Panorama of the National Museum of Serbia. Virtual tour National Museum of Serbia

The National Museum is one of the oldest in Serbia. It was founded in 1844 at the behest of Jovan Steria Popović, who was not only the Minister of Education, but also a versatile writer - playwright, translator, poet and prose writer. The creation of the museum began in those years when the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in Serbia was deployed at the state level.

Preparations for the opening of the museum lasted more than 25 years - the first visitors entered its halls only in 1871 to see an exhibition of sculptural works by Petr Ubavkich. The first painting exhibition took place eleven years later - in 1882, where the works of Katarina Ivanovich were presented. In the first decades of the 20th century, the museum published its first catalogue, opened a permanent exhibition in the building now occupied by the Serbian Presidency, and organized its first exhibition abroad. In addition, the opening of the National Museum became an important impetus in the cultural life of Serbia: after it, three more museums were founded: ethnographic, historical and natural science.

In the 30s of the last century, the museum was located in the New Palace, but in the middle of the last century it moved to the building of a former bank, which it currently occupies. During its existence, the National Museum has accumulated a large collection of archaeological exhibits and works of art - more than 400 thousand objects. The cultural history of Serbia is presented in this museum, from prehistoric times to the modern period. In addition, the museum houses masterpieces of European painting - French, Italian, Dutch and Flemish, as well as works of Japanese art and numismatic collections.

The most valuable exhibits include a gospel written at the end of the 12th century for Prince Miroslav, today recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In Belgrade, the National Museum of Serbia is located on Republic Square.

The National Museum of Serbia (Serbian: Narodni muzeј) is located on Republic Square in Belgrade, Serbia. The museum was created in 1844 and today has collections of 400 thousand exhibits. Currently[when?] the museum is closed for reconstruction, after which it will receive a new exterior and interior, and a glass dome will be placed on the roof.

Before the building was built on this site, there was a famous Belgrade coffee shop (Turkish kafana) “Dardanelles”, where the cultural and artistic elite spent time. The demolition of the coffee shop marked the beginning of the transformation of Republic Square. The building, which today houses the most important museum of Belgrade and Serbia, was originally intended to house the Mortgage Bank Fund Office (1902-1903), one of the oldest banking institutions in Belgrade. The building was designed by architect Andre Stevanovic and Nikola Nestorovic, who received first prize in the competition. In the construction of the building, a type of reinforced concrete was used for the foundation for the first time, since at the beginning of construction work pits, wells and basements were discovered that remained from the Istanbul Gate (Srp. Istanbul Kapija). The new three-story building was a real palace of its time, from the point of view of the volume in the form of a long, massive building with domes located above the central and side projections, as well as from the point of view of the facade in the style of academicism and the principles of neo-renaissance with neo-baroque elements on domes. The main attention is paid to the monumental staircase in contrast to the ticket hall, which received secondary importance. Thirty years later, as a result of the development of the Mortgage Bank, the need arose for a detailed reconstruction of the building. The expansion of the facility was carried out without a competitive decision according to the design of the architect Voin Petrovich, on the basis of which one wing and an atrium overlooking Laze Pečuja Street were completed. The new completed part of the building contained the same elements as the old building, and as a result two monumental staircases and two ticket halls appeared. On the upper floors the premises are combined into a series of continuous offices. During World War II, the Mortgage Bank building was damaged by bombing, when the central part with the dome was destroyed. At the end of the war, the building received a new purpose when one of the very important state cultural institutions moved into it. From the founding of the museum, the period of constitutionalism, until the end of World War II, the National Museum changed its location several times. At first it was located in the Palace of Captain Misha (1863), and then it was moved to two neighboring buildings, which were destroyed in the First World War and the works of art were looted. During the interwar period, the museum was located in a private house on Prince Milosz Street 58 until 1935. This year, the Prince Paul Museum was opened in the building of the New Palace, created by the combination of the Historical Museum and the Museum of Modern Art. After the restoration of the New Palace for the National Assembly (1948), the museum was moved to the building of the former Exchange, which was located…

National museum Serbia– the largest and oldest museum in Serbia. It is located on Republic Square in the city of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. Museum was founded 10 May 1844. Since its founding, the museum's collection has grown to more than 400 thousand objects, including many foreign masterpieces.

The National Museum building was announced monument culture of great importance in 1979.

The museum is divided into 34 archaeological, numismatic, art and historical collections. The archaeological collection consists of Vinca sculptures, numerous ancient sculptures, weapons, helmets and other objects from ancient Rome, ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. Perhaps the most famous work in this collection is the golden sarcophagus and mummy of the Egyptian priest Nesmin.

In numismatic collections museum - more than 300 thousand. items, various coins, medals, rings. There are coins here that were issued Alexander Macedonian.

The museum also has a large collection medieval artifacts, mainly from Europe and Asia. The most important is an illustrated manuscript of the Gospels, written back in 1186 in medieval Serbia. The manuscript is protected UNESCO. The collection also includes contains the sarcophagi of some kings of Serbia.

Collection drawings, paintings and engravings by artists is one of the largest in the Balkans. There are more than 6,000 works of art, including 1,700 paintings Serbian artists from the 18th to the 19th century and about 3,000 more paintings from the 20th century. Besides works Serbian artists, here you can see paintings by the best French, Dutch, Flemish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish and many other artists.

In the exhibition you can see works of such great artists like Gauguin, Renour, Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, Monet, Cezanne, Degas, Rodin (French art collection), Veneziano, Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Botticelli, Veronese, Modigliani (Italian collection), Bosch, van Dyck, Mohr, Bruegel the Elder, Mondrian, Rubens (Dutch and Flemish collection), Aivazovsky, Chagall, Kandinsky, Roerich, Repin, Borovikovsky, Malevich, Benois (Russian collection) and many, many others. The art collection of the National Museum of Serbia is one of the most rich in eastern Europe.

The Historical Museum of Serbia, like all other museums in Serbia, arose thanks to the founding of the National Museum in Belgrade in 1844. At this time, an idea first appeared that was brought to life - to collect museum exhibits in order to fully reflect the history of the inhabitants of Serbia. The museum pays considerable attention to numismatics and archeology.

The museum presents several collections (historical, manuscripts, painting, graphics and sculptures, weapons, ethnology). These collections placed in historical Museum of Serbia on February 20, 1963, thanks to a decree of the Executive Consul of the National Assembly.

Early 1971 Historical The museum began excavations of one of the most important and oldest medieval cities in Serbia - Stari Ras near Novi Pazar. Excavations lasted 15 years and allowed us to learn unique data regarding medieval Serbia. Conducted and other projects, including archaeological work on a military fortification called Gradina, where they were found minted coins of King Radoslavsky, then excavations in the vicinity of Mali Idios, etc.

For exceptional contributions to development culture Serbia the museum was awarded the Vuk Prize in 1997.

Exhibition of works famous Serbian impressionists Light in the Darkness of the First World War, which opens on May 10 at the National Museum, will mark 170 years existence this national museum.

PR of the National Museum in Belgrade Lydia Ham said that the exhibition is timed to coincide with the 170th anniversary of the founding of the museum and the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. She indicated that this exceptional exhibition would be opened by the Minister of Culture and Information of Serbia, Ivan Tasovac, and the acting director of the National Museum, Bojana Borić-Breshković, would greet the audience.

According to Lydia Ham, at the exhibition presented outstanding works of representatives of Serbian impressionism, which kept in the National Museum, Museum contemporary art, Belgrade City Museum, Paul Memorial Collection Belyansky, Nadezhda Petrovich Art Gallery, as well as in private collections.

Lovers painting will be able to see at the exhibition masterpieces Nadezhda Petrovic, Malisa Glisic, Milan Milovanovic and Kosta Milicevic, whose life and work are closely intertwined with the horrors and darkness of the Great War. Ham said that it was these artists who became spokesmen new visual style, and their works represent yourself origins of Art Nouveau in Serbia.

As part of the events dedicated to the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, the play “Thessaloniki Speaks” will be shown in the atrium of the National Museum on May 11, which uses documentary materials about Serbian patriots who participated in the First World War.

At a ceremonial meeting about Day National museum in Belgrade On May 9, Acting Director of the National Museum Boyana Borich- Breshkovich will recall the most significant projects that were implemented last year and present those planned for the next period.

National Museum of Serbia located on Revolution Square in Belgrade, Serbia. The museum was created in 1844 and today has collections of 400 thousand exhibits. The museum is currently closed for reconstruction, after which it will receive a new exterior and interior, and a glass dome will be placed on the roof. The numismatic collection includes more than 300 thousand items (coins, medals, rings). It presents specimens dating back to the 5th-6th centuries BC. e., as well as coins of Philip II of Macedon and his son, Alexander the Great. The French collection consists of more than 250 paintings created in the 16th-20th centuries. It includes works by Gauguin (2 paintings, 2 engravings and 1 watercolor) created between 1889 and 1899; Renoir (22 paintings and 50 graphic works); Hubert Robert; Henri de Toulouse Lautrec; Matisse; Monet; Cezanne; Degas (15 works); Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot; Paul Signac; Maurice Utrillo; Sebastian Bourdon; Auguste Rodin; Eugene Boudin; Georges Rouault; Pierre Bonnard; Camille Pissarro; Jacques Callot; Odilona Redon; Honore Daumier; Gustave Moreau; Eugene Carriera; Charles-François Daubigny, etc. The basis of the museum exhibition are paintings and engravings of famous Europeans: Matisse, Picasso, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Rubens, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Kandinsky, etc. The last major acquisition of the museum was the painting “Portrait of a Man” by Amadeo Modigliani, which was a gift from a Serbian collector, who wished to remain anonymous.