Quotes from Moliere. Moliere - quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases

“I must make people laugh by correcting them,” Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, better known as Molière, often repeated. The author of Tartuffe and Don Juan left our mortal world on Friday, February 17, 1673, a month after his 51st birthday.

Anna Zarubina remembers the great French comedian with a selection of quotes from his immortal works.

“The highest proof of love is submission to the will of the one you love.”

“A nascent attraction is fraught with inexplicable charm, the whole charm of love lies in change”

“Virtue is the first sign of nobility; I attach much less importance to names than to actions.”

“Whoever is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him a friend”

“Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtues”

Jean-Baptiste Moliere, portrait by Charles Antoine Coypel

“If wives think only about their husbands;

There’s no need for them to dress up to the nines.”

“Women love most when people spend money on them”

“There is nothing sweeter than breaking the resistance of a beauty”

“Who is always sad, jealous and gloomy,

Togo’s debut in love is often unsuccessful.”

“Morals grow stronger when the flesh becomes decrepit”

Moliere as Caesar in Pierre Corneille's play The Death of Pompey. Nicolas Mignard, 1658

“Many people die not from their illnesses, but from medications”

“No matter what they say, there is something extraordinary in a person - something that no scientists can explain”

“Imitate people in their inclinations, follow their rules, indulge their weaknesses, admire their every action - and make of them what you want; this is the best way, you can safely play openly... Don’t be afraid to over-salt, here even the smartest person will be caught like the last fool, obvious nonsense, obvious absurdity will swallow and not wince, if only this dish is seasoned with flattery. This cannot be said to be fair, but it must be applied to the right people. Since there is no other way, the fault is no longer the one who flatters, but the one who wants to be flattered.”

“Words are cheap these days”

“If they caused you a heartfelt insult,

Pay with oblivion - that’s what pride tells us;

If you can’t forget, then at least pretend

Don't humiliate yourself"

Bust of Molière by Jean-Jacques Caffery, 1785

“Young people behave badly most often because their fathers do not raise them well.”

“Speeches do not move things forward. We must act, not talk; actions resolve disputes better than words.”

“Whoever wins time wins everything in the end”

“Those who are virtuous are persecuted heartlessly;

Envious people will die, but envy will last forever."

“The day would darken in my soul and the shadow would come again,

When would love be driven out of her.

Only he knew bliss who touched his heart with passion,

And whoever did not know love was as if he had not lived...”

Moliere (French Molière, real name Jean Baptiste Poquelin; French Jean Baptiste Poquelin; baptized January 15, 1622, Paris - February 17, 1673, ibid.) - comedian of France and new Europe, creator of classical comedy, actor and theater director by profession.

In love, pretense is very similar to the truth.

The highest proof of love is submission to the will of the one you love.

Grammar commands even kings.

Virtue is the first sign of nobility; I attach much less importance to names than to actions.

A bad life leads to a bad death.

Women love most when people spend money on them.

Envious people will die, but envy will never die.

The emerging attraction is fraught with inexplicable charm, the whole charm of love lies in change.

Noble birth without virtue is nothing. We share in the glory of our ancestors only to the extent that we ourselves strive to be like them. The brilliance of their deeds, which also illuminates us, imposes on us the duty to give them the same honor, to follow in their footsteps and not to change their virtues, if we want to be considered their true descendants.

How nice it is to know that you learned something!

When we are ready to succumb to the dictates of feelings,
Shyness always prevents us from admitting it.
Know how to recognize behind the coldness of words
Excitement of the soul and heart is a tender call.

When a man in a robe and cap speaks, all nonsense becomes learning, and all stupidity becomes intelligent speech.

If a girl is forced down the aisle,
This is where virtue often ends.
After all, maybe the spouse is calm for his honor
Only on the condition that you yourself are worthy of love.
And if husbands have something growing on their foreheads,
Let them blame themselves - not their wives and not fate.

When wives think only about their husbands,
They have no need to dress up to the nines.

If they caused you a heartfelt insult,
Pay with oblivion - that’s what pride tells us;
If you can't forget, then at least pretend
Don't humiliate yourself.

A beauty can afford anything, a beauty can forgive anything.

Morality grows stronger when the flesh becomes decrepit.

Whoever wins time wins everything in the end.

Who is always sad, jealous and gloomy,
That debut in love is often unsuccessful.

Whoever is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him my friend.

He who did not know love was as if he had not lived.

Who hasn't lost their mind at least once in their life?

Who is too wary about horns,
Don't get married at all - there is no other way.

There are false righteous people, just as there are false brave men.
Brave fighters are not guilty of bragging,
And the righteous are those who set an example for us,
They do not engage in hypocritical antics.

Only he knew bliss
Who touched the heart with passion,
And who did not know love,
It’s as if he didn’t live...

Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtues.

The love of a jealous person is more susceptible to hatred.

Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind.

Many people die not from their illnesses, but from medications.

Young people behave badly most often because their fathers raise them poorly.

We love sometimes without knowing it
And often we call delirium empty love.

It is not reason that controls love.

There is no cure in the world for slander.
We need to live honestly and despise slander,
And let the gossips chat for their health.

You can't live on incense. Praise alone is not enough for a person; give him something more substantial; The best way to reward someone is to put something in your hand.
There is nothing sweeter than breaking the resistance of a beauty.

Book wisdom makes a fool twice as stupid.

Speeches do not move things forward. We must act, not talk; actions resolve disputes better than words.

Imitate people in their inclinations, follow their rules, indulge their weaknesses, admire their every action - and make of them what you want; this is the best way, you can safely play openly... Don’t be afraid to over-salt, even the smartest person will be caught like the last fool, swallowing obvious nonsense, obvious absurdity, and will not wince, if only this dish is seasoned with flattery. This cannot be said to be fair, but it must be applied to the right people. Since there is no other way, the fault is no longer the one who flatters, but the one who wants to be flattered.

Truthfulness is not a vice.

Pretense brings together those who are bound by the mutual responsibility of hypocrisy.

People can turn the most innocent activity into a crime.

The most unbearable thing in love is calmness. Cloudless happiness can become boring; in life you cannot do without ebbs and flows: with obstacles, love flares up more strongly, and pleasure is valued more.

A strong blow is dealt to vices when they are exposed to public ridicule.
Reproach is easy to bear, but ridicule is far from so. Nobody wants to be funny.

The word belongs half to the one who speaks and half to the one who listens.

It’s hard for coquettes to lose fans,
And to attract attention again, over the years
They become inveterate hypocrites.
Their passion is to judge people. And how harsh is their judgment!
No, they do not recognize mercy.
They look for stains on someone else's conscience,
But not out of good feelings - out of envy, of course.
These righteous women are angry: why are they available to us?
Those joys that they can no longer handle?

Anyone who wants to accuse has no right to rush.

Learning in a fool is most intolerable.

No matter what they say, there is something extraordinary in a person - something that no scientists can explain.

Of all eternal things, love lasts the shortest.

There is no harm in misconduct, only harm in publicity.
To confuse the world with temptation is a sin, and
But it is not a sin to sin if the sin is shrouded in mystery.

Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin) was born around 1618-1622. The greatest comedian of France, creator of classic comedy. Author of plays - “The Flying Doctor”, “School for Husbands”, “Reluctant Marriage”, “Tartuffe”, “Don Juan”, “The Miser”, “The Tricks of Scapin”, etc. He died on February 17, 1673, in the city of Paris.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases by Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

  • Truthfulness is not a vice.
  • Love is a great teacher.
  • It is not reason that controls love.
  • We'll only die once, but that'll be a long time.
  • Learning in a fool is most intolerable.
  • Grammar commands even kings.
  • A bad life leads to a bad death.
  • It's nice to know that you learned something.
  • Book wisdom makes a fool twice as stupid.
  • Envious people will die, but envy will never die.
  • Who hasn't lost their mind at least once in their life?
  • Whoever wins time wins everything in the end.
  • Virtue is powerless to fight slander.
  • He who did not know love was as if he had not lived.
  • In love, pretense is very similar to the truth.
  • I see that a man is more terrible than a fierce beast.
  • The love of a jealous person is more like hatred.
  • Prudence enlightens, but passion blinds.
  • Music is a wonderful spice to a good meal.
  • Anyone who wants to accuse has no right to rush.
  • He who loves must be as solid as a rock.
  • Whoever is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him my friend.
  • Of all eternal things, love lasts the shortest.
  • Women love most when people spend money on them.
  • Only he knew bliss who touched his heart with passion.
  • Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind.
  • Many people die not from their illnesses, but from medications.
  • People can turn the most innocent activity into a crime.
  • It is better to die according to all the rules than to recover against the rules.
  • A beauty can afford anything, a beauty can forgive anything.
  • There is nothing sweeter than breaking the resistance of a beauty.
  • Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtues.
  • The highest proof of love is submission to the will of the one you love.
  • In words, all people are the same, and only actions reveal their differences.
  • What they don’t sacrifice in order to be called a noble lady!
  • We sometimes love without knowing it, but often we call delirium empty love.
  • Those who are always sad, jealous and gloomy often have an unsuccessful debut in love.
  • It’s bad if the son-in-law is disgusting to the father-in-law, but if the husband is disgusting to his wife, it’s twice as bad.
  • Pretense brings together those who are bound by the mutual guarantee of hypocrisy.
  • Anyone who is too wary about horns should not get married at all - there is no other remedy.
  • The word belongs half to the one who speaks and half to the one who listens.
  • If wives think only about their husbands; They have no need to dress up to the nines.
  • Young people behave badly most often because their fathers raise them poorly.
  • Old age helped her overcome temptations. Yes, morality grows stronger when the flesh becomes decrepit.
  • Movements of jealousy should be unbearable when they arise from love that is disgusting to us.
  • The emerging attraction is fraught with inexplicable charm, all the charm of love lies in change.
  • There is nothing so impudent and funny that it cannot be swallowed, seasoned with praise.
  • Those who are very lean willingly wear a sweatshirt, those who have little substance - they inflate it with words.
  • Virtue is the first sign of nobility; I attach much less importance to names than to actions.
  • Speeches do not move things forward. We must act, not talk; actions resolve disputes better than words.
  • No matter what they say, there is something extraordinary in a person - something that no scientists can explain.
  • When a man in a robe and cap speaks, all nonsense becomes learning, and all stupidity becomes intelligent speech.
  • There is no cure in the world for slander. We need to live honestly and despise slander, and let gossips talk for their health.
  • You can't live on incense. Praise alone is not enough for a person; give him something more substantial; The best way to reward someone is to put something in your hand.
  • A strong blow is dealt to vices when they are exposed to public ridicule. Reproach is easy to bear, but ridicule is far from so. Nobody wants to be funny.
  • The most unbearable thing in love is calmness. Cloudless happiness can become boring; in life you cannot do without ebbs and flows: with obstacles, love flares up more strongly, and pleasure is valued more.

Real name - Jean Baptiste Poquelin(1622-1673). The greatest comedian in world literature. Little reliable information about Molière has been preserved. Not a single manuscript of the playwright has survived to this day. Born in Paris. The exact date is not known - either January 13 or January 16, 1622. in the family of the royal upholsterer and engraver, who later became the king's valet. Moliere's father was a wealthy man, a businessman by nature. Moliere's mother was a modest, very quiet, gentle woman. She died when the boy was 10 years old. A stepmother entered the house, but she was not particularly involved in raising her stepson. His maternal grandfather, Louis Cresset, intervened - he demanded that the boy be sent to study at Clermont College. In a very short time, Moliere becomes the best student. The grandfather took his grandson to the theater - the Burgundy Hotel. It was his grandfather who introduced Moliere to the world of theater and took him to fairs. The father planned to transfer both the honorary position and his “business” to his eldest son. But he didn’t argue with his son when he chose a theatrical life - he allocated money and let him go

Moliere, thanks to this small capital, creates his own theater - Brilliant theater.

Together with his friends he is trying to conquer Paris. He himself, at first, acts as a tragic actor. He believed that he could show his acting talent in tragedies. But he naturally stuttered a little and had no tragic talent - this made him somehow pitiful on stage. It took him time to realize this. In the meantime, he plays very weak tragic roles. The hall is empty. The cash register is empty. For debts he ends up in debtor's prison. The father comes to the rescue and pays off all his son’s debts. Moliere learns a very important lesson. Moliere was by nature a very purposeful person who knew how to overcome difficulties. This courage saved him many times. He decides to take a more difficult path - to conquer the province first. This period of his work was quite long and quite difficult in material and everyday terms. For 13 years his troupe has been traveling around the cities of France. It was a real school of life. Moliere not only learned to survive in difficult situations, but he expanded his horizons. I saw how people of different classes lived, observed people’s lives, listened to people’s speech. And so, bit by bit, he collected vital material, which would later become the basis of his work.

His theater staged both comedies and tragedies. Moliere, as the director of the troupe, made sure that there was profit at the theater box office, so he monitored the reaction of the public at performances. Begins to remake existing plays. This was the first step towards independent creativity. During this period, he writes and prepares his own comedy for production. "Madcap". The performance of this play took place in the city of Leon and was very successful. The public began to besiege the theater box office. The rumor about Moliere reached Paris and the king himself, who was very fond of theatrical performances. Louis XIV invites Moliere to perform at Versailles. Moliere agreed, but he still does not fully realize that comedies are better than tragedies and shows the king a tragedy "Nycomed". He sees that the audience is bored - stops the performance and immediately, rearranging himself, shows a farce “Doctor in Love”.

The Parisian period of Moliere's creative biography begins. Over 14 years he wrote more than 30 plays. His talent unfolded here in all its splendor. This success and the king's favor aroused the envy of the courtiers. Moliere had many ill-wishers. Many courtiers recognized themselves in the plays and tried to take revenge on him. The church rebelled against the playwright. They demanded that he be executed and quartered. But Moliere held on very steadfastly, fought for each of his plays, but in the end he was simply tired - from the bustle, the atmosphere of persecution from envious people. Therefore, he buys a house to live and create there quietly. From time to time he writes new plays and performs. Moliere died on stage. He acted in his own play “The Imaginary Sick”. I felt unwell during the performance. He barely finished the play and died suddenly in the theater. Some believe he was poisoned. Then the unimaginable began - the church forbade keeping the playwright in consecrated ground. The king was told that, they say, he had been engaged in unfavorable work all his life and died without communion, he should be buried as a suicide. Secretly, at night, at the behest of the king, the playwright was buried five feet in the ground without any honors.

Moliere's aesthetic views. He formulated them in his works “Criticism of the school of wives” And “Versailles Impromptu”. According to Moliere, comedy is not only a genre equal to tragedy, but even higher than it, because “contributes to the eradication of vices.” Moliere considered the theater a platform for the expression of ideas and a school for society. “The theater has great corrective power,” he argued. Comedy should be a mirror of society and reflect, first of all, its shortcomings. The main criterion of artistry, according to Moliere, is the truth of life. Comedy should reflect the most natural phenomena of reality and create generalized characters, i.e. draw not portraits, but morals (the hero should not be an individual, but should express one personality trait). Unlike tragedy, which depicts heroes, comedy must depict people and, thereby, get as close to the viewer as possible.

Sources of the “Moliere” theater.

  1. French farce(farce - inserted, funny scenes) - otherwise the French farce is called “situation comedy”. The basis of the farce is external comedy (beatings, spankings, some unfortunate falls, funny situations. Comic signs are supported by appearance - a big nose, hair color). Moliere also uses all these techniques;
  2. Italian comedy of masks. Comedy “Del Arte”. It is based on the roles or masks assigned to the heroes.
  3. French classic tragedy. From the tragedy, Moliere borrows psychologism and problematics.

* Verne J. * Garcia Lorca F. * Hasek J. * Heine G. * Goethe I. * Galsworthy D. * Jerome K. Jerome * Druon M. * Dumas A. * Salten F. * Carnegie D. * Castaneda K. * Kipling R. * London D. * Milne A. * Mitchell M. * Molière * Maupassant G. - new author* Maugham S. * Moorcock M. * Orwell D. * Petrarch F. * Puzo M. * Ripley A. * Rodin O. * Rostand E. - new author* Saint-Exupery A. * Twain M. * Wells G. * Ford G. * Hemingway E. * Zweig S. * Churchill W. * Shakespeare W. * Schiller F. * Shaw B. * Erasmus of Rotterdam * Iacocca L.

(real name and surname - Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Poquelin, pseudonym - Poquelin) (1622 - 1673)

Quotes- leaf 1 () ()

Quotes from Moliere's comedy "Tartuffe, or the Deceiver", 1664
Translation from French: M. Donskoy

Yes, for the most part we humans are weirdos.
And we act contrary to our nature.
Why do we give reason and do not want faith?
And why do we have no measure anywhere, in anything?
Sometimes our plan is beautiful and great,
But we begin to chop from the shoulder and instantly
Overdoing it and a good foundation
We'll spoil it, we'll pervert it. - (Cleanthe)

Isn't it a shame when the bigots of the square
Soulless liars, corrupt leaders,
Dressing up blasphemously in robes of holiness,
Everything that is dear to us is trampled into the dirt;
When money-grubbers are fiercely competitive
They sell conscience like a petty commodity,
And, rolling his eyes, taking on a lean look,
They figure out who will reward them with what;
When they hasten on the path of piety
Where they see money and estates;
When, shouting that it is a sin to live in the world,
They are trying to get to the court;
When slanderers are without conscience, without honor,
Hiding the thirst for revenge with a blissful mask,
In order to more accurately destroy someone who is not dear to them,
They scream that he is a rebel against higher powers?
And that’s why they are twice as dangerous for us,
That they adapted the sword of faith for robbery,
They carry out criminal deeds with prayer,
And in their hands good became an instrument of evil.
There are many such pretenders in our time. - (Cleanthe)

If a girl is forced down the aisle,
This is where virtue often ends.
After all, maybe the spouse is calm for his honor
Only on the condition that you yourself are worthy of love.
And if husbands have something growing on their foreheads,
Let them blame themselves - not their wives and not fate.
If you got a bad groom,
No matter how strong you are, you will not be a faithful wife. - (Dorina)

It’s bad if the son-in-law is disgusting to his father-in-law,
But if the husband is disgusted with his wife, it’s twice as bad. - (Dorina)

All those like you - and, unfortunately, there are many of them -
They sing in this manner. You are blind and you have
One wish: for everyone to lose their eyes.
And that is why every sighted person inspires fear in you,
Who thinks and feels differently. - (Cleanthes to Orgon)

The circle of conscience, when it becomes narrow,
We can expand: after all, for any sins
There is justification in good intentions. - (Tartuffe)

Envious people will die, but envy will never die. - (Ms. Pernel)

If in your life you have met a hypocritical rogue,
What, tell me, do all the righteous people have to do with it?
May you fall for the bait of a charlatan,
Let piety serve deception here,
But does this mean that the whole world is vile,
That there are no pious people at all? - (Cleanthe)

Whoever wins time wins everything in the end. - (Dorina)

We have a considerable number of such persons:
It’s hard for coquettes to lose fans,
And to attract attention again, over the years
They become inveterate hypocrites.
Their passion is to judge people. And how harsh is their judgment!
No, they do not recognize mercy.
They look for stains on someone else's conscience,
But not out of good feelings - out of envy, of course.
These righteous women are angry: why are they available to us?
Those joys that they can no longer handle? - (Dorina)

He who loves must be as solid as a rock. - (Dorina)

If they caused you a heartfelt insult,
Pay with oblivion - that’s what pride tells us,
If you can't forget, then at least pretend
Don't humiliate yourself. No, I can't comprehend
How can tenderness pay for indifference? - (Valera)