in class.

Children answer

Select tokens and place them on the board.