Dima Malikov's birthday. Biography of Dmitry Malikov, personal life and latest news

Dossier on stars: truth, speculation, sensations. Behind the scenes of show business Razzakov Fedor



D. Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 into an artistic and musical family. His father, Yuri Malikov, was the artistic director of the popular vocal and instrumental ensemble “Gems” for many years, and his mother, Lyudmila Vyunkova, performed on the ballet stage. In July 1997, the newspaper Vedomosti. Moscow" published on its pages the sensational news that Dmitry Malikov's grandfather was none other than the famous composer Eduard Kolmanovsky (familiar to the listener from many wonderful songs and music for films: "Big Change", "For Family Circumstances", etc. ). However, let’s listen to A. Shebanov:

“In the late sixties, on one of his trips, young Yuri Malikov “had his eye” on the pretty Svetlana, the daughter of the composer Eduard Kolmanovsky. It soon turned out that Sveta was pregnant. But by that time, Yuri Malikov was seriously interested in Lyudmila, who soon became his wife. It was not easy for Svetlana to cope with the blow. And she made an extraordinary decision - to give the child, whom she named Dima, to be raised by her lover.

The father and stepmother loved the boy madly, but the tour took up too much time, and Dima lived mainly in Chekhov, near Moscow, with Yura’s parents (he was raised by his grandmother Valentina Feoktistovna, who had to live in two houses: then with her grandson - in Moscow, on Preobrazhenskaya Square , then at home - in the Moscow region. - F. R.). Svetlana often visited there to see her son and chat with the old people. Her father Eduard Savelyevich also looked into Chekhov - after all, the heir is growing up.

During the entire time Dima studied at a specialized music school at the Moscow Conservatory (he entered there at the age of 5. - F.R.), the grandfather-composer did not take his eyes off his grandson. And he, in turn, regularly paid visits to Eduard Kolmanovsky, who lived not far from the conservatory, in the house of the Union of Composers. Dima Malikov graduated from music school with an “excellent” grade and began to try himself as a singer and composer - first with “Gems”, then on his own (Dima began performing at the age of 13, composed his first songs at 16 - they were performed by “Gems” and Larisa Dolina. - F.R.). Eduard Savelyevich actively helped the new star “unwind”. By the way, in the entrance exams to the Moscow Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (piano class - F. R.), Dima did not get two points, but this obstacle was easily eliminated. (According to the ten-point system, he scored 8.16 points: at the colloquium he could not answer in detail the question about Chopin’s mazurkas and in literature he received a four for an essay on the story “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov. - F. R.) Then the loving grandfather did the same easily solved the problem with my grandson’s “slope” from the army. “His” doctor at the Ostroumovskaya hospital “gave” Dima an ulcer...”

However, it is worth giving Malikov his due - no amount of patronage from an influential relative could have made him a star if he had not been truly talented. At the age of 18, he recorded three songs, one of which, “You’ll Never Be Mine,” immediately became the leader of the national hit parade. Malikov immediately received offers from professional administrators to organize his first tours around the country; he starred in the television programs “Morning Mail” and “Song-88”.

Even greater success came to Malikov at the end of the same year after performing at the New Year’s “Ogonyok”, where he performed his next hit “Until Tomorrow”. After that, the songs he wrote one after another - “Student”, “Marriage Cortege”, “Everything Will Return”, “Golden Braids” - for several months were on the top lines of many domestic charts - from “Soundtrack” to “Hit” - TASS parade.

Malikov's star rose in the field of Russian pop music almost simultaneously with two other vocalists - Presnyakov and Belousov. Moreover, each of them had their own stage image. Presnyakov bore the stamp of a “street boy-breaker”, Belousov - a “heartthrob”, and Malikov - a “proper boy from an intelligent family”. However, if you try to determine the degree of popularity of each of these artists among the youth audience, it turns out that each of them had approximately an equal number of fans. After the concerts, all of them were pursued by crowds of rabid fans who tore their clothes and bombarded them with letters with declarations of love. Regarding his attitude towards this kind of fans, D. Malikov said in one of his interviews:

“I don’t have a very positive attitude towards such fans, to put it mildly. Firstly, because they cannot achieve anything, since, being on duty at the entrance, they see me early in the morning or late in the evening. I don’t even have time to talk to them - I’m always in a hurry. But I can’t say that all fans have this attitude. There are good people among them. I go to friendly people, on whose faces I see a smile, with all my heart. But there are few of them. Much more than other “options” - people write letters with threats, similar threats are also heard over the telephone at home. The children were brought to their grandmother’s apartment: “Here’s your great-granddaughter! Dima’s son!” But you need to know my grandmother. Whatever she says... In general, they didn’t bother her with repeated visits. Repairs to my entrance were done four times. Everything was covered with confessions...

Once I sang in Ryazan at a stadium where ten thousand people gathered. Eight of them are girls. So, these fragile creatures turned out to be so active that they swept away the police cordon, all the equipment on the stage, and on the way to my person they almost overturned the bus in which we arrived. In general, I miraculously remained safe and sound..."

In the overwhelming majority of letters that came then addressed to Malikov, the girls declared their love for him and asked him to pay attention to them (some fans used their own blood instead of ink - for drama). At the same time, some of them tried to blackmail the idol, saying that if he did not respond to their messages, they would commit suicide. There were also those who threatened not only to kill themselves, but also anyone who their idol “set his eyes on.” As they say, neither for yourself nor for people. Did Malikov have a girlfriend? And in general, how was his relationship with the fair sex?

According to the singer, he began to show interest in the fairer sex from early childhood. My first hobby was when I was five years old. D. Malikov recalls:

“Our parents rented dachas nearby. And I gave her bouquets of dandelions, but they rejected me. Then, in first grade, I fell in love with another pretty girl. And again I was rejected. Because she had a very strict mother who was against her close friendship with me. By the way, it so happened that many years later she came to my concert. I stood in the Olimpiysky Stadium, saw the roaring stands and probably thought: “It’s a pity that I missed my happiness.” Kidding. Of course, in first grade I wasn’t particularly worried about all this. Real suffering came much later... And my first sexual experience came to me at the age of 16. She was my age, a school friend. She was no longer innocent, and I, of course, was embarrassed. Like everyone else, the first experience was chaotic and uninteresting. Thank God, this did not happen in the entrance, but at my home. My parents were on tour, my grandmother went for a long walk. I was left to my own devices..."

In July 1989, answering a question from a correspondent for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper whether he had a girlfriend, Malikov replied that he did not. And he described his ideal as follows: “I like short girls. This is due to the fact that at work I often had to deal with fashion models, each of which was two meters tall. I mostly like blondes." And just a few months later, just such a blonde appeared in Malikov’s life. It was 24-year-old singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

Probably, hardly any other singer has made as much noise with her personal life as Vetlitskaya. In this regard, only Alla Pugacheva can compare with her. Before Malikov, Vetlitskaya’s list of amorous victories included Pavel Smeyan and Evgeny Belousov. She met Malikov in 1989 during one of the concerts (Vetlitskaya had been performing on the pop stage since 1984: she sang backing vocals and imitated playing the saxophone in the Rondo group). Malikov fell in love with the slender blonde at first sight and immediately gave her the song “Soul” for her birthday, with which, in fact, Vetlitskaya’s successful career as a singer began.

However, Malikov’s own creative career continued to develop upward. In 1990–1992, he was one of the five most popular performers on the domestic pop scene. His songs “Native Country”, “Poor Heart” (dedicated to V. Tsoi), “Renaissance”, “You Never Loved Me” were a huge success among listeners. However, Malikov performed successfully not only within his native fatherland - he starred in show programs on Polish television, recorded a song with a charming black woman in Holland, and toured in Hungary.

Like any other performer, Malikov’s touring biography includes a huge number of all kinds of incidents, both sad and funny. For example, in 1991 in Makhachkala, during a performance at the stadium, some drunk spectator threw a stone onto the stage and hit Malikov in the face. The stone cut his eyebrow and blood gushed from the wound. The concert had to be interrupted, and the terrorist was taken to the police. According to Malikov, after this he suffered from a mental disorder, terrible depression.

Here's a comical case. After a concert in Togliatti, a young woman came into the artist’s dressing room and asked to leave her some unusual autograph. “Which one exactly?” - Malikov was surprised. The woman thought for a second, after which, in front of the amazed members of Malikov’s ensemble, she unbuttoned her jacket and exposed her luxurious breasts. “Sign it!” - said the fan. And Malikov, blushing and stuttering, wrote a few words on the bust with a felt-tip pen: “With love. Malikov."

In addition to performing on the stage, Malikov regularly visited the walls of the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied piano with teacher Valery Kostelsky. Malikov said about his stay there: “My teacher is a fairly smart and sensitive person, he understands everything. For him, the main thing is that I study well, and I, of course, try to move forward all the time. After all, I came to him already as a pop star and did not start hacking on the side, becoming a student. I was determined to become a good pianist. So I don’t skimp on my studies, I approach my studies responsibly. And my teacher sees this. And then, he is an earthly man, he understands that you cannot live on a student scholarship and you cannot help your parents. So the stage helps to combine business with pleasure.”

In 1992, Malikov tried himself in another role - a film actor. Director Alexander Proshkin invited him to play the main role - a conservatory student, pianist - in his film “See Paris and Die.” The film became a real sensation and brought its creators several prizes, including Niku-92, Kinotavr-93, etc.

At the beginning of the same year, changes occurred in Malikov’s personal life. After three years of living together, she and Vetlitskaya scattered in different directions without quarrels or scandals. And soon after that (in March), Malikov met his current wife, fashion specialist Elena. Like Vetlitskaya, she was several years older than him, was already married once and had an 8-year-old daughter Olya from this marriage. D. Malikov recalls:

“Fate brought us together with one of my friends (I emphasize - a married friend). I saw her photo of Lena. And the next day he invited the two of them to a banquet in Luzhniki, which for some reason was organized in honor of the arrival of Stallone’s mother. After dinner, I gave my charming companions a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and at that moment I really liked myself..."

The young couple settled in a separate apartment in a house on 3rd Frunzenskaya, in the same entrance as the well-known “pyramid” builder Sergei Mavrodi. “We have a lot of security at the entrance,” D. Malikov said in an interview, “and there are a lot of bankrupt shareholders near the house. Sometimes (not often enough, unfortunately) I help grandmothers who are left penniless and come to our entrance in the last hope of getting their money back..."

To the question: “What trait of your character does your wife not like?” - Malikov replied: “Inaccuracy. To be honest, I'm quite a slob. I am also sometimes not very decisive. Lena is very annoyed by this, and she constantly encourages me to be more confident in myself. Everyone says: star fever. For me it is in the opposite direction. And in financial matters I often find myself in the dark. Because I’m embarrassed, I give in where there’s absolutely no need to do so...”

Malikov received his driver's license at the age of 18. His first car was his father’s “six”, but then he became rich and began buying exclusively foreign cars - BMW, Mercedes. At one time, one of the central newspapers vigorously circulated the rumor that Malikov had an original hobby - collecting luxury cars. He denied this rumor.

D. Malikov says: “The traffic cops sometimes slow me down. There was a case when my rights were taken away. But it wasn’t my fault then. The traffic cop recognized me, but began to say that, they say, he doesn’t watch TV, it’s you who do what you want on your stage, and here I, they say, will decide. As a result, I took away my rights. Absolutely no way.

It’s good that the traffic police itself turned out to have more sane people, and I took the documents without any problems...”

At the end of 1995, Malikov’s name was at the epicenter of another unpleasant story - his studio completely burned down. It was like this.

Until the mid-90s, Malikov preferred to work in other people's studios, but it cost him a pretty penny (an hour's rental cost $30–40). Therefore, his long-time dream was to have his own studio, where he could write songs without paying attention to time and without looking into his wallet. And this opportunity presented itself to him. The studio was purchased and located in the Mosconcert building on Kalanchevka. However, only a few months passed after moving there when an emergency occurred - due to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, a fire broke out and the building completely burned down. According to Malikov, “...I felt sorry for the equipment, and all the money that went into repairs, but, most importantly, for the time and my own moral and physical costs, because I myself went to buy every nail...”.

The following summer, another unpleasant story happened to Malikov, this time a love story. He then gave concerts in Sochi. After one of them, one of the fans suddenly burst into his dressing room and demanded that the stunned singer immediately go with her to the mountains, where she had specially rented a restaurant for the whole night. Malikov tried to explain that he was not going to go anywhere, but the next second two closet-like men appeared behind the fan, who unobtrusively introduced themselves as her brothers. Therefore, the singer decided not to tempt fate and promised the woman to fulfill any of her requests, but after the tour. However, the woman was adamant and demanded to go with her immediately. Seeing that he couldn’t get rid of her just like that, Malikov resorted to a trick. He pretended to agree with the fan’s entreaties and asked her to wait for him in the dressing room while he collected his things. However, as soon as Malikov left the dressing room, he “gave up,” that is, he left the establishment through the back door. After that, he locked himself in the hotel and did not leave its premises for several days, not even answering phone calls. The ardent fan was never able to get it in this “fortress”. Later, Malikov explained to his friends the panic that gripped him: “The girl was so determined, and the brothers were so serious, that if I had gone to the mountains with her, I would have had to marry her later.”

In 1997, millions of Russians had the good fortune to see Dmitry Malikov on their television screens as a model for the famous company Procter and Gamble - the singer advertised Head and Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo. There was subsequently a lot of talk about this (they say that the singer’s financial affairs are so deplorable that he earns money this way), and Malikov had to explain himself on this topic in one of his interviews. He said: “Advertising is a business. The Spice Girls are now advertising Pepsi-Cola because they were paid $10 million to do so. I wasn’t paid even a tenth of this... But in general, I am pleased with the cooperation with Procter and Gamble. If it weren’t for this company, it would have been much more difficult to organize a tour of Russian cities...”

As for Malikov’s creativity, over the past two or three years he has written more than three dozen new songs and instrumental compositions, which were included in four albums: “One Hundred Nights”, “Come to Me”, “Fear of Flying” (instrumental music), “ My star is distant." Of course, Malikov’s current popularity cannot be compared with what it was some five or six years ago, but his name is forever inscribed in golden letters in the annals of the national stage. Despite his relatively young age, many experts rightly call Malikov “the grandfather of Russian pop music.”

On August 20, 1998, the Vedomosti newspaper. Moscow” published a note on its pages, from which it follows that the popularity of Dmitry Malikov is by no means a thing of the past. What was discussed in this publication? In early August, Malikov was invited to the opening of one of the “fashion” exhibitions at the Expo Center on Krasnaya Presnya. The singer performed several of his old and new hits, after which he decided to walk around the pavilion and look for some fashionable outfit for himself and his beloved wife. After several minutes of active searching, Malikov fixed his gaze on an elegant jacket made of the finest leather. However, he barely had time to stand in front of the mirror to see the expensive update on himself when young fans flew at him from somewhere behind and began to shamelessly grab him with their hands. Malikov, naturally, did not like this, he tried to escape from the hot embrace, and at that moment the expensive product burst at the seam. After this, the frightened girls fled in different directions, and the singer was forced to go “with his eyes down” and explain himself to the sellers. They say that they understood his situation and resolved the problem amicably - that is, they did not demand money from him for “damage to property.”

From an interview with D. Malikov: “Sometimes, it happens, I break down and make a scene. True, I am quick-tempered, but easy-going. And, in principle, a non-conflict person. It's still hard to get me out of my temper. But if you take him out, then there’s no stopping him... True, it usually doesn’t come to a fight. I can only fight if I need to stand up for a woman. But in all the companies where I hang out, it doesn’t come to this. The last time I fought, it seems, was when I was 18...

I hardly watch TV, I don’t read newspapers. Because I’m sure it has a bad effect on the psyche. It is enough to see a State Duma meeting at least once, and you can already go crazy...

My sister Inna is seven years younger than me. At first I was jealous, I was even upset when she was born. For a long time I didn’t understand why my parents gave her so much love and tenderness. Yes, I was so selfish! And now I scold myself for it. In general, Inna was very obstinate, a couple of times she even threw stools at the door of my room. And I also stood my ground, fool. But girls have to give in. Now she has changed a lot, she is prettier. He studies acting at GITIS...

They say that pop stars are not friends with each other. But I have good relationships with many colleagues in the pop industry. With Sarukhanov, Gazmanov, Dolina, Presnyakov, Kelmi, with Lenya Agutin. I believe this is friendship. We go somewhere together, relax, visit each other, play sports. I play football and tennis. I hardly drink and don’t smoke at all.

By nature I am a sentimental person. When I watch a sad film, I can even cry. "White Bim Black Ear", for example. I've been crying on it since childhood..."

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Chapter Five Dmitry Malikov, pianist

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Dmitry Petrov

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46. ​​Dmitry Kharatyan Dmitry Vadimovich was born in Almalyk, Uzbek SSR on January 20, 1960, he came to the Moscow region at the age of three with his family. Dima got into the cinema by accident, having come to an audition with a girl he knew - and was immediately chosen for the main role in the film “ Prank" (1977).

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47. Dmitry Pevtsov Dmitry Anatolyevich was born on July 8, 1963 into a sports family (mother is a sports doctor, father is an honored pentathlon coach). At GITIS he was the head of the course, he served in the army on the stage of the SA Theater. He has acted in films since 1989 (“Dungeon of the Witches” and “Mother”) Since 1991

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29. Dmitry Martyanov This was a very young man. Several years ago, Dmitry Pavlovich Martyanov graduated from the Borisoglebsk Flight School and served for a year in fighter aviation. But for some reason he didn’t stay in the army. Either he got laid off or didn’t qualify

55-year-old Elena Malikova responded to all critics and ill-wishers, advising them not to pay attention to the numbers in their passport.

Singer Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena became parents for the second time on January 24: the star couple’s baby was born in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg. The musician's heir was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Elena admitted: she and her husband did not intend to tell the general public about their son and intended to keep the news of his birth secret for as long as possible.

The plans of the star couple were disrupted by someone from the clinic staff who leaked information to one of the TV channels. And then Malikov himself told fans on Instagram that he had become a father. It was not in vain that the star couple wanted to avoid publicity, because along with congratulations and wishes of happiness addressed to the newly made parents, quite offensive remarks are sometimes sent on social networks. The comments discuss the late motherhood of Elena, who will celebrate her 55th birthday in February, i.e. will reach retirement age, she is 7 years older than her husband, and the fact that the Malikovs’ child was carried and given birth to by a surrogate mother.

Elena decided to respond to all ill-wishers via Instagram. The artist’s wife advised critics not to look at their age and not to be afraid of the numbers in their passport, but to simply live and enjoy every day - the way they and Dima do. The birth of a baby brought great happiness to their home, and now the couple has begun a new life.

« Good morning! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for your kind words and congratulations, and even THANK YOU for your malicious comments - your poison and sting fired at me train my soul!? I would not like to enter into controversy with the whole world, but those who consider it necessary to comment on our personal life should also hear my point of view. So there you go! You can have different attitudes towards life and age - be irritated by the young, beautiful, rich, be afraid of old age and tomorrow, think with horror about death... But there is another way - just be happy every day, love those who are nearby, take care of them, don’t sit still, but act, don’t become limp, but develop, and, finally, don’t look at your passport—there’s nothing new or interesting there. Moreover, it is necessary to forgive offenders, in my opinion, INSTAGRAM was sent to us for forgiveness?. And the last thing! Thanks to the birth of our son, there is one more love on this earth! ❤. I wish you happiness!", wrote Elena Malikova.

Fans in the comments reassure Elena: you shouldn’t pay attention to evil and envious people, the main thing is the happiness of the family and the birth of the baby. " Well done! This is such a joy and an incentive to be better, younger and learn new things.“,” followers write, “K Of course, becoming parents at a late age is a big responsibility, but people don’t succeed even at 20».

Many women took Malikova’s side, who, like Elena, are sure: at 40, life is just beginning.

« We have a sick society, unfortunately, there are many frames and restrictions artificially grown in the minds of people!– writes one of the subscribers. - Age, height, bank account balance and a bunch of other parameters by which society strives to live! And for some reason it has been decided in our sick society that after 40-45 years a woman dies. It exists, but there is nothing to take from it! Now, I despise this narrow-minded approach. I have friends who are not interesting even at 30. And we need examples like Malikova! Let there be millions of times more of these fragrant, beautiful, and self-confident women! Happy birth of the baby!»

Dmitry and Elena have not yet come up with a name for their son - the parents are looking through all possible options, but have not yet settled on one. The Malikovs brought their son from a St. Petersburg clinic to Moscow on January 29: a nursery beautifully decorated with balloons was waiting for the newborn. Then the couple decided to show the boy to their fans by posting a touching family photo on Instagram. In the photo, Malikov tenderly kisses his wife, and his tiny brother, dressed in a blue suit, is held in the arms of the star couple’s daughter Stefania. Caring parents covered the child's face with a smiley face. The photo appeared on Elena Malikova’s Instagram. Without holding back her emotions, the artist’s wife talked about how she lost her parents and found a happy family again only when she married Dmitry:

« I was the only child in the family, wrote Elena. - Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I turned 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. My very little daughter Olya saved me from the horror of what happened. Simply because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically - I met Dima, thanks to him I found a wonderful family: he, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, our wonderful daughter and son... Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players there are in it, the stronger it is».

The birth of a baby was the best birthday present for Dmitry Malikov: on January 29, the musician celebrated his 48th birthday. The news that the artist had a son came as a complete surprise to everyone. Many at first decided that this was a prank, because recently Dmitry had been constantly surprising his fans on social networks with incendiary posts and videos in which he joked a lot and gave non-trivial advice.

The former sex symbol of the 90s is experiencing a new wave of popularity, becoming an Instagram star. Moreover, in his large army of fans there are ladies of all ages - from 15 to 60 and older. It is not surprising that the news about the birth of a son from a surrogate mother on the Internet was initially perceived as just another tale. And only when the composer confirmed that he and his wife had indeed become parents, fans bombarded him with congratulations.

Let us remind you that 48-year-old Dmitry and 55-year-old Elena Malikov have been together for a quarter of a century. The couple got married 25 years ago. In 2000, they became parents for the first time. Their daughter Stefania Malikova is now 17 years old, the girl studies at MGIMO and works as a model.

Dmitry Yurievich Malikov born January 29, 1970 in Moscow. I spent my childhood in the Krasnoselsky district of the capital.

Father - Yuri Fedorovich Malikov- musician, composer, founder and director of VIA “Gems”. Has Tatar blood on his father's side.
Mother - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, former dancer, soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. From 1984 to the early 1990s she was a soloist of “Gems”, now she is the director of the concert group D. Yu. Malikova.

At the age of 5 he began studying music in piano class. He has a music school behind him, in 1985-1989 he studied at the music school at the Moscow Conservatory, in 1994 he graduated with honors from the Moscow State Conservatory (piano and composition). Creative activity began at the age of 15. Dmitry The first songs were recorded: “Sunny City”, “I am Painting a Picture”, “House on a Cloud”, performed by singer Larisa Dolina. Success came in 1988: with the songs “Moonlight Dream”, “You Will Never Be Mine” and “Until Tomorrow”, which immediately fell in love with the female half of the USSR and hit the charts. Based on the results of the “Soundtrack” of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” for 1988 Dmitry becomes "Discovery of the Year", and in 1989 and 1990 he is recognized as "Singer of the Year". In November 1990, the 20-year-old artist gave his first solo concerts at the country's main concert venue at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex.

In 1992, he played the main male role in the film “See Paris and Die” directed by Alexander Proshkin.

In parallel with the career of a pop singer Malikov He devotes a lot of time to classical music and practicing the piano. Piano concerts were held in 1997 Dmitry in Stuttgart (Germany) and the first instrumental album “Fear of Flying” was published. Music from the disc is heard in documentaries and Russian television programs. As a pianist, he performed solo with the symphony orchestras “Moscow Virtuosi” under Vladimir Spivakov, “Moscow Soloists” under Yuri Bashmet, “Music Viva” under Alexander Rudin, the Konstantin Kremets Orchestra and others.

In 2007 Dmitry carries out the project “PIANOMANIYA” - an instrumental show in Russia, which combines the traditions of Russian classics, ethnic motifs and modern arrangements. The show, staged with the participation of director Dmitry Chernyakov, was shown twice in Moscow, in April and December 2007.

A solo piano concert took place in March 2010 Dmitry Malikov on the MMDM stage. And in December 2010, the classical music show Symphonic Mania was presented in France. To participate in the project Malikov attracted Russian groups, including the Imperial Russian Ballet of Gediminas Taranda, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the New Opera Theater. The program includes works of Russian, Soviet and world classics. Concerts took place at the end of the “Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia.” The tour featured over 45 performances in major cities including Paris, Cannes, Lille, Marseille and Nantes.

He is engaged in producing activities. Among his projects is the PLAZMA group. He helped the aspiring singer Elena Valevskaya, the Uzbek singer Sardor Rakhimkhon.

On October 15, 2013, the singer released his fourteenth studio album, “25+,” with which he decided to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his creative activity. The record was released simultaneously with a CD in the iTunes online store, where in addition to the “25+” album itself, Dmitry’s instrumental album “Panacea” became a bonus.

Currently, Malikov continues to write songs and instrumental pieces. Gives instrumental concerts and, as a pianist, performs with symphony orchestras of the country.


Grandmother - Valentina Feoktistova (1913-2008).
Father - Yuri Fedorovich Malikov (born July 6, 1943).
Mother - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova (born April 2, 1945).
The younger sister is singer Inna Malikova (January 1, 1977).
Nephew - Dmitry (born January 26, 1999).

Personal life

Lived in a civil marriage with Natalya Vetlitskaya (born 1964).
Dmitry Malikov married, wife Elena (born February 14, 1963) originally from Tula, before the birth of their daughter they lived in a civil marriage since 1992.
Adopted daughter Olga Izakson (born July 2, 1985) is a photographer, Elena’s daughter from her first marriage.
Daughter Stefania Malikova(born February 13, 2000) - dances and draws, plays the piano, guitar, sings, tries himself as a model.


Composer's activity

Dmitry Malikov From a young age, he was not only actively involved in pop music, but also wrote music himself. The result of this work was the release of his first instrumental album, “Fear of Flying,” in the spring of 1997. The disc was very warmly received by the public; tunes from it are often heard in documentaries and Russian television programs. In 2004, due to numerous requests from listeners, the album was re-released.

In 2001, the second instrumental album “Game” was released, which included piano arrangements of popular songs such as “Dark Night”, “Loving Do Not Renounce”, “I Wish You”, “On Tikhoretskaya”, as well as some of his own songs Dmitry.

In 2006-2008 Dmitry Malikov combined instrumental music of his own composition with bright productions in the PianomaniYa project. Within Pianomani Dmitry collaborated with many artists and musicians. The television premiere of the concert took place in February 2007. In March of the same year, the album PianomaniЯ was released, which sold more than 10,000 thousand copies. Solo concerts took place in April and December 2007 Dmitry Malikov in support of an instrumental show at the Moscow Operetta Theater, which was sold out.

In September 2007, he took part in a concert by the world famous British composer Michael Nyman.

In December 2010 in France Dmitry Malikov presented a grand show of classical music Symphonic Mania - creative development and a new vision of the PianomaniYa project. 140 artists took part in the concerts under his leadership, including the Imperial Russian Ballet of G. Taranda, a symphony orchestra, a choir and soloists of the Novaya Opera Theater. E. V. Kolobova (conductor Valery Kritskov, choirmaster Igor Manko), Cirque Du Soleil.

In 2012, the fourth instrumental album was released Dmitry, "Panacea". This is the first album Malikova, on the cover of which he is not depicted (it shows a semicircular white piano).


Dmitry Malikov continues to combine work in popular genres and classical music, and also performs innovative shows, combining instrumental compositions with theatrical performances, and regularly takes part in the Russia-1 TV channel “Saturday Evening”.

In the fall of 2011, the International Light Festival was held in Moscow, in which the light show was accompanied by musical compositions Malikova.

Since September 12, 2012 Dmitry became the host of the children's program “Good night, kids!” For the first time, a music page appeared in the program.

April 25, 2013 for the first time in his biography Malikov gave a concert in front of passengers on the platform of the Kazansky station, taking part in the solemn ceremony of launching the branded Moscow-Voronezh train. He took part in the second season of the show “Battle of the Choirs” on the Russia 1 channel.

Charitable activities

In February 2011, on the initiative Malikova a charitable foundation to help solve social, medical, cultural and educational problems of the population “Penetrating into the Heart” was founded. The Foundation provides assistance in comprehensively solving problems of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of disabled people and children suffering from serious illnesses.


1993 - With you
1993 - See you tomorrow
1995 - Come to me
1996 - 100 nights
1997 - Fear of flying
1998 - My distant star
2000 - Beads
2001 - Game
2002 - Love Story
2007 - Pianomania
2008 - From scratch
2008 - And yet I love... (soundtrack to the film)
2009 - Mine, mine
2012 - Panacea
2013 - 25+

Collections and reissues

1993 - With you
1999 - Star series
2000 - Star Collection
2008 - Gold
2003 - The Best
2004 - Best songs
2007 - Best songs (New collection)
2010 - Pianomania Best
2011 - Pianomania Classic


Film roles

1992 - See Paris and Die - Yura Orekhov


1996 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - physics teacher
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 3 - Arkady from “Beginning” / disco singer
2000 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2005 - 2006 - My Fair Nanny (episode 103 “Love and Soup”, episode 133 “The Long-awaited Wedding!”) - cameo
2008 - And yet I love... (film composer)


1989 - “Until Tomorrow”
1989 - “Marriage Cortege”
1990 - “Native Side”
1992 - “Sing to me”
1994 - “No, you are not for me”
1994 - “Come to Me”
1995 - “Golden Dawn”
1995 - “I’ll drink to the bottom”
1996 - “Don’t hide your smile”
1997 - “You’re the only one”
1997 - “Lola”
1997 - “Fear of Flying” [source not specified 327 days]
1997 - “Dolphins” [source not specified 327 days]
1998 - “My Distant Star”
1998 - “More, more”
1998 - “Strange Fate”
1999 - “Until the morning”
1999 - “Happy Birthday, Mom”
2000 - “Let go of the 20th century”
2000 - “If I'm Left Alone”
2000 - “Beads”
2001 - “Birdcatcher”
2001 - “Snowflake”
2002 - “Love story”
2003 - “Whisper”
2003 - “Mom, Summer” (concert)
2003 - “Blackbird and White Stork”
2004 - “Don’t be bored”
2004 - “Cherry Resin” (concert)
2005 - “From a clean slate”
2006 - “If”
2007 - “I Like You”
2008 - “You and I” [source not specified 363 days]
2008 - “Don’t Say Goodbye”
2009 - “My-my”
2009 - “Radio Autumn”
2011 - “Two Guns”
2011 - “My Father”
2012 - “Panacea”
2013 - “I Miss You So Much”
2014 - “Fly”

Recognition and awards

1989-2009 - Laureate of the Song of the Year festival
1996-99, 2001-03, -05 - I-IV, VI-VIII, X “Golden Gramophone” for the hits “Farewell, my blonde”, “You are the only one”, “My distant star”, “Happy birthday, Mom”, “Birdcatcher”, “Love story”, “Who told you”, “From a clean slate”
1998-2000 - Winner of the “Stopudovy Hit” award
1995 - Prize at the Monte Carlo Music Awards
1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1999)
2000 - Winner of the Ovation Prize in the nomination “For Intellectual Contribution”
2007 - Winner of the Ovation Award in the category “Best Singer”
2010 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2010 N 643)
2013 - Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea
2013 - Medal of the Kemerovo region “For faith and goodness” (Order of the Governor of the region A. G. Tuleyev)
2014 - Diploma for the project “Music Lessons” at the 10th ceremony of the “Central Federal District Award”

One of the most popular Soviet and Russian pop singers is Dmitry Malikov. He drove women crazy with his luxurious hair and radiant eyes.

In the mid-90s of the last century, a talented performer suddenly stopped singing and began to fruitfully study classical music. It was in this capacity that the European and American public recognized and fell in love with him.

Dmitry Malikov is currently an exemplary family man, husband and father. Recently, his long-awaited son was born, which the star of the 90s himself told about on Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret for a Million.”

In the 80s of the last century, the artist became incredibly popular. At this time, he begins to host the show program “Wider Circle”. His style, unusual for that time, attracts numerous girls who know everything about the star, including height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Malikov.

The artist recently turned 47 years old, which he truthfully and frankly told on the TV show “Secret to a Million.” With a height of 183 centimeters, the popular performer weighs 85 kilograms.

Dmitry Malikov, whose photo in his youth and now can be easily found on social networks, goes in for sports and leads a healthy lifestyle.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov

Dimochka, as the future artist’s parents called him, was born in the early 70s of the last century in the center of the capital’s metropolis. The father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich and mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna of the popular artist sang in the VIA "Gems". Dmitry was not raised alone. He has a younger sister, Inna, who also performs songs, but unlike her brother, she is not as popular.

In his childhood, the future singer was fond of sports, dreaming of becoming a famous football player. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, who dreamed of seeing Dima become a great pianist, he ignored music lessons. But at the age of 14, to the surprise of all his relatives, the young man began to study at a music school. After some time, Dmitry could be seen at the piano. Among other things, he began to compose songs that were later performed by the most popular performers of the Soviet Union: Sofia Rotaru, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Katya Semyonova. They performed compositions by a talented young man and his father’s VIA “Gems”.

At the age of 20, the talented young man sang his own composition. It was then that the biography of Dmitry Malikov became popular. He began playing keyboards in the Gems group, which was headed by his father.

After college, the artist studied at the Moscow Conservatory. It was at this time that he became incredibly famous. Together with Katya Semyonova, the young man hosted the popular show program “Wider Circle”.

Since the 90s of the last century, Dmitry has become increasingly interested in playing the piano. In 1992, the pianist toured Europe, causing a sensation everywhere.

Dmitry wrote a large number of songs and compositions. The artist played in 3 films and several show programs. Malikov is also appreciated by professionals. He was awarded 15 prizes.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

The personal life of Dmitry Malikov has attracted the attention of his many fans since the late 80s of the last century. It was from this time that many of the most popular artists were considered to be the popular musician’s companions. According to rumors, he was in a romantic relationship with Katya Semyonova and some other artistic colleagues.

Since 1992, Dmitry has been in a relationship with his current wife. At first they lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania, the couple officially registered the marriage. It recently became known that the couple recently had a son, who was given to them by a surrogate mother.

Family of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov's family was artistic. His father in the early 70s of the last century organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which became a kind of symbol of the Soviet era. Then he and his wife sang in it.

It is not surprising that the children of such creative people did not follow in their footsteps. First Dmitry, and then his younger sister Inna became performers.

Currently, the popular artist’s singer is his daughter Stefania. Dmitry himself writes songs for his favorite, which immediately become popular and go to the people.

Children of Dmitry Malikov

The children of Dmitry Malikov are loved by the popular Russian composer and performer. He does not divide them into his relatives and his adopted ones. Olga Malikov considers his wife’s daughter from her first marriage to be his own. He adopted a girl at school age and gave her an excellent education.

The Russian pop star of the early 90s of the last century loves his daughter Stefania very much. He posts a large number of her pictures on his Instagram page.

Recently it became known that a son was born in the performer’s family. The composer and singer Dmitry Malikov himself spoke about this in the show program “Secret for a Million”.

Son of Dmitry Malikov

At the end of January 2018, the Soviet and Russian pop star again became a father. A boy was born into the family, who was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Dmitry Malikov himself announced this joyful event when he came to the studio of the show program “Secret for a Million”. What name was given to the heir is still unknown.

The son of Dmitry Malikov, according to the singer himself, was born healthy. His weight is 3.7 kg and his height is 53 cm. The couple are very happy about this event, but so far they have not given any information about their son, carefully protecting him from excessive attention of journalists.

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter – Stefania Malikova

At the beginning of the new millennium, the popular pop singer became a father for the first time. His wife gave him a daughter, whom they decided to name Stefania. From childhood, the girl amazed those around her with her talent. She dreamed of becoming a popular performer. For several years, Dmitry did not say anything about his beloved heiress, but in 2013 he himself posted pictures of his daughter on his Instagram page.

During her school years, Stefania really loved music and literature lessons. Mathematics made her indignant. But despite this, the beloved heiress of the popular performer of the 90s of the last century graduated from school with an excellent certificate. Only in the hated mathematics there is a four, and in other subjects there are fives.

Now the girl is studying at Lomonosov Moscow State University. She celebrated her 18th birthday by receiving gifts from her parents and grandparents.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov, Stefania Malikova, has been performing on stage since 2016. She performed several songs that were written for her by her father.

The girl very successfully participates in modeling shows. She recently very successfully presented a new collection designed by the famous Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin.

Stefania is currently dating Leonid Gruzdev. Young people are planning to get married in the future.

Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

True love overcomes all obstacles. When Dmitry met his wife Elena, she already had a schoolgirl daughter. The popular performer soon adopted the girl. She became his beloved eldest daughter.

After school, Dmitry Malikov’s adopted daughter Olga entered MGIMO. After receiving her specialty, the girl went to France for an internship. Currently, she is one of the most sought-after photographers in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, Olga married businessman Jamal Khalilov. In 2016, a girl was born into the family, who was named Anechka. The popular performer himself proudly wrote about this event on his Instagram page.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

In the late 80s of the last century, young people met. Dmitry was only 17 years old, Natalya was a year older, but the girl had already been married and divorced. Katya Semyonova introduced the future common-law spouses on the “Wider Circle” program. They started dating. Just a few weeks later, the lovers began to live together.

The cloudless happiness lasted for almost 3 years. But then the couple began to move away from each other. After meeting with Elena, Dmitry did not hide anything. He honestly and openly told his ex-wife that he fell in love with someone else. The former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, did not hold back her husband. They separated peacefully and without mutual accusations. To this day, former spouses sometimes communicate and congratulate each other on holidays and significant events.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

In the early 90s of the last century, the artist met a woman from whom he immediately lost his head. He was not stopped by the 7-year age difference and the presence of a child with his chosen one. Soon the lovers began to live together. After 2 years, the popular performer officially adopted the daughter of his common-law wife. After the birth of his daughter Stefania, Dmitry Malikov and his beloved woman officially formalized their marriage.

Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, is successful in everything. She takes care of the house and children, and designs her own clothing models. The woman played in several films. Currently, she is taking care of a little son who was born to the couple by a surrogate mother. Elena herself suggested that Dmitry resort to her services, since she had already crossed the 50-year mark and could not give her husband a child herself.

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov are very active by the popular performer. Here you can find out a lot of information about the life and creative work of the artist, and various sources allow you to supplement your knowledge as much as possible.

On his Instagram page, the 90s star posts numerous photographs taken both during the time of his popularity and now. There are many photographs of his beloved daughter Stephanie.

Pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki also exist. They are hosted by fans of a popular artist who tell fans about their idol.

Dmitry Malikov is a Soviet and Russian singer and composer, producer, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). He is known for his own songs, mostly of romantic content: “My Distant Star”, “You will never be mine” and “You are alone, you are like that”. He successfully combines classical and pop music in his musical career and is a talented and successful pianist.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 into a creative Moscow family. His father is Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, founder and director of the once popular VIA Gems. Mom, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, was a ballet soloist, and then became her son’s concert director. Dmitry also has a sister, 7 years younger, singer Inna Malikova.

As a child, Dima was very athletic and devoted a lot of time to street games - for example, football. And when the parents invited the music teacher to study with Dima at home, the young athlete did not like it so much that he constantly ran away from lessons. The family lived on the first floor, so Dmitry jumped out the window as soon as he heard the doorbell. The teacher constantly scolded and reprimanded his grandmother, who spent most of her time raising Malikov, that her grandson would never become a musician.

Despite his initial reluctance to study, Dima quickly achieved great heights in the musical field and mastered the piano. At the age of 14, the future popular artist composed his first song, which he called “Iron Soul.” Music soon took first place in Malikov’s life, and thoughts about a sports career faded into the background.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1985, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the 8th grade of school and entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he began to take his first steps on the Russian stage - he played keyboards in his father’s group VIA “Gems” and composed music. Songs by the young composer Dmitry Malikov were even included in the group’s repertoire, and his composition “House on a Cloud” was sung by Larisa Dolina.

His television debut happened in 1986: Dmitry Malikov performed on the “Wider Circle” program with the song “I am painting a picture” based on the poems of Lilia Vinogradova. Later, in 1987, in the program “Morning Mail of Yuri Nikolaev” Malikov sang the song “Terem-Teremok”.

Dmitry Malikov and Oleg Sleptsov (“Gems”) – “Terem-Teremok”

His first compositions on the big stage were “Moonlight Dream” to the words of Liliya Vinogradova and “You will never be mine” to the words of David Samoilov. Then his first major success came to him - the composition “Moonlight Dream” became the record holder of the “Sound Track” hit parade, in which it remained for a year. Listeners were captivated by Malikov’s romantic image and his touching songs, and in the same year he was recognized as “Discovery of the Year.”

A year later, at the “New Year’s Light-89”, the young musician sang his new composition called “Until Tomorrow”. It is still considered his calling card, and Dmitry traditionally includes it in his concert performances. In this and subsequent years, Malikov was recognized as “Singer of the Year”. His next songs - “Student”, “Sing to me”, “Dear Side”, “Everything Will Return”, “Poor Heart” - also topped the charts.

Dmitry Malikov - “You are alone, you are like that”

After graduating from music school in 1989, Dmitry Malikov became a student at the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, where he began to study with Professor Valery Kastelsky.

In the summer, the graduate was invited as a guest to the international music festival in Sopot, Poland. A year later, the artist already began performing solo concerts - the first large-scale performance took place in November 1990 at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow, where more than one thousand listeners came.

The rise of a musical career

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov demonstrated his acting talent by playing in Alexander Proshkin’s film “See Paris and Die.” In the same year, in Germany, he released the single “Don’t Be Afraid” (“Don’t be afraid”), which he performed together with the singer Oscar in a duet called Baroque. The following year, Malikov received a honors diploma from the Moscow Conservatory.

In parallel with his pop career, Dmitry Malikov always found the opportunity to devote time to classical music and playing the piano. In 1995, the artist performed a piano concerto by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by conductor Konstantin Kremets in the television program “Paradise Cocktail”. Two years later, Dmitry Malikov gave a concert in Stuttgart.

A little later, an album of instrumental music called “Fear of Flying” was released, which was favorably received by his fans. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later received the Ovation Award in the nomination “For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music.”

His second instrumental album was released in 2001, entitled “The Game”. The disc includes piano arrangements of various popular Russian pop songs. By the way, instrumental compositions by Dmitry Malikov are constantly heard in television programs, and also become soundtracks for documentaries and feature films. In 2004, a re-release of the popular album “Fear of Flying” was released.

In 2007, the artist presented his original project PIANOMANIА to the audience. The television version of the concert as part of the project was shown on the NTV channel, and after that the album of the same name was released, which sold more than 100 thousand copies. The show's premiere concerts were held twice to full houses on the stage of the Moscow Opera Theatre. The production director was Dmitry Chernyakov.

Dmitry Malikov - “From a Clean Slate”

In 2010, Dmitry Malikov again performed a solo piano concert, this time on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), and at the end of the year he presented the Symphonic Mania show in France, in which such famous groups as Cirque du Soleil and the orchestra took part and the choir of the New Opera and the Imperial Russian Ballet of G. Taranda. In the same year, the singer received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, Malikov created a social and educational project to help young pianists throughout Russia, which he called “Music Lessons.” In 2013, the singer released his next album entitled “25+”, dedicated to the anniversary date in his work. And in 2015, the musician pleased his fans with the 15th album “Cafe Safari”, on which he recorded his new instrumental music.

A separate aspect in the work of Dmitry Malikov is video clips, many of which have become classics of Russian music video making art. In total, the singer has about 20 video clips, and most of them were shot by famous directors - Oleg Gusev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Irina Mironova. Videos for the songs “I’ll Drink to the Bottom” and “My Distant Star” became laureates of the Russian video clip festival “Generation”. In total, by 2018, Dmitry Malikov had recorded 14 albums, as well as three collections of songs and two singles.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

Malikov’s first wife, albeit a civilian one, was the once popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their relationship lasted 6 years, after which Vetlitskaya left Dmitry depressed from the breakup.

Malikov and Vetlitskaya – “What a strange fate”

Now the artist is married to Elena Malikova (Isakson), who works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania in 2000, the lovers already formalized their relationship. In addition, Dmitry Malikov raised Olga Izakson, his wife’s daughter from her first marriage. Elena is 7 years older than her husband.