Where is the satirist Mikhail Zadornov now? Mikhail Zadornov suffered from severe pain before his death

Mikhail Zadornov- a famous Russian writer, satirist, and humorist, famous for his short stories, which he himself performed on stage. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Author of more than ten books. He acted in films. After a serious illness, Mikhail Zadornov passed away on November 10, 2017.

Childhood and education of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR). Mikhail's father is the famous Soviet writer Nikolai Zadornov (1909−1992). Zadornov Sr. was a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel “Father Cupid”; he worked as an actor and director in theaters in Siberia and the Far East. Mikhail's mother is Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova, nee Pokorno-Matusevich (1909-2003). Elena Zadornova worked as a proofreader and met her second husband at a Ufa newspaper. The first husband was a ministerial worker. Mikhail Zadornov’s mother is Polish by nationality. Her father, Mikhail Zadornov's grandfather, Melchior Justinovich Pokorno-Matusevich was a nobleman and a tsarist officer. Zadornov’s biography notes that on his mother’s side, Mikhail Nikolaevich comes from the old Polish gentry family of the Pokorno-Matusevichs and the Olizarovsky family, which leads to King Stefan Batory. On his father’s side, Zadornov’s grandfather Pavel Ivanovich worked as a veterinarian, died in prison, and was rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova.

Father and mother of Mikhail Zadornov (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov has a brother, Lolliy (1930), and an older sister, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (1942), who works as an English teacher at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov as a child (Photo: zadornov.net)

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga secondary school No. 10. After school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), as the writer himself wrote in his autobiography, in those years he dreamed of becoming an outstanding nuclear physicist or spaceship designer. The first time, Zadornov did not enter the MAI because of a B in literature, but later Mikhail Zadornov transferred from the Riga Polytechnic Institute to the Moscow Aviation Institute with the loss of a year - from the third year to the second. Zadornov graduated from the institute in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering. There he began his career as an engineer at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering. Became a leading engineer. At the same time, he began publishing already in 1974. Also in the 70s, Mikhail Zadornov was the production director of the student theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia". As Zadornov recalled, “MAI was deciphered as the Moscow Acting Institute with a light aviation bias.”

The chief director of the agitation theater, Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, at a rehearsal (left); scene from the prologue of the play by Mikhail Zadornov, staged by the laureate of the 1st All-Russian festival of amateur creativity of workers, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Rossiya agitation theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 1980 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov/TASS)

Creativity of a writer and humorist

Mikhail Zadornov made his debut as a comedian on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” A few years later, Zadornov became famous after reading the story “The Ninth Car”. In addition to the author himself, his miniatures were performed by many famous performers of those years. Zadornov’s stories were so popular in those years that after the collapse of the USSR on December 31, 1991, the comedian even made a New Year’s address to the residents of the already collapsed Union. Thus, at that amazing time, it was Mikhail Zadornov who summed up the existence of the USSR.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov, 1993 (Photo: Alexander Sentsov and Alexander Chumichev/TASS)

In those years, Mikhail Zadornov could often be seen and heard in such programs as “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Satirical Forecast”, “Mothers and Daughters”, the satirist was on the jury of the KVN program. Over time, Mikhail Zadornov moved on to large solo concerts, and also continued to write books. Zadornov’s first collection of stories, “A Line 15,000 Meters Long,” was published back in 1988, followed by “The Mystery of the Blue Planet,” “I Don’t Understand!” and “Return.” In 1997, Mikhail Zadornov’s four-volume book was published - “A Great Country with an Unpredictable Past”, then “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinka”. Also from the pen of Zadornov came the one-act comedy “Modern People” and a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”.

The premiere of the play "Blouse" directed by Vyacheslav Spesivtsev based on the play of the same name by the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov took place yesterday at the MET (Moscow Experimental Theater) Spesivtsev. In the photo: Mikhail Zadornov (left) and Vyacheslav Spesivtsev after the premiere (left), 2002 (Photo: Tatyana Balashova/TASS)

Comic tournament "Big Hat" Description: Russia. Moscow. November 12, 1992 Tournament participants (from left to right) - Adviser to the President of Russia on sports Shamil Tarpishchev, Secretary of State Gennady Burbulis, writer Mikhail Zadornov and director of the Kremlin Cup - 92 tournament Eugene Scott at the Moscow Olympic sports complex, 1992 (Photo : Roman Denisov/TASS)

For many years, Zadornov remained one of the most popular comedians in Russia; many hours of satirist performances were regularly shown on TV. He continued to publish books, so in 2016 alone five books were published: “Russians are a brain explosion”, “Runes of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Encyclopedia of National Stupidity”, “The Whole Truth about Russia” and “Invented in the USSR”. In 2017, Zadornov released “Perky Reading” and “Big Concert of Mikhail Zadornov.” The writer’s official website says that Mikhail Zadornov cannot influence the prices of his books in stores, so he decided to sell them on the Internet.

Laureates of the Ovation Award: Masha Rasputina (in the nomination "Soloist of the Year") and Mikhail Zadornov (in the nomination "Best Writer - Satirist of the Year"), 1999 (Photo: Sergey Miklyaev/TASS)

In his speeches, Zadornov took a lot out of the United States and Americans; the phrase “they’re stupid” ran like a red thread through the satirist’s concerts.

Satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov and host of the TV program “Full House” Regina Dubovitskaya (right) during the performance “Full House Gets High” at the Rossiya Central Concert Hall, 1997 (Photo: Sergey Dzhevakhashvili/TASS)

Since 2006, Mikhail Zadornov has actively performed amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which have often been criticized.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov's first wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, was born in 1948, the daughter of the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina got married in 1971.

Zadornov’s second wife, Elena Vladimirovna Bombina, was born in 1964 and works as the writer’s administrator.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife, 2016 (Photo: instagram.com/zadornovmn)

Mikhail Zadornov's daughter Elena was born in 1990. In 2009 she entered GITIS.

Mikhail Zadornov's illness

In October 2016, Mikhail Zadornov was forced to cancel some of the concerts planned for autumn and winter and withdraw from the Saltykov-Shchedrin Show project on the NTV channel. The reason was Zadornov’s serious health condition. “I really have to cancel some concerts until the New Year. First of all, those that are far from Moscow and require flights and long, difficult journeys. Unfortunately, a very serious illness has been discovered in the body, which is characteristic not only of age. It is necessary to treat immediately,” the writer commented on the latest news about health on the social network VKontakte, without specifying what kind of disease he was diagnosed with.

Zadornov reported where he is now, explaining that he will undergo treatment in one of the best clinics in the Baltics. “I warn journalists: it is useless to call me, it is useless to look for me. And it is unlikely that this clinic will answer you anything specific about me. There is also no point in calling my relatives. I didn’t really tell them anything either,” said the 68-year-old comedian.

Later, Zadornov denied rumors that he had incurable lung cancer and advised not to believe the “reliable newspapers” that write about this. The writer also had to “justify” the fact that he was receiving treatment in Latvia. “And now about the criticism, they say, Zadornov stigmatizes the EU, but he himself went there for treatment. Let me explain: there are doctors there who have been seeing me for many, many years. But I’ve been living for a long time. And these doctors preserved the best of Soviet medicine, and did not completely comply with the EU protocol,” Mikhail Zadornov responded to his critics.

Poet Evgeny Yevtushenko and satirist Mikhail Zadornov (from left to right) at the opening of the museum-gallery in Peredelkino, where paintings from E. Yevtushenko’s personal collection and his author’s photographs are presented. The event is dedicated to the poet’s 78th birthday, 2010 (Photo: Evgeny Volchkov/TASS)

Despite his serious health condition, Mikhail Zadornov did not stop his concert activities. On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized after he became ill during a performance at the Moscow Meridian concert hall. Because of the incident, the concert was interrupted, the artist was helped off stage into the dressing room, after which an ambulance was called.

A few days later, the writer’s relatives told where Mikhail Zadornov is now. After an unsuccessful performance, the satirist went to a sanatorium, where he felt better and began to work.

In February 2017, Zadornov’s friend Vladimir Kachan said that the writer underwent a brain biopsy in Germany in December. “He is now in the rehabilitation department. Doctors don’t give any forecasts yet, they say: “Everything is going as usual!” Hospital treatment is expensive. There are no questions about money yet,” Kachan said.

The writer’s friend Maxim Zabelin said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to leave the hospital to attend the filming of the film “Once Upon a Time in America, or...” according to his script. In the summer of 2017, Zadornov is scheduled to play the role of Donald Trump in this film.

The latest news about Mikhail Zadornov’s health was not encouraging; for example, many media outlets reported in the summer of 2017 that Zadornov refused to continue treatment, said goodbye to friends in Russia and decided to stay in Jurmala among people close to him.

With reference to an unnamed friend of the satirist, the news reported that Mikhail Zadornov has brain cancer, treatment has not helped and the writer is “melting before our eyes.” Mikhail Zadornov’s assistant and secretary Elena Zavarzina denied this news about his health. Numerous fans of his talent followed the latest news about Zadornov’s condition, wishing the writer health.

In October, Zadornov personally dispelled rumors about his health and “inadequate” treatment for brain cancer. According to him, everything that is written in the press about his physical condition upsets him. Moreover, when famous people talk about going to visit the artist, helping with treatment and “bringing rare medicines prepared in secret laboratories according to recipes found at the UFO crash site.”

In November 2017, Archpriest Andrei Novikov reported that “at the request of relatives and friends, he administered unction to Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov.” “Two months ago, Mikhail Nikolaevich brought repentance to God in the sacrament of confession in the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow. He goes through this difficult period of his life as an Orthodox Christian reconciled with the Holy Church. I ask for prayers for God’s servant Michael, including, may the merciful Lord forgive him for his years of shocking flirtation with paganism,” the news quoted the archpriest’s Facebook page as saying that producer Joseph Prigogine considers the death of the famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov a grave loss for the country.

In turn, singer and composer Igor Nikolaev called Zadornov’s decision to return to Orthodoxy before his death a wise step.

There were also people who wanted to promote themselves on the topic of the writer’s death. So the satirical writer Evgeny Shestakov said that Mikhail Zadornov wanted to order texts from him in order to then publish them under his own name.

“About ten years ago. Zhenya Viktorovich Shestakov is visiting Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Who invited him to offer to write texts for him. Which will be published under the name of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov, and Zhenya will receive $500 for each. Zhenya refused. 2 witnesses. The sweets and tea were quite good,” the news quoted Yevgeny Shestakov’s Facebook post as saying.

In the comments under the writer’s message, musician Yuri Loza stood up for Zadornov, writing: “He honestly offered, you refused. What's wrong? He didn’t steal your reprises.”

Those close to the satirist noted that Mikhail Zadornov had a very ironic attitude towards publicity and always protected his own life and the lives of his relatives from the intrusive interference of others. “We ask that you respect his wishes not to make a fuss about his death. We did not give our consent to anyone for public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in print media and on the radio,” an appeal from the family of the writer Zadornov was published in the news.

On the afternoon of November 15, Mikhail Zadornov was buried next to his father in Jurmala, Latvia, at the Yaundubulti cemetery. The ceremony was attended by relatives and close friends of Mikhail Nikolaevich. The writer's funeral service took place in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Riga. When the car with the artist’s body left the cathedral territory, it was surrounded by Zadornov’s fans. Many could not hold back their tears; the car was seen off with long applause.

Mikhail Zadornov is a popular satirist who was known and loved not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Zadornov's monologues were always topical, full of subtle irony, and their heroes are perfectly recognizable in everyday life, which is why all the satirist's speeches invariably scattered into quotes, attracted many spectators and were a great success.

When did the career of this bright satirist begin and what was his path to the big stage? Our article, which is entirely dedicated to one of the best comedians on the modern Russian stage, will help you find out all this.

Family, childhood and youth

Mikhail Zadornov was born in the Latvian resort city of Jurmala. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, was a writer specializing primarily in historical topics. Mom - Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich - came from an old noble family and was a housewife.

While still at school, the future satirist began to get seriously interested in theater. As some of his acquaintances claimed, in one of the children's performances, young Mikhail played the role of a turnip so masterfully that he was repeatedly pulled out for an encore. The next role was a costumed bear in the production of Ostrovsky’s “A Profitable Place” - his character had no words, but Mikhail growled so convincingly that he was invited to the drama club on a permanent basis.

Despite his success in the acting field, after school Mikhail Zadornov decided to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, since there was a good handball team there, and the future satirist was fascinated by this game from an early age. However, his further sports career did not work out - one day during training he fell and broke his meniscus.

Creative path

Zadornov wrote his debut literary work (the unpublished story “The Intersection Point”) at the age of 18, after being on an expedition to the Kuril Islands (the plot was based on impressions from the trip). Alas, the story did not impress the editors of the magazine and was not published.

In 1969, Zadornov transferred to the second year of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which he graduated in 1974 with a diploma in mechanical engineering, simultaneously receiving an offer from management to remain at MAI as an employee. Mikhail agreed, but rather not because of the prospects of becoming a researcher, but for the sake of the youth theater “Russia” at the Moscow Aviation Institute, to which he devoted a significant part of his student years: he was an actor, he himself acted as a playwright and director. Under his leadership, the theater gained fame in the Soviet republics and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Mikhail Zadornov’s life was connected with “Russia” until 1980.

Zadornov's first publications were published in 1974. The satirist was published within the Yunost magazine, and in 1984 he headed its satire and humor department. However, already in 1985 he left his post, devoting himself to his own literary career.

Zadornov's first performance. "Student's Letter Home" (1982)

In 1982, Zadornov made his debut on television with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home” about the misadventures of an unlucky student. Two years later, he appeared on the program “Around Laughter” with the monologue “The Ninth Car”. It was this vital sketch about how two carriages with the same number were mistakenly attached to the next train to Hungary, which later became Zadornov’s calling card.

Mikhail Zadornov – “The Ninth Car” (1984)

The audience also fell in love with the bold (at that time) monologue “Open Letter to the Secretary General” - about the preparation of the leadership of a small town for the visit of the Secretary General of the USSR. The very fact that this work, full of pointed satire, was voiced from a television screen signaled changes in the socio-political life of the country. However, the feuilleton firmly settled in Zadornov’s repertoire and still sounded just as relevant even after many years.

In the late eighties, Mikhail Zadornov began working as the author of humorous texts for other artists. Many famous comedians performed his monologues, including Yevgeny Petrosyan, and Zadornov himself regularly shared new observations with his characteristic irony in new issues of “Funny Panorama”, “Full House” and “Satirical Forecast”.

Mikhail Zadornov on the differences between Americans and Russians

In 1988, Zadornov’s first collection of stories, “A Line 15 Thousand Meters Long,” was released as part of the anthology “The Crocodile Library.” The following collection, “The Mystery of the Blue Planet,” was published with a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

A unique indicator of the artist’s popularity was the fact that on December 31, 1991, it was Mikhail Zadornov, and not Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet assumed presidential powers in place of Mikhail Gorbachev, who congratulated the residents of the collapsed state on the New Year.

Despite the fact that in his speeches the comedian often “attached” the country’s leadership and the president himself, this did not prevent him from getting an apartment in the “nomenklatura” building on Osennaya Street, where Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, the head of the presidential security Alexander Korzhakov and other high-ranking officials lived officials. The fact is that the satirist often played tennis with Yeltsin and managed to make a good impression on the president.

In the nineties, he also tried himself as a screenwriter and film actor. One of Zadornov’s most famous works was the film “I Want Your Husband,” filmed in 1992 based on his own script. There were only three actors in the film; In addition to Mikhail Nikolaevich, Ekaterina Voronina and Anna Dubrovskaya were involved in the filming. According to the plot, a young beauty Oksana appears to a woman named Elena, who is preparing to celebrate a porcelain wedding, and offers to buy out Elena’s husband, who, as it turns out, has been cheating on his wife for many years. Recognizable “Zadorn” dialogues and a subtly conveyed imprint of a bygone era ensured the film recognition and love from the audience.

A year earlier, he also appeared in the Latvian-produced film “Depression” with a cameo role as an official, as well as in Viktor Sergeev’s film “Genius” (cameo).

1997 was marked by the release of a four-volume book, which included the best works of the satirist at that time. Since 2000, every year Zadornov presented to the public at least two or three new concert programs. He invariably went on stage in a suit and with papers in his hands, and after the concert he showed the audience his stretching, doing the splits, or walking on his hands. His performance schedule was, without exaggeration, crazy: he once had to give as many as 8 concerts in one day.

"American Stupidity" (2016)

In the early 2000s, the leitmotif of Zadornov’s speeches became “American” themes. Zadornov’s signature phrase “Well, stupid!” and is still heard today. After a scandal involving discrimination against the Russian Olympic team at the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, the satirist demonstratively canceled his American visa. Subsequently, “amateur etymology” appeared in his repertoire, as well as frequent criticism of Russian education, the Unified State Exam and the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko in particular.

Mikhail Zadornov about the Unified State Exam and education reform

In 2012, Mikhail Zadornov shot the pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost story", which was subsequently shown by the REN-TV channel. The film told about the confrontation between supporters of the “Norman theory” and those who argued that the Vikings could not rule Russia. His work was criticized, arguing that in recent years it was this pseudo-historical and openly politicized approach that began to prevail in the work of the pop satirist.

Film by Mikhail Zadornov “Rurik. Lost story"

Since the beginning of the 2010s, Zadornov has maintained contact with fans of his work via the Internet. In addition to the official website, the satirist maintained a blog on LiveJournal, a channel on Youtube (Zador TV) and his own VKontakte page. Quite a large part of the satirist’s repertoire consisted of so-called “observations” - notes from life sent by readers.

In 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and Dmitry Kolchin became co-hosts of the original satirical program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”. On air, the hosts and guests joked about real-life incidents.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

In his life, Mikhail Zadornov was officially married only once. His wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician, studied at the same school with him, then was his classmate at the Moscow Aviation Institute. A beautiful and intelligent girl knew her worth, and therefore Mikhail had to win her heart for a long time. The young people dated for a long time, and in the spring of 1971 they got married.

Relationships in the young family went wrong during the period when the artist’s career began to rapidly gain momentum. At this moment, Mikhail Zadornov began dating Elena Bombina - he met a girl who was 16 years younger than the satirist at one of his performances (she was an administrator at that festival) in the late 80s.

Subsequently, she became his common-law wife. In 1990, Mikhail and Elena gave birth to a daughter, Elena Zadornova, Zadornov’s only child. Having inherited her father's artistic genes, she graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI). Zadornov was a vegetarian for many years

Zadornov also spoke about supporting the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement, which promotes the ideology of so-called “family estates” - plots of land measuring at least a hectare on which members of one family can arrange their home in accordance with the rules of the eco-community.

Death of Mikhail Zadornov

In the fall of 2016, Mikhail Zadornov admitted to having serious health problems, due to which he had to leave the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” program and cancel concerts in far corners of the country. He did not advertise the name of the disease, but very soon Andrei Malakhov in his program accidentally declassified the satirist’s illness - it turned out that Zadornov had brain cancer. Mikhail Nikolaevich did not deny the information, but asked fans not to make a fuss, adding that he was undergoing chemotherapy and was trying to follow the precepts of Daria Dontsova: “The main thing is not to give up and keep yourself in good shape!”

On October 23, Mikhail Zadornov became ill during a performance at the Meridian Palace of Culture. He was taken by ambulance straight from the concert. Doctors recorded the man having an epileptic seizure due to nervousness.

At the beginning of 2017, Regina Dubovitskaya spoke about the satirist’s condition, saying that Zadornov had undergone a serious operation and had a long course of treatment ahead of him. “He really wants to return to the audience and delight his fans with books,” she added.

Unfortunately, the treatment did not help, nor did his conversion to the Orthodox faith (at the beginning of November, Mikhail received unction in the capital’s Church of the Life-Giving Trinity). On November 10, 2017, Mikhail Zadornov passed away. He was 69 years old.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov ordered to be buried in his homeland, in the same grave with his father, and to support the Riga library named after Nikolai Zadornov.

Comments have been closed on Zadornov’s VKontakte page, where in the last months of his life fans of the satirist left him thousands of wishes for recovery and warm words of support. His secret concert is also located there - in the Capercaillie's Nest. The group of fans of his work continues to function. On November 15, Mikhail Nikolaevich was buried at the Jaundubulti cemetery in Jurmala.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov (July 21, 1948, Jurmala, Latvian SSR, USSR - November 10, 2017, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, humorist, comedian, one of the first stand-up comedians in Russia, member of the Writers' Union of Russia . Author of more than ten books. Among them are lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays.

In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in mechanical engineer. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at department 204 “Aerospace Thermal Engineering” as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

Began publishing in 1974. In the 1970s-1980s, Mikhail Zadornov was the director of the student theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia". With the propaganda theater team he traveled to many corners of the USSR and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In 1984-1985 - head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth".

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home,” but real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story “The Ninth Car.” Many famous artists read Zadornov’s stories and miniatures from the stage, and starting in the late 1980s, he began performing his works himself. Since the early 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and host of famous television programs such as “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Satirical Forecast”, “Mothers and Daughters”.

Since 1990, books by M. N. Zadornov have been published: “The End of the World”, “I Don’t Understand!”, “Return”, the one-act comedy “Modern People”, a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”, a four-volume set - “A Great Country with unpredictable past”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinki”. He acted in films (the film “I Want Your Husband” (1991), the film “Genius” (1991), “Depression” (1991).

Mikhail Zadornov is a laureate of the Golden Calf and Ovation awards.

In 1996 he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA”, Riga.

Mikhail Nikolaevich is active on the Internet - he had his own blog on LiveJournal and a blog on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Also, in the summer of 2010, Mikhail Zadornov registered on the social network “VKontakte” and uploaded to his page unique video recordings of the concert “It’s Hard to Live Easy,” which was shown on the REN-TV channel only at the end of December 2010. In addition, Mikhail Zadornov had his own channel on youtube.com, where he also posted these recordings.

Books (7)

Suddenly out of nowhere

The book includes stories performed on television and published in newspapers from 1980 to 2001.

Since satirists are always more honest than encyclopedists, in this book I wanted to show the development of our country with an “unpredictable past” in recent years.

Line 15,000 meters long

Since the title of the collection may cause confusion in the reader, the author considers it necessary to explain why he called it that.

Recently, imported pens have begun to appear in stationery stores, on which it is not written in our own way: “Line 5000 meters.” In our opinion, this means that whoever gets such a pen will be able to draw a line five thousand meters long with it.

When the author wrote this collection, he used exactly three pens. That is, if everything he wrote is stretched into a single straight line, you get a “Line 15,000 meters long”! For a serious prose writer, the distance is not serious. For the non-serious, which the author considers himself to be, one might say, a stayer. And for the reader? Only the reader himself can answer this question when he has walked the entire distance to the end or at least skimmed it with his eyes. Unless, of course, he leaves it early due to fatigue or injury, recognizing himself in one of the characters.

Rurik. Lost story

The dispute between Normanists and anti-Normanists has not subsided for almost three centuries. Such scientists as M. Lomonosov, D. Ilovaisky, S. Gedeonov, A. Hilferding took part in it. In the twentieth century, S. Lesnoy, A. Kuzmin, and L. Grot joined the dispute.

And here is another book - a blow to the Norman theory - by our famous contemporary, Mikhail Zadornov, dedicated to the issues of the origin of Prince Rurik and Russian statehood. Being a satirist, Zadornov looked at Normanism from a humorous point of view. But the talent of a thinker also allowed him to see where to look for the origins of Rus'.

He himself jokingly calls himself a pagan. A pagan is not at all what you think. “I speak nature” - this is the meaning our ancestors put into this word. "I see the point." But it is not enough for Zadornov to discover this essence. He still needs to retell it to everyone he can. Preferably repeatedly and with humor so that it gets across.

In other words, show your tongue. That is, Zadornov is a squared pagan! It turns out that the main secret of the pagans is that they stick their tongues out at problems. And therefore, always joyful, they live in harmony with nature, like butterflies, like birds...

Mikhail Zadornov has died. Writer, satirist, journalist, presenter. A man who, over the course of several decades, created a cultural code that was imprinted on the subcortex of several generations. A man whom, it seems, anyone, without hesitation, was ready to let into their home - he was so at home.

A little over a year ago, viewers and friends of the writer noticed that Zadornov looked very bad. The assumptions were the most terrible. Mikhail Nikolaevich himself hid for a long time what was happening to him, but in October last year he finally admitted that he had cancer.

As reported by the media, doctors discovered the disease when it was already at the last stage. For a year, Mikhail Zadornov fought for his life: he underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor and underwent chemotherapy. But, unfortunately, the disease too quickly claimed the life of the artist beloved by many.

As the co-chairman of the Russian Patient Union, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, head tumors, especially those located in the skull area, are very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor “feels” it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times in size, and the person can die, he added.

Most likely, Mikhail Zadornov had glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive type of brain tumor. On average, they live with it from nine months to a year, says oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors are almost always asymptomatic in the initial stages. Especially - formations in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it, said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing apart the brain tissue. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

The oncologist recalled which stars had or have the same disease: singer Zhanna Friske, actor Valery Zolotukhin, etc. They also had brain tumors.

- A brain tumor is a fatal tumor. The patient has virtually no chance of a full recovery. We know that singer Zhanna Friske was treated for a long time with the most modern medicines by the best specialists in Europe and America. Alas, her life could not be saved. Even surgery often does not provide any guarantee - the tumor can grow again. Unfortunately, there is no prevention for this disease. If we can at least guess what causes lung cancer (most often smoking), then in the case of brain oncology it’s just fate,” said Konstantin Titov.

Mikhail Zadornov became famous as a popularly beloved satirist, humorist, actor and member of the Russian Writers' Union. He has more than ten books to his name, including lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays.

On November 10, it became known about the death of the famous artist, writer and satirist Mikhail Zadornov. A year ago, during a performance, he had an attack, which was followed by hospitalization and long-term treatment in a clinic in Germany. But, despite the improvements that encouraged the artist and his family, after a short remission his condition began to deteriorate.

Therefore, he underwent a short-term rehabilitation after a course of chemotherapy in a Moscow clinic after a long illness, and the latest news about this incident struck his fans to the core.

Last will

Information has emerged that the satirist took care not only of his own affairs in terms of inheritance, but also discussed in advance with his relatives where he wanted to be buried. Mikhail Zadornov was unable to overcome the disease, and the latest news about his death became known to a wide audience. The artist’s relatives said that they intend to bury the satirist next to his father, whose grave is in Latvia. Also, Zadornov’s last will was that his body be transported to another country only by land, without the use of other means. According to the relatives, they have no right to break their word given to Mikhail and are obliged to fulfill his last will.

The comedian not only joked on stage, but also promoted the cultural and tribal values ​​of the Russian people. In his opinion, every person should know and honor their history, especially the history of their family, not forgetting their great ancestors.

Therefore, being buried next to his father was extremely important to him. Indeed, in this way, after death he will remain with his ancestor and take a place next to him not only in the cemetery, but also in the afterlife.

Also, Mikhail Zadornov, who was killed by a terrible disease, published the latest news on the Telegram social network, where he expressed his last will. He asked not to allow the Russian-language library named after Nikolai Zadornov in Riga to close and to support its activities. According to the famous artist, such a unique library has a right to exist and therefore he sincerely hoped that it would continue to exist after his death.

The legacy of a comedian

For many fans, Zadornov's performances were not only a reason to laugh at his jokes and have fun, but also instructive life lessons. Mikhail Nikolaevich taught us to take life’s difficulties more simply and not to give up when troubles start. His life position and humorous attitude towards many aspects of life and everyday life have become a role model for many generations of his fans.

Mikhail Zadornov was a sincere, kind and open person. He easily made contact with his fans and did not hesitate to participate in events that he happened to attend. So, in the city of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, walking along the embankment and meeting the newlyweds, he sincerely congratulated the new married couple and gladly took part in a photo shoot with the newlyweds.

Mikhail Nikolaevich always expressed his extraordinary opinion, not comparable with other views. He did not like to play political games and always said what he thought, without fear of condemnation from the outside. That is why he was banned from entering many European countries, and, before his illness became known, from Ukraine.

Throughout his life, Zadornov not only performed in comedy programs, but also made several films dedicated to the history of Russia. He glorified Slavic traditions and attracted young people to study real history.

Before the audience who watched his documentaries, Mikhail Nikolaevich posed questions that made them think about many gaps in Russian history. He believed that after 20-30 years the textbooks would be rewritten and the empty spaces on the pages would be filled. Then the Russians will finally know their full and true history. Unfortunately, Zadornov will not be able to see and read them in person.

Also, the famous satirist sent many humorous books to publishing houses, which began to be actively published in 1990. The writer wrote his first work in 1970, but the editors of the printing house did not like it. Therefore, the debut book was never published. But, over time, the author of satire and humor honed his writing skills and his works began to be published in printed copies and in large editions. And when Zadornov gained popularity as an artist in comedy programs, his books became doubly popular.

But Mikhail Nikolaevich not only wrote books, but also helped others read them. Having joined forces with Alexey Sheinin, in 2012 he opened a library named after. Nikolai Zadornov. The satirist created the interior personally, and many of the items were invented by him.

Zadornov had to transport his initial second-hand book “capital” to Latvia illegally. But the idea found a response and after 3 months 2,000 people became its regular visitors. And many celebrities from the CIS countries shared copies of their favorite works.


After the death of Mikhail Zadornov, who was unable to overcome the disease, the latest news on all Russian television channels changed. Today the broadcasting of some programs will be changed and will not run as scheduled:

  1. The channel “Russia-1” will launch a program called “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast”, where the latest news about the life and death of the satirist will be covered. Due to the sudden death of the comedian, Malakhov’s team had to quickly rewrite the script and collect the maximum amount of information about Mikhail Zadornov. The entire program will be dedicated exclusively to him.
  2. On October 10, the REN TV channel will show a documentary film released by Mikhail Zadornov in 2005 called “Prophetic Oleg. Found reality." The channel announced this in the news service. The canal workers believe that in this way they will honor the memory of this wonderful and extraordinary person who worked with them for many years.

The President of the Russian Federation did not stand aside either. Vladimir Putin, who had a very close relationship with Mikhail Zadornov, hoped that the disease would not be able to defeat such a strong man, so the latest news was marked by the fact that the head of the country expressed his condolences to the relatives and fans of the great man.

At the same time, Vladimir Vinokur suggested that in fact Zadornov’s death is another bluff and a joke that was quickly spread by the yellow press. All this time, he tried to contact the satirist’s relatives in order to obtain reliable information about the artist’s death, but was unable to contact either his daughter or his legal wife.

Therefore, he asks journalists not to rush to conclusions and not to publish information that has not been verified from the original source.

Otherwise, it may turn out that Mikhail Zadornov suddenly “resurrects from the dead,” completely unaware of the trouble that has happened, and ruins all the fun for journalists by completely denying the information. Perhaps Vinokurov is right in expressing this opinion. After all, there have been more than once cases when the “death of an artist” was a falsification and a lie deliberately spread by journalists. But when condolences come from the government, it is impossible to deny what happened. After all, Mikhail Zadornov is not a mythical character who can be reborn from the ashes.

The death of Mikhail Zadornov was confirmed by his relatives, publishing a statement in “Live Diaries” and on the social network “Vkontakte”. They reported that the satirist died on November 10 at 9.15 am. The relatives also asked to show respect for the memory of the deceased and not to air his “dirty laundry” by highlighting the negative aspects of his biography. Zadornov always tried to protect his personal life from outside interference, not allowing the press to delve into his family affairs.