The Soso Pavliashvili family in full force. Biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili

Soso Pavliashvili is a famous Georgian performer who has also gained enormous popularity in Russia. This singer performed many hits that were remembered for many years. Soso is a real Georgian man who has won many women’s hearts.

There were many women in our hero's life. And with 3 of them he even dared to start a family. So Nino Uchaneishvili became the artist’s first wife. This woman gave her husband her first son, Levan. He was born in 1987. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long, but the former spouses still communicate and get along well with each other.

The Georgian's next chosen one was singer Irina Ponarovskaya. The couple lived together for a long time, but they never had time to get married. Their relationship soon fizzled out. We know nothing about the reasons for the separation.

Soso and Irina Ponarovskaya

And in 1997, Soso married singer Irina Patlakh, a former member of the Mironi group. The future spouses met in a very funny way. 16-year-old Irina ran up to Pavliashvili for an autograph and said that she really liked his work. Soso immediately liked the sweet young girl.

Since then, the couple began to communicate, and the singer began to take steps to win the heart of his beloved. Irina’s parents also played a major role in the development of relations. They turned out to be very smart and modern and did not interfere with the lovers’ relationship. In addition, Soso easily found a common language with them.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

Irina and Soso became not only lovers for each other, but first of all good and close friends. At first, the singer tried to keep his distance; he didn’t want to get attached to anyone, and he was afraid that things would only get worse for Irina with him.

But the girl was persistent, she loved Soso and became closer to him every day. At the initial stage, the relationship between lovers endured many trials.

Soso and Irina

Soso was not rich then and did not want Ira to live with a man who did not know what he would do tomorrow. He wanted the best for his beloved, what he himself was unable to give her.

But despite this, Ira stayed with him. She didn’t care about his situation, she promised that together they would cope with all the difficulties. And so it happened. Now Soso has a strong family, a beloved wife and two beautiful children together - daughters Lisa and Sandra.

Soso with his wife and children

“Temperamental, handsome, vocal, intelligent, courteous”... All these words are intended for a true gentleman on the Russian stage - Soso Pavliashvili. The titles were given according to their merit; none of the representatives of Russian show business can compare with his gallantry.


Soso was born in the summer, June 29, 1964 in the capital of the Georgian SSR, in the family of an architect and a housewife. Our hero’s mother was a very creative person and insisted that the child study music. By the age of six, the boy already played the violin excellently, took part in various children's competitions, and received awards and prizes. By the end of school, the issue of choosing a profession had already been decided. Pavliashvili had no doubt what he would devote his future to. He was attracted by music, he had an excellent voice and hearing.

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Immediately after graduating from school, Joseph Raminovich entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. He was noted as a special student with excellent musical abilities, striving to fully develop his talent. His teachers were luminaries of Georgian art. The guy plunged into his classes wholeheartedly and completely devoted himself to all the subjects taught. And as a result, he became the best student of the Tbilisi Conservatory in its entire history. After successfully passing the exams, Soso went to fulfill his honorable duty - to serve in the SA.

Military service was a turning point for Soso Pavliashvili. A gifted young man, accustomed to soloing on the violin, sang a song for the first time on the army stage. After a successful performance, he already knew that he would develop a career as a vocalist. At 24, he was demobilized and went home.

Having arrived from the army, the musician dared to visit the legendary Georgian musical group “Iveria” and ask to join it. The entire Soviet Union knew about this ensemble; their compositions were constantly heard on the radio. To his surprise, Pavliashvili was accepted immediately, and his work with talented musicians continued for a year. This period gave the young talent invaluable experience and skills, as a result he became a professional performer and musician.

In 1989, the first competition of young performers was held in Jurmala. Soso decided to become one of the participants and received the main prize. His rivals were Valeria, Kormukhina, Zakirova. Thanks to the festival, the country saw new faces, young performers, including the rising star Soso Pavliashvili. After Jurmala, life flowed along a creative path, and the Georgian singer became one of the most popular in the USSR.

The victory brought the talented singer several contracts, under which he began to tour throughout the country and neighboring countries. The first album was released in 1983, which increased its success many times over. Literally a couple of years later, Pavliashvili released his next album, which was sold out in a matter of days. Invitations to participate in television projects followed; the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” brought incredible success to Pavliashvili as an actor. Frequent visits to the capital of Russia became the reason for a complete move. Since the late 90s, a “real Georgian” has become a Muscovite.

The end of the 90s was marked by amazing hits - “Let's Pray for Our Parents”, then the catchy and rhythmic songs “A Georgian is Waiting for You”, “Me and You” were performed. The singer was invited to the best concerts and festive events.

No state celebrations could take place without it, and the number of records released increased. Soso Pavliashvili was not only a performer, but also a composer of hit compositions. His repertoire also includes songs based on poems by Reznik and music by Osiashvili and Tanich. The singer was repeatedly invited to the movies, and he did an excellent job with his roles in 12 films.

Personal life

In 2013, the press and television reported on a crime allegedly committed by the public’s favorite. According to sources, the singer and his friends ordered the murder of businessman Aduashvili. The Tbilisi prosecutor's office sent an official request for Pavliashvili's arrest. Many were worried about this, but soon all charges were dropped and the singer was released. Creative career continues to grow. Pavliashvili performs at every festive evening, delighting listeners with his beautiful voice.

The press often wrote about the love affairs of the temperamental Georgian. The first wife was Nino Uchaneishvili, who gave birth to the musician’s son Levan. They did not live together for long, but they still maintain friendly relations. Upon arrival in Moscow, the singer developed a close relationship with the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, but the couple did not decide to register the union. They were united not only by feelings, but also by joint creativity. The union lasted for several years. In 1997, Soso met singer Irina Patlakh, who worked as a backing vocalist. The couple had two daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

The eldest son from his first marriage is a frequent guest at his father’s house and maintains a close and warm relationship with him. Singer Pavliashvili feels like a happy husband and father, and does not intend to change anything in his personal life.

The singer says that he was a womanizer on an all-Union scale, but his love for Irina turned the Don Juan into an exemplary family man. But the couple did not immediately realize their feelings.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife and children.

Vladimir Chistyakov

The singer was never deprived of ladies' attention. And not a single representative of the fair sex was offended or angry after breaking up with him. Irina Ponarovskaya, with whom the artist lived in a civil marriage, speaks about him with warmth in her interviews, admitting that thanks to him she learned a lot in life. After divorcing his first official wife, Nino Uchaneishvili, Soso remained on friendly terms with her. Probably the secret is that he respects women and is ready to carry them in his arms. But he first had to track down the love of his life, Irina, sitting in ambush. True, it’s better for him to tell about it himself.

How did you two meet?
Irina Patlakh:
“I was sixteen years old then, I studied in the theater studio of the Palace of Pioneers, in the building of which Soso’s studio was located.”
Soso Pavliashvili:“Once a sound engineer told me that a very beautiful girl came in and asked me to copy my song “I’m with you” onto a disc for her. This message intrigued me, because at that time young girls mostly listened to other music, such as the group “Hands Up!” And the fact that the stranger was also beautiful interested me doubly, since at that time I was a womanizer on an all-Union scale. And I decided to watch for her. You could say he was lying in wait. Finally she appeared, but, as time showed, I became the victim. Because I fell in love with her."

What do you remember about your first meeting?
“He looked at me like a boa constrictor at a small bird. He has such amazing energy that he cannot leave anyone, not a single person indifferent. I stood there, looking at him as if spellbound, not realizing much. This was the first impression. Soso turned out to be a very kind, hospitable, personable person, and most importantly, very professional. We immediately developed friendly relations. There was no talk of any romantic feelings at that time.”
Soso:“We were united by our love of music. And our communication was built on this.”
Irina:“Then Soso met my parents. At first they were wary of him. After all, we have a sixteen-year age difference. But they too quickly fell under his stunning charm.”

Soso, and then, when you began to live with Irina, the attitude of her father and mother towards you did not change?
"No. They realized that I love her endlessly. And such an age difference is exactly what is needed.”
Irina:“I have wonderful and wise parents. They saw that I was happy with Soso. This was the main thing for them. And what’s important: knowing Soso quite well, they respect and trust him. We are one big family."
Soso:“We even have apartments in the same building and on the same floor. Closer to each other."

Is it true that Irina worked in your musical group?
“Irochka sang and danced superbly, and I invited her to work in my team. And it’s amazing how easily she joined him and quickly became her own. We had to tour a lot, and for some period we practically never separated.”

Was it then that love replaced friendship?
“It’s difficult to say when this happened. There was no turning point; unbeknownst to us, the relationship moved into another stage.”
Soso:“And when we were confirmed in our feelings, I said to Ira: “You have to give birth to me.” I saw that she was ready for this step. And a year later Lisa was born.”

Soso, weren't you disappointed that it was a girl and not a boy? After all, most men dream of a son.
"Vice versa. I have a son from my first marriage, I know what it’s like to be the father of a boy. This is great joy. Now Levan is an adult, and we have a relationship like friends. But when a girl is born, it is completely different. Maybe at twenty-five or thirty years old a man still does not fully realize what an unspeakable happiness it is to be the father of a daughter. They are so affectionate, defenseless and caring from a young age. When I talk to Lisa on the phone and she asks: “Daddy, how are you feeling?” Are you okay?’ - you can’t imagine what tenderness fills your heart at this moment.”

Soso, since this is not your first child, you probably expected Lisa’s appearance calmly, as befits an experienced father?
“What are you talking about! He was very worried, he was eager to give birth with me. The doctors forcibly removed him from the room. I still remember how he looked at me then and repeated: “How will you be here without me?!” Will I be there without you?!” It was very touching, but funny at the same time. That day Soso had a concert, the doctors assured him that I would give birth no earlier than in five hours, and he went to the performance. But I “shot back” much faster and called my husband to tell him that our child had already been born. And going on stage, he said, addressing the audience: “Five minutes ago my daughter was born!”
Soso:“These are unforgettable moments, and what was going on in my soul cannot be expressed in words.”

Traditionally, was the birth of your second daughter also celebrated on stage?
"No. I was in St. Petersburg at that moment. And when Irochka called me, I was boarding the plane, getting ready to fly to Moscow. The first reaction is surprise. We just talked in the morning, she was going somewhere - either shopping, or on some business... But there was not even a conversation about the fact that she was about to give birth.”
Irina:“Just remembering what a commotion the first birth caused, I decided not to worry anyone. And without saying a word to anyone, she got ready and went to the maternity hospital. And I felt calm, because my loved ones weren’t nervous, and the surprise turned out to be wonderful.”

Who came up with names for the children?
“We named our eldest daughter Elizaveta, because I always liked the name Lisa. But with the younger one it turned out more interesting. We assumed that we would have a boy. And they were going to call him Sandro. Then Irochka, returning from the ultrasound, said that we would have another girl. It is worth noting that this news made me very happy. Another daughter, you can only dream about it! True, we decided not to change the name that we wanted to give the baby, but to take its female version - Sandra.”
Irina:“It is noteworthy that Lisa had a favorite doll, with which she played more often than with other toys. And she called her Sandra - long before we knew she was going to have a sister.”

Irina, men often talk about their fatherly feelings, but rarely actually take care of children...
“This is not about Soso. He's a crazy father. I am ready to protect children even from me if I am too strict. And I have to be like that when it comes to serious parenting issues, like school homework. Lisa is very stubborn. And in order to force her to do her homework, you have to be harsh. This responsibility falls on me, because Soso does not want to spoil the relationship with the children. Honestly, I understand him and am already thinking about hiring a professional teacher to teach my daughter. I want to be a mother, not a teacher. Moreover, the current school curriculum is very confusing and less systematized than the one we studied with. It's much more difficult for the kids now. In addition, Soso knows how to create an amazing atmosphere around children; they feel that they are growing up in love and care. It’s one thing to say “I have a dad,” but another thing to feel it, even when your father is away. They always feel his attention and warmth.”
Soso:“Just the other day I returned from a tour and called home from the airport. Lisa is sick. The voice is sad. I tell her: “My girl, what should I bring you?” Do you want flowers?” She: “Yes, I do.” Me: “What flowers do you want?” She: “Red roses.” And I brought a huge bouquet. By the way, Lisa accepts gifts very nicely. In general, the girls are used to me giving them and their mother flowers.”
Irina:"Yes. With us, you don’t have to wait for holidays for gifts and bouquets. I have always sympathized with those women whose men pay attention to them only on March 8th. In our family, this holiday lasts all year round. Moreover, Soso doesn’t look for any reason to prepare a surprise for us, he just makes us happy.”
Soso:“In fact, it gives me pleasure to do something nice for Ira and my daughters. The main thing for me is to see their smiles, their eyes when they receive a gift or flowers.”

So you spoil girls?
“No, we just love them. And this does not harm them. When they see such an attitude towards themselves, their own concern for loved ones becomes natural for them. For example, I really don’t like getting up early in the morning; getting up early in the morning to get Lisa ready for school was very difficult. And suddenly my daughter began to set her own alarm clock, wakes up, gets ready for school, and I just prepare her breakfast. The baby wants to give me the opportunity to sleep longer. And besides, he shows independence. She is eight years old, and she is already trying to be caring towards her parents.”

Irina, you are a psychologist by training, but you do not work in your specialty. Is it related to family life?
"No. I chose my profession consciously, it is very interesting, psychologists really provide significant assistance to those who need it. But, alas, as practice shows, in our country people prefer to cry into their pillows or talk about their problems to friends and girlfriends, instead of turning to a psychologist who will help resolve this or that situation. This specialty is not as in demand here as I imagined.”

And I thought it was your husband who decided to tie you to the house...
"No. And if she herself wanted to stay at home, I would kick her out so that she could take care of herself and what interests her. She is young, beautiful, full of ideas and creative plans, she needs to realize her plans. For example, now she is interested in design.”

Design is a very unusual activity for a psychologist...
“Since childhood, I have loved to draw and make some kind of jewelry. I remember weaving baubles that were fashionable at that time for myself and my friends. But I couldn’t implement this hobby before, and I didn’t even think about it. But when Soso and I bought an apartment and began to think about what our home would look like, I was inspired. Of course, I couldn’t do it without the participation of professional designers, from whom I learned a lot, but I thought through some elements myself.”
Soso:“In addition, we ordered most of the finishing materials abroad - thanks to the fact that Irochka speaks English fluently. As a result, it cost us several times cheaper than if we bought everything in Russia.”

Soso probably also took part in choosing the interiors for the new house?
“At the initial stage, yes. We knew in principle what we wanted. But when they tried to explain to each other in detail, they could not find understanding. For example, Soso said: “I want a burgundy bedroom.” Just figure out what this means: a burgundy ceiling or burgundy walls... I thought: my God, if you make the whole room in this color, it will look kind of terrible! She began to create in her own way, which caused us to argue a lot. The result was a bedroom in grayish-beige tones, and burgundy was added through pillows and bedspreads. When Soso saw the result, he said: “This is exactly what I wanted.” And since during the renovation it turned out that I was pregnant with my second child, he generally stated that he would no longer argue with me, the main thing was my peace of mind.”

But you have already celebrated your housewarming a long time ago. What about design skills now?
“My husband is a very attentive and sensitive person. Soso noticed how interested I was in this activity. Therefore, when he and his partners began to engage in the restaurant business, they entrusted me with the design of this establishment. You can't even imagine how happy I was. It was so interesting! Fortunately, the restaurant is located not far from our house, so I had time to take care of my family, home, and my project. They say it turned out well."
Soso:“It turned out great! True, I never doubted for a moment that you would do a great job. Our restaurant has good cuisine, but when people come to such a place, it is very important what the surroundings are, it creates the atmosphere of the establishment. I'm proud to say that my wife came up with and created this. Believe me, Irochka’s success is no less significant to me than my own, and sometimes even more valuable.”
Irina: “Now this is our favorite place. This is where we spend all family holidays. You could say it’s a branch of our house for business meetings and gala dinners.”

By the way, if the conversation turned to cuisine, Soso grew up in Tbilisi, and Georgia is famous for its traditional dishes. Irina, weren’t you forced to comprehend the wisdom of national cuisine?
"No. When my husband’s mother comes to us (by the way, she is visiting us right now), she pampers us with Georgian dishes. And so... In our family there is no cult of food. We are simply happy when we all gather together at one table, regardless of what dishes we have for lunch or dinner. However, I’ll tell you a secret: we have a special menu for the time that Soso is on tour. The fact is that after being fed fish oil as a child, he cannot stand fish. In the literal sense of the word, he can’t stand it; the smell of cooking fish makes him feel sick. So we came up with a good compromise. We introduce fish days while our head of the family is on tour.”

Soso, you yourself admitted that you were a womanizer. How did you part with this “life credo”?
“It’s just that everything I need is in my wife. Why do I need someone else? I have already found the woman I was looking for, with whom I want to live my life. And my main concern is that she feels good. I won't do anything to hurt her. Therefore, the fascination with women is a thing of the distant past.”

They say it’s very difficult to be an artist’s wife...
“It seems to me that we don’t have such a problem, because I’m an artist on stage, and after finishing the concert, I leave the microphone behind the scenes and return home just as a man, a husband and a father. Yes, there are such persons who, having entered into an image, get stuck in it and never part with it. Therefore, they have problems both in their personal lives and in everyday communication with people. I have a clear line: here is work, there is life. That's why I'm happy."

It is believed that creative people are extremely impulsive...
“For example, I am also emotional and impulsive. It happens that I get caught up in some little thing, make a problem out of my mind and get ready to tell my husband everything that I’ve twisted in my head. And Soso is so sensitive that he easily senses this state of mine. He comes up at such a moment with the right words, and it immediately disarms. And it already seems stupid and funny to me that just five minutes ago it seemed like a reason for conflict. By the way, he inherited such strong intuition from his mother.”

So you don't quarrel at all?
“Why does it happen... Is there really a family life without disagreements, especially if people really love each other and, therefore, react sharply to some events, words, feelings of their half?! And plus mutual trust, which allows you to spill out what has accumulated when communicating with the outside world. Someone offended or was rude, there were some difficulties in business... To whom should one reveal a sore matter, if not to a loved one?”
Soso:“Yes, in our family there is all-round defense. I try to protect my girls - Ira, Lisa and Sandra - from the outside, and Ira from the inside.”
Irina:“But even when we fight, which is rare, everything goes smoothly. The maximum that can happen is that we break some plate on the floor. So this is good luck! But we have a sacred rule: we never conflict in front of our daughters, we don’t even raise our voices in their presence.”

Irina, don’t you feel jealous of your husband?
“I’m only jealous of him for football. He loves him too much."
Soso:“And Irochka doesn’t delight him... But she tolerates this hobby of mine. True, I don’t have any fanatical predilections for this or that club. I just love a beautiful and exciting game. I like it when there are talented players on the field. By the way, my daughters watch matches with me, but they don’t sit through the entire ninety minutes. Although when they were very little, I took them in my arms and watched the championships with them.”

You have a civil marriage. Aren’t you going to formalize the relationship?
“We haven’t needed this stamp in our passport yet. We are already a family, without any official papers. But it is quite possible that we will sign... I want you to understand that the main thing is that certain relationships arise between people. We are connected by something that many who have a marriage certificate do not have. We have love, respect, family. And all this actually exists, although without “documentary” confirmation.”

Soso Pavliashvili: “We don’t need a stamp in our passport yet” - Psychology - WomanHit.

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Soso Pavliashvili gave birth to a daughter GOSSIP MAN Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Patlakh - biography and family The Soso Pavliashvili family:: photo review:: Soso Pavliashvili (Soso Pavliashvili) - Iosif Pavliashvili (Iosif Pavliashvili) The second day of the festival `High Humor Week 2014` in Jurmala. In the photo: the wife of singer Soso Pavliashvili, Irina Patlakh. Irina Patlakh / PhotoXPress Love story of Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Patlakh

Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Ponarovskaya Pavliashvili: Irochka appeared when it was very difficult for me | Soso Pavliashvili and Irina Patlakh - love story - biography, photo, video, news

Irina Patlakh biography Irina Patlakh - photo from Instagram - with her beloved mom and dad

backing track Meidin Russia Allegrova Irina Patlakh. 36 years old. Place of residence: Moscow, Russia

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

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Looking for love

There is practically no information about Soso Pavliashvili’s first wife. It is known that the girl was taken by Nino and was from Georgia. They got married in 1985, after the guy returned from the army. In their marriage, they had a son, Levan.

But it was difficult to call the marriage happy. Almost immediately after the wedding, Soso set off to conquer Moscow and luck smiled on her. He became a recognizable singer there and his career gradually took off.

In numerous interviews, the singer himself admitted that their long-distance relationship was doomed. He visited Tbilisi no more than a week a year; in Moscow he was surrounded by many beautiful women.

Rumor got the Georgian singer married to one of these, singer Irina Ponarovskaya. Information about their relationship is very contradictory.

According to some sources, it was a stormy and passionate romance, according to others, a creative union with a touch of romance. At the time of the development of a romantic relationship between the two artists, they were both married.

It is difficult to say exactly how long the relationship between Ponarovskaya and Pavliashvili lasted. But they ended suddenly. Simple - without quarrels and accusations. Irina was waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he never decided on it.

Arriving home in Tbilisi, Soso had a difficult conversation with his wife. He tried to deny the affair, even if it was such a long one. But Nino didn’t believe it and the couple broke up.

Fateful meeting

In 1996, the singer suffered a terrible accident, after which he recovered for a long time. After a long period of rehabilitation, doctors allowed him to resume concert and touring activities. But then other health problems arose.

During this period of life, Soso Pavliashvili met a young girl on her way. At the time of their meeting, Irina was only 16 years old. One fine day she approached the singer to ask for an autograph and immediately fell into his soul.

They talked about music for a few minutes. The girl admitted that she really likes Pavliashvili’s songs, which incredibly surprised the singer. He was surprised that such a young girl was familiar with his work and loved him.

From that moment on, the singer decided to woo the girl. It was not difficult to do this, because Irina liked the artist very much. They were comfortable with each other. They were each other's support, friends and lovers. This union was also supported by Irina’s parents, which helped the young people make their choice.

Exemplary family man

For a very long time, Irina and Soso lived in a civil marriage. The girl was happy in this relationship and did not insist on a stamp in her passport. So, in a civil marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters.

During one of his performances, Soso Pavliashvili asked Irina to come up on stage with her daughters. There, on stage, he got down on one knee and handed the girl a box with a ring. In front of an audience of thousands, he invited Irina to become his wife. And of course she happily agreed.

Interesting notes:

Before meeting the singer, Irina was engaged in choreography and even took her first steps in her singing career. Now she completely devoted herself to home and raising two daughters.

She also intends to furnish a house that was built in the Moscow region. The girl regrets absolutely nothing and is completely happy in her family life.

Friendly and large family

Despite the fact that Pavliashvili is happy in his second marriage he is on excellent terms with his first wife. After the divorce, she never got married, and the main man in her life is her son. The son has been living with his father in Moscow for a long time and is engaged in the construction business.

Pavliashvili’s current family, Irina’s parents and his son from his first marriage, live in the same house, which is located in the center of Moscow. The apartments of Soso and his relatives are located on different floors. Their doors are open to guests at any time.

Very often Nino also flies to Moscow to visit his son. Her relationship is going well not only with her son and ex-husband, but also with Irina Patlakh, as well as her children.

Today, Soso Pavliashvili considers himself a happy man, because there is something in his life that gives meaning and which pulled him out of the abyss of hopelessness.

The singer's first marriage

Soso Pavliashvili lived with his first wife for 18 years. He met Nino Uchaneishvili in Tbilisi even before he became a popular singer. The marriage produced a son, who studied at the Suvorov Military School and graduated from the Military Technical University. For some time, the woman had no idea that her husband had someone else. She and her son lived in Tbilisi, and Soso often traveled to Moscow. The man invited his wife with him, but she could not leave and leave her sick mother.

After a while, news began to appear in the media that the singer had a second wife. Soso Pavliashvili began dating a dancer in the capital. Soon the lovers began to live together.

Soso Pavliashvili's second wife - Irina

Irina Patlakh was born in 1981. The popular singer met the girl when he was 33 years old. At that time, Ira was barely 16; after the concert, she approached the singer for an autograph. Pavliashvili became seriously interested in the girl; fortunately, her parents were not against such a relationship. The age difference between Soso Pavliashvili and his wife Irina is about 16 years.

The singer’s first wife did not comment on her husband’s infidelity for a long time, but when she could no longer remain silent, she directly asked her husband about his mistress. At first, Soso Pavliashvili did not confirm his wife’s assumptions, but after a while he packed his bags and went to his young wife Irina.

The second wife of Soso Pavliashvili (the woman’s photo is in the article) gave birth to two daughters to the popular singer. In December 2004, a girl named Lisa, and 4 years later Sandra.

Spouse support

As it turned out, in 1996 Soso Pavliashvili was in a serious accident, after which he suffered from epilepsy for 7 years. The young wife was nearby all this time and supported the man. According to Pavliashvili, he repeatedly persuaded the woman to leave him, but Irina did not give up and helped her husband not to lose faith in a bright future.

The wife herself said in an interview that these years were perhaps the most difficult in her life. But during all this time she never once thought about leaving her husband. According to Irina, epilepsy attacks appeared at night and the husband himself could not understand what was happening to him. Before each new attack of illness, he talked in his sleep.

Despite the acute course of Soso’s illness, the lovers still decided to have a child. Born in 2004, the baby was able to become a guardian angel for the singer. As Soso Pavliashvili himself says, it was after the birth of Lisa that he began to recover and, as a result, his epileptic attacks stopped. He was cured without any medical intervention. Although he was going to have a craniotomy.

Planning a wedding with Irina

Despite the couple’s excellent relationship, officially Soso Pavliashvili is still not Irina’s legal spouse. Three and a half years ago, in October 2014, at his own concert, the singer proposed marriage to his beloved woman in front of a million television viewers, but the ceremony never took place.

According to Soso, they are going to get married, but the exact date of the event has not yet been specified. Irina assured in one of her interviews that there will not be a big wedding, but the painting and wedding will definitely take place. The event dedicated to the official wedding will most likely take place in Moscow. By the way, this year the relationship between Soso Pavliashvili and Irina turns 20 years old. The lovers are busy raising children and preparing to move to a new country house, the renovation of which has almost come to an end.

A real Georgian macho is Soso Pavliashvili! Over the many years of his musical solo career, he was credited with romances with various domestic singers, including the famous singer Irina Ponarovskaya in the 90s, as well as Irina Allegrova. However, until today no one knew how love stories influenced his life. Watch the episode “Let them talk” “The Real Wives of Soso Pavliashvili” dated 07/02/2015 (repeat from 06/24/2014)

Two wives of Soso Pavliashvili

Nino Uchaneishvili is the name of Soso’s first and only official wife today. The woman lives in the capital of Georgia and is ready to openly talk about her husband, who has been living with another woman in Moscow for many years.

When Pavliashvili returned from the army, he married Nino, and then went to Moscow, as he dreamed of making a career as a singer there. After a while, having become popular, he met Irina Ponarovskaya. Nino was very worried, as she had heard more than once in newspapers and on TV about her husband’s affair with the singer. Soso denied everything. Later, the man met a young 16-year-old girl, also named Irina Patlakh, and she subsequently bore him two daughters, despite the fact that Pavliashvili is still not married to her.

“I don’t like when they demand something from me, when they put pressure on me, and Ira understands this very well,” the singer said in an interview.

Today you will find out and see everything: whether Soso Pavliashvili was forgiven by his legal wife Nino, who is the mother of his adult son, as well as the meeting of two wives in the “Let Them Talk” studio! All the secrets and real wives of Soso Pavliashvili are on this air.

Irina Patlakh in Let Them Talk

Left: Nino, right: Irina

Irina admitted that she knew about Soso’s wife. The couple began dating when the girl was 20 years old. Next, the Pavliashvili family shows their house and children.

Nino Uchaneishvili - wife of Soso Pavliashvili

The artist’s first and legal wife also came to Moscow for the “Let Them Talk” program. She went into the hall after Irina and sat down with her on the same sofa. And then Soso himself appeared in the studio and presented both ladies with huge bouquets of white roses.

Soso's sister and children