How to tell fortunes on Friday the 13th.

That nothing good should be expected from Friday the 13th. For many centuries, the fear of this day has been firmly entrenched in the minds of many people. Nowadays, no one can say exactly where exactly this attitude towards Friday the 13th began.

There are many different versions, each of which explains in its own way the signs and beliefs associated with this day. However, no matter what they say about this day, fortune telling for Friday the 13th is considered very effective.

What's special about this day?

13 only happens once, twice or three times a year. This day has long been attributed great mystical significance.

  • Many believe that this day combines two of the most terrible symbols: firstly, Friday is the very day of the week when Eve treated Adam to an apple in the Garden of Eden, and secondly, the number 13 itself, which is popularly considered devilish.
  • According to another biblical meaning, a negative attitude towards this day arose because it was Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross on Friday, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him, was considered the 13th disciple.
  • At witchcraft sabbaths, as the old legend says, people always gather There are 12 supreme witches, and Satan himself, who is the 13th, closes the diabolical circle key participant.
  • In Great Britain, when the death penalty was still in use, in order for a convicted person to climb to the scaffold it was necessary to overcome exactly 13 steps. And, by the way, Friday in this country was the day of public executions and punishments.
  • Another version according to which Friday became a cursed day has its roots in the history of the Templar Order. According to historians, it was on Friday the 13th in France that the monarch Philip IV the Fair, having coveted the wealth and power of the order, issued an order to take all its knights under arrest, after which many of them were executed or expelled, and the order itself ceased to exist altogether.
  • According to many studies, this day accounts for the largest number of accidents and accidents.. In America, the fear of this day has turned into a real phobia. Most houses in this country do not have the 13th floor and 13 apartments; in hospitals, office centers and hotels there are no wards, offices and rooms with the number 13; at airports there is no exit to the landing strip with this number.
  • Europeans and Americans avoid making big deals on Friday the 13th, on this day it is not customary to go to work, go shopping or meet with friends. By the way, in the USA, the number 13 in a phone number is a strong argument to contact the company to replace it.

It must be admitted that not all nations consider Friday the 13th a bad and unlucky day. For example, Jews treat him quite favorably, because at one time Israel was divided into 13 parts. In Egypt, the number 13 also symbolizes the patronage of Fortune, and Friday the 13th is considered a happy and successful day.

In the East, it is generally accepted that a person brings negativity upon himself, attracting it with his attitude. The Japanese and Chinese believe that if you wake up on an unlucky day with a smile and have a positive attitude towards what is happening, you can avoid any troubles. By the way, these two nationalities are afraid of the number 4 like fire, but they are quite neutral about Friday the 13th.

Is it possible to tell fortunes on Friday the 13th?

Fortune telling on Friday the 13th is not only possible, but even necessary! This day is considered the most favorable for any contacts with the other world. If you want to know your life, so to speak, to lift the veil of the future, then it’s hard to imagine a better time. Since ancient times, it has been believed that on this day an evil spirit makes its way into our world, which is to blame for the fact that people are catastrophically unlucky.

Since time immemorial, people believed that it was at this time that sorcerers and witches gather at their sabbaths, where they perform terrible black rituals and spells. On Friday the 13th, under no circumstances was it possible to swim in open water or go into the forest.

It is believed that rampant evil spirits, for example, merman, mermaids, goblins or kikimoras, can easily spin or drown a person. But if you contact them with a request or question on Friday the 13th, they will be willing to make contact.

There are a huge number of rituals, ceremonies and fortune-telling that are best performed on Friday the 13th. In order to find out the future, attract good luck and love, people resorted to the help of cards, church candles, mirrors and various things. Various animals were also used as a tool for fortune telling: cats, dogs, chickens, and so on.

Various ways

Let's give examples of the most famous and accessible fortune telling which anyone can easily do at home.

On wax and water

One of the most popular fortune telling for Friday the 13th. It is best to do it from 10 pm to 11 pm, when it is already dark outside. You can carry out this ritual in the company of friends, it will be even more interesting. With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out what exactly awaits you in the near future, in work or in a relationship with a loved one.

Take a small saucer and pour some water into it. Place several small thin church candles next to it, their number should be equal to the number of fortune tellers. If you wear a cross or rings, it is best to remove them so that they do not close your energy flow.

Concentrate, pick up one of the candles and mentally concentrate on what exactly you want to know. Turn the candle over with the flame facing down over a saucer of water, close your eyes and slowly count to 13. The wax will drip into the wax, and its frozen patterns will become your answer to the question asked.

By cat

The easiest and safest way to look into your future. Fortune telling is carried out early in the morning on Friday 13th. When you wake up, make a wish and call your cat to you. You will need to pay attention to which paw she crosses the threshold or, if the animal is sleeping with you, which paw she puts on you first. If the left one - the wish will not come true, the right one - it will come true very soon.

On the mirror and candle

One of the most terrible and dangerous fortune telling for a betrothed, especially if done on Friday the 13th. But at the same time, it is considered the most accurate. The ritual should begin at night, from midnight to 3 o'clock.

Mystics and psychics strongly It is not recommended to spend it alone, since mirrors are a kind of portal between our world and the other world. You should be extremely attentive and careful during any fortune telling and rituals using them.

Curtain the windows in the room, remove the tablecloth from the table and place a medium-sized mirror in front of you. Take a new church one and use it to draw 13 small crosses on its entire surface.

After this, light a candle and place it between you and the mirror. Now you should mentally ask the question of interest and peer closely into the reflection. This should be done no longer than 13 minutes. Ask other fortune-telling participants to keep an eye on the time or set a stopwatch on your phone.

Try not to blink, you may see various images and figures that will become iconic for you, perhaps he himself will appear in the mirror. If the reflection doesn’t show you anything, wrap the mirror in a white cloth and place it under your pillow at night. You will see the answer to your question in a dream.

How to guess by hairs?

Another popular fortune telling for Friday the 13th. It is carried out before going to bed.

Ask a question mentally and run a new comb through your hair exactly 13 times, preferably wooden. At this moment, you cannot look at a mirror so that it does not absorb your information and energy flow.

After this, look at how many hairs are left on the comb: an even number means the answer is yes, an odd number means no. If not a single hair has fallen out, now is not the time to ask this question; solving it will not bring you anything good.

On the dice

Two dominoes can tell you the answer to your question on this day.. Take them in your palms and mentally imagine what worries you. The question can concern anything - personal life, work, relationships with relatives and friends, the financial side of life.

Wait until the knuckles warm up in your hands, this way you will transfer to them the necessary mood and a piece of your own energy. After this, say the question to yourself again and throw the dice on the table. Count the number of dots: even – the answer is positive, odd – negative.

According to the book on love

This best helps in solving love issues, but can suggest the correct answer in any other situation. It is carried out before bedtime, in the dark. You will need a thick book, preferably a collection of poems. A good option would be works by domestic classics.

You can, of course, use prose. But it’s better not to turn to divine books. Firstly, this is a sin, and secondly, the evil spirits that will become your accomplices in this ritual will never come even close to the Christian canons. Ask a question, randomly open any page and, with your eyes closed, point your finger at the spread. The selected line will become an answer or a warning for you.

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Friday the 13th has long been considered a very favorable day for fortune telling. This period is filled with strong energy, which can harm some people, help others, and just scare others. It’s not for nothing that there is even a scientific concept of fear of Friday the 13th – paraskavedekatriaphobia.

But if you, despite your fears, still dare to look for answers to the questions that concern you and find out your future, the most interesting fortune-telling for Friday the 13th.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13thmaps

The most popular and widespread fortune telling on this day is card fortune telling. It is believed that today any fortune telling on the cards will be correct and will soon come true. You can tell fortunes in any way familiar to you: wishing for a card for your betrothed, playing solitaire or playing for fate. It is important to know the meanings of the cards and follow some simple rules.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using dice

Two dice will help you find the answer to your question. Make a wish, roll the dice and count the number of dots. An even number means the answer is positive. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by the names of passersby

The name of the first person you meet may turn out to be fateful for you. On Friday the 13th, don’t be shy to ask the name of a passerby - signs say that this will be the name of your betrothed.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th from the book

Take a thick book and ask a question that interests you. While thinking about this question, choose a page and line at random in the book. Now all that remains is to correctly decipher the answer that is written there.

Fortune telling for Friday 13thhair

Ask an important question for yourself and comb your hair once with a wooden comb. An even number of hairs remaining on the comb indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer. If there is nothing left on the comb, then don’t expect any changes. But this should make you happy, because you are the happy owner of healthy hair.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th using wax and water

Place some wax in a spoon and hold it over a candle flame until it melts. Pour it into a plate of cold water and carefully examine the resulting figures. What are they like? Whatever you fantasize about when looking at the wax, expect it in the near future.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th with a cat

Do you have a cat? Make a wish, call her to your place and be sure to see which paw she steps on the threshold when entering your room - right or left. This is what determines whether your wish will come true. Keep in mind that the cat's right paw is fateful.

Fortune telling for Friday the 13th by mirror

At night, a fortune-telling girl sits in front of a mirror and draws 13 crosses with a wax candle. The tablecloth is removed from the table in front of the mirror and lighted candles are placed. You should ask the mirror a question about your future exactly 13 times, eat a pinch of salt, drink it with water and carefully peer into the mirror. Turn on your imagination - all the visions that you see in the depths of the mirror will be the answer to your question.

Before an unlucky Friday, humanity has long experienced a mystical fear. Activity on this day traditionally decreases: meetings and events are postponed to more favorable times, many people do not take on important tasks, or even do not leave the house at all. Everyone has one thing in common - the desire to avoid failures and troubles.

Friday the 13th really does have a heavy energy. The reasons why this particular combination of day and date promises misfortune are as follows: Friday itself is considered an unlucky day, since it was at this time that Christ was crucified, and on the 13th the negative energy of the “devil’s dozen” is added to it, which in numerology it is considered the embodiment of chaos and forces hostile to man. Among historical and religious episodes, one can find a lot of evidence that Friday the 13th brings nothing but negativity: many believe that it was on this day that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and Cain shed the blood of his brother. In the 14th century, on Friday the 13th, members of the powerful Templar Order were arrested and subsequently burned at the stake for heresy. According to legend, in his death throes the Master of the Order cursed this day - and since then his curse has dominated Friday the 13th.

In the 18th century, a bold attempt was made to rid humanity of superstitious fear. For these purposes, the newly built ship was given the name "Friday the 13th" and launched on the appropriate day. The idea was not successful: the ship disappeared without a trace.

Therefore, it’s still not worth taking risks on this day. And to protect yourself from failure, you can adopt a list of the most common signs - and avoid what could lead to trouble.

Signs for Friday 13th

Starting a new business means failing. Postpone an undertaking that is important to you until another day, and devote Friday the 13th to your usual activities that do not require special diligence from you. Even if we put all prejudices aside, Friday the 13th remains a day with unstable and unfavorable energy. And this helps the omen come true.

Cutting your hair or nails means shortening your health and life. Choose another day to visit the beauty salon so that you don’t lose good luck and energy along with your cut hair.

Going on a long trip means creating difficulties for yourself along the way. On Friday the 13th, the number of traffic accidents increases and the situation on the road becomes more difficult. It is best to plan your trip in advance for another date.

To mention the devil is to bring bad luck. It is believed that dark forces are especially active on this day, so the one mentioned will not be long in coming. Don’t put your luck at risk, so as not to inadvertently curse, attracting troubles to yourself.

A gathering of 13 people means disaster. Since ancient times, it has been known that if 13 people gather at a table at the same time, the first one to leave the meeting will soon leave the world of the living. There is no need to attach too much importance to this legend, but there is no need to tempt fate either: at the very least, disagreements in a team of 13 people cannot be avoided.

Lending money means depriving yourself of monetary luck. You should not trust your money to the hands of others - along with it, you will give away your financial fortune to another person. On Friday the 13th it is dangerous to even accidentally show the contents of your wallet.

Thinking about something bad in front of the mirror means bringing the negative into reality. The magical properties of the mirror have long been known, as has the power of thought. To prevent failure from affecting you, do not allow yourself to have bad thoughts.

On Friday the 13th, you shouldn’t isolate yourself within four walls and wait with horror for trouble. Remember that it is our fears that make us weaker. Self-confidence and faith in goodness are the best defense against any adversity. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.11.2015 01:10

In ancient times, people were wary of rapids, believing that a path opened through them...

In many countries, it is believed that if the 13th of any month falls on a Friday, nothing good can be expected from this day: it will be full of troubles and failures. In medicine, thanks to the American psychotherapist Donald Dossey, there is even a special term that refers to the fear of Friday the 13th: this phobia is called parascavidecantriaphobia.

No one can give a definite answer to the question of what particular event became the starting point for the superstitious fear of this day. There are several points of view, each of which has its own advantages. One of the most common versions is destruction of the Templar Order.

But long before the 14th century, an attitude towards Friday, on which the number 13 falls, had been formed.

  • It was considered extremely unsuccessful by both Homer and Cicero.
  • The most ancient Kabbalah counts 13 Spirits of Evil - no more and no less.
  • For some reason, Judas is spoken of in Scripture 13. Judas was the 13th apostle. Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th. You can read about the Antichrist in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse. Some claim that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise on Friday the 13th, and on the same day Cain killed Abel.
  • The conclave of witches, according to legend, consisted of exactly 13 participants, and their covens were organized exclusively on Fridays the 13th.

On October 13, 1972, a passenger plane crashed in the Andes. The survivors fought for their lives for 72 days.


There are special signs for this day, which even the most famous people feared.

  • For example, the Chancellor of Germany, nicknamed the Iron, - Bismarck - never put his signature even on the most urgent and important documents on Friday the 13th.
  • The great French commander Napoleon Bonaparte refused all battles and battles on this day.
  • The German poet and philosopher Goethe spent this day exclusively in bed and did not leave the house anywhere.

What are the signs for Friday the 13th?

  1. You cannot start traveling, as such a trip will not bring anything good, and the road will be full of unpleasant and unexpected surprises.
  2. You need to be extremely careful on the roads, since according to some data, on Fridays the 13th the largest number of car accidents and accidents occur.
  3. Do not undergo surgery on this day, no matter how urgent and necessary it may be, since its successful outcome is predetermined by this unfortunate day.
  4. If possible, do not work on the computer on this day, as many viruses are activated on Friday the 13th and can cause irreparable harm to your pet - the computer.
  5. People said that a child born on Friday the 13th would be unhappy in life.
  6. Do not plant anything in the garden on this day - there will be no harvest.
  7. You can't cut your nails.
  8. Do not get a new job on this day, as it will bring nothing but trouble in the future.
  9. There is also a sign that if you have to bury someone on Friday the 13th, another dead person cannot be avoided soon.
  10. You can’t drink alcohol or have fun on Friday the 13th - otherwise a hundred bad things will happen by the evening.
  11. You can't even put a chicken on eggs.
  • Fortune Telling on Friday the 13th

1. Card fortune telling for Friday the 13th
The most common fortune telling on this day is on cards. It is believed that it is on this mystical and mysterious day that any card fortune telling will be as accurate as possible, and its results will not be long in coming. You can tell fortunes in any way: playing solitaire, making a card for your loved one, or simply making a fortune-telling.

In this case, you need to remember a few simple but very important rules:

  • Fortune telling will be correct only if this deck has never been in the game. If there is no new deck, you can use playing cards, but only after an unkissed girl has sat on them.
  • There is an interesting sign that fortune telling will be especially successful if there is a cat or cat in the room.

2. Fortune telling on a cat's paw.

They tell fortunes on Friday the 13th, in the morning. As soon as you wake up, call the cat to your room and make a wish. If a cat steps on the threshold of the room with its right paw, the dream will certainly come true, if with its left paw, alas, it will not.

3. Fortune telling on the mirror.

One of the most terrible events. Fortune telling on Friday the 13th needs to be done at night. Using a wax candle, draw 13 crosses on the surface of the mirror, remove the tablecloth from the table, and place lit candles on either side of the mirror. Ask the mirror 13 times what awaits you in the future. Eat a pinch of salt and drink a glass of water. After this, different visions should appear in the depths of the mirror, in which you must guess your future. If nothing is visible, turn the mirror down with the reflective side and place it on the table. At night you should dream about the future.

One way or another, a lot of people try not to do anything serious on Friday the 13th and be very careful. A lot depends on our subconscious: if there is fear of this day, then there is no need to fight it - it’s better to sit at home so as not to traumatize your own psyche.