"The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer. "The Canterbury Tales" Geoffrey Chaucer Canterbury Tales quotes

The nurse of all sins is her people

Sometimes he calls Idleness, sometimes he calls Laziness -

Leads all mortals to the gates of hell;

Only he will resist her,

Who is able to oppose her with Zeal?

And we must strive for this,

To avoid Satan's ambush.

He can constantly entangle us

Countless thousands of fetters;

Indulge in idleness - and damned

He's already lying in wait for you, he's right there.

He's cruel and cruel to you by the collar -

It grabs and your knees shake.

Don't indulge in idleness and laziness.

Although we are not afraid of death threats,

However, reason tells us clearly

That debauchery is born from idleness,

The source of all abominations is very dangerous.

Who is subject to its terrible power,

All day long I just eat and drink and I’m ready to sleep,

And devour the fruits of other people's labors.

To protect yourself from this power,

Which leads us to death,

I decided your life and passions

Retell, giving a close translation.

It's about you, Cecilia,

Holy martyr to the grave

She came with a wreath of wonderful roses and lilies.

You, all maidens, the purest color,

About whom Saint Bernard wrote so wonderfully

And without whom we have no consolation,

I ask you to enlighten my poor mind

And tell me about the difficult path

The one who has won heaven's grace,

O virgin mother, born of a son,

That you help us overcome sin,

The source and cause of all mercies,

In whose womb the Lord himself was incarnate!

This is how you lifted up human flesh,

That the creator of the universe is his son

I clothed myself in it for this mortal life.

Eternal love in your womb

Has acquired human form;

She is dressed in our flesh and blood,

Reigns over sea, sky and earth,

That they sing her praises without interruption;

Without losing the purity of a girl,

You gave birth to the Creator of all creatures.

Combined greatness

You, maiden of maidens, with such kindness,

What a wondrous luminary of perfection -

You turn your blessed gaze

Not only to those who with fervent prayer

Lies at your feet - you are merciful

Even to those whose lips are closed by filth.

So help me, miracle of nature,

To me, a creature thrown into the vale of sorrow!

Remember the words of the Canaanite woman:

“They picked up all the crumbs for themselves,

That they have fallen from the Lord’s table.”

I have a burning faith in valor.

Without deeds, isn't faith dead?

Grant me the strength to complete my work,

So that I can escape from the kingdom of darkness,

O source of unearthly kindness!

Be me, I pray, a holy intercessor

Where everything praises the creator tirelessly,

O mother of Christ, O daughter of blessed Anna!

Shed your heavenly light into my soul, -

She lies sick in the prison of the body,

Crushed by the weight of passions,

Languishing in the snares of the carnal lot,

To you, good one, I boldly run to you:

You are a haven and shelter for the sufferers,

Bless me to begin my work.

I apologize to you, readers.

Because my story is unskillful,

That he's not admirable

The variety of its embellishments.

But I retold it for you,

Following the legend, in her words.

If my work is bad, correct it yourself.

The meaning of the name Saint Cecilia

It is appropriate to interpret first here.

Translate into our native language

We can call him “the lily of heaven.”

With a chaste and honest soul

And purity, transparent to the bottom,

Didn't she deserve it?

Is it possible in this name “Road”

After all, she helped many from God

Gain eternal grace for yourself.

It is still possible to assume

That next to the sky Leah is named here -

The desire to do good deeds.

No mental blindness

Perhaps this name means:

That her gaze was full of sharpness

And wisdom, who doesn’t know about this?

No, the wonderful name includes

The word Leos, and not in vain people

The holy heaven calls all people.

With the people this word is equivalent,

And how do we get the sun and the moon from the sky,

And the choir of constellations pours streams of light,

So, full of endless holiness,

She poured light into the souls of all people

With your wisdom, with your faith

And kindness that knows no measure

How does succession endow the sages?

The vault of the sky with speed and burning,

So Cecilia is always in business,

Cherishing every moment with all my heart,

Distinguished by her tireless zeal

And she burned with fiery kindness.

Here is an explanation of the saint's name.

In a noble family, in the city of Rome,

Cecilia saw God's light;

Gospel with unearthly rays

Her spirit was warmed in the cradle.

God-fearing from a young age,

She prayed to heaven tirelessly

Leave her virginity intact.

When is the time to get married?

And she goes to the temple, to the joy of the parishioners,

I went to get married to my fiancé, -

He was young and was called Valerian, -

She, overwhelmed by zealous ardor,

Under a white dress with a gold border

She dressed her waist in hair shirt.

Cecilia prayed to God like this

“Let me remain pure, so that the damned

The enemy could not take possession of me forever,”

To give a sign to the crucified one of love,

Before the wedding, she fasted every other day

And I fervently prayed to the Almighty.

When should newlyweds go to bed?

They retired to the bedchamber together,

She whispered in her husband's ear:

“Oh my dear, listen to your bride!

I have a secret for you to honor

I must tell you, but I ask you

Don’t disclose it, loving me.”

Valerian swore that the secrets of this

He will never reveal to anyone

Nowhere, not for any blessings of the world,

And then she said to him:

“Both during the day and through the thick darkness of the night

I feel an angel next to me

With a gaze blazing with heavenly love.

He notices that you are attracted to me

Unclean, earthly lust,

To protect me, he will stop

I wish you a young life without regret.

But if there is pure burning in you

He will see that, like me, we love

For the purity of your soul you will be one.”

In response, we are guided by the will of God,

Valerian exclaimed: “To your words

I can't trust until

I won't see the angel's face myself.

Having seen him, I will not betray the secret,

But if another man is dear to you,

A bitter end awaits you both.”

Cecilia said in response:

"You will see Him, and the glory of Christ

Heavenly light will shine on you.

Dear Appian from the outpost

After walking three miles, the hut is leaky

You will find poor people. Tell me there

What I will now tell you.

Say that you were then sent to them by me,

So that Saint Urban will help you

Find the path to peace of mind,

And as soon as he crosses the threshold,

Tell him everything as soon as possible.

When he cleanses you from filth,

An angel will appear to you, my faithful guardian.”

And Valeryan hurried on the road,

As soon as the light dawned, early in the morning,

And behind the outpost among the holy graves,

I found the holy old man Urban.

He, having listened to Valerian’s confession,

He beamed all over and stretched out his arms,

And moistened, he raised his gaze to the sky.

“Jesus,” he exclaimed, “Good God

Support and stronghold for all those who suffer,

Sower of immortal faith and glory,

Sowing that lives in Cecilia.

Like an exemplary bee with zeal,

She serves you as a faithful slave.

Her husband is like a proud beast,

I was ready to fight with the whole world before,

Came here from her now,

Like a lamb, peaceful in body and soul.”

Suddenly there is a certain old man in a white outfit

He entered and stood next to Valerian;

He held a wondrous book in his hands.

Valerian's vision became blurred,

And he fell, and he, picking him up,

From the venerable book I began reading:

“There is only one Lord who created nature,

There is one covenant and one shepherd for everything,

What is there in this world, surrounded by the abyss of evil?

Those words were inscribed in gold.

Having read them, the elder asked: “For this

Whether you believe it or not, I’m waiting for an answer.”

And Valerian answered him:

“Yes, I believe, for the truth is higher than this

There is no light in the world and no light beyond.”

And the old man suddenly disappeared, like some kind of dream,

And Valerian was baptized by Urban.

Returning home at midday, it’s a beautiful hour,

He found his wife in his room,

And two beautiful angels of God wreaths

He held it in front of her - made of roses and lilies.

And so he gave her one wreath,

The other is for her young husband;

Then he brought them both to each other.

“Keep these wreaths,” he said, “

Without desecrating your bodies or souls.

The law of withering is not afraid

To the flowers that I brought for you from heaven.

They are not threatened with death by the gray winter.

But they are visible only to those whose spirit

An enemy to vice, deaf to earthly temptations.

You, Valerian, for edifying

I didn’t resist the saint, open it,

What desire do you harbor in your heart?”

“I have,” he said, “a dear brother,

Whom I love with all my soul.

I'll be happy if my brother

The spirit of heavenly grace rests."

And the angel rivers: “You will enter the Garden of Eden

Both of you; to you, taken to heaven for torment,

There will be a joy of joy there.”

Then brother Tiburtius suddenly appeared before his brother,

Wonderfully amazed by the aroma

Lilies and roses, he marveled in his heart

Fragrance from all sides.

“Where, he said, at this time of year

Such lily incense

And could nature still find roses?

If I held them in my hand,

Their fragrance could not be stronger.

I smell this incense in my heart, -

It breathes new life into me.”

“We have wreaths,” he heard in response, “

Of scarlet roses and snow-white lilies;

Their delicate color is hidden from your eyes,

At least they captivated you with their smell.

But if you, sparing no effort,

You will find the path leading to heaven,

You will see them just like us.”

Tiburtius said: “In reality, or in a dream?

Do I hear your words, dear brother?”

“In a dream,” answered Valeryan, “hitherto

Now he has awakened us.” - “Oh brother, open up,”

Tiburtius cried out, “your words have meaning.”

And he responded: “Listen to the explanation.

An angel showed me the path to truth;

Having rejected idols with an honest soul,

You can turn on it too.”

Wreaths created by heavenly love

Saint Ambrose, as you know, believed.

He talks about him in his story.

To earn a passionate imperishable crown,

Cecilia, faithful to the Almighty,

Rejected the temptations of mortal flesh;

In confessions, both Tiburtius and she

This was fully confirmed to us.

From heaven then the creator of all good things to them

Through an angel he sent wreaths to both of them.

His husband and brother were converted

A young virgin to begin with.

This is a holy celebration of purity!

Tiburtia Cecilia proved

That deaf idols are worth little,

That they are not given a living word

And it’s time to give them up a long time ago.

“Whoever thinks differently is not at all, -

The young man answered, “no better than a beast.”

She kissed him on the chest

And she said: “Be my brother in faith!

The doors to heaven are open before you.”

Then, taking a step closer to him,

She also told him this:

“How can I become your brother’s wife?

The law of Christ's kindness commanded,

So I found a friend in you today,

When you renounced idols.

Having humbled myself with a vow of purity,

Receive baptism - and with a clear look

You will see an angel next to you,”

Tiburtius said: “My dear brother,

Where will I go, who will I appear before?

And he answered: “Be calm and happy,

I’ll take you to dad Urbana.”

Tiburtius, approaching Valerian,

He exclaimed: “Your words are strange to me,

And I can hardly believe my ears.

Isn’t that what you’re talking about Urbana?

That, condemned to death so many times,

Lives in holes, like a wild deer,

Hiding from human eyes?

They would have burned him at the stake right away.

When could they be found, and into this flame

We, as accomplices, would have gotten ourselves caught.

Until, gazing at the heavens,

In the depths we seek the true God,

Here on earth the fire will consume us.”

Cecilia interrupted him sternly:

“Believe me, then it would only cost a lot

Earthly life full of evil

If only she were the only one.

But there is another life in another limit,

Which knows no end.

We approach this life as a blessed goal,

The son of the heavenly father shows the way,

Blessed Almighty Creator,

Whose spirit is the holy immortal soul

From time immemorial he has endowed everything earthly.

Good and solemn news

Brought to earth by God's son,

That there is another life besides this.”

“Sister,” cried Tiburtius, “you alone

Didn't she call God ruler?

I realized that there is only one god above us, -

And now you’re telling me about three.”

She responded: “Listen to the explanation:

How does the rational human spirit consist?

From memory, mind, imagination,

So the triple composition may be inherent

And to the deity, dear Tiburtius.”

Then Cecilia taught him

About the life of Christ, about all his torment

She told about death on the cross:

She told about this as to the human race,

Mired in sin and vanity,

The Son of God predicted eternal freedom.

And here is Tiburtius, for the first time in my life

I heard a story about the son of God,

He immediately went to Urban and his brother.

Urban, having offered up a prayer to the Lord,

Always ready for holy battle.

Such grace for the young man

Then it came down that he could contemplate

An angel all the time; not for a moment

Providence never left him.

All the signs that the light of Christ gave them,

It’s impossible to list them - there were a lot of them.

But the day came when in the end

The city guard found them.

Prefect Almachius, having interrogated first,

Sent them to the statue of Jupiter

And he said a parting word to them:

“Off with those heads, who to the god of Rome

He doesn’t want to make a sacrifice.”

Then, Cornicularia Maxima

Having called, he ordered them to be taken away;

Saints on their path of suffering

Accompanying him with a touching soul

He had compassion for them and shed tears abundantly.

When he heard the word of the saints,

He ordered the Kats to retreat from them,

Then he invited them to his house.

And before the sun had time to set,

How faces lit up with the light of faith

The Kats and Maxim have their hearts

The saints were completely cleansed.

Caecilia later, under the cover of night,

She brought the priests to Maxim

And again baptized in the name of Christ

She said, with a cheerful soul:

"Leave your dark deeds,

Gird yourself now with the weapon of light,

O knights of heavenly goodness!

You can be proud, oh friends,

Won an excellent victory.

There is a fair judge in heaven for you,

Seeing everything from the depths of the hidden,

The crown prepares incorruptible joy.”

The brothers were led to the square by the saints.

In the square they do not burn incense,

No sacrifice was offered to the idol;

Piously kneeling,

They had a conversation with the Lord,

Far from the thoughts of the earth,

And the ax cut off their heads,

And their souls ascended to the ruler of the world.

Then Maxim, who was present there,

In tears he said that he saw how they evaporated

Immortal their souls to heaven

Under the canopy of bright angelic wings.

And those words converted many.

The prefect sentenced him to scourging,

He gave his soul to God under the whip.

Cecilia buried him

Under a stone; where the husband was buried

And where was Tiburtius's grave?

And after that Almakhy suddenly ordered

A detachment of warriors and their servants

Bring cecilia for incense

Before the idol and sacrifice.

But warriors and servants, as one,

Everyone believed in her teachings

And, crying, they exclaimed: “Son of God -

God is true, and only in Him is salvation.

We believe in him, since he is in service

Has slaves like her;

From now on we are no longer afraid of torture.”

The prefect demanded that the saint

She immediately appeared before him, and barely

“What kind of woman are you?” - asked first.

“Patrician by birth and widow,” -

Cecilia answered with dignity.

“No, name your faith first!”

“Why did you pose the question like that?

So that they were supposed to have two answers?

Only a simpleton asks questions like that.”

Prefect Almachius, puffed up with pride,

He asked her: “Where does this harshness come from?”

"Where? - said Cecilia. - Suggested

She is my conscience and faith.”

“Doesn’t it frighten you,” asked Almakhy, “

Prefect power? She answered him:

“Earthly power cannot keep in fear

The one to whom the light of truth was revealed.

After all, there is nothing in her except arrogance,

Like in a bubble: pierce it with a needle -

And a wrinkled lump in front of you.”

The Merchant's Tale

“You are on a bad path now,”

He said, “And you persist in vain;

Have you heard about the august order?

Death to Christians! - he says clearly.

Only if you agree

Immediately renounce Christ,

Your life will not be taken away."

“To fall like everyone else,” she answered. “

Your accusations are unfair.

Tell me, what is our fault?

Isn't it because our souls are full

Love for Christ that we are always ready

To defend the Holy Name of Christ?

This name is dearer to us than life.”

The prefect answered after a short silence:

“Or bring our sacrifice to the gods,

Or your renounce god

You must, this is the road to salvation,”

With a smile lighting up her lips,

The beloved of Christ answered:

“My judge, forcing me to renounce

From heavenly purity, you yourself

You are committing a serious crime.

He’s being disingenuous—isn’t it clear to you?

You can see it in his eyes.”

“Be quiet! - cried the prefect, - not a word more!

You haven’t heard about my power, have you?

That you are subject to my will,

Tell me! - Is it really unknown?

The life and death of people are in my hands.

Give up your pride, pride is inappropriate.”

She responded: “I spoke honestly,

Don't be proud, because pride is a vice

He is hateful to us and far from us.

If you're not afraid of the truth, then I'll tell you

To you for all to hear, judge:

Now you have uttered empty boasts,

Having said: “I give both life and death.”

Your power is not so unlimited.

That you can take away a life, I agree

But otherwise you are vainly boasting.

Say that you carry death in your hands,

And you will be right; everything else -

Just shameless boasting and lies.”

The prefect said: “Humble yourself before me

And make a sacrifice! I'll close my eyes

Because you were rude to me;

The philosopher's law is not to remember evil.

But I can’t stand you badmouthing me

Gods of whom Rome is proud."

She replied: “The judge is not nice,

During the time that we are talking to you,

You convinced with every word,

That as an official you are of little use

And it’s not fitting for you to be a judge.

Must have been struck by blindness

Your eyes. It is clear to those who see

That this is a stone, just a simple stone, -

Helpless, motionless and voiceless,

And for you he is a deity, unfortunate one!

Blind man, touch him with your hand

And make sure that it is a stone.

They laugh at you everywhere,

Oh, isn't this a disgrace and a shame?

After all, even a commoner knows

That in the sky God is hidden from the eyes of mortals.

And the idol that stands in the square -

He is useless to himself and to people

And only a madman can be kind.”

This speech angered the prefect,

And he immediately gave the order

Take the saint home and burn it

Her in a perfectly heated bathhouse.

And into the inferno, red-hot in advance,

Cecilia was imprisoned

So that she suffocates there in fumes.

However, the night passed and the day followed.

And the terrible bath heat was powerless

Carry out a criminal undertaking;

There was no sweat on her forehead.

But still fate judged her to die in the bathhouse:

The murderer was sent by the evil Almakhy,

So that he would send her to the afterlife.

Having slashed her neck three times, cut it

He couldn’t do it - he didn’t have enough strength

Remove the head from the shoulders with a bloody sword.

And the authorities in those days recently banned

Strike four, if spared

Three times death, and therefore a villain

Out of fear, he did not dare to end her life.

Cecilia, covered in blood,

He left and went away,

And Christians, driven by love,

They collected her blood in handkerchiefs all night.

The pain is terrible; neglecting oneself,

The saint taught them to love Christ.

She gave them her goods

And she said, leading them to Urban:

“God heard my prayer,

He gave me three days to bear the triple wound,

And before I stop breathing,

I will give their souls into your hands:

Let my house be turned into a temple."

Urban and the clergy buried her,

When night fell on the earth, there

Where the ashes of other saints lie in the grave.

Her house became the temple of Saint Cecilia,

Where to this day, as we know,

Christ and all his saints earnestly

The people's prayers are offered by the faithful.

Geoffrey Chaucer was born around 1340 in London. A famous poet of the English Middle Ages, “the father of English poetry,” one of the creators of English literature. Author of The Canterbury Tales, The Legend of Exemplary Women, Troilus and Chryseis. Died October 25, 1400 London.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings by Chaucer Geoffrey.

  • Greed is the root of all evil.
  • O worst poison, annoying poverty!
  • He who drinks has taken the path of debauchery.
  • In high souls, pity is a frequent guest.
  • Friends should live in harmony. Violence can stifle friendship.
  • Others will beg for wealth - but it will call for an illness or a murderer’s knife.
  • People of equal age should marry and those of the same age should be alone in a couple.
  • No wonder they say: in love and power, no one will willingly give up a part.
  • Idleness gives birth to debauchery, the source of all abominations.
  • He who makes laws for others, let him be the first to observe those laws.
  • Do not expect good, whoever has done evil, the deceiver will in turn be deceived.
  • Whoever wants to rule over himself must sometimes restrain his feelings.
  • Beware of ruining your children by vile behavior, and even more so by inappropriate condescension.
  • He who is truly wise has neglected the idle question: “Who rules the world: the wife or the husband?”
  • Love itself is the law; it is stronger, I swear, than all the rights of earthly people. Any right and any decree before love is nothing for us.
  • The flash of lightning, thunder, fog, surf, a network of cobwebs among the clearings plunges us into amazement only when we do not know the reasons for the phenomenon.
  • A warlike tyrant or an emperor is alike with a robber, like a dear brother, because their character, in essence, is all the same. Only from a robber there is less evil - after all, the robber’s gang is small.

"The Canterbury Tales" is the most famous work of Geoffrey Chaucer, which, unfortunately, remained unfinished. It was written at the end of the 14th century. The book is a collection combining a number of short stories. All the stories are told by pilgrims who make their way to Canterbury to venerate the holy relics of Thomas Becket.

The work was a success already during Chaucer's lifetime, but all its merits were appreciated only in the era of romanticism.

Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: summary

In the spring, pilgrims from all over England flock to Canterbury Abbey to venerate the holy relics. Once in Sowerk, a company of 20 people gathered in a small tavern “Tabard”. They all belonged to different classes, but were able to find a common language. Among them were: A knight, famous for his exploits and valor; The squire, his son, who managed to achieve the favor of his beloved, gaining fame as a faithful squire, despite his young years; The Knight's companion was Yeoman, a former excellent archer; They were accompanied by Abbess Eglantina, who looked after the novices. The Abbess was constantly talking about something with the Monk, who was a cheerful fellow and an avid hunter.

The summary (“The Canterbury Tales”) also tells about other heroes. The monk was accompanied by the tax collector Carmelite. There was also a rich merchant in a beaver hat. The Student was also heading to Canterbury on the old nag, spending his last savings on books. The Lawyer, Sheriff Franklin, the Hatmaker, the Dyer, the Upholsterer, the Carpenter, the Weaver, the Skipper, the Bath Weaver, the Doctor and the Cook also went to venerate the relics.

Other heroes

Chaucer pays great attention to the description of his heroes. “The Canterbury Tales” (a summary of which we are now considering) was considered innovative precisely because the author paid so much attention to the elaboration of their images. This attitude towards characters was unusual for literature of the 14th century.

Other characters are located in the tavern: Priest, Plowman, Miller, Fist Fighter, Housekeeper, Majordomo, Bailiff of the Church Court, Seller of Papal Indulgences.

Everyone listed above had a fun time, and when they were about to leave, the Innkeeper invited them to tell each other stories on the way to Canterbury. The pilgrims agreed. It fell to the Knight to tell the stories first.

Knight's Tale

The main part of the work “The Canterbury Tales” begins with the story of the Knight. The summary tells that not so long ago Theseus ruled Athens. He captured Scythia, the land of the Amazons, and married their leader Hippolyta. When Theseus was returning home, he learned of Creon's attack on Thebes. Deciding to take revenge, he immediately went to the battlefield, leaving Hippolyta and her sister Emilia in Athens. Theseus defeated Creon and captured the noble knights Palamon and Arsit.

Years have passed. Once Emilia was walking not far from the tower where the prisoners were imprisoned. Palamon and Arsit saw her and both fell in love. Then a fight began between them, but realizing that they were locked up anyway, the warriors calmed down.

At the same time, the famous military leader Perithous, an old friend of Theseus, arrived in Athens to stay. Perity is bound by bonds of friendship with the captive Arsita. Having learned that his friend was languishing in prison, the military leader began to ask Theseus to release Arsit. Theseus agreed, but ordered Arsitus never to appear on the soil of Athens again. The freed Arsit was forced, cursing fate for the separation from Emilia, to flee to Thebes. At the same time, Palamon was jealous of Arist, who was free and could now find happiness.

Return to Athens

It tells that years have passed since the release of Arsit, brief summary. The Canterbury Tales also include stories about pagan gods. Thus, the Knight talks about how Mercury appeared to Arsit in a dream, advising him to return to Athens. The knight decided to obey God. He entered the palace under the name Philostratus as a servant. Arsit was courteous and became Theseus's confidant. At the same time, Palamon manages to escape. He is going to go to Thebes to gather an army and go to war against Athens. Palamon hid in a grove where he met Arsit. The friends decided that only one worthy one should survive, and began a fight.

The noise of the battle attracted Theseus, who was passing by the grove. Seeing the fighters, he recognized the deceiver servant and the escaped prisoner. Theseus, after listening to the explanations, decided to kill the brothers. But the tears of Emilia and Hippolyta softened his heart. Then he ordered the knights to fight for the right to be Emilia’s husband, for which the brothers would have to meet at the same place in a year. Hearing the verdict, the knights rejoiced.

The end of the Knight's story

Takes the reader to the events that happened a year after the meeting at the grove, summary (“The Canterbury Tales”). At the site of the battle there was a large amphitheater prepared for the duel. It was surrounded by temples of Venus, Mars and Diana. When the warriors appeared, the amphitheater was already filled with spectators.

Palamon brought with him a hundred knights, and next to him walked the Thracian military leader Lycurgus. Arsit, who also led a hundred fighters, came out against him, and was accompanied by Emetrius, the Indian ruler. The warriors offered prayers to their patron gods - Arsit to Mars, and Palamon to Venus. And the beautiful Emilia appealed to Diana to give her a husband who loved her more. The competition has begun. The commander who leaves the lists will lose the battle. Arsit won the battle.

But on the way to his beloved, Arsit was attacked by a fury, and the knight’s horse crushed its owner. The bloodied warrior was carried to Theseus’s tent.

Weeks passed and Arsit did not recover, his wounds became inflamed. Feeling that he was dying, the knight called his bride to him and asked her to become his brother’s wife. After these words he died. The knight was buried in the very grove where he received his mortal wound.

After the end of mourning, Emilia married Palamon. And they lived happily ever after. This ended the Knight's story.

Miller's story

Now let's turn to Melnik's story and give a brief summary of it. “The Canterbury Tales” is a work that includes short stories that are completely different in content and theme. So, the story of the Miller is completely different from the story of the Knight.

Once upon a time in Oxford there lived a carpenter who was known as a jack of all trades. He was rich and allowed parasites to come to him. Among them was a poor student nicknamed Sweet Nicholas. The carpenter's wife died and he married a young girl named Alison. She was so beautiful that she made everyone fall in love with her, and the student was no exception.

Once, when the old carpenter was not at home, Darling Nicholas begged Alison for a kiss, which the girl promised to give him at the first opportunity. The libertine Absalom, a church cleric, also had a passion for Alison. However, the girl herself liked the student more.

Student prank

The Canterbury Tales tells the story of how Nicholas decided to outwit a carpenter. Having previously agreed with Alison, he stocked up on provisions and did not leave his room for several days. The kind carpenter became concerned about the young man’s health and when he did not answer the knock, he ordered the door to be knocked down. In the room, the carpenter found Nicholas sitting motionless on the bed. The old man, in fear, shook the young man by the shoulders, after which the student, in a sepulchral voice, asked to be left alone with the carpenter.

When this was done, Nicholas revealed a terrible secret to the carpenter - on Monday, that is, the next day, the world will face a flood that will be comparable to what happened under Noah. The student had a Divine revelation, according to which he must save himself, the carpenter John and his wife. Nicholas ordered the carpenter to secretly buy three barrels, into which the chosen ones would fit when the rain began. The old man, in horror, rushed to carry out the student’s orders, without telling anyone.


Night has fallen. All three climbed into the barrels. When the carpenter fell asleep, the lovers crawled out of hiding and headed to the bedroom, where they decided to spend the rest of the night. Absalom, noticing that the carpenter was missing, decided to visit Alison’s window. Hearing his requests for kisses, the girl decided to play a joke. Alison sticks her bare butt out the window, which Absalom kisses. Realizing that he was deceived, the churchman decides to take revenge. He goes to the blacksmith and takes a red-hot opener from him.

Returning, Absalom again asks for a kiss. This time Nicholas decides to play a joke and sticks his butt out the window. Then Absalom hits him with the ploughshare so hard that the skin breaks.

The carpenter wakes up from the scream raised by the student and decides what started next. But in the end he falls along with the barrel. The whole house comes running to his screams. Everyone laughs at the old man who was waiting. So the cunning student was able to deceive the carpenter and get his wife.

The Doctor's Tale

Moves to the story of the Physician by Geoffrey Chaucer (The Canterbury Tales). Once upon a time in Rome lived Virginia, a noble knight who became famous for his generosity. He had an only daughter whose beauty could be compared with goddesses. The story that will be told here happened when the girl turned 15 years old. She was pure in thoughts, reasonable and beautiful. There were no those who would not admire her when they met, but the girl avoided merry parties and arrogant gentlemen.

Tragic outcome

Now J. Chaucer takes the reader to Rome. “The Canterbury Tales” (a summary is presented here) is a work that very often addresses the theme of love, and this short story is no exception. One day, his wife Virginia and her daughter went to church. Here Appius, the judge of the district, saw the girl and desired her. Realizing that he cannot approach the girl, he decides to use cunning. He summoned the notorious scoundrel Claudius, with whom he made a deal.

A few days later, Claudius entered the court where Appius was sitting and declared that the knight Virginia had stolen his slave, whom he now called his daughter. After hearing the accusation, Appius summoned Virginia to court, and then ordered him to return Claudius his property, that is, the “slave.” Returning home, Virginia told his daughter everything and decided to kill her in order to save her from shame. After this, Virginia took out a sword and cut off the girl’s head, which he brought to the judge’s chamber, where Claudius was waiting.

Seeing the offering, Appius became angry and ordered Virginia to be executed, but the people were indignant, burst into the court with shouts and freed the knight. Appius was imprisoned, where he committed suicide. Claudius was expelled from Rome for life.

Economy's story about the raven

The Canterbury Tales is coming to an end. The chapter summaries outline the story told by Econom.

In ancient times, Apollo, also known as Phoebus, lived among people. He was cheerful, brave, handsome, strong, and could play various instruments and sing. Phoebus lived in a beautiful house, where in one of the rooms there was a golden cage in which lived a white crow with a wonderful voice. Apollo’s wife lived in the same house, whom God loved and was jealous of, so he did not let her leave the house. However, all the girl’s thoughts were occupied by another man. And when Phoebus was away for a long time, his wife’s lover entered his house. When Apollo returned, the crow, which had seen the lovers, told everything to its master. Then Phoebus took his bow and killed his wife.


J. Chaucer presents fascinating stories in his book (“The Canterbury Tales”). After killing his wife, Phoebus began to regret it. In a fit of anger, he broke his bow and rushed at the crow, accusing it of lying. Then he cursed the bird, dooming it to be black forever, and replaced its beautiful voice with an ugly croak. Since then, all the crows are black and croak loudly. Like the crow, a person should weigh his words so as not to end up in the place of a white crow.

"The Canterbury Tales": reviews

The work remains popular to this day. Readers note that despite the fact that the stories were written back in the 14th century, they are still interesting to read today. What’s especially gratifying is that each novella is written in a different style. In addition, it is noted how expressive and memorable Chaucer’s characters were.

We are weak, true, but God in return
He gave us deceit for betrayal,
Deception and tears. We use these weapons
We will entwine male power like a net.

Debts are always payable
And it’s not in vain that people say:
“Who makes laws for others,
Let him be the first to observe those laws.”

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

People love variety too
They are very, very similar to birds,
Who are kept in cages at home,
Take care of the bird day and night, lovingly,
At least cover her cage with silk,
Give her honey and sugar for a snack,
But as soon as the door opened,
Kicking the cup away from you
She will rush off into the forest to look for worms.
She needs change like air.
Birds of even the noblest blood
Only what is new attracts and pleases.

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

Although husbands will not stop being jealous,
But I’ll tell them: friends, it’s a waste of time.
Your spouses will see you through anyway,
No matter how tightly you lock the cage.
When you are pure in deeds and thoughts
Wife, why do you need to lock her up?
Don’t bother to protect the libertine,
There will always be a loophole for her.
And then go ahead and reproach me, dare me.
How to guard your wives... it’s better to go straight to hell!
All the legends will confirm this to you.

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

“Where there are few words, there is peace and more storage.”
If you remain silent, there is no need to be afraid of words,
Which you might have said wrongly.
And whoever blurted out will never be caught
A thought that fluttered away. If you said a word,
What he said, he said. An evil word
Even if it becomes hateful,
Can't be fixed. Remember now and forever,
That there is no need to chat in front of the enemy.
You are the slave of the one who can convey
Your words.

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

But in life we ​​want to experience everything,
Not in youth, but in old age we fool around.

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

But such are husbands: to a humble wife
They are usually ruthless.

Geoffrey Chaucer. Canterbury Tales

He who is poor is rich and he who is free,
Who is not embarrassed by his poverty.
The stingy envious of the poorer beggar:
Nothing satisfies his hunger.
And the poor man who doesn’t want money,
Richer than those who sit on bags
And he trembles for his treasures.
He who is poor is by nature generous and cheerful,
And Juvenal, he weighed his word,
Having said: “Even a poor man goes with thieves -
He dances and sings carefree."