The main characters of the novel “Dubrovsky. The main characters of the novel “Dubrovsky Roman Dubrovsky the story of heroes and their families


1. Why Vladimir became a robber.

2. Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova:

a. The story of heroes and their families: friendship of fathers.
b. Both lost their mother early.
c. We were lonely and impressionable.
d. Troekurov once predicted (supposed) Masha for Vladimir (1-11) chapters.

3. Vladimir refused revenge on Troekurov, having fallen in love with Masha, he enters her house (chapter 12). Masha realizes that she loves Deforge (the story with the bear).

4. Dubrovsky’s explanations with Masha (chapter 12).

5. Masha is afraid of Dubrovsky and her feelings for him, they are different both in origin and position in society (Masha is an aristocrat, Vladimir is a ruined nobleman, a robber) (Chapter 12).

6. Vereisky's matchmaking and the threat of a wedding. Masha’s agreement to accept Dubrovsky’s help (Chapters 14-15).

7. Masha’s wedding, she shows firmness and loyalty to her word. She is ready to become the wife of a robber, but she cannot break her oath.

8. Dubrovsky’s despair: he leaves the gang (Chapter 19).

9. Honor and loyalty to your word are the main values ​​for Vladimir and Masha.

10. My attitude towards the heroes.

While reading A. S. Pushkin's work "Dubrovsky", I met the main character of the novel - Vladimir Dubrovsky, who, by the will of fate, became a robber.

Vladimir is a poor nobleman. His father was a good friend of Troekurov, but died because of him. When Dubrovsky's estate was taken away, Vladimir even became a robber. Maria Troekurova was an aristocrat and grew up in a very rich family. Both Masha and Vladimir lost their mothers early, her father wanted to marry the newlyweds, but Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky did not agree and thereby broke off the friendship.

Vladimir Dubrovsky refuses revenge on Troekurov, having fallen in love with Masha. He enters Troekurov's house as a Frenchman, Deforge, who is supposed to teach Sasha, Troekurov's son. Masha fell in love with Deforge when he killed the bear, but Vladimir tells Masha who he really is. Maria is afraid of feelings for Dubrovsky. And at this time, Prince Vereisky wooed Masha. But she realized that she couldn’t be with him, and even Dubrovsky was better. Troekurov's daughter does not agree and her father puts her under house arrest. She asks Sasha to help and take the ring that Vladimir gave her to the tree, but Kirilla Petrovich catches him and interrogates him about what kind of ring it is and where he got it from. Sasha didn’t want to tell, but Troekurov promised to flog him and he said everything he knew and his father let him go.

After some time, Vereisky comes for Masha and they go to church to get married. Masha doesn’t want to do this, so she just stands silently waiting for Dubrovsky, but he doesn’t come. After the wedding ends, they go to Vereisky. They are stopped by Vladimir and his gang, but he did not know that Marya Kirillovna had already gotten married and could not break the oath. Dubrovsky, out of despair, goes into the forest to his lair, but there is also a surprise there. The soldiers began to advance and it seemed that the robbers were losing, but Vladimir shot the general and the soldiers retreated. After this, Dubrovsky leaves the gang and goes abroad.

I liked Masha Troekurova less than Vladimir Dubrovsky, because she did not immediately take advantage of his offer and she had to marry Vereisky. She was also very picky and only thought about herself. Dubrovsky was kind, noble and fair. He even only robbed the rich. That's why I liked Vladimir more than Marya Kirillovna.


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In the novel “Dubrovsky” A.S. Pushkin talks about honor and meanness, love and hatred, nobility and baseness.

One of the important plot lines of the novel is the story of the relationship between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova. The fates of these heroes have a lot in common. They both lost their mothers early and were deprived of sufficient parental affection and warmth. One was brought up far from home, the other lived with her father, but, avoiding manifestations of his hot and unpredictable temper, she preferred to retire with books rather than reveal her feelings to her parent.

Vladimir knew Masha as a child, and she “already promised to be a beauty then.” Going at the call of old Yegorovna to his sick father, Dubrovsky Jr. saw Masha again and fell in love. This love prevailed over hatred and thirst for revenge. And despite the fact that Masha’s father, Kirila Petrovich, was Vladimir’s first enemy, the culprit of all his misfortunes, the noble robber refuses to raid Pokrovskoye.

Dubrovsky appears at Troyekurov's house under the guise of a young teacher, the Frenchman Deforge, who at first does not arouse any interest in Marya Kirilovna. “Brought up in aristocratic prejudices,” she did not perceive him not only as a man, but also as an object worthy of attention. “The teacher was for her a kind of servant or artisan,” says the author, “and the servant or artisan did not seem like a man to her.”

Her father's daring fun helped Masha see Deforge as a courageous and courageous person. Left alone with the bear, Vladimir was not at all taken aback; he pulled out a pistol and shot the hungry beast in the ear. The “Frenchman” explained his unexpected action by saying that he “does not intend to tolerate offense.” This truly shocked Masha. It was this kind of hero that she dreamed about after reading French novels.

The robbery of Anton Pafnutich forced Dubrovsky to flee from Troekurov’s house. Not wanting to be branded a scoundrel, Vladimir decides to explain himself to Masha and reveal to her the truth about himself. Dubrovsky's note aroused ambivalent feelings in Masha: on the one hand, she was curious and pleased, on the other, the teacher put her in an awkward position with his invitation to a night date. Nevertheless, Masha agreed. The heroine was waiting for a declaration of love, but heard a terrible confession: “I am not the Frenchman Deforge, I am Dubrovsky.” Vladimir once again demonstrated courage and nobility, but this became a real blow for Marya Kirilovna. Returning to her room, she sobbed for a long time “in a hysterical fit.” All her hopes for happiness were destroyed. Forced into hiding, Dubrovsky promises to be devoted to Masha and offers her his help and protection. Marya Kirilovna really needed her when Prince Vereisky appeared. The estate of Prince Vereisky, a wealthy landowner, was located only thirty miles from Pokrovsky. Returning from abroad, the old prince, not accustomed to solitude, already on the third day went to Troekurov for lunch. Vereisky looked much older than his years, but was still quite pleasant, and also amiable. He knew the world very well, and he quickly managed to win the attention of Kirila Petrovich and Masha, living in the wilderness, with his stories about him.

Arbatovo amazed the Troekurovs with its beauty, purity, and grace. The day in the company of Vereisky, who spoke with “feeling and imagination” not only about paintings from his gallery, but also on any topic, flew by unnoticed. Marya Kirilovna felt at ease and at ease all the time, as if she had known the prince for a long time. Vereisky, indeed, was endearing. He surprised his guests with magnificent cuisine, real fireworks, and brass music. Kirila Petrovich perceived all this as signs of respect for himself, and Masha did not think about anything and was simply happy.

However, “the old red tape was struck by her beauty” at first sight and skillfully weaved his networks around the young beauty. Without hesitation for a long time, he went to match her. Trusting and naive Masha never expected this. In an instant, from a charming interlocutor, Vereisky turned for her into a disgusting and hateful old man. Marriage with him scared her “like a scaffold, like a grave.” All hopes of persuading the greedy father and Vereisky himself to abandon the wedding were in vain. Masha’s tears and pleas touched no one, and in desperation she began to seek Dubrovsky’s help.

Help came, but it was too late. The wedding took place, and to Vladimir’s words about freedom, Marya Kirilovna replied that she could not break the oath given to God. And this is Pushkin’s ideal of a woman - faithful and devoted, in spite of everyone and everything. Masha’s actions amaze us with their high morality, integrity of character and courage.

It’s a pity for Vladimir, a pity for Masha, but still the reader experiences some kind of bright feeling at the end of the novel, and it is caused by the determination and uncompromisingness of the young girl.

Masha and Vladimir were born and raised in different families. Masha Troekurova's family was very wealthy, and Vladimir grew up in a poor family. They also differ greatly in their views and character. Vladimir was never worried about the future; he squandered his money and allowed himself a lot. Masha was very well brought up, educated, loved to read French novels, she is modest and loves to dream.

When Deforge appeared in the house, he did not make any impression on Masha, but when he courageously led the beast and killed the bear, Masha was struck by this act, and she appreciated Deforge and changed her attitude towards him. The young people began to communicate more and spend time together, Masha had good hearing, so the Frenchman began to study music with her. Time passed, and Deforge won the heart of a young girl. When Masha found out at a meeting in the garden that Dubrovsky was in front of her, she was very surprised. She learned that her feelings were mutual.

At this time, Masha's father, Troekurov, a very rude and capricious man, decided to marry Masha to the old Prince Vereisky, for the sake of the wealth that the prince had. Masha really didn’t want to marry the old man, but no one was going to take her opinions into account. She decided to ask Dubrovsky for help, as they agreed, she put the ring he gave her in the hollow, with the help of her brother. During the wedding, she was very pale and looked unhealthy; she constantly waited for Dubrovsky to arrive, but he never came. She had to agree to become Vereisky's wife. When they were driving to their estate after the wedding, Dubrovsky stopped their carriage; he wanted to give her freedom. She did not agree, since she was already engaged and took an oath.

Which is discussed in detail in the article, is the ideal of purity and fidelity.

main character

The novel by the talented Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is truly a real “manual” of human relations. It reveals the most relevant topics to this day.

Mashenka appears before us only in the seventh chapter. Until this moment, we get to know the families of Troekurov and Dubrovsky. The main characters, fathers, quarreled and became an obstacle to the love of their children.

The description of Masha Troekurova is quite concise. We learn about her from the story. She is modest, but at the same time she is well-mannered, educated, and speaks excellent French. Left without a mother at an early age, she grows up with her domineering and proud father, Kirill Petrovich. Undoubtedly, he loves his daughter, but he has a completely different idea of ​​​​life than Mashenka. She lives with her heart and feelings, while Troekurov seeks profit in everything.

Masha is a typical classic image of a noblewoman's daughter, but she does not have an ounce of arrogance. Due to her father’s excessive care and waywardness, she became very withdrawn and got used to keeping everything to herself. Her only entertainment is the library, which contains novels from the 18th century.

This is how the main character appeared before us, whom the novel “Dubrovsky” gave us. We will study both Masha Troekurova and the rest of the characters in this work in more detail.

Noble and honest robber

Vladimir Dubrovsky, without a doubt, can be called the main character of the novel. The boy, who had to grow up overnight, amazes with his fortitude.

The story of Masha Troekurova and the story of Vladimir are similar: both of them were left early without mothers in the care of their fathers. Andrei Gavrilovich took care of his son’s future and his career: he sent the boy to a cadet school early, and then to a guards regiment. The father sent all the funds to his only child. But Vladimir did not particularly appreciate this: he spent his life partying, playing cards, and having considerable debts.

It would seem that before us is a spoiled young man who knows no difficulties. But as soon as the nanny wrote a letter to Vladimir about his father’s illness, he, leaving everything, rushed to Kistenevka. This is where his new life began. And the reason for this was Masha Troekurova. The characteristics of these characters, the story of their acquaintance and subsequent relationships are very touching.

After the death of his father, Dubrovsky the son decides to avenge his parent. And his main enemy is Troekurov. But who would have thought that a carefully thought-out plan of revenge would destroy the love for the enemy’s daughter!

The appearance of the Frenchman

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova were friends in early childhood, but as they grew up, they could not recognize each other because they had not seen each other for a long time. And of course, in the guise of a French teacher, the girl did not try to discern a familiar face.

Deforge appeared at the Troekurov estate on the order of Kirilla Petrovich, who was waiting for a teacher for his youngest son. But no one suspected that the true French teacher never made it to Pokrovsky: he was bribed by Vladimir, who gave him money and took away documents in his name. This was the only way Dubrovsky could get into the enemy’s house.

Appearing in the guise of Deforge, he was not immediately able to gain authority among the owners of the estate. He had to take the risk of being in the same room with an angry bear. This was a kind of entertainment in Troekurov’s house, as he tested people’s strength and enjoyed the fear that his victims experienced.

But Vladimir-Deforge was not at a loss. He shot the poor bear in the ear, which showed unprecedented courage. Troekurov was discouraged by such a bold act and from that day on he was very proud that his son was being taught by such a strong, fearless man. Masha, who until then had not noticed some teacher, now looked at him with different eyes.

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky: a love story

Day after day, communicating with Deforge, our heroine treated him more and more favorably. He looked like the characters in her novels, which the girl was engrossed in. Having good musical abilities, she responded positively to the teacher’s offer to study with her. And, without noticing it, she fell in love with him. But for now, Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova cannot be together: the girl is not sure of the teacher’s feelings and is looking forward to his recognition.

Deforge makes an appointment with the girl in the garden. He wants to tell her the whole truth about him and confess his love. However, Mashenka does not even suspect that in front of her is Dubrovsky himself, her father’s enemy. Worried, she goes on a date and imagines their conversation.

But what the teacher said shocked her: it turns out that in front of her is not Deforge, but Vladimir himself! He tells the girl about his feelings and how he was going to take revenge on Troekurov for the death of his father. Masha cannot believe his words.

Hope for a bright future

Masha Troekurova, whose characterization will be incomplete without describing the scene of Vladimir’s confession in the garden, now knows the truth. But she cannot give up on her loved one and is ready to be with him, no matter what.

Dubrovsky told her that he had abandoned the plan of revenge, he would not hurt the father of his beloved girl. And now, if she agrees, Vladimir will marry her. But their life will not be easy, he is a robber known throughout the area, he no longer has any property or means of livelihood. Nevertheless, Masha is ready to face these difficulties.

Vladimir is forced to leave the garden in order to remain unnoticed. He makes the girl promise that if she gets into trouble, she will definitely turn to him for help.

Unfulfilled dreams

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky, whose love story will not leave anyone indifferent, continues. They live in hope of a future together, but suddenly something happens that neither of them could have expected. Prince Vereisky appears in the Troyekurovs' house. He lived abroad for a long time and now came to visit his old friend Kirill Petrovich. This man is already old, over fifty. Troekurov sees in the rich old man an excellent match for the husband of his only daughter.

The description of Masha Troekurova at the moment when she learns about her father’s desire to marry her to Vereisky touches the soul: the girl begs her dad not to do this. But he is adamant in his decision.

Having left a ring in a hollow oak tree as a sign of the misfortune that has happened, Masha waits for help from Vladimir, but he does not come to her.

And then the wedding day came. The girl is very worried and hopes that her beloved will save her from an unwanted marriage. But by chance, Vladimir does not manage to see this ring, so he learns too late about Masha’s wedding to Vereisky. Dubrovsky is in a hurry to save the girl. Unfortunately, he is late: on his way he meets a carriage with the already married Mashenka. He invites her to get out and leave with him. Being a deeply religious person, the girl refuses him. Now she is Princess Vereiskaya, she is married to the prince. Vladimir is in despair, but he can’t do anything.

Bottom line

Masha Troekurova is going through a very difficult time. The characterization of this girl is amazing: she turned out to be very strong and true to her word.

Unfortunately, Vladimir and Masha are not destined to be together. Who knows what would have happened if Dubrovsky had not been late. But now everything has already happened...

In A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”, each of the characters, main and secondary, has their own character traits, positive and negative. We are shown a portrait of each of them, given the history of the heroes and their families, and each has their own fate, some are punished with life for their atrocities, and some manage to escape from just retribution. This article gives the characteristics of the main characters of the novel.

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich

A smug despot-tyrant, intoxicated by wealth and his own power, which allows him to mock his serfs with impunity. Even towards his children, Troekurov is cruel and capricious. His stubborn character led him to a quarrel with his good friend Dubrovsky and indirectly influenced the latter's death. The author in the novel blames this situation not so much on the rich landowner, but on social inequality in Russia, which allows the arbitrariness of the nobles, their cruel and unpunished oppression of the serfs. At the same time, Troekurov cannot be called an out-and-out scoundrel. He still regretted that he had gotten excited and made an attempt at reconciliation with his former friend.

Dubrovsky Sr.

Former friend of Troekurov, owner of the village of Kistenevka. Giving a characterization of this hero, we can say that he is a poor man, but at the same time proud, noble and honest, who does not want to forgive attacks on his honor. He was never able to forgive Kirila Petrovich for the blow he dealt. He is the only one from Troekurov’s entourage who does not fawn over him and he respects this trait in him. Andrei Dubrovsky, feeling sorry for Troekurov’s servants, expressed the idea that it would be better if Kirila Petrovich treated his serfs and employees as well as he treated his dogs. This offended the groom Troyekurov, who responded with insolence to Dubrovsky, which quarreled the two comrades.

Vladimir Dubrovsky

Perhaps the main character of Pushkin's novel. The son of Andrei Dubrovsky, a noble robber who is distinguished by courage and courage. The author portrays him as a determined and strong character. Hearing bad news, he is forced to return to his father from St. Petersburg, where he served. He, just like his father, is not going to put up with injustice and drives away Kirila, who came to make peace. He does not intend to forgive the death of his father and takes revenge on the rich and well-fed landowners, helping the poor and disadvantaged. But he spares Troekurov for the time being, out of love for his daughter Masha. His feelings are pure and sincere, they force him to sneak into Troyekurov’s house under the name of the Frenchman Deforge.

Masha Troekurova

Daughter of Kirila Petrovich. This is a very sweet and kind provincial girl. She is dreamy and romantic by nature. Loves to read and play musical instruments. She sincerely responds to Vladimir Dubrovsky’s feelings and is ready to run with him at his first sign. But as fate would have it, she married the old Prince Vereisky. To Dubrovsky’s proposal to run away, Masha replies that she will not dare to break the holy vow made in the church. This girl has the character traits of a sophisticated aristocrat.

Prince Vereisky

This is the rich neighbor of the Troekurovs, who returned from abroad. He fell in love with Masha at first sight and is trying in every way to impress her with his wealth. He is a man already satiated with all the pleasures that money can buy, and therefore he has become flabby and acquired a repulsive appearance. But for Troekurov this is an ideal son-in-law and he does not listen to the opinions of his daughter. Kirila Petrovich gave Masha to Vereisky, despite her protests.

Anton Spitsyn

A cowardly, unscrupulous person who gave false testimony at the trial against Andrei Dubrovsky. Because of his lies, he lost his property. Spitsyn now feels fear all the time and is even afraid to sleep alone, fearing revenge. He asks to be put in the same room with the Frenchman Deforge, who was famous for his courage. The Frenchman, who turns out to be Dubrovsky Jr., robs him completely, threatening him with a pistol. It is Spitsyn who reveals to Troekurov who Deforge really is. Spitsyn is a portrait of the most repulsive characters in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky".