The most popular male professions. What professions are there for men?

Today we’ll talk about the most popular male professions.

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Over time, people's ideas about professions also change: there were times when only men were sellers, cooks, hairdressers, and even actors. Today, these professions mostly belong to the weaker sex, and a male salesperson looks slightly exotic.

Male professions

Positions related to politics and management are very popular among the male half of humanity. Men are also attracted to art - they, like the fairer sex, often become writers, artists, musicians, and singers. Although the decisive role here is the presence of talent: if you are a master of the bow, pencil or voice, you will not have to think about the price of purchasing a diploma in this field.

Nowadays, the professions of lawyer, attorney, economist, banker, manager, doctor, and accountant are very popular among men. Mainly because of the high pay for such work. The profession of a programmer, and all other professions related to computer technology, is especially respected by the stronger sex.

But if you can divide professions into male and female, then I would compile the top 15 most popular male occupations.


There is an opinion that the best chefs are exclusively men. They even say that this is a scientifically proven fact. After all, men are experimenters in life. Therefore, they approach the cooking process creatively, which is why their dishes come out tastier and more interesting. “Average” cooking is not for men. Either he cooks a masterpiece, or the cooking goes down the toilet.


This truly hard labor is beyond the power of wimps! When these guys go into slaughter (not to be confused with binge drinking!), they are never sure that they will come back. Not everyone can risk their lives to keep our homes warm. And this is the lot of only real men!


This is another job not for white hands. Miners of black gold - women are proud of such super-men! Is it possible to imagine women in the place of these heroes? I think not.

Auto mechanic

It is difficult to imagine a woman lying under a car, or, for example, a woman changing a tire. It seems that even with sleepers the women fared better. Moreover, ladies are always ready to drive a car, but to tinker in the garage - what are you talking about! They don’t understand anything about “all these tubes and wires”!


This is an incomprehensible mystery, but a generally accepted fact: men understand female physiology better than women themselves. And the best female doctors are certainly men. Maybe it's a matter of... curiosity? Like: how does everything work there for her? Although, the only thing that raises the question is: how can male gynecologists have sex after such work? However, history is silent about this.

IT Specialist

The owner of this profession must know a computer like a doctor knows human organs. Such people will be in demand in any self-respecting company. Aishniks must constantly develop themselves and the cooler they are, the higher their earnings, as well as the company in which they work.

Bank employee

A very profitable profession in which you do not need to have physical abilities, just a good knowledge of financial transactions. Constant communication with clients, mental work and a constant dress code.


Another highly paid profession that does not require physical labor. It is also in demand because people quarrel, commit various illegal actions, etc.

SMM specialist

Another interesting profession that is related only to the Internet, communication, advertising, social. networks, as well as promotion of various companies and products.

Sales Representative

The owner of this profession must be able to come up with various ways to promote a product, communicate with people and convince them.


These are specialists who collect debts from debtors.


These are specialists who check companies for payment of taxes.


These are people who understand website development. In various codes, functions, scripts, etc.

Almost every modern representative of the stronger sex tries to find himself an interesting, and most importantly, highly paid occupation. In-demand professions for men require high qualifications and the presence of some unusual skills. Today, knowledge of English or computer skills will no longer surprise anyone.

In order to find a good job and move up the career ladder, you need to have skills and abilities that are attractive to employers.

Specifics of classes

Although the division of professions into male and female has long gone out of fashion, the border nevertheless remains noticeable. The stronger sex strives to occupy positions that require physical strength and/or specific qualities. This refers to resistance to stress, courage, quick decision-making, determination, etc.

Of course, there are women who have all these qualities and you can meet a brave and ambitious lady who is ready to do anything for her goal, but, unfortunately or fortunately, there are not so many such ladies. It is for this reason that there are, so to speak, the “most masculine” professions, such as oil workers, firefighters, rescuers or airplane pilots. Therefore, no one is going to completely erase gender differences, and there is no point in doing so.

So, let's look at the list of male professions, which includes the most popular areas for the stronger sex. The list is firmly entrenched in the top lists of private (but not municipal) employment agencies and has been in place for almost five years now. There are no drastic changes looming on the horizon, so you can safely master one of the activities described below.

The list of male professions (the most popular areas) is as follows:

  • Computer specialists.
  • Bank employees.
  • Advocates/Lawyers.
  • SMM agents.
  • Architects.
  • Managers.
  • Medical workers.
  • Sales specialists.

Let's look at each direction in more detail.

Computer specialists

If you ask a woman the question: “What male professions do you know?”, then probably after the list of firefighters and police officers you will hear - computer engineer. This is a rather promising direction for the stronger sex, especially for those who are interested in this huge modern IT world, as well as everything connected with it.

In this area you can also meet women - in the role of administrators or programmers, but the vast majority of workers are still men. The former feel no worse in this area, but, judging by research, men are given such knowledge much easier.

Bank employees

Here, many women will probably object, and in many ways they will be right. Yes, no matter what bank you go to, you will be greeted by the friendly smile of a nice girl at the operator’s desk. But in the banking sector you can find purely male professions that women try to avoid.

We are talking about financial analysts, credit experts and some kind of control services. Workers of this type are in great demand not only in banks, but also in investment companies. For the stronger half, this is an excellent choice if there is a desire to show your strong-willed qualities, maintaining a cool mind and calm during the next crisis.


To become a good lawyer or lawyer, you need to study long and hard, mastering the skill of this delicate but extremely profitable business. The demand for intelligent specialists in this field is always great, because we all, to a greater or lesser extent, violate the law, negotiate with someone, sell, buy... And in this case, the legal support of a professional will come in handy.

A competent lawyer can help with any legal problem, from parking tickets to criminal cases. This direction is considered a male profession also because the stronger half is more meticulous in such things and is ready to understand all the intricacies of the problem and defend their opinion in the courtroom with due tenacity.

SSM agents

This direction has some overlap with computer topics, but has its own distinctive features. Here we are talking about those people who are closely involved in promoting some products or resources on social networks.

Almost all large companies and enterprises are represented on the Internet, so an employee of this type will be indispensable for the advertising department. Several years ago, no one knew about this male profession, but recently there has been a very high demand for this area. The contingent here is predominantly male, but with rare exceptions there are also women who are not afraid to learn something new and embark on experiments.


Construction, engineering and architecture have always been considered male professions. Here, in addition to physical strength, a special mindset is also required. Of course, you can meet women among architects, but judging by surveys, a good half of the fair sex considers this area unworthy of their attention.

The profession of an architect is in great demand today: shopping centers, multi-storey offices, hotel complexes and other serious buildings are growing. In addition, agencies note a demand for the junior architectural class - assistant engineers, designers and other qualified specialists.


Manager is a broad concept, but it does not imply many characteristic features. The main thing is natural acumen, which will help a man cope with a large or small team and lead the enterprise to great achievements.

It does not so much require higher education and knowledge of some specific skills as the ability to organize the correct work of a particular group of people. Sometimes special courses and trainings are enough to start leading. Naturally, narrowly focused activities require a thorough study of the subject, and the “strong hand” of the manager will be powerless if he does not know theory and practice.

Medical workers

The profession of a doctor was, is and will be relevant for a very, very long time. Masculinity is especially relevant in areas such as surgery, dentistry and psychology. Here the representatives of the stronger sex reveal themselves especially well. Although in other areas, such as gynecology and therapy, there are outstanding male luminaries.

Men are believed to be more focused and reserved regarding medical issues. Numerous studies have also shown that male doctors are much better at calming patients than women. This caused great bewilderment among the latter, since maternal instincts were subject to doubt, but the fact remains a fact.

Sales specialists

This means not only high-level managers who sell and buy companies, but also ordinary sales representatives. Men in this area are helped by natural determination, ambition and determination.

In addition, being a sales specialist is a very hard, stressful and responsible job. Not every lady is capable of driving for hours and then immediately solving some serious issues. This is why there are so few women among professional sales representatives.

Someone may object and say: what about Faberlic, Avon and other venerable brands? But here we are dealing with the measured sale of cosmetics, where the main circle of consumers, whatever one may say, is built through friends and acquaintances, with whom there is no need to conflict, but simply to offer the product, as they say, at random.

From time immemorial, all over the world it is believed that a man should not only be able to provide for himself, but also take care of his parents, his beloved and his children.

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The concept of a highly paid job

In each country, the concept of the level of security is different. It is directly related to the standard of living in a particular country. Somewhere in southern Africa, for example, a stable income of 100 euros is considered the ultimate dream, and in European countries 100 euros is just a small part of the subsistence level.

When considering the issue of highly paid work, it is impossible to understand which work will be considered good and which will not, without reference to a particular country. We can highlight the basic indicators of prestigious and highly paid professions.

They will look something like this:

  • Causes interest.
  • Brings moral satisfaction.
  • Brings material satisfaction.
  • Doesn’t take up all your days, leaving time for communication with your family, activities with children, personal time and time for relaxation.
  • At work, you learn new things all the time and improve as a professional.

Considering the issue of such specialties in Russia, we will see that the overwhelming number of men, if you ask them a question about what kind of job would be considered highly paid and prestigious for them, will answer approximately as follows - one in which you don’t need to do anything, but also They paid a higher salary, like a boss.

In Russia, a lot of myths and legends are associated with the issue of highly paid positions. It is believed that if someone receives a large salary, it means he is a “thief”, a “careerist” or has a “hairy paw”. And only a few will think that a person can have an excellent education and be a highly qualified professional.

Highly paid jobs for men: main activities

So, what do you need to do and who to work in order to have such a job?

Numerous sociological studies show that today the main types of activities that need to be engaged in to get a well-paid job are the following:

  • Office. This includes a large army of office employees of various companies and institutions, bank clerks, etc. It is in this job that you have the opportunity to prove yourself and quickly climb the career ladder.
  • With people. This type of activity includes people conducting all kinds of seminars, lectures, trainers, lawyers, advocates, etc.
  • Extreme hobbies. The work is related to people's passion for extreme sports. As you know, people do not save on their hobby. So, why not make money from it? All kinds of trainers, instructors, rescuers, etc.
  • Creative professions. If you are not offended by talent in some area, for example, you like to draw or are well versed in cinema, know how to design structures or write articles competently, then this field of activity is just for you.

Rating of the most prestigious and highest-paid professions

Every year, sociologists conduct research on the labor market, the most in-demand, prestigious and profitable professions. This is done in order to help young people decide on the choice of a particular profession and to orient already employed people in the sea of ​​job offers.

In 2015, such studies were also conducted and their results can be used to judge the state of the labor market around the world. Thus, according to the results obtained, the highest paid professions are:

  • IT workers. These are programmers, system administrators and other workers. Specialists in this field of activity are ahead of even the owners of their own businesses in terms of profitability;
  • Owners of their own business. Representatives of this type of work are legally in second place in the ranking, since having your own business is a more profitable type of activity than working for someone else;
  • Top managers and hired directors of companies. It is also quite reasonable for workers in this field to be included in the ranking. As you know, a good manager is worth his weight in gold. Hence the large incomes of such workers;
  • Lawyers and attorneys. The presence of workers in this field in the ranking of the highest paid professions is understandable and understandable. Their income is directly related to their professionalism. The higher the professionalism, the higher their fees;
  • Doctors. Although the medical profession is respected all over the world, it is not paid well everywhere. For example, specialists in this profession in our country can hardly be called highly paid. Although, on the other hand, if the doctor is a specialist at a paid clinic in Moscow, and even a professional in his field, then, probably, his income will not be comparable to the income of an ordinary local pediatrician somewhere in the province.
  • In first place, just as in the case of the highest incomes, is the profession of a programmer.
  • In second place is an IT specialist.
  • The third is a lawyer.
  • The fourth place is again associated with the IT sector. The profession of a web programmer is located on it.
  • In fifth place is a stylist/make-up artist.
  • Sixth place in this ranking was unexpectedly given to the dental profession.
  • In seventh place is the design engineer.
  • In eighth place is a personal driver.
  • On the ninth – the auditor.
  • And on the tenth level is the purchasing manager.
  • Firstly, at the top, in both lists there are professionals.
  • Secondly, in any position on the lists there are specialties either creative or related to servicing business and the business elite (you must admit that it is unlikely that an ordinary engineer will be able to afford to hire a personal driver or a highly paid auditor.)
  • Thirdly, the lists contain professions associated with in-depth study and specialization of a particular field of activity. For example, a dentist. He is a doctor, but of a narrow specialization.

Highly paid jobs for men on the Internet

With the development of Internet technologies, the strong half of humanity has an additional opportunity for self-realization. Some use it as additional income, others as their main job, but one way or another, finding a job with decent earnings on the Internet today is quite possible.

What do you need to do to ensure that your work is properly rewarded?

  • If you understand computers and IT technologies, if you know how to program and get along with accounting programs, then you have a direct path to making money on the Internet. Depending on your preferences, you can work remotely as a web designer, programmer, system administrator, develop program codes, etc. The entire range of these jobs pays quite well and is in great demand.
  • If you are a creative person. If your inclinations can be realized on paper - paintings, architectural projects, design projects, music, books, etc., then you have a direct path to the Internet. What prevents you from using the Internet to find an order for a painting or to design an interior remodel for a painting?
  • Journalist. Do you write texts well and are you not satisfied with the salary in a small editorial office? The Internet will help you too. Today, many different resources offer to make money by writing all kinds of articles.
  • Not enough money to start your own business? Then go to the Internet. Here you can easily and at a fraction of the cost create an online platform where you can implement your ideas.

The most in-demand professions

In 2015, in Russia, the most popular professions were:

  • IT specialist.
  • Engineer - designer.
  • Teacher.
  • Lawyer.
  • Medic.
  • Marketer.
  • HR specialist.
  • Professional worker.
  • Beauty industry specialist.
  • Ecologist.

Thus, summing up the article, we can safely say that today men in our country have every opportunity to get a well-paid job of their dreams. Moreover, if you are “unlucky” with parents and relatives who would give you a job as vice president of the Gazprom corporation, do not despair.

It is enough to show perseverance, determination, be a professional in your field and use all the opportunities and chances that life gives you.


It is known that work can bring money, and it can bring good money. The best professions for men will help support the family by sending the wife to do housework. But what are these prestigious professions for men that will forever make you forget about the lack of funds in the family budget? Let's find out.

In the modern world, most of the adult population works. With the exception of a small percentage of rich people and sybarites who do not need to work hard in offices, everyone else is forced to work. Both women and men work; now there is no gender differentiation. It cannot be said that these professions are only for men, and these are only for women. Unless, of course, we are talking about heavy physical manual labor or carrying heavy objects. Such work is legally permitted only for men.

But, honestly, such professions and types of work can hardly be called a dream job. The best professions for men, as perceived by society, are, as a rule, not associated with unskilled heavy physical labor in difficult conditions.

Prestigious professions for men are intellectual professions, often requiring a very good education, or creative professions that require a certain talent. Or even intellectual and creative at the same time, because any profession is, to some extent, creativity.

List of the best and most prestigious professions for men

It is not surprising that at the top of the best professions for men are areas related to IT technologies. Programmers, computer software developers. After all, information technology is the most actively developing area at present both in Russia and throughout the world. This vector of development has been set for several decades ahead; professionals in this field will be among the most in demand and well paid.

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology can also be mentioned here. There is a federal targeted support program in this area; there is a demand for such nanotechnologists in various fields: from space technology to the food industry, and, of course, medicine. Also, among the prestigious professions for men one can note biotechnologists, specialists in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production, etc.

Just like for women, the professions of lawyer, financier, banker, manager, and accountant are prestigious for men. Specialists in the field of lending and financial investments are very rare, but very necessary. Therefore, these professions are very highly paid and any man will not refuse them. But here you need a good economic education, a diploma from a prestigious university and good analytical skills. Banking, financial and legal fields are among the most sought after and popular among both men and women.

The best professions for real men

Despite the fact that they cannot be classified as prestigious professions for men, the traditionally “most masculine” professions cannot be mentioned here: rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fireman, military man, polar explorer, sailor, pilot. You will rarely find women among representatives of these professions or not at all. For example, women will not be hired as rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or firefighters. Women are sailors, hands down. In the army, women are mostly not in “combat” positions. Therefore, these difficult professions, which require great responsibility, decisive character and good physical training, are the most masculine and very prestigious. In addition, to paraphrase a famous song, girls love romantics, brave pilots and sailors. Representatives of these professions are the quintessence of masculinity.

Among the prestigious professions for guys there has always been the profession of engineer. Due to the shortage of such personnel, they are very well paid and employers are lining up for good specialists with experience.

Prestigious professions for men

This may be unexpected, but the profession of a chef can also be called a male one. It is believed that men are better at this creative profession than women; all famous chefs are men. A cook is an artist, an economist and an engineer at the same time.

Quite prestigious professions for men include marketers and logisticians. Marketing is a relatively new science for Russia; not so long ago they began to promote goods based on marketing developments. Therefore, there is an urgent need for marketers, but there are not enough of them yet. Sales strategy and tactics are an activity akin to the talent of a military leader, so it is very suitable for men. Logistics is also quite new; the theory and practice of managing commodity and information flows is a good field for activity.

An undeniably prestigious profession for guys entering universities is a doctor. This is generally one of the best professions for men. Truly masculine for a long time. Requires masculine character and responsibility. This profession is always popular among representatives of both sexes, and rightfully so. This is a good choice. Doctors will always be in demand and loved by society.

Man is increasingly coming into conflict with the environment, which is why the profession of ecologist is among the most prestigious. Issues of environmental protection are very relevant, and the demand for environmental professionals is growing.

But the main thing in choosing a profession, after all, is your desire to do this particular thing. The best professions for men are those to which the soul lies.

Just three decades ago, all boys dreamed of becoming astronauts, pilots, and police officers. It was believed that these were exclusively male professions, while educator or teacher were female.

Currently, the situation has changed in some way, and representatives of the stronger sex are happy to work in seemingly unusual areas of activity, such as cooking or fashion tailoring. At the same time, today a huge number of women do not consider it shameful to choose male professions, in particular a trolleybus driver or a security guard at an enterprise.

Why is there a division of labor into “male” and “female”

This is how it happened historically. A man has traditionally been perceived as a protector, breadwinner and farmer. He was well developed physically, so he could do hard work. Representatives were positioned as homemakers and child educators. Time passed, the range of areas of activity expanded, but no one dared to challenge the principle of division of labor.

In other words, the division into male and female professions has not yet been abolished.

What types of activities do men do?

The stronger sex is involved in ensuring the country's defense capability, maintaining public order, automotive industry, metallurgy, chemical and oil and gas industries. In other words, power engineers, miners, drivers, police officers, sailors, firefighters - these are the most “male” professions. At the same time, we should not forget that in the fields of construction and railway transportation, mainly representatives of the stronger sex are involved. The majority of workers who work in hazardous production conditions are also men. What professions do they prefer today? Modern male professions are represented by the business sector, which brings stable profits. However, you should not think that all representatives of the stronger sex set themselves exclusively selfish goals. Today, male professions include surgeon, dentist, and orthopedist.

Rating of the most in-demand professions

“Well, what man doesn’t dream of becoming a deputy, minister or even president?” - you ask.

Of course, the logical answer follows from this question: “Everyone dreams of this.” What are the popular male professions today? The list begins with those related to public administration.


Today, people's choice is a “tasty” profession for a man. At the same time, modern representatives of the stronger sex prefer to work not only in popular, but also in highly paid fields of activity.

Creative people

So, what are these male professions? The list is as follows: singer, musician, writer, actor, screenwriter, director. Here, of course, you need talent, otherwise you will not achieve success in the above field.

"Popular" activities

However, we should not forget about traditional “lucrative” specialties. The point is that, as before, young students dream of working as an economist, lawyer, banker, accountant, manager. Today is the age of computer technology, and many men prefer to work in the field of software, telecommunications and creating innovative applications.

Of course, a programmer is a generalized field of activity that involves a huge number of specializations: 1C programmer, web programmer, designer-programmer, and so on.

culinary arts

Another profession in demand among the stronger sex is a chef. “Is it a man’s business to potter around in the kitchen?” - you ask. Did you know that most culinary professionals are men? Please note that a cook is a multifaceted profession: he is also an accountant, since he must conduct calculations, record estimates, and an artist, since he needs to competently decorate a dish, and a mechanic, since he needs to be able to handle kitchen equipment.

Let's give some statistical data. Today, chefs are overwhelmingly (82%) men. However, it should be noted that in recent years, male managers in the catering industry have been replaced by representatives of the fairer sex.

One way or another, the stronger sex copes well with their duties in the kitchen, and if they are focused on preparing a savory dish, then rest assured that they will perform their task perfectly.

Sphere of style creation

There is an opinion that the best specialists in creating image and style are men. We are talking about makeup artists, hairdressers, image makers. The stylist will always advise the person on what to wear for a particular occasion, taking into account your preferred style, color and size. The above profession is in demand mainly in large cities, where life is in full swing, and business people have absolutely no time to take care of their appearance. Today, famous actors, singers, politicians, and businessmen are happy to use the services of experienced male stylists.

Traditionally male professions

This point certainly deserves first place, since in these areas of activity representatives of the stronger sex fulfill their natural task: they save the health and lives of people, and protect the territorial integrity of the state.

First of all, we are talking about such professions as a policeman, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a firefighter, a representative of special forces and riot police, and a sailor. Of course, you need to have remarkable courage, responsibility, bravery, and physical abilities in order to choose the above professions.


It should be noted that in our country there is also a rare male profession - pulling. What does this person do? It collects algae, and its duration of operation is only three months a year.

In European countries there is a vacancy for a scuba diver. It takes a certain amount of courage and skill to plant mines deep underwater. There is a person working on the territory of Frankfurt airport whose duties include washing aircraft. An equine nutritionist does a very unusual job. His task is to monitor the correct diet of Savraskas. How do you like the profession of a consultant on rare names? He helps parents choose an extraordinary and unusual name for their children, and his services are quite expensive. Abroad, there are even periodic vacancies for the position of supervisor for the work of strippers. One can only imagine how many men responded to her, especially since such a “non-dusty” job offers a very serious salary - $10,000 a month.

The rarest

Did you know that there is the rarest profession for men?

She is called "the caretaker of the paradise island." The vacancy appeared at a time when it was necessary to increase the popularity of vacations on exotic islands. One travel agency announced a competition for the position of “caretaker”, who was supposed to live on one of the Australian islands for six months, playing golf, swimming in the pool, photographing the surrounding nature. He should report the results of the work done on his blog. As a result, the company managed to find a suitable candidate for the position of “caretaker”. In six months, a man earned $100,000. It is not surprising that the rarest male profession is a dream for many.