Who is Buzova dating? “Buzova is pregnant - that’s news”: the singer’s mother commented on the interesting situation of her daughter

In the regions, one after another, concerts of pop singer, TV presenter and socialite Olga Buzova are being cancelled. Spring performances in Penza and Tambov were postponed to autumn, but in the end the concerts still did not take place. Those who were waiting for Buzova's performance were disappointed for the second time. The box office does not provide accurate information about the reasons for the cancellation of concerts; they answer evasively. Fans are sure that the problem is in Olga’s busy schedule, which is why the girl cannot cope with the workload.

The singer’s PR-manager Anton Bogoslavsky is also calm. He states: “Nothing bad is happening. Concerts have to be moved by a day or two, about a week, but nothing has been cancelled. All concerts that have been announced will take place.”

Messages on social networks contradict his words. For example, in the “Typical Balakovo” group on the social network “VKontakte” the following information was published: “Olga Buzova’s concert, which was supposed to take place at the Forum Sports Complex on October 20, has been cancelled. We kindly ask you to contact the box office (where the tickets were purchased) regarding a refund.”

Krasnodar became the next city on the black list. The website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication, with reference to the city box office, published information that the organizers of Buzova’s show decided to cancel the concert because not enough tickets were sold. The event was to take place at the Olympus Sports Palace with a capacity of five thousand people.

Record low ticket sales do not fit in with the singer’s popularity on the Internet and on TV. Olga’s hits lead the charts of music channels, and not only personal managers, but also famous artists work on her promotion. For example, Philip Kirkorov actively films Olga in his videos.

Fans of Buzova’s work are perplexed, but continue to support their idol, because any popular artist can experience career setbacks. Olga herself, in an interview with the MUZ-TV channel, stated: “I thought that everything was very bad in my life. I sleep little, eat little, have no time, but in fact I didn’t even know what could be worse.” Now Buzova is preparing for her second big solo show in the capital.

Let us remind you that Olga gained her popularity thanks to the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel. Since December 2008, she has been the editor-in-chief of the World of Reality TV magazine. House-2".

Since 2011, Olga began musical activity. The first single was the song “Don’t Forget,” performed in a duet with rapper T-killah. In 2016, Buzova released her first solo song, “To the Sound of Kisses,” which reached number one on the iTunes chart in Russia in just two days.

On October 6, 2017, Olga presented her debut studio album, “To the Sound of Kisses.” Since December of the same year, the singer went on a tour of Russian cities with a show of the same name.

The singer herself came up with the project “Married to Buzova” because she wanted to find love, but on the very first day she almost ran away from it.

“When I saw all the applicants, I asked myself the question: “What am I doing? I didn’t feel anything except the desire to stop all this,” Olga admits.

– When I posted a video on Instagram in which I sing the song “Few Halves” in Tuscany (this is an exclusive excerpt that was shown only on the TNT-PREMIER online service), someone wrote: “I wonder how many times it took to reshoot for Olya did you sing so beautifully?” We don't have any duplicates! This is not a series, but a reality show, everything happens in reality.

“I decided to take such a step because I felt that something was wrong in my life. Perhaps someone will perceive him as desperate. But for some reason, female happiness did not come to me. I've been waiting for him for two years and have already begun to wonder what's the matter? A young, free, beautiful girl who has let go of the past and is ready for a relationship, but there are none. And I decided to change it myself.

Maybe men are afraid of me

“I understand that I’m contradicting myself, because I wanted to keep future relationships under seven locks and hide them from prying eyes.” And at the same time I came up with such a project and came with it to the TNT channel, where I have been working for 15 years. But I’m a girl, and we can contradict ourselves (laughs). I have experience of relationships behind me that no one knew about. Although we broke up with this young man, we still remained close friends. There is a public experience, everyone knows how it ended. Yes, you want to shout about love to the whole world, but when this beautiful picture collapses, it becomes very painful. Now I wanted quiet female happiness, but in the end I came on television and, in front of the whole country, I am building relationships with men, because in reality they do not get to know me. Why? I don't know.

Yes, you want to shout about love to the whole world, but when this beautiful picture collapses, it becomes very painful

When I was talking with my friend Timur Batrutdinov the other day, he asked me: “Ol, do you really believe that you will find love?” I answered: “Yes!” It may sound naive, but that’s what I thought. Maybe in everyday life men are afraid of me, listen to my songs, and it seems to them that I hate them, that I won’t let anyone in, or that I am an avid careerist. With my appearance on the reality show, I showed them that despite all my busyness and publicity, I want a relationship. I had a bad experience, but it's behind me. Timur and I talked a lot about this. He said that in the same way he went to the “Bachelor” project for love, but it didn’t work out. We laughed together because he hasn’t been able to meet the one for so many years, and I haven’t gone on a date for two years. I thought that since, unlike “The Bachelor,” where the girls didn’t know who the hero would be, in my project the guys understood who they were going to, it means that a priori they should at least be interested in me. But the conclusions are sad.

– I always went on dates with an open soul and heart. I even dressed up for the person I least wanted to spend time with. Smiled when you met, set yourself up positively, because often the first impression is deceptive, and it may turn out that you were mistaken at first. Thanks to the management of TNT for being able to prove to me that I am still capable of experiencing feelings.

Lied about bad habits

– Before the casting began, I met with the producers of the show and talked about important moments for myself. Eye and hair color didn't matter. I would like a man to be taller than me, but the main thing is that he is free! Married people are taboo. You can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune. She also set some age restrictions. I understand perfectly well that you can fall in love with a 20-year-old, but still I would like a person next to me, not just older, but accomplished, mature. Although I know cases where at 23 years old a man is mature and reasonable, but at 40 years old he is childish. As a result, we determined the age to be at least 25 years old. Since I have experience in a relationship with a person who previously had a family (for Dmitry Tarasov, marriage with Olga is the second; his daughter is growing up from his first union. - Antenna’s note) I wanted not only freedom, but also without obligations. At the same time, I understand that if a man was not married at the age of 35, then something is wrong, because good guys are now being snapped up like hotcakes. So I'm ready to make compromises.

If a man has not been married at 35, then something is wrong, because good guys are now being snapped up like hot cakes

Each of us has a past. And so do I. I asked all the guys who came to the project how they broke up with their women. Some have two divorces behind them, and this is already alarming, because some kind of pattern can be traced, a frivolous attitude towards marriage. If we talk about valuable personal qualities, then these are loyalty, devotion, and a sense of humor. It is also important to me that a person does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, and leads a healthy lifestyle. The guys who came to the project knew about this, but, as it turned out, many were deceived. They pretended that they didn’t have bad habits, and then it turned out that they did.

I didn’t admit that I really liked you

When I saw all the contenders for my heart, I asked myself the question: “My God, what am I doing? What show? And so they all come, and I feel nothing except the desire to just run away and stop it all. I asked all the men why they didn’t meet me in reality, they answered: “How will we approach? You will immediately turn away from the gate.” Maybe they really couldn’t find a way to see each other in person or they thought I had someone. By the way, for some reason many people think so. I asked everyone the same question and in the end I answered it myself, acquitting everyone, as always. So I thought: since it all started, the rocket was launched, why run? She completely cleared her schedule, left only concerts that had been planned for a long time, relieved herself of the workload on the Dom-2 project and flew to Italy not to film, but to meet men to get to know them. For me this is a personal story. I remember my mother said at some point: “Daughter, relax, have fun. Why can’t you admit that you really like him?” And really, why? I am a beautiful girl, I always look gorgeous, I smile even at those with whom there was initially some kind of barrier.

I wanted to go on a first date with one of those men who interested me when we met, but I went with Andrei Naumov. He won this right in a competition. I made up the rules myself and didn’t break them. Gave him a chance. But I quickly felt that everything was going wrong. When you're in Venice on a date, and the man next to you emphasizes that he's floating on a gondola with Olga Buzova and constantly reminds you who you are, that says a lot. Everything I felt was written on my face. She correctly explained to Andrey that it was time to end the meeting.

– In the modern world there has been a certain substitution of concepts. When 10-15 women are after a guy, it's not right. It is not girls who should run after young men, but men who should fight for women.

She spoke the truth, they threw mud at her

According to the rules, every week I said goodbye to one of the young people, some not even at the end of the day at the ceremony, but during dates, because I didn’t want to deceive myself and them. If she understood that a man was not interested in me or I was interested in him, she behaved extremely sincerely and preferred to immediately put an end to it. This decency played a cruel joke on me. It turns out that if you tell a man that you are uncomfortable, you automatically become bad, and then they throw mud at you behind your back. Should I really lie? When you don’t torment people, don’t play with them, but honestly explain: “I’m sorry, I don’t feel it,” no one needs such truth. Neither men nor TV viewers like her. Many young people have fans who consider it their duty to say offensive things to me.

The date with Evgeniy actually lasted six hours, if not more, and during that time I understood everything. And they only showed five minutes on air.

When my mother watched the episode in which I asked Zhenya Pesennikov to leave, she said: “Daughter, I understand you, I feel you and fully support you. You realized that this was not your person, and did not mislead an adult man.” The date with Evgeniy actually lasted six hours, if not more, and during that time I understood everything. And only five minutes were shown on air. When they reproach me and say: “She’s such a capricious person, she doesn’t like this, that’s not right,” I don’t deny it. But I didn’t promise that it would be easy. Yes, there is a certain imprint from past relationships, mistrust. I am demanding, but I treat myself the same way. She spoke frankly about her fears, that before I had any emotions, I had to get to know the person, feel that his interest was in me. Of course, there is little time for this on the project. And it’s a pity that I didn’t see everything that was happening behind my back. I play in the theater, but the acting abilities of some men amazed me. They tell me one thing, but behind the scenes something else happens.

Men left and started relationships

“I am convinced that if a girl is interesting, a young man will not be stopped by the only “no” she says. I said goodbye to the guys, but the project continued, I came to Moscow. I had concerts and I was available for communication, but none of those who left tried to meet again. It turns out that if I told them “no” within the show, they didn’t feel the need for me outside of it. When this realization came to me, it became painful and offensive. I said goodbye to many warmly and kindly, because I was grateful for our good moments. And none of them showed any initiative after that. This means that they did not come to me, but to television.

It turns out that if I told them “no” within the show, outside of it they didn’t feel the need for me

Some started relationships the very next day after leaving. An inscription appeared on their pages on social networks: participant in the reality show “Married to Buzov”! What kind of real sympathy for me can we talk about? I had many barriers in my life, how many times I was denied a profession, but I didn’t give up halfway and went towards my goal. So now I automatically conclude: if men immediately gave up, it means they weren’t coming to me. When I look at all this from the outside and see the issues that are coming out, I get to know the guys again. I didn’t see everything, I didn’t hear what they said in my absence. In many situations I was mistaken, as a gullible person who, unfortunately, is easy to deceive.

I came up with the idea of ​​checking with money and fame

I think the camera is not an obstacle to feelings. But I ask myself: did I feel good on the dates or in this atmosphere? Valentin Korobkov and I spent the whole day on a yacht and went to the island of Capri. How can you not be impressed? They chatted, laughed, swam. We just sailed there for four hours and talked the whole time. The same thing happened with other participants on dates. But after a while, moving away a little from meetings with them, I thought: is it not in Italy itself? After all, in ordinary life everything is different: there are no administrators, assistants and the TNT TV channel, which made and came up with dates for the guys, there is only a man. What is he ready for without all the paraphernalia of the project? Only reality will show this.

I noticed when a person tried to catch me and not get into the frame

On dates I pay attention to everything. The little things are very important. The cameras are always with us, we are never alone. Sometimes the shooting would end, and that was it, I was on my own, a man on my own. I noticed when a person tried to catch me and not get into the frame.

The project includes not only my choice, but also that of the participant. I didn’t want there to be guys there who realized that I was not their person. Therefore, my team and I came up with a provocation: before I announce who stays and who leaves, offer men an alternative - me or money. What tests people? Money, fame, power. I can’t say what will happen next, but I’m wondering whether the contenders for my heart will be able to pass the test of fame and the opportunity to make good money.

I want children to be born in marriage

I am not fed up with freedom, I want a relationship in which it will remain with me. And, by the way, I sing about this in my song “Take Me.” I don’t promise a man that I’ll give up some of the work, shirts will be ironed at home, breakfast in the morning, and borscht in the evening. I want to be accepted with all my fears and difficult schedule. The guys on the project saw that I could be emotional, and stomp my foot, and get angry, but at the same time they understood that I was open, honest, and with a sense of humor. I am responsible for every word and I am not pretending to be anyone. I am often asked the question of whether I am ready to get married again. Marriage and stamp are not the main thing. A family is based on love, trust and respect, when people accept each other completely and do not change. You can adjust in some small things: in the schedule, in everyday life. But I don’t want to be broken; I am a mature person with a clear position. And my man should be who he is. I also talk about this in my song “Take Me,” a video for which we have already shot, and my show at Crocus, which will take place on November 18, is called the same.

At some point I was categorical about marriage. But then I realized that I was still conservative. I want a family, children born in marriage. I want a man to appear who will want to take me as his wife. I won't insist. For me, the main thing in a relationship is love.

“Married to Buzova”, Sunday, 20:00, TNT

The finalist of the TV show “Married to Buzova” has probably already regretted more than once his participation in this project, his acquaintance with the TV star, and in general the fact that he went to Moscow to earn money. After scandalous rumors about his infidelities, numerous relationships with women and the use of illegal drugs, the man’s life was filled with sheer negativity. Due to online gossip, not only Olya’s ex-fiance suffered, but also his relatives. Denis Lebedev’s family has a misfortune because of Buzova - his father has become seriously ill and is in a pre-heart attack state. According to Lebedev, his mother now cannot sleep, having learned so many terrifying facts about her son, and now Denis has to constantly make excuses to those around him.

Let me remind you that Denis, nicknamed “the cheese maker,” was the only one of all the contenders for Buzova’s hand and heart who made it to the finals, because she considered him sincere, courageous and ready to do anything for the sake of the woman he loved. But now she writes that she is very disappointed and has completely stopped communicating with Lebedev. To the number, one of which I described in the shloka, there was added gossip that he entered into relationships with women even during the filming of the project. And now the disgraced groom is going to make a short film about his time on the show to prove otherwise.

Mutual hype and agreement?

I don’t know why Denis got involved in this game, because from Buzova’s former relationship with Dmitry Tarasov, everyone remembers how she used any clue to remind herself. And it still periodically appears on air.

Now any splash of information from Lebedev plays into the hands of the host of House 2. And this looks like mutual hype and an agreement. Now they’ll make some noise, they’ll talk, then they’ll justify themselves to TV viewers and their fans, perhaps they’ll even make peace to the delight of Olga’s fans, or, conversely,

The famous pop diva and TV presenter is gaining momentum in popularity and successfully making money by promoting her own name. In this regard, she has many fans and subscribers on Instagram who are interested in who Olga Buzova is dating now.

The girl does not make official announcements about her personal life, firmly deciding to keep it a secret. Nevertheless, she is credited with stormy romances with famous businessmen, a participant in the show “Dom-2” and even with Philip Kirkorov.

But recently information appeared that the owner of the BUZfood restaurant had stopped hiding her boyfriend behind a veil of secrecy.

yandex_ad_1 The relationship of the popular singer with Kirkorov

Throughout June 2018, the media regularly wrote about who Olga Buzova was dating now and how her relationship with her crush was developing. But the girl did not comment on the assumptions of journalists and fans, providing the opportunity for new rumors to emerge.

Particular attention of the public was attracted by the relationship that began between Philip Kirkorov and Buzova. The artists who began working together on a musical project appeared together everywhere.

The king of popular music and the aspiring pop star behaved ambiguously. But then it turned out that Kirkorov and Buzova were not connected by a romantic relationship, but by a contract.

The aspiring performer found herself a rich patron, who paid for her PR from a well-known singer in Russian pop circles. That is why they appear together on stage and social events.

Relationship with a participant in the show Then rumors appeared that Olga Buzova was dating none other than Timur Batrudinov, a participant in the Comedy Club show. Their collaboration in the film “Zomboy” only strengthened fans’ suspicions. Then the girl appeared at Timur’s birthday, heartily congratulating him on his 39th birthday. But that was all over, since for the rest of the evening the young people talked with friends and did not show feelings in public.

Then their photos from a joint vacation in Thailand appeared on the Internet, followed by short videos. However, followers were deeply disappointed in the following months, because it turned out that all these Instagram posts were a joke.


Real relationships confirmed by colleagues

The girl was credited with having affairs with different men, but no one was able to guess for sure. Fans now learned about who Olga Buzova is dating directly from her colleagues.

The former director of the Tatu group told reporters that the singer was dating a famous Moscow businessman. It was he who assisted her in opening her own restaurant and helped her conclude a contract with Kirkorov.

These words were confirmed by Nikolai Baskov, who sincerely believes that the pop diva has very mediocre vocal abilities.

The intrigue increased when Buzova gave a short interview for the Sobesednik magazine. The girl admitted that she was getting married and planning to move to Europe. Then, on her official page, Olga Buzova wrote that she was already planning a wedding that would take place not on the territory of the Russian Federation, but beyond its borders.

yandex_ad_2 The event is planned for a minimum number of guests, most of whom will be relatives and close friends.

Publication from Olga Buzova (@buzova86)

June 17, 2018 at 1:52 PDT Currently, Olga Buzova has begun to devote less time to work and allows herself to vacation abroad. Followers hope to see pictures from the wedding and finally find out who stole the heart of the charming and sincere presenter. This event became the most anticipated in the summer season of 2018.

Olga Buzova is a rather controversial personality in Russian show business, but it was her brightness and difference from others that helped her achieve everything she has now.

Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Okras

Her popularity began to grow since the appearance of the television project “House 2” on TNT. Now Olya acts in TV series, records albums, participates in shows and hosts several of them. In addition, she is constantly involved in business and charity. We will tell you the most interesting facts about it in this article.

Biography of Olga Buzova

Born on January 20, 1986 in a family of real intellectuals. There was no shortage of money in the family, so the girl often received expensive gifts and trips.

2. First successes

She learned to walk and talk early. She began learning English at the age of three.

3. Go to school from age 5

I went to school at the age of five. It was quite difficult for the girl, but thanks to her perseverance and hard work, she coped with the curriculum and managed to build normal relationships with her classmates.

4. The dream of becoming an actress

As a teenager, I dreamed of an acting career. The parents were categorically against it.

5. Education.

She received her first higher education at St. Petersburg State University, graduating with honors with a degree in geographer. In 2016, it became known that the girl began to receive a second higher education in psychology.

6. Starting a career

In 2004, the future star came to the television project “House 2”, where her dizzying career began.

Career of Olga Buzova

7. Relationships on the “House 2” project

On the television project, the girl began a relationship with Roman Tretyakov, which lasted more than three years. The couple was considered the most romantic and strongest. Afterwards, Roman left the project, arguing that he was tired of putting his personal life on display. The man was waiting for Olga to follow him. Olga chose to stay on the project and continue her career on reality TV.

8. Beginning a career as a presenter

In 2008, the star decided to finally leave the project. The producers could not afford to lose Buzova, so they persuaded her to remain as a presenter, together with. At the same time, the girl was engaged in other successful projects on the TNT channel and on the radio.

9. Designer

The girl realized herself as a fashion designer and opened a chain of boutiques. She has released several clothing collections together with the S&C brand.

10. Borodina vs. Buzova

In 2018, a new show “Borodina vs. Buzova” was launched on the TNT channel. The girls, together with experts, discuss a variety of events on the “House 2” project from different points of view and decide who exactly should leave the project.

Marry Buzova

11. New reality show

By analogy with the show “Bachelor”, the reality show “Married to Buzov” was launched on the TNT channel. In this project, the girl will try to find her soulmate. There will be 8 episodes in total, but it is possible that the show will be renewed for a second season.

Olga called this project the craziest act in her life.

The show was not only heavily advertised before it aired on TV, but it was done quite aggressively. So in the commercials there were a lot of provocative remarks: “last chance to get married”, “it’s not normal when such a beautiful girl doesn’t have sex for two years” and others.

13. Wrestling 15 men

15 men will compete in the fight for Buzova’s heart, but it’s quite difficult to call them ordinary. These are mainly models, musicians, businessmen and participants in other television projects.

14. Filming location

Filming of the show takes place in different cities of Italy, where the participants will end up next time becomes a surprise for everyone.

15. Constant deceptions

Buzova admitted that from the very beginning of the project she was faced with lies from the participants. Some lied about their lack of bad habits, others confessed their love, but started a relationship immediately after leaving the project.

Unlike the show “The Bachelor,” in this project the participants knew in advance that they would fight for the heart of Olga Buzova. At the same time, many came not to her, but for PR. So some of the participants immediately began to use Buzova’s name on social networks to promote their name.

16. Is everything according to the script?

After the release of the 5th episode of the show, a real scandal broke out. One of the participants, Alexander Grinev, was dissatisfied with the editing of the episode, believing that he was presented in the wrong “light.” In a fit of anger, the man wrote on Instagram stories with a very ambiguous remark: “Guys from TNT, I really respect everything you do, your work. Despite the role you gave me in this series. But the material in Episode 5 is absolutely unethically edited..."

The entry was soon deleted, but it will now be quite difficult to refute the existence of a pre-written script.

17. “Am I worth 2 million rubles?”

In one of the episodes, a participant in the show was offered 2 million rubles in exchange for his refusal to fight for Buzova’s heart. Evgeny Nazarov agreed to take the money and leave the show, which greatly offended Olga Buzova, who indignantly asked: “Am I worth 2 million rubles?”

Nazarov himself, who was presented on the show as a dollar millionaire, commented on his action by Olga’s lack of interest in him. He promised to spend the money on charity.

The show does have the opportunity to take money and leave the project; with each episode, the amount of remuneration increases. In the very first issue, it cost 100,000 rubles to abandon Buzova.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

18. Wedding with Tarasov

After breaking up with Roman Tretyakov, the girl began dating football player Dmitry Tarasov. The guy soon divorced his wife for the sake of a new romance with Olga. A year later, he proposed to Buzova. A magnificent wedding took place in 2012.

19. Divorce from Tarasov

Four years later, the first rumors about an impending divorce appeared. Tarasov accused his wife of being too demanding and greedy. According to him, the TV personality constantly asked for expensive gifts and payment for all her trips and entertainment. A version about Tarasov’s betrayal appeared in the media.

20. Reasons for divorce

According to another version, the reason for the divorce was everyday life. This became known when hackers hacked Buzova’s account and published messages that her own mother wrote to her. In the SMS, the woman scolded Olya, accusing her of not striving for cleanliness and not wanting to learn how to put the house in order for the sake of her loved one.

Interesting facts about Olga Buzova

21. Buzova and Borodin

It is known that Olya developed a friendship with Borodina. After Buzova’s divorce, the girls stopped appearing together at parties and social events, and colleagues say that there was a clear rift between the stars. The reason was Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend, whom Borodina introduced him to shortly before the divorce. The version has not been officially confirmed, but it seems the most plausible in this situation.

22. Conflict with Borodina

In 2017, at the Muz-TV award, Ksenia personally allowed herself to voice a number of barbs against Buzova about her musical career, her voice and personal life, mentioning that Olya still has no children.

23. Beginning of a singer's career

Having separated from her husband, the girl decided not to become depressed, but recorded her own album and shot several videos in which she touches on deeply personal topics and shares her experiences.

24. Leaving “House 2”

After the release of the album, Olya began to devote more time to music and decided to leave “House 2,” which upset the audience. According to another version, the channel’s managers decided to “ask” the star, since her behavior had recently caused a strong reaction from the public.

Shortly before this, a video appeared on a social network where Buzova, while heavily intoxicated, said that she hated the participants of “House 2” and stayed in the project for the sake of money. The video was quickly deleted and its authenticity cannot be confirmed.

Buzova’s popularity on social networks is constantly growing. In this regard, advertising on its page has also become more expensive. Previously, an advertising post on a star’s Instagram cost 100 thousand rubles. Now, according to some sources, this amount has increased to 400 thousand rubles. Considering that such posts appear two or three times during the day, it is easy to conclude that the hype around the divorce brought good profit.

26. Fake Instagram Followers

Experts noted that the number of subscribers on the TV personality’s Instagram exceeds the Russian-language segment of this network, which indicates the promotion and purchase of bots. It is calculated that the real number of people does not exceed two million, and the price of advertising in her account is unreasonably high.

27. Loboda

32. Conflict with Yegor Creed

But a little later, Olga began to swear in. After the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” he noted that the girls had much more subscribers on social networks, but he doesn’t feel sorry at all that the girls are promoting themselves on his name. Buzova, in turn, noted that the girls “promoted themselves” due to the popular channel and the successful timing of the show.

33. Role in the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion zone."

In the popular series she received the role of a television news anchor. Let us remind you that this series recreates an alternative reality in which the USSR did not collapse.

34. Unsuccessful anthem “House 2”

In the summer of 2018, Buzova, together with the scandalous rapper AK-47, performed a song that, as planned, was supposed to become the new anthem of the “House 2” project. The song was criticized by fans of both artists.

Naturally, there is no talk of any official recognition of the anthem now, but the performers are already filming a video for their song with the involvement of Russian pop stars and the most scandalous participants in the project..

Quick Facts

  • 35. Buzova’s height is 180 centimeters, weight is about 56 kilograms.
  • 36. Olya constantly has to face criticism and outright condemnation from the public and stars.