General producer of music TV. Arman Davletyarov: biography, nationality, personal life and interesting facts

On Tuesday, February 2, RMA business school students are invited to a meeting with the General Director of the MUZ-TV channel, Arman Davletyarov. The event will take place as part of the preparation of a new project on MUZ-TV, aimed at supporting the interesting ideas of young startupers.

On April 21, the portal celebrated its eighth birthday at the RAY club - in honor of the celebration, project managers, top managers of radio stations, TV channels and media holdings met to discuss current trends in the music business, and the Muz-TV channel filmed the gala -concert Top Hit Party 2011 with the participation of show business stars. Students of the educational program “Management in the Music Business and Entertainment Industry,” as well as students of the higher education program of the Faculty of “Management in Show Business,” took part in organizing the press conference and concert. About 60 students, graduates and teachers of RMA attended the party as guests - among the latter, Alexander Kushnir, Evgeny Safronov, Dmitry Konnov and Arman Davletyarov.

Arman Davletyarov was born on August 13, 1970 in the village of Tamar-Utkul, Orenburg Region. The boy spent his childhood in a warm and friendly family. Arman graduated from school in his village, after which he went to Moscow to make his dream of becoming a lawyer come true. At first, Davletyarov entered an ordinary vocational school, from which he graduated with honors. The next choice was the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. The strict laws of that time did not give the young man the opportunity to immediately become a lawyer, since he did not have a residence permit in the capital.

Arman failed to graduate from college; he received a summons for military service. The future producer served first in Hungary, and then in Baku. Having repaid his debt to his homeland, Arman returned to the capital. After the service, the opportunity arose to study at a law university, where Davletyarov entered. The producer remembers the time of study, and especially practice at the Moscow police department, as the most interesting period of his life in the capital. Student Davletyarov completed his internship successfully, but did not work in his specialty.

The final decision was influenced by Arman's older brother, who worked as a lawyer. It was morally difficult for Davletyarov Sr. to defend not only honest citizens, but also scum, which he told Arman about. It was these words that the future producer remembered most of all.

The road to the world of business for the assertive young man was opened by the A-Studio group, under the patronage of Alla Pugacheva. Davletyarov's acquaintance with the group happened spontaneously. Then Arman asked for an autograph from producer and singer Batyrkhan Shukenov. A couple of simple phrases, a few fleeting meetings, and a strong male friendship has already begun. It took the young and promising Davletyarov very little time to get into the noisy and interesting world of the stage. Already in 1995, Arman was appointed director of the Mediastar-Concert production group, and a few years later he took the post of general director of this concept.

Already firmly on his feet, Arman Ilyubaevich decides to get another higher education. The producer received his chosen specialty “Management Psychology” at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. At the same institution, Davletyarov defended his doctoral dissertation in his specialty.

In the early 2000s, Davletyarov became the general director of the Media Star company and in the same year opened his own production company, Musical Unity. Not stopping there, Arman also discovered his talent for writing. In 2011, the world saw the book “The History of Moscow Chigis Khan,” which quite vividly and interestingly described the life of the capital’s elite and revealed the incredible connections of Russian celebrities with Kazakhstan. Since 2013, Arman Davletyarov has headed the famous music channel MUZ-TV.

From his first years as a producer, Arman Davletyarov was actively involved in the development of musical talents in Kazakhstan. As a true patriot, he is sure that in his homeland there are no people without talent. Many different music competitions, auditions and auditions opened the way for young performers. Thanks to the support of the producer, the famous Kazakh singer Murat Nasyrov got the opportunity to perform on world stages.

Currently, Arman Davletyarov is the only producer on Russian television who is involved in the development of Kazakh culture and artists. Such devotion to the ethnic homeland deserves the highest praise. Concert tours of world-famous stars have been held on the territory of Kazakhstan more than once, and all thanks to the assistance of Arman Ilyubaevich. He did not bypass any talented musician. It was under his patronage that the world heard the groups “Dynamite”, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and “Combination”.

An incredible number of tours and concerts, all kinds of promotions and flash mobs in which the company participates, and assistance in conducting tours. It would seem that there is nothing special about this, but there are very few producers who are as interested in the media development of the country. Under his leadership, the MUZ-TV channel acquired a high level of development. Star presenters, all the most fashionable and modern music, new video clips and interesting videos make the channel in demand and popular.

In addition, the channel launched an exciting show “Live with Craig David”. Live, the world celebrity shows viewers different aspects of his life. For Russian music lovers, this practice has become a real revelation. The high level of work and quality of the music provided gave Davletyarov’s production group the opportunity to work with some foreign groups, for example, “Gipsy Kings”.

Davletyarov does not ignore the public life of the country. He helped conduct charity tours and concerts in the North Caucasus, took part in the patriotic events “We must continue history” and “Do I know my anthem”. The MUZ-TV channel has established a prestigious award, the MUZ-TV Award, which is held at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Every year the show attracts millions of viewers and hundreds of artists, both high-level and beginners, but promising. World-famous singers and musicians will perform at the award ceremony - Christina Aguilera, Sharon Stone, PSY and many others.

The famous producer's first love became a rather painful event in his life. While still a student, Arman met a girl to whom he decided to propose. But Davletyarov’s older brother, whose opinion always carried weight for the celebrity, announced that he would not give his consent to the marriage until Arman finished his studies. The obstinate young man decided to leave home, but still connect his life with his beloved. This would have happened, but the girl refused Arman, motivating the decision by the fact that she did not want to be a stumbling block in the Davletyarov family.

Davletyarov devoted himself entirely to work and personal development. This continued until the star’s mother got tired of waiting for her grandchildren. She turned to her son with a proposal to independently look for a bride worthy of her family. The short search ended very successfully. The producer's future wife turned out to be 11 years younger than Armand. At first, the young people even opposed the wedding. But the joint forces of the two families still contributed to the wedding taking place.

Married life was far from cloudless, but the Davletyarov couple successfully coped with all adversities. An interesting fact about the friendly Davletyarov family is that everyone communicates with each other exclusively using “you”. According to Arman, this approach has a positive effect on family life and almost completely eliminates scandals. At the moment, the happy husband and father is raising three children, with no intention of stopping there.

In 1993 – graduated from Moscow University, Faculty of Law, specialty “lawyer”. The internship took place in the criminal investigation department at the Moscow police department.

In 1993, the A-Studio group introduced Murat Nasyrov to A.I. Davletyarov. This is how the work of A.I. Davletyarov began. in Russian show business.

In 1995 – Davletyarov A.I. headed the MediaStar-concert company.

Since 2000, he became the General Director of the entire production company “Media Star”, replacing Mr. Yu.Sh. Aizenshpis in this position.

From 2001 to the present – ​​President of the Musical Unity company.

The MediaStar company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, opened the creative path of such groups as “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Dynamite”, “Combination”, as well as Larisa Chernikova, Decl and others. It produced television programs on the RTR and MUZ channels. TV - “According to your letters”, “Nightlife”, “Muz-zone”, “Muz-Metel”, With the participation of the MEDIASTAR company headed by Davletyarov, the group “Smoky” toured in Russia, at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” show program “We are together!”, tour of Russia and the CIS countries of the Vostok group “See you in La Manga”.

In Russian show business, Davletyarov A.I. is the only producer representing Kazakhstan and actively promoting Kazakh culture and Kazakh artists on the Russian market: Murat Nasyrov, Batyrkhan Shukenov.

On the territory of Kazakhstan over the past few years, Davletyarov A.I. Tours of various Russian pop stars were organized and carried out, starting with young artists, including mega-stars of the Russian stage Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva. The experience gained in working in the Russian market made it possible to attract foreign pop artists to participate in work and tours: the group “Smoky”, Gypsy King.

Best of the day

The company's artists pay great attention to the Republic of Kazakhstan. They take an active part in all musical events in Kazakhstan. To mark the 10th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Musical Unity company, with the support of the Government of Kazakhstan, held a festival in Astana, “Kazakh Song of the Year,” where all the pop stars of Kazakhstan from Roza Rymbaeva to young groups also took part.

Currently Mr. Davletyarov A.I. actively participates in the public life of Russia. Tours around the North Caucasus were organized and conducted jointly with the All-Russian Public Organization “Youth Unity” and its leader Alexandra Burataeva with the participation of Russian pop stars, where charitable assistance was collected for children in Chechnya.

The company, headed by A.I. Davletyarov, took an active part in the All-Russian campaign “We must continue history,” dedicated to the population census and large gala concerts in all major cities of Russia with the campaign “Do I Know My Anthem” and “We Are United!” .

Russian producer, general director of the Muz-TV channel and the national music award in the field of pop music "Muz-TV Prize".

Biography of Arman Davletyarov

Arman Davletyarov born into a Kazakh family in the Orenburg region. After 8th grade, Arman and his older brother went to Moscow to get a law degree, but without registration, he did not get into any university and entered a vocational school to become a carpenter. During his studies, Arman began acting in the student theater. After graduating from college with honors, Davletyarov entered the MISS. Kuibysheva, however, without receiving a diploma, joined the army of his own free will after an unsuccessful love story and a quarrel with his family. Later, he finally became a lawyer and did an internship in the criminal investigation department of the Perovsky district of Moscow, but in the end he decided that a legal career required too much mental strength.

Davletyarov is married. His parents introduced him to his wife; they were also involved in organizing matchmaking and the traditional wedding of young people. In the first year, the relationship between the spouses was tense, but then everything improved. The Davletyarovs are raising 3 sons and a daughter, born in 2016.

“The turning point in my relationship with my wife came at the moment when my life went downhill. I quit my job to run for the State Duma, started a big election campaign, but did not get into the Duma. I was left without money, deeply in debt. During the same period, I lost my brother - he died of a heart attack. My wife supported me very much during that difficult time. And one day she said: “Let’s go and have a rest, I calculated that we should have enough for tickets.” We flew to Egypt with our last money and returned from there as completely different people. Soon after arriving, the doctor calls us at home and says: “Your wife is pregnant.” I'm standing with the phone, tears flowing. The wife asks: “What happened?” I say, “You’re pregnant.” It was such a moment - I grabbed her in my arms, began to dance with her around the apartment, hugging and kissing her. Everything was worse than ever, and suddenly such incredible happiness!”

In 2007, Arman received a higher education in psychology at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. There he defended his dissertation.

In 2011, he published an autobiographical book, “The History of Moscow Genghis Khan.”

In 2014 and 2015, Davletyarov won the BRAND AWARDS in the “Best Media Director of the Year” category.

In addition to working in show business, Davletyarov is involved in social and political activities. One of the areas of his work is the establishment of social and cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Russia. To mark the 10th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the Musical Unity company organized the Kazakh Song of the Year festival in Astana.

Career of Arman Davletyarov

In 1991, Arman, at the “Christmas Meetings” concert of Alla Pugacheva, met the musicians of the group “ A-studio" A few years later, group members offered him the position of administrator Murat Nasyrova. The young man’s next position was that of general director of the production company Mediastar-Concert.

In 2001, Davletyarov founded his own production company, Musical Unity. In the 2000s, Batyrkhan Shukenov and the groups “ Dynamite», « Inveterate scammers», « Propaganda"etc. In addition, the company organized concerts of famous Russian and foreign performers: