The life of Yulia Mikhalkova from Ural dumplings. Yulia Mikhalkova: I am sure that I will easily regain my figure immediately after giving birth

Since childhood, Julia stood out favorably against her peers. Apparently, she borrowed her creativity from her mother, who, although she had been a trade worker all her life, was always distinguished by her cheerful disposition and remarkable imagination. So, according to Yulia’s recollections, at one of the kindergarten matinees, her mother dressed her up as a Red Army soldier instead of a snowflake. And for authenticity, she shaved her head and handed a saber into her hands. Since then, even hypothetically, Yulia has never let go of the weapon: she led an active life, studied well, and already in the 10th grade she got a job as a local television presenter.

Mikhalkova was also considered a hussar maiden at the Ural State Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg, where after school she went to receive higher education. Of course! After all, instead of poring over Dostoevsky, as muslin young ladies from the philology department of her choice do from century to century, Mikhalkova began playing in KVN from her first year, first in the girls’ team “NeParni”, and then in the all-star “Ural Dumplings” .

In the team, I'm like a diamond in a necklace. Just as precious and important as the others, but at the same time only a part of something whole. And I like to feel the support and help of the whole team. I probably won’t be able to perform alone. In terms of everyday life, it’s very easy with the guys. When I, for example, change clothes in the dressing room, they won’t even look in my direction

It was this team that brought Yulia Mikhalkova popularity and people’s love. The only girl in the men's team immediately liked the audience. Well, Yulia herself clearly had to like it, so after two years of study she quit the philology department and entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (specialty “Actress of Dramatic Theatre, Film and Television”), which she graduated with success in 2008.

Since then, Yulia Mikhalkova’s victories have followed one after another. She successfully acts in films and video clips, regularly tours the country, being a constant participant in the comedy show “Ural Dumplings”, founded by her native KVN team.

Is there enough time for your personal life in such a hectic work schedule? Certainly! Although the beauty doesn’t like to talk about this topic. All that is known about her lover is that his name is Igor, and he is an important, political person. “My boyfriend is very serious. He is a deputy, but with a sense of humor. He got along great with the guys from the team, so we have a lot of fun,” Yulia only slightly reveals the secret of her personal life.

Well, Julia doesn’t hide everything else. Mikhalkova's nude photo shoot for Maxim magazine in January 2013 simply blew up the Internet.

Why not? After all, a brave girl is not only funny, but also beautiful!


  • Yulia is the founder and owner of the Center for Correct and Beautiful Speech “Rechevik” in Moscow, where you can learn to speak correctly and beautifully.
  • Julia's main dream is to become the Minister of Culture.


2008 Silver

2010 In love and unarmed

2011 Unreal story

2012 Real boys (season 4 episode 75)

Undoubtedly, the most memorable artist of the Ural Dumplings show is Yulia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. Her person was surrounded by piquant rumors: someone wrote that she was born in Yekaterinburg, someone predicted that the girl would marry a local authority, and someone spread information about Yulia’s career in striptease. However, now we know more about this mysterious beauty, and we are ready to tell you about her.

Yulia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova - biography

Full name: Yulia Mikhailovna Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. In fact, Yulia’s small homeland is Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova? In 2018, she will celebrate her thirty-fifth anniversary. The girl's height is 170 cm, weight is only 52 kilograms. Her parents were ordinary provincial residents: her mother was a saleswoman, and her grandparents were construction workers. Of course, none of them predicted a career as a TV star for their daughter.

Yulia Mikhalkova in childhood (4 years old)

However, Yulia herself dreamed of the stage from childhood, but did not find support from her mother. The girl remembers how in kindergarten, where all the girls were dressed as snowflakes and princesses for the holiday, she alone looked like a Red Guard boy - with a bald head and a saber in her hands. Such injustice only made the dream of a fabulous adult life grow larger every year. Having celebrated her fourteenth birthday, Julia bought her first beautiful dress and long-awaited shoes with the money she had saved.

The girl’s favorite subjects at school were Russian language and literature. She was the author of the best essays in school, as well as the most talented reader. Teachers advised her to enter the literary department, but the dream of conquering the theater stage overshadowed all other possibilities, so Yulia went to preparatory classes at the local theater institute.

Yulia’s first stage experience is not associated with the fondest memories: among the tasks that were given there were, for example, “screaming loudly,” “pretending that you are a falling leaf or a fox hiding in the thickets.” According to the girl’s stories, teachers were often rude, called names and in every possible way made their students emotional in order, as they themselves explained, to “pull out the guts.” Such pressure eventually broke the aspiring actress, and she, frightened by potential competition, did not apply to a theater university and entered the Faculty of Philology.

Boring studies, in which there was not a grain of creativity, motivated Yulia to try herself in the team Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Having passed the institute casting, she became one of the participants in the women's group called “NeParni”. After some time, the girls were already performing on the same stage with professional KVN players as part of festivals in Sochi.

Having gained experience in KVN, Yulia nevertheless decided to study as an artist and took her documents to the theater. During the entrance exam, members of the selection committee reminded the girl of her past classes in the courses, throwing their hands at her during the speech and driving her crazy. The tearful scene melted the hearts of the teachers, and they accepted Mikhalkova for the course.

And then a busy student life began for Yulia: classes at two institutes, rehearsals and games in KVN, as well as work on a local TV channel as a weather forecast presenter, where only she was accepted from the entire group.

Career at Ural Dumplings

Despite the fact that Yulia’s student life was associated with a lot of hobbies and creative successes, she only got real pleasure at KVN. The curator of the “NeParni” team was Sergei Ershov - today he is one of the regular actors of the “Ural Dumplings” show, so when the guys needed a talented artist for the female role in the next program, they already knew who to take.

Soon Mikhalkova became “their guy” in the “dumplings” company, and in 2009 they invited the girl to become a permanent member show "Ural dumplings" on STS. Today it is difficult to imagine a traditional show without this long-legged beauty, who can play any female role - from a painted fifa to a disgruntled cleaning lady.

Personal life of Mikhalkova

The most pressing topic that interests Julia's fans is her marital status. After all, artists often hide this point in their biography from journalists, and the latter only have to make guesses.

Yulia Mikhalkova and Sergei Netievsky in the show “Ural Dumplings”

So, at one time the newspapers wrote that Yulia was having an affair with a colleague, Sergei Netievsky. The reason for this conclusion was the hands of the artists, reverently clasped at each final song. But the rumors were quickly dispelled.

Since 2010, Yulia has been in a relationship with a deputy of the Sverdlovsk region named Igor Danilov, whom she met at one of the parties. The couple was often seen at social events and on vacation abroad. A personable boyfriend often gave Yulia reasons to boast about her beloved. Just look at the price of Ugg boots with pearls and rhinestones for 800 euros, brought as a gift from France.

Yulia Mikhalkova with Igor Danilov

One of the most memorable moments for Yulia was their joint journey to the place of power Arkaim. The couple experienced dozens of kilometers walked, barefoot climbs to Mount Repentance, and in the end were rewarded with seeing the sunrise at the top.

By the way, Igor Danilov is not one of those officials who gives citizens a reason for standard accusations of corruption and subterfuge. In his city, he is considered one of the most honest and therefore respected people.

The beautiful fairy tale was not destined to last forever. Having received a marriage proposal, Julia could not give a definite answer, and in 2014 the couple separated. Today the girl is dating a new gentleman, but so far she doesn’t tell anyone about him either on VK or Instagram.

We can only watch how the personal life and creative career of the charming Yulia develops. Time will show.

Yulia Mikhalkova is the only young girl in the Ural Dumplings who managed to win the hearts of many viewers with her brilliant performance as a comedic actress. The girl’s real surname is Matyukhina, and when they began to ask many questions about her double surname, the girl admitted that Mikhalkova was just a pseudonym, more consonant with the stage.

Now Yulia is at the height of her career, she is trying her hand at various areas of show business: in addition to her main activity in a comedy show, Mikhalkova managed to play several roles in films, record a couple of videos with a famous group, and is also actively involved in the political life of her countries. She supports the current President of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova

All girls on Earth dream of being beautiful and slim, so they often think about their height, weight, and age. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova? The young actress is 34 years old and her zodiac sign is Cancer. Julia's weight is 52 kg and her height is 158 centimeters. The TV presenter admits in her interviews that she doesn’t go to the gym at all, but she has had such a beautiful body structure since birth and that she is very lucky in this regard.

Yulia Mikhalkova, playing Ural dumplings on stage, gives 100 percent, the actress considers the best reward to be a full hall of spectators who come to their show for a good mood.

Yulia Mikhalkova's photos in her youth and now are equally interesting and positive, because the girl always sincerely shares her feelings, both in life and in photographs.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova

The biography of Yulia Mikhalkova begins in 1983. July 12 in the Ural town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region of the city of Yekaterinburg. Matyukhina did not have a father; her mother raised the girl alone. However, little Julia did not experience a shortage of male attention. The girl was given a lot of attention by her beloved grandfather, uncle and brother.

Since childhood, Yulia was firmly convinced that she would become famous throughout the country, she loved to use cosmetics from her mother’s purse and stage miniature performances at home in the kitchen, with a bottle of water in her hands instead of a microphone.

After graduating from a regular school, she manages to get on local television as a news presenter about new music.

Later, having received a certificate, the young girl leaves for Yekaterinburg and enters the Pedagogical University to become a teacher. Out of boredom, Yulia begins to perform in the KVN team, she is “dragged in.” Initially, only girls played in the team, then from this team “Ural Dumplings” emerged and Yulia remains the only representative of the fairer sex in the comedy show.

The girl felt that she sometimes lacked acting skills, so she thought about it and decided to enter another university in the same city in the department of theater and film actress, graduating successfully.

In 2009, the show “Ural Dumplings” was released on the STS channel; in a fairly short time, the comedy show managed to fall in love with a huge number of people - for its open, funny and always understandable humor.

Four years later, the team won the “Breakthrough of the Year 2013” ​​competition

Yulia Mikhalkova also tries herself as a singer, filming a video with Alexei Zavyalov - “Yulia is a beauty”, and a little later the video “My heart is for you”.

It was not for nothing that the young star received the profession of an actress - her filmography has already been replenished with seven films: in the series “Real Boys” she played a minor role as Oborin’s mistress, and in the film “In Love and Unarmed” she played the charming bride of Vladimir Avdeev.

Yulia is quite a multifaceted person; she has her own business. So, in order to always feel like an independent girl, she opens her center for correct and beautiful pronunciation, called “Rechevik”. Yulia Evgenievna likes to conduct classes on her own, because it’s not for nothing that she is a teacher by training. It brings her great pleasure to realize that she can not only make people laugh, but also teach them something useful.

Personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova

The personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova was at one time closely connected with politics. For a long time she was in a relationship with a famous political figure in Yekaterinburg, Igor Danilov. It was even close to a wedding, but in 2014 the couple broke up.

Yulia Evgenievna took an honorable third place in the preliminary voting of the United Russia party. But under pressure from some politicians who remembered her candid photos for a men's magazine and after a request from the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg, she refused to further pursue a career in politics, but not from public work. Julia was the presenter at the festival, which was dedicated to Orthodox Lenten cuisine.

Mikhalkova hosts the “Tasty Things” program on television in the city of Sverdlovsk. Often, when preparing for the next filming, she has to master some farming skill. Now the TV presenter can calmly milk both a cow and a goat, and the animals behave quite adequately, without trying to butt the celebrity.

Now Julia has a new object of adoration, whose name is not disclosed, but the fact is not hidden that she is ready to start a family with him, give birth to many children and, of course, have a family friend - a big and kind dog, preferably a husky breed.

Family of Yulia Mikhalkova

At this stage of her life, Yulia Mikhalkova’s family is herself and her favorite activities. Many men courted the Russian beauty, but it is reliably known about one of her affairs with politician Igor Danilov. They dated for a long time and were often seen together.

Julia herself said that they have a romantic relationship, the chosen one loves and respects her as a person, as a public figure. However, when Igor was “ripe” for family life and invited his beloved to legitimize their relationship, the girl realized that she could not give him an unambiguous answer. After some time, the couple made a mutual decision to leave.

Children of Yulia Mikhalkova

Every second girl wants to have a family and children. For now, Yulia Mikhalkova’s children are only in her plans. For a long time, after breaking up with Igor Danilov, nothing was heard about her new novels. But in 2006, the TV presenter herself told the general public that she had finally found a person with whom she was ready to connect her life forever. The actress does not disclose the name of the groom, but the fact that she is ready to give birth to a child from him, and ideally four, was publicly stated.

Despite the fact that she was the only child in the family, Julia imagines her family life exactly like this.

Husband of Yulia Mikhalkova

Yulia Mikhalkova’s husband is a man whom the TV presenter is still hiding from prying eyes. The actress keeps all the details of her personal life secret - this further fuels the interest of fans. The only thing that became known to journalists was the fact that the fateful meeting took place at one of the Ural Dumplings performances, but whether it was a work colleague or just a fan is a closely guarded secret.

Fans are not even sure whether the marriage is official or not, although they really hope that the TV presenter will not do this to her fans, and the young couple will announce this event.

Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from Ural dumplings

Public people are “in plain sight”; their personal and professional aspects of life are of interest to many people. Sometimes, when a celebrity does not want to share certain aspects of his life with the general public, people, not without the help of the paparazzi, who sometimes publish rumors and gossip, come up with ideas or simply come up with sensations.

This is what happened with our heroine: Yulia Mikhalkova is pregnant from Ural dumplings - this news appeared on the Internet. Time passed, but the “pregnant” actress somehow did not think about getting better; for some reason her belly did not increase. And when the time came for her to go on maternity leave, it became clear to everyone that Yulia was not pregnant. As the actress herself said, this is a simple matter, the main thing is to be confident in your life partner and wait a little.

Photo of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery

You don’t even have to look for photos of Yulia Mikhalkova before and after plastic surgery on the Internet and on magazine covers - they simply don’t exist. The presenter looks stunning at her age. She has a naturally slender figure, a beautifully voiced voice, huge eyes, Yulia dresses well and, most importantly, her face is always adorned with a radiant smile. Therefore, if the presenter agrees to plastic surgery, it will be in twenty-five, thirty years.

Mikhalkova herself is now of the opinion that beauty at any age should be natural, without any surgical interventions. Well, let's wait and see what happens next.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Mikhalkova

In addition to Yulia Mikhalkova’s Instagram and Wikipedia, she also has an official page on VKontakte. Anyone who wants to know more truthful information about the life of the actress is here.

Here you can find out about the meeting of the actress and Andrei Rozhkov, who is a confidant of the President of Russia, with Ural volunteers. That in the near future their duet will be heard on public transport in the city of Yekaterinburg, talking about the EXPO exhibition. And those who just want to admire the TV presenter, they need to go to Julia’s Instagram. There are a huge number of photographs posted there, where Mikhalkova was photographed in various guises: at social events, in long dresses; in a tracksuit, with a gun in his hands; dancing a fiery dance, in a short dress and many other various pictures.

Childhood photo of Yulia Mikhalkova.

Yulia Mikhalkova is one of the participants in the comedy show “Ural Dumplings”. Previously, this community was a KVN team, but later the guys began to perform and delight the audience as an independent organization. Yulia Mikhalkova is undoubtedly the decoration of “Ural Dumplings”, and although all the participants in this team are incredibly talented and interesting, our heroine does everything to expand the audience of the show, because when you see this diva on the screen, it becomes very difficult to change the channel, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman. Yulia Mikhalkova is fascinating, and she affects me like a boa constrictor on a rabbit. A very beautiful and talented girl, the numbers in which she takes part are watched in one breath, you no longer pay attention to whether the joke is funny or not. Yulenka is so sweet and spontaneous that any scenes where she is involved will look funny. At that moment when I decided to find as many excellent photographs as possible of Yulia Mikhalkova, I wanted to find out as much information as possible about this girl. I didn't know much. Like, there is such an actress - the decoration of “Ural Dumplings”. What information do I have now? How is my “today” different from my “yesterday” after receiving this knowledge?

  1. Yulia Mikhalkova was born in 1983, at the time of writing this article she was only 34 years old, still very young. I thought she was closer to forty years old, just well preserved. And all because of an excess of makeup and unnaturally high-quality dumplings, drawn black eyebrows. But in general, Yulia Mikhalkova is very beautiful, I really like her appearance, in my opinion she is impeccable. I admire her.
  2. At the age of 34, Yulia Mikhalkova is not married, she does not have children yet, but she dreams of giving birth to four, at least three. She believes that if she gets married to her chosen one, she is guaranteed to be happy with him all her life.
  3. Yulia Mikhalkova’s motto: “Don’t think too much, don’t bother yourself over trifles, live for today, do what you want to enjoy life.” This is verbatim. Well, judging by this lady’s interview, she really doesn’t think much, thinking is not her strong point. With all this, she is sweet, funny, and sometimes naive. I ran for State Duma deputies, it was generally fun. To the question of one of the voters, they say, why do you need to go to the State Duma, what have you forgotten there, Yulia replied that she looks stunning, everyone likes her appearance, and since she knows how to take care of herself, then she can help others be just as irresistible. Strong for a deputy... Quote: “I am obliged to represent the interests of young people, I am a very successful representative of a young man... A bright, successful girl, people should look up to me.” There are no words, are there? In addition, Yulia Mikhalkova claimed that she was not photographed for the gloss in its original form, allegedly photographed only for a certain information publication, but not completely... Yeah. Although I don’t see anything wrong with these photos of her, they are quite decent for a future deputy.
  4. As a child, Yulia Mikhalkova had her hair cut very short, sometimes even shaved close to zero; her mother and grandmother believed that from such procedures their Yulenka would grow thicker and stronger curls. While the girls dressed up as snowflakes and princesses, our heroine had to show off in a soldier's costume. Until the age of 10, Yulia Mikhalkova looked more like a boy than a girl, but soon the situation changed, and today this girl is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in Russian show business.
  5. Yulia Mikhalkova does not know her father; she was raised by her mother and grandparents. The mother worked a lot, the girl was mainly taken care of by the grandmother, who doted on her granddaughter. Yulia loved to dress beautifully, and her grandmother was ready to spend her entire pension on outfits for her favorite, so our heroine was one of the most fashionable girls in school.

Yulia Mikhalkova not only stars in glossy films, but is also the face of the Lenten food festival for Orthodox Christians.

Working in the show “Ural Dumplings” brought me the most important thing - meeting my loved one, TV star Yulia Mikhalkova admitted in an interview with the entertainment magazine “7 Days”.

Question: Julia, in “Ural Dumplings” you have the status of a queen...

Yulia Mikhalkova: Perhaps now I can easily say: “I don’t want this, otherwise I won’t.” I can insist on my opinion. But at the beginning of “Ural Dumplings” I didn’t allow myself anything like that. Everything suited me. That is, at first I “married” all the guys to myself, and only then I began to be capricious. But these are not some stellar quirks at the everyday level. It's about the work process, my vision of our program.

Question: How does it feel to “marry” everyone to yourself?!

Yulia Mikhalkova: Well, it’s easier to say: she won their hearts. After all, I am a young, beautiful, attractive girl, I know how to please and charm. (Laughs.) I became their muse. The guys even jokingly call me “the gold medal,” which brings good luck. They say that without me they can’t come up with jokes. I am pleased with this, I try to live up to my unspoken status in everything.

Question: You often visit Moscow with Ural dumplings. Has she become your family yet?

Yulia Mikhalkova: I am very jealous of my native Yekaterinburg. My heart is in the Urals. This is where I grew up, in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. I will never forget the house where I spent my childhood. It was a typical five-story building, which, by the way, like all the other houses in the city, was built by my grandparents - they were builders. Grandma has always spoiled me very much and even now she spoils me when I come. How she fattened me up! I still remember from childhood the taste of her borscht, jellied meat, pies - with cabbage, fish, potatoes. She prepares all this for each of my visits, but now I know how to do it all myself - according to my grandmother’s recipe. But, of course, it’s not just about delicious dinners.

Now I understand that it was not easy, but grandma always did everything for me that I asked for. I have a feeling of immense gratitude to my mother and grandmother. Now I take care of them, I try to ensure that they do not need anything. Thank God I have this opportunity. Grandfather, alas, passed away 13 years ago. He was my best friend, protector and beloved man.

Question: It’s no secret, you have had a relationship with a deputy and public figure for a long time. Has he managed to become a support for you?

Yulia Mikhalkova: We actually lived together for six years. He even proposed marriage to me, but I refused. Why? It's a long story. I can’t say that I’m a crazy careerist, but it turns out that I have a lot of work, and I like it. Now I live in these circumstances: every day is scheduled to the minute. In the morning I leave, for example, to record a program on local television about agriculture, with cows in the frame, then I go to the spa with my friends, everything is so glamorous around, then the guys and I have a rehearsal, then a performance. And now socio-political matters have been added. Well, what kind of relationship can withstand this? I thought: well, there will be a wedding, and what, my man will have to live in the same regime?

Question: Did you actually want to marry him?

Yulia Mikhalkova: We had a good time, really. He always supported me in everything. But did I want to marry him... No, perhaps. I wanted and want to get married so that I don’t get divorced later. And to have children. When you know for sure that you want to start a family, you don’t hesitate to answer “yes” or “no.” There was no clear answer with that person. And some time after the breakup, I fell in love, as they say, “head over heels” and, it seems, forever. And she wanted to get married. But first you need to get married in order to forever connect your life with this man...

We want us to have three children. Or better yet, four. Both the house and the dogs are huskies. I want happiness and inner comfort. But this is rare. No matter which of my friends I meet, everyone is not like this: one is married, has three children, but everything is wrong, the second has no children - it’s also bad, the third’s husband is jealous, the fourth is jealous of her husband. Everyone is so successful, and everyone is missing something... Well, for now, it’s enough for me simply that I love my man very much.

Question: For the sake of this person, would you be able to quit the job that brought you such wild popularity?

Yulia Mikhalkova: This work brought me the most important thing - a meeting with him. The first time he saw me was at a concert. Then he came backstage, and I realized that I was lost. For now, we are both incredibly busy. We are both leaders, but if we compare, I am, of course, a much smaller leader. My man is mega-handsome, mega-smart, mega-talented and, in general, a king and a god. (Smiles.) And if I talk about him so sparingly, it’s only because I don’t want many people to judge and express their opinions about the relationship that is so dear to me and in which I am finally happy. I think our wedding will be quiet. So no one will know...

Question: But, in any case, for now you live alone in a country house near Yekaterinburg. And by the way, aren’t you scared here – alone?

Yulia Mikhalkova: Well, this is a cottage community, there is security, cameras everywhere. I moved here just a couple of months ago, right after the New Year. Of course, there is still a lot to be completed here in order to turn this two-story cottage into a real nest - cozy, warm... But even though I feel at home here, it does not belong to me. Unfortunately, I have not yet earned money on my own real estate. And this is a gift. (Smiles.)

Question: From the man you love?

Yulia Mikhalkova: No, although many people think so. I don’t think I could accept such an expensive gift even from my loved one. This house was not given as a gift, but was given to me for free use by the owners of the hotel complex on whose territory it is located. And I can hardly describe in words the gratitude I feel. It’s an incredible feeling, an indescribable thrill – to feel loved in your homeland, when people just make sweeping gestures like that because they love me, my work, and are proud of my successes.

Question: And yet, why don’t you live with your man?

Yulia Mikhalkova: To be honest, we don’t even have time for this yet. I myself am almost never at home, I’m constantly on tour, and he’s also on the road all the time. Sometimes it’s even easier for us to meet and spend a few days in Moscow while I’m filming there and he’s busy. When we get married and are married, we will definitely live together.

Question: Are you familiar with jealousy?

Yulia Mikhalkova: This is the kind of thing that needs to be removed from yourself, just like diseased teeth are removed. We all judge people by ourselves. I am never jealous, because I myself am a faithful person, I don’t cheat. And those who are jealous are those who themselves know what treason is. And then, you can be jealous from idleness, when there is nothing else to do. By the way, this is exactly what I’m talking about: how can a man live with me if, like me, he’s not busy around the clock? Now my mother is no longer surprised: “Why didn’t you pick up the phone?” Yes, because I was at a concert and could not answer 500 incoming SMS. Or my brother asks the same thing. It was difficult to explain this to them - believe me.

In order to understand my life, you need to exist in the same crazy schedule. With me you can, of course, go crazy with jealousy. And not because I'm walking. It’s just that a man can call me all day, but I will only get in touch at two in the morning. But my beloved understands that I have been busy all this time. As for betrayals, I haven’t encountered them yet, but betrayals have happened. In this case, I simply remove the person from my life. This is probably why I am surrounded only by good people whom I love.

I also have an excellent quality: I forget quickly and easily. Although one of my friends reminds me of everything. She will certainly add: “Have you forgotten?” - I really forgot. I’m also surprised: “How do you remember everything? Both for yourself and for me.” But actually, I'm not amorous - not at all. That's why I haven't had many romantic events in my life... I'm very constant in my relationships. Besides, I simply wouldn’t have time for jealousy, betrayal and worries about this, even if, God forbid, they existed. It happens that you fly every day for a month, and you even slowly begin to “hate” it all. There is only one thought - I wish I could stay at home longer with my loved one. And everything else will follow.