People have particularly sensitive skin. Why does my skin become very sensitive?

Some people have to deal with the problem of sensitive skin almost every day. With this type of skin, the skin overreacts to exo- or endogenous irritants that are quite common for other people (chemical, physical, hormonal, etc.), and pockets of irritation, peeling, rashes or redness appear on their surface. Such pathological changes may be accompanied by subjective sensations: pain, burning, tingling or tingling.

It is quite natural that a person with sensitive skin wonders about the cause of such disorders and tries to cope with the problems that arise. In most cases, to find out the root causes of this reaction of the skin to various irritants, you need to consult a dermatocosmetologist. An experienced doctor will be able to identify the cause of such disorders and prescribe therapy for the underlying disease (if identified). Taking into account all the data on the condition of the skin, the specialist will be able to recommend the correct skin care regimen and select cosmetic care products and salon procedures.

In this article we will introduce you to the reasons for special skin sensitivity and the basic principles of skin care. This information will help you avoid making mistakes and take timely measures to eliminate problems associated with special skin sensitivity.

What is sensitive skin?

Cosmetologists call the skin sensitive in cases where it is prone to severe irritability and the appearance of unpredictable reactions to habitual external or internal factors. According to statistics from some surveys, 2/3 of Central European women face such problems. People with this skin type may experience skin reactions to cold or hot air, decorative or caring cosmetics, water, stressful situations or overwork. After exposure to one or another factor, small and itchy rashes, redness and peeling appear on the skin. Often these external manifestations are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, burning, tingling or pain.

More often, light- or red-haired women with thin skin and blue, green or gray eyes suffer from problems of excessive skin sensitivity. This is explained by the fact that with this color type of appearance it has a less thin stratum corneum, it contains less melanin, and the sebaceous glands produce less sebum. All these factors characteristic of sensitive skin make it more vulnerable to external and internal irritants.

Sometimes skin sensitivity to various external or internal factors is confused with skin diseases or allergic reactions. A detailed examination prescribed by a dermatologist will help eliminate such errors. As a rule, the sudden appearance of signs of skin reactivity, which is not due to any specific reasons, indicates the sensitivity of the skin.

Causes of increased skin sensitivity

External and internal factors can provoke increased skin sensitivity. In some cases, the appearance of unusual reactions on the skin may be due to several reasons. As a rule, the more factors that provoke hypersensitivity, the worse the skin condition.

The main external factors of increased skin sensitivity:

  • cold wind or low air temperature;
  • ultraviolet rays;
  • dry air;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • professional activity: work in premises contaminated with harmful substances, contact with chemicals, latex and aggressive physical factors;
  • contact with household chemicals (especially if they contain such aggressive substances as propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, benzoyl peroxide, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylaminopropylamine, etc.);
  • shaving (especially if it is performed frequently and after it, alcohol-containing cosmetics are used);
  • frequent visits to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • strenuous physical training;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics or their incorrect choice;
  • long-term treatment of skin diseases with retinoids or corticosteroids;
  • cosmetological or traumatizing skin: laser resurfacing, micro- and dermabrasion, TCA peels, lifting, blepharoplasty, etc.

The main internal factors of skin hypersensitivity:

  • hereditary predisposition: structural features of the skin or weakness of the vascular wall;
  • food: spicy or hot food, chocolate, coffee, cheese;
  • bad habits: alcoholic drinks, smoking;
  • dermatological diseases: eczema, dermatitis (, perioral,), psoriasis, xerosis, rosacea, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders or changes: pregnancy, premenstrual or menopausal syndrome, endocrinological diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • allergic or immunological diseases;
  • delayed or immediate hypersensitivity.

In recent years, cosmetologists and dermatologists have noted an increase in the number of young people with sensitive skin. They attribute this to the following changes:

  • an increase in the number of patients with psychoemotional disorders;
  • frequent hormonal imbalances;
  • deterioration of the environmental situation;
  • poor nutrition;
  • increase in the number of somatic diseases;
  • excessive addiction to tanning;
  • an increase in the number of people with bad habits;
  • lack of proper care and treatment for acne skin.

In older age, skin sensitivity often decreases. This is explained by the onset of menopause, during which there is a decrease in the number of superficial nerve fibers (C-fibers). Due to such changes, the skin becomes less sensitive and the symptoms of its reactivity gradually disappear.

What are the symptoms of sensitive skin?

Symptoms of skin sensitivity can occur in people with dry, oily, or combination skin. Signs of hyperreactivity are always individual in nature and can manifest themselves to varying degrees (depending on the aggressiveness and duration of exposure to the provoking factor).

Signs of skin sensitivity may include the following symptoms:

  • rash;
  • peeling;
  • areas of redness;
  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • tingling;
  • feeling of tightness or discomfort.

The above symptoms appear immediately after exposure to a certain unfavorable factor (for example, cold wind or cosmetics) or after a certain period of time. Sometimes, increased skin sensitivity can lead to a state of skin intolerance (i.e., under the influence of a negative factor, a skin reaction occurs instantly).

According to statistics, dry skin is most often sensitive. This is explained by the fact that in the thickness of such skin there are fewer sebaceous glands or their activity is significantly reduced. Under such conditions, the stratum corneum of the skin cannot reliably protect the skin from external influences, and various harmful substances, allergens or microorganisms penetrate the skin. These unfavorable factors provoke a state of skin reactivity.

The location of skin hypersensitivity reactions may vary, but most often they are observed on the skin of the face. This is due to the fact that it is on the skin of the face that a larger number of superficial sensory nerve fibers are located.

What should people with sensitive skin do?

The problems of sensitive skin will be solved by a specialist who will select suitable skin care products.

To solve problems caused by skin sensitivity, you need to contact a dermatocosmetologist. The doctor will be able to determine the true causes of skin reactivity, prescribe a course of treatment for the patient and teach him how to properly care for the skin. The tactics for solving the problem in such cases are always individual. For some patients, it is enough to protect themselves from the effects of adverse factors or choose suitable cosmetics, while others have to undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease.

To solve the problem of increased sensitivity of the skin, your doctor may recommend:

  • undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease;
  • take medications to strengthen the skin: trace elements, vitamins, plant extracts, lecithin, fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), phytoestrogens, etc.;
  • adjust your lifestyle: do not include in your diet foods that provoke undesirable skin reactions, give up bad habits, sunbathing, visiting a sauna or bathhouse, eliminate temperature fluctuations;
  • Take proper care of your skin and use suitable cosmetics.
  1. To cleanse the skin, use only warm water at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Do not perform steaming or contrasting procedures (for example, avoid wiping your face with an ice cube or performing steam baths and inhalations).
  3. Refuse peelings or perform them only during stable remission.
  4. To cleanse the skin, use products with a light texture that contain bisabolol, azulene, panthenol or allantoin.
  5. During the cold season, use protective creams.
  6. In spring and summer, before going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with a protective factor of at least 30-50.
  7. The composition of caring creams should include moisture-replenishing components and substances that have anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening, soothing, restorative and antioxidant effects. These include: ceramides, phytoestrogens, natural oils, extracts of green tea, blueberry, lavender, aloe, red grapes and witch hazel.

People with hypersensitive skin are advised to use only well-known brands of cosmetics or pharmacy cosmetics.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin

To solve the problems of sensitive skin, patients during an exacerbation may be prescribed the following salon procedures:

  • ozone therapy – has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antioxidant effects;
  • microcurrent therapy – normalizes the condition of the skin at the cellular level, eliminates signs of inflammatory reactions, restores skin structure and strengthens blood vessels.

During stable remission, an experienced cosmetologist can sometimes prescribe retinoid and superficial peels (salicylic, almond, glycolic, lactic). Before performing them, a sensitivity test must be carried out.

Why did my soul strive
reincarnate on Earth?
Where were you going? I beat my wings,
she went down to the people, emboldened.
I looked furtively from heaven,
finding a gap between the clouds,
who did you want to recognize in the crowd?
among scoundrels, fools?
What evil seduced her,
turning you away from heavenly life? ¶
Earthly happiness beckoned
poisoning the heart with love.
Have you seen? The star has fallen! ¶
People froze, not breathing.
No, not a star - the sky is not enough for me! ¶
then my soul rushed down.


There are four seasons in nature.
Of these, I chose the saddest one:
gilding flows from the leaves of the trees
and the rain shakes the silver chandelier.
The garden was empty, silent, plundered.
The harmonies of the bird orchestras fell silent,
and the janitor, wearily turning the rake,
rakes the last gold into heaps.
I’ll walk along the alley as if through a cemetery
golden graves are forgotten by people.
Why did I come here? What am I looking for here? ¶
She probably buried her summer…

Wind. Concerto in A minor

From above the Wind calls to the people,
tries his voice, strikes a chord,
touching the string of the telegraph line,
Please don't pass by!
Intellectuals, take off your hats
Here you can almost see Chaliapin!
His voice is more flawless than crystal,
and the station square is La Scala.
Music of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven
repertoire for the enchanted soul.
"Bravo!" shout, give bouquets
these last delights of summer…
The audience shudders, their backs hunch,
thinks only about soft beds,
about blankets and hot fireplaces,
Everyone dreams of raspberry tea.
One by one, with feigned reluctance,
people dive into the sleeve of the gateway.
Neon light blinds your eyes
The wind sings, but there is no spectator…
After the concert in the dull backstage
he is destroyed, crushed, booed…
I got drunk out of grief and suffered grief,
lay down in the orchestra pit and sang.


Flawless lost its shine
sunken foliage ships.
We performed the last dance
circling half a step from the ground,
flying away, gliding, returning
waltz on tiptoes, encore dance,
admiring, loving and saying goodbye,
and falling down to the music…
Circle after circle on your fingertips
black tailcoat, snow-white hem
we performed the last dance,
reaching up to the top “do”.
In a moment the piano will be silent,
double bass resting in the corner,
only the wind is cheeky and drunk
applauds, tormenting us.

* * *

Our business relationship
tied to the Internet, files, etc.;
short letters, by force of gravity
sent by email;
on rare phone calls, meetings
over a cup of strong coffee, and only on business;
on the ambiguity of pauses speech phenomena,
stretched to the limit,
and on fluids; in the process of communication
in compliance with conventions and decency…
Perhaps our work relationship
Will they become personal over time?..

* * *

“I like that you are not sick with me”
M. Tsvetaeva

I like that you are in virtual reality
abide. You are a man of progress,
and I keep reading books, chatting banalities,
You and I have different interests.
I like the distance between us
and you can vary the range of motion.
Doesn't this seem like strange dancing to you? ¶
Yes, it all depends on the imagination…
I like how polite you are
take a coat, offer coffee,
and how skillfully you control yourself
unperturbed by your gothic profile.
I like that you're not the type to ask
about former lovers and partners.
Like you, I color people in my thoughts
in any color, as long as it’s not black.
Thank you for not going over
the borders of my vast domains,
that you spend your time without me,
not looking for common ground.
Thank you for our habits and weaknesses
do not intersect in the plane of everyday life.
And yet with our monstrous difference
You just love me unconditionally.

* * *

Indian hunchback, roguish god
teasing and angering me, the earring swinging in my ear
yours (again I’m looking for a catch in everything
and an explanation for the fact that I’m not in a good mood!),
clings to a strand of your hair,
whispers obscenities and tales,
plays (I'm furious, but voiceless)
plays songs on the flute and lavishes caresses…
I'm beside myself, I'm staring like a fool
on your earlobe (hunchback, answer!);
in my soul and in my thoughts it’s a complete mess...
His trap is a trick! and from now on my fetish…

* * *

There's a circle around me
from your strong hands
I'm in their ring, and on the porch
drops rhythmic knock.
Night flies into the window like an owl
get even or help?
And the hour lingers, saving us,
but feelings cannot be overcome.
And the heart falls without torment
like an apple from your hands,
I don’t feel sorry for him: only sadness,
that the circle will open…


To be a water lily
cool your feverish forehead,
petals on your chest
and fall asleep…
And mermaids dream
they are confused and strange,
and pray for love to ignite
fish blood
And look into the face of the moon
Why are her cheekbones pale?
The kiss is just as ghostly
water jets.

* * *

In the dead of night the dogs cry quietly,
and the moon circle sinks in standing water,
and mothers hide their children from the evil eye,
and the one who sees becomes blind.
In the dead of night the forest birds are silent,
wolves, lynxes, wolverines do not roam,
but only fears, fears are looking for food…
The hand goes numb, destroying the cross with a swing.

* * *

If something irreparable happens
and all your angels won't be able to help,
my soul, having overcome great miles,
will bring relief to you, cutting through the night.
She kneels at the edge of the bed
will fall in your darkest hour
and will pray that we survive
and now, and ever, and just now…
She will surround you with all her love,
that I have accumulated from the first day,
and on this impenetrable night, owl
will bring you back to the light from the very bottom.
When hope for the best dawns,
Hell will seem like an ordinary nightmare,
my sinful, sick and tormented soul
Will you be strong enough to go back?..


What does a domestic cat need? ¶
A little love and affection,
so that she has an owner
and would have doted on her.
He will come home tired from work,
and the cat is already rubbing against the boots.
Forgetting about yesterday's worries,
he will take her on his knees,
and the cat is painfully familiar
purrs in his ear
about how you spend the whole day at the window
the house cat was bored
waited patiently for the owner
and even cried accidentally…
The owner caresses her,
and immediately your heart will thaw…
As soon as night comes,
the cat will curl up in a ball,
will lie down next to the owner,
will tell a wonderful tale.
Let dinner get cold in the kitchen
they don't need anyone else.
Not everyone has happiness in their basket,
but every woman is a cat.


Disappeared behind the dunes
sun wandering monk.
The cup of the night has tilted towards the Earth
on the great heavenly scales
and scattered the stars like grains,
and sowed good dreams.
Reflected the constellations of the lake,
and the clock slowed down…

Lullaby (1)

I sing a song to the little one.
Sleep, little one, go to sleep
you will see heaven in a dream.
Angels are circling in the sky,
their wings rustle quietly,
the clouds are blowing up
their road is long:
over the seas, over the ocean
endless caravan.
There are distant valleys
The giant sun slumbers.
The cat Bayun is walking there,
He rocks the cradle
there are distant lands.
The baby is sleeping in the cradle,
An angel protects her sleep.
only children dream of heaven…

Lullaby (2)

Having overcome the chimes ringing,
the bird Dream flew in,
purple wing
covered the house like an umbrella,
through it the twinkling of stars
dim beads, star bridge
over the heavenly river,
spilling peace.
The wind obediently went to sleep.
A bee and a moth are sleeping,
dragonfly and swallowtail.
A gray elephant sleeps in the zoo.
A whale is dozing in the ocean.
The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
The aspen is sleeping, the grass is sleeping,
yes, it’s time for you and me…

* * *

I didn't sleep at night
sang songs
another took them away
About love and sadness
cry, march
only you didn't notice
in songs of falsehood…
I circled my finger
very simple,
only you didn't recognize
What is her conscience? Not the Charter,
everything is fun.
My voice has become distant
like an echo.
If you don't hear, you can't save
God's will
you will cross, you will cross
life is like a field…


You spoke, sobbing hysterically.
I was silent, searching for words.
You accused and reproached.
I looked through you onto the boulevard,
at people walking somewhere by
I would so like to be among them! ¶
and you, having smeared the remnants of your makeup,
continued to mourn the two of us.
You waited, listening to the silence,
hoping to hear “love”, “sorry”,
and I am like a tree rooted in the ground,
I wanted and couldn’t leave you…

Sensitive organ. The entire surface of the skin is covered with nerve endings, which are responsible for transmitting sensations received in the peripheral parts of the body. The function of the skin nerve receptor system is to transmit information about its contacts with factors environment. In addition to these sensations, the sensitive system of nerve fibers is affected by irritations caused by inflammatory reactions of the skin. All of them, as a rule, are perceived quite naturally by her.

THE CONCEPT OF “SENSITIVE SKIN” difficult to determine scientifically. Skin sensitivity can be considered as hyperreactivity of the skin, not associated with allergic or immunological mechanisms. This increased reactivity is reflected in a decrease in the skin's tolerance threshold to external stimuli, which are usually well tolerated. That is, this skin has a faster or more powerful reaction, compared to normal skin, to the same negative factor and under the same conditions. Most often it is thin, predominantly dry, reactive, prone to irritation, allergies and is often characterized by objective or subjective signs of discomfort.

MEDICALLY The terms "sensitive skin" and "reactive skin" may be considered identical.

Skin sensitivity can be hereditary, acquired or conditioned, and idiopathic (without an apparent cause).

  • Hereditary skin sensitivity(genetically sensitive skin) is observed in 5-10% of those with sensitive skin. Its characteristic feature is that it is genetically and constitutionally vulnerable. It appears mainly in patients with atopy, with dry skin with a tendency to atopy, in couperose or allergic areas.
  • Acquired skin sensitivity, or conditioned, skin sensitivity (normal skin has become sensitive) is observed in 30% of people with sensitive skin. We are talking about normal skin that has become sensitive under the influence of external (sun, cold, heating, wind, diet, fatigue, stress, etc.) or internal (intensive medical treatment, for example, acne) factors that have led to a decrease in the skin's ability to adaptation, as well as weakening its role as a natural barrier, which facilitates the penetration of irritating active substances that can cause tingling, itching, burning or irritation sensations.
  • Idiopathic(caused by an unknown cause) skin sensitivity occurs in 60% of cases of sensitive skin. This specific condition, with no apparent cause, is clearly defined. As a rule, it is typical for those people who claim that their skin “cannot tolerate anything anymore.”

Skin sensitivity is manifested by subjective and, sometimes, objective signs. People with sensitive skin experience significant discomfort, manifested by neurosensory symptoms: itching, feeling of tightness, tingling, burning. From time to time, pronounced symptoms may appear: dryness, diffuse redness, peeling, rosacea. As a rule, skin lesions are localized on the face, but in some cases they can spread to the scalp (usually in combination with dandruff) and other areas of the body. Skin sensitivity develops gradually, periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of relief and last from several days to several months.

Cosmetics Doctor Spiller (Dr.Spiller Biocosmetic) series- CARE AND TREATMENT OF SENSITIVE SKIN.


Internal factors:

  • Skin type: Among the 60% of women who consider their skin sensitive or reactive, 40% have dry skin, 25% normal or oily.
  • Phototype: light phototypes I and II (light and very light skin) have increased sensitivity; Pigmented skin is less prone to irritation than light skin.
  • Age: Children's skin is more sensitive and vulnerable than adults.
  • Gender: Women believe they have more sensitive skin than men; 60% consider her to be sensitive or reactive, while among the stronger sex this figure is 30%.
  • Neurological factor: psychological vulnerability is a factor that deepens existing manifestations.
  • Hormonal factors: signs of skin reactivity in women can be directly related to hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle.
  • Anamnesis.

External factors:

  • Environment: cold, heat, temperature changes, polluted air, solar radiation can be factors that lead to increased skin sensitivity.
  • Lifestyle: emotions, stress, alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods, stimulants, in particular tea and coffee, are factors that increase skin sensitivity.
  • Use of cosmetics: the use of water with a high content of lime, as well as cosmetic products unsuitable for a certain skin type, is the first cause of discomfort; Classic irritants recognized in cosmetics include solvents, surfactants, retinoids, benzoyl dioxide, urea, lactic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids and others.
  • Professional activity: frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, contact with detergents, water, frequent microtrauma or friction are harmful factors that can damage the skin barrier.

The driving forces of the body that can cause the described hyperreactivity are still relatively little studied. Sensitive skin is not a consequence of an allergic mechanism. There appears to be a complex or separate influence of several factors.

Skin barrier disorders. The skin is daily exposed to the factors described above, leading to increased skin permeability and disruption of microcirculation in it (which causes redness). In this case, the barrier function is disrupted, the threshold of skin resistance is reduced, which makes it more reactive and vulnerable to aggressive external influences. Damaged skin tissue allows the penetration of irritants, which cause the release of inflammatory mediators.

Vascular disorders. At the level of the dermis, even the slightest irritation can lead to vascular disorders, causing leukocyte infiltration and edema, as well as an inflammatory reaction, which manifests itself in the reverse precipitation of arachidonic acid metabolites (simple tonsils, leukotrienes).

Neurogenic phenomena. Irritating agents can also stimulate the release of neurotransmitters that underlie the sensation of pain (subjective skin sensitivity). Sensory neurons are activated:

  • directly irritating agent causing the release of substance P;
  • immunological or inflammatory mediators (histamine, leukotriene), which enhance the inflammatory response.


Sensitive or reactive skin is a general term that defines changes that can be the result of the cumulative action of several negative factors and are always characterized by subjective signs (the appearance of discomfort) described above. These changes can appear at any time in life and regardless of skin type.

If the skin is exposed to harmful influences on a daily basis (climatic conditions, cosmetics that are inappropriate for its type, aggressive dermatological treatment), this can lead to an increase in its vulnerability. If the skin does not tolerate certain cosmetics, hygiene products or medications, we can talk about very sensitive skin. Clinically, this is manifested by the appearance of irritant contact dermatitis, in which subjective symptoms are combined with objective ones. As a rule, these symptoms occur quickly, last for a more or less long period and can be repeated throughout the day.

Moreover, in the case of vulnerable, very sensitive skin, the following may be found: negative phenomena:

  • due to damage to the stratum corneum, the penetration of allergens improves, which leads to allergic reactions in people predisposed to them;
  • on the other hand, such skin is prone to premature aging due to the formation of free radicals.

Skin allergies is a pathological reaction of the immune system that can occur in people who are predisposed to such diseases (for example, with a history of atopy) or who are sensitized as a result of repeated contact with allergens. It is characterized by reactivity only to a specific chemical substance (or substances of one group). Clinically, allergies to cosmetics are manifested by erythema, itching, skin rash or eczema. In this case, skin itching is present in any case. When a person develops a sensitivity to a particular drug, skin symptoms appear each time it is used again (however, these are temporary and reversible). Allergological studies indicate an ever-increasing incidence of allergic reactions to perfumes, antiseptics, and chemical filters.

Why does increased sensitivity occur?

Increased skin sensitivity is not only inconvenient or uncomfortable, but also quite painful, not to mention irritable. In the medical field, skin soreness is usually defined by one term - allodynia. This condition implies such a high sensitivity that a person can feel pain even from a slight breath of wind.

What is the level of skin sensitivity? Signs Why does the skin become overly sensitive? Treatment options Nipple sensitivity Tongue sensitivity Comments and reviews

What is the level of skin sensitivity?

To date, the following types of sensitivity have been established and studied:

Mechanical or tactile, “triggered” by touch; Static mechanical, when the skin responds with pain to minimal external pressure or touch; Dynamic mechanical. This pathology excludes the possibility of complete cleansing of the skin...

Diagnosis > Skin hypersensitivity

This information cannot be used for self-medication!
Consultation with a specialist is required!

What is skin hyperesthesia, and how does it happen?

Skin hypersensitivity or hyperesthesia is a pathological condition of the skin in which even minor external influences on them cause the development of a very strong reaction. This pathology most often results from a dysfunction of the nervous system.

Skin hyperesthesia can be local (local) in nature, when sensitivity increases in only one limited area, and general, when there is hypersensitivity of the entire skin.

Causes of skin hypersensitivity

The cause of local hypersensitivity may be an increase in the sensitivity of the skin nerve endings. This is observed with wounds, burns, herpes zoster, eczema, and atopic dermatitis. Same shape...

In cosmetology, the definition of “sensitive skin” means a skin type prone to increased irritability and unpredictable reactions in response to everyday external and internal agents. Sensitive skin can react with its external manifestations to fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, cold wind, water and decorative cosmetics. It is prone to tightening, redness, peeling, and the appearance of small itchy rashes.

Increased skin sensitivity most often affects representatives of the fair sex with blond or red hair, transparent thin skin, blue, gray or green eyes. Such skin has a poorly defined stratum corneum, little pigment, and its sebaceous glands do not produce enough oil. All this makes sensitive skin especially vulnerable to external irritants and internal stress. According to surveys, 2/3 of Central European women face the problem of sensitized, that is, sensitive skin.

Skin sensitivity to...

Skin that is sensitive to touch is irritating, uncomfortable, and often unbearable. Pain or tenderness of the skin is medically called allodynia, a condition in which a person feels an exaggerated type of pain or tenderness even without painful stimuli such as wind. There are different types of skin tenderness, including:

Tactile or mechanical allodynia, which is triggered by touch Static mechanical allodynia, which is triggered by light touch or pressure Dynamic mechanical allodynia, where brushing the skin causes pain Thermal allodynia, which is felt with cold or hot stimuli

Abnormally increased skin sensitivity to various types of irritants may be a sign of other health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, nerve problems, or a viral infection.


It is easy to recognize the symptoms of delicate skin or skin that is sensitive to touch. The pain may be...

SKIN is a sensitive organ. The entire surface of the skin is covered with nerve endings, which are responsible for transmitting sensations received in the peripheral parts of the body. The function of the skin nerve receptor system is to transmit information about its contacts with environmental factors. In addition to these sensations, the sensitive system of nerve fibers is affected by irritations caused by inflammatory reactions of the skin. All of them, as a rule, are perceived quite naturally by her.

However, there are cases when such sensations turn out to be excessive relative to external pathogens. Then the skin becomes sensitive. Regardless of the type, women predominantly complain about this situation (about 60%). This phenomenon is typical for industrialized countries, due to the negative influence of environmental factors, as well as cosmetic and hygienic habits (not always acceptable).

THE CONCEPT OF SENSITIVE SKIN is difficult to define from a scientific point of view. Skin sensitivity may...

Normally, between the internal organs and the skin there are viscerocutaneous nerve pathways, which, due to pathological impulses, lead to increased sensitivity of the skin. Or simply put, skin hyperesthesia occurs due to a disruption of the normal reaction between the skin and internal organs.

Symptoms of skin hyperesthesia and causes

When diagnosed with skin hyperesthesia, the causes are not fully understood, but doctors have noted some conditions of the body that can cause skin hyperesthesia:

A state of receptor hyperesthesia, the cause of which can be wounds, burns of the body, or herpes zoster. A state of so-called central hyperesthesia, when there is increased excitability of brain neurons, which then leads to increased sensitivity of the skin. This happens with neuroses, infectious encephalitis, some forms mental disorder.

At the same time, the skin reacts to the most minor changes in the environment...

Very sensitive skin: causes and care rules

Some people have particularly sensitive skin that reacts inappropriately to quite common irritants. For example, patches of redness, peeling and rashes may appear on the skin even after using regular soap or when there is a strong wind outside. Particular sensitivity of the skin can be manifested by other symptoms, without visible changes - this is burning, itching, tingling or tingling when exposed to external influences.

Naturally, being constantly in a state of irritation is unpleasant, and a person with the skin type in question will look for the causes of sensitivity. The best solution is to consult a doctor, who will not only determine the true cause of the special sensitivity of the skin (using laboratory tests), but also select an effective solution to the problem.

This material will describe the most common causes of special skin sensitivity - many of them can be eliminated independently, with...

What is this violation?

Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation results in skin lesions in response to exposure to light alone or to light and chemicals in combination. The phototoxic reaction is caused by excess light or ultraviolet radiation and depends on the radiation dose, that is, the severity of the reaction is directly dependent on the exposure. A photoallergic reaction is an abnormal immune response that is not dose dependent; even minor exposure to radiation can cause a severe reaction.

What are the reasons for this violation?

Certain ones can lead to increased skin sensitivity to light and corresponding body reactions. These substances include dyes, coal tar, furocoumarins found in plants, and a variety of drugs (eg, phenothiazines, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, griseofulvin, and thiazides).

Berlock dermatitis is a specific skin reaction to...

Increased skin sensitivity can have a different nature: allergic reactions to certain ingredients of cosmetic preparations, skin damage, inflammation caused by irritation of sensitive nerve endings, congenital “weakness” of barrier structures (in patients with atopic dermatitis). But all these reasons have common roots.

Almost always, the first link in the development of hypersensitivity of the skin is a violation of its integrity and an increase in the permeability of the stratum corneum. That is why the main efforts in developing a strategy for caring for sensitive skin should be aimed at restoring the epidermal barrier.

Features of procedures for hypersensitive skin

Procedures accompanied by damage to the barrier layer of the skin (mechanical, chemical, laser peelings) should be preceded and completed by cosmetic care that restores the barrier, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy, a set of measures...

Sensitive skin easily reacts to various external and internal factors, which leads to irritation, severe rashes, redness and peeling. The problem with hypersensitivity is that its reaction to a particular cosmetic product, product component, or procedure can be unpredictable and sudden.

The reaction can manifest itself both to weather conditions (wind, rain, sudden changes in air temperature, snow, sun) and to internal processes (hormonal changes in the endocrine system, diseases, weakened immunity). Thus, sensitive skin requires a special approach when choosing cosmetics and food products.

Firstly, you need to regularly visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist, undergo examinations if necessary and choose skincare products more carefully. Secondly, if you have sensitive skin, you will always have to adhere to certain restrictions and at least sometimes sign up for treatment...

Sensitive skin: classification, causes, treatment, photos

Sensitive skin is characterized by hyperactive reactions when exposed to environmental factors. People with sensitive skin complain of excessive skin reactions when using topical cosmetics, although visible symptoms may or may not be present. In people who experience skin discomfort, in approximately 50% of cases there are no visible signs of burning of the skin. Changes in their integument in people with sensitive skin can cause a lot of inconvenience. When traveling, these people should take personal skin care products, as cosmetics provided in hotels may cause skin aggravation or skin discomfort. These people choose the right product and use it for a long time, trying not to use other skin care products. Cosmetics companies are aware of the existence...

Causes of hypersensitivity

The symptoms of such conditions are very easy to recognize. Any touch to the skin in a random or specific area can cause pain. It can be localized or widespread; a common symptom is an atypically strong reaction to banal stimuli that should not normally cause pain. To check the sensitivity of the affected areas, try shaking a piece of gauze or a cotton pad on them, you can use a compress, or simply touch one of the areas with your finger. If such an impact caused you severe pain, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

There are several possible causes for abnormal skin sensitivity or allodynia. One of the most common is prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. It can cause first or second degree burns, making the skin sensitive to even light touches.

Neuropathy is often associated with pinching...

What is sensitive skin?

Currently, more than half of the women surveyed complain that they have sensitive skin - that's about 60%. And, naturally, the cosmetics industry is trying to meet the demand for cosmetics designed to care for sensitive skin. Of course, the availability of such funds is welcome. But, on the other hand, a mark on a cream “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin” has a strong influence on the consumer’s attitude towards the purchased product - it is automatically considered “softer and more gentle” and people choose it even in cases where they do not experience skin problems. How justified is their choice?

Let's figure out what this term actually means and what types of sensitive skin exist.

Sometimes the development of itching or other negative reaction to a drug forces the consumer to automatically refuse all cosmetic products of that brand or services...

It may be idiopathic or may develop after exposure to certain drugs or chemicals and is sometimes one of the symptoms of a systemic disease. Treatment depends on the type of photosensitivity.

In addition to the acute and chronic effects of sunlight, a number of less common reactions to insolation may occur. Although a precipitating factor is evident, patients with severe photosensitivity should be evaluated to rule out systemic or cutaneous disease associated with increased photosensitivity, such as SLE and porphyria.

Solar urticaria

Some patients develop hives at the site of exposure to sunlight within a few minutes. Rarely, when large areas are affected, fainting, dizziness, hoarseness and other general symptoms may develop. The etiology is unclear, but endogenous skin components may be involved. Solar urticaria can be distinguished from other types of urticaria because...

1 Causes of the disease

Why does my skin hurt? The reasons may be the following:

Effect of radiation or chemical influences. Allergy to the fabric of clothing and bedding. Herpes virus. Chicken pox. Migraine. AIDS. Disorders in the nervous system.

The last reason may be associated with such ailments as:

Polyneuropathy. Fibromyalgia. Demyelinating diseases. Pathological processes in the brain. Organic changes in the spinal cord.

The disease can be caused by radiation or chemical influences: ultraviolet burns as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, under a lamp in a solarium. You can get a first or second degree burn, which causes pain.

Why does my skin hurt when it touches something? You may be allergic to the fabric of clothing and bedding. Rarely seen. Possible due to increased sensitivity to the material from which clothing and bedding are made. Moreover, an allergic reaction can also be caused by natural...

Painful sensitivity of the skin to the light of the sun is a relatively common problem that can be encountered by people of any race, nationality and age. This condition is caused by substances that have a photosensitizing effect.

Photosensitizers can provoke two types of skin reactions - photoallergic and phototoxic. The first option (photoallergy) develops when solar radiation causes chemical changes in substances found on the skin. As a result of these transformations, substances become allergens and cause a corresponding reaction in the body.

Phototoxic reactions develop differently. In this case, substances in the skin actively absorb UV rays and just as actively transfer the absorbed energy to surrounding tissues. This leads to neighboring cells being damaged and even dying.

Phototoxic reactions can occur immediately after exposure to radiation on the skin, or after...

Sensitive skin has a negative reaction to external and internal factors. Most often, sensitivity manifests itself in the form of red spots.

Many people experience sensitive skin in their lives.

Under no circumstances should such a condition be ignored. Treatment is necessary to eliminate sensitivity.

Causes of the pathological condition

Most often, sensitive facial skin appears under the influence of unfavorable climatic conditions:

Cold Heat Wind High humidity Temperature changes Dry air

Some people complain of the appearance of this pathological condition with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Long-term use of certain medications can also cause sensitivity.

If a person uses inappropriate cosmetic products, this can also cause increased sensitivity of the facial skin.

The reason...

Sunburn is an acute inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin that occurs as a pathological reaction in response to ultraviolet radiation, the source of which, in most cases, is the Sun. Characteristics A sunburn is the appearance of erythema (redness), swelling, pain, burning, and itching on the skin. In some cases, people who have received such a burn may experience a rise in body temperature, dizziness, headache, nausea, weakness, decreased ability to work, etc. Most often, a sunburn does not appear on the skin immediately upon contact with the sun’s rays, but after some time (usually 3 - 12 hours after irradiation).

The rate at which a sunburn develops is influenced by a large number of different factors. These may be genetic features of skin development (skin phototype), daily time, medication intake, altitude above sea level, duration of insolation, climate and time of year, etc. Sunburn is not...

Numbness of the face, tongue, hands and feet: causes, tests and examinations, treatment

Numbness is an unpleasant tingling sensation, “crawling” on the skin, which is accompanied by a decrease in skin sensitivity and, sometimes, pain and impaired mobility in the joints of the fingers, hands or feet.

Most often, numbness is a normal reaction of the body in response to compression of a nerve or disruption of the blood supply to tissues, for example, when a person remains in one position for a long time.

Less commonly, numbness is a symptom of diseases of the nervous system.
In some cases, numbness in an area of ​​the body may indicate a serious medical condition, such as a stroke (death of an area of ​​the brain) or a tumor.

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness includes many different examination methods: x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic nuclear resonance, ultrasound of blood vessels, electroneuromyography, etc.

Treatment for numbness depends on the causes of its development.

In what cases is there numbness in parts of the body...

Sensitive facial skin - signs and care rules

In the practice of a cosmetologist, there are increasingly cases when clients come in with very irritated skin and rashes that can easily fit a huge number of diseases. The most common diagnosis is “sensitive skin”!

What does sensitive skin mean, its causes and how to deal with it - in detail in this article.

First of all, when diagnosing “sensitive skin,” it is necessary to determine the connection with the provoking factor, and this is already 50% of success in treatment! And by choosing the right care with the help of a specialist, following some recommendations in everyday life and using natural cosmetics, such a client gets the opportunity to forget about his “illnesses”.

Signs of sensitive facial skin

Sensitive skin - this term is suitable for skin that reacts to external and internal irritants with the appearance of red spots or diffuse redness, peeling,...

Photosensitivity is an incompletely understood skin reaction to sunlight, likely involving the immune system. The cause may be idiopathic or a reaction to the use of certain drugs or chemicals, and sometimes it may be a sign of systemic diseases (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyria, pellagra, xeroderma pigmentosum). The diagnosis is made after a clinical examination. Treatment depends on the type of disease.

In addition to acute and chronic reactions to sunlight, unexpected symptoms can develop even after short exposure to the sun. If the cause is not obvious, patients with obvious photosensitivity should be evaluated for systemic or chronic lupus erythematosus and possibly porphyria. When treating chemical photosensitivity, topical glucocorticoids should be used and causative factors of the disease should be avoided.

Solar urticaria. In some patients, urticaria develops in an area of ​​the skin...

Erysipelas, or erysipelas, is a common acute infectious disease with symptoms of limited skin inflammation. The disease is prone to relapses, i.e. to re-emergence. The causative agent of the disease is hemolytic streptococcus, less often the disease is caused by staphylococci.

The source of infection is a sick person or a carrier of streptococcus.

The pathogen enters the thickness of the skin through abrasions, diaper rash, abrasions, scratches, scratches, cracks, areas of fungal infection, and even through imperceptible violations of its integrity. Often the pathogen is transmitted by the patient himself if he has another streptococcal disease. The disease occurs only when the body's resistance decreases under the influence of any unfavorable factors. Women and older people are more likely to suffer from erysipelas.

Recurrences of erysipelas usually occur in the same place. This is due to the presence of a chronic disorder of lymphatic drainage and the development of increased...

When the scalp becomes red and flaky, many blame dandruff or an allergic reaction. However, often such symptoms signal a completely different ailment - increased sensitivity of the scalp. If you let the situation take its course, hoping that everything will go away on its own, it won’t get better. However, the same applies to self-medication. On the contrary, with these behavioral tactics you can easily develop a more serious disease, and at the same time lose a considerable part of your hair.

Test: “How to determine if your scalp is sensitive”?

There are tests not only in psychology. An example is the following list of statements.

1) After washing your hair (both with and without shampoo), the skin turns red and itches;

2) Redness lasts from several hours to several days;

3) In cold or heat, irritation of the scalp occurs;

4) Drinking alcohol and/or certain foods also causes itching and...

Sensitive skin is one of the types of skin that is characterized by increased responsiveness and unpredictable reactions to external and internal irritants. Sensitive skin is susceptible to external symptoms: stress, fatigue, cold wind, lack of sleep, low-quality decorative cosmetics and water. As a result of the influence of these factors, redness, irritation, rashes and peeling can be found on the skin. Subjective sensations may include pain, tingling, tingling and burning. To determine the factors of increased skin sensitivity, you need to seek help from a dermacosmetologist who can select appropriate skin care every day, as well as recommend the necessary cosmetics and salon procedures.

Very sensitive skin, in most cases, is found in females with red or blond hair, thin transparent skin, and green, gray or blue eyes. This type of skin is characterized by a poorly defined stratum corneum, a minimal amount of pigment and insufficient secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands. All these indicators make sensitive skin more vulnerable to internal stress and external irritants.

Skin sensitivity to various allergens, such as neuropsychic stress, climatic conditions and cosmetics, is often confused with skin or allergic diseases (seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea). Since the reactivity of the skin appears unexpectedly, it is most likely that we are talking about hypersensitivity.

Sensitive Skin Types

Causes of skin sensitivity:

  • hypersensitivity of the skin, which is characterized by a sudden onset, after which the sensitivity continues for a certain time and also suddenly disappears. This skin condition is provoked by the reaction that the human body experiences after suffering serious illnesses, taking medications and neuropsychic injuries;
  • the appearance of sensitive skin against a background of abnormalities internal organs(most often intestines and stomach), allergic, skin, infectious or endocrine diseases, as well as damage to the immune system;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics or incorrectly selected cosmetics, as well as inappropriate care can cause skin hypersensitivity;
  • Sensitive skin depends on its congenital characteristics, such as dryness, weakness, thinness and lack of protective pigmentation. Almost all external irritants (water, wind, dust, heat) can cause a reaction of this skin type, which requires detailed care with protective and nourishing creams.

In the case of the last two situations, it is enough to provide the skin with careful care, but the first two options require eliminating the causes of skin hypersensitivity.

Internal skin defense mechanisms

According to its functions, the upper layer of the epidermis is the main barrier to the entry of harmful components. Hypersensitivity is caused by thinning of the stratum corneum of the skin. As a result, this leads to a decrease in the protective function, which provokes the unhindered penetration of various exogenous irritants into the skin. Also, the protective function of the skin is performed by the immune cells of the epidermis and the stable functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Skin sensitivity is not always provoked by congenital features of its structure. Trying to improve their appearance, people without noticing it expose their skin to various influences. Creams, chemical peels and masks with acids, exfoliating scrubs and experiments in the selection of cosmetics have a detrimental effect on the condition of the epidermis and thin it. As a result, instead of the expected result, irritation and redness form on the skin. The most susceptible areas will be the areas around the eyes and nasolabial triangle, which have a low level of lipid barrier and physiologically thin skin structure.

The following mechanisms of internal skin protection are distinguished:

  1. Skin barrier. The stratum corneum of the epidermis retains the right amount of moisture, thereby preventing the skin from drying out. Due to dry skin, the barrier function decreases, which predisposes to sensitivity. The skin is exposed to exogenous irritants (trauma, infections, chemicals) and responds to them with hypersensitivity;
  2. Sebum is a protective mechanism that is secreted by the sebaceous glands. The lipid film that forms on the surface of the epidermis softens and protects the skin from infections and damage. Insufficient sebum leads to dry skin and a decrease in the protective barrier;
  3. The acid level of the skin, which is maintained by the stable functioning of the sweat glands. In addition, sweat neutralizes chemical, microbial and mechanical skin contaminants. Violation of the acid-base balance leads to loosening of the skin and increased skin sensitivity.

Causes of increased skin sensitivity

There are endogenous and exogenous factors that affect skin sensitivity.

Endogenous factors include:

  • skin type - 60% of women who consider their skin reactive have 40% dry skin, and 25% have oily or normal skin;
  • phototype 1 and 2 degrees with increased sensitivity, pigmented skin is considered less prone to irritation than light skin;
  • age, since children have more sensitive skin than adults;
  • become, since women suffer most from increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • neurological factor;
  • menstrual cycle and hormonal levels.

Exogenous causes include:

  • environment - cold, polluted air, temperature changes, solar radiation and heat;
  • lifestyle - alcohol, tobacco, stress, emotions, stimulants and spicy foods;
  • use of cosmetics;
  • professional activity - contact with detergents, long and frequent exposure to the sun.

One of the important external factors in increasing skin sensitivity will be substances that are used for cosmetic procedures or are included in the structure of cosmetic products. These include retinoids, which are used in dermacosmetology to correct skin conditions and treat dermatoses. Side effects of using this substance will be peeling, redness and dryness of the skin.

Most components of cosmetics of synthetic (fragrances, preservatives, emulsifiers) and biological (calendula extract, rosemary, sandalwood oil) origin cause contact dermatitis and allergization of the skin, which also leads to skin hypersensitivity.

Skin sensitivity is also considered the result of an allergic mechanism, namely, individual or complex influences of factors lead to hypersensitivity.

Sensitive skin care

Care for sensitive skin consists of the following procedures:

  1. Cleansing. In the morning you need to wash your face with warm spring or mineral water, and in the evening use soft cleansing milk, which will remove makeup and dirt. The skin also needs to be wiped with a tonic, which makes it possible to tone and refresh the skin;
  2. Hydration. In the morning, you need to apply a day cream to the skin, which contains weakening fats and nutrients, and also has protection against ultraviolet radiation. It is best if the cream is created with mineral elements based on thermal waters;
  3. Night care. Before going to bed, a layer of cream is applied to the skin, which has regenerating properties and certain elements that guarantee reliable protection and moisture accumulation, while activating oxygen exchange in cells;
  4. Decorative cosmetics must be tested for hypoallergenicity;
  5. Face masks. For those with sensitive skin, it is best to give preference to easily washable masks that are endowed with moisturizing and nourishing properties. It is not recommended to apply the mask to people with incompatibility with any of its components.

Sensitive skin needs constant hydration and protection, which can be provided by cosmetic products that are optimally suited to your skin type. It is necessary to limit the use of masks, mesotherapy, peeling and other skin-damaging procedures, as well as learn how to use and choose decorative cosmetics correctly.

Hyperesthesia refers to a state of the body that is characterized by increased sensitivity to various stimuli.

Term "hyperesthesia" They are also used for pathological increases in the sensitivity of one of the sense organs, vision or hearing, caused by a disease or disorder of the nervous system. The types of hyperesthesia include allodynia and hyperalgesia.

Hyperalgesia refers to an increased response of the body to a stimulus, the symptoms of which are considered moderately painful (for example, high fever). If the pain is caused by a non-painful stimulus, we speak of allodynia. In addition, allodynia is also a name for conditions accompanying sunburn or skin trauma, which are characterized by excessive sensitivity.


Hyperesthesia- a companion to many disorders of the nervous system. For example, increased skin sensitivity is characteristic of various diseases of the spinal cord. Such symptoms appear directly above the affected area, combined with loss of sensation below the affected area. Increased sensitivity accompanies only mild forms of the disease, in which complete paralysis is not observed, but only nerve conduction disturbances are noted. Painful tingling and other unpleasant sensations caused by disturbances in nerve sensitivity often occur when the area above the spinal cord is affected.

Hyperesthesia In addition, it is closely related to general nerve pain - neuralgia. The manifestations of this pathology are extremely diverse and affect a wide variety of areas of the body. When hyperesthesia is accompanied by neuralgia, the skin of the affected area becomes extremely sensitive to touch, heat and cold. First, the sensitivity of the nerve endings that penetrate the skin worsens. This condition is usually described by the patient as a burning sensation. For example, neuralgia trigeminal nerve characterized by brief attacks of intense facial pain, often radiating to the lower jaw. They occur spontaneously or are triggered by light touch, chewing or temperature changes. The pain is so intense that it often leads to complete disability; its cause is irritation of the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve), responsible for conducting nerve impulses to the facial area. Nerve irritation is sometimes caused by benign tumors or multiple sclerosis, but in most cases the cause cannot be determined.

Hyperesthesia and drugs

Hyperesthesia is often accompanied by toxic damage to the nervous system. For example, increased sensitivity to pain is often observed in alcoholics. In a hangover they shudder at the slightest touch, and under the influence of alcohol the pain disappears. Increased sensitivity of the senses, especially vision and hearing, is associated with the euphoria experienced under the influence of hallucinogens like ecstasy (methylenedioxyamphetamine) and LSD. Visual hyperesthesia is characterized by heightened perception of color intensity and is one of the typical effects of LSD use. Likewise, the connection between ecstasy and dance music may be explained by the fact that taking a hallucinogen leads to the development of auditory hyperesthesia.

One of the earliest mentions of hyperesthesia in medical literature occurs in 1869. American physician George Miller published an article in the Boston Medical Scientific Journal in which he suggested that mental disorders with neurasthenia, they are associated with such manifestations of “overload” of the nervous system as insomnia, intense pain (including headache) and hyperesthesia. Byrd's research sparked scientific interest in the relationship between consciousness and nervous system. Increasingly, the symptoms of hyperesthesia were attributed to paranormal phenomena, putting them on a par with telepathy and clairvoyance; Traditional medicine lost interest in this condition.

Phantom limb

Many people who have undergone limb amputation complain of pain in it. There are many theories explaining the phenomenon of a phantom limb. According to one of the first hypotheses, pain is the victim's memory of the sensations preceding the amputation. This assumption, however, does not explain the intensity of pain that some patients experience after amputation.

More recently, a theory has been put forward that the pain felt in the area of ​​the lost limb originates in the brain or in other parts of the nervous system. Hyperesthesia is often noted in patients with spinal cord lesions or injuries. Extensive nerve damage associated with amputation, especially neuromas (benign growths that arise at the site of nerve damage during amputation), may cause this effect. Random nerve impulses in neuromas cause the brain to mistakenly assume the presence of an amputated limb.

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She blushes easily becomes covered in rashes and generally behaves unpredictably. Sensitive skin is a very common thing these days... Let’s find out what are the signs of increased skin sensitivity and the reasons for this.

Chu Delicate skin is a term that has been actively used in the medical community since the last third of the 20th century. Sensitive skin is skin with a disorganized structure and impaired barrier function, unable to adequately ensure the organic and functional constancy of the internal environment of the body. It is more vulnerable to microbes, allergens, toxins and is predisposed to the development of various diseases.

The modern rhythm of life, unfortunately, does not contribute to healthy skin, quite the opposite. 60% of women and 40% of men believe they have sensitive skin. They mostly live in large cities, in conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress and environmental distress.

What is hypersensitivity of the skin?

Increased sensitivity of the skin can be characterized as its special “behavior”, manifested in less resistance to external and internal irritants (trigger factors). Let us emphasize that these irritants are not some kind of exceptional ones, but quite ordinary and familiar. External irritants include sudden temperature changes - the scourge of our climate in the autumn-winter season, contact with household chemicals or, say, increased water hardness. Internal irritants are features of the functioning of organs and systems, as well as the psyche, as a result of which the skin tends to become hypersensitive. Most experts today give the leading role in the formation of such a picture to genetic and neurogenic factors. Not reset from accounts and ethnic background. Skin sensitivity periodically worsens and then subsides for a while. Periods of exacerbation last from several days (menstruation, abuse of spicy food) to several weeks (stress, fatigue). It is believed that young women are more predisposed to it. But this is a very controversial statement. Many representatives of the fair sex note an increase in skin sensitivity just during perimenopause. When examining the skin, the doctor notes dysfunction of the stratum corneum and signs of dehydration (one of the modern diagnostic methods is dermatoscopy, an examination with an optical device under multiple magnification). And such changes are very characteristic of aging: the epidermis becomes thinner, lipid production decreases, intercellular lipid membranes are destroyed, therefore, the barrier properties of the skin deteriorate. The situation is aggravated by a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, a powerful moisturizer, and coenzyme Q10, which stimulates the ability of cells to regenerate. Both dry and oily skin can suffer from increased sensitivity. However, with age, skin of any type begins to gravitate towards dryness.

Causes of increased skin sensitivity

Since increased skin sensitivity is expressed not only externally (redness, dilated capillaries, moderate inflammation), but also in sensations (tightening, tingling, burning, itching), experts distinguish two aspects of the problem: objective - what the doctor sees with his own eyes, and subjective - something that the doctor can only know from the patient’s words. It is precisely because of the large role of sensations in the formation of the concept of sensitive skin that it is proposed to define the corresponding diagnosis as sensitive skin syndrome - something not only obvious, but also apparent to the patient.

Most often, cosmetologists and dermatologists note cases of sensitive facial skin syndrome - in the forehead, nasolabial fold, upper lip, and chin. The occurrence of problems in these areas is associated with the thinness of the stratum corneum and a large number of nerve receptors. Cosmetic products also make their “sensitive contribution”; they are not always adequately selected and correctly combined with each other. Hypersensitivity of the skin of the hands and upper chest is less common.

Skin as a mirror of health

The skin senses, absorbs and communicates. Lives a complex and eventful life. Skin is a mirror of our health, emotions and attitude towards ourselves. We turn purple with anger, pale with fear and glow with happiness. A dull, grayish complexion can be a sign of depression.

"I have sensitive skin." Some state this almost with satisfaction. Sensitive skin means a sensitive nature, special, emotional, vulnerable. The figurativeness of the language only confirms this correlation. It’s not for nothing that people who are too receptive are told that they need to develop thick skin. There is indeed a close connection between the epidermis, on the one hand, and the brain and nervous system, on the other hand. The brain and skin are formed at one stage of embryonic development and continue to interact throughout a person’s life - this fact is obvious to modern science. Moreover, it is now recognized that in a considerable number of cases, a dermatological disease first appears precisely after a serious emotional shock, and can subsequently go away on its own, after treatment with antidepressants or psychotherapy sessions.

The condition of the skin to a certain extent depends on our sense of self and mood. According to research, neurotransmitters - chemical "messengers" between the skin and the nervous system - can affect skin density, collagen and sebum production, regulate pigmentation and the immune response.

In 1974, the French psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu in his book “I am the skin” established a “kinship” relationship between psychoanalysis and dermatology, contributing to the emergence of a new medical direction - psychodermatology, which, unfortunately, is still underestimated. “Man thinks with his skin” - this statement by D. Anzieu provides rich food for thought...

Expert opinion

Svetlana Shokolova, dermato-cosmetologist at the RayLife Medical Center for Cosmetology

U I have many patients with sensitive skin - prone to dehydration, irritation, and “capillary instability”. Based on my extensive practice, I can confidently say that sensitive skin loves intense pulsed light therapy (photorejuvenation). Among the devices for photorejuvenation, I would like to note the multifunctional platform M22.

As a result of exposure to broadband light, the skin tone is evened out (enlarged pores, age spots, signs of rosacea and other defects go away); texture improves; the tissues become denser and acquire good tone.

It is preferable to carry out photo procedures during the season of low solar activity, one session at an interval of a month. During the autumn-winter period, we usually manage to complete three or four such impacts.

Laser resurfacing is most likely not indicated for sensitive skin, although everything is decided on an individual basis.

If we talk about radiofrequency methods of rejuvenation, then there are no categorical prohibitions either. The main thing is, again, the individual choice of device. You can also perform ultrasound ultratherapy (Ulthera) procedures - a non-surgical SMAS facelift.

Anna Kovalchuk, cosmetologist and esthetician at the Matilda beauty salon

Frost, wind, sudden temperature changes... In winter, skin sensitivity worsens, which means it's time to undergo a course of special procedures. For clients with sensitive skin, I use multi-stage care systems - salon lines of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. One of these multi-level systems is “Soothing Tenderness” (Babor). The program includes sequential effects: delicate cleansing - peeling (milk, almond, ferulic - selected depending on the characteristics of the skin); applying a soothing mask; ampoule care that relieves irritation, tightness and flaking of the skin; use of a cream that restores hydrolipid balance. It is important to choose the right products for home care. Day cream should be less greasy, with a fairly light texture, night cream should be more greasy. As for the use of decorative cosmetics, of course, you should not deny yourself this. You just need to give preference to high-quality hypoallergenic formulas. Regarding the components, it would be a good idea to consult with a specialist.