Scary stories and mystical stories. Scary story of Slender

I wasn't going to make any sacrifices. Maybe my action seemed reckless to some, but at that moment I was driven by the most noble feelings. I wanted justice. And revenge.
It seems only recently that reports of missing people, a large percentage of whom were children, began to appear. It is still unknown what kind of creature is hunting them, and I wanted to find out.
I was young, ambitious, enthusiasm was pouring out of every hole, and I decided on a desperate act - I was going to catch the killer myself.
At night, after leaving the police station on duty, I came to a forest park in which, judging by the reports, children had disappeared. Since the main entrance was closed, I climbed over the fence. I had a flashlight and camera with me in case something happened to me. At least if the police can find it and view it, then their colleagues will know who is behind everything. My contribution would be enormous.
I wasn't afraid to be in the dark forest all alone. I knew this park like the back of my hand - I knew every path, abandoned cars and strange trees, a one-story house - a labyrinth and fuel tanks... I was absolutely confident in myself and my abilities - what kind of police officer am I then without the appropriate training? In my “reserve” I had good fighting skills and a pistol. I knew I could handle it.
But then I didn’t know what kind of nightmare I would have to face.
I turned on the flashlight. A ray of light illuminated nearby trees and a wide path diverging in different directions. I decisively turned left. There was a camera in his right hand and a flashlight in his left. The adventure has begun.
Dry fallen leaves crunched underfoot and the singing of night birds could be heard all around. And although my self-confidence was at its best, I shuddered a little from the sudden rustling noises coming from behind me, although I knew perfectly well that they were just animals.
Soon, as I expected, I came to a lonely oak tree growing in the middle of the path. Shining a flashlight on it, I saw a piece of paper somehow attached to its trunk. An ordinary notebook piece of paper, but why is it hanging here? And for what purposes? As I came closer, I saw two words written on it: “Help me.”
It was impossible to tell from the handwriting whether it was childish or not, so I didn’t really understand who left it. Did the person really think that this would help him? Just in case, I tore off the piece of paper with the scary inscription and put it in my pocket.
As soon as I did this, silence suddenly reigned in the forest. The chirping of birds, the swarming of animals in the foliage, the chirping of crickets - everything died down. To be honest, this silence made me feel uneasy. I spun around sharply and shouted a warning. As expected, there was no response.
I moved on. A leaf is a leaf, but things don’t wait. After walking some distance, I came to a labyrinth house. Well, let's take a look there. Could the killer be hiding there? I pulled the gun out of the holster and fearlessly walked into the room. The angle was replaced by a new angle, but no signs or the appearance of the serial could be detected. Looking around warily, I moved towards the exit.
The flashlight beam illuminated the brick wall of the house, with a piece of paper hanging on it. What, again?
This time the new sign read: "Don't turn around...or he'll grab you." At the bottom right, either a man or a tree was drawn. Judging by the small head, it was a man. But why did he have such long arms? Still, the “notes” were left by the child. This explains a lot.
Suddenly something rustled behind me. I turned around sharply and barely noticed a quickly flashing shadow about five meters away from me. Three shots rang out - and everything went quiet.
I ran to the place where I saw a vague shadow. There was nothing. No corpse, no traces of blood. What was it? Maybe it's just an animal and I wasted my bullets?
Still looking around, I continued on my way. The silence continued to press on the ears, and no rustling sounds were heard.
Immediately behind the house, tanks began to be visible. I still wonder how they ended up here and for what purpose they are there. I walked parallel to them and, surprisingly, I saw another “note”. Well, the collection of waste paper in my pocket is constantly growing. This time there was a drawing on the piece of paper - trees and a man standing in the middle. As on the previous sheet, he had long arms and no face. Quite scary.
I walked around almost the entire park and found a note at every noticeable place. I don’t know why I need them, but I still continued to tear them off from the places where they were attached. I found the seventh leaf on the huge stones.
Suddenly, my whole body felt someone’s presence behind me. I turned around sharply.
My camera began to hiss, and strong interference filled the entire screen.
And then I saw HIM.
He stood not far from me, about ten meters away. The light from the lantern illuminated a tall silhouette in a dark suit, who was terribly thin and had incredibly long limbs.
But the worst thing was his face. An empty, pale face with no signs of eyes, mouth or nose.
My fearlessness immediately evaporated. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?
Not remembering myself, I ran as fast as I could. Tree branches hit me in the face, leaving scratches, but I didn't care.
A terrible fear pierced every cell of my body. I ran without remembering myself. I was saving my life.
Never in my life has it been as scary as it is now. This man... no, he is not human. He's a monster. I didn’t believe in all sorts of mystical tales about monsters and otherworldly forces until that moment. But it can’t be that a person doesn’t have a FACE?
I ran without looking back. But after a while, my breathing became difficult and I had to stop. I turned around hysterically, but didn’t see anyone around me. Didn't he run after me?
Suddenly I realized that I was lost. There were only trees around, towering high above my head. There was no trace of a path or any landmarks in sight.
How could this happen?
I walked at random, in a straight line. My heart was beating wildly, threatening to burst out of my chest. Cold sweat flowed in streams and blurred my eyes, but I didn’t pay attention to it. I wanted to get out of this damn place.
The moonlight barely shone through the dark treetops, and the forest was in black darkness. Apart from a dimly glowing flashlight, I walked in complete darkness.
Among the countless trees that surrounded me on all sides, I noticed one that stood out from the others with its heavily blackened bark. And there was a leaf hanging on it.
With a sinking heart, I walked up and tore off the note. A single word was written on it in huge letters: “RUN.”
The blood froze in my veins and my heart began to beat faster when I realized that HE was standing behind me.
A loud scream cut through the forest silence; The flashlight and camera fell out of my hands.
I turned to run away.
He stood in front of me.
And I realized... this is the end.
The last thing I remember is a sharp dizziness and wild pain that pierced my entire body.
And the face. Cold, empty, scary face.

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Now I'm afraid to be alone at home because of your Slender =(


did you know that slender man has brothers



Awesome story *O*


actually cousins


What cousins? Did the moon fall on you?

Kate :


There will always be someone in the reviews who is afraid of what is described in the story. This is the creepy law)


I love this story, I reread it every day!

KoT_B_MeTpO :

Yes I knew


Sonya Zhmaeva:

Sonya Zhmaeva.

The Skinny Man (English: Slender Man) is an urban legend. It takes its roots in the 18th century AD. in Germany, Der Gromann is a tall person, for the Germans it is something like a fairy or angel. Here is an excerpt from a story about one family.

My child, my Lars - he is missing. Kidnapped, straight from his bed. All we found was a piece of black cloth. Feels like cotton, but softer and thicker. Lars came into my room yesterday screaming as loud as he could, "There's an angel outside!" I asked him what he meant? - and he told me a strange story about Der Gromann - a tall man. He said that he went into the forest near our village and found the body of one of my cows hanging from a tree. I didn't listen to him. But now he's missing. We must find Lars, and my family must leave this place before we are killed. Forgive me, my son. I should have listened to you. The Lord will forgive me.

The story dates back to 1702.

The arriving police were shocked. The horses in the stable were gutted. There was a lot of blood in the house, the owner of the house, Ted Henderson (41 years old), was found in his room behind a barricade of furniture. Next to him lay his wife, Judy Henderson (36 years old), killed with a shotgun, Ted himself was holding a weapon in his hands. He surrendered without a fight. The police arrived 20 minutes after the incident, at 8:30.

Excerpt from Officer Dan Parks' report: "Ted had a blank look in his eyes. He didn't seem to realize we were in the room. We asked what happened. Where was his daughter (Tracy, 6). But he didn't answer."

Ted was imprisoned for the murder of his wife and daughter. But later he was declared insane and he was sent to the Jenkins Hospital for the Mentally Ill. Three years after his imprisonment, Doctor Doughton had a conversation with him.

Doughton: "Okay, Ted. Go ahead."
Ted: (out of breath) "Is it on? Am I safe?"
Doughton: "Yes, you are safe. Now tell me what happened that night."
Ted: "The horses. The horses are crazy. The horses..."
Doughton: "Go ahead."
Ted: "We came outside. Dead... All dead. Eyes... No eyes."
Doughton: "What did you see?"
Ted: "Runn. Ran into the house. Took the gun. Tracy's crying. Judy's screaming. Ran to them. He had them. He held them."
Doughton: "Who had them?"
Ted: "Skinny guy. Suit. Looked at me, Judy screamed, 'Shoot me!'
(Ted started screaming for a while, then hit the table).
Doughton: "Did you shoot Judy?"
Ted: "Saved her."
Doughton: "Did you shoot Tracy?"
Ted: "No, it followed me, they followed me... Shot them. Kept shooting. Tracy. Let Tracy go. Let her go!"
(Ted started screaming and hitting his face on the table. Two guards took Ted and Doctor Doughton injected him with a tranquilizer).
Ted was found dead in his room at 3am on June 16th.
Ted managed to gnaw his veins and died from loss of blood.
His daughter Tracy was never found.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. "On beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people."

The pole is extremely long and thin, sometimes wanders around the streets at night, looks into windows, warms its hands in the chimney and scares people. This is some kind of pathetic crank, who is condemned to wander around the world for a century without any purpose or position... It is difficult for sense to interrogate him; but it is unlikely that this belief is not in connection with Kashchei the Immortal, who, perhaps, was granted a position here or there. To get rid of all these unclean things, people resort to fasting and prayer, to the water of God, to a candle taken on Friday from the Passion, with which they smoke the cross on the ceiling in the door; They also believe, in general, that the gate should not be set at midnight, to the north, otherwise all devilry will escape from the house.”

Since you are interested the real story of Slenderman, that's what I'll tell you about him. Slenderman or its other name stick insect (Slender translated from English means Stick). He is long and very thin, and always wears a formal black suit, white shirt and red tie. The most amazing thing is that he has no face. It has the ability to stretch and lengthen its limbs or torso. Most often it appears in forests or near rivers, but sometimes it is seen in cities. He kidnaps children under 16 years old, the most interesting thing is that adults almost never see him, and only children notice him (whom often none of the adults believe). Seeing his face, the victim experiences panic, falls into a daze, and cannot scream or move. Slenderman extends his arms for a hug, and then the victim disappears without a trace. Some say that this is just a myth, a horror story, and some are sure that its existence is real and proven. I know this is reality because I met him myself.

Let me start by saying that I am only 13 years old. I will not give my real name, I will remain under a pseudonym Scarlett. I live an ordinary life: friends, school, family - everything is like everyone else. But this meeting changed everything.

The next day I became interested in this Slenderman and began looking for reliable information about him on the Internet. I learned that he has “spider legs” coming out of his back and his hobby is looking into people’s windows. I shuddered and looked out the window - everything was calm, day, the sun was shining. “I should go for a walk,” I thought, took the phone and called my friend. We walked for quite a long time, I came home in the evening, sat down at the computer and again looked for information about Selendman. Everything was the same, nothing new, I knew a lot about him.

It was getting dark, night came, I went to bed, but the feeling of fear did not leave me. I lay down and couldn’t sleep for a long time. Suddenly there was a noise in the kitchen. I felt scared and covered my head with a blanket. The noise did not stop, it seemed that someone was sorting through the dishes. Suddenly the noise stopped, but I was still under the blanket, I became very scared. Suddenly I heard someone coming here to my room. I pretended to be asleep and suddenly felt someone’s hand on my waist, my heart started beating like crazy. Something leaned towards me and whispered:

- I know that you are not sleeping.

I was silent, I wanted to scream, but I physically couldn’t do it. It breathed right into my neck, and then whispered again:

- Wake up, I want to talk to you.

I took a deep breath and, stuttering, asked:

- O-o-o w-what?

- I don’t know, maybe about the fact that I’ll kill you soon? - He said this with some kind of grin.

- For what? - I became very scared.

“You know too much about me, and this cannot be allowed.”

I cried and through tears and fear I told him:

- I won't tell anyone about you.

“Hmm...” he stood up.

I became very scared, I began to inhale and exhale deeply, because... I didn't have enough air. It was hot and stuffy under the blanket, but I didn’t dare get out.

“Get out from under the blanket, you’re probably stuffy there,” Slender told me.

- No, no, no, I'm afraid of you! - I answered him.

He took the blanket and pulled it off me. I covered my face with my hands and curled up into a ball. He put his hand on my head and fear disappeared somewhere

- Why are you so afraid of me?

- I don't know.

He started stroking my head.

- Everyone is afraid of me. Do you understand what it’s like to be eternally alone? — Slenderman removed his hand and bowed his head. I felt sorry for him and still decided to look at him. She opened her eyes - the light coming through the window illuminated only his silhouette and in the darkness he didn’t look so scary.

- You're not like that... probably. I don’t know you at all and people come up with some creepy stories. That you are some kind of terrible creature. They don't know the real you.

“I don’t want everyone to know what I really am.”

“Then don’t let them know,” I forcefully put my hand on his shoulder. He grabbed it and I flinched.

“Please don’t be afraid of me, I’m not that terrible,” he looked at me, but nothing was visible in the darkness.

“Okay,” the fear dissipated, but something still remained from it. He hugged me and then left almost immediately.

Now I know that Slenderman exists and what it really is. He showed me that he is not a cruel creature, but on the contrary, he has a kind soul. I hope I meet him again.

P.S. Example video with Slender:

More interesting things:

Part 1.

Today I would like to tell you an urban legend about a mysterious person... A Creature named Slender. Slenderman is a creature, 2 meters tall, wearing a black tuxedo and a red tie. In appearance, he looks like an ordinary long man. Only he doesn't have a face. Slenderman (or long man) can extend his legs and arms. He appears at night, in the dark. Most often it can be seen in the forest, but sometimes it appears within the city.

Usually, the main task of Slenderman is to kidnap people. Most often, these are children under 16 years of age. But sometimes older people disappear.

Nobody knows where he came from or why he does this.
Its key feature is that it always stands behind your back.
If you are filming when you are filming exactly this, then noise appears on the camera.
A couple of hours ago, I was walking in the forest. It was already dark and suddenly I noticed him. Luckily I was on a bike and managed to get away.

Now I am writing these lines. I don't know when this message will reach you. My webcam is buzzing wildly and I know he’s here. Right behind me. I'm afraid to turn around. But sooner or later I will have to. I can't be saved anymore. But now they will definitely kidnap me. I don't know what will happen next. Fuck it, I'm turning around...

Did you like his story? Me too…
Now turn around and say hello to me. Otherwise, what you are doing is very ugly...

Part 2.

White walls...

Soft, white walls...

Day after day... Soft, white walls.

Let me tell you why I see these soft, white walls, day after day.

According to a number of doctors, I am absolutely insane. Hallucinations, paranoia, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, the list goes on. I was a simple, working man who lived the American dream. I had a wife and two children. I had a high income and a good credit history. I had everything. But then... everything went wrong.

My wife and I always dreamed of visiting the British Isles, but we were always short on money. It took seven years and two promotions before we could even begin to think about it. Anyway, after months of careful planning and saving money, we found ourselves on a plane flying over the Atlantic Ocean. Just me and her. No children. No work. There was nothing else but beautiful scenery and a 24-day holiday ahead.

Fast forward a week. Having seen most of the sights of the big city, we decided to visit inconspicuous places in the suburbs. We packed a small bag with everything we needed and ordered a taxi. From that moment on, everything went wrong. The world did not disappear from under our feet, but, undoubtedly, it happened then. We came across an old tailor in one of the peculiar houses. He said he has been making suits for over 65 years. I became interested in this. I decided to splurge a little and buy one suit. Nothing can compare to a suit made by a real master.

I paid for one of the suits and was about to leave when suddenly a photograph on the wall caught my eye. It was an old photograph. Black and white. From the mid 50's. There was a tall and very thin man standing in a green clearing. His face seemed to be out of focus. The photograph was of no value. However, something about this photo got on my nerves. It seemed like a threat was coming from her. I inquired about the photo from the tailor, but the old man refused to talk about it. This only added fuel to the fire of my psychosis.

Days passed by, my wife and I explored every castle, every sight, every lawn and hill we could find, but in the end we had to return home. Of course, we would like to stay, but we are tired. We couldn't extend our vacation. I don’t really remember how our flight back went because I slept most of the time. It was foggy on the way home. As soon as I got onto the highway, something happened. Something is wrong. I had the same feeling when I saw the photo in the old tailor's house. It was a feeling of fear and curiosity. I didn't want to think about it, but my brain made me replay it over and over again. I got out of the car, and when I stood on the concrete, my legs suddenly floated out from under me. I fell to the ground near my house and struggled to get up. I must have been more tired than I thought. My wife helped me get to the bedroom. I needed a good night's sleep.

That night, I had nightmares. I dreamed of a man in a suit in a green meadow. The dream itself was not terrible, but it haunted me in my mind. He just stood there, unnaturally tall, unnaturally thin. He stood there without a face. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see his face. It was as if the photograph had come to life in my thoughts. This continued until the sound of a falling lamp woke me up.

I rushed down two flights of stairs leading from the bedroom to the living room. Armed with only the brick we used to prop up the door, I walked slowly to the place where we used the only lamp. I knelt down to check the broken pieces when I felt a faint blow of wind behind me, as if a person was running past. I jumped to my feet faster than a scared cat and turned to see who or what it was. My eyes were still not accustomed to the darkness, so there was nothing but darkness around me. Then I decided to listen. Nothing. Not a single sound. Maybe it was my nightmare or fatigue playing a cruel joke on me. Maybe a little shaking caused the lamp to fall off the table. I was tired and I just wanted to sleep without having any nightmares.

This didn't happen.

Throughout the night, the “thin” man was present in all my dreams. Nevertheless, he aroused curiosity. In my dreams he was hiding behind the trees. In the photo it was completely open. But even in my subconscious, I did not risk approaching the forest, because I knew that he could be hiding there. Watching me. Studying me.

Soon I woke up. I looked to the left. 10:46 am. I looked to the right. My wife is sleeping peacefully. Happy. I pulled myself out of bed and slowly walked downstairs. I expected to see my children in the living room, glued to the TV screen, but then I remembered that they were now with their grandmother. They were supposed to return today. I'll miss the silence, but that's okay - it just makes me miss the kids more. I continued down the stairs, hoping to play some solitaire games on the computer, when something made me shudder. Lamp. She wasn't broken. But she was not whole either. Someone collected the pieces of the lamp and glued them together in an ugly way. But the glue wasn't glue. It was something black and elastic, like resin. My wife soon woke up. I panicked.

I explained to her what happened the night before near the lamp and told her about my nightmares. She just rolled her eyes and said I was stoned. I think all wives say that on purpose. Anyway, still feeling anxious, I forced myself to look around the woods behind our house. Everything was calm there. Nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't dark, so it didn't seem as ominous as it did at night. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a light, because of which my heart almost sank into my heels. It was just children getting out of the car. Honestly, I thought about the bad things for too long. My nerves were completely shaken.

Several hours passed. We played with the children. Then we sent them to bed and relaxed on the sofa. My wife fell asleep on my chest. I also nodded and slowly closed my eyes. It wasn't long before the silence was broken. My wife and I woke up. The upstairs window broke. In a panic, we rushed upstairs as fast as we could. Our eldest son, scared half to death, said that the window had broken in his brother's room. Without thinking, I kicked the door. Only the light of the moon, the light in the far corner of the room, illuminated the dark room. He was in it. The man from my dreams. Thin man. Bent over my son's bed.
After seeing him, I didn’t even understand what was happening. Blows came from somewhere. Long, black tentacles wrapped around me. The last thing I remember was being lifted off the floor, squeezed tightly, and thrown into the wall. Then I lost consciousness. When I woke up, my wife was crying. I had three broken ribs. My son has disappeared. The thin man took my son away, I couldn’t do anything. But I knew he would come back and then I would catch him.

The rest of the day was full of emotions. My wife could hardly stop herself from crying. My second son was in a constant state of shock. I could barely think. However, I managed to call the police. I told them that my son was kidnapped by a man in a long, black suit. I kept the details about the tentacles a secret, afraid they wouldn't believe me. But that was the least of my worries. I needed to find out when he would return.

The police showed up and questioned us all. They searched my son's room and searched the woods near the house. No evidence could be found. They were about to leave when their attention was attracted by an object hanging high on a tree branch. It was a piece of material. Black. Thin stripe. Very similar to the material from the suit that I brought back from my trip to England. I told the police about it and they wanted to see my suit. I readily led them to my room. When they opened the closet door, what they found there was beyond comprehension. In the closet was my son, dressed in a black suit. Everything was covered in blood. The son was dead. Both the police and I were shocked and disgusted. I fainted.

When I came to my senses, I found myself in an unfamiliar place. Gray walls. A small window on one of them. One single table. Great, I was in the interrogation room. I sat there for a good hour until someone finally came in. Now my memory is foggy, but I will try to summarize our conversation with him as accurately as possible. Your son is dead. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Your guilt has not been proven, but all the facts indicate it. Further investigation will reveal everything. You will be returned home but will be monitored at all times. And so on and so forth.

I was driven home in the back of a police car. I fell into the arms of my wife and crying son. It was not easy to return. Luckily we didn't stay there for long. The police explained that we should stay in a hotel for a few days. We gathered our things, and a drawing on the refrigerator caught my eye. This was one of the last drawings of my deceased son. When I saw him, my heart almost stopped. In this picture, my son stood next to a tall, faceless man in a black suit. I made sure that no one was nearby and hid the drawing in my pocket.

The hotel was very ordinary. Simple wallpaper. Two single beds. One TV. Cheap floral design in everything else. We settled down and I went to the bathroom, the only place where I could be alone. I closed the door and took the drawing out of my pocket. I tried to research it, but it didn't yield any results. It was just a clumsy, childish drawing with my son's name in the bottom corner. What upset me most was that the man in the drawing had no face. Don't understand who it is. Not a single distinguishing feature. It chilled me to the core. But I've had enough stress for today. I needed to sleep. Very.

The night was restless, but I managed to fall asleep. Not a single dream, even with a thin person. Then, there was a knock on the door. It scared the hell out of me. I turned around and it was 5:14 am. I slowly got out of bed and opened the door. There was a policeman there who took us to the hotel. There was panic on his face. He said my son was missing. This was enough for me to immediately shake off the remnants of sleep and return to reality. My son is missing again. His corpse was stolen straight from the morgue. But this time I knew where he was.

I had to go back to the forest. I had to find the remains of my costume. This was the only way to stop the thin man. But I knew it wouldn't be easy. I asked the policeman if he could take me home because I forgot something there. He thought for a moment, but agreed. This time, I was allowed to sit in the passenger seat. The trip passed in silence. When we got to the house, I carefully entered the house through the front door, and quickly ran to the back exit, and headed into the forest.

It was still dark and making our way through the forest was not at all easy. The only light that broke through the trees was the light of the moon. I walked almost blindly, hoping to find at least some rags of my suit. In such darkness, it seemed almost impossible, but suddenly I saw a piece of paper. Its whiteness stood out against the dark background, like a thumbs up. I reached down to pick it up, and when I unwrapped it, I was even more horrified. This was another drawing by my son. There he and the thin man were again. But this drawing was different from the first. There were three more people there. A boy the same height as my son, an older girl, and another boy the same age as the girl. Then it dawned on me. It was us. Our family. My son drew us with a thin man.
Then, behind me, I heard the rustling of bushes and steps walking in my direction. I was scared. I knew, almost for sure, that this was a subtle person. But then I saw the light of a lantern. It was a police officer. I ran up to him and showed him the drawing. I explained to him that my family was in great danger. But he only said that he could not help me. He said I needed to get back in the car and he would take me back to the hotel.

A million thoughts flashed through my head. Should I give in? Should I resist? What I did next seemed small to me compared to what was about to happen in the near future, and what I had to prevent. I nodded to the policeman and we walked back to the car. As soon as he turned his back to me, I picked up a stone from the ground and hit him on the head. He staggered slightly and fell to the ground. I took the car keys from him and ran to the car. I needed to get back to the hotel.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and ran to the room we were staying in. I opened the door and saw what I tried with all my might to prevent. The whole room was covered in blood, three dead bodies formed a circle around the thin man. He turned and looked at me. His empty, non-existent eyes looked straight into my soul. Feelings that I never even knew existed, feelings that I can’t find a name for, took over my mind and body. It seemed like he was trying to show me everything that was in him. And stretching out his hand to me, he uttered only one phrase. A phrase that is forever ingrained in the subcortex of my memory:

"...HELP ME..."

The sound of sirens rang out. I turned around and saw police cars pulling into the parking lot and cops jumping out. Using the car doors as shields, they pointed their guns at me. I raised my hands above my head. I slowly turned around to see the thin man disappear into thin air, leaving only a torn suit on the floor in the center of the room. He killed my family. My life will never be the same again. And something in the depths of my heart told me that I would never see him again. I will never be able to take revenge, even if I understand how to do it.

Then everything went incredibly quickly, and the prospect of white hospital walls became completely obvious to me. After my DNA was found on the suit, I became the only suspect. After my arrest, I was interrogated harshly, but received nothing except inarticulate sounds. I was placed in this place. Soft, white walls. Still the same soft, white walls that I see all day, every day.

No one will ever know what happened to my family. The feelings that were being conveyed to me left me speechless. Now I can only write and draw. I describe the feelings that a subtle person experienced. I draw what he saw. This is what keeps me here. I am a victim of another person's emotions. Sometimes, it seems to me that I am him. It's like we're one. On days like these, I realize something.

Having become very popular, the mysterious skinny man in a suit has only recently emerged in modern mythology. It was invented in 2009 at an online horror story competition, and since then it has been gaining strength and popularity. First on the Internet, then on the screen (remember, for example, the 2015 film “Slender”), but it is known that what many believe in may well materialize. Moreover, Slenderman also has some background. And the fact that several girls who try to call him ultimately achieve their goal is quite natural. What the hell were they even thinking???

That night, Hayley, not taking her little sister Lizzie with her, who asked to stay with them, meets with Ren to go to Katie's house, where Chloe is already sitting. They hang out in Katie's basement while Katie's dad is lying around drunk in the house. The girls discuss what guys do and Chloe says she knows. She says the guys are trying to summon Slenderman, a mythical character and internet meme that takes people (children and teenagers) away. They find a video that is supposed to summon Slenderman and close their eyes while listening to the ringing of bells, after which he should appear. At the end of the video, you need to open your eyes, at which time a number of different occult images run across the screen. However, nothing unusual happens, and the girls disperse. At night, Hayley has nightmares.

A week later, the girls go on a class excursion to a historical cemetery (the guys say they never called Slender Man because one of them got scared), and at the cemetery, Katie suddenly gets scared by something in the trees. After some time, she disappears without a trace, and her entire class remains there for many hours, calling, searching and scolding her, until the police arrive, who are already looking for the lost one.

Hayley is in her room with her sister when they hear a noise coming from downstairs. They get scared and Hayley goes to check what's going on. It's Katie's dad who's drunk and he asks if Hayley is hiding his daughter. He gets angry, accusing Hayley that Katie was involved in some kind of occult, and he tries to attack Hayley. The police arrive and arrest Katie's dad, and Haley's parents, who came outside to watch, yell at him to leave their daughter alone.

Hayley, Wren and Chloe go to Katie's house to investigate. Ren distracts Katie's father while the other two girls sneak in from the back door. They go into Katie's room and take her laptop. Walking away from the house, they look on the laptop and find videos of other people who have encountered Slender Man. The girls read Katie's messages and discover that she has been messaging someone with the username "AleeyCat93", who apparently knows a lot about Slender Man. Haley texts AleeyCat93 again to ask what they can do to get Katie back and stay safe themselves (Slenderman either takes the victims or they go crazy), and she replies that they have to give up something that most expensive for them.

The girls go into the forest to leave their most expensive personal belongings to Slenderman. Ren, who has dug up a lot of information about him on the Internet, tells the other two to blindfold them and keep them on, even if they hear something, until the third strike of the bell. Of course, Chloe takes it off and runs away when she thinks she sees Slender Man. She runs until she actually runs into him. When Hayley and Wren find her, Chloe seems too calm and claims that she just lost her shoe.

Soon Chloe stops going to class. At home, she discovers a video on her phone from the point of view of someone walking around her house. Slenderman appears in her room and begins to choke her, but when she looks in the mirror, it is her own hands squeezing her throat. Wren and Hayley later visit Chloe's house, and sees that her eyes have become sunken. She went crazy because of Slenderman.

Ren goes to the library to find more information about Slender Man. The light goes out and she is left alone in the dark. Ren turns on the flashlight on his phone and sees Slender Man hiding in the shadows. He walks over and touches her, causing Ren's face to disappear. She runs until she bumps into one of the library staff and her face looks normal again.

Hayley chats with the guy she likes, Tom, who invites her to his place. While they are talking, Hayley thinks she sees Slender Man in the forest. Later, Ren and Hayley fight because Hayley isn't taking the Slender Man problem seriously. Hallie goes to Tom's house in the evening, and they try to have fun with each other, but Hayley suddenly gets a nightmare vision of Slenderman and the romantic moment is lost.

At Hayley's home, Lizzie suffers a severe panic attack and is admitted to hospital. She manages to shout to Haley: “He has no face!”, making it clear that she also saw Slenderman. Hayley studies the notes on Lizzie's laptop and sees that Ren took her into the forest to contact Slender Man.

Hayley goes to Wren's house to yell at her. The door is open and she enters Ren's room, finding a bunch of information she has collected about Slender Man's victims. One of them who went crazy was named Alison Riley - and this is AleeyCat93. Hayley discovers that Ren is about to jump out of the window and manages to drag her back. Ren feels guilty about what happened to Lizzie, but she tells Holly that Lizzie came to her on her own, interested in Slender Man. Ren tells Hayley that he doesn't want their stuff, that it won't work, and that he wants them. And after that, Slenderman pulls Ren through the window with his tentacles.

Hayley runs into the forest to meet Slender Man. When she sees the creature, she firmly tells him to take her so that Lizzie will be okay. Slenderman, moving like a huge spider, grabs her as she panics and tries to escape, and pulls her into a tree, into which she disappears.

Lizzie wakes up in the hospital screaming: Hayley, no!