The most inexplicable mysterious phenomena on earth. The most mysterious events of the 20th century

Sometimes the most incredible things happen on our planet. We are somehow accustomed to fantastic and mystical stories, so we don’t always believe in miracles. Mysterious phenomena happen in reality. There is irrefutable evidence of this. Just look at the megalithic structures scattered all over the planet! No matter what theories scientists put forward, they cannot explain their origin. There are other artifacts that also do not fit into existing theories and paradigms. Let's talk about them.

Ice woman

This story can surpass any other mysterious phenomena in its incredible improbability.

It was in Langby, Minnesota. It was a cold frosty day. The temperature dropped so low that it was scary to go outside. It was at such a time that Jean Hiliard, a nineteen-year-old girl, was discovered. She was completely frozen. The limbs did not bend, the skin froze. She was sent to the hospital. The doctors were amazed. The girl was an ice statue. The mystical phenomena demonstrated by the young organism were just beginning. The doctors were sure that the girl would die. And if the situation developed in a positive direction, she was threatened with amputation of limbs and a long, serious illness. However, after a couple of hours, Jean came to her senses and thawed out. She had no consequences from the “freezing”. Even the frostbite disappeared.

Delhi: Iron Column

Mysterious phenomena can occur with the most ordinary, at first glance, materials. Well, who can you surprise with iron these days? What if I tell you that it was made more than one and a half thousand years ago?

Of course it's incredible. However, in Delhi there is a structure that already adorns the city. It is made of pure iron. This is a seven-meter high column. It is not subject to corrosion. Some experts believe that it could not have been made on earth in those days. Nevertheless, such an artifact exists. It must be indicated when describing the photo, unfortunately, does not reflect all the incredible majesty and significance of this structure. By the way, research has proven that the column is 98% iron. The ancient people were unable to obtain material of such purity. This is a complex technological process.

Carroll A. Dearing

Mystical phenomena often occur in the ocean. People have been talking about the “flying Dutchmen” for several centuries. Not all stories are true, of course. But there are also documented facts.

Thus, an interesting and mysterious fate befell the crew of the schooner named "Carroll A. Deering". It was discovered on the very last day of 1921. Since she gave the impression of a ship in distress, rescuers went to her. Their amazement, mixed with horror, is simply impossible to convey. There was not a single person on the schooner. But there were also no signs of distress or catastrophe. It looked as if the people had disappeared suddenly, without even realizing what had happened. They just evaporated. They took with them personal belongings and the ship's log, although they left the cooked food at the place. No explanation has been found for this fact.

Hutchison effect

A person creates some mysterious phenomena with his own hands, without having any idea how it happens.

So, John Hutchison was a great fan of Nikola Tesla. He tried to reproduce his experiments. The results were as unpredictable as they were incredible. He received a fusion of metal with wood, small objects disappeared during the experiment. The most significant of the effects was levitation. The scientist was even more puzzled by the fact that he could not repeat the result, that is, some mystical, nonlinear events took place. NASA specialists tried to repeat the experiments, but to no avail.

Sticky rain

There were even more incredible, mysterious phenomena on Earth. One of these can safely be considered the extraordinary rain that fell on the residents of Oakville (Washington). Instead of drops of water, they found jelly. The mysteries didn't end there. All the residents of the town fell ill. They developed cold symptoms. We decided to investigate the jelly. White bodies, which are part of human blood, were found in it. Scientists have not been able to figure out how this could happen. In addition, two types of bacteria were recognized in the jelly, which did not explain the symptoms of the illness of local residents. This phenomenon remains unsolved.

Vanishing Lake

Mysterious natural phenomena sometimes resemble the fiction of a science fiction writer. Neither mystics nor scientists can find an explanation for them. A lake in Chile threw up such a mystery in 2007. It was not a puddle with a loud name, but a fairly large body of water. It was five miles long! However, it disappeared without a trace! Two months earlier it was explored by geologists. No deviations were found. But there was no water. There were no earthquakes or other natural disasters, and the lake disappeared. Ufologists gave a more or less acceptable explanation for the event. According to their version, the aliens pumped him out and took him to their “unknown distances.”

Animals in stone

Some mysterious ones are millions of years old.

Thus, there are documented cases where frogs were found inside solid cobblestones. But we can still try to explain this. But the fact of the discovery of a turtle immured in concrete, where it lived for at least one year, is difficult to substantiate. This happened in Texas in 1976. The animal was alive and well. There were no cracks or holes in the concrete. However, this structure was poured a year ago. How and why the turtle existed in the air chamber all this time is not clear.

Donnie Decker

The existence of a boy who can generate water has been documented! His name was Donny. He could “make it rain” indoors. The first time this happened was when the boy was visiting. He went into a trance, causing water to pour from the ceiling and the entire room to be filled with fog. Another time this happened a few years later was when Donnie visited a restaurant. The owner was not impressed by the miracle and kicked the teenager out. But these two episodes could be called fiction. However, there was also a third case. It happened in prison, where Donnie ended up because the rain poured straight from the ceiling of his cell. Neighbors in the building began to complain. Donnie was not taken aback and once again demonstrated his abilities to the guards. It is unknown where he went after his release. They say he worked as a cook.

There are still many amazing things happening in the world. There are people who claim to have seen aliens. Others can sense the future. Still others see through walls. Schools dedicated to the development of superpowers in ordinary people have emerged and continue to exist. Probably, in order to “feel” this unknown, you need to believe in it. Then it will become clear that miracles exist! They are real!

Here are the strangest events of the 20th century. Some of them raise doubts about their reliability. However, judge for yourself.

On Flannan Island (UK), the entire watch of the Eileen Moore lighthouse keepers disappeared without a trace. Pictured is the Eileen Moore Lighthouse today.

On the night of December 29-30, at 1:05 a.m., clocks stopped in many places in Paris. The causes of the Paris Glitch remain unclear. The photo from the beginning of the last century shows the clock tower decorating the Gare de Lyon in Paris.

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite presumably caused an air explosion that occurred in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, with a capacity of 40-50 megatons. The explosion on Tunguska was heard 800 km from the epicenter, the blast wave felled a forest over an area of ​​2,100 sq. km, and the windows of some houses were broken within a radius of 200 km. Soon after the explosion, a magnetic storm began that lasted 5 hours.

On July 14, a pleasure train left the Rome railway station for a trip organized by the Sanetti company for wealthy Italians. Along the way, the three-car train and its 106 passengers disappeared as they entered a tunnel.

On January 31, the legendary Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was born, receiving the gift of prophecy at the age of 12 after she was carried away and blinded by a tornado.

Off the coast of Tierra del Fuego, the sailing ship Marlborough was discovered - the new Flying Dutchman - which left New Zealand in early 1890, but did not enter any port. The remains of 20 people were found on the bridge and in the premises.

In the summer, during the melting of the glaciers on Ararat, pilot Lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on a reconnaissance aircraft of the Imperial Air Force discovered something similar to the remains of Noah's Ark on the mountainside.

An ancient Slavic monument was found - the “Book of Veles”, the authenticity of which is still disputed in our time.

A huge animal with a snake-like neck and a large head, reminiscent of a relict lizard, was spotted on the Paint River (USA). Pictured is the Paint River (Michigan, USA) today.

Not far from the village of Taung (South Africa), the “skull of the Taung child” was found, whose age is estimated at 2.5 million years, and which is attributed to extraterrestrial origin. The photo shows anthropologist Philip V. Tobias with the skull of the “Child of Taung.”

Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), a cylindrical ten-meter body was observed flying, with flames coming out of its tail. Having broken through the ice of the lake, the mysterious object went under water. Since then, local residents began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which dived back into the water when people appeared. In the photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today.

The first documented sighting of the Nessie monster in Scotland's Loch Ness. To date, there have been about 4,000 sightings and encounters with him. A sonar survey of the entire volume of the lake in 1992 discovered 5 giant lizards.

In October 1943, in the United States, in an atmosphere of special secrecy, the Philadelphia experiment, which had no analogues in history, was carried out on the destroyer Eldridge to create a warship invisible to enemy radar. As a result of the creation of a very strong magnetic field around the ship, the ship allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved in space several tens of kilometers. Of the entire crew, only 21 people returned unharmed. 27 people literally became fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear.

Massive UFO invasion in Queensland (Australia).

The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others). No remains found. The emergence of versions of their escape to Latin America. The photo shows Martin Bormann and what is believed to be his skull, the identity of which is disputed.

On July 7, an unknown aircraft crashed in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA). Among the debris, 6 corpses of human-like creatures were allegedly found. The photo shows presumably one of the humanoids who died in a UFO crash in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947.

July 1952. America is in shock. What is happening in the skies over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept across the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects appeared over Washington with enviable regularity from July 12 to July 26. In the photo: a UFO squadron over the Capitol.

An explosion of unknown origin that occurred under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. A huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.

In Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), after a UFO explosion, a small glowing man with huge eyes was visible for some time.

In August, at a British airbase, a UFO chased a fighter jet for 20 minutes before disappearing into thin air. The photo is presumably a UFO. USA, California, 1957.

On December 14, the newspaper “Youth of Yakutia” wrote about a giant monster living in Lake Labynkyr. Local Yakut residents believe that a certain huge animal lives in the lake - the “Labynkyr Devil”, as they call him. According to the descriptions of the Yakuts, this is something dark gray in color with a huge mouth. The distance between the eyes of the “devil” is equal to the width of a raft of ten logs. According to the legend, the “devil” is very aggressive and dangerous, attacks people and animals, and is capable of going ashore. In the photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, Russia).

On February 1, a group of experienced tourists led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to the top of “1079” (Mountain of the Dead). We didn’t have time to get up before dark and pitched our tent right on the slope. We began to triple up for the night. And then something terrible happened... As investigators later established, having cut the wall of the tent with knives, the tourists, in panic, rushed to run down the slope. They ran, whoever was wearing what: in underwear, half naked, barefoot. Later, the corpses of all nine group members were discovered further down the slope. Most died from hypothermia. Several people suffered terrible internal injuries without breaking the skin. The cause of the tragedy is still unknown. The last photo of the Dyatlov group on the Mountain of the Dead.

During maneuvers of the US naval forces off the coast of Puerto Rico, a moving object was spotted developing an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km/h.

On November 22, 1963, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, was captured a few hours later, the true motives and those who ordered the most notorious murder of the 20th century have not yet been established.

A female Bigfoot was captured on film in the Bluff Creek Valley (filmed by Roger Patterson).

Official date of death of Yuri Gagarin. Few people believed in his death. The soothsayer Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut did not die, but “was taken.”

American landing on the Moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.

“Petrozavodsk Miracle”: On September 20 at 4 o’clock in the morning, a UFO in the form of a bright star, from which red rays emanated, was spotted above the main street of Petrozavodsk - Lenin Street. The phenomenon was accompanied by mass UFO sightings in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland. Later, large holes with very sharp edges were discovered in the glass of the upper floors. The photo shows a copy of the only known photograph of the “Petrozavodsk Diva” - the stage of the fiery rain and rice. V. Lukyants “Solovki” (magazine “Technology for Youth” No. 4 1980)

In Tsemes Bay (Black Sea) on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, all the clocks on board stopped. In the photo - Tsemes Bay today.

On January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk (hill “Height 611”). The photo shows the crash site and part of the “exhibits” from the crash site: metal drops of different nature with holes inside, black glassy particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as loose scales in the form of a mesh of quartz fibers 30 microns thick, each of which is twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, each of which, in turn, has a gold thread inserted into it.

Mass suicide of 2,000 dolphins - they washed up on the coast of Brazil. Pictured: Pilot whales stranded on a beach in New Zealand in 2009.

140 whales died off the southern coast of Chile. This is the fourth time a mass suicide has occurred.

Explosion on April 12 in Sasovo (Ryazan region), when UFOs were observed over the city. Anomalies near the funnel are still being recorded - reprogramming of calculators and failure of electronic devices. The photo shows the site of the explosion in 1991 and in our time.

Over the course of 10 months, 48 ​​ships and more than 200 sailors disappeared in the so-called “Pacific Triangle” near Western Micronesia.

A strange half-living creature was discovered in a cemetery in the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym by a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilyevna Prosvirina. The creature became known as the “Kyshtym dwarf”. The creature ate human food and looked and smelled strange. The creature's body length was approximately 30 cm, it had a torso, arms, legs, a head with a high frontal lobe, a mouth and eyes. The pensioner gave the creature a child's name - “Alyoshenka”. “Alyoshenka” lived in the pensioner’s house for about a month.

Other people also saw Alyoshenka: Tamara Prosvirina’s daughter-in-law, as well as some acquaintances. Subsequently, Tamara Prosvirina was admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to worsening schizophrenia. In the end, the creature died, and the causes of death have not been definitively established; among them, death from improper feeding and lack of care or murder under unclear circumstances are most often indicated. Tamara Prosvirina died on August 5, 1999 - she was hit by two cars at night. At this time, she was going to be interviewed by representatives of a Japanese television company who were filming a documentary about this phenomenon. The house where the Kyshtym humanoid lived.

The creature's mummy was discovered in August 1996 by police captain Evgeniy Mokichev (pictured) during his investigation into the theft of an electrical cable. The policeman who discovered the mummy handed it over to his colleague, Vladimir Bendlin, who began his own investigation into the origin and nature of the creature, but soon the mummy of “Alyoshenka” disappeared under strange circumstances. Currently her whereabouts are unknown.

Near the Czech city of Celakovice, a “vampire cemetery” was found - a strange burial dating back to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. In 11 pits lay the remains of 13 people, tied with leather belts and with aspen stakes stuck in the heart. Some of the dead also had their hands and heads cut off. According to pagan beliefs and rituals, this was done with vampires who rose from their graves at night and drank human blood.

In the Movile Cave (Romania), a closed ecosystem not connected with the earth’s was discovered for the first time. Here, 30 species of plants and animals (crustaceans, spiders, centipedes and insects) were discovered living in isolation in the dark for 5 million years.

In some cases, people are killed or accidentally die, and there are no witnesses at the scene of their death. But still, in most of these cases it is almost impossible to find a logical explanation.

Here are 20 of the most famous and mysterious cases of disappearances in human history.

1. Flight MH370

One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century is the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing International Airport in China on March 8, 2014. Despite the most varied versions and theories of what happened, this mystery still remains unsolved and what happened defies any logical explanation.

2. The Lost Eskimo Village

One cold November night in 1930, tired Canadian hunter Joe Labelle, looking for shelter from the cold, accidentally stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in the history of mankind. The once prosperous Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Angikuni, which Labelle passed several times during his travels, disappeared without a trace. All the residents, as if in a hurry, suddenly left the village, leaving their affairs unfinished - somewhere on the fireplace food was still being cooked, and in some houses the hunter found unfinished clothes with needles sticking out. The Eskimos simply disappeared from this place in the most inexplicable way.

3. Springfield Trinity

The missing three from Springfield - three girls are still missing. Sharyl Levitt (47), her daughter Susie Streeter (19), and Susie's friend Stacy McCall (18) disappeared from Levitt's home in Springfield, Missouri. Susie and Stacey had celebrated their high school graduation the night before and arrived at Sharyl Levitt's house around 2 a.m. the morning after a party. The police were unable to solve the mystery of the girls' disappearance and the investigation is still ongoing.

4. The girls who disappeared in Dunes Park

Forty-nine years ago, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, three girls left their belongings on a crowded beach and went for a walk in their swimsuits on Lake Michigan, which is an hour's drive southeast of Chicago. It happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in Dunes National Park in Indiana. From that day on, they were considered missing - no traces of the girls were ever found.

5. Spartak

Despite numerous scientific hypotheses that this warrior was killed in battle during the Revolt of Spartacus, the body of one of the most famous slaves of antiquity, who led the uprising, was never found, and his fate remains unknown.

6. Tara Grinstead

Tara worked as a history teacher at a high school in Oakilla, Georgia in the United States. She went missing under mysterious circumstances on October 22, 2005. In February 2009, a video featuring a serial killer appeared on the Internet. In the video, accompanied by the caption “Catch me, killer,” a man details the murders of sixteen women, including Tara Grinstead, according to local authorities. However, the video was later found to be faked and neither police nor the Georgia FBI unit identified any suspects in Grinstead's disappearance.

7. Richie Edwards

Rock fans have probably heard of Richie Edwards, the Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist for the alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers, popular in the 1990s. It is known that Edwards liked to deliberately injure himself, suffered from depression, alcoholism and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in a place known as "the last refuge of suicides."

8. Harold Holt

Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared without a trace on December 17, 1967. Despite being considered one of Australia's best Labor Ministers, Holt gained widespread notoriety due to his mysterious disappearance. Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach in Victoria on December 17, 1967, but his body was never found. Many believe he was likely killed because of his support for US involvement in the Vietnam War, however this remains unconfirmed.

9. James Thetfort

Former soldier James Thetfort disappeared on December 1, 1949 from a crowded bus. Thetford, along with fourteen other passengers, was traveling to his home in Bennington, Vermont. He was last seen dozing off in his seat. When the bus arrived at its destination, Thetford had disappeared, although all his belongings remained in the trunk, and the bus schedule lay on the empty seat. From then on, Thetford was never seen again.

10. Martha Wright

In 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving with his wife from New Jersey to New York. After driving through the Lincoln Tunnel, Wright stopped the car to wipe the foggy windows. His wife Martha got out of the car to wipe the back window. When Wright turned around, he did not see his wife. The man said he did not hear or see anything unusual, and a subsequent investigation found no evidence of foul play. Martha Wright simply disappeared.

11. Connie Converse

Connie Converse was a talented composer and performer of her generation, appearing on the New York music scene in the late 50s. However, the singer never received widespread public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years old, a crisis occurred in her personal and professional life, and Connie fell into depression. One day, Connie wrote farewell letters and, having sent them along with song lyrics and other notes to all her friends and relatives, left in an unknown direction. They never saw her again.

12. Caesarion

Caesarion was the eldest son of Cleopatra and probably the only son of Julius Caesar. He was also the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, who ruled the country for eleven days before being killed on the orders of Octavian, who later became the Roman Emperor Augustus. However, the exact circumstances and place of his death remain unknown today. According to the Greek historian Plutarch, he was not killed, but was sent to India by his mother.

13. Constance Manziarli

Adolf Hitler's personal chef and nutritionist, who went missing during the escape from Berlin after the Soviet invasion and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite speculation that she was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin Underground or that she committed suicide with cyanide, some conspiracy theorists believe that she is still alive, since Constance's body has never been found.

14. Amelia Earhart

The famous American aviator was the first woman in the world to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, but her airplane disappeared during a flight around the world near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Her disappearance is still fraught with many mysteries that none of the historians have been able to solve.

15. Adolf Hitler

The death of one of the most famous madmen of the twentieth century, Adolf Hitler, is still shrouded in mystery. According to the generally accepted version, on April 30, 1945, after active street fighting, when Soviet troops were approaching the Reich Chancellery, Hitler shot himself, and his wife Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. Their corpses were burned and their remains were never found, a fact that has given rise to many theories about the subsequent fate of Hitler and his wife.

16. D.B. Cooper

Legendary hijacker D.B. Cooper became known as the mastermind behind the most unusual robbery in human history. Having received a ransom of $200,000, he parachuted from a Boeing 727 flying at an altitude of 4 kilometers in the Oregon region on November 24, 1974. After a thorough search, the police found neither Cooper nor any trace of him.

17. Lieutenant Felix Moncla

On the evening of November 23, 1953, the most mysterious event in UFO sightings occurred - Air Force radars in the area of ​​Lake Michigan, Wisconsin in the USA detected an unidentified flying object. An F-89C Scorpion fighter was immediately scrambled from Kingross Air Force Base to intercept it. The plane was flown by First Lieutenant Felix Moncla, and Lieutenant Robert Wilson was the fighter's radar operator at the time. As ground operators subsequently claimed, the fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them, merging together, disappeared from the radar screens. A search and rescue operation was organized, but the wreckage of the plane could not be found.

18. Ghost ship "Joyta"

The merchant ship Joyta, carrying twenty-five passengers and crew, mysteriously disappeared in the South Pacific in 1955. Soon the drifting ship was discovered in very poor condition, with rusted pipes and a working radio, which, due to damaged wiring, could only send distress signals within a radius of three kilometers. Until now, nothing is known about the whereabouts of the passengers of this ship.

19. Ninth Legion "Hispan"

The Ninth Legion mysteriously disappeared in foggy Britain during a military campaign. No traces of weapons were found to indicate that the legionnaires could have been destroyed in the battle - the army of five thousand seemed to be swallowed up by the earth.

20. Disappearance of Valentich

The “disappearance of Valentich” in 1978 is one of the most unusual events in the history of ufology. The mysterious case of Friedrich Valentich is considered one of the most famous mysteries in Australian aviation - before the plane disappeared in the sky, the pilot managed to radio that he had seen a UFO. Many representatives of the ufological subculture, as well as Valentich’s father, believe that the man was abducted by aliens and may even still be alive.

The history of human civilization reliably holds many secrets, many of which will never be solved. But the last two centuries have presented the world with many mysteries that researchers are puzzling over. The most mysterious incidents in the world of the XX-XXI centuries - today we’ll talk about ten secrets of modern human history.

Crop Circles

The most mysterious incidents in the world include mysterious ones. These are various geometric shapes formed by crushed plants in agricultural fields. The drawings are created perfectly smoothly and can form complex pictograms. Their size varies: they can be small or huge, fully visible only from an airplane. They began to attract a lot of attention in the 1970s in England. In 1972, in the south of the country, two eyewitnesses, watching the sky on a moonlit night in the hope of seeing a UFO, noticed how the grass in the field lay down, forming a circle. The peak of interest in the mysterious phenomenon occurred in the 1990s. The earliest mentions of the appearance of such pictograms (drawings) in the margins date back to the 17th century.

The most varied hypotheses for the origin of crop circles are put forward: the activities of an alien civilization, micro-tornadoes, ball lightning and hoaxes of interested parties. Thus, the Englishmen David Chorley and Douglas Bauer admitted in 1991 that the appearance of the first circles was their doing. They claim that they have created about 250 pictograms since 1978. But many continue to believe that the mysterious phenomenon of amazing drawings in the fields is not a hoax, but unsolved messages from mysterious forces. Crop circles are in 10th place among the most mysterious incidents on Earth.

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite

On June 30, 1908, at 7 o’clock in the morning, in the Podkamennaya Tunguska region (the right tributary of the Yenisei, Central Siberia), local residents witnessed the flight of a celestial body, which left a trail behind it, like a falling meteorite. The sound of the fall was heard at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the crash site. A powerful shock wave knocked down trees within a radius of 30 kilometers. This mysterious incident became known to the world as. But what kind of object exploded in the Podkamennaya Tunguska area, and whether it was really a meteorite, is still unknown. Thousands of researchers have been working on the solution to this phenomenon for over years. Many hypotheses have been put forward, none of which have received documented confirmation. The famous Tunguska meteorite, the mystery of which has never been solved, is in 9th place on the list of the most mysterious incidents in the world.

It is also associated with space, causing a huge resonance in the world. In 1947, a catastrophe allegedly occurred near the city of Roswell - the fall of a cosmic body of artificial origin. This incident became one of the most mysterious incidents in the world. There is still fierce debate over the nature of the fallen object. The authorities, represented by the country's air force, claim that a weather balloon crashed, which local residents mistook for the wreckage of a UFO. The Roswell incident is number eight on our list.

The mysterious disappearance of the ship's crew is in seventh place among the most mysterious incidents in the world. In 1872, the sailing ship was found by an English brig. From the trajectory of its movement it was clear that no one was controlling it. Not a single crew member or passenger was found on board. Things were untouched, as were the supply of water and provisions. From the entry in the logbook it followed that the ship reached almost the point where it was found. What happened to the crew is still unknown. The commission that investigated the case suggested that the crew for some reason abandoned the ship, leaving behind all their belongings and provisions. There was simply no other explanation for what happened.

Many mysterious incidents are associated with crimes. The most famous story is the Jack the Ripper case, which was never solved. The 20th century made its contribution to the history of serial killers. From 1918 to 1919, a criminal nicknamed "The Woodman" operated in New Orleans. The murder weapon was an ax, with which the maniac broke open the doors of the victims' houses. Like Jack the Ripper, the Woodcutter wrote letters to newspapers reporting future murders. The crimes suddenly stopped, and the Woodcutter's identity was never established. The New Orleans murder mystery ranks sixth on the list of the most mysterious incidents in the world.

One of the most mysterious stories in the world is the criminal case of the discovery in 1948 of the body of an unidentified man on the beach of Adelaide (Australia). The case received a great public outcry for a number of reasons: it was not possible to establish either the identity of the unknown person or the cause of death. In addition, a piece of paper with a strange inscription “Taman Shud” was found in a secret trouser pocket. As it turned out, the paper was torn from a rare edition of the works of Omar Khayyam. The mysterious story that happened on the beach in Somerton is in fifth place as the most mysterious incidents in the world. This incident inspired Stephen King to write "The Colorado Boy".

In fourth place among the most mysterious incidents in the world is history "Kyshtym dwarf". In 1996, an elderly woman in a village near Kyshtym discovered a living creature of an unknown biological species. Outwardly, it looked like a small humanoid - about 30 centimeters in length. The woman named him Alyoshenka and nursed him for about a month. Then the creature died. His mummified remains were later discovered by the police. Then the body of the “Kyshtym Dwarf” mysteriously disappeared.

- in third place on the list of the most amazing and mysterious incidents in the world. Since the 1970s, a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations began in the United States. For this, a radio telescope was used to scan different parts of the sky. With its help, scientists were able to detect signals from other civilizations. In 1977, at a frequency at which no earthly transmitter operates, a signal was received from the constellation Sagittarius. It lasted 37 seconds. Its origin is still unknown.

Ship "Marlboro"

History - the new "Flying Dutchman" ranks second among the most mysterious incidents in the world. The ship left a port in New Zealand in 1890 with a cargo of frozen lamb. He did not reach his destination, disappearing in the area of ​​Cape Horn. There were 23 crew members and several passengers on board. It was decided that the sailboat sank during a storm. But 23 years later he appeared off the coast of Tierra del Fuego. It was well preserved, and skeletons in rotting clothes were found on board. True, there were ten fewer of them than were listed in the logbook. What happened to the crew, why people died and where ten people disappeared from the sailing ship is unknown. Due to bad weather, the ship could not be brought to port. The Marlboro still plows the seas.

The most mysterious incident in the world is the mystery of the death of the Dyatlov group. This tragic story is known to everyone and haunts those who want to reveal the truth about what happened more than 50 years ago. In 1959, a tourist group led by Igor Dyatlov died mysteriously in the mountains of the Northern Urals. The causes of the terrible death of nine people have not yet been established.

A huge network of 36 caves that appeared more than 2000 years ago. So we can safely exclude the ancient Chinese Batman from the guesswork.

The entertainment portal site would like to tell more about the ancient Chinese caves, but nothing more is known about them. No documents, no artifacts - nothing that would shed the light of truth on the underground structures. 900,000 cubic meters of cut rock and not a drop of information. This is especially strange considering that the ancient Chinese meticulously recorded absolutely everything. If we immediately rejected the theory about Batman, then only one explanation remains - this is a place for the Predator to hunt.

Drill marks, ladders, support columns - all this cannot be the result of tectonic shifts. But the true reason for the appearance of these caves, as well as their purpose, is still unknown to anyone.

4. We can't read one of the most important languages ​​in history. If we asked you to name the most important and influential civilization of the ancient world, you would probably point to the Romans or the Greeks. Simply because they had written language, architecture, philosophy and other crap. And only the most colorful botanists said “Etruscans”. Still, they weren't the most powerful guys either.

Anyway, the Etruscans were a small civilization in what is now Tuscany that developed aqueducts, urban planning, sewers, bridges, and metallurgy. Basically, everything that we mistakenly attribute to . But no matter how much scientists understand the Etruscan civilization, we are still not able to decipher their language.

The problem with decoding an ancient language is that no one speaks it anymore. Moreover, famous modern researchers were able to translate Egyptian hieroglyphs only thanks to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a convenient Egyptian-Greek traveler's dictionary that was created by King Ptolemy V. The reason for the appearance of this stone was the king's desire to issue his decrees simultaneously in three languages.

We were unlucky with the Etruscans. By the way, they wrote a lot, and not a single one of these works was ever translated into the language of any other civilization known to us. As a result, we have several thousand inscriptions in the Etruscan language, but to this day only about a hundred words have been deciphered. At the same time, a lot of people know the Dothraki language - the language of a non-existent civilization from the series "".

5. "Peoples of the Sea". They destroyed almost every major city of the Ancient World... And we have no idea who they are.

1200 BC was a terrible period for the people living around the Mediterranean Sea. The main empires of the time - the Hittites, Mycenae and the Egyptians - all experienced a severe decline after the golden age. Adding salt to the wound were huge armies of bloodthirsty barbarians who appeared out of nowhere, burning, looting and destroying everything. We called these barbarians the "Sea Peoples", but this is only a tentative name, because we have no fucking idea who they really are. Here's how they were depicted by ancient peoples:

The Sea People were so strong and aggressive that their invasion was akin to Hitler's attack. The only ones who were able to contain them were the ancient Egyptians. Before that, they destroyed most of the ancient world. Scientists believe that the Sea Peoples could have come from Europe, or from the Balkan Islands, or Asia Minor, or who knows where. The problem is that the people were too busy dying to ask the Sea Peoples where they came from.

All this seems painfully reminiscent of Lovecraft's story about an underwater civilization of lizard people who demolished the most powerful city in the world on the eve of its 1000th anniversary.

In the era of the Internet, people’s reluctance to strive for new knowledge looks a little strange, because when it was difficult to get a book, we tried to learn a lot, while trying to apply our knowledge in practice. Now, when you can find out about everything in the world without raising your ass, no one wants to know anything. Not to mention the desire of the governments of some countries to focus on the self-development of their people. We have become lazy, allowing progress to act only to make our existence easier. Our bodies produce fewer and fewer actions, and our brains cope with tasks less and less. Have a useful stump!