"naked truth. Natalya Podolskaya and her poor old lover Igor Eurovision Song Contest

Poor Igor Kaminsky, ex-producer of Natalia Podolskaya... On Monday, the unlucky figure was again mentioned in the useless news of the Belarusian show business: “Kaminsky is writing a book about his former ward under the working title “Geography of Domestic Show Business. Podolsk lowland." With a black sheep, as they say, at least a scrap of memoirs. I have always been attracted to men from whom women never leave. But it’s a pity for Kaminsky, first of all his beloved left him for Vladimir Presnyakov - and the producer moped publicly, started a long-term legal battle with the singer... But what kind of Podolsk singer? This is the first thing. Natasha is one of many “manufacturers”; during her entire ten-year life in “art” she sang only one hit “Late” - in my opinion, a frankly dull composition, and Kaminsky fights so desperately for it. “I am the author, co-author, “producer of phonograms” and, as a result, the copyright holder of all songs recorded by N. Podolskaya in the period from 2002 to 2005. Thus, not only at my expense, but also directly through my creative work, in close collaboration with composer and arranger Arthur Baido, almost all the songs and soundtracks published on the “Late” CD were created. I was engaged in this activity within the framework of a seven-year contract concluded with the singer back in 2002.”

When Shulgin lost Valeria, I understand that you could tear your hair out of resentment: the “uncontrollable” singer, a few years after the divorce, surfaced not just anywhere, but in London, where she earned herself the image of the “Russian Madonna” and cheerfully performed the song “locomotive” from his new disc - Party's over. Viewers of MTV CIS and Europe wake up every morning to Valeria’s new hit; teenagers admire the singer’s otherworldly polish, her “Aglitsky” video and enviable love of life. Where does Podolskaya wake up? In the apartment of her new lover Presnyakov, on the street with the symbolic name Minskaya. Natasha cooks borscht and cutlets there with great pleasure and does not blame anyone for her simple fate. On the contrary, together with Volodya Presnyakov she looks in love and happy, he affectionately calls her Tusya, the “newlyweds” are vigorously hanging out and, it seems, they care little about the attacks of the unfortunate Kaminsky. The title of his new book, “...Podolsk Lowland,” rather reveals the ex-producer’s weakness than his strength. Even the most stern cynic, looking at Natasha, is unlikely to suspect the vulgarity and motives of “Rublev’s wives” in her: a hard worker from Mogilev, the Belarusian Podolskaya did not chase her “daddy”, she was looking for love and found it, and treated her feelings very responsibly. Vladimir Presnyakov has repeatedly admitted to journalists how meticulously Tusya chooses his evening cocktails, trousers and T-shirts for him, how seriously she protects him from bad companies and an idle life, and takes him on long journeys, either to America or Africa. Presnyakov’s parents are not overjoyed: thank heavens, Vova has finally settled down and is glowing with happiness from within. This is what I call: “Freedom for Natasha!” Let the girl live in peace with the one she loves. How long can you follow her around for the mistakes of her youth? Soon after leaving Kaminsky, Natasha had an accident. A little later, her father died in a car accident, life sometimes so terribly corrects our actions... To aggravate the process with lawsuits or impartial memoirs, in my opinion, is unmanly.

In my spare time, I tried to remember if I knew at least one modern producer who would treat his singer with dignity, who would pave the way for his queen with fur coats or, at worst, rose petals, as Sergei Diaghilev could do, for example, for Anna Pavlova in the beginning of the last century? From the latest: composer Sergei Zhdanovich gave the singer Vlada a car (although she later said that this was just a PR stunt, and most of the money in the cost of the car belonged to her). But I remember this modest gift precisely as a manifestation of the producer’s generosity. Alexander Shulgin recently became so generous that at the finale of one of the “Star Factories”, which he led, he gave the young singer Yulia Mikhalchik not just anything, but his hand and heart. True, it later turned out that this romantic mise-en-scène was also directed by Konstantin Lvovich Ernst to increase the channel’s ratings. Either the producers shredded it, or the empire of royal gestures fell irrevocably under the pressure of TV ratings and tabloids, but they haven’t shown anything good for a long time: squabbles, litigation and petty garbage. Once again I read between the lines: “Igor Kaminsky, alas, is not a gentleman.” And Natasha Podolskaya is not a lady. Break!

Natalia Podolskaya biography personal life now


Meet the singer: Name: Natalia Podolskaya(Natalia Podolskaia) Birthday: May 20, 1982 (34 years old) Place of birth: Mogilev, Belarus. Zodiac sign: Taurus Eastern horoscope: Dog Activity: singer

nataliapodolskaya.ru — official website of Natalia Podolskaya
Songs by Natalia Podolskaya on Yandex.Music: music.yandex.ru/artist/167037
Official page of Natalia Podolskaya on the social network Facebook: facebook.com/natalia.podolskaya.5
Natalia Podolskaya on Twitter: twitter.com/podolskayamusic
Natalia Podolskaya on the Google+ social network: plus.google.com/+NataliaPodolskaya1

Photo, video and audio on nstagram: instagram.com/nataliapodolskaya

Natalia Podolskaya's phone number: unknown

Natalya Podolskaya: biography

Natalya Podolskaya was born on May 20, 1982 in the city of Mogilev in Belarus. The girl was born not alone, but with her twin sister Julia. Parents dreamed of a son, they could not even think that they would have two daughters at once. The girls' father, Yuri Alekseevich, worked in a law firm, and their mother, Nina Antonovna, managed the work of the exhibition hall. Natalya and Yulia already had completely opposite characters in early childhood. The future singer was constantly humming some songs, while Julia grew up as a calm and silent child.

When her parents took young Podolskaya to kindergarten, the girl, unexpectedly for everyone, sang the memorized song “A Young Cossack Is Walking Along the Don.” As a child, Natalya often imagined herself as a pop singer, dressing up in her mother’s clothes and performing famous songs into a microphone, the role of which was most often played by combs. At the age of nine, Nina Antonovna took her daughter to the Rainbow children's music studio, where professional teachers began teaching Podolskaya.

After graduating from school in 1999, the parents decided that their daughter should learn a useful and promising profession. So, at the insistence of her lawyer father, Natalya Podolskaya entered the Belarusian Institute of Law.

Singer view photos (Yandex pictures)

In 2002, the student transferred to the correspondence department and moved to Moscow, entering the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art in the vocal department. Her teacher was the legendary pop singer Tamara Miansarova, who greatly helped the young singer realize her potential.

In 2004, Podolskaya graduated from the Institute of Law with honors. And in 2008, the singer received citizenship of the Russian Federation and finally settled in Moscow.

Music connected us

At the age of twelve, Natalya was accepted as a soloist into the professional ensemble “Double V”, with which the singer toured the territory of Belarus, Germany and the countries of Eastern Europe. At the age of 17, the singer earned her first award at the international “Golden Hit” competition. In addition to the most prestigious award, the artist also received a cash award in the amount of a thousand dollars. Podolskaya spent the first money she earned on updating her wardrobe: she bought a sheepskin coat and fashionable suede boots.

In 2002, Natalya became a participant in the international competition “Slavic Bazaar”, which is held every year in the city of Vitebsk. In the same year, the singer went to Prague for the “Universetalent Prague 2002” festival, where she received an award in two categories at once. The talented Belarusian performer was talked about abroad. In the same year, the singer signed a contract with producer Igor Kaminsky.

In 2003, the girl was invited to represent Great Britain at the world famous Eurovision 2004 contest, and the song “Unstoppable” was even written for her. However, Podolskaya was prohibited from representing any other country except Belarus, where she could not even pass the qualifying round.

In 2004, Natalya was lucky enough to get on a project that became a launching pad for many young talents in Russia, the TV show “Star Factory-5”. There Podolskaya met the famous producer Viktor Drobysh, who appreciated the singer’s talent and helped her record her first album, “Late.” She became the only performer who released a record as part of her participation in the project. Podolskaya did not become the winner of the TV show, taking third place, but “Star Factory” became for her the first serious step on the path to fame.

In 2005, the artist had the honor of representing Russia at the international Eurovision 2005 competition. In the qualifying round, Podolskaya beat out such famous pop singers as Dima Bilan and Anastasia Stotskaya. Especially for the show, Viktor Drobysh wrote the song “Nobody Hurt No One” for the singer, and in the same year they shot a video clip for it. However, Natalya did not even manage to enter the list of the top ten Eurovision finalists, which upset the young performer.

After the defeat at the European festival, producer Igor Kaminsky began to blame Natalia’s second producer, Viktor Drobysh, for the singer’s failures. Endless scandals and disruptions of the performer’s concerts led to Podolskaya deciding to terminate the contract with Kaminsky. However, the producer demanded a fabulous amount of compensation from the girl. Then the singer resorted to the help of the court and declared the contract signed with the producer in 2002 invalid. Until 2007, Igor Kaminsky filed new lawsuits and appeals regarding his rights to Podolskaya’s work, but ultimately lost all the cases.

As part of a signed contract with the production center of Victor Drobysh, Natalya recorded and released eight singles in five years. She actively toured Russia, took part in the filming of television shows and videos, and sang duets with many famous Russian pop performers. Her compositions have reached the top positions of domestic charts many times.

In 2010, the contract with Viktor Drobysh expired. By mutual agreement, the producer and singer decided not to renew it, and Podolskaya continued her musical career as an independent artist. She did not stop recording new singles, experimenting with sound and inviting famous DJs to musically arrange songs. In 2011, Natalya met with Drobysh again as part of the television show “Star Factory. Return”, where graduates of the project of the same name competed.

In the fall of 2013, it became known that the singer had prepared her second solo album, “Intuition,” for release. A month before the release of the album, Podolskaya presented listeners with the first song of the album, entitled “Heart”.

In 2014, Podolskaya recorded her new composition “There is Far Away,” which she released as a single. She also shot a video for the song, which was filmed at the end of January 2015.

Personal life of a pop star

Natalia Podolskaya's first love was her producer Igor Kaminsky. Igor was much older than the girl and in many ways helped her become a professional singer. They lived together in a civil marriage for almost five years. Then their relationship did not work out, and the couple broke up.

In 2005, on the set of the TV show “Big Races,” Podolskaya met singer and composer Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. The friendly relations that began between the artists soon developed into love and romance. The couple began to live together and engaged in creative activities together. The artists sang several songs as a duet.

Celebrity couples: personal life - wedding photo view (Yandex pictures)

Look at photos with your son (Yandex photos)

In 2010, Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov got married in the Moscow Church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian and legalized their relationship in the registry office. In June 2015, their long-awaited first child, Artem, was born.. Spouses always find the strength to overcome any conflicts and greatly value their family and strong relationships.
On July 19 of the same year, the parents baptized the boy in the Moscow Church of the Unmercenary Saints Cosmas and Damian on Maroseyka.


At the age of 9 she entered the Raduga theater studio. She started singing in “Studio W” of the Mogilev Lyceum of Music and Choreography. As a teenager, she won the Grand Prix of the television competition for young performers “Zornaya Rostan” (Belarus), the international festival of sacred music “Magutny Bozha” (Mogilev) and “Goldenfest” (Poland). From 1999 to 2004 she studied law at the Belarusian Institute of Law, graduating with honors. In 2002-2003 she became a finalist at the national Belarusian television festival “At the Crossroads of Europe”. She was born on May 20, 1982 in Mogilev. Father - Yuri Alekseevich, lawyer. Mother - Nina Antonovna, director of the exhibition hall. She has a twin sister Yuliana, an older sister Tatyana and a younger brother Andrei.

In 2002, she moved to Moscow and entered the vocal department at the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, where Tamara Miansarova taught her singing lessons. She became famous in 2002 after participating in the Slavic Bazaar music festival in Vitebsk. In the same year, in Prague, at the international festival “Universetalent Prague 2002” she won in the categories “Best Song” and “Best Singer”.

In March 2004, Podolskaya participated in the qualifying round for Eurovision 2004 from Belarus. In 2004, after passing a difficult casting, she got into the Channel One project “Star Factory-5”.

On December 17, 2004, the debut album “Late” was released. The disc includes 13 compositions written by Viktor Drobysh, Elena Stuf, Igor Kaminsky and Arthur Baido. The song “Late” became a hit; for a long time it was in the top five popular compositions according to the hit parade of Channel One “Golden Gramophone”. On December 20, 2004, the final concert of “Star Factory-5” took place at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. According to the results of the audience voting, Natalya Podolskaya took 3rd place.

In the last issue of “fat girl” we talked about the conflict between producer Igor Kaminsky and singer Natalya Podolskaya. Two weeks ago, threatening the contract signed by the singer in 2002, Igor Kaminsky disrupted Natalia Podolskaya’s concert at the Palace of the Republic. Last Thursday we gave the floor to the first producer. And now, in an exclusive interview, Natalya Podolskaya told Komsomolskaya Pravda how the relationship between the singer and the producer developed and how much the first producer now demands for the “freedom” of his former ward.

“Kaminsky was paid the same amounts as me”

Natasha, how did it happen that you have contracts with two producers?

I signed the contract with Viktor Drobysh with the consent of Igor Kaminsky and in his presence. And everyone was going to work peacefully if Igor hadn’t started behaving strangely right after Eurovision 2005. He persistently and aggressively expressed his opinion about the work of Viktor Drobysh. Probably, the weight categories of the two producers - Viktor Drobysh and Igor Kaminsky - are still different. Kaminsky simply threw arguments at Drobysh’s face that shook everyone: “Failure at Eurovision!” Failure at Eurovision! Yes, Eurovision was a failure. Everyone really regrets this, everyone is worried. But Eurovision, in any case, set me apart from the total number of Star Factory artists. This is also an experience. Let the experience of defeats. Everything went too smoothly for me before, didn’t it?

And then, my contract was signed with more than one Viktor Drobysh. Among the shareholders, for example, is Channel One. This is a huge system! If you decide to go against this system, they will simply cut off your oxygen. Yes, and there would be something to go for! Not for the sake of Igor Kaminsky, who tells everyone that he invested millions in me and made me a superstar in Belarus! In general, Viktor Drobysh’s natural reaction followed. At one point he couldn’t stand it and said to Igor Kaminsky: “Go to hell!”

That is, there was a moment when they slammed doors...

Yes. Everyone was on edge. I continued my performances, Igor Kaminsky was paid the required interest under the contract. The same amounts as for me. After two or three months, when I began to understand that the conflict was not settled, I offered to reimburse Igor three times the amount that he allegedly spent on me. He actually spent something. Kaminsky claims that this is one amount, but I am not sure that this is exactly the case. At that time I had the opportunity to offer Igor one hundred thousand dollars. To which he stated: “What are you talking to me about! This is just funny! A million dollars!


When I heard this number from him, my hands shook. I began to realize that I was dealing with a person I didn’t know at all. But I lived with him for five years! He is simply inadequate in his actions, deeds, words. The next day I even called him back: “Igor, weren’t you overreacting? Maybe you’ve changed your mind about the million?” He replied: “Six hundred thousand dollars. This is the last number! But it's funny! At one time, Valery Meladze paid Fridland 300 thousand dollars for terminating the contract. And he was a much more hyped star. In general, no one will pay that kind of money just for Igor Kaminsky to leave me alone. I don’t have people who would give me such a sum that they would not invest money in the business, but simply pay it off. This is a lot of money.

Kaminsky says that producers are now making serious mistakes regarding you...

Naturally, he thinks so. After all, he is not the one who deals with me. We are always ready to criticize other people, especially when they make mistakes. But this is no longer the business of Igor Kaminsky!

I worked as a singer in a Moscow restaurant

Tell me, it was Kaminsky who introduced you to Drobysh?

Drobysh found me, and it was not Kaminsky who found Drobysh. It was like this: my demo disc got to Viktor Saltykov. He liked the way I sang (by the way, I didn’t really like the repertoire), and he gave the disc to Drobysh. Victor also liked the vocals. There was just a casting for the “Factory”, where young talented people were needed. Kaminsky did not put any effort into this. And now, in a newspaper interview, Igor Kaminsky claims that it was he who wrote Viktor Drobysh’s song “It’s Late.” Funny!

But Kaminsky says he invested a lot of money in you. I was even planning to sell an apartment in Moscow...

It’s very difficult to talk about what Igor Kaminsky did for me and what he didn’t do, but thinks he did. He invested about thirty thousand dollars in me. He brought me to Moscow, as my parents said, “further educated” me. We recorded songs with him, I lived with these songs, I hoped for a lot. But my hope died and died. The last song we recorded with him was in 2003. The rest of the time I worked as a singer in one of the Moscow restaurants and received 500 rubles per evening.

Does he somehow explain why he wants exactly 600 thousand dollars for the contract?

He says that this amount is lost profit. There is a trial ahead, I think. Because the conditions he proposes are unacceptable. One of the options that is being proposed is to sign a contract with him for another five years. I will never get out of contracts like this in my life! But that's not even the point. I can no longer imagine working with Igor Kaminsky. I don't perceive him as a person who needs to be listened to. At Eurovision he put psychological pressure on me and threatened me. Not for health, but for career. At some point I even began to be afraid of him.

Maybe he felt that you were leaving, but he was not ready to let go?

Yes, probably.

Igor was my first love

When your concert in Minsk fell through, did you talk to Kaminsky?

No! I just don't have the moral strength to do this. People from the production center talked to him. I am very offended by the Palace of the Republic. Yes, they were sent two contracts (one from Kaminsky, the second from the Drobysh production center - author's note), but there is no court decision that I am prohibited from performing. And they just played it safe. They canceled the concert and did not support me in difficult times.

But Igor was more than just a producer for you...

A similar situation with many singers - Katya Lel, Jasmine - this is already a classic of the genre. After all, Igor Kaminsky, even if it’s awkward and absurd for me to remember it now, was my first love. We lived with him for almost five years. And, you know, just like in “Dowry” - if you don’t get it for me, so don’t get it for anyone. Loving people don't do that. They know how to let go. After all, I am a young girl, and he is no longer a young boy. Now he is simply ruining my life, ruining my reputation in the eyes of people. He doesn't act like a man. He himself forced them to do this to him. Yes, I understand that I hurt him. But that's life. I didn't want to hurt him, but that's what happened. I also had pain.

Let's imagine that you are talking and parting as friends...

We don’t communicate now, and I can’t even imagine a conversation with him. I wouldn't want to see him. Even a week after my father’s funeral, I read a terrible, unpleasant interview in a newspaper from Igor Kaminsky. This doesn't stop him. Although when trouble happened, he called Mogilev: “Maybe I can help with something? Can I come?" Apparently, there is such a streak in my life right now. I have been through a lot this year, and I will survive this too.

It's easier for two producers to make peace...

Why does Viktor Drobysh need this? After all, Kaminsky continues to insult him, without being embarrassed at all.

What are you and Drobysh doing now?

I can’t say that I’m currently in an active period, and I don’t get off screens, although I often appear in the press. But that's okay. There is no bright song yet. We are searching, recording, trying. I don’t want an ordinary song, I want a hit, no worse than “Late.” And he will definitely be there!

“Kaminsky was paid the same amounts as me”

Natasha, how did it happen that you have contracts with two producers?

I signed the contract with Viktor Drobysh with the consent of Igor Kaminsky and in his presence. And everyone was going to work peacefully if Igor hadn’t started behaving strangely right after Eurovision 2005. He persistently and aggressively expressed his opinion about the work of Viktor Drobysh. Probably, the weight categories of the two producers - Viktor Drobysh and Igor Kaminsky - are still different. Kaminsky simply threw arguments at Drobysh’s face that shook everyone: “Failure at Eurovision!” Failure at Eurovision! Yes, Eurovision was a failure. Everyone really regrets this, everyone is worried. But Eurovision, in any case, set me apart from the total number of Star Factory artists. This is also an experience. Let the experience of defeats. Everything went too smoothly for me before, didn’t it?

And then, my contract was signed with more than one Viktor Drobysh. Among the shareholders, for example, is Channel One. This is a huge system! If you decide to go against this system, they will simply cut off your oxygen. Yes, and there would be something to go for! Not for the sake of Igor Kaminsky, who tells everyone that he invested millions in me and made me a superstar in Belarus! In general, Viktor Drobysh’s natural reaction followed. At one point he couldn’t stand it and said to Igor Kaminsky: “Go to hell!”

That is, there was a moment when they slammed doors...

Yes. Everyone was on edge. I continued my performances, Igor Kaminsky was paid the required interest under the contract. The same amounts as for me. After two or three months, when I began to understand that the conflict was not settled, I offered to reimburse Igor three times the amount that he allegedly spent on me. He actually spent something. Kaminsky claims that this is one amount, but I am not sure that this is exactly the case. At that time I had the opportunity to offer Igor one hundred thousand dollars. To which he stated: “What are you talking to me about! This is just funny! A million dollars!


When I heard this number from him, my hands shook. I began to realize that I was dealing with a person I didn’t know at all. But I lived with him for five years! He is simply inadequate in his actions, deeds, words. The next day I even called him back: “Igor, weren’t you overreacting? Maybe you’ve changed your mind about the million?” He replied: “Six hundred thousand dollars. This is the last number! But it's funny! At one time, Valery Meladze paid Fridland 300 thousand dollars for terminating the contract. And he was a much more hyped star. In general, no one will pay that kind of money just for Igor Kaminsky to leave me alone. I don’t have people who would give me such a sum that they would not invest money in the business, but simply pay it off. This is a lot of money.

Kaminsky says that producers are now making serious mistakes regarding you...

Naturally, he thinks so. After all, he is not the one who deals with me. We are always ready to criticize other people, especially when they make mistakes. But this is no longer the business of Igor Kaminsky!

I worked as a singer in a Moscow restaurant

Tell me, it was Kaminsky who introduced you to Drobysh?

Drobysh found me, and it was not Kaminsky who found Drobysh. It was like this: my demo disc got to Viktor Saltykov. He liked the way I sang (by the way, I didn’t really like the repertoire), and he gave the disc to Drobysh. Victor also liked the vocals. There was just a casting for the “Factory”, where young talented people were needed. Kaminsky did not put any effort into this. And now, in a newspaper interview, Igor Kaminsky claims that it was he who wrote Viktor Drobysh’s song “It’s Late.” Funny!

But Kaminsky says he invested a lot of money in you. I was even planning to sell an apartment in Moscow...

It’s very difficult to talk about what Igor Kaminsky did for me and what he didn’t do, but thinks he did. He invested about thirty thousand dollars in me. He brought me to Moscow, as my parents said, “further educated” me. We recorded songs with him, I lived with these songs, I hoped for a lot. But my hope died and died. The last song we recorded with him was in 2003. The rest of the time I worked as a singer in one of the Moscow restaurants and received 500 rubles per evening.

Does he somehow explain why he wants exactly 600 thousand dollars for the contract?

He says that this amount is lost profit. There is a trial ahead, I think. Because the conditions he proposes are unacceptable. One of the options that is being proposed is to sign a contract with him for another five years. I will never get out of contracts like this in my life! But that's not even the point. I can no longer imagine working with Igor Kaminsky. I don't perceive him as a person who needs to be listened to. At Eurovision he put psychological pressure on me and threatened me. Not for health, but for career. At some point I even began to be afraid of him.

Maybe he felt that you were leaving, but he was not ready to let go?

Yes, probably.

Igor was my first love

When your concert in Minsk fell through, did you talk to Kaminsky?

No! I just don't have the moral strength to do this. People from the production center talked to him. I am very offended by the Palace of the Republic. Yes, they were sent two contracts (one from Kaminsky, the second from the Drobysh production center - author's note), but there is no court decision that I am prohibited from performing. And they just played it safe. They canceled the concert and did not support me in difficult times.

But Igor was more than just a producer for you...

A similar situation with many singers - Katya Lel, Jasmine - this is already a classic of the genre. After all, Igor Kaminsky, even if it’s awkward and absurd for me to remember it now, was my first love. We lived with him for almost five years. And, you know, just like in “Dowry” - if you don’t get it for me, so don’t get it for anyone. Loving people don't do that. They know how to let go. After all, I am a young girl, and he is no longer a young boy. Now he is simply ruining my life, ruining my reputation in the eyes of people. He doesn't act like a man. He himself forced them to do this to him. Yes, I understand that I hurt him. But that's life. I didn't want to hurt him, but that's what happened. I also had pain.

Let's imagine that you are talking and parting as friends...

We don’t communicate now, and I can’t even imagine a conversation with him. I wouldn't want to see him. Even a week after my father’s funeral, I read a terrible, unpleasant interview in a newspaper from Igor Kaminsky. This doesn't stop him. Although when trouble happened, he called Mogilev: “Maybe I can help with something? Can I come?" Apparently, there is such a streak in my life right now. I have been through a lot this year, and I will survive this too.

It's easier for two producers to make peace...

Why does Viktor Drobysh need this? After all, Kaminsky continues to insult him, without being embarrassed at all.

What are you and Drobysh doing now?

I can’t say that I’m currently in an active period, and I don’t get off screens, although I often appear in the press. But that's okay. There is no bright song yet. We are searching, recording, trying. I don’t want an ordinary song, I want a hit, no worse than “Late.” And he will definitely be there!

It's no secret that behind every budding star there is the serious work of a large and friendly team of specialists. At the same time, a huge role in this process is assigned to the star’s producer, who initially invests money in the development of the mentee’s activities, and then receives a certain material benefit from this. A striking example in this difficult profession is the Russian-Belarusian producer Igor Kaminsky. We will tell you more about him, his morals, character and litigation further.

A few words about the producer's biography

Today, the biography of any personality will not surprise anyone. Most often, you can assess how interesting a character is to the public by his actions, type of activity and publications in the press. Apparently, Igor Kaminsky himself adheres to the same principle. His biography is practically not covered in the media.

It is only known that he was born into a poor family in one of the small towns of Belarus. At one time, he graduated from school and entered the directing department, where he was to learn all the intricacies of his future profession. Even later, he received his diploma and began to work closely.

What do colleagues say about the producer’s activities?

Despite the fact that the biography of producer Igor Kaminsky is not described in too much detail on the Internet and is not public, you can hear extremely pleasant opinions about him from his colleagues. According to them, he is a sympathetic and at the same time strict person.

For more than 30 years he has been working in the Russian-Belarusian show business, of which for about 10 years he worked very closely with the Soviet and Belarusian pop performer Alexander Grigorievich Tikhanovich and the charming Yadviga Konstantinovna Poplavskaya. Later the duo grew into an independent production center.

Work on scripts and other media products

With the easy guidance of Igor Kaminsky, colossal work was carried out on various scripts for television. In some cases, our hero acted not only as a producer, but as an author. Thus, according to preliminary information, more than 100 different Russian-Belarusian programs were broadcast under his auspices.

He himself came up with stories, did editing and wrote scripts for specific TV presenters. From his words, it becomes clear that he was also the main director and organizer of a dozen different music and song festivals of international scale. As you can see, this is a very talented and comprehensively developed person, who was often called a real generator of ideas.

Literary activity of the producer

Despite all the praises in favor of Igor Kaminsky, there were many blind spots, controversial and even scandalous moments in the producer’s activities. Therefore, according to him, he decided to create a kind of reference book for those who plan to connect their career with difficult production activities. Currently working on a book entitled “Geography of Domestic Show Business. Podolsk lowland" is still underway.

According to Igor Kaminsky, thanks to the book, the future producer will definitely learn the following main points:

  • How to correctly and competently draw up an agreement with performers.
  • and promote the star from scratch.
  • How not to stumble upon pitfalls when collaborating with a star.
  • Protect your copyrights in court, etc.

In his book, the author will tell you about all the delights of star cuisine. There is, of course, a lot of personal information here, as well as documents that the hero collected during regular trials. In a word, his story is ironic and parting words at the same time. But what prompted him to write this book, we will tell further.

Meeting of Natalia Podolskaya and Igor Kaminsky

Kaminsky literally helped many Russian stars become who they are today. Almost all of them are grateful to him, and some have forgotten all the good he did for them. As many have already guessed, next we will talk about the fateful meeting of the pop singer with red hair, Natalya Podolskaya. But first things first.

Igor Kaminsky and first met in Vitebsk. It was there in 2002 that the annual song competition called “Slavic Bazaar” was held. At that time, the girl was still an unknown vocalist. That's when the producer noticed her. However, according to other sources, the meeting of a girl and an older man took place in Kyiv long before the above-mentioned song competition.

He later met her during another popular festival, Universetalent Prague 2002, held in Prague. During the competition, the future star managed to win in two categories at once, which finally confirmed her “prospect,” as the producer says. Therefore, almost immediately after the announcement of the competition results, producer Igor Kaminsky and Natalya Podolskaya signed their first multi-year contract.

Further collaboration between producer and singer

From the moment the contract was signed, the difficult collaboration between the producer and the future star began. Thanks to his vast experience, connections and money, Kaminsky quickly managed to make a celebrity out of a provincial girl. With his easy approach, they started talking about her not only in Belarus, but also in Russia. As it later turned out, it was her producer who wrote several future hits for the star. From this start, a long and productive collaboration between two creative personalities began.

Personal relationships and business success

At the time of his acquaintance with Natalya, Igor Kaminsky’s age was a little over 50 years. According to his friends, Igor fell in love like a boy. He was impressed by a beautiful, talented girl who hung on his every word with trepidation. Some time after they met, Kaminsky invited the aspiring singer to move to Moscow. And she happily agreed.

However, her career in the capital did not develop as rapidly as she would have liked. More and more often she had to perform in restaurants and sing at charity events. Despite all the hardships and outright failures, the romance between the promising vocalist and the fifty-two-year-old producer was gaining momentum. They began to appear together more and more often. We lived in the same apartment. And during the interview, Podolskaya more often called him her husband, albeit a civilian one.

Fatal participation in the project and change of orientation

Despite all the efforts made, it was not so easy to promote the “red-haired star”. In order to give her a kind of impetus on the path to fame, the producer agreed with representatives of the popular television project “Star Factory”.

At the same time, some of his friends say that the producer himself had to go into debt for this. According to preliminary data, the amount of this debt was about $50,000. Others claim that this is exactly the amount the producer had to pay to the channel’s management. However, this information was never confirmed.

Be that as it may, the girl ended up on the show, where she was noticed by two other show business giants: Viktor Drobysh and Joseph Prigozhin. As it turns out later, this acquaintance will also be fateful and will put an end to the singer’s relationship with her first producer. By the way, at that time Natalya received a new offer to collaborate with Drobysh.

First disagreements and high-profile departure

After a successful start at the Factory, Kaminsky was sincerely happy for his beloved. At the same time, he even proposed to her. However, the girl did not agree, postponing the wedding indefinitely. Later there was Eurovision 2005, where the singer failed miserably. From that moment on, a huge gap began to grow between Igor and Natalia. They grew more and more distant from each other.

At some point, the girl packed her things and went to her sister, and chose Drobysh as the main producer. So Kaminsky and Podolskaya parted completely and irrevocably. At the same time, a long and protracted trial began, where our hero sought to protect his copyright. According to him, he has no regrets. And although he is currently about 64 years old, he is happy that fate taught him such, although not a very positive, lesson.