Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of the autumn holiday “Fair. Scenario for holding a folk fair: Speech, buy a pie


Arvacheva Lyubov

Fair - colored balls,
And the merchants are broken...
Fun circus - tent,
Clown in a checkered coat.

We're walking around the fair
We buy gifts for everyone.
Oh, what a beauty
Festive bustle!

We were swinging on a swing
They fidgeted on the carousel.
Goodies for the year ahead,
We're full... oh, belly.

How long have we been walking?
We are already completely tired...
Goodbye, bye
Awesome fair!!!

Autumn fair

Batu Irina

At the autumn fair,
spread out wide,
there is something that on a spring day
imagined the eye.

From grains that fell into the ground,
fruits appeared
in the growing fields
peasant's work.

From the ovaries on the branches,
in place from flowers,
the ranetkas appeared,
ruddy on the sides.

People have gotten used to it over the years
to such miracles
spinning in the gardens
good luck wheel.

Having collected a lot of fruits,
people are bargaining
and admits wearily
have a good year this year.

Autumn fair

Vera Osadets

Gifts from the rich make me happy
Passers-by at the autumn fair.
The smells here are impossible,
The colors are like an artist's palette.
One to one, without a flaw,
Eggplants shine like a mirror,
Huge mountains are intoxicating
Pink tomatoes.
The fragrance of spicy pickles
They can lift anyone's spirits.
Juicy scatterings of autumn fruits
They will be a salvation from colds and depression.
Pears, apples, plums, persimmons -
Bright sweet tastes of dope.
The cranberries are overflowing in the jars -
Bathes in the rays of the latter sun.
And the last mushrooms in the buckets -
This is how autumn says goodbye to the sun.

At the fair!

Gennady Annenkov 68

Heel, toe, toe, heel.
A patch is visible on the pants.
The buffoon is tap dancing,
It's like peas are falling out!

Either he will jump, or he will squat; -
Devoted to the dance - without reserve!
Rolled a wheel
It’s like it’s completely weightless!

Bells on the cap,
The tambourine is brand new in your hand.
There is noise and commotion all around,
The people stood in a huge circle.

Skomorokhov - “A dime a dozen”!
Or it will be ahead!

The one that is tallest is with an accordion; -
Everyone calls him Timoshka; -
Pulls the fur to the sides; -
The dance is very dashing!

And the other: it’s a joke,
Then - with his cheerful pipe,
An honest person makes people happy; -
Apparently the guy is single!

Well, the third buffoon
It’s not bad to play on the Horn!
Dancing, lifting his legs,
Like a butterfly flutters!

Well, next to me, little guy,
While dancing he hits a spoon with a spoon; -
He sets the rhythm for the dance!
Have fun, party people!!!

Suddenly, with laughter, the circle broke up; -
The guy with Mishka showed up!
Teddy bear in the center, guy with him; -
What a miracle is this pilgrim?!

Mishka dances with his uncle
And waves a blue handkerchief!
In a long, painted skirt
And in a mischievous vest!

We danced, we had no strength!
The bear sat down among the sweets!
The little children came running,
We were next to Mishka!

They chew sweets together,
They give the bear treats!
Today we have a fair!
A holiday, simply - the highest class!!!


Eva Gushchina

Apples are born
This year,
At the Pokrovskaya fair
In sugar, in honey
They glow with scarlet sides, -
The aroma floats
Enough until Candlemas, -
People think.

The fair is fun,
Tables are breaking.
Weighty wallets
The severity is not small.
There are: potatoes
Glorious from Pechory,
Lard shmat, in a basket -
Cranberry from Pushgory,

Fish of the first freshness -
Lake pike perch,
Cottage cheese of white tenderness,
Cream scoop,
Famous delicacy
Porkhovsky cheese, -
To bring it to the place
That big piece!..

The fair is rinsing,
Noisy with songs,
On a wide area
The music is thundering.
Autumn multicolor
Lays out a wide range of carpets.
Ah, the weather is bright
Today is Pokrov!

Agrarian exhibition

Evgenia Tkalich

Agricultural exhibition.
The music is booming.
Market crowd.
Rural flavor.

Here are the sacks of wheat,
here is a row of combines,
here is honey with oregano,
there the bulls are mooing.

Walks, looks, touches
city ​​people.
Childhood barefoot
walking nearby.

Smiles too
just like you now...
Old village
how do you live without us?

There is a hut with an extension,
mother looks out the window
there's a lively cuckoo
promises a long life...

Oh, boulevard melancholy!
I wish I could just run away...
Agricultural exhibition.
Autumn. Grace!

Igor Gladkov

Red-haired buffoon, fairground paradise,
Sorrel and peas, a hearty loaf,
Whispers and shouts, dashing and deception,
The camp gypsy hung his head.

Wiry man, hat on one side,
Oh the temptation is great! Fair day!
Mead to your heart's content, pickles for future use,
Fatal passion, cool down a little.

Fairground, field and surrounding area,
White sundress of young brides,
Feather grass spreads, weeds rise,
The villagers' market place has become overgrown with old times.


Igor Obukhovsky

Cockerels on sticks and dolls.
Mountains of cotton candy and pretzels.
Children's laughter, sounds of favorite songs.
Fair! Hurry up quickly!

Here it is possible to forget everything in the world,
And spend money. No problem!
The parrot will pull out a ticket for you,
Where fate has already been predicted.

Mom and I are circling on the carousel,
The wind blows my hair!
We wanted to go to a fairy tale.
Fair! Just come!

Seller of magic goods

Marina Terentyeva

In the morning, surrounded by a cheerful, buzzing crowd
Funny kids and just random people,
Along the dusty streets, tired of the July heat,
A salesman walked with his heavy cart.

On the main square, arranging the goods awkwardly,
To the screams of onlookers and stingy ironic laughter,
He sold happiness to others in bottles for cheap,
And in colorful boxes - love, beauty and success...

The goods lay in the cart, like melted jelly,
And a whole bag of expired tender smiles.
But happy people lived in the small town.
Or maybe they lied to each other that everything was fine.

And the seller was irritated, tired and sad.
Yes, he kept lamenting that he was called a “fool.”
At parting, he weighed out happiness and joy for me,
Although it’s sad to open that treasured bottle alone...


Olga Ryzhova 2

A unique corner
Handmade handbags.
The flow of music flows
Worries dissolve.

Enchanted Jade
The summer hall shines with mystery,
And Indian flavor
Spreads sacredly.

Emerald, opal and pearl,
The dolls on the wall froze.
The smell of tea heals the soul -
Outlines of the god Shiva...

Elephants, keychains and vases,
Raj Kapoor to meet me,
And diamonds are burning in the eyes.
I will answer him warmly!

Cupronickel heat and cold,
Beads, rings and bracelets.
It was just a reason -
Happiness rare coins...


Olga Khvorost

The eternal whirlwind of destinies, people, events -
idle in the head - the feuds are still forgotten,
The park is full of mummers, each one is not equal to himself,
anyone who is not “a fool himself” has no right to condemn them.

To tickle the nerves - they jump over the abyss,
someone brought a cat (black, flea-covered, frisky),
threatens fools with disaster, removes damage to others,
horror, like a gray harrier, making its muzzle from the abyss.

Everyone who doesn't care puts out the stars with their fingers,
the red-haired impudent devil rummages through dead souls,
the polka is replaced by a waltz, the wind turns the barrel organ,
The gods play with us, betting on our deaths.


Yulia Borisova From St. Petersburg

In my native land, near the edge of the century.
You ask, asking the price:
-Who is she? Don't you value it?
- I don't sell.

Are you asking?
- No.
- Are you changing?
- No.
- So what?
- I give you and me a magical meaning.
The path is paved with a divine dotted line
From a resin teardrop to amber.

We, a droplet of amber solidifying
Our whole life is reflected in poetry.
Here you are. Here I am. This is a human fair.
Here is a winged flap of golden eyelashes.


Yulia Moroznaya

The fair is rich in goods,
The craftsmen brought souvenirs.
From dawn to dusk
They traded what was dear to their hearts.

Painted Gzhel beckoned in blue,
The cups and figurines surprised
On a tray like on a large display case
Khokhloma captivated with its pastoral scenery.

Bouquets on Zhostovo trays
They outlined it with a golden border.
Palekh promised to keep secrets
In icon-painting lacquer caskets.

The buffoons sang to the accordion,
General merriment ensued.
The cheeks of the new nesting dolls blushed,
Dymkovo pipes whistled.

The roses on the canvases were blazing,
Far away, flames could be seen in the rows.
The shawls were amazing with the riot of colors,
I wanted to buy it as a souvenir.

Pavloposad wool square,
Burgundy background, silk tassels,
It has the right to be called a decoration
The board is patterned, truly Russian.

He turned around and took off like a bird,
He hugged his shoulders with warm wings,
Not afraid of blizzards and frost,
Invented by good masters.

I bow to the undoubted talents,
Virtuosos of folk crafts.
Since ancient times the lands have been united
Our ancestors with a spiritual spark.

To the question Poems for the fair asked by the author tall the best answer is Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up, honest people,
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!
What does your soul desire -
You will find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without purchasing!
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
People gather -
Our fair is opening!
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy the product, don’t be shy!
Guys, don't yawn,
Whoever wants to buy it!
Don't go anywhere, come here everyone!
A wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle, not a product!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the crows, buy the goods!
These are good products! Anything for the soul!

Reply from Leani[guru]
Today is wonderful weather, but you can’t buy people’s love.

Reply from Yoimpatiaga[guru]
Fire fair, bright!
The fair is dancing and hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing
Well, it's not expensive
Buy some cottage cheese
And here's chicken and celery!
Cheaper than a ruble
Two bagels with poppy seeds,
Take it, dears, and quickly!
But the tarpaulin ones,
Almost new
Well, what are you watching? They can't be demolished!
Take a cap
And checkered trousers,
Don't be sorry for your coins!
After all, at the fair,
And not in hard labor,
Take a walk, darlings, whatever!
Leather boots,
Almost never worn...
Oh, for the sake of the holiday! And so I will give it!

Reply from Accomplice[guru]
Tara-bars rastobars
There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Shop in great demand.
The needles don't break,
Threads, ribbons.
Blush, lipstick!
Who needs what?
And here are the pies!
Bagels here!
Fresh, tasty -
They ask to be put into your mouth!
Please come here soon,
Come, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!
There are objects
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
And here are the lollipops, the bell lollipops,
Roosters, tits and other birds!
Here are masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Leshy, Fox and other miracles!
Come and ask the price
Buy, don't be shy!
Dear audience,
Who needs a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give it away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here, people.
And let's get acquainted!
May it last for many years
This day will be remembered!
Get ready for more fun
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for children at the fair,
We are waiting for their parents too!
Come boldly, people,
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Joke and fun!
Forget about the sad sigh,
Sadness is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late,
We have one condition:
Be serious today
It's prohibited here!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And is strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily until you cry.
There's a grain of joke in every joke,
The rest is serious!
Apparently our people are full:
He doesn't take pies
Apparently they have balls
Purchased in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come, honest people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
It will make you sing and dance!

Please come here soon,
Come, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!

Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path,
The fair comes here for a little walk!
Grandfathers and grandmothers too.
Come on, hurry up, passer-by!
Come to our fair,
Sing, have fun, have fun!
Hey, honest people!
Don't rush! Wait!
Hey, honest gentlemen!
Everyone get together here!

Get ready, people,
We have a fair going on.
What is there at the fair?
You can't count everything.
Birds, bunnies, pinwheels,
Dolls, bears, rattles...
We sell toys to everyone,
We invite everyone to the fair.
Come on! Come on!
Buy! Buy

Call for a watermelon fair

Come, come!
Look at the goods!
In melon shops,
Blue eggplants
Golden pears,
Fat-bellied pumpkins,
Sweet watermelons!

They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
And a watermelon is instead of a weight,
Let the strongmen lift you up.

Call for the autumn fair

People gather -
The fair is opening!
In autumn, here and there
Fairs are going on across the Urals.

Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up honest people
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

Fair, fair!
Fiery, bright, dancing, hot.
Look to the left - shops with goods
Look to the right - fun for nothing!
The autumn sun is rising,
People are rushing to the fair!

Come, come, take the ruddy, juicy apples!
Here's a carrot, here's an onion, a tomato, a zucchini,
And potatoes are the second bread, you and I know that.

And people are going to the fair,
And at the fair the fun begins,
Everyone hurry to the fair, and call the guys here.
Start dancing together, glorify autumn, have fun!

Barkers at the fair

Hey people, people, people!
The fair is coming!
The fair is coming to visit,
He calls and sings!
Invites, amuses,
Tells everyone to smile!
Carousels, booth
And products for different tastes:
There are both vegetables and fruits,
And great products.
Open your wallets
Get the money!
The fair is rich
Come on in, guys!

We are naughty guys
We are crazy guys!
We invite everyone to the Fair
We sell toys!
Come on, honest people
Come boldly
Buy the product, don’t be shy
Guys, don't yawn
Anyone who wants anything, buy it!

Shout barkers

We will sell all items!
Silk, damage, who needs what
Well, I’ll get a nickel as a reward!
Look at the scarves
Be sure to buy
You won't find better than these
At least you'll go around half the world!

Here are some good products
Triangle, hammers
Spoons, bell
It’s not the goods that are the real treasure!
Get it in great demand!

Russian folk song “Where was Ivanushka?”

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Chicken!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The hen pecks grains along the hay,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The chicken pecks at the seeds,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
A lamb in the meadow chews grass,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Cow!
- The hen pecks grains along the hay,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
A lamb in the meadow chews grass,
The cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.

RUSSIAN TRADITIONS CALLS AT THE FAIR We ask you to come here quickly, honest people. Start having fun. The fair is calling us all! Come, citizens, Let's please everyone! ***Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path, The fair comes here for a little walk! Grandfathers and grandmothers too. Come on, hurry up, passer-by! Come to our fair, sing, have fun, have fun! Hey, honest people! Don't rush! Wait! Hey, honest gentlemen! Everybody get ready here! ***Get ready, people, We have a fair going on. And at the fair, you won’t be able to count it all. Birds, bunnies, pinwheels, Dolls, bears, rattles... We sell toys to everyone, We invite everyone to the fair. Come on! Come on! Buy! Buy a Call to the Fair Come, come! Look at the goods! In the stores there are melons, blue eggplants, golden pears, fat-bellied pumpkins, sweet watermelons!*** Striped balls came to us from the melon plant. And the watermelon is instead of a weight, Let the strongmen lift it. *** Call for the autumn fair People are gathering - The fair is opening! In the fall, there are fairs here and there throughout the Urals. Attention! Attention! Attention! A fun party is starting! Hurry up, honest people, the fair is calling you! To the fair! To the fair! Hurry up everyone here! There are jokes, songs, sweets here. They've been waiting for you for a long time, friends! ***Fair, fair! Fiery, bright, dancing, hot. Look to the left - shops with goods. Look to the right - fun for nothing! The autumn sun is rising, people are rushing to the fair! ***Come, come, take the ruddy, juicy apples! Here is a carrot, here is an onion, a tomato, a zucchini, and potatoes are the second bread, you and I know that. ***And people are going to the fair, And at the fair the fun begins, Everyone hurry to the fair, and call the guys here. Start dancing together, glorify autumn, have fun! *** Barkers for the fair Hey, people, people, people! The fair is coming! The fair is coming to visit, inviting and singing! Invites, cheers, tells everyone to smile! Carousels, booths And goods for different tastes: There are vegetables and fruits, And excellent products. Open your wallets, take out the money! The fair is rich, come in, guys! ***We are mischievous guys, we are daring guys! We invite everyone to the Fair. We sell toys! Come on, honest people, come boldly, Buy the goods, don’t be timid. Guys, don’t yawn. Anyone who wants anything, buy it! Silk, damage, who needs what? Well, I’ll get a nickel as a reward! Look at the handkerchiefs, be sure to buy them. You won’t find anything better than these. You’ll go around half the world!*** Containers, bars, rastabars These are good goods Triangle, hammers Spoons, bell Not goods - a real treasure! Get it in great demand! Russian folk song “Where have you been, Ivanushka?” - Where have you been, Ivanushka? - At the fair. - What did you buy, Ivanushka? - Chicken! - The hen pecks grains in the hay, Ivanushka sings songs in the little house. - Where have you been, Ivanushka? - At the fair. - What did you buy, Ivanushka? - Duck! - The hen pecks grains in the hay, the duck walks back and forth through the puddles, Ivanushka sings songs in the little house. - Where have you been, Ivanushka? - At the fair. - What did you buy, Ivanushka? - Lamb! - The chicken is pecking at the seeds, the duck is walking back and forth through the puddles, the lamb is chewing grass in the meadow, Ivanushka is singing songs in the little garden. - Where have you been, Ivanushka? - At the fair. - What did you buy, Ivanushka? - Cow! - A chicken pecks grains in the hay, a duck walks back and forth through the puddles, a lamb chews grass in the meadow, a cow gives milk to the children, Ivanushka sings songs in the little house. See also: barkers for a fair, for a holiday And here are sweet carrots - buy it, you’ll find out love again! Shout for the fair And now, honest people, fly in! And whatever takes your fancy, buy it! Speech for a seller at a fair And these are our cucumbers, country-made, not greenhouse, without nitrates, crispy! Shouting at the fair Come in, honest people! The fair invites you to visit! Buyers of all countries, unite! Come on! Buy! Speeches for the fair Come - buy, Choose - take away! Fair slogan Don't keep your mouth shut - buy mushroom pies. Speech for the fair - baked goods Everything that is here is only a small part of what is possible Exhibition slogan People, come over! Look at the scarves! Shout to the fair Get in a row - take everything! There are shopping arcades for all tastes and tastes! Oh and the fair! Look! All products for the soul! We invite everyone here, dear gentlemen! Speech at the exhibition Come quickly! There was cabbage left - very crispy, good for the bust! He shouted at the seller at the fair. Take my dolls apart! Bring joy to children!

Please come here soon,
Come, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come, citizens,
We will please everyone!

Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path,
The fair comes here for a little walk!
Grandfathers and grandmothers too.
Come on, hurry up, passer-by!
Come to our fair,
Sing, have fun, have fun!
Hey, honest people!
Don't rush! Wait!
Hey, honest gentlemen!
Everyone get together here!

Get ready, people,
We have a fair going on.
What is there at the fair?
You can't count everything.
Birds, bunnies, pinwheels,
Dolls, bears, rattles...
We sell toys to everyone,
We invite everyone to the fair.
Come on! Come on!
Buy! Buy

Call for a watermelon fair

Come, come!
Look at the goods!
In melon shops,
Blue eggplants
Golden pears,
Fat-bellied pumpkins,
Sweet watermelons!

They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
And a watermelon is instead of a weight,
Let the strongmen lift you up.

Call for the autumn fair

People gather -
The fair is opening!
In autumn, here and there
Fairs are going on across the Urals.

Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is starting!
Hurry up honest people
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry up everyone here!
There are jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

Fair, fair!
Fiery, bright, dancing, hot.
Look to the left - shops with goods
Look to the right - fun for nothing!
The autumn sun is rising,
People are rushing to the fair!

Come, come, take the ruddy, juicy apples!
Here's a carrot, here's an onion, a tomato, a zucchini,
And potatoes are the second bread, you and I know that.

And people are going to the fair,
And at the fair the fun begins,
Everyone hurry to the fair, and call the guys here.
Start dancing together, glorify autumn, have fun!

Barkers at the fair

Hey people, people, people!
The fair is coming!
The fair is coming to visit,
He calls and sings!
Invites, amuses,
Tells everyone to smile!
Carousels, booth
And products for different tastes:
There are both vegetables and fruits,
And great products.
Open your wallets
Get the money!
The fair is rich
Come on in, guys!

We are naughty guys
We are crazy guys!
We invite everyone to the Fair
We sell toys!
Come on, honest people
Come boldly
Buy the product, don’t be shy
Guys, don't yawn
Anyone who wants anything, buy it!

Shout barkers

We will sell all items!
Silk, damage, who needs what
Well, I’ll get a nickel as a reward!
Look at the scarves
Be sure to buy
You won't find better than these
At least you'll go around half the world!

Here are some good products
Triangle, hammers
Spoons, bell
It’s not the goods that are the real treasure!
Get it in great demand!

Russian folk song “Where was Ivanushka?”

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Chicken!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The hen pecks grains along the hay,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The chicken pecks at the seeds,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
A lamb in the meadow chews grass,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Cow!
- The hen pecks grains along the hay,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
A lamb in the meadow chews grass,
The cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the little house.