How to freeze green onions for the winter? How to freeze green onions.

Green onions are delicious both fresh and frozen. To freeze this product, you need to remove the earthen dirt from the base and rinse under running water, cut off the roots (if any). Then the green feathers must be cut into large or small ring pieces, placed in sealed plastic bags or containers and placed in the freezer.

Important! We freeze only clean, green feathers without signs of dirt or rot.

Green onions can be frozen with vegetables by placing them between vegetable layers. It goes well with carrots, beets, cabbage, and not a single special event or party can do without it.

How to freeze green onions for the winter (video)

About the benefits of green onions

Beneficial properties of green onions:

  • improves digestion;
  • helps cleanse the body;
  • has preventive properties;
  • increases immunity;
  • antiseptic, kills most pathogenic bacteria;
  • strengthens the structure of hair and nail plates;
  • normalizes the functioning of internal organs;
  • strengthens tooth enamel and prevents bleeding gums.

Negative effects of green onions on the body

You should not overuse green onions if you have gastrointestinal diseases. Best used as a seasoning or food additive, preferably boiled.

Frozen green onion feathers retain all their beneficial qualities and have the same effect on the body as fresh onions. Therefore, we listen to our body, because everything is good in moderation and the use of green feathers in dishes also requires the norm.

Don't overdo it, your health is in your hands!

Green onions can be purchased at a grocery store, market, gardening associations, and specialized food stores. But more often it is grown in personal plots, vegetable gardens or at home. Undoubtedly, this is a very useful product. It is actively used in cooking as an addition to a dish or as an independent dish, just adding mayonnaise sauce to it.

Prepare the food. The freshest green onions with young feathers are perfect for freezing (it is better to take onions whose feather tips have not dried out). Peel the onion, rinse thoroughly under running water, remove the limp parts (if any). Place in a colander to drain.

Separate the green feathers from the white bulbs.

The white and green parts of the onion must be cut separately (the frozen white part of the onion is convenient to use, for example, for frying, and the green part can be added when preparing various dishes). Cut the white part of the onion approximately 1 cm wide, that is, cut it the way you cut an onion for okroshka or in a salad.

Separately chop the green onions.

Place the chopped green feathers into some plastic containers or freezer bags, being careful not to overcrowd them, and fill the remaining containers or freezer bags with the chopped white part of the onion. Close tightly and place in the freezer.

You can also freeze green onions in foil. To do this, rinse the green feathers, remove the flaccid parts, if any, and let the onion dry. Place the green onions on foil.

Frozen green onions will keep in the freezer for about 6 months. Perfect for preparing omelettes, various casseroles, sauces, first courses, savory pastries. Frozen white onions can, for example, be fried and added to various dishes. It is not necessary to defrost the onions before cooking. Excellent preparation for the winter, try it!

Freezing for the winter - recipes with photos

Freezing green onions is good in all respects, and any housewife is simply obliged to do this for the health of loved ones. Try our winter freezing recipes...

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You need to choose completely healthy whole feathers, without farts or visible damage. I choose the most powerful and strong onion feathers - they are juicy and rich. I prepare it somewhere in the middle of summer, before the onions dry out. You need to focus on the upper ends, which are starting to dry out - this is a sign.

Preparing for freezing

To freeze properly, a number of conditions must be met. Then the onions will be tasty and healthy, just like from the garden.


  • separate feathers from bulbs;
  • cut off yellow dried ends;
  • choose the most beautiful-looking feathers, without yellowed areas;
  • rinse the onion thoroughly and let it dry from the water;
  • chop the onion into equal parts no larger than 1 cm in size.

I will share the freezing recipes that I like best. Moreover, each of the recipes is convenient in its own way for different cases.

  1. "Summer Bow". Sliced ​​onions are placed in plastic bags and the air is released from them so that they are flat. Each bag should contain as many onions as you need for one time, since they cannot be frozen again. Shelf life is 3-6 months. The good thing about this method is that the onion retains its taste. It truly looks like onions from the garden. I use the product frozen using this method for salads, which are no different from summer ones.
  2. Ice molds. The onion is chopped very finely and placed in molds for freezing ice. After freezing, they are packaged in bags and placed in the freezer. The shelf life reaches up to six months. I use this method to freeze onions for soups, a friend recommended it.
  3. Blanched onions. Blanch the chopped onion in a colander in boiling water for 2 minutes and remove. Then immediately place in cold water and dry. The resulting raw materials are compacted into a container and placed in the freezer. It turns out a ready-made seasoning for salads and soups, which is convenient to use - take it out, cut off a piece and put it back. There is no need to defrost and disrupt technology. The shelf life is long - enough for the whole winter.
  4. Onions with butter. My mother-in-law suggested the recipe, and I liked it. It is necessary to soften the butter and add chopped onions, mix thoroughly and place on foil. Then roll into a “sausage” and wrap tightly, bending the ends. The method is very convenient - I cut off a piece from the “sausage” and put it back. I still add butter to the soup, but here it comes straight with onions.

  • must be defrosted at room temperature;
  • Do not use a microwave or hot water, as the onions will lose their taste and will look like porridge;
  • You can immediately add frozen product to soups, pies and other hot dishes;
  • for cold dishes, such as salads, only carefully thawed onions are suitable;
  • Onions are stored longest in sealed packages; in this case, you can achieve a shelf life of up to 2 years if you do not remove them and do not defrost them.

Fresh onions are almost no different from frozen ones, so they are also used. I cook any soup or salad with onions and don’t notice the difference. The whole family is happy, especially the husband, who is obsessed with healthy eating. Freezing onions is good from all sides, and any housewife is simply obliged to do this for the health of her loved ones.

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Greenery. This makes it possible to feed the body with necessary vitamins and other beneficial substances in winter, when getting fresh vegetables and fruits is problematic. On our website you can find the best recipes for freezing various foods. In this article we will talk about proper freezing at home.

What greens can be frozen

Perhaps it is best suited for a storage method such as freezing. After all, it is precisely this that allows you to preserve most of the valuable substances that make up plants. And greens are very beneficial for the human body, and nutritionists everywhere recommend introducing them into the daily diet. For example, it contains up to 25% of the daily iron requirement for the human body, and contains four times more vitamin C than, for example,.

However, not all greens can be frozen. So, It is not recommended to freeze as it becomes watery. In addition, it changes its taste and attractive appearance. Although culinary specialists claim that there are several recipes that can be used to avoid this problem. For example, add the plant to dishes unfrozen, or freeze it with or.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze leaves for the winter. This also should not be done. After defrosting, it turns into an unattractive porridge that no longer has a fresh taste or smell.

It is also not recommended to freeze it. If there is a need to preserve it for the winter, it is better to use drying. This way it will better preserve the aroma.

For soup

Frozen ones are perfect for soup. They can be frozen individually or as a mix.

For decorating dishes

To decorate dishes, you can freeze curly and ordinary. Greens are also frozen for filling in savory pies. And are well suited for this purpose.

For tea

It turns out great from frozen. Can also be frozen tea sets from:

  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;
  • leaves;

In addition to tea, such frozen infusions are perfect for cosmetic procedures and facial wiping.

Preparing greens before freezing

Preparing and freezing your greens for freezing is very easy. The first thing you need to do is wash it - pour water into a bowl and rinse it well several times. Then rinse under running water.

Then the herbs need to be dried well, but no more than an hour. Excess moisture will cause unwanted ice chunks to form. To dry the grass, place it on a paper or cotton towel.

If you plan to freeze the green mass in bunches, you will need to remove the stalks. When freezing by other methods, the greens will need to be finely chopped using a sharp knife or scissors.

Also, some plants are recommended to be blanched before freezing. In the case of greens, this means scalding with boiling water. It is important to understand that during this process some of the vitamins evaporate and the smell weakens somewhat.

Important! The less time passes from the process of collecting herbs to freezing them, the more vitamins will be preserved in the plants.

Freezing methods

There are several ways to freeze fresh herbs for the winter. They must be selected depending on where you plan to use it in the future.


In order not to bother too much, the green mass can be frozen in its entirety in bunches. Here's how to do it:

  1. Form a small bunch of washed and dried greens with the stems removed.
  2. Wrap it in cling film or foil, forming a kind of sausage or roll.
  3. Place in the freezer.

To consume, you will need to remove the “sausage” from the freezer, open it at one end and chop the required amount of greens. Wrap up the rest and place it back in the freezer. If the integrity of the film or foil is accidentally damaged, wrap it in a new layer.

You can freeze any greens in bunches. In this form it can be used in salads, first courses, side dishes, pies, sauces, pizza.
There is also a way to store greens in bags and containers:

  1. Dry the washed branches and place them on a tray (baking tray, tray, plate, dish) in one layer.
  2. Place in the freezer for two to three hours.
  3. After this time, remove the branches from the freezer and scatter them in vacuum or regular bags, or in plastic containers.

The green seasoning prepared in this way is immediately removed from the freezer before being placed in the finished dish, cut into pieces without defrosting, and then added to the food.


If you have time, then all the grass that you plan to freeze will need to be chopped.

Chopped plants are frozen as follows:

  1. Wash and dry.
  2. Finely chop with a knife or scissors.
  3. Place in a regular or vacuum bag.
  4. Level it well and release the air.
  5. Send the package to the freezer.

This way you can freeze one type of herb or several. Preferably in small batches.

There is another way to freeze cut plants:

  1. The finely chopped green mass is wrapped in film, thus creating a “sausage”, as is the case with bunches. The length of such a package should not exceed 10-12 cm - this is enough for four to five uses.
  2. Place the “sausage” in the freezer.

Ice cubes

Few people know how to freeze greens in the freezer into cubes. However, this is a simple matter and not at all troublesome. Here's what the process looks like in practice:

  1. Finely chop the washed and dried plants.
  2. Place, compacting, in ice trays.
  3. Fill the molds with water.
  4. Place in the freezer.

The cubes can continue to be stored in the ice tray. Or you can remove them after freezing and pour them into one container or bag.
Cubes are also great for freezing herbs for tea. To do this, they are first brewed in a teapot, and then, after the tea has cooled, it is poured into ice molds. After freezing, such cubes are good to add to regular hot tea or simply boiled water for a herbal taste. They are also used for wiping the face for various skin problems, or for toning.

Shelf life

Frozen herbs are good for consumption within one year after freezing. In the future, they will lose more of their valuable substances and remain tasty, but useless for the body.

  1. It is convenient to freeze greens in plastic bags, silicone molds, and plastic containers. Metal or glass containers are not suitable for these purposes.
  2. Packages with frozen plants should be made small, for several uses. If the grass is stored in bunches, then it must be cut very quickly so that the remaining branches do not have time to defrost. Re-freezing the product is strictly prohibited.
  3. When freezing plants in bags, remove all air before placing them in the freezer. A cocktail straw, which is inserted into a small hole where the bag is closed or tied, will help with this.
  4. In the freezer, greens can be kept in the same compartment with, but not next to, fish.
  5. In bags you can freeze a mixture of vegetables and herbs, soup sets with added herbs.
  6. It is not necessary to grind the grass with the help of cutting objects; a blender will quickly cope with this task.
  7. If you plan to freeze herbal cubes, then it is advisable to use separate molds for this purpose, as they tend to absorb the aroma.
  8. When freezing simply chopped plants, or in cubes, before placing them in bags and an ice tray, they must be doused with boiling water, that is, blanched. It is better to place the grass in a colander for this - this will allow the water to drain quickly. Plants are sent for freezing after they have dried.
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Hello, dear readers! Do you like green onions? Do you want to prepare it and eat it to your heart’s content until next season, adding it fresh to salads, soups and other dishes?

Then you should freeze it. So, is it possible to freeze green onions for the winter, and how to do it easily and simply right at home.

Why is it better to freeze?

In fact, the benefits are significant:

  1. When frozen, almost 100% of vitamins are preserved - no other type of preparation can boast of similar indicators. Why almost? It’s just that there is such a capricious, but very important vitamin C. So it is destroyed not only at high temperatures, but also upon contact with air, metal, light. Therefore, even if you act very quickly, the onion will still lose a small amount of this vitamin.
  2. Color, consistency, taste and aroma are preserved. Have you seen onions in canned vegetables? Nothing to do with fresh, right? And frozen - almost the same as from the garden.
  3. It's fast. Everyone will find time to cut and put in the freezer. Do you want to be healthy and energetic even during the cold season? Then excuses about lack of time are canceled.

How to choose onions for freezing?

The onion should be bright, juicy, without damage. The lighter the color of the onion, the less vitamins it contains.

By the way, the white part of the onion is most saturated with vitamins. To be precise, the white part is plus 10 centimeters above it. Towards the tip of the feather, the amount of nutrients decreases.

Freshness is also very important. After just 3 days, picked onions lose up to half of their vitamins.

Shall we wash?

Yes, this is required. It is good to wash the greens in the shower with cold water.

You can also wash it in a container like a large basin, but then you need to change the water several times (at least 3).

Mandatory drying

After washing, let the feather dry well in a colander or on another surface with holes.

When drops of water are no longer visible, place it on a towel or napkin. The fabric should be soft and well absorbent. We keep it on for an hour and a half.

Spread the onions not in a heap, but if possible in one layer - otherwise it will take quite a long time to dry.

Cutting for workpiece

We chop the dry feathers finely - the way you usually cut them into salads.

This cut is suitable for any dish. In winter, it will decorate a salad with cabbage (including sauerkraut - it will turn out to be truly exclusive!), and soup, and even help make a healthy vegetable smoothie. Here, for example, are recipes - onions will come in very handy in each of them.

Important! After cutting, dry again on a napkin (on a dry surface, of course) for about an hour and a half.

Cool down

An interesting point that many people miss. Like, I cut it, put it in a bag in the cold, and forgot. However, the bow needs a transition phase.

Transfer it to a tray and into the freezer for another 3-4 hours.

Pre-cooling is necessary because onions processed in this way are stored longer and retain all their vitamin richness. It also turns out crumbly - you don’t have to pick out sticky onions to add it to the salad.

Freeze for storage

Yes, this moment has come :) We take out the tray and pour the onions into a bag or other storage container.

But the bag is the most convenient - it takes any shape, and as it is released it takes up less and less space.

How long to store?

If you didn’t miss the first stage of freezing, then up to 9 months. Until the next harvest, you might say!

Well, if you sent it to freeze immediately after cutting, then no more than six months. So don't be lazy. After all, if you tried to preserve it in a different way, you would spend much more time.

Step-by-step instructions for freezing onions

It won’t replace reading the article, but it will help you find your way faster when this is not the first time you’ve been freezing.

So, the recipe point by point:

  1. We chose bright and fresh onions.
  2. Washed in cold water.
  3. Let the water drain.
  4. Dry on a towel for 1.5 hours.
  5. Finely chopped.
  6. Dried again for 1.5 hours.
  7. Placed in the freezer for 4 hours.
  8. They poured it into a bag.

It's simple, gentlemen. Freeze, eat and enjoy - you will have okroshka in winter, and an unusual New Year's Olivier with fresh onions. Who would refuse? And so as not to spoil the benefits of such a salad with mayonnaise, read - there are options for those losing weight, for fasting, and for vegetarians. In a word, for everyone.

By the way, freezing is rightfully considered the best of all canning methods. Good luck with your preparations and bon appetit :)

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.