Literary and musical composition about the life and work of I.S. Turgenev with elements of the game “That passionate voice... flies and asks to come to me!”

“Two stans are not a fighter...” Alexei Tolstoy

Two stans is not a fighter, but only a random guest,
For the truth I would be glad to raise my good sword,
But the dispute with both has hitherto been my secret lot,
And no one could bring me to the oath;
There will not be a complete union between us -
Not bought by anyone, no matter under whose banner I stand,
I can’t bear the biased jealousy of my friends,
I would defend the enemy's banner with honor!

Analysis of Tolstoy’s poem “No fighter of two camps...”

Speaking about the features of the author’s poetic credo, researchers often quote fragments of the work that appeared in 1858. First line poetic text, which opens with an expressive metaphor, has become one of the aphorisms. It expresses the position of a person who values ​​his independence and does not want to join any parties or associations.

In the literary world, there is a widespread version that interprets Tolstoy’s work as a poetic response to the discussions of the 1850-60s, which covered both socio-political and literary themes. At the same time, the emergence of a broader interpretation is justified, according to which literary text reflected the results philosophical reflections the author about the purpose of the poetic gift.

The sublime intonations of the opening set the guidelines for the lyrical situation, presenting the poet as a warrior, a fiery fighter. They correspond to the lexical content of the work, which includes essential attributes knightly themes: “good sword”, “oath”, “alliance”, “banner”. In justifying his beliefs, the hero uses a set of arguments, the structure of which is based on the allegorical construction of the beginning.

What doubts torment the noble soul of the lyrical “I”? Honest, demanding of himself, without fear, he does not consider it possible to stand under anyone’s banner. The reason for this is the lack of complete agreement with either side of the confrontation, fear for one’s own spiritual freedom, and the desire to serve humanistic ideals. The hero-knight is burdened by the uncertainty of the situation, but he is not able to change himself. Justice, integrity and honesty are absolute categories that do not depend on personal sympathies.

The final lines evoked a puzzled response from I.S. Aksakov, who predicted the “harmful” effect of the work. According to a convinced Slavophile, the position of the lyrical hero can become an excuse for cowardly and unprincipled people. Time has proven Tolstoy right: the intricacies of newfangled theories are powerless in the face of the centuries-old truth of eternal truths.

Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Two stans is not a fighter, but only a random guest

Two stans is not a fighter, but only a random guest

Beginning of a poem (1857) by the poet Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy(1817-1875).

Allegorically: about someone who does not belong and does not want to belong to any of the warring groups of people, but for various reasons maintains relations with representatives of both camps.

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