Draw a boat for children with a pencil. The concept of horizontal projection

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by small child. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a boat. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a boat we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing a boat is a bit difficult, like any complex thing. vehicle It must be designed in a certain way to function. In order not to disturb design features It's better to see what it looks like live. If this is not possible, look at available photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Now you know how to draw a boat, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson on social networks and show your results to your friends.

Hello everyone, I am continuing the drawings section step by step.

I also make my own crayons. You won’t buy these anywhere, and they are also very economical. I advise you to listen to my advice and try to make such chalks for asphalt with your own hands.

Well, it seems like I was bragging. And now to the purpose of our work today. And the goal is to show you how to draw a children's boat step by step.

Today we will have not one, but two ships, both with sails.

I would like to immediately warn those who have already tried to draw using my templates, everything is much simpler here.

How to draw a children's boat step by step

To fulfill the whims of our kids, we will need:

  1. Simple pencil
  2. Eraser
  3. Blank sheet of paper

I already wrote that we will have two boats today. One of our ships is really serious, but the second is an ordinary boat with sails.

How to draw a simple boat

Our first boat is really very simple. Even a grandmother can draw this step by step.

It's actually simple. We watch, we learn, we remember.

We take a white sheet of paper, place it on a clean surface, grab a pencil with our hand and rush off to make our child happy.

Our children's boat starts with a frame.

My advice is to relax your hand while drawing, this way your lines will be softer and more natural.

Let's draw a boat like this.

Well, what is a ship without a deck? Let's draw the deck like this.

Then we draw the pipes, these are the two large pipes our children's boat has.

Naturally, since there are pipes and our children's boat is in motion, smoke will come out of the pipes. Let's finish drawing the cloud of smoke.

And in the final part, we depict portholes and waves on the boat, which it cuts with its stern.

So our children's simple boat is ready. Now you know how to draw a children's boat step by step.

This is how you can easily depict the simplest boat, but I have one more option in stock. True, there is already a boat with sails, and it’s a little more complicated. Although, in my opinion, there is nothing complicated.

How to draw a boat with sails step by step

Now we draw a boat with sails step by step. To work, we will need the same things: A sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

I drew such a boat with sails for my son with a pen and chalk, the main thing is to remember step by step steps and everything will become simple for you.

And so, we draw a children's boat. Our first action is this. We are drawing a boat.

In principle, we can attach sails and our boat with sails is ready, but no, we won’t do that and will draw everything step by step as it should.

So, we draw two sticks up, the masts of the ship and a flag at the very top. Our boat has sails, but they must be attached to something.

The next step is the food. Let's draw a square and a stick with a triangle.

We have the masts, let's move on to the sails. On the first one I drew three sails, and on the second mast - two. See how the wind blows them.

Pay attention to the tail section. It’s somehow not beautiful, and it’s not clear. Therefore, we take a pencil and an eraser in our hands and smoothly connect everything into one whole and unified. Our sails should also be transformed. To do this, you also need to use an eraser and erase all the extra lines. I crossed out these lines that needed to be erased. See sample.

Teaching a child to draw is not like that at all difficult task, as it may seem at first glance. For example, you can explain and show your child how to draw a boat. Of course, before this you should show your child pictures of ships or photographs of them, and also explain to him what the purpose of the sails, deck, mast and others is. important details.
After the conversation, it is worth preparing those items that will inevitably be needed in the drawing process:
1). Paper;
2). Multi-colored pencils;
3). Pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Black pen (gel pen is best).

To make it easier for your child to draw a boat, you should help him at some stages. Then the result will definitely please him and, perhaps, next time he will be able to depict a magnificent ship completely on his own. The easiest way to draw a ship is step by step:
1. Draw the contours of the ship, making it slightly raised back, since the upper deck will be located there;
2. Draw a mast, and in its upper part draw a small observation deck;
3. Draw a sail;
4. At the top of the mast, draw a flying flag. Then draw the bow of the ship;
5. Draw the back of the ship. Draw a small flashlight there;
6. To draw a boat beautifully step by step, do not forget about small details. Therefore, draw windows, as well as an anchor. Use light lines to indicate the location of the boards from which the vessel is made;
7. Draw a rope ladder leading to the observation deck. Then draw two sailors, because someone must control the ship. You can draw a boat with a pencil and make it, for example, a pirate. Then it’s worth depicting the symbol of pirates on the flag - a skull and crossbones, and instead of sailors, draw a couple of these desperate sea ​​wolves;
8. The ship cannot sail through the air, so draw waves and two fish that jump out of the water;
9. To make the drawing even more interesting, it is worth depicting clouds in the sky and birds soaring in it;
10. Having learned how to draw a boat with a pencil step by step for children, you can move on to the next stage of working on the drawing - coloring it. To do this, first trace the sketch with a pen, and then remove all excess pencil lines with an eraser;
11. Color the sky with a light blue pencil, and the sea with blue;
12. Color the windows and anchor yellow, and the frames and some others small details– dark green;
13. Color the boat in different shades of brown, the fish in yellow, the birds in gray, and the clouds in blue;
14. Now color the flag, sail and sailors. Lightly shade the clouds with pink in places.
The drawing is ready! Knowing how to draw a boat, you can definitely teach this to your baby!

What an adult can do, seems very difficult and sometimes unattainable for kids. Drawing lessons help your child to develop comprehensively, so teachers recommend holding classes with your child several times a week, in which you, as an adult, knowledgeable person, you will tell your child the stages of creating his first independent masterpieces.

From this article you will learn

If you have set yourself the goal of teaching your child to draw, then be patient. You shouldn’t expect your child to do everything perfectly the first time. Learn to praise your baby for his achievements, albeit small ones.

If you don’t have drawing skills, but you really want to do this with your baby, look through the relevant literature, read articles on the Internet that will step by step tell you how to create the drawing correctly.

Also choose a topic according to the age of the child. You shouldn’t show how to draw a sparrow to a three-year-old child. Observe the lesson time; for example, for a four-year-old child, a quarter of an hour will be enough. Offer to take a break.

Today's lesson will teach children aged 3 years and older how to draw a ship with a pencil step by step. To do this you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a little patience.

Step-by-step creation of an elementary drawing

It should be remembered that kids love to inherit, so prepare paper and pencil for both yourself and your child.

The beginning of the drawing consists of a straight line horizontal line. Having drawn it, you can explain to the child why this line has such a name and what it is in in this case stands for water.

  • Let's draw the side of the boat with a pencil.
  • Let's place a mast that will run parallel to the base.
  • Let's add a developing sail.
  • Don't forget to draw a flag on the mast.

This is one of the most simple ways sketches of a ship for very young children. If your child can draw the main details without your participation, then you can teach him to make the image more dynamic.

To do this, show him how to draw waves and seagulls.

Don't forget to give your child the opportunity to color his drawing. This also contributes general development children.

Creating a More Complex Pattern

The drawing of a ship with several sailing masts has a more complex execution technique, which is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in the first lesson.

The initial steps when creating the base are identical to the previous ones, but here it can be slightly increased in size, and the top line of the side of the future ship will be slightly concave in the middle. Next, draw two or three masts as desired.

Next you need to draw three triangular shapes that are connected by a straight line at the bottom. We gradually draw trapezoids from the bottom up near the masts, starting with large figures and gradually making them smaller. These will be the inflated sails of the ship.

The next stage is connecting each sail to each other. The ropes are carefully drawn.

The last, final stage will be the details:

  • flags;
  • portholes on board;
  • waves;
  • possible pirate emblems.

Children can draw such a more complex boat preschool age provided you have good basic drawing skills.

Drawing details

This stage in drawing is important. After the children have been taught to draw the base, you need to explain that by using details you can bring the picture to life.

Give your child time to remember what exactly is on the ship. He can name many different things, for example, flag, helm, anchor, captain, barrel, pirate. Invite him to draw it.

You can also fill other parts of the picture with details: sky, sun, fish, sea, birds. Let the child himself offer options for what he sees next to the ship. Sometimes children's imagination is limitless and can surprise.

So, step by step, the baby will learn to improve his drawings and, thus, will develop comprehensively.

No matter how your child succeeds in drawing his first drawing, always praise him. Ask them to tell you what is depicted, and then the drawing lessons will be beneficial. They should contribute to your baby's development.