Bend a spoon with your mind. How to bend a spoon with your mind

You may have seen on television how a person, holding an ordinary tablespoon at a distance, literally bent it with the power of his thoughts. Do you believe this is possible? Do you want too? Let me disappoint you a little: what was shown to you on TV or in a video on YouTube is most likely just a trick. And there are many ways to do the same thing - that is, create the illusion that you are bending a spoon or fork with the power of your thoughts.

But I want to talk about something else: how to bend a metal spoon without any visible physical effort. Yes, it will not look so impressive, but, believe me, this is an absolutely working technique, and by using it, you will be convinced that you are capable of, if not everything, then a lot.

Many magicians and illusionists claim that they are quite capable of this and really demonstrate this skill. I once even saw something similar in one of the shows on Channel One. But you understand that this is just a trick - a deception. That's why they are magicians. On the Internet you can find many sources with various options performing this trick.

But I didn’t want to talk about this, but about the real impact on metal objects (in our case, a spoon) with the power of thought. This also happens, and I have done it more than once. Don't rush to accuse me of lying. First, try it yourself.

Let's make a few adjustments first though.

First: “the power of thought” – not really correct wording. The thought process plays virtually no role here. Rather, it is harmful.

Second: you can actually bend a spoon without using physical strength. More precisely, this will be bending a spoon using one (maximum - five) percent of physical force. That is, you will bend the spoon not at a distance, but by holding it in your hands at the place of the intended bend.

We knit the spoons in a knot. My experience.

I'll tell you how it worked out for me. I attended one of the trainings on visualization, achieving dreams, getting rid of problems, etc. – in general, an unremarkable esoteric training. But at the end of it, all of us (training participants - there were about ten of us) did an impressive thing. As instructed by the coach, we sat in a circle on the floor, held hands and chanted something like a mantra for half an hour. It is known that such practices, carried out in a group, enhance the energy effect several times. So we felt an unprecedented elation, heat in the body.

The coach handed out metal spoons to everyone - very strong (we ourselves brought these spoons from home, trying to choose those that were stronger, which could not be bent without applying serious force). We took them and held them in our hands for some time (about ten minutes) with the intention of bending them easily, but without applying any effort. During these minutes the spoons became warm - almost hot. And some of us got down to business. Using barely perceptible pressure (even a pigeon feather would not bend from it) some of us slowly but surely began to bend the spoons.

Gradually everyone else joined them. After a while, the especially advanced ones began to tie them into knots. We also had forks - people generally had a lot of fun with them: they twisted and tied the points together in fancy patterns.

For a long time, nothing worked for me - or rather, I could not decide to take action. But the instructor came up to me, supported me morally, and barely touched the spoon, which immediately began to give in. And then I continued the action.

By the end of this practice (two hours later) we had in front of us a whole pile of spoons and forks twisted into knots. Needless to say, everyone was simply delighted? There was complete euphoria and a feeling of omnipotence.

But you probably understand that after that I still didn’t fly like Neo from The Matrix, go through walls and walk on water. The effect of this magical practice (let's call it that), like others, is quite limited. This is, one might say, a one-time technology, find further practical application which is quite difficult. In addition, in order to implement it, each time you need to enter a certain altered state of consciousness. In a group of like-minded people, this can be done one-two-three times, but on your own in the wrong mood, it’s more difficult to do it.

However, after this training I tried to do this thing more than once - and I always succeeded (although sometimes I spent four hours “warming up”). Having bent quite a few spoons in the house, at the insistence of my wife and due to the natural depletion of the kitchen supplies of cutlery, I stopped this business

Instructions for spoon bending.

So, anyone can bend a spoon “with the power of thought.” Give it a try. The main thing is to catch the mood. It’s very good to do this in a group of non-skeptically minded like-minded people. You can do it alone. Do something to raise energy - chant mantras, meditate, pump up energy - almost any esoteric topic designed to raise energy levels will do. Take a spoon or fork. Create an unwavering intention (but don't make this process too important!). hold the device for a while. It should warm up well. Ideally, get hot. Start pressing lightly on the device with both hands with different sides(or whatever is convenient for you). It is important that the amount of effort does not increase in any way. No need to use force! If it doesn't work, continue to hold the spoon, create intention and attitude, and after a while try again.

Well, I hope you succeed! Good luck using this technique.

And yes, when you succeed, I don’t recommend sharing it with everyone. Keep this secret to yourself - it will give you strength in the future.

Surely you have seen more than once shows of famous magicians and people with psychic abilities, on which they easily bend various metal ones, just by concentrating their gaze on them. Most often, spoons made of various alloys are used for these purposes. If you want to master the spoon bending trick in order to delight all your loved ones and acquaintances with your new super skill, you will, of course, have to practice for a long time. Let's find out how to bend a spoon with the power of thought, how best to do it.

How the power of thought bends spoons

Celebrities with paranormal abilities have long known the secret of how to bend a spoon with the power of thought. Their advice boils down to the following:

  • Remember your most vivid emotional experience (for example, first love, wedding, birth of a baby) and try to fix these positive emotions and joyful excitement in your memory for a long time;
  • Strengthen your emotions and try to put their power into your eyes or into your fingertips, concentrating them in the place where the spoon should bend. The mental impact will be stronger the more powerful feelings you experience, transferring them completely to the spoon. You can growl, scream, cry - in a word, do whatever you want so that a real emotional explosion occurs inside you;
  • Feel the spoon itself while broadcasting your feelings onto it;
  • Using your gaze or hand, convey these feelings to the spoon itself. The transmission of thought is a bit like the perception of a sound signal by a microphone and has an oscillatory nature. You can either saw a spoon with your gaze or break it with a simple touch of your hand: this is purely individual for everyone, but the result will be the same;
  • The spoon will tilt in the direction you want it to go. At first it will be almost imperceptible, but this already indicates that the result has been obtained. When the force of thought bends the spoon completely, continue to practice and strive to increase the effect.
  • To bend a spoon mentally, start with aluminum spoons. They are easier to bend both with your hands and with the help of volitional effort. Then practice using a thicker spoon: even a silver spoon will eventually bend.

Perform the entire trick with bending the spoon in a calm, relaxed state, since your power of thought may not work at a time of stress. If you follow all the above rules, you will soon surprise everyone around you with your new supernatural capabilities.

On the site I saw a video of people bending various forks and spoons. Having experience in stock that proves “anything is possible!” (egg in balance), I was confident of success. I took a stainless steel tablespoon, among other utensils in our kitchen. I've read quite a lot of information on the topic of spoon bending. I discovered for myself general information: you need to meditate, you need to use Qi energy ("Ki", ​​"Chi"), you need to imagine the energy in the form of golden light, imagine yourself as a channel for energy. The first three days I couldn’t do anything for one simple reason: I concentrated on the spoon, didn’t meditate, didn’t spend any energy.

Moreover, as it turned out later, I made the same mistake every day: I tried to influence the energy of my body on the spoon. Nothing came naturally, I was exhausted and depressed. Then I sat down to meditate. took a spoon in left hand and mentally imagined himself sitting with a spoon in his hand. Breathed deeply and continuously (holotropic breathing). I achieved relaxation and imagined a large, “fluffy” shining yellow ball above my body.

When I began to lower it onto my head and pass it through my entire body into my left hand, I felt some kind of groundless joy, I smiled, it seemed to me that I could move mountains now. My head began to buzz. I opened my eyes and tried to bend the spoon using the index and thumb of both hands. When I made one turn, the spoon fell out of my hands - I was very scared. Subsequently, I twisted it into a ball.
Many people call the process of conducting energy through themselves “channeling”. To do this, it is imperative to meditate and use energy from the outside, and not your own, as I did at first. Otherwise, you risk your health and peace of mind. Be a conductor, not a battery. Point by point what I did:
He sat down on a chair and took the spoon in his left hand, holding it between his thumb and forefinger.
He closed his eyes. Started to breathe deeply: a quick deep breath, a slow exhalation and immediately a quick breath (without pauses)
Achieved relaxation of the whole body.
Mentally imagined my body sitting on a chair with a spoon in my hands.
I imagined a large “fluffy”, glowing, bright, warm yellow ball above my head.
Gradually he began to let it pass through himself, starting with his head. Breathing is still the same.
The body appears to be “painted” or “shrouded” in yellow light, including the left hand and spoon
If you feel joy, slight dizziness, “buzzing” in your head, then you are in the right state.
Next, feel the moment when you feel omnipotent. It sounds pathetic, I know, but it’s difficult to convey this feeling in words. It is at this moment that you need to open your eyes and try to twist the spoon.

Some also add a 10th point: while trying to shout at the spoon “BEND!”, but personally I succeeded without this.

Important Notes:
Starting from this experience, the entire “strength of my life beliefs” collapsed, because... It turned out that she was standing on “toothpicks”. Now I approach any knowledge not with doubt, but with endless openness and trust. Experience clearly shows the influence of energetic influence as an objective reality. By the way, I couldn’t straighten that spoon even with pliers, just like I couldn’t bend another identical one to the same state.

- there is something more than my body and consciousness
- I can influence the reality around me exactly as much as I allow myself to do so

From myself: I didn’t write anything myself, since he described everything as it happened to me. I’ll just add a video of one guy who knows this well.

If the holiday gets boring and not fun, good magicians are always ready to take the initiative and bend the spoon. The bending spoon trick will amuse your guests and make your party memorable. If you want to be the center of attention at a party, you should buy a bendable spoon now.

Bendable spoon trick. Secret

When you buy a trick spoon, you get two spoons, instructions and a piece of a transparent silicone tube, what it is used for, you will find out when you start performing the trick. Both spoons look completely indistinguishable from each other. But in fact, one of them with a secret, this is exactly the spoon that you will bend in front of the amazed audience.

The second spoon is simply in a curved form, this is the spoon that you will demonstrate after performing the trick and, without fear of exposure, calmly give it to the audience for inspection.

Now let’s tell you the secret of the bending spoon trick. The fact is that the spoon with the secretion, which you supposedly bend, is actually cut and these two separate halves of the spoon are held together by that same transparent silicone tube. But only a magician should know about this.

How to do the "Bending Spoon" trick

First, prepare the cut spoon by carefully connecting its two halves with a transparent tube, align the halves so that the bend is at the bottom and so that your fingers completely cover this gap of the spoon. Next, demonstrate the spoon to the public without removing your fingers from the secret place.

Then slowly begin to loosen your finger grip and the spoon will begin to return to its original curved shape. Do it slowly, adding effect with gestures and facial expressions to make the spoon trick more believable.

Native Voronezh region Nikolai Strelnikov became the hero of the TV show “I Can!” The guy, performing as a resident of Moscow, bent five metal spoons in the studio, doing this with the help of the power of thought.

In his presentation, Nikolai Strelnikov said that as a child he saw on TV how a man bent spoons with the power of his thoughts. This made a huge impression on Nikolai, and he also decided to try. A native of the Khokholsky district said that he is studying at a technical university, studying electronics and nanoelectronics.

– My passion for technology helps me in my creativity. When bending a spoon, I use both sides of my brain. Only when your brain is 100% engaged can you achieve this result. I came to the project to show Russia that a spoon can be bent with the power of thought. Nikolai brought five spoons to the studio, but TV show host Leonid Yakubovich took out his own:

- No, we'll give you ours.

Nikolai Strelnikov bent the spoons, looking at them and lightly touching them with his finger.

- Amazing, incredible! – exclaimed the presenter. “In one of the programs we watched a man bending thick metal rods on his knee, and it was amazing. But doing the same thing without the strength of your hands is a big ellipsis, after which you should ask the question: how is this possible? Leonid Yakubovich handed the student a suitcase with cash prize in size 50 thousand rubles.

The guests in the studio gave Nikolai a standing ovation. At the same time, Runet users in the comments to the video recording of the performance expressed suspicions that the spoons were not bent by the power of thought. Versions include illusion, video editing, and the subtle use of physical force.

Nikolai Strelnikov has already appeared on television, but not as a person with unique abilities, but as illusionist. In the spring of 2017, the guy showed magic tricks in the children's program “S good morning, kids!

Nikolai was born and graduated from school in the village of Khokholsky, Voronezh region. In 2016 he moved to Moscow. The young man has a YouTube channel with 24.2 thousand subscribers. Thanks to the guy’s channel, TV producers noticed him.

Show premiere unique abilities"I can!" took place in October 2017. Its participants are the owners of incredible memory and speed of thinking, superhuman endurance and endurance, heroic strength and dexterity, inexplicable intuition and talents. On stage, the hero has only his unusual abilities and a few minutes to prove that nothing is impossible. If he copes with the test, he receives a win and the right to get into the Russian Book of Records. But this number will not be included in the Book of Records. Since it has not been proven with what Nikolai bent these spoons.