What year will it be for Taurus? Taurus – Cat

Taurus birth dates: 21.04 - 20.05

Ruling planet of Taurus: Venus.

Element of Taurus: Earth.

Taurus symbols: winged bull and cow, Taurus.

Happy days for Taurus: Monday, Friday.

Unlucky Taurus day: Tuesday.

Metal Taurus: copper.

Taurus Gemstone: emerald.

Taurus plant: spinach.

Numerology of Taurus: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Taurus: pink.

Opposite sign of Taurus: Scorpion

For those born under the sign of Taurus, the coming 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be a rather eventful and active period. Luck will be on their side, the stars will give Taurus energy, determination, and in combination with such qualities of the representatives of the sign as perseverance and the ability to go towards their goals, they will give good results. At the beginning of the year, luck itself will fall into the hands of Taurus, sometimes it will not even depend on whether the person makes an effort or not. The second half of the year will require representatives of the sign to be more focused; they will need to show decisiveness in making decisions, act cheerfully and energetically in order to achieve success. The stars advise Taurus to pull himself together and work on what he needs, and not be scattered about what he wants. During this period, it is important to show responsibility and not relax, indulging in idleness and carelessness.

Meanwhile, the Year of the Rooster prepares for representatives of this zodiac constellation not only situations where it will be necessary to show commitment and strict order. There will also be pleasant surprises, which can be regarded as gifts of fate. It is likely that Taurus will meet with their old friends, whom they no longer hoped to see. 2017 will make it possible to correct past mistakes and solve problems that Taurus have long given up on.

In the middle of the year, representatives of the sign are advised to show special delicacy and diplomacy, even if at this moment they are very busy with work. Taurus should say goodbye to their bad habits and character traits, be more attentive to others, and listen to advice. It will be difficult for stubborn people to think that their opinion is not the only correct one, but the stars advise during this period to take into account the opinions of others.

The generous Rooster will set one condition - discipline; if the representatives of the sign are “blown away” by the success that has fallen on their heads, there is a real risk that Lady Fortune will turn away very soon. Self-control and discipline must prevail to avoid getting into trouble and making mistakes.

Work for Taurus in 2017

In terms of career, 2017 promises representatives of the sign quite serious prospects and achievements. Feats in the professional field will not only be possible, they will literally suggest themselves. However, this does not mean that Taurus will not need to do anything and rely on the stars, which will attract resounding and quick success into his life. You always need to understand that the basis of any, even the most favorable and happy combination of circumstances, lies in complete dedication and self-control. Taurus will have to make efforts to implement plans and achieve a favorable outcome.

Hard work and vigorous activity will allow Taurus to earn recognition from their colleagues. Success will accompany those representatives of the sign who work hard to draw up plans, implement them, and complete what they started. The stars do not advise taking risks and rushing, making rash steps; if Taurus succumbs to temptation, taking on an ill-conceived project, or risk investing money in a dubious event, career affairs will be doomed to failure.

The main condition for a successful career will be the motto: “Do not act against the rules!” Discipline, combined with a healthy display of conservatism, will ensure Taurus advancement up the career ladder and a kind attitude from superiors.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

The stars do not promise mountains of gold for Taurus in 2017; the sphere of finance for representatives of the sign will remain in a stable average state. You don’t have to worry about significant material problems or financial failures, but you also don’t have to count on hitting a good jackpot. If Taurus does not attempt the impossible, then they have every chance to replenish their budget, even if not by a very substantial, but very pleasant amount.

Advice from acquaintances, friends, relatives and friends will be of no small importance for Taurus for success in financial matters. Representatives of the sign should listen to the advice of professionals, financial investors, and consider proposals for cooperation in the material sphere. When accepting proposals, Taurus must carefully think over and weigh everything slowly, so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

2017 will be a favorable time for Taurus to pay off all debt obligations; during this period they can close loans and repay loans. Those representatives of the sign who do not yet have the opportunity to fully repay all their debts will have to carefully consider their responsibilities as a borrower.

The second half of the year will be successful for Taurus’ money affairs. It is at this time that representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to replenish the budget; the period is favorable for receiving income, both basic and additional. The stars advise Taurus to be more careful during this period so as not to miss the chance to make good money. If representatives of the sign use this opportunity to the fullest, then it will not be difficult for them to make a good profit, thanks to their ability and ability to earn money to ensure their personal well-being and comfort.

Good results in the financial sphere will be achieved by Taurus, who are no strangers to creativity, active work, and manifestation of creativity. Those representatives of this zodiac constellation who have not yet been able to discover their creative potential will be given such an opportunity in the spring. A good reward for work awaits Taurus of creative professions; representatives of the sign of Aries and Libra will help them realize their ideas. Fruitful cooperation with Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn will help you achieve good results in the financial sector.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

In the love sphere, 2017 can hardly be called an ideal period. There is a possibility that Taurus’ relationships with their significant other will become uncontrollable, and they will have to look for a way out in order to get through this difficult stage without losses. But the emotional background will not be too harsh; by pulling themselves together, representatives of the sign will be able to resolve all difficult situations and improve relationships. All disagreements that, one way or another, will arise in the year of the Rooster can be resolved. Control over the situation and your own actions will help to minimize all worries and emotional outbursts.

Excessive impressionability, characteristic of most representatives of the sign, will not allow them to smooth out corners; they will react strongly to the behavior of their other half. Moreover, the partner may not even know what he is doing wrong. Taurus need to learn to talk; a confidential conversation with a loved one will help minimize the likelihood of conflicts, which often arise out of nowhere.

In the first half of 2017, married Taurus will experience a new surge of emotions towards their partner; it will be a bright and eventful period. Single representatives of the star sign are preparing a new romance, which will be so crazy that it will most likely end in a wedding.

In the second half of the year, changes are expected in the romantic life of representatives of the sign. For many Taurus at this time, the wind of change will bring new impressions and emotions, and they themselves will not be against such a turn of events, they will want new emotions and bright manifestations of passion. In order for Taurus not to slip out from under their noses, other halves need to try to take the relationship to a qualitatively new level.

For gifted and stubborn Taurus, nothing will be impossible in 2017; luck will help them reveal all the facets of their talent, but recognition will need to be earned, and not wait for happiness to fall on their heads.

This year promises to be bright and eventful for Taurus. Those born under the auspices of this sign, literally from the first days of the beginning of the year, will be eager to sow kindness and rationality around them. However, it is also worth saying that you should not expect positive changes at the beginning of the year; it will take some time to make friends with an Earth Dog. She will send certain difficulties that must be endured and passed with all dignity, then a reward will immediately follow that will brighten up all the sorrows.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2018

In the coming year, Taurus will have one main problem that will have to be solved - finances. Considering how much this sign cares about material stability, financial difficulties will hit their ego hard. But Taurus has enough strength not to break under the pressure of circumstances. Approximately in the month of April, life will become much easier; during this period the Dog will change its attitude towards Taurus, so in mid-spring representatives of this sign should expect relief. Men will feel how determination returns to them, they will regain courage and confidence, and continue to move towards their goals. Women are very likely to want to change their lives by this period, and will begin to do this with their appearance. This will not only benefit your own feelings, but will also attract abundant attention from the opposite sex.

The personal life of Taurus will also be subject to changes, with single representatives of the sign expected to experience the most transformation. They are the ones who will begin to be in active demand among the opposite sex. But at the same time, they need to be very careful, since among the large number of fans there will be many who are interested in a short-term affair. Therefore, if you are not interested in such a prospect, be sure to sort out the fans and admirers. For family Taurus, the house will be full, but before that they will have to go through fire and water. However, in terms of family, the Earth Dog is exclusively inclined to improve relationships, so it is likely that even long-standing disputes and disagreements with loved ones will be settled this year.

2017 was not the easiest year for Taurus, but 2018 will teach representatives of this sign to be calmer, wiser and more reasonable. Taurus will begin to generate many ideas that can bring very large income. However, it is better not to spread the idea to anyone, since it is highly likely that friends will begin to suggest that the idea is ridiculous.

In terms of career, Taurus will be able to defend their authority, they will have a new interest in work and a desire to run their own business at the same time. Such a desire is commendable and must be implemented. But with such high power costs, you should prepare for the fact that you will feel like a squeezed lemon. In this regard, you will have to think in advance not only about your work schedule, but also about your rest schedule.

Horoscope for Taurus women for 2018

For women, the year of the Earth Dog opens up all the opportunities to put things in order in their lives, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Settle all the questions and omissions that existed between you and your loved one, discuss further plans for your future together. Don’t be afraid if disputes and disagreements arise as a result of a showdown, they will quickly be settled, but you will finally be able to dot all the i’s. The mistake that can ruin everything is listening to the advice of your girlfriends. Even the best and time-tested friends will not be able to give a qualitative assessment of the situation, but they will be able to ruin it with a bang, and they will not necessarily do it intentionally.

Lonely stars are advised to look for a life partner among their colleagues; some of them have been breathing unevenly towards you for a long time. Be careful and attentive so as not to get into the discussion of gossips who will definitely want to put you in an unsightly light due to envy. If this is not done, then your reputation will be seriously tarnished, and it will take considerable effort to restore your good name. But for those ladies who are already in family ties, it is quite possible to expect a replenishment. Do not under any circumstances think about abortion, as this child will bring a lot of joy and happiness to the family!

Horoscope for Taurus men for 2018

The stars recommend going to work and not immersing yourself in love affairs, since, firstly, the first half of the year may result in financial difficulties and additional income will not hurt, and, secondly, work will bring a lot of positive emotions. Moreover, you should expect recognition of your merits by higher-level employees of the companies. This will have a very noticeable impact on the financial well-being of the Taurus man in 2018. But the closer it is to the summer of the new year, the more you need to slow down. Try to rest more and not stay too long at work - establish a relaxation routine and spend more time for yourself. Be sure to set aside a period for vacation and go into it headlong, turning off all cell phones. It is better to devote November-December to making long-term plans, then they will bear very good fruits, any risk will be worth the candle!

Health horoscope for Taurus for 2018

As is already clear from everything said above, this year Taurus will have to work hard. And in order not to undermine your health, you need to carefully monitor it. The Earth Dog loves those who take care of themselves and are not a supporter of bad habits. If you have the latter, it is better to discard them immediately. Review your lifestyle and try to at least gradually switch to healthy foods, and also start playing sports. Even a simple morning exercise will give you a lot of positive health benefits. In addition, such behavior on the part of a person will appease the mistress of the year.

Since the first half of the year will not be easy, you should remain as calm as possible and approach everything with a clear head. All sores arise from nerves, so if you don’t want to end up in treatment by the middle of the year, don’t be nervous.

Taurus should be especially careful on the road; in the first six months of the beginning of the year, small but unpleasant accidents are possible. For people who are prone to frequent illnesses, it is strongly recommended to protect themselves from all kinds of stress and take care of their treatment closely, as there is a high risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. But on the other hand, high-quality treatment in the coming year will help cure lingering illnesses that have been tormenting for a very long time.

The Year of the Earth Dog will bring recovery to those who previously took care of their health. Even inveterate workaholics are strongly recommended to take some time off to go on a spa treatment. After quality rest, work will go much more efficiently.

Career horoscope for Taurus for 2018

In their work, Taurus will be able to make a big breakthrough and become real leaders. And despite the fact that 2017 was characterized by great efforts that they had to make in order to gain authority, in the coming year most of them will be presented by fate. But you shouldn’t expect drastic changes; here everything will happen according to the “Taurus” style, i.e. slowly but surely. In this regard, the Earth Dog will only favor Taurus, because she is impressed by hard workers. Regardless of what field they work in, people born under this sign will have good luck.

The coming year provides opportunities to begin things that have been put off until now. With fruitful work, Taurus will receive a worthy reward by autumn. High efficiency and vigorous work activity, of course, will bear fruit, but this does not mean that everything will be calm with finances. Here everything depends on the Taurus themselves. Stop being too kind and do not borrow money, especially large sums, as there is a risk that the money borrowed during this period may not be returned at all. You should beware of reckless spending; it is better to give preference to serious investments in long-term projects.

Be careful and do not get involved in activities that raise the slightest doubt. This year is not the best for taking risks; you can get very burned. Taurus who run their own business should be constantly vigilant and careful in financial matters. Do not under any circumstances start joint ventures with relatives and friends, this may turn into a “set-up”.

Love horoscope for Taurus for 2018

The coming 2018 promises Taurus increased sensuality and passion; almost throughout the year, those born under this sign will feel in love. However, this does not mean that everything on this front will be smooth; disappointment in love is not excluded. Moreover, the difficulty lies in the fact that they will have to endure the hardships of their love life alone.

Taurus may be prevented from improving their personal life by a feeling of fear that with the advent of a new person, their entire familiar and comfortable life will change. For those who are already in a relationship, serious disagreements are possible, which can bring great tension. Taurus will feel that their partner is too busy with themselves and does not pay enough attention to them. This will sow sadness in their soul. You need to be especially careful by the summer, since by this time the situation will become extremely tense and completely innocent people may fall under the hot hand. In order to prevent the development of a negative scenario, Taurus are advised to show more patience and understanding towards their loved ones, to abandon excessive directness, but at the same time not to remain silent about if something does not suit them, but to speak about it more correctly.

However, especially sensitive and attentive Taurus in the coming year will meet partners who will be close to them in spirit - it will be like a breath of fresh air, and then Taurus will blossom. Such a feeling will only push and give strength to achieve accomplishments, which will have a positive impact on all areas of life.

Remember that the horoscope described above gives only a general picture that describes the situation for the next year. An accurate forecast can be made solely based on personal data, including time of birth. But no matter what the year, the final result will always depend on you and your approach. Therefore, be optimistic, believe in the best and then it will be so!

Taurus is synonymous with nobility. People born under this sign are distinguished by their independent character and willpower. The sign stands out from the crowd by its silence, regularity in gestures and movements. Natural curiosity and a preference for making plans for the long term will force you to read the horoscope for 2018 for Taurus today.

To get him out of a state of internal equilibrium and balance, you can, most importantly, remember: Taurus cannot be a little angry or irritated, he immediately flies into a rage, trying to crush everything in his path.

The opinions of others are important to them; you will not meet a sign in a wrinkled shirt or unclean shoes. With all his appearance he will give the appearance of a successful person who has reached heights, although he is not one.

In Taurus you can find a faithful friend who will lend a shoulder in difficult times and without hesitation borrow a large sum. Little is required of you - to prove the sincerity of your attitude and honesty. He categorically does not accept lies, but recognizes deceit surprisingly quickly.

What does the Earth Dog have in store for representatives of this sign in 2018?

Compared to the stormy and eventful 2017, its successor will be held under the auspices of peace and calm. Already in February you will have to make a responsible decision, and there will be little time to think.

Spring will be pleasant and peaceful, surprises one after another will dilute the monotonous existence of Taurus with bright colors. It is possible that you will meet a friend from the distant past, an unexpected job offer, or a fateful meeting that will allow you to understand what true love is.

In the middle of the year, your ability to anticipate troubles and deftly recognize falsehood will protect a loved one from problems with the law and even imprisonment.

By autumn, improve your relationship with your family. Take time to stay with your mom or go visit your grandma and show them how much they mean to you.

With the first cold weather, many representatives of the sign will become depressed and engage in self-criticism. It is better to devote this time to reassessing values, to understand whether you have chosen the right path in life and whether something needs to be changed in life. If the answer is yes, you should begin implementing your plans in the new year 2019.

Horoscope for 2018 for Taurus men

Fruitful work at the beginning of the year will become a panacea for heartache and suffering. You will receive satisfaction from the praise of management and restore your self-esteem, trampled by the betrayal of a loved one. The zeal shown will make Taurus direct candidates for a promotion or a cash bonus.

November and December are a favorable time for implementing long-term projects. Test yourself in a new field, the game will be worth the candle.

For Taurus women

It's time to dot all the i's in your relationship with a man. Call him for a frank conversation, ask about his intentions and prospects. Any conflicts and misunderstandings will be easily resolved and will allow you to come to a mutually beneficial solution.

Don't listen to the advice of even your most trusted friends. Only your intuition will help you give a correct assessment of events.

The stars recommend single Taurus women to take a closer look at their work colleagues. Someone has been partial to you for a long time. Be careful, gossips are not asleep. Out of envy, they may present you in an unfavorable light to their superiors. If the insidious plan is put into action, the reputation of the sign will be damaged, and it will take a lot of effort to restore it.

If warmth and comfort reign in your family, you should expect a positive pregnancy test soon! This child will turn all your plans upside down and give you boundless happiness.

Love horoscope for 2018

Peace and tranquility will reign on the love front. Free representatives of the sign will think about long-term relationships and marriage. In order not to waste energy on fleeting novels, set criteria that the other half must meet. This will allow you to quickly weed out unsuitable candidates and concentrate on the good ones.

Taurus who are in a relationship may receive news of their other half's betrayal in July-August. Whether you believe the rumors or not is up to you. A scandal based on jealousy will not lead to anything good: if there was no betrayal, you will offend the feelings and undermine the trust of your loved one, and if there was, you will be crushed by betrayal.

For signs who have been in family relationships for a long time, it’s time to add some zest to their usual coexistence with a partner. Organize a romantic trip for the two of you, give an expensive gift for no reason, or simply invite them to a restaurant.

Money horoscope

In the first half of the year, the Earth Dog warns against investing even in projects with a guaranteed profit. A sudden turn of fate will leave you penniless. This time is better spent finding a new source of income that will replenish your bank account rather than drain it. Follow a proven scheme, do not expand into areas in which you understand nothing.

The one who owns the information is rich. In mid-summer, correct interpretation of the data obtained will allow you to increase your capital. If you don’t see a profitable project on the horizon now, open a deposit box in a bank for 3-6 months - and the money will “work” and you will be confident in its safety.

In the fall, relatives will ask Taurus for financial help. Do not refuse, and already at the beginning of next year your generosity will be fully rewarded.

In November-December, Taurus will receive a lucrative offer to purchase real estate.

Career horoscope

Owners of their own business should focus their efforts on entering the foreign market. The search for foreign partners will require patience and restraint from Taurus, and compliance with the strict laws of the partner country will force them to give in in many ways. However, successful cooperation will provide you with prosperity and a comfortable old age.

Taurus employees will selflessly fulfill their duties throughout the year and by the end of 2018 they will receive a decent reward for their efforts - a new position or a good bonus. The Earth Dog warns against intrigue in the team. Maintain neutrality; one wrong step will result in ridicule from your colleagues and moral decline in the eyes of your superiors.

August will be marked by the beginning of the bright side in the professional field and will mark the start of a new productive and profitable period.

In the fall, allow yourself a long-awaited vacation, if finances allow, go abroad with the whole family or plan a renovation.

Health horoscope

In 2018, representatives of the sign must begin to fight their own bad habits. The stars recommend smokers and Taurus who abuse alcohol to give up their destructive addiction as quickly as possible. A sharp deterioration in health due to this can lead to the need for urgent surgical intervention.

The genitourinary system will be under attack in the year of the Earth Dog. During the cold season, you should avoid hypothermia, and if you experience pain, consult a doctor immediately.

By mid-summer, the risk of getting into a traffic accident increases. Your “weak” place here is your legs. Be careful, don't take risks.

Stars recommend that overweight representatives of this sign reconsider their diet. Avoid or limit artificial sugars – cakes, pastries, carbonated drinks. If your health allows, go to the gym or take long walks.

Taurus celebrities: political figures Niccolo Machiavelli, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Tony Blair, actors George Clooney, Gosha Kutsenko, Barbara Streisand, Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, Renee Zellweger.

Eastern horoscope for 2018

Other horoscopes for 2018

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The Fire Rooster will, without a doubt, fill the life of Taurus with bright events. Although the year will not be easy, it will more than compensate for all the costs if the representatives of the sign make an effort.

This horoscope will tell you:

General Taurus horoscope for 2017

Taurus will enter the Year of the Rooster slightly exhausted. After all, the difficult and eccentric monkey took a lot of strength and energy. During this period, you should be as focused as possible on practicing self-discipline and implementing what you planned on time. Only in this case, the horoscope promises good results and real gifts of fate.

Particular attention should be paid to social life and teamwork. This will reduce your own energy costs and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.

In the middle of the year, conflicts are very likely, which can have serious consequences. You should restrain yourself in emotional outbursts so as not to break off relationships with loved ones or colleagues. The stars recommend forgetting your natural stubbornness for this time. The ability to listen will be needed more than ever. Moreover, valuable advice can be given not only by representatives of the mature generation, but also by their own children.

The family will generally become the center of Taurus’ life. Already at the beginning of the year there will be an opportunity to make sure that she is support and hope in life.

In the second half of the year, Taurus will feel a surge of energy. Some will even be drawn to areas that were previously far from them. Mastering new frontiers will only be beneficial. But some representatives of this sign may completely lose track of time, which can adversely affect their personal life.

Updates should definitely become a part of the life of Taurus in 2017. This could be a radical change in hairstyle or hair color, clothing style, work, hobbies, etc. This will launch an important cycle of changes in the fate of the representatives of the sign, which will be favored by the location of the stars. Starting a family is also one of these positive changes.

It must be remembered that Taurus should make decisions that can turn their whole life upside down only after consulting with their loved ones.

The Taurus horoscope indicates the need to make efforts to create alliances, unity in the family and other types of collective action.

Taurus love horoscope for 2017

Big changes await representatives of the spring zodiac circle on the love front. On the one hand, this year will be very favorable for starting a family. This issue needs to be given special attention. Perhaps the spouse will not be the one who has been around for a long time.

There is no need to waste time on empty disputes and disagreements. It is better to learn to seek compromises, because relationships should be valued.

At the beginning of the year, the stars predict all kinds of tests of feelings. But everything will end well. It will be useful for Taurus to gain new impressions. Moreover, the emotional side prevailed over the rational throughout 2017.

Those who have not yet found their soulmate may meet them quite unexpectedly. For example, during a business trip. Purely business communication can turn into a romantic story. The love horoscope favors this.

You should be wary of adventures on the side and business connections. Most likely, this will break more than one heart and damage the reputation as a whole.

Random affairs, if any, must be hidden from your significant other. There will be no continuation of these stories, but it will be possible to make sure that your own family is the best without “going to the left.”

Career and finances of Taurus in 2017

It cannot be said that the year of the Rooster marks the financial blossoming of Taurus. But the horoscope does not note any serious problems with material values. Money can be earned with the help of advice from relatives or financial gurus. It is better not to consider projects that are too risky.

This year will be favorable for getting rid of debts. The stars do not recommend taking out new loans.

If you find yourself with large sums of money in your hands, you should treat this very carefully. There is a high risk of their loss.

Luck is generally on the side of Taurus, but only with their own serious investments. In this case, “you can’t even pull out a fish without difficulty.”

If in the second half of the year Taurus takes the risk of starting new projects or making useful business contacts, you can count on a significant improvement in well-being. The money horoscope also indicates the possible receipt of an inheritance.

If the career of those born during this period is just beginning, then they need to be on their guard. The management will carefully monitor the behavior of personnel, so there is no room for error.

Particularly talented people may discover career prospects after July. It will be difficult for the rest to escape from under the wing of higher management.

Those employed in the creative industry should count on lucrative offers and high fees in the spring.

Taurus businessmen need to carefully monitor their own reporting so as not to incur a tax audit. Additional attention can also be expected from supervisory authorities. The horoscope does not recommend going to negotiations alone due to possible distortion of information.

Sphere of health in the year of the Rooster

The Fire Rooster can bring unpleasant surprises in the area of ​​health. Exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, as well as deterioration of health in general, cannot be ruled out. To prevent this, prevention should be started at the beginning of the year. Medical examinations, dietary nutrition and adequate physical activity are useful. The health of Taurus will depend on how inherent the instinct of self-preservation is to its representatives.

You should not get involved in extreme sports, as the Taurus horoscope signals a high risk of injury.

The most vulnerable place will be the legs. Athletes should reduce the load on them, everyone else should be careful even while walking.

There should also be funds at hand for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is better to carry out constant prevention so as not to encounter a serious problem.

According to the stars, the endocrine and digestive systems are under threat. Both are sensitive to stress, so you need to be able to relieve psychological stress.

Alcohol should be in limited quantities. Especially if accompanied by rich treats. This load may be too high for the body.

Taurus women and their horoscope in 2017

First of all, seductive representatives of this sign should think about getting married. The year is ideal for this step and for the birth of the baby. But you need to give up your temper and increased demands on your partner in order to find harmony.

Throughout the year, and especially in the second half, ladies will not be deprived of male attention. But you should be careful not to provoke false rumors or jealousy of a loved one.

Career development is also going well. The Taurus woman should think about gaining new knowledge for further advancement.

Family relationships will be harmonious. There will be many pleasant surprises, discoveries, and trips in this area. It is possible that representatives of this sign will be involved in resolving issues of relatives or children. There is no point in imposing your opinion, and trying to develop a joint strategy of behavior will be useful for the whole family.

Excessive reproaches to your husband or partner can lead to discord in the relationship. Sometimes lovely ladies simply don’t notice this, so it’s useful for Taurus to listen to outside opinions about themselves.

Perhaps in the year of the Rooster, a Taurus woman will be lucky to get pregnant. It is worth trying to reduce your workload and enjoy this state as much as possible. In addition, the financial situation will be favorable for this.

Taurus men and their Year of the Rooster

Stubborn and obsessed with their own ideas, Taurus must learn gentleness. You can learn this from your parents or other half. Otherwise, by spring aggression will lead to the loss of important acquaintances that can lead to profit.

Under no circumstances should you risk large sums of money by investing in other people's projects. The horoscope indicates a prosperous start for your own projects. You will have to invest a lot of effort into them, but at the end of the year it will bring tangible results.

A Taurus man may want to prove to others how independent he is in making decisions. This is fraught with possible losses, because he will not want to listen to his wife or other relatives.

Unlike women of this sign, representatives of the stronger sex are not recommended to change their field of activity.

It is better for family Taurus to refrain from communicating with seductive people, so as not to provoke a family scandal. This can also damage your business reputation. During this same period, growth prospects may open up. It should be remembered that the leader who has his own strong team wins. Its creation may be the goal for 2017.

Taurus birth dates: 21.04 - 20.05

Ruling planet of Taurus: Venus.

Element of Taurus: Earth.

Taurus symbols: winged bull and cow, Taurus.

Happy days for Taurus: Monday, Friday.

Unlucky Taurus day: Tuesday.

Metal Taurus: copper.

Taurus Gemstone: emerald.

Taurus plant: spinach.

Numerology of Taurus: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Taurus: pink.

Opposite sign of Taurus: Scorpion

After a rather difficult previous year, the stars have prepared a long-awaited respite for Taurus - a time of peace and quiet. Representatives of the sign in the year of Yellow will not have to rest with all four hooves, trying to conquer the next peak; the time has come to relax and enjoy what has been achieved. But at the same time, Taurus will have to strengthen their positions regarding everything that they managed to achieve. Only after positions have been strengthened can one gradually move on to a new stage, and it will certainly await Taurus in 2018.

For representatives of this sign, the Year of the Yellow Dog promises to be a fairly prosperous and stable period. It’s as if they get a second wind, they become extremely active, and will be able to accurately predict events. These qualities will allow Taurus to excel in any endeavors in many areas of life. If Taurus wants to do something, then he will be able to do it, and without making much effort, everything will work out easily and simply. The representatives of the sign themselves could hardly have expected such a wonderful gift that the Dog gave them - new prospects and opportunities would open up for Taurus. Thanks to such qualities as calmness and measuredness, Taurus will succeed in everything, from amorous affairs to a career. Events will pour in one after another, as if from a cornucopia, and each of them will be accompanied by pleasant emotions. Taurus will only have time to catch all the generous gifts of fate, use every situation and every successful moment to their advantage.

Of course, during the happy period of 2018, problems will arise, but their nature will be so insignificant that hardworking and active Taurus will even be pleased to deal with them. Representatives of this horoscope house should also remember the rule of the “golden mean”; they should not take risks and overdo it, otherwise they risk getting something completely different from what they expected. In addition, one more unpleasant point should be noted - Taurus will be envied. Therefore, representatives of the sign should not shout about their successes and well-being, so as not to become a victim of provocations and intrigues. “Happiness loves silence” is the Taurus motto for 2018.

Work for Taurus in 2018

In 2018, Taurus will noticeably succeed in their work, they will be able to make a breakthrough and become real leaders in the team. And this despite the fact that in previous years, representatives of the sign had to make a lot of effort not only to become an authority, but even to stay in the team. Taurus' career ascent will occur in their characteristic manner - slowly but thoroughly. Mistress of the Year - The Dog will help Taurus move forward, give them the opportunity to settle well and gain respect in the eyes of their colleagues. Taurus, regardless of their field of activity, will be able to achieve significant success; the stars will favor them.

All matters and projects that have been shelved will be brought to completion in 2018. Their superiors will notice their high efficiency and creative approach; it is possible that already in the fall many Taurus will receive a well-deserved reward in the form of a promotion. If representatives of the sign decide to take up any business, then they will certainly achieve success in their chosen field. The only exception would be starting their own business; despite their high working potential and activity, the favorable time has not yet come for Taurus to develop independently. Those around Taurus will definitely notice his activity and efficiency, but along with delight, there will be tension. Representatives of the sign will be haunted by envy and jealousy, so the stars recommend that they be more modest.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

In material terms, the year will become quite ambiguous for most representatives of the sign. Despite the fact that Taurus will earn good money, such character traits as imprudence and kindness can serve them badly. There is a risk of not getting back large sums of money lent. In order to somehow protect themselves from such reckless spending, the stars advise Taurus to invest money in large and important acquisitions.

There is a possibility that in 2018, many Taurus will have to rely on material support from high-ranking officials; this issue will be especially relevant in the first half of the year. This situation may arise due to difficulties at work or relationships with partners. However, with sufficient activity and efficiency, Taurus can count on financial well-being. Profit can be obtained through the successful implementation of long-standing projects and dividends from investments.

In 2018, Taurus should not get involved in dubious enterprises; the stars advise not to risk their money, because there is a high probability of losing funds. Those representatives of the sign who have their own business are also advised by the heavenly bodies to keep their ears to the ground and try not to invest money in unreliable projects, so as not to become bankrupt. There is a possibility that a proposal for a joint project will be proposed by close people or friends; it is better to refuse such proposals; there is a risk that Taurus will simply be “set up”.

Taurus can successfully invest money in real estate or make a long-term investment on favorable terms with good interest rates. The end of the year will be successful in terms of finances, this will allow Taurus to be proud of their achievements and please their loved ones with expensive gifts on New Year's Eve.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Taurus

The Year of the Dog will be passionate and sensual for representatives of the zodiac sign. Almost throughout this entire period, representatives of the sign will be in a state of euphoria and love, but it is possible that some Taurus will be greatly disappointed in the relationship. Taurus will recover from love shocks alone; no one will know about their difficult state of mind; representatives of the sign will make every effort to achieve this.

As the stars say, at the beginning of the year Taurus may find themselves in an unpleasant situation associated with a difficult relationship with a loved one. Normalization of the situation on the love front can be hampered by fears of representatives of the sign of changing their usual way of life, leaving their comfort zone, and fear of bringing something new into the relationship. Taurus will suffer from the fact that a loved one cannot give them the necessary attention and does not understand the state of their subtle mental organization.

The situation will change closer to summer; many representatives of the sign will express their worries and anger, and the people around them will suffer from this. Taurus will begin to express their thoughts and desires openly, talking about everything straight to the face. This approach will not bring big changes, moreover, it can become a serious obstacle in love.

Those who are lucky enough to meet an understanding and sincere person on their way will be lucky in love. It will be like a breath of fresh air, representatives of the sign will perk up and flourish, and these changes will be noticeable even with the naked eye. In order to prevent feelings from fading away, Taurus will be ready to go to great lengths, because representatives of the sign in love become real romantics. Wonderful feelings will help Taurus get well-deserved success at work and normalize their financial condition. It is likely that these long-awaited feelings will continue not only in the form of a stormy long-term romance, but will also contribute to the creation of a family.

Even when Taurus doesn’t particularly bother looking for a soul mate, there will always be potential contenders around him to take a place in his heart. The stars advise Taurus to be bolder, not to wait for the first steps from the object of sympathy, but to act on their own, because otherwise they can miss out on mutual love and happiness.