Forms of manifestation of human integrity. The reason for the loss of integrity may be the emotional and mental bodies clogged with negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

Personal integrity is the basis of trust

The explanatory dictionary explains the meaning of the word “whole” (when it comes to personality) as “possessing internal unity, distinguished by the unity of character traits.” An integral person lives according to high moral principles. Anyone who does not have integrity of personality cannot be worthy of trust.

The first component of personal integrity is honesty. Honesty itself may not be a condition of success, but for an honest person even failure will be honorable and will not harm his character and reputation.

Everyone admires honest people, even dishonest ones. Those who treat others honestly, who tell the truth and stick to agreements, even if they turn out to be a loss, are worthy of trust.

An honest man has nothing to fear. Those who work with him will be faithful to him in good times and bad. The absence of fear is a great strength in your life. She will support you and allow you to bravely face difficulties, ultimately ensuring the success of your business.

Determination is a direct result of strength of character supported by the integrity of the individual. People with integrity have clear, clear goals. They don't guess, they don't move in the dark. In each of their plans there is a little of the substance from which their character is composed.

There are four, and only four, ways to establish contact with the outside world. We are judged and categorized based on what we do, what we look like, what we say, and how we speak.

Dale Carnegie

People with integrity have clear and meaningful goals that lead to extraordinary achievements. A good example is the actions of Roberto Goizueta, one of the leaders of Coca Cola. The company decided to change the drink's recipe and created "New Coke". But he did not find support from customers who wanted the same Coca-Cola. A person with a less complete personality would not give up his decision and would invest additional funds in advertising to save his own idea. But Goizueta sacrificed his pride and began releasing the old drink under the new name “Classic Coke.” The decision was correct: soon New Coke disappeared from the shelves, and classic Coca-Cola returned to its previous position.

Another example of a complete personality is John Templeton, founder of the Templeton Foundation (now the Franklin-Templeton Foundation), one of the most profitable investment funds. The most successful people, Templeton's business philosophy said, are the most complete individuals. Such people, he argued, understand more keenly than others the importance of ethics in business. And ethical principles come from the depths of the mind. “Fill your mind with kind, loving, and helpful thoughts, and your decisions and actions will always be ethical.”

Hard work, honesty and perseverance are the core of Templeton's business philosophy. “Those who learn to invest their whole selves in their work achieve success. They reap what they sow. They know more than the value of money - they know their own value."

A business not based on ethics, Templeton taught, is doomed to failure: “Those who resort to tricks get a bad reputation, and after a while no one wants to do business with them. We have worked hard to be honest and conscientious, and responsible to our investors. We put their financial well-being first and delivered outstanding results.”

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Perception- this is a reflection of objects and phenomena in the totality of their properties and parts with their direct impact on the senses. This is an active process in which many perceptual actions are implemented to form an adequate image of an object. Perceptual actions are the basic structural units of the human perception process. They are associated with the conscious identification of one or another aspect of a sensory given situation, as well as various kinds of transformations of sensory information, leading to the creation of an activity adequate to the tasks and the objective world image.

Perception is multimodal, i.e. is associated with several analytical systems: we often perceive the shape, color, and smell of an object, and what it feels like, and, possibly, taste. Perception has the following properties:

  • - systematicity, when not only elements are perceived, but also the entire structure as a whole (for example, notes and melody);
  • - objectivity, when we connect the properties of an object that are accessible to sensations with all other properties known to us;
  • - selectivity, when we perceive the same object differently. If you draw such a figure on a blank sheet of paper - Schroeder's ladder,

then someone will see a ladder in it, and someone will see the cornice of a building;

  • - apperception (awareness), when our perception depends on our experience, interests, attitude to life, attitude, mood, knowledge, etc., as well as on the work of the subconscious (in particular, projective tests are based on this property of perception) ;
  • - meaningfulness and generality, when we are able to see the whole based on fragments;
  • - constancy, i.e. the relative constancy of the perceived size, shape and color of an object when the distance to it, angle, and illumination changes.

Perception is a self-regulating action in which human consciousness takes part. Errors of perception and distortions of perception are diverse.

Types of perception are associated with the object of reflection and its characteristics: size, shape, volume, distance. There is the perception of time, movement, the perception of man by man. In the latter case (when a person is perceived by a person), it is very difficult to define or systematize anything, since here subjectivity, uniqueness and, in general, personality are most manifested in both psychological and social aspects. This type of perception takes place in activities such as communication.

Personal integrity

General property of systems - integrity- is defined as a set of elements and relationships that interact in such a way that new properties and qualities appear that are not inherent in the elements.

Personality is not some kind of frozen form; the weight of behavior reflects the constant struggle between the rational and the emotional, good and evil, desires and self-restraint, other opposites, the search for a place in life, the meaning of life, one’s self-identification. In ordinary life, a person plays many roles in a set of performances, he is for others and he is for himself, alone with himself - not always the same thing, but more often different. The integrity of the individual can be interpreted as spiritual harmony, at least the discrepancies between “I am” and “I seem.” Signs of a holistic personality are the absence of internal contradictions, intrapersonal conflicts, the presence of strong beliefs, socially approved principles, a high degree of moral development (according to Kohlberg’s model, a post-conventional degree of moral development), the level of self-actualization in the hierarchy of needs, according to Maslow, unity of word and deed. Manifestations of personal integrity with a minus sign are also possible: fanaticism, mania, complete immorality (according to outside observers). An unambiguous assessment is not always possible: opinions and assessments of different people and communities may be different, opinions and consciousness as a whole are susceptible to manipulation, ideologization, and whether fanatical dedication to a cause is a good thing - this can only be seen with the passage of time, and then opinions may differ.

The phenomenon of double standards is common. If deep, basic ethical standards do not correspond to what is approved by the group, then this is defined as hypocrisy, hypocrisy, double existence (for oneself and for others), double or more standards of behavior. Double morality is a contradiction between knowledge and behavior, but it can also be an expression of the moral principle “the end justifies the means” in combination with egoistic or utilitarian morality, the principle “everything that is useful or gives me pleasure is moral.”

What is inside (in consciousness and subconscious) is basic ethics, morality, hidden ideas about good and evil, justice, etc. (and their negative antipodes), outside is impeccable knowledge and adherence to etiquette, demonstration of socially approved behavior and mastery of the role . External behavior is determined by the benefits that the behavior expected by society or an interest group promises, or the costs associated with failure to fulfill the prescribed role or improper performance, from legal to social sanctions. The true face is revealed in a situation of moral choice, conflict, crisis, traumatic situation, when the stakes are too great to hide the true face for the sake of it. In the typology of labor behavior there is such a form as imitative behavior.

Personal integrity- a quality and basis of behavior that is not clearly understood and approved: for example, if a boss has a bad character and does not hide it at work, then he has an integral personality, but is disapproved by his subordinates and has a harmful effect on the results of work. An organized criminal group (OCG) is also a system that has the property of integrity: the group exhibits new qualities and abilities that are different from those of its individual members, we can talk about synergy, but this is a criminal system. The difference between an organized criminal group and a socially useful group lies in the content of ethical norms and rules of behavior, the content and meaning of the concepts of good and evil, justice, honor and other moral categories. It is the content of these concepts and their application that make it possible to separate, in the opinion of society, highly moral people from moral monsters. At the same time, the morality of the organized crime group itself, and the people included in it, is recognized by this community as correct, worthy and completely justifies their activities, which confirms the subjectivity of morality and its assessments. A criminal can also be an integral person.

Personal integrity (internal integrity of personality) - a quality of personality that reflects her ability in critical situations to maintain her life strategy, to remain committed to her life positions and value orientations.

Integrity- this is when a person has the courage to look at things as they are, draw their own conclusions and, if necessary, speak about it.

Personal integrity is not given at birth, but is formed in the environment. When relations with the environment develop well, i.e. a person accepts the environment, and it accepts him, then a normal, consistent, integral personality is formed. The more stable a person’s values ​​are, the firmer her beliefs, principles, and ideals, the more clearly her integrity is manifested.

Personal integrity is most often represented in the unity of three components: spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. In psychological science, two approaches to understanding the integrity of the individual have taken shape most clearly - as personal harmony and as balance. The concept of a harmonious personality is revealed in the unity of the designated components. C. G. Jung considers the process of searching for spiritual harmony, the essence of which is the achievement (restoration) of mental integrity (individualization, integration of consciousness, self-knowledge, intrapsychic development). E. V. Selezneva identifies the following psychological characteristics of a holistic personality: 1) developed self-awareness, overcoming internal and external contradictions on the basis of universal human values; 2) spirituality as a quality that allows you to comprehend, experience and appropriate the highest ideals and values ​​of a person, society and transform activities into behavior, actions into actions; 3) social maturity, i.e. the ability to make independent decisions and bear personal responsibility for them, to independently and productively resolve life’s contradictions in accordance with common goals and moral ideals; 4) citizenship as a complex ideological and moral quality, the main elements of which are patriotic and international feelings in their harmonious unity; 5) conscience as an internal dialogical authority that provides the opportunity to listen to one’s own inner voice and better understand the capabilities of one’s own “I”; 6) balance between intellectual (promotes stabilization and sustainability of the individual’s existence in a changing world) and creative potential (the opportunity for self-development).

If you have a goal to achieve a certain result and believe that this or that relationship with the other party should be built, the science and practice of business ethics can offer a number of methods, tools, algorithms, processes, following which you will increase the likelihood of achieving the desired result. These methods are aimed at increasing the discipline of thinking and behavior at all stages of preparation and conduct of business interactions, while it is not necessary to be at heart the way your role dictates. When performing a role during the entire “performance” or its individual “acts”, the following options are possible.

If a person is what he wants to appear to be, this speaks of the integrity of his personality in the sense that he behaves as his personal ethical system tells him, he does not have an internal conflict between “to be” and “to appear.” He is likely to be perceived as a sincere, open, trustworthy person.

With weak acting abilities, the performance of the role will look unnatural, will raise doubts about the sincerity of intentions, mistrust and may cause collapse. With good acting skills, a good knowledge of etiquette and the right methodology, model of behavior and building relationships, a person successfully leads the process and performs the role decently, and partners need to make an effort to understand whether he is sincere or just pretending well.

Do you want to achieve success? Do you want to be a holistic person who knows what he wants from this life? Then you must figure out who the whole person is and what character she has.

There are always many problems around us, and often more than half of them are related to the fact that a person has not built a holistic personality within himself, or has lost it.

A holistic personality is a person who was able to put together his pros and cons and accepted himself as he is. A holistic person is aware of his talents and feels his inner strength.

When a person is an integral personality, then he:

  • Loves and values ​​himself
  • Realizes the fullness of internal energy and knows how to manage it
  • Has versatile talents and uses them to his advantage
  • Recognizes his negative traits, but calmly overcomes them
  • Builds relationships for fun

An incomplete person has low self-esteem, so he thinks that he is not capable of anything, does not recognize his talents and denies any possibility of realization, which deprives him of the happiness of life.

Not a whole person:

  • Feels more self-hatred than love
  • Wants to succeed, but does nothing to achieve it
  • Does not recognize his talents, even those that are clearly expressed
  • Notices only negativity, sees flaws in oneself and others
  • Seeks relationships with people to feel needed
  • Admires the achievements of others while imploring his own achievements

A holistic person always knows what he wants and achieves success in everything, because he understands what he deserves in this life.

In the modern world, it is important to have integrity, because an incomplete person cannot achieve results, primarily because of his internal attitudes. Integrity greatly influences the development of your business, business, and career growth. How exactly to read

Become a whole person! Forget about who and what will think about you! Be confident, move forward and achieve success and happiness in life.

The integrity of a person is a combination of its parts that creates a strong and harmonious integrity. We can talk about the external or general integrity of a person, meaning the harmonious unity of her bodily, mental, spiritual and moral life. If a person teaches a healthy lifestyle and moral values ​​during the day, and at night and until the morning “buzzes” in a nightclub, picking up girls of easy virtue, it is difficult to talk about the integrity of such a person. Personal integrity presupposes the correspondence of the content of a person’s inner life and his external activities. Thus, it can be difficult for a believer to serve in the army, killing people: this destroys his integrity.

In psychology, they often talk about the internal integrity of the individual, meaning a person’s ability in critical situations to maintain his life strategy, to remain committed to his life positions and value orientations. This is a person who is both autonomous and open to people and life.

Personal integrity is spoken of when a person has the courage to look at things realistically, draw their own conclusions and, if necessary, speak up about it, including resisting external pressure. This is a person who has a stable worldview and value system. This is a person who is not tormented by contradictions, who has peace and confidence inside.

The antipode of the concept of “integral personality” is the concept of “fragmentary personality”, i.e. a personality whose elements are in conflict with each other.

Where does personal integrity come from or how is it formed? Personal integrity is not given at birth, but is formed primarily under the influence of the external environment or in interaction with the external environment. Depending on the specific environment and internal predisposition, the integrity of the individual can develop according to two main models: the power model and the model of internal harmony.

In the power model, the integrity of the individual is supported by rigid beliefs and the ability to defend these beliefs in direct and open conflict. Such a personality can break completely, but she will not bend and “surrender” her beliefs. The more stable a person’s values ​​are, the firmer her beliefs, principles, and ideals, the more clearly her integrity is manifested. Note that a person with a low level of personality development, “stubborn” in his views, will be called “stubborn” and not holistic.

Integrity is spoken of in relation to people already at a certain level of development, where their beliefs include not only the reproduction of everyday stereotypes, but also high morality, especially the idea of ​​spirituality. A person who lives under the star of his ideals and values ​​is ready, without inner doubt, to sacrifice himself and his life to his beliefs. We can say that this is a developed personality on the path of Service.

The power model of personality integrity is more typical for men and is brought up within the framework of a male culture. It is not easy for a man to agree with external demands and external control; he must accept these demands within himself, really agree with them. But if he accepted them, he will look after them himself. He became like this.

Metaphorically, it is a structure made of rubber that can be compressed, stretched and bent, but as soon as the pressure is released, everything is restored. The model of internal harmony is more typical for women and is brought up within the framework of women's culture.

In the model of internal harmony, the integrity of the individual is supported by two circumstances: internal harmony and internal flexibility. When relationships with the environment develop successfully, that is, a person accepts the environment, and it accepts him, then a healthy, normal, internally consistent - integral personality is formed.

Harmony within, which is sometimes described as a union of consciousness and subconscious, as the absence of conflicts between the internal parts of the personality, more often represents the assimilation of socially acceptable beliefs and a POSITIVE WORLD PERSPECTIVE, when a person understands both those around him and himself, notes primarily the positive in himself and those around him and strengths and is not prone to self-accusation. Soft movements, warm intonations and natural kindness complement the image of such a person.

As for internal flexibility, this is the ability to temporarily adapt to the harsh demands of the internal environment, while using every opportunity for self-healing, to return to the original state.

You must be a member of this group to be able to communicate in it.

Lyudmila Burkina

The integrity of the individual is manifested in its versatility. A personality should be like the purest crystal, refracting the surrounding reality. We often see images of a meditating person sitting in the lotus position. Smooth posture, gaze directed inwards, energy stability. This is a portrait of a yogi who has found inner balance. I think integrity has to do with balance. Let's turn to nature. Is it complete? If it were unstable and disorderly, then we would be dealing with chaos, and then we would hardly be able to communicate in positivity and build our logical reasoning. Nature finds its integrity in harmony. We, people, are looking for ways to understand its phenomena, trying to find real contact with it. By destroying it, we will not find integrity. Only by understanding its beauty, comprehending perfection through it, will we gain unity with it, interacting with nature in a single organism in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. We are looking for teachers, but he is very close. Go to the forest, find a forest lake, touch a mossy carpet, breathe the air of perfection, learn to speak the language of nature, listen to its sounds. You will learn a lot from this wise teacher, who is always waiting for his students to tell his secrets.

Personal integrity, presupposes the correspondence of a person’s internal filling to his actions and life. First of all, conclusions about personality can be drawn by observing external activities in critical situations. Is he able to maintain his life position in non-standard conditions, will he give up the value of personal orientation, will he change his personal strategy.

Speaking of obvious inconsistency, this is an example when, while playing a role to meet general requirements, a person demonstrates “exemplary” behavior during the day, and at night allows himself to do anything in a nightclub. Often, also in order to meet expectations.

Whole personality is a person who is able to withstand external pressure. But above all, a person who has enough strength and courage to assess the situation realistically, analyze information, study several sources and draw her own conclusions. Voice them and be ready to defend such a point of view, which is not always easy. This is a person who has a stable worldview and value system, thanks to which he is not tormented by internal doubts, he is confident and calm, he has a coherent picture of the world.

Whole personality always being formed. It is formed under the influence of the society in which it develops and the environment in general. Predisposition also plays a role. But development necessarily occurs according to certain models: the power model, the model of internal harmony.

Personal integrity in the power model

In this case, it is supported by rigid beliefs and the ability (internal need) to defend them as in direct, open conflict. Such a person may be broken, but he will not bend and refuse or adjust his beliefs.

It should be noted that there is a difference between a person with integrity and a “stubborn” person. In the first option, there is intellectual development and high morality. This person lives in accordance with his ideals and values, and is ready to sacrifice himself and his life for them. A holistic personality offers itself in the service of its principles. In the second, we can rather talk about the reproduction of certain stereotypes that can be used to serve oneself, or to create the appearance of such service. When we mean personality integrity in psychology, it should be noted that the approach is more typical for men.

Personal integrity based on the model of internal harmony

The basis of personal integrity in this case is both internal harmony and internal flexibility. A normal personality, without internal contradictions, is formed if relations with the outside world develop well. This is a union of consciousness and subconscious. No conflicts with yourself. Man accepts the outside world, and the outside world accepts him. First of all, it is a positive outlook. Personal integrity in this case is, first of all, acceptance and awareness of personal strengths and refusal of self-blame. We need to talk separately about flexibility. Faced with harsh demands from the outside world, such a person is ready and able to adapt to such conditions. But, he will certainly return to his previous state as soon as the opportunity arises to do so. Such people can be identified even by their behavior. They are characterized by warm, understanding notes in their voices and soft movements. The whole image speaks of kindness and the ability to understand the interlocutor. It is clear that due to cultural tradition and upbringing, such a worldview, and, consequently, behavior is more typical for representatives of the fair sex. They are the ones who are able to change their behavior if they are under constant control, but as soon as the pressure eases, they will certainly return to their originally inherent qualities.

In the formation of a person, as well as the resulting qualities, many people and a lot of different variables are involved. The most important thing: focus on the principles of humanity and morality, and do not forget that you do not owe anything to anyone. Your life is your life and any decision remains yours. Following these principles guarantees integrity of personality in the future.