Why do many Russians look like Tatars? Question about the Tatars: who are Bulgars and who are not? Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

Each nation has its own distinctive features, which make it possible to determine a person’s nationality almost without error. It is worth noting that Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since they are all descendants of the Mongoloid race. How can you identify a Tatar? How do Tatars look different?


Without a doubt, every person is unique, regardless of nationality. And yet there are certain common features that unite representatives of a race or nationality. Tatars are usually classified as members of the so-called Altai family. This is a Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatars were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, Tatars do not have pronounced appearance features.

The appearance of the Tatars and the changes that are now manifested in them are largely caused by assimilation with the Slavic peoples. Indeed, among the Tatars they sometimes find fair-haired, sometimes even red-haired representatives. This, for example, cannot be said about the Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do Tatar eyes have any special characteristics? They do not necessarily have narrow eyes and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of Tatars?

Description of the Tatars: a little history

The Tatars are among the most ancient and populous ethnic groups. In the Middle Ages, mentions of them excited everyone around: in the east from the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast. A variety of scientists included references to this people in their works. The mood of these notes was clearly polar: some wrote with rapture and admiration, while other scientists showed fear. But one thing united everyone - no one remained indifferent. It is quite obvious that it was the Tatars who had a huge influence on the course of development of Eurasia. They managed to create a distinctive civilization that influenced a variety of cultures.

The history of the Tatar people has had both ups and downs. Periods of peace were followed by brutal times of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the vicissitudes of fate, they managed to preserve both their people and their identity.

Ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of the Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also Europeans. It was this factor that determined the diversity in appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are usually divided into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Kama. The Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose facial features have the greatest characteristics of the Mongoloid race, are distinguished by the following characteristics: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, a wide nose, a fold above the upper eyelid. Representatives of this type are few in number.

The face of the Volga Tatars is oblong, the cheekbones are not too pronounced. The eyes are large and gray (or brown). Nose with a hump, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. Their skin is not dark. This is the appearance of the Tatars from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described as follows: a strongly built, strong man. The Mongols have a wide oval face and a slightly narrowed eye shape. The neck is short and strong. Men rarely wear a thick beard. Such features are explained by the fusion of Tatar blood with various Finnish nationalities.

The marriage ceremony is not like a religious event. From religiosity - only reading the first chapter of the Koran and a special prayer. After marriage, a young girl does not immediately move into her husband’s house: she will live with her family for another year. It is curious that her newly-made husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait for their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in cases where this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first one is already old, and the second one, younger, now runs the household.

The most common Tatars are of the European type - owners of light brown hair and light eyes. The nose is narrow, aquiline or hump-shaped. Height is short - women are about 165 cm.


Some features were noticed in the character of a Tatar man: hard work, cleanliness and hospitality border on stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for elders is what especially distinguishes the Tatars. It was noted that representatives of this people tend to be guided by reason, adapt to the situation, and are law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially hard work and perseverance, makes a Tatar man very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve success in their careers. They finish their work and have a habit of getting their way.

A purebred Tatar strives to acquire new knowledge, showing enviable perseverance and responsibility. Crimean Tatars have a special indifference and calmness in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during work they remain stubbornly silent, apparently so as not to lose concentration.

One of the characteristic features is self-esteem. It manifests itself in the fact that the Tatar considers himself special. As a result, there is a certain arrogance and even arrogance.

Cleanliness sets Tatars apart. They do not tolerate disorder and dirt in their homes. Moreover, this does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatars zealously monitor cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars are very hospitable people. We are ready to host a person, regardless of his status, faith or nationality. Even with modest incomes, they show warm hospitality, ready to share a modest dinner with a guest.

Tatar women are distinguished by their great curiosity. They are attracted by beautiful clothes, they watch with interest people of other nationalities, and follow fashion. Tatar women are very attached to their home and devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What an amazing creature - a Tatar woman! In her heart lies immeasurable, deepest love for her loved ones, for her children. Its purpose is to bring peace to people, to serve as a model of peacefulness and morality. A Tatar woman is distinguished by a sense of harmony and special musicality. She radiates a certain spirituality and nobility of soul. The inner world of a Tatar woman is full of riches!

Tatar girls from a young age are aimed at a strong, long-lasting marriage. After all, they want to love their husband and raise future children behind solid walls of reliability and trust. No wonder the Tatar proverb says: “A woman without a husband is like a horse without a bridle!” Her husband’s word is law for her. Although witty Tatar women complement - for any law, however, there is an amendment! And yet these are devoted women who sacredly honor traditions and customs. However, don’t expect to see a Tatar woman in a black burqa - this is a stylish lady who has a sense of self-esteem.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Fashionistas have stylized items in their wardrobe that highlight their nationality. For example, there are shoes that imitate chitek - national leather boots worn by Tatar girls. Another example is appliques, where patterns convey the stunning beauty of the earth's flora.

What's on the table?

A Tatar woman is a wonderful hostess, loving and hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The national cuisine of the Tatars is quite predictable in that the basis of the main dishes is often dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the healthiest diet, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: kazylyk (or dried horse meat), gubadia (a layer cake with a wide variety of fillings, from cottage cheese to meat), talkysh-kalev (an incredibly high-calorie dessert from flour, butter and honey). You can wash down all this rich treat with ayran (a mixture of katyk and water) or traditional tea.

Like Tatar men, women are distinguished by their determination and perseverance in achieving their goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show ingenuity and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, a Tatar woman is a wonderful gift from above!

But the image of the Tatars as fiends of hell will be present in the subconscious of the inhabitants of the Old World for a long time


The centuries that have passed over the world
In the lingering voice of the shadows
They still call on our lyres
Because of the Stygian reeds.

And we, having heard a groan and a grinding sound,
Let's take the Orpheus path,
And our tune, like the sun, is undead
Their cooling chest.

The resurrector of past unrest,
Each of us carries the shadows
To their disconsolate abode
Your delightful story.

But woe! we sometimes dare
Put everything into the tunes of the lyre,
How do we torment our own age,
What is his stamp on?

And the shadows listen motionless,
Raising the angles of the high shoulders,
And incomprehensible to dead ancestors
Descendants' vain speech.

Vladislav Khodasevich (1912)

European historians in the post-war years made a radical turn in scientific terms, offering a new perspective on the events of the past. They began to study not so much the description of events “as they really happened” (as the German classical school taught), but the deep essence of social changes, social structure, mentality, economics, and everyday life. The main merit in this, of course, is the French school “Annals”. Following the French, similar works appeared in other countries. The new generation of historians approached history not as traditional chroniclers, everyday life writers, chroniclers, but based on the tasks of today. The problem was posed by modernity, and answers were sought in the past. Historians began to resemble sociologists and anthropologists; they brought a historical perspective to a variety of fields of study, taking into account the role of the individual, not just great personalities.

Over the past half century, European historians, thanks to the inclusion of history in all humanistic studies, have made enormous strides in understanding social phenomena. In terms of level, scale, and depth of analysis, European humanists have gone so far ahead that it is difficult to compare them with Russian scientists who were stuck somewhere at the end of the 19th century. In Russia, historical science is not only lagging behind, it is also extremely politicized. God forbid you find something positive in Tatar history, you will immediately fall into the category of separatists, nationalists and destroyers of Russian statehood. And God forbid you find something negative in Russian history, then you will be accused of all mortal sins, you will become an enemy of the human race. The situation in Russia is aggravated by the fact that the next generation of historians will not appear soon - they have stopped preparing them. Nobody seems to need historians, just like true history. Nobody welcomes an honest story; it’s calmer when old myths are promoted.

It is characteristic that the new generation of European historians, in order to understand modernity, intensively studies the Middle Ages. Medieval studies has become one of the most popular areas of historical science. In fact, many modern phenomena in the world have their origins precisely in the European Middle Ages; more precisely, they appeared as an overcoming of the past. In Russia, modern processes are also impossible to understand without analyzing the past, but unlike Europe, the country cannot get out of the Middle Ages; it is hampered either by the absolutism of the monarchy or by Stalinist absolutism.


Nothing changes as often as the past.

Jean Paul Sartre

Despite the obvious successes of European historians, they nevertheless have a significant gap - they have little knowledge of the times of the Golden Horde, despite the fact that capitalism in Genoa and Venice arose thanks to trade with the Tatars. Moreover, the Italian states had their own colonies in the Black Sea region and were closely integrated into the Horde economy. The most important export item of the Golden Horde to Europe was wheat; it saved the European population from hunger. This plot in itself is curious, because Europeans consider the Tatars, like all nomads, to be wild, although they ate bread from their hands. It turns out that the supposedly higher agricultural culture could not feed itself, but the nomads fed both themselves and Europe with bread. All this does not fit into the stereotypes about wild nomads and developed agricultural civilization, but it is precisely such views that continue to circulate in public opinion. Europeans do not try to understand why the Tatars built hundreds of cities, had the best weapons in the world made of the best steel, built roads and seaports, introduced paper money called “balishi” into circulation, etc. etc.

All of Eastern (and partly Central) Europe in one form or another depended on the Golden Horde. First of all, this is Hungary, conquered by Batu in revenge for harboring the Polovtsians (Cumans) who fought with the Tatars. Bulgaria paid tribute to Nogai and his son Cheka, their capital was the city of Isakchi (in Tat. Sakche) in Dobruja. Nogai and Cheke minted coins in Isakchi, thereby emphasizing the relative autonomy of Bulgaria.

Along with the influence of the Tatars in the Balkans, relations with Byzantium worsened, but relations with the Egyptian Mamluks, relatives of the Volga and Crimean Tatars and modern Kazakhs, strengthened. Sultan Baybars wanted to establish official relations with Berke, who converted to Islam, for which he equipped ambassadors, but they were arrested in Constantinople. This complicated the relations of the Mamluks and Tatars with Byzantium. In addition, the Sultan of Iconium (Konya in Anatolia) ‘Izz ad-Din was captured by the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, which the Tatars were unhappy with. All this served as the basis for the start of military operations, as a result of which the Tatars freed the Mamluk captives and ‘Izz ad-Din, to whom Berke Khan granted lands in the Crimea (Old Crimea and Sugdaya/Sudak). Since then, Byzantium has tried to maintain friendly relations with the Tatars. In particular, Nogai married the Byzantine princess Euphrosyne in 1272; the daughter of Emperor Andronikos III became the third wife of Uzbek Khan.

Today, Russian historians have built a whole theory about the Byzantine roots of the Russian Empire based on the marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus. Allegedly, Sophia brought the symbol of the empire, the double-headed eagle, to Moscow and strengthened Rus'’s commitment to Orthodoxy. If wives determined the character of empires, then world history would have to be rewritten anew. You never know who married whom. Monarchs took wives for political reasons, this is also part of history, but this is not what determines the nature of the country. In addition, by the time of her marriage, Sophia was already a Catholic, and the double-headed eagle came to Muscovy during the time of Janibek, who minted a copper coin with a double-headed eagle. How the double-headed eagle got into the Horde is another question. But why look for a roundabout and very dubious way of the double-headed eagle, when its image rang in a wallet in the form of a specie and the Russians knew its denomination well.

And in general, by the time of the heyday of the Golden Horde, Byzantium was already a “decrepit old woman,” as one of the Russian historians put it. The destruction of Constantinople by the knights of the Fourth Crusade in 1204 undermined the forces of Byzantium, then in the 14th century the Serbs expanded their territory at the expense of Byzantium, and the issue was finally resolved in 1453 with the capture of the capital by the Turks. Byzantium could not possibly be a positive example for Russia. In general, empires are not built through the emanation of ephemeral spiritual forces; for their emergence, specific structures are needed, human experience in conducting large-scale government affairs, modern weapons, a financial system, and an economy capable of supporting a large army. All this was in the Golden Horde, close at hand, which became the source for the construction of the Russian Empire. The ideology formulated by the Pskov monk Philotheus in a letter to Grand Duke Vasily III: “Watch and listen, pious king, as the entire Christian kingdom has descended into yours as one, as two Romes have fallen, and the third [Moscow] stands, and the fourth will not exist” says no about the mechanism of building an empire, but about the ambitions of Russian monarchs who lay claim to the Golden Horde heritage, but in an Orthodox shell. This is the imperialist temptation of messianic consciousness (Nikolai Berdyaev).


Almost every event, a moment after it happened,
may be interpreted in different ways.

Stefan Zweig

The Tatars participated in all political events in the Balkans until the 14th century. This concerned the territory of present-day Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, and Moldova. In addition, all these campaigns involved their own Danube Cumans (Cumans), who spoke almost the Tatar language, and in Bulgaria the influence of the Asenei family, the ancestors of the Turkic Ashin Khagans, immigrants from Altai and the Volga region, was still felt. After the death of Uzbek Khan, the influence of the central government of the Golden Horde in the Balkans weakened and the Tatar clans in Dobruja and Budzhak gained independence (today they are called Romanian Tatars). At the same time, Turkish influence in the Balkans is increasing.

The Tatars intervened no less actively in the events of medieval Poland and Lithuania, which not only were in vassal relations with the Golden Horde, but also sought to influence its policies in Eastern and Central Europe. Moreover, it is difficult to talk about Lithuania and Poland only in terms of vassalage, because they had friendly and even family relations with the Horde. Suffice it to say that after the Battle of Kulikovo, the defeated troops of Mamai fled to friendly Lithuania, where they received the Glina tract, where the Glinsky family, who at one time ruled in Rus', came from. Ivan the Terrible comes from this family (through his grandmother). The appearance of “Lithuanian people” in Muscovy during the Time of Troubles is not an accident - these are the same Tatar warriors.

The descendants of Khan Tokhtamysh, who after the Battle of Kulikovo actually finished off Mamai, driving him to the Crimea, subsequently, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, also found themselves in exile and found refuge in Poland. They served faithfully to the Polish king in his guard and became famous as brave lancers. The contribution of the Tatar cavalry during the Battle of Grundwall was especially memorable, for which grateful descendants erected a monument to the Tatar warrior in Gdansk. The appearance of Polish lancers near Moscow during the Time of Troubles was by no means an accident; the Tatars in Rus' were not strangers.

Of course, the influence of the Horde on Europe was relatively short-lived, about 150 years, but noticeable. The influence itself cannot be represented as political pressure or in the form of raids; the boundaries were precisely established with the customs house where the duty was collected. Autonomous formations in Eastern Europe could be headed by local leaders, but they were proteges of the Horde and, accordingly, paid tribute, were responsible for order in the territory and participated with their troops in military operations of the Tatars. At that time, the Tatars represented a high culture both in military affairs and in civil affairs: managing the empire, financial matters, road construction, etc. Europe imitated the Tatars not only in terms of weapons (bows, sabers, equestrian tactics), but even in fashion. Tatar clothing was considered beautiful, and military skill and finance were considered unsurpassed.


The whole history of the world is focused on the following point: when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they want to be just, they are often no longer strong.

Winston Churchill

The relationship between the Golden Horde and the Italian states was extremely fruitful until Pope Innocent IV in 1234 declared a crusade against the Tatars, as “messengers of Satan and servants of Tartarus.” He not only wanted the liberation of the Catholic countries of Europe from the Tatars, who, by the way, did not interfere in religious affairs, but he wanted to incite the Mamluks against the Golden Horde and convert the Slavs to Catholicism. Alexander Nevsky flatly refused to participate in the Crusade against the Tatars, telling the Polish ambassadors Gold and Gement in 1248: “We do not accept teachings from you.” But the southern Russian prince Daniil Galitsky accepted the title of “King of Rus'” from the hands of the Pope, although he did not receive real help to fight the Horde.

The European peoples were in no hurry to respond to the Pope’s call, but with the weakening of the Horde and the strengthening of maritime trade, new prospects appeared for Europe, and the Tatars began to be viewed (according to the ancient Roman tradition) as savage barbarians. Some Russian historians like to contrast Russians and Tatars in the Roman paradigm, i.e. They consider themselves part of European civilization in contrast to the Tatars - backward Asians. I hasten to warn you: Europeans in those days considered Russians as natural Tatars, and on maps Muscovy was designated “Moscow Tartary” in contrast to Novgorod Rus'. In fact, Russians are no more European than Tatars.

No man is rich enough to buy his past.

Oscar Wilde

Such a preface was necessary to understand the significance of the conference on the Golden Horde, which was organized this month by Leiden University (jointly with Oxford and the European University at St. Petersburg). Well-known experts on the history of the Golden Horde from different countries took part in the scientific forum. Before that, at the Institute of History. Marjani hosted the next Golden Horde forum, where scientists from 11 countries participated. It was very informative. The conversation that began in Kazan continued in Leiden, but there was one significant difference - the conference was held in the Netherlands on the initiative of European universities. This is a significant event. Oxford, following Cambridge, included the Golden Horde in the topics of its historical research. For the Institute of History, this was a new step for the international recognition of the Tatars as a significant part of world history.

It is characteristic that not only Russian, but also European universities acted as partners of the Golden Horde Review magazine, published at the Institute of History. I am glad that a detachment of “Horde men” is growing in Russia. Interest in this period of history is so high that candidates and doctors of science on the Golden Horde appeared not only in Moscow, but practically throughout the country. In fact, the potential of a new generation of scientists is being accumulated, who, under favorable political conditions, will write the true history of the country.

Changing public opinion, especially one imposed by the Pope as a crusade, turns out to be extremely difficult. The image of the Tatars as fiends of hell will be present in the subconscious of Europeans for a long time. Changes in public opinion in the West always begin with universities, where scientific works are prepared, followed by scientists by journalists and the media. And only after several Hollywood films can one count on a change in attitude towards the Tatars. But the first step on this thorny path was taken at the famous Leiden University.

Whistle, O wind, with sleepless force
All through the lonely night
The melancholy of your deserted and sad song
I still undertake to overcome.
I will begin to dream majestically and harmoniously
About the future of our country, -
In a trusting thought it is light and calm,
Dreams will seem like a thing to me.
I will remember the past, the life of the heart,
The mysterious whisper of the maidens,
And I’ll carelessly forget myself in a child’s nap
To your funeral chant.

Nikolai Ogarev (1859)

To the question: Are Tatars Europeans or Asians? Evidence please. given by the author Russian Bismarck the best answer is Are Russian Europeans or Asians?
Russians are 99% in Asia, their origin is 50% Finno-Ugrians, 50% Turks.
And only the Slavic language was forcibly introduced.
Russian Bismarck
According to their concepts, they are subhuman.

Reply from Respectus[guru]
Summarizing the results of more than a century of studying the anthropological appearance of the Tatars, we note their racial heterogeneity both within the main ethnic groups and between them, which probably reflects the specifics of their racial genesis and ethnogenetic connections. Thus, among the Volga-Ural Tatars there are four main anthropological types.
Pontian type - characterized by mesocephaly, dark or mixed pigmentation of hair and eyes, a high bridge of the nose, a convex bridge of the nose, with a drooping tip and base, and significant beard growth. Growth is average with an upward trend.
Light Caucasoid type - characterized by subbrachycephaly, light pigmentation of hair and eyes, medium or high bridge of the nose with a straight bridge of the nose, a moderately developed beard, and average height. A number of morphological features - the structure of the nose, the size of the face, pigmentation and a number of others - bring this type closer to the Pontic.
Sublaponoid type (Volga-Kama) - characterized by meso-subbrachycephaly, mixed pigmentation of hair and eyes, wide and low nose bridge, weak beard growth and a low, medium-wide face with a tendency to flattening. Quite often there is a fold of the eyelid with weak development of the epicanthus.
Mongoloid type (South Siberian) - characterized by brachycephaly, dark shades of hair and eyes, a wide and flattened face and a low bridge of the nose, frequent epicanthus and poor beard development. Height, on a Caucasian scale, is average.
Each of these types is not expressed in its pure form in any of the groups, but their reality within the Tatars is confirmed by the accumulation of signs of the corresponding types in individual territorial groups. Only the Caucasian type with relatively light pigmentation does not have a distinct geographical localization within the Tatars and can only be assumed to be an admixture. According to T. A. Trofimova, among all studied Tatars, the dark Caucasoid (Pontic) type predominates (33.5%), then the light Caucasoid (27.5%), sublaponoid 24.5%) and, finally, the Mongoloid (14, 5%) (Trofimova, 1949. P. 231).
Thus, the formation of the anthropological appearance of the Volga-Ural Tatars and neighboring peoples took place in close ethnogenetic interaction, which had different directions and intensity depending on the specific historical situation in a given region.
The Middle Volga and Urals regions, occupying a geographically advantageous position between Europe and Asia, between the forest and the steppe and possessing rich biological resources, have since ancient times been a zone of contacts between peoples differing not only in origin, language and culture, but also in anthropological appearance. Thus, judging by the materials of paleoanthropology, the first contacts at the genetic level between the forest population (representatives of the Western variants of the Ural race) and the inhabitants of the steppe zone, generally characterized by a Caucasoid appearance, were recorded already in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras (Yablonsky, 1992). In the Bronze and Early Iron Ages, the region under study becomes the arena of migration flows moving both in the latitudinal and meridional directions. As a result of these migrations and extensive marriage ties between the local and newcomer populations, the formation of that anthropological type, which stands out among the Volga Tatars as sublaponoid, took place. This type, in its various variants, is the main one for the local Finnish-speaking population (Akimova, 1973; Efimova, 1991).
With the beginning of the Turkic era and the arrival of the Bulgarians in the Middle Volga, active ethnocultural and ethnogenetic relationships were observed between the Turkic-speaking tribes and the Finno-Ugric population within the framework of the newly formed state association - Volga Bulgaria. These assimilation processes, which lasted more than 300 years, on the eve of the Mongol conquest led to the formation of a new ethnic community - the Volga Bulgars.
The main factor in racial formation was miscegenation between the newcomer, Turkic-speaking and local, Finno-Ugric-speaking population.

Reply from Natalya Styazhkina[newbie]
Just now a grandmother of about 50 insulted me on the street. She stopped next to me and said.
“Russians and Slavs live in Russia, not Asian mugs. Ugh (in my direction).”
How to talk to people like that?
She simply said in response to her. "Get out, you fool!"
I am a Tatar by nationality, since the times of the USSR no one at school called me names, especially with an Asian face. My child is a mix of Russian and Tatar. Completely blonde and white-skinned. And isn’t it a shame what kind of upbringing Russians sometimes have?
I don’t know the roots of my ancestors in Asia or Europe. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather already lived in the Urals, but I don’t know where they came from before them. In our family there are different ones, both fair-haired and dark-skinned. Who the fuck am I? Do strangers have the right to say such things to me and call me an Asian mug?
It's such a shame. It's creepy.

Reply from Mikhail Basmanov[expert]
The word Tatars, like the Mongols, was invented on paper after the reign of Tsar Peter 1. Before that there was a people - the Tartarians. Residents of the empire - Great Tartaria, which existed for more than 100 thousand years. The territory of Great Tartary was originally in both Asia and Europe. Tartarians are the people of Russia. Many ancient maps, etc., have survived to confirm this. Other peoples lived in the empire of Great Tartary along with the Rus.

Reply from Norik7785[newbie]
This is misinformation. The Russian gene pool is typically European, only larger than the Aryan hoplogroup. The Finno-Ugric peoples are not related to us, but all Slavic and especially the Eastern Slavs and the South Baltic peoples are related. Research suggests common ancestors. But many of the so-called Turks are not related to each other and are not related to the Mongols. Tatars have hoplogroups with subgroups of Asian origin.

Reply from Maloy[master]
what the hell is this?? who told you that the Tatars are of Asian origin?

Reply from Sardar...[guru]
Eurasians :)

Reply from Aldar kose[guru]
Europe primarily means territory, not culture.
similarly Asia

Reply from Always On The Run[guru]
of course Asians

Reply from Gipno Kot[guru]

Reply from User deleted[guru]
What if European is a caste? Yes Asians are better and smarter

Reply from In the country for three weeks there is no plan[guru]
Altai family, that says it all

Reply from Said Gataullin[guru]
they are partly Asian and partly European, read about the Bulgars, and according to history, the real Tatars came from Siberia...

Reply from Spiny[guru]
The Kazan Tatars and Mishars inhabited the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region to the Caspian Sea and the North Caucasus, so they cannot be said to be of Asian origin.

Reply from Galina Dorofeeva[guru]
But what about the Mangolo Tatars, what about Mongolia and the same in Europe? of course Asians

Reply from Qazaq_ad[guru]
Turks are a separate race

Reply from Mont[guru]
The Turanids (Turks) are definitely not Europeans. Proof of their language and culture with customs is the same as other Turks, such as Kazakhs, and they are not Europeans. But I don’t agree about their location in Europe; Russia is all in Asia

Reply from Bunny show[newbie]
*I’m Tatar, and my appearance can be said to be that of Russians or Europeans (Tatars are not Asians, but Bashkirs are)

Reply from Adilya Zagidulina[newbie]
By the way, the Turks are more European than some Indo-Europeans. Such as romance novels, for example. The majority of their ethnic group consists of peoples from America, those who assimilated with the Mongoloids here and the blacks brought there. And the Turks are almost pure-blooded Europeans, with the exception of some small nations. Let's say the Turks are the largest Turkic ethnic group, about half of all Turaks and all purebred Europioids. Then the Uzbeks are second in number,
who are almost all assimilated by Iranians and also almost all Europioids. Well, next are the Azerbaijanis, who are also pure Europioids. Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, by the way, are half European, it’s on the Internet, it’s just that Russians don’t see the difference. You think that Arabs and Iranians and Indians are Mongoloids, and Europioids are everywhere and in Asia there are plenty of them among the indigenous population.

After which those who answer begin to spend a long time and tediously figuring out who, in fact, these same Russians are, who, in theory, should inhabit the Russian land. Sooner or later, everything comes down to the famous phrase, which is attributed to the French writer Marquis Astolphe de Custine: “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar.” Indeed, three hundred years could not pass without a trace! The final chord is one that managed to convince everyone that we, naturally, are “Asians with slanted and greedy eyes.”

Fair or bald?

So who is right? Russians are Europeans after all, and it’s problematic to scrape together an Asian in them. Or is there enough Tatar blood flowing in our veins? I set out to find an answer to this question, rightly believing that I should start with myself.

My path lay in the laboratory of human population genetics of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. My “eyes” don’t seem to be slanted and not so “greedy”. Plus they are light. Hair too. But this is closer to a hairdressing salon than to science. But when you donate a solid tube of blood for DNA analysis of the Y chromosome using “historical” markers, this is already serious.

“The male chromosome, also known as the Y chromosome, carries very few genes,” explains leading researcher of the laboratory, candidate of biological sciences Oleg Balanovsky. - And she is responsible not so much for hair color, but for early or, conversely, late baldness. But by tracing and reading the features or markers, we can tell where your ancestor came from in the direct male ascendant line. Please note - there is only one ancestor and only along one line, along the chain “father of father’s father” and so on. Although in a short period of time by genetic standards, say, a thousand years, you, like anyone, will accumulate an incredible number of ancestors. You have two parents. And each of them also had two. And in a thousand years forty generations have passed. How many ancestors will there be?

This is exactly what our methods are for. - Oleg Pavlovich went to the printer to pick up my results. - So. Curious. Your male chromosome belongs to haplogroup N1c. And it is widespread both in Europe and in Asia, and in both parts of the world, mainly in the north. But this is too rough an approximation. Let's see what your historical markers give within this group, where your roots come from... There you go. For seven markers, complete matches were found with people living in Belarus, Poland and Germany. Apparently, you and they are very distant relatives - somewhere in the fifth century AD you had a common ancestor from those regions. There are partial coincidences on the territory of Central Russia. So your descent through the male line is quite Eastern European.”

Scratch the Frenchman

Well, let’s assume it’s more or less clear with me alone. What if you look at it as a whole? Did the Russian poet really hit the mark in his insights? And where did all these “countless Asian hordes” go, and at the same time three hundred years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke?

“And the hordes, and the yoke, and the burned cities, and everything else, including mutual cultural influence, remains in its place,” answers Oleg Pavlovich. - But in the gene pool of the Russian people, if these processes left a trace, it was completely insignificant. Judge for yourself - we are conducting quite large-scale research, and on genetic markers that are inherited in both the male and female lines. If we believe the insights of Blok and Custine, then the Central Asian genes of the Mongol-Tatar conquerors should prevail in the Russian gene pool. Or if not predominate, then at least be present to a significant extent. However, it turns out that the share of these haplogroups in our country is no more than 2%. If it seems to anyone that even these vanishing small percentages are enough to speak of, let them look at “indigenous” Europe, which was not affected by large-scale Mongol invasions, much less the yoke. So, the average “background” frequency of Central Asian genes in Europe is approximately the same. And, by the way, the same French have no less genetic similarity with the peoples of Central Asia than the Russians.”

No, it’s not for nothing that they say that truth is more interesting than any fiction, any legend and any poetic insight. A visit to the laboratory once again confirmed this. You can go looking for confirmation of your Asian essence and come across the fact that if you scratch a Frenchman, then a Tatar will be found in him with approximately the same probability as in a Russian. What to do about it? Probably come to terms with it.

Discussing the “eternal” question of who the Russians are – Europeans or Asians – many, either intentionally or due to little experience communicating with the “yellow race,” are trying to prove that the Russian people are identical to Genghis Khan’s “Mongols” and are one hundred percent Asian.
The reality is that Europeans differ from Asians as much as Russians differ from both. Therefore, by Russian I will mean those who have no other native language other than Russian. “Asians” I will call the Japanese, Chinese, Mongols, all Turkic-speaking peoples, and in some cases the peoples of the North Caucasus. Mongol-Tatars - modern Tatars, as well as Kazakhs, who formed the basis of Genghis Khan's army.
I am a Russian Asian, in the fifth generation. Living in Kazakhstan, I have the opportunity to study the issue under discussion in comparison. Therefore, I will try to substantiate the difference between Russians and Europeans using the example of “Russian” Germans. The Germans, despite living in Russia for 300 years, retained the main features of their national character. We, in contact with the Mongol-Tatars, were also able to preserve our national characteristics.

In rural areas of Kazakhstan, one can unmistakably determine: this is a German village, this is a Kazakh village, and this is a Russian village. In German villages there is neatness even in small things, cleanliness, painted front gardens. There is a lot of greenery around the houses. There is no greenery at all in the Kazakh village, the fences have been knocked down, the plaster on the houses has been torn off. Russian villages have a lot of greenery, the buildings are in good condition, but they don’t have the sleekness that the Germans have.
Russians consider Germans greedy, Germans consider Russians wasteful. Germans are punctual, Russians are not. Germans strive for order in everything; Russians are irritated by such order. For Russians, passion for work is typical; the process of work itself can bring joy, and in order to achieve creative results, Russians are often ready to sacrifice personal time. The Germans don't have this; even if the German raised the hammer, but at that time the end of shift signal sounded, he would not strike the workpiece, but would lower the hammer and begin to get ready to go home.
A German will not work if the pay is insufficient. A Russian, if the work has social significance, will work even for minimal pay.
It is generally accepted that Russians and Germans are good soldiers, and they are equal in the quality of fortitude. However, the resilience of German soldiers was developed by a subconscious, at the level of genetic memory, desire for order. The tenacity of Russian soldiers is due to an innate sense of public duty and the need to accomplish a feat (at least to prove one’s own worth), as well as a completely conscious desire to die gracefully, as evidenced by the sayings: “Even in the world, death is beautiful”, “To die, so with music” etc.
A Russian in battle is completely different from what he is in a peaceful situation. Many Russians only understand in battle that they are full-fledged people (I say this because I have combat experience, I have seen various national groups in a combat situation). At the same time, many Germans do not understand the Russian’s motives. For example, why did Alexander Matrosov rush to the pillbox without orders? Many Germans, by the way, could repeat this feat if they had a specific order.
It is likely that a lot of time will still be needed before there is an awareness of the fact that what is going on in the world is not so much a struggle of ideologies as a struggle of ethnic groups. And the dominance of one of the ethnic groups will be the logical conclusion of the next stage in the development of the planet. It is typical that an ideology aimed at limiting its numbers is used against the Russian people.
What are the differences between Russians and Asians?
Firstly, the attitude towards a woman. We have an unofficial cult of the Mother of God, and in most houses the “red” corners are decorated with this particular icon. For many Asian peoples, a woman is in the next place after a donkey.
Secondly, humanism (not Western humanism in relation to maniacs, but humanism in relation to women, children, who surrendered to enemies). Asians, on the other hand, push women and children, even their own, into machine guns in front of them, and abuse the prisoners and wounded. We have a principle: “Don’t hit someone who’s down.” Asians adhere to the rule: “Hit if you fall.” We teach children: “Take care of the old people because they are old and weak, take care of the little ones because they are small and weak.” An Asian, seeing a strong one, breaks into a smile and is ready to turn inside out to please him, but if a weak one gets in the way, he will sit astride him. The formation of differences in character traits already occurred when, according to fairy tales, our ancestors fought to the death with the “Gorynych Snakes.” In the east, at the same time, dragons were deified and sacrifices were made to them.
Thirdly, among Russians, honesty and directness are considered positive qualities. Asians value cunning and deceit. Such a feeling as shame is completely absent.
Fourth: in the fighting qualities of soldiers, we and the Asians have no similarities at all. In comparison with the Germans, durability has already been mentioned. Asians practically cannot fight on the defensive. When meeting with strong-willed troops, they experience a psychological breakdown, causing them to flee. But if the enemy is weak, they will fight with renewed ferocity.
By fighting the Asians only on the defensive, there is a chance of defeat; they need to be constantly attacked. But war tactics are a topic for another discussion.
...Democracy for Asians means chaos and civil war until each other is completely destroyed or until someone conquers the rest. Even in family cooperatives, without physical violence against relatives, any labor achievements are impossible.
Russians, even if they are under foreign oppression, do not want to wage a fratricidal war, they are waiting for leaders worthy of promotion to the “throne” to appear.
We can say with confidence that the Mongol-Tatars did not take almost any part in the formation of the Russian ethnos, since they did not settle among the Russians, and the Russians, in turn, did not take Tatar women as wives (with the exception of the Cossacks, in a short period of time, when on the Don there was a shortage of women). At the same time, it is possible that the Russians contributed to the ethnogenesis of the “horde,” since the Tatars took Russian women away and took them as wives. If anyone objects that some noble families mixed with the Tatars, then it is worth recalling that the Russian ethnos “purified” itself of this back in 1918-1937, while the rest mixed with Jews and do not consider themselves Russian.
The peculiarities of the national character and psychology of the Russian people were formed thousands of years before the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Russians need to know this and not try to imitate either Europeans or Asians, because by acting according to someone else's rules, we will lose to both.
The Russian people do not have any chronic misfortune; An ethnic group develops, experiencing ups and downs (all processes are cyclical). We are overcoming another recession, but another rise is already visible, as evidenced by signs of the formation of a national ideology.

Scratch a Tatar and you will find a Russian
Multinational Russia

There are many stranger nations in our country. This is not correct. We should not be strangers to each other. I'll start with Tatars are the second largest ethnic group in Russia, there are almost 6 million of them.

Still from the film "Mongol"

Who are the Tatars? The history of this ethnonym, as often happened in the Middle Ages, is a history of ethnographic confusion.
In the 11th-12th centuries, the steppes of Central Asia were inhabited by various Mongol-speaking tribes: Naiman, Mongols, Kereits, Merkits and Tatars. The latter wandered along the borders of the Chinese state. Therefore, in China the name Tatars was transferred to other Mongolian tribes in the meaning of “barbarians”. Actually, the Chinese called the Tatars white Tatars, the Mongols who lived to the north were called black Tatars, and the Mongolian tribes who lived even further, in the Siberian forests, were called wild Tatars.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan launched a punitive campaign against the real Tatars in revenge for the poisoning of his father. The order that the Mongol ruler gave to his soldiers has been preserved: to destroy everyone taller than the cart axle. As a result of this massacre, the Tatars as a military-political force were wiped off the face of the earth. But, as the Persian historian Rashid ad-Din testifies, “because of their extreme greatness and honorable position, other Turkic clans, with all the differences in their ranks and names, became known by their name, and all were called Tatars.”

The Mongols themselves never called themselves Tatars. However, Khorezm and Arab merchants, who were constantly in contact with the Chinese, brought the name “Tatars” to Europe even before the appearance of Batu Khan’s troops here. Europeans brought the ethnonym “Tatars” closer to the Greek name for hell - Tartarus. Later, European historians and geographers used the term Tartaria as a synonym for the "barbarian East". For example, on some European maps of the 15th-16th centuries, Muscovite Rus' is designated as “Moscow Tartary” or “European Tartary”.

As for modern Tatars, neither by origin nor by language they have absolutely nothing to do with the Tatars of the 12th-13th centuries. The Volga, Crimean, Astrakhan and other modern Tatars inherited only the name from the Central Asian Tatars.

The modern Tatar people do not have a single ethnic root. Among his ancestors were the Huns, Volga Bulgars, Kipchaks, Nogais, Mongols, Kimaks and other Turkic-Mongol peoples. But the formation of modern Tatars was even more influenced by the Finno-Ugrians and Russians. According to anthropological data, more than 60% of Tatars have predominantly Caucasian features, and only 30% have Turkic-Mongolian features.

The emergence of the Ulus Jochi on the banks of the Volga was an important milestone in the history of the Tatars. During the era of Chingizids, Tatar history became truly global. The system of public administration and finance and the postal (yam) service inherited by Moscow have reached perfection. More than 150 cities arose where the endless Polovtsian steppes recently stretched. Their names alone sound like a fairy tale: Gulstan (land of flowers), Saray (palace), Aktobe (white vault).

Some cities were much larger than Western European ones in size and population. For example, if Rome in the 14th century had 35 thousand inhabitants, and Paris - 58 thousand, then the capital of the Horde, the city of Sarai, had more than 100 thousand. According to the testimony of Arab travelers, Sarai had palaces, mosques, temples of other religions, schools, public gardens, baths, and running water. Not only merchants and warriors lived here, but also poets. All religions in the Golden Horde enjoyed equal freedom. According to the laws of Genghis Khan, insulting religion was punishable by death. The clergy of each religion were exempt from paying taxes.

During the era of the Golden Horde, there was enormous potential for the reproduction of Tatar culture. But the Kazan Khanate continued this path mostly by inertia. Among the fragments of the Golden Horde that scattered along the borders of Rus', Kazan was of greatest importance to Moscow due to its geographical proximity. Spread on the banks of the Volga, among dense forests, the Muslim state was a curious phenomenon. As a state entity, the Kazan Khanate arose in the 30s of the 15th century and during the short period of its existence it was able to demonstrate its cultural identity in the Islamic world.

The 120-year neighborhood between Moscow and Kazan was marked by fourteen major wars, not counting almost annual border skirmishes. However, for a long time both sides did not seek to conquer each other. Everything changed when Moscow realized itself as the “third Rome,” that is, the last defender of the Orthodox faith. Already in 1523, Metropolitan Daniel outlined the future path of Moscow politics, saying: “The Grand Duke will take all the land of Kazan.” Three decades later, Ivan the Terrible fulfilled this prediction.

On August 20, 1552, a 50,000-strong Russian army camped under the walls of Kazan. The city was defended by 35 thousand selected soldiers. About ten thousand more Tatar horsemen were hiding in the surrounding forests and alarming the Russians with sudden raids from the rear.

The siege of Kazan lasted five weeks. After the sudden attacks of the Tatars from the direction of the forest, the cold autumn rains annoyed the Russian army most of all. The thoroughly wet warriors even thought that the bad weather was being sent to them by Kazan sorcerers, who, according to the testimony of Prince Kurbsky, went out onto the wall at sunrise and performed all sorts of spells. All this time, a tunnel was being built under one of the Kazan towers. On the night of October 1, the work was completed. 48 barrels of gunpowder were placed in the tunnel. At dawn there was a monstrous explosion. It was terrible to see, the chronicler wrote, many tortured corpses and mutilated people flying in the air at a terrible height.

The Russian army rushed to attack. The royal banners were already fluttering on the city walls when Ivan the Terrible himself rode up to the city with his guards regiments. The presence of the Tsar gave new strength to the Moscow warriors. Despite the desperate resistance of the Tatars, Kazan fell a few hours later. There were so many killed on both sides that in some places the piles of bodies lay level with the city walls.

The death of the Kazan Khanate, of course, did not mean the death of the Tatar people. On the contrary, it is

As a part of Russia, in fact, the Tatar nation emerged, which finally received its truly national-state formation - the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Moscow state never confined itself to narrow national-religious boundaries. Historians have calculated that among the nine hundred most ancient noble families of Russia, Great Russians make up only one third, while 300 families come from Lithuania, and the other 300 come from Tatar lands.

Ivan the Terrible's Moscow seemed to Western Europeans to be an Asian city not only for its unusual architecture and buildings, but also for the number of Muslims living in it. One English traveler, who visited Moscow in 1557 and was invited to the royal feast, noted that the tsar himself sat at the first table with his sons and the Kazan kings, at the second table sat Metropolitan Macarius with the Orthodox clergy, and the third table was entirely allocated to the Circassian princes. In addition, another two thousand noble Tatars were feasting in other chambers. They were not given the last place in the government service. Subsequently, the Tatar clans gave Russia a huge number of intellectuals, prominent military and social and political figures.

Over the centuries, the culture of the Tatars was also absorbed by Russia, and now many native Tatar words, household items, and culinary dishes have entered the consciousness of Russian people as if they were their own. According to Valishevsky, when going out into the street, a Russian person put on a shoe, army coat, zipun, caftan, bashlyk, and cap. In a fight, he used his fist. Being a judge, he ordered to put shackles on the convicted person and give him a whip. Setting off on a long journey, he sat in the sleigh with the coachman. And getting up from the mail sleigh, he went into a tavern, which replaced the ancient Russian tavern.

After the capture of Kazan in 1552, the culture of the Tatar people was preserved, first of all, thanks to Islam. Islam (in its Sunni version) is the traditional religion of the Tatars. The exception is a small group of them, which in the 16th-18th centuries was converted to Orthodoxy. That’s what they call themselves: “Kryashen” - baptized.

Islam in the Volga region established itself in 922, when the ruler of Volga Bulgaria voluntarily converted to the Muslim faith. But even more important was the “Islamic revolution” of Khan Uzbek, who at the beginning of the 14th century made Islam the state religion of the Golden Horde (by the way, contrary to the laws of Genghis Khan on the equality of religions). As a result, the Kazan Khanate became the northernmost stronghold of world Islam.

In Russian-Tatar history there was a sad period of acute religious confrontation. The first decades after the capture of Kazan were marked by persecution of Islam and the forced introduction of Christianity among the Tatars. Only the reforms of Catherine II fully legalized the Muslim clergy. In 1788, the Orenburg Spiritual Assembly was opened - a governing body of Muslims, with its center in Ufa.

But what can be said about the “orphan of Kazan” or about uninvited guests? Russians have long said that “the old proverb is said for a reason” and therefore “there is no trial or punishment for the proverb.” Silencing inconvenient proverbs is not the best way to achieve interethnic understanding.

So, Ushakov’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” explains the origin of the expression “Kazan orphan” as follows. Initially, this was said “about the Tatar mirzas (princes), who, after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate by Ivan the Terrible, tried to receive all kinds of concessions from the Russian tsars, complaining about their bitter fate.”

Indeed, the Moscow sovereigns considered it their duty to win over the Tatar Murzas, especially if they decided to change their faith. According to documents, such “Kazan orphans” received about a thousand rubles in annual salaries. Whereas, for example, a Russian doctor was entitled to only 30 rubles a year. Naturally, this state of affairs gave rise to envy among Russian service people. Later, the idiom “Kazan orphan” lost its historical and ethnic connotation - this is how they began to talk about anyone who just pretends to be unhappy, trying to evoke sympathy.

Now about the Tatar and the guest: which of them is “worse” and which is “better”. The Tatars of the Golden Horde, if they happened to come to a subordinate country, behaved in it like gentlemen. Our chronicles are full of stories about oppression by the Tatar Baskaks and the greed of the Khan's courtiers. It was then that they began to say: “A guest in the yard - and trouble in the yard”; “And the guests did not know how the owner was tied up”; “The edge is not big, but the devil brings a guest and takes away the last one.” Well, and - “an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.” When times changed, the Tatars, in turn, learned what the Russian “uninvited guest” was like. The Tatars also have many offensive sayings about Russians. What can you do about it?

History is the irreparable past. What happened, happened. Only the truth heals morals, politics, and interethnic relations. But it should be remembered that the truth of history is not bare facts, but an understanding of the past in order to live correctly in the present and future.

Tatars by haplogroup or race, briefly. Selective genetic studies have established that in different samples or villages, 34.1% of Tatars have the Scythian haplogroup R1a-Z2123. It is also important that this fossil Scythian does not fall into the ancestors of the Slavs of haplogroup R1a, because the Z2123 subclade is not typical for the Slavs. It is more typical of the Karachay-Balkars, Bashkirs, and Tatars. R1a-Z93 is also the most common haplogroup among the Tatars. It was also found among the ancient (fossil) Cimmerians, Scythians and Khazars and Barsils, i.e. Barsils called “Bulgars” but in fact bilәr and heard and recorded by the Arabs in Balar and further transcribed into the erroneous “Bulgars”, about which written by ABU HAMID AL-GARNATI .

Russians practically don’t have such Z93s. Among Russians and other Europeans, the most common ones are R1a-Z280 and R1a-M458. and so: Haplogroups R1a-Z645-Z93-Z2123 (Volga steppes of the Samara region), R1a-Z645 (Tuva), R1a-Z645-Z93 (Pazyryk Altai culture), as well as R1b-Z2103 (Samara region) have already been found among the fossil Scythians and Q1a-F903 (huns) (East Kazakhstan). Haplogroup R1a-Z645-Z93 was also found in fossil Khazars - see and. Once again: The Scythians, as the ancestors of part of the Tatars, will definitely be of different haplogroups - R1a, R1b, G2a, C, ("Mongolian") Q (Huno-Indian) and others. In any case, ethnic Russians do not descend from the Scythians of haplogroup R1a-Z93, And that's the main thing!

The answer to the question why did the Aryans (not Slavs) R1a-Z93 from the Southern Urals, from Arkaim go to India about 3600 years ago? The answer becomes clear, if you look at the history of global disasters. 3,600 years ago, one of the largest eruptions in the history of mankind occurred at the Santorini volcano, also known as Thera, in the Aegean Sea.

Haplogroup or DNA genes among the Belarusian Tatars Q are on average 10% (called American-Indian or Xiongnu), and now it is up to 95% among the Siberian Kets, whose self-name is Dene, as for example among the Apache Indians, Tlingits and others on the Dene. This same one Q for some Siberian Tatars reach 40% , It wouldn’t be out of place to say that some Turkmens will have somewhere around 75%.

8.7% of Tatars with haplogroup R1b are paternal descendants of the Celts. Even more descendants of the Celts are found among the Bashkirs. About 20% are descendants of Finno-Ugric peoples with haplogroup I1. As a matter of fact, they are the descendants Volga Bulgars, i.e. biller . The remaining 37% have various variants of haplogroup C3, inherited from the Far Eastern Tatars, who gave the remnants of the descendants of the Scythian-Cimmerians their name. And since it is their descendants who make up the relative majority, the history of the Tatars should be traced back to Mongol-Tatar, Hun origins. The question arises: how did these two genes end up in the seemingly “Iranian-speaking” Scythians and Cimmerians? - if one remembers how the leaders of the Cimmerians killed themselves, (harakiri, a custom that was also among the Indians) from powerlessness will repel the Scythians, who, apparently, were also ruled by their own relatives, one can make an unambiguous conclusion that their leaders were people controlled as gods from the Hun tribe ! About haplogroup N

  • Haplogroup N1-M231(xN1a-M128, xN1c-Tat) was the main one in the Hongshan culture (6500-5000 years ago) and later cultures of the same region, and N1c-Tat also appeared 3000 years ago. .
  • Subclade N1a1a1a1a-L392 or N3a3′5 of specimen OLS10 (Kunda, Lääne-Viru) from the Estonian Iron Age (EstIA) dates to 770–430 AD. BC, the subclade N3a3a was identified in two other EstIA samples.
  • N1a was found in an inhabitant of pile structure No. 1 from the Serteya II site (Zhizhitsa archaeological culture of the late Neolithic, 4300 years ago) and in a representative of the Pskov long barrow culture from a burial mound in a possible Krivichi burial of the Maiden Mountains burial ground near Lake Sennitsa (1200 years ago )

According to the 2010 census, there are more than 5 million Tatars in Russia. The Kazan Tatars have their own national autonomy within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Tatarstan. Siberian Tatars do not have national autonomy. But among them there are those who want to call themselves Siberian Tatars. About 200 thousand people declared this during the census. And this position has a basis.

One of the main questions: should the Tatars be considered a single people or a union of close ethnolinguistic groups? Among the Tatar subethnic groups, in addition to the Kazan and Siberian Tatars, the Mishar Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars, Polish-Lithuanian Tatars and others also stand out.

Often even the common name - “Tatars” - is not accepted by many representatives of these groups. For a long time, Kazan Tatars called themselves Kazanians, and Siberian Tatars called themselves Muslims. In Russian sources of the 16th century, the Siberian Tatars were called “Busormans”, “Tatarovya”, “Siberian people”. The common name for the Kazan and Siberian Tatars appeared through the efforts of the Russian administration at the end of the 19th century. In Russian and Western European practice, even representatives of peoples who did not belong to them were called Tatars for a long time.


Now many Siberian Tatars have accepted the official point of view that their language is an eastern dialect of literary Tatar, spoken by the Volga Tatars. However, there are also opponents to this opinion. According to their version, Siberian-Tatar is an independent language belonging to the northwestern (Kypchak) group of languages; it has its own dialects, which are divided into dialects. For example, the Tobol-Irtysh dialect includes Tyumen, Tar, Tevriz and other dialects. Not all Siberian Tatars understand literary Tatar. However, it is the language that is taught in schools and the language that is studied in universities. At the same time, Siberian Tatars prefer to speak their own language at home.


There are several theories of the origin of the Tatars: Bulgaro-Tatar, Turkic-Tatar and Tatar-Mongolian. Supporters of the idea that the Volga and Siberian Tatars are two different peoples adhere mainly to the Bulgaro-Tatar version. According to it, the Kazan Tatars are the descendants of the Bulgars, Turkic-speaking tribes who lived on the territory of the Bulgar state.

The ethnonym “Tatars” came to this territory with the Mongol-Tatars. In the 13th century, under the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars, Volga Bulgaria became part of the Golden Horde. After its collapse, independent khanates began to form, the largest of which was Kazan.

At the beginning of the 20th century, historian Gainetdin Akhmetov wrote: “Although it is traditionally believed that the Bulgars and Kazan are two states that replaced one another, with careful historical comparison and study it is easy to find out their direct inheritance and, to some extent, even identity: in Kazan The same Turkic-Bulgar people lived in the khanate.”

The Siberian Tatars are defined as an ethnic group formed from a complex combination of Mongolian, Samoyedic, Turkic, and Ugric components. First, the ancestors of the Khanty and Mansi came to the territory of Siberia, followed by the Turks, among whom were the Kipchaks. It was from among the latter that the core of the Siberian Tatars was formed. According to some researchers, some of the Kipchaks migrated further to the territory of the Volga region and also mixed with the Bulgars.

In the 13th century, the Mongol-Tatars came to Western Siberia. In the 14th century, the first state formation of the Siberian Tatars arose - the Tyumen Khanate. At the beginning of the 16th century it became part of the Siberian Khanate. Over the course of several centuries, there was also mixing with the peoples living in Central Asia.

The ethnic groups of the Kazan and Siberian Tatars emerged at approximately the same time - around the 15th century.


A significant part of the Kazan Tatars (up to 60%) look like Europeans. There are especially many fair-haired and light-eyed people among the Kryashens - a group of baptized Tatars who also live on the territory of Tatarstan. It is sometimes noted that the appearance of the Volga Tatars was formed as a result of contacts with Finno-Ugric peoples. Siberian Tatars are more similar to the Mongols - they are dark-eyed, dark-haired, with high cheekbones.


Siberian and Kazan Tatars are mainly Sunni Muslims. However, they also retained elements of pre-Islamic beliefs. From the Siberian Turks, for example, the Siberian Tatars inherited the veneration of ravens for a long time. Although the same ritual of “crow porridge”, which was cooked before the start of sowing, is now almost forgotten.

The Kazan Tatars had rituals that were largely adopted from the Finno-Ugric tribes, for example, weddings. Ancient funeral rituals, now completely supplanted by Muslim traditions, originated in the rituals of the Bulgars.

To a large extent, the customs and traditions of the Siberian and Kazan Tatars have already mixed and unified. This happened after many residents of the Kazan Khanate conquered by Ivan the Terrible migrated to Siberia, and also under the influence of globalization.

Why are Tatars more like Russians!? They actively mixed with you!? and got the best answer

Answer from Kaustik net[master]
If you answer exactly the question asked, that is, about the appearance of the Tatars, then they have the most varied appearance - from the appearance of Rinat Dasaev to the appearance of the host of “Let’s get married!” (I forgot her name). Sometimes it seems that the ethnic group, which today is called Tatars, is a mechanical mixture of a variety of tribes and peoples that have nothing in common with each other. If we go into recent history, then the ethnic core of modern Tatarstan is the Bulgars - a people who had their own statehood even during the formation of the ancient Russian principalities. After the arrival of the Mongols, the Golden Horde was formed in the Middle Volga, incorporating both the Bulgars and a host of other, mostly Turkic-speaking peoples. The Kazan Khanate, which Ivan the Terrible took, was, in short, the last stage of the Golden Horde, a state formation, cemented by a common Tatar language (one of the languages ​​of the Kipchak language group) and a very soft version of the Muslim religion, which was brought here by merchants who ascended to Kazan from the south along the Volga. Therefore, enically, the Tatars are, after all, a mixture of genetically distant peoples, and therefore their appearance is absolutely diverse. It would be interesting to look at their markers and halogroups.

Reply from Mikhail Valuev[guru]
Are you interested in the details of interracial sex? I can give you the address on the net.

Reply from Olga Afonina[guru]
they actively mixed with everyone, but my eyes are blue

Reply from Paul[guru]
Based on the question, it was not the Tatars who actively mixed with the Russians, but the Russians who actively “poked” the Tatars for 300 years.

Reply from Marat Mamyashev[newbie]
Because the Turks + Finno-Ugric substrate, just like the Russians are Slavs + Finno-Ugric substrate.
Hence the genetic and phenotypic (external) similarity of the period.

Reply from Argun[guru]
Mixes only g... in a chamber pot... Judging by the question, you are as old as in the photo... Then there is only one answer - study. Perhaps this process will lead to something...

Reply from Boris N. Eroshkin[guru]
The fruits of the three-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Reply from Two minutes to the ambassador...[guru]
Yes, they kissed for 300 years...

Reply from Slava[guru]
Tatars and Russians always lived side by side, only the language was different, but the appearance was the same.... or rather, the Kazan people of the Kazan kingdom.... it was later, for their resistance against Moscow aggression, that Grozny nicknamed them Tatars.... (in Greek - people hell) and off they go.... and then they were assimilated during the mixing of Muslims, bringing in their appearance and religion.... and forget about the Mongols, who were never even close here - forget...

Reply from Ahon[guru]
To whom? Whose will you be, slave?

Reply from Vladimir Gribov[guru]
What wise sages we have. Real Russians love reliable people and that explains it all

Reply from Citizen Nikanorova[guru]
everyone actively mixes with everyone else. and that's right. life does not stand still. and professional zealots of blood purity are burning in hell